Writes Jonathan Turley, in "Government on Loan: The Biden Family’s Version of ‘It’s a Wonderful Life’" (The Messenger).
In the classic holiday film, It's a Wonderful Life, the Bailey Brothers Building & Loan Association faced a run on the bank by customers spooked by rumors of theft and insolvency. George Bailey held back the crowd, explaining as he pointed to individual customers: “You’re thinking of this place all wrong. … The money’s not here. Well, your money’s in Joe’s house. That’s right next to yours.”
As several Republican-led House committees follow the money in the Biden corruption investigation, that scene seems to be playing out in real life. It turns out that a kind of metaphorical “Biden Family Building & Loan” operated under some of the same loose accounting systems, and some of the money may indeed have ended up in "Joe's house” — Joe Biden’s, that is....
At least Mr. Potter didn't sell out his country for a few million dollars.
The maggots eating Joe's rotten brains are gagging at his corruption.
Fish rots from the head.
Joe Biden and his family are totally corrupt, and he's gotten us into two proxy wars now, that - somehow - many supposed-conservatives (even on this blog) think we should be participating in, when we should be doing nothing of the kind. I'm not exactly sure how that transference of values worked, except it's the NewAge, when that kind of thing can definitely happen.
WWIII, here we come,...
Now, just imagine all of this was about the Trump family. They would publicly call for his and his family's hanging...These people are PATHETIC!!
On one level, this is so simple:
20+ shell corporations
$20M+ from Ukraine, China, (and a couple of others I've forgotten) for no apparent service provided
Dispersed to 9 different Bidens
These facts cry out for an explanation, but none is provided.
The Bailey Savings and Loan was subject to audits by the financial regulators. It's that audit that causes the crisis and George Bailey's "never been born" cry. The Bidens' LLCs and bank accounts have never been audited. In fact, the IRS would be glad to ask the Bidens "How muh cash would you like?"
WWIII, here we come,...
I don't understand why China hasn't taken advantage and invaded yet. It seems like an opportune moment for them. Or they may not see the need, since the US seems to be willing to destroy itself in short order, and an invasion would probably mean Trump would get back into office.
Joe isn't responsible. It's all because of the "new age" Zionists.
It isn't just that the Bidens routinely accept bribes. It's that the Bidens solicit bribes and seem to regard that as a normal part of doing business.
It should not be forgotten that the corruption extends to our media who will not investigate and report on this.
How do you keep fish from smelling?
Cut off their noses.
The money is important, but I'm more interested in seeing the tens of thousands of emails Joe sent (3 different accounts) using pseudonyms.
And yes, while he was VP.
how's "Bidenomics" working out for you all? It's working Pretty Damn Fine for the Bidens.
Biden's been a Federal Employee since what? 1974? And before that, he was a city employee?
How many millions is mister government employee worth Now? Sorry; How many HUNDREDS of Millions
I suppose it was all legit.. After all, his wife worked TOO (as a county school teacher)
I look forward to Rich showing up and telling us, yet again, that there is "no evidence" of Biden corruption.
The Biden Crime Family is rotten with corruption and Democrats and the media (sorry to repeat myself) are fine with it. I can't think of another example of this in US history.
This is the way of Washington D.C., though- the bribes are always laundered through the family members of the Congresscritters and "Sin"ators. They are all willing to have financial proctological exams be performed on outsiders to the club, but not on each other. The Bidens, however, are particularly inept at the process with the godfather of the family, Joe, having shit for his brains, even when he wasn't senile. A smart man would never have been caught on camera bragging about fulfilling his part of a bribe transaction- Joe couldn't help himself- he is as dumb as dogshit.
pacwest said...
"I don't understand why China hasn't taken advantage and invaded yet. It seems like an opportune moment for them. Or they may not see the need, since the US seems to be willing to destroy itself in short order, and an invasion would probably mean Trump would get back into office."
CORRECT: "The Art of War" says, when your opponent is falling down, get out of the way.
Like a mackerel on a moonless night.
“A lotta money… no joke!
"pacwest said...
WWIII, here we come,...
I don't understand why China hasn't taken advantage and invaded yet."
Because despite what all the experts tell you, crossing over 100 miles of open seas is not easy when defended by 24 million people armed with anti-ship and anti-aircraft missiles on a mountainous island.
Every time a Biden gets a check
The big guy gets his cut.
“Oh yeah, shell corporations. The family had a lot of shell corporations!”
—- Willie “Cici” Biden
The evidence of Biden's corruption is right out there for all to see. Or at least it would be if the dominant news media in the US would report on it. Throughout this unveiling I've been amazed by the complete lack of follow-up. Biden's taxes come out, he reports millions in income from an LLC and nobody asks him what business his LLC was in? He gets a $200,000 check from his brother marked 'loan repayment' and nobody asks to see the bank transaction that transferred $200,000 from Joe to his brother. The only explanation that makes sense to me is that they don't want to know.
Crook Biden used all sorts of fake names. Only crooks do that.
But the Democrat party faithful refuse to buy it.
Of course with poor poor victim Hunter- the media twist it all into a sad story of poor poor innocent Hunter... his substance abuse is so tragic. Please cry. The media insist you have tender thoughts and compassion for poor victim millionaire Hunter ... and his sports cars and 10 million dollar home in LA.
I don't give a crap about Hunter's substance abuse -other than it fits right in with his character. He's a self absorbed asshole.
The Bidens used Joe's VP status to enrich themselves with international funding that ultimately came from an American tax payer source. Joe was in charge of the most corrupt government on earth - Ukraine - and that is no coincidence.
The Biden's are rich because of money laundering. Pure and simple.
and our fucking democrat hack press give the bidens a total pass.
Fuck PBS news
Fuck the NYT
Fuck all of these corrupt Democrat party "news' outlets. They are no different than Putin himself.
The Biden't and the Biden-fellatio media are disgusting.
There are two things very unique about this building case:
- There's an absolute shit ton of named individuals who have come forward explicitly walking people through how the Bidens are lying and taking what are clearly bribes from foreign sources. These individuals are everything from IRS Agents, Former business partners, and foreigners.
- There's an unprecedented documented trail of communication from Hunter and Joe Biden clearly indicating he's selling actual access to Joe Biden.
- A 3rd, albeit more typical, aspect of this situation that is worth calling out: Joe Biden has now been shown to have comprehensively lied...over and over and over again...about his words, actions, and attendance at Hunter Biden business affairs.
When I was young the phrase was "the mere semblance of impropriety". A different century altogether. Democrats could claim moral high ground. Man, that's old.
Ah the old if it was Trump formula. Always appropriate! So if you want a smile check out the interview with an anti-Trumper on CNN last night:
Former Rep. Adam Kinzinger claimed his own family member had disowned him in a Monday CNN interview. The anti-Donald Trump Republican indicated they had done so in the form of a certified letter.
LOL Wonder what the Cheneys are doing about Liz...
"Wonderful Life" is a very angry movie. Why is George always stuck being the good son, staying home, while others get to be the prodigal son--possibly never returning?
Nephew: Somebody's going to jail, old man, and it's not going to be me.
Uncle Joe: Huh? What's that? I don't know what you're talkin' about, man.
"…Two IRS whistleblowers, who testified before House investigators in July, highlighted the use of a loan allegedly to evade public disclosure and taxation. Hunter allegedly took large payments from dubious foreign sources and listed them as “loans,” despite no evidence of repayment or any standard loan agreement.”
You know what works really well? IRS audits, that’s what. ‘Explain your assets and your cash flow, Joe’. It’s that simple, when you have the authority to demand proof, on penalty of law.
Which helps explain why it’s so important that the IRS remains an institution of leftists, comfortably ensconced in the Administrative Borg.
Lots of teeth gnashing in the media regarding the growing likelihood of us re-electing a 4-time falsely indicted criminal named Trump. Meanwhile all this info regarding Biden and his flagrant corruption (sometimes using our taxpayer dollars) is simply relegated to the ether. Nothing to see. We live in crazy times.
Michael K said...
The Biden Crime Family is rotten with corruption and Democrats and the media (sorry to repeat myself) are fine with it. I can't think of another example of this in US history.
Certainly genuine corruption has been with us for a long time- ask my neighbor. I figured the Clinton Global Initiative was the biggest scam. Like Democrats, I never paid Biden much mind but it appears his apparatus has been humming along for quite a while…and WTF is Mitt and son doing there? Mitt knows how to make Biden money without the corruption, so why? My working theory is you have to play ball and dip the beak or you get politically sacked. Tip of the iceberg it is…
/end of cliched rant
The hard right has been masturbating furiously and moaning about this malarkey this since before Biden had even won the election. Were there actual evidence, it would be unearthed by now.
Or maybe the Kraken is all leashed up again? Maybe its like gin rummy and one has to lay down all the krakens at once?
Ifeels like maybe these MAGAt propagandists are smoking the crackn’then sharing their hallucinations with us.
TeaBagHag said...
I have an experiment I'd like you to do. Get 100$ in 20s. Put then in a standard #10 white envelope. Even better if it has a window. Put the 20s in the envelope. don't wrap them in anything. Address it to the friend or relative that lives furthest from you. Somewhere on the envelope write, "Happy Graduation!". Now go to the post office of the biggest city nearest you and drop it in the mail.
Good luck.
No surprise that Team Biden is offering the 'nothing to see, move along' response. It's what politicians do (including Trump). What is surprising is how so many media outlets have learned nothing from the Laptop-from-hell fiasco -- going along with an obvious lie just ends up branding the fellow-traversers as even worse liars.
The lefties are into demonizing Turley and Dershowitz while ignoring their histories.
Neither has been the least bit "right-wingy." Trump's gift, in part, has been to expose the corruption in our legal system including the corruption of the DOJ/FBI. This has lead to the exposure of Biden corruption whitewashed by DOJ/FBI.
Even among the ranks of law professors there are some people for whom decency and intellectual integrity require that they take note.
A similar phenomenon is the result of October 7th terrorism. it has exposed the prevalence of antisemitism on American campuses and throughout the world. Decency and intellectual integrity require that people, even some journalists, take note.
We can also see the effect of cognitive dissonance all around us.
"Were there actual evidence, it would be unearthed by now."
So the 82,000 emails under 3 false names are now public?
Teabaghag: "Ifeels like maybe these MAGAt propagandists are smoking the crackn’then sharing their hallucinations with us."
No evidence? Turley is a MAGA propagandist? Bwahahaha!
But it "feels like...." And there it is, lefty logic in a nutshell.
"Former Rep. Adam Kinzinger claimed his own family member had disowned him in a Monday CNN interview. The anti-Donald Trump Republican indicated they had done so in the form of a certified letter."
Well, his mom explained that being anti-Trump wasn't the only reason she disowned him.
Every time a bell rings a Biden family member gets a loan repayment for $200,000.
Crack (10:03): Good lord! I'm pretty sure I agree with this. What have you done with the real Crack?
She teabaggin’
She teabaggin’
She teabaggin’
She teabaggin’…
I dunno. Has Little Johnny become the TeaBagHag?
Vanity Fair says Donald Trump Jr. has "conveniently" said he leaves Generally Accepted Accounting Principles to the experts and knows nothing about them.
Well Joe Biden is sort of like a well trained Italian truffle dog (who can sniff out truffles buried in the ground). Joe can sniff out a bribe ---conveniently passed through several Biden Crime Family shell corporations at a distance of at least 12,000 miles. Joe's got quite a nose.
Tea Bag Hag:
it would be unearthed by now.
Try to be patient. FJB built a pretty complex crime system to hide it. It's coming. You imbeciles will always have trouble with complexity.
Even no interest loans have a term, a due date. And are papered. Yeah - can we call it a loan?
'Till fm paid in full for the seeds I've sown
Yeah - can we say that I've grown?
In some way that we may have yet to be shown
Oh - if I'd only known
What your heart cost
Oh - can we call it a loan?
And a debt that I owe,
On a bet that I lost
Jackson Browne
I wish Joe Biden had never been born.
@Oh Yea
A good point. I've been wondering for awhile now if naval forces are becoming obsolete other than transportation of missiles and planes. You have to keep ships away from the numerical superiority of land based missiles and drones. but I'm a far cry from a military strategist. Other reasons for China not invading include their present financial situation, fear of the world finding out that their military is a paper tiger, basically they've already won and are just waiting for the US to collapse, the Taiwanese have threatened to blow up their chip manufacturing industry. Nonetheless they have a stated goal of taking Taiwan. Military options seem the only way. And since Taiwan is an island...
LOL. Good one. By now even you know Biden is?/was taking bribes, but I did enjoy your comment.
WWIII is already underway. Hot wars in the Middle East and Ukraine and simmering wars everywhere else. In the US border incursions and violent protests are the prelude to terror events throughout the country. If the US ever goes "hot" then the kinetic events will not just happen outside our national boundaries. US citizens will have the same panicked look on their faces as seen recently with Israeli and Ukrainian people.
When Biden asks, "Where's the money?" it's because he can't remember where in the maze of accounts he left it.
“Vanity Fair says Donald Trump Jr. has "conveniently" said he leaves Generally Accepted Accounting Principles to the experts and knows nothing about them.”
What’s wrong with that? Who knew that valuing property based on assessed value on loan documents was illegal in NY until now? In the other 49 states, you use some sort of reasonable market value. I see prospectuses every day for multi family properties, and the assessed value is never listed. If you want it, you can look it up with the county - even our county in MT has it online now.
The big point though is that CEOs can’t afford to get deep into the ins and outs of accounting minutia. That’s what you hire CPAs for. You are paying for them to navigate the idiosyncrasies of accounting and tax laws.
“Well Joe Biden is sort of like a well trained Italian truffle dog (who can sniff out truffles buried in the ground). Joe can sniff out a bribe ---conveniently passed through several Biden Crime Family shell corporations at a distance of at least 12,000 miles. Joe's got quite a nose.”
Which is to say that he knows that he and his entire family have been taking bribes for years.
Turley's example is cute but doesn't really track. In the quote George Bailey is trying to explain that the S&L doesn't have physical cash to refund deposits because the money saved by some customers has been loaned (hence savings AND loan) to others to generate the income needed to keep the establishment running. George has not been using 'loose' accounting but plain old fractional reserve banking principles.
OF COURSE the Bidens are corrupt. How can that even be an issue? Any more?
Trump? OF COURSE the Biden case against Trump is full of holes, and is designed to distract the public.
Let's NOT PLAY THIS GAME anymore. We (the American People) need a new leader. It's obviously not Biden. To be serious, it's not Trump. He had his chance; we will remember him as a great leader, but we DON'T NEED A LAME DUCK PRESIDENT in the next election.
I disown Adam Kinzinger(D) too - as an American. He should move to Russia.
Little Johnny - there's tons of evidence. That you and your corrupt D-team ignore it - is on you.
Corruption excuser.
I Stand with Isreal, etc. (11:12am):
As I demonstrated two days ago on another thread (link, 11:52am comment), Ukraine is not in fact "the most corrupt government on earth", or even close to it, and is not even the more corrupt of the two countries at war on its territory. Please stop repeating that falsehood.
“You call this a happy family? Why do we have to have all these kids?”
I don't expect one iota better from the likes of Joe Biden, but the news-media conspiracy to sweep this all under the rug is shocking and dangerous. They really are the enemy of the people. Describing them as shills, stenographers, and parrots doesn't even scratch the surface. They differ from Goebbels only in degree, not in kind.
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