One post called Jewish students “rats” and said, “If you see a Jewish ‘person’ on campus follow them home and slit their throats.” Another post was titled “gonna shoot up 104 west,” an apparent reference to Cornell’s kosher and multicultural dining room....
After the violent messages at Cornell on Sunday, a Jewish organization at the school, Cornell Hillel, asked students and staff to avoid the Cornell Center for Jewish Living “out of an abundance of caution.” The center is a student-run Jewish organization that leads daily religious services, provides kosher food, offers a residence hall and organizes social programming. “Through our various Jewish resources, it is our mission to provide a warm, welcoming, and supportive Jewish experience for you at Cornell,” the center’s website states....
I always used to think that what happened in Germany would never happen here. How wrong I was.
And the Dem party openly tolerates and celebrates this Jew hatred. That's the shocker. It shows how evil this CRT and DEI stuff is.
If you see a "Jewish person" is an incongruous locution that suggests this is a hoax. The proper threat would be, "If you see a Jew."
This is the endpoint of wokeism, including "intersectionality" and "gender fluidity". Notice that the Nazi who posted that incitement to genocide is so afflicted he can't even make his subject agree with his predicate, and this is presumably a student at Cornell, a school that used to have a good reputation for scholarship.
Are we surprised? Take the Antifa-style "flash mob/rapid-template/decentralized" structure (de-con-structure?) of the George Floyd Summer. Mix in virulent and longstanding but submerged antisemitism. Add accelerants in the form of 5G "virtual 24/7 intimacy" and ever-present Teen Indignation over carefully-cultivated tropes of dead babies (but only the correct kind of dead babies).
No wonder the campus babysitters, long accustomed to schmoozing with donors and emitting platitudes about Inclusive Equitable Diverse Belongingness, are completely outclassed. "The enemy is inside the wire!"
The FBI will get right on that, as soon as they’ve finished raiding the homes of Trump supporters.
Anyone surprised?
Question is, can the message board be hacked? I assume everything can be hacked. Or is there a student login that can be traced?
Who had "learning that College Campuses are pro Holocaust" on their 2023 bingo card?
These same leftist used the term "Holocaust denier" and broadened it to label their other bullshit like "election-denier"..."climate-denier"....
Well, at least we know elite Universities aren't filled with Holocaust-deniers. Seems they are filled "Holocaust-admirers".
"Out of an abundance of caution, stay away from the Jews" - Cornell University, 2023
There is a political party in this country that has systematically encouraged citizens to primarily identify themselves by race, religion, and sex, and to distrust and dislike people who don't share their identity.
If this happens to be your political party, you should rethink that affiliation.
Strange how the Nazis are acting like Nazis.
Well, I guess reporting it to the FBI is a start…
Seriously though, the statements by so called Ivy League administrators and administrations has been pathetic. All kinds of talk about safe spaces and everyone’s feelings but completely lacking. They twist themselves into pretzels, all of a sudden caring about people’s “free speech” rights, instead of sharply criticizing and denouncing threats and ghoulish comments like “from the river to the sea.”
I’m old enough to remember the harshness with which they would criticize anyone saying anything in support of Trump, or questioning the election integrity, or men in women’s sports, or “anything” issued by the government regarding Covid. No concern about “free speech” rights. Just simply “get your jab, wear your mask, stand over there and shut up, else you might offend one of these precious ones…
Diversity... Equity, Inclusion
My question is whether the ruling establishment will put Antifa, BLM, The Squad, Maxine Waters, and friends back in the fringe/politically-impotent closet, or whether they push the brown shirts to follow the exact path of Nazi Germany and simultaneously mimic the post-WW2 techno-totalitarian Communist East Germany. Right-wing crazies are not the issue because they do not control any government agency. Their main role is as a powerful resistance, per 500 million guns in private hands.
National Socialist Hitler was a health weirdo and vegetarian...he'd surely have been in Greta Thunberg's circle during his rise to power in the 1930s. Maybe he was akin to China's friend and systematic destroyer of California, Gavin Newsom, today? The left is routinely blind to wolves in sheep's clothing.
East Germany per The Lives of Others:
At least the stopped using dog-whistle code-words like "the Rich" or "the 1 percent"
Dave Begley said...And the Dem party openly tolerates and celebrates this Jew hatred.
The Democrat Party openly tolerates a shitload of hatred. Jewish people, white people, straight white males, the "unvaccinated", Russians, climate "deniers", Trump voters...
...and they secretly despise the people they claim to champion. Inner city minorities, undocumented immigrants being settled in their communities, Generation Z, in-debt college students...
Hatred of Jewish people is now left-wing chic. I'd imagine it will grow and spread as the leftist are all about hopping on board with the latest liberal trend. College kids especially.
I keep thinking that everything they say about Israel and Jews they say about America and white Americans: "Colonizers and oppressors who cannot under any scenario be considered victims and who deserve what's coming to them."
As implied by the Atlantic piece this weekend, this is much bigger than the Mideast, and is making clear the narrative of modern leftists. It's a clarifying moment.
If elected Democrats in NYS (with their comfortable majorities) were outraged about this, the Assembly and State Senate would have already passed a bill to ensure those making these threats be treated like the J6 people. Hochul would have it signed in a public ceremony on the steps of the State Capital in no time flat. The thing holding them back is most likely their voter base and donors.
We've gone from 'climate deniers', 'election deniers', 'mask deniers', 'vax deniers', and 'trans deniers' are bad, to 'Jewish life deniers' are good in a very short span of time. You have to work very hard at rationalization as a lefty to go arm in arm with Hamas. To think that certain Halloween costumes are evil, but the woman who had her baby cut out of her gut deserved it, you almost have to be insane.
And all that keeps coming back to me is that my Dad was right.
what? is it now illegal, to advocate the murder of Jews?
i guess some people here should start pretending that they haven't said some of the things they've said
You can thank the guy who fundamentally changed America into the shithole it is today for the disrespect, violence and hate that the new left is spewing..
Sometimes it's the Zulu, sometimes the Tutsi, sometimes the peach-colored natives, sometimes the urban colored, sometimes the suburban deplorable, often the Jews, and always the babies... the diverse "burdens" of social progress.
Hatred of Jewish people is now left-wing chic
Pride and prejudice enjoys its centennial, again, and again, and again.
We have reached the point where we have to seriously question if our institutions of higher learning are a net negative, followed by whether we should try to salvage them or shut them down and start over.
Gusty Winds
"These same leftist used the term "Holocaust denier" and broadened it to label their other bullshit like "election-denier"..."climate-denier"...."
I would guess we are on track soon to see Holocaust denial reduced since we seem to be replacing it with "Sure they did that and we shouldn't have stopped them." and replacing "Never Again" with "Why Not Now"
but the other deniers will still be hated.
One post called Jewish students “rats” and said, “If you see a Jewish ‘person’ on campus follow them home and slit their throats.”
Now THAT'S anti-semitism.
I always wondered where the Democrats "Punch a Nazi" campaign was going. First it was anyone that supported Trump. Then anyone not getting the jab. Then anyone saying there were two sexes. Now it has finally come to where it was always going to get to, "Punch/Kill a jew".
Democrats are fascists, full stop.
"Blogger AlbertAnonymous said...
Well, I guess reporting it to the FBI is a start…"
Barely, the FBI is not going to go after a privildged democrat constituency. Why would they start now, going after republicans is a lot more effective, politically.
The Democrat party has gone past tolerating "Jew hatred." They are actively encouraging it. All socialists feast on Jew hatred. International, National and so called "Democratic" socialists rally around it. The Squad is objectively antisemitic and are well funded and lauded by the democrat's house media.
Will the FBI actually do anything?
Follow the money.
Ivy League among top recipients of $8.5 billion Arab funding
Cassandra, the phrase was "Jewish 'person' ". Obviously dehumanizing, and possibly a direct reference to an infamous line in "Mein Kampf".
Still, anything these days MIGHT be a hoax.
So here we have it, laid out in front of us, for all to see. The manual for How It Happens and How It Works, great non-fiction reading as we move into winter. Radicalized students that have never been taught history, but are experts in how to hate, effectively, ruthlessly, and well-versed in the practical procedures. Radical teachers that have insinuated themselves into positions of authority and power, coaching the students with all the very best leftist Marxist ideologies, in full awareness of what they are doing to society's institutions. Faceless administrators, comfortable in their sinecure, doing their best to not see, for fear of reacting and rocking the boat in a way that draws attention. And lots of solid citizens, busy with their day-to-day life and too preoccupied to notice. What a nice little social ecosystem we have here, all elements working together toward the Final Solution, just like last time. All we're missing is the mustache.
Most of these comments seem to be in the same vein of Jesse Jackson smearing the blood of Martin Luther King on his shirt before making an impassioned speech.
When is the candlelight vigil? Colleges are so quick to set these up during other scares and crimes so I'm sure they should have one set up to go to combat rising Antisemitism, right?
What a nice little social ecosystem we have here, all elements working together toward the Final Solution, just like last time. All we're missing is the mustache.
10/30/23, 10:35 AM
Well said Aggie!!
Gen X learned about propaganda in 7th grade. I guess it's not taught anymore.
About the Cornell threats:
1. IowaHawk, best known on Twitter for IDing old cars and devising a new method of calculating college football rankings, is also very sensible on this subject (link): "I'll lay even odds that at least one of these posts is from faculty or administration". None of the 43 replies offers to take his bet, except the one who claims Jews wrote the comments to make people like him (the commenter) look bad. IowaHawk's replies to his own tweet are also well worth reading.
2. I would like to think that 50 or even 30 years ago, crowds of gentiles would have showed up in solidarity to guard the Kosher dining hall. Why isn't that happening now? Where are (e.g.) the frat boys?
3. Which reminds me: The millionaires and billionaires openly telling universities they won't give them any more money: are all of them Jewish? Have any gentiles told universities they're cutting them off? I hope there are hundreds or thousands of alumni of all races and religions cutting these universities out of their wills, even if they're not doing it publicly. Or does the press only run a story if a pissed-off former donor is Jewish?
I always thought Jews were unduly paranoid and that the Nazis were long in the rear view mirror. Not so...
Turns out the Nazis are here, but they are the very same people going around saying "Punch a Nazi!"
"'One post called Jewish students “rats” and said, “If you see a Jewish ‘person’ on campus follow them home and slit their throats.”' Now THAT'S anti-semitism."
It's so on the nose that it reminds me of those campus incidents with the noose on the black professor's door. When I read stories like this, I wonder who did it.
Mobs In Russia Yelling ‘Allahu Akbar’ Hunt Down Jews, Storm Airport After Flight From Israel Arrives: Reports
Much Pro-Palestininism in Russia. Interesting bed-fellows, American leftists.
Analog and digital hate crimes are an act of leverage regulated by government and for-profit non-profit corporations.
Big Mike: "Will the FBI actually do anything?"
Yes they will. They will open additional bogus "investigations" against Trump, place traditional Catholic church attendees on Watchlists and continue SWAT raids at 6am on law abiding gun owners.
If you meant to ask would the FBI do anything to meet this islamic supremacist/anti-Jewish threat, the answer is no.
"wonder who did it"
The difference is, in terms of rabble-rousing, that a Jew writing that as a hoax would be very aware that there's a high probability that someone would take them up on it. Unlike the BS noose on the door situations.
So I do not buy that as a hoax.
Althouse said...It's so on the nose that it reminds me of those campus incidents with the noose on the black professor's door. When I read stories like this, I wonder who did it.
Many of the noose or other incidents end up being traced to a liberal hoax to enflame tensions. Since the actual violence doesn't exist it has to be made up to seem like it exists. The hoaxers see benefit in the agitation. Same as Hamas.
The Hamas attack on Israel gave them what they wanted. A huge Israeli retaliation, and hundreds of thousands of Pro-Palestinian / Anti-Semantic protestors in the Middle East, London, Chicago etc... The message is loud and clear. "look at how many people HATE you".
But here, I doubt a Jewish person or student posted this text. The possibility for violence is too real. Hope they can trace the login. I could be another type of agitator. But, whoever it is, I would doubt they are Jewish.
I this case...who benefits from the created unease and additional tension?
You can thank the guy who fundamentally changed America into the shithole it is today
Thanks, Obama.
The FBI.
How cute.
Howard @ 10:39: "Most of these comments..." I am so obtuse...I don't follow you on this.
But please develop the thought. Help me respond to what you're saying. I wouldn't want you to be considered merely one more mean-spirited starker...
"It's so on the nose that it reminds me of those campus incidents with the noose on the black professor's door. When I read stories like this, I wonder who did it."
I hear you. But then again, look at what was actually done to Jews on Oct 7.
"It's so on the nose that it reminds me of those campus incidents with the noose on the black professor's door. When I read stories like this, I wonder who did it."
I hear you. But then again, look at what was actually done to Jews on Oct 7.
You have to work very hard at rationalization as a lefty to go arm in arm with Hamas. To think that certain Halloween costumes are evil, but the woman who had her baby cut out of her gut deserved it, you almost have to be insane.
Yes, this is mass insanity. Some is confusion by a group (under 35) that knows nothing and thinks it is educated. Some is paid for as Arab money pours into Ivy League colleges. China is enjoying this as they churn out engineers while we indulge these idiots. This will not end well.
“Most of these comments seem to be in the same vein of Jesse Jackson smearing the blood of Martin Luther King on his shirt before making an impassioned speech”
So, are you saying that these antisemitic acts aren’t happening? Aren't happening very often, and their frequency greatly hyped? That it’s all fake?
My bull-shit-o-meter always gets pegged by these sorts of messages. Ninety-nine percent of them turn out to be hoaxes perpetrated by someone of the ethnicity of the targeted group. There is a difference, here, though- a hoaxer would be framing a fellow Democrat traveler with this particular message in its location and time- so the meter is just a tiny bit lower, but I still think it is 90% likely to have been hoax.
The anti-abortion argument with which I have always agreed is that the practice -- like euthanasia -- desnsitizes people to killing. There is a slippery slope from the morning-after pill, to late-term abortion, to "let's kill the people we do not like." Sacrificing kids to keep older people safe by closing schools during the pandemic would never have happened 30 years ago because Americans used to value the young more than themselves. It is worth noting that Blue -- i.e., pro-abortion -- States were much more willing to sacrifice kids than Red States.
if you shout allahuakbar while slitting throats the meat is halal - fwiw
Blogger Dave Begley said...
I always used to think that what happened in Germany would never happen here. How wrong I was.
some commenters mention not learning history >> was this declarative or pleading plaint?
It Can't Happen Here
1936, American Senator Berzelius "Buzz" Windrip : nice to pretend populist
Judaism, like Christianity and Islam, is a religion.
Ignorant people might think they can "spot the Jews" in a crowded room.
Ivy League people who know nothing might think "he's black, he's not Jewish."
You might be in a public shower and see a man's penis and say, "Circumcised! He can't be a Christian!"
It's literally impossible to wipe out the Jews all the way to the sea, when you can't see "Jew."
Jew is invisible, the same way Christian is invisible, and Muslim is invisible. These are religions. You can only know a person's religion if they tell you (and if you believe them, and if they are speaking the truth).
The Nazis tried to annihilate all the Jews in Germany -- a country they controlled as viciously as Hamas controls Gaza -- and they failled, utterly, to annihilate all the Jews.
God will not let you do that.
The Holy Spirit will not let you do that.
The human race -- the children of God -- will not let you do that.
You children who want to eliminate Judaism, or Islam, or Christianity, you are insane.
I have nothing nice to say to you.
You are insane, and ignorant.
Anyone who is murdering Jews is anti-Christ.
Anyone who is murdering Muslims is anti-Christ.
Anyone who is murdering Christians is anti-Christ.
Anti-Christ means "Satanic."
A Message To Hamas.
As for you people who are dressing like the Klan, or Antifa, or Hamas?
You cannot hide from God.
Your cowardly masks show that you do not believe in God.
And you do not know God.
And you think your secret violence will remain a secret.
"Vengeance is mine," says the Lord.
If you speak to a pro-Palestinian leftist - it all starts with a "yeah but"
There are no "yeah buts" after this brutal attack.
Also on the corrupt left - they are denying that the vile sub-human Hamas Nazis even did what they did - even though the Hamas Nazis filmed their torture so they could brag to their daddy.
I used to think a 2-state solution was the answer. No more. There should be no place for Hamas Nazis and the people who elect Hamas Nazis.
Fred Drinkwater wrote:
"The difference is, in terms of rabble-rousing, that a Jew writing that as a hoax would be very aware that there's a high probability that someone would take them up on it. Unlike the BS noose on the door situations."
I didn't think about it that way- you are right- I would have to lower my hoax probability down to about 50%.
"I keep thinking that everything they say about Israel and Jews they say about America and white Americans:"
Yeah, I keep thinking that too. And I keep thinking that an awful lot of the people who taught them to say it were Jews. Finding themselves a small minority in a country with a large and powerful white Christian majority, many secular Jews have found the rhetoric of Marxism and racial identity to be a useful tool to attack that majority. Now they're upset to find themselves being targeted with the weapons they developed and deployed. I can sympathize, but only to a degree. If the Jews have learned that swords have two edges and streets run both ways, well, good. Now what?
"But please develop the thought. Help me respond to what you're saying. I wouldn't want you to be considered merely one more mean-spirited starker..."
LOL! You have understand something about Howard- he is writing from his mom's basement in between his brave battles in "Tour of Duty".
Some double standards are more duplicitous than other double standards. Jews in America are far more often singled out for abusive treatment than Muslims. I don't hear any Muslim-Americans speaking up for tolerance....Netanyahu gets lots of criticism, and most of it from liberal Jews. Hamas is a stone, flat out terrorist group, but I don't hear of them being criticized by any Muslims. I know if a Palestinian in Gaza should speak out against them, his life span would be brief, but why do no Muslims here speak out against them. The Muslims flee from the Taliban and Isis but they rarely get criticized by Muslims and never with the same vehemence that Jews are denounced.....I don't think Gaza ever had any pressing need for hundreds of miles of underground tunnels. Perhaps more parks and schools or whatever would have been a better use of their money. And who didn't know that launching such an attack on Israel would be answered with such a reprisal. Where are the Muslims who criticize Hamas for being reckless and barbaric and say "Not in our name".
It occurred to me, that maybe instead of hiding in attics, Cornell's Jewish students should arm themselves, so that if someone follows them home and tries to slit their throats, they can blow his filthy brains all over the sidewalk. That seems like it might work. But hen I recall, that Cornell is in New York. So I guess the Jews will have to remain unarmed. For their own protection, of course. Guns are dangerous!
I do wonder how many of those posted comments are trolling, how many are false flags, etc.
But the incident at Cooper Union has me feeling less inclined to the claims being dishonest.
We've been tolerating 'hate whitey' rhetoric for so long now. Why does it take antisemitism to make us think that this is suddenly a problem? And how much lays at the feet of DEI departments?
The anti-abortion argument with which I have always agreed is that the practice -- like euthanasia -- desnsitizes people to killing. There is a slippery slope from the morning-after pill, to late-term abortion, to "let's kill the people we do not like."
The morning-after pill is a blessing from the Lord, in my opinion. It allows a raped woman an opportunity to escape a pregnancy, if she wants to.
Only God knows when conception happens in a person's body. Nobody else knows. Not yet, anyway.
The first time we humans can tell if a woman is pregnant is implantation, when the microscopic zygote implants itself in a woman's uterus. Her body will start producing a pregnancy hormone. That is the first time she, or anyone else, will be able to determine if she is pregnant.
The very first week of pregnancy is an indeterminate stage. We are in the dark and nobody knows what's going on in her uterus at the microscopic level.
"It's so on the nose that it reminds me of those campus incidents with the noose on the black professor's door. When I read stories like this, I wonder who did it."
The issue is that the Jew hatred is also being stated openly on campuses. It's not hard to figure out who is promoting it, they are just in preferred classes. If people were saying this at a school board meeting or outside an abortion clinic the FBI and DOJ would have already landed with both combat boots.
An important difference between the fake noose incidents and these threats is that someone who puts up a noose as a genuinely racist and threatening act knows he will be punished and ostracized if caught, and will have few if any sympathizers. With these posts threatening Jews there is safety in numbers, less likelihood of serious punishment, and evidently considerable camaraderie. So for that reason I think they are more likely to be genuine, though it’s hard to rule out false flags.
Real Nazis always end up self-identifying. They can't help it.
Another difference is that there aren’t thousands of people out rallying with anti-black chants and signs, shouting “lynch the blacks,” or even “F*** the blacks.” There are thousands out publicly shouting anti-Jewish slogans like “Gas the Jews” (recently at the Sydney Opera House), with apparent impunity.
The abortions in "civilized" culture are indeed a slippery, bloody slope.
"Civilized" people often hide violence in order to pretend no violence is happening.
A news media that will not show you a photograph of a dead baby is a news media that is pretending no babies have died.
"This day I call the heavens and the earth as witnesses against you that I have set before you life and death, blessings and curses. Now choose life, so that you and your children may live."
Deuteronomy 30:19
The Ivy League children remind me of Hitler Youth.
Indoctrinated children.
They know what they are taught
Here's another pertinent Twitter post (link), from a guy named Tobias Schneider: "I remember one thing that set me apart from a lot of other Western students in Middle Eastern studies was my being German. Not because it provided me with some unique insight, but because people across the region would regularly come up to me and congratulate me on the Holocaust."
Realty facing Netanyahu is that if HAMAS lays down its guns peace will break out, but if Israel lays down its guns 8 million Jews will be savagely murdered the next day. That focuses the mind.
In Texas the white settlers faced the same conundrum with the Comanche Empire. Which was why Mexico had basically abandoned Texas after a weak attempt to keep Texas was stopped at San Jacinto.
The answer turned out to be a pair of Colt’s new Walker design six shooters issued per man. That upped the Rangers fire power from 3 shots a minute per man to 13. The Comanche were stuck at 6 arrows a minute per savage.
Answer is a squadron of A-10s with several shiploads of 30 mm ammo to feed each A-10s rotary 8 barrel cannon. And maybe add a load of fuel air bombs for tunnel work.
12:22 William - so excellent. Thank you.
Real Nazis always end up self-identifying.
Pride wins out.
This should surprise no one. The students favorite political party has a history of electing openly antisemitic candidates. These politicians know the party and media will protect and promote them. The students feel emboldened by the acceptance of this behavior.
As for the FBI, good luck with that. Their only purpose these days is to run political cover for Democrats.
Maybe 60 Minutes will send some of their "journalists" to cover the story if they ever get tired of producing election ads for Joe and Kammy.
It's so on the nose that it reminds me of those campus incidents with the noose on the black professor's door. When I read stories like this, I wonder who did it.
and then
When is the candlelight vigil?
In other words, say for a moment this is a false flag. Isn't the public reaction still... interesting?
The FBI themselves could have written these posts, for all that it matters. Apparently, based on the public response - no candlelight vigils - American Jews are utterly alone.
And yet so many still try to thread the needle between "anti-Zionism" and anti-semitism. I did myself, until, oh, a week or so after the Oct. 7 massacre, when the world - not just the "Arab world" but the whole world - started to "temper" its denunciations of Hamas and "moderate" - if not just walk back entirely - its support for Israel. You know, when the Palestinian line went from a stunned, muttered, "Good grief, we can't believe that worked..." to "Nothing happened! It was all staged by the Israelis!" to "They're committing genocide! War crimes! We're just trying to live our lives, here in this Open-Air Prison™!"
And the world has been only too happy to believe every word uncritically, and to stand by without counter-protest as chants of "Gas the Jews!" ring out in effing Sydney - certainly no false flag there. At that point, I gave up on the distinction some want to draw between anti-Israel and anti-Jew.
The Hamas charter specifically calls for a war on the Jews.
I don't think the 100 professors at Columbia know that.
Blogger I stand w Isreal. Leftists, Mullahs, Hamas-Palistinian terrorists can suck it said...
I used to think a 2-state solution was the answer. No more.
have you read ?
The Israeli Solution: A One-State Plan for Peace in the Middle East
by Caroline Glick [aliyah from Chicago] == she cannot indulge cruel neutrality that we can afford
/can I swith afford and indulge?/
Around the world, Jews are tiny in numbers.
2.38 billion Christians in the world.
1.8 billion Muslims in the world.
16 million Jews in the world. The vast majority of them are in two countries.
7 million Jews in Israel.
7 million Jews in the USA.
All we're missing is the mustache.
it is time for Halloween >> mustache turns into orange hair
The important thing to remember here in all this is that we shouldn't succumb to Islamophobia.
Since the '60s, American universities have come to think of themselves as microcosms where those populating such places would transcend the many differences between the various racial, cultural, religious and national groups in attendance. Gone was any idea of a set of basic civilized values -- least of all Western values -- which the university was there to uphold. And so, at all of them, special programs focused on 'studies' about each group's experience were created and then staffed with true=believers.
As originally conceived it was all a lovely utopian idea. And like all such ideas, reality turned out to be a bit different. Being all things to all people meant, in substance, being nothing to everyone. The resulting vacuum got filled by those most determined to use the institutions to advance a particular agenda. The 'studies' programs turned into grievance mills; far from transcending differences, those populating the universities generally, and especially those racial/ethnic 'studies' programs, discovered that the last thing they were interested in was getting past their racial, cultural, religious and national grievances. Rather the opposite, since the set-up had the unhappy consequence of causing all of the animosities to fester and harden. And it all got sold using the anodyne formula of 'diversity and inclusion.' So, here we are now, blessed with a lot of warmed-over Leninist yak about 'settlers,' 'oppressors' and 'colonialists' -- the incoherence of which has to be accepted without question because it's all proclaimed as someone's 'lived experience.'
I don't see how this gets resolved without a radical rethinking of what an American (or more generally Western) university is for, what fundamental values and ways of living it seeks to preserve and advance. And not expecting anything like that to happen. Of course, universities elsewhere (e.g., the usual suspects such as China, Russia, Iran, and most of the Muslim world) don't have this problem. It all put me a bit in mind of Deneen's thesis about why liberalism turned out to be a bit of a failure.
That’s an excellent quote SC.
I want to talk about the rapes of Jews in Israel
by the masked armed men of Hamas.
Who are these Ivy League Americans who applaud rape?
Who are these students, these children, who applaud rape?
It is bizarre to me that so many "liberals" and "feminists" and "Democrats" are thrilled by this.
I do not recall in the apartheid fight in South Africa
black men raping white women as part of the "struggle."
What I notice, over and over, is Islamic crimes of horrific violence being ignored by "elite" liberals who would rather pretend that Donald Trump or Brett Kavanaugh are rapists.
Rape is an actual crime!
But the "feminists" making the allegations against Kavanaugh and Trump were just doing that show trial thing. It wasn't serious and it wasn't a real rape allegation. It was propaganda.
Hamas is so horrific, after they committed their war crimes, they photographed themselves doing it. Democrats, liberals, feminists who look the other way are liars and hypocrites.
The rapists are filming their crimes.
I'm sure the FBI will get right on this case once the school boards are safe from parents.
They are Idiocrats. Why would they be expected to be doing anything different?
Identity politics is racism.
If this doesn't upset you, you don't know what a human being is.
We Are Here For the Jews
This is the world Biden voters created.
I am genuinely shocked and have almost no words.
I attended Cornell for nine years (undergraduate then graduate school). My field was Near Eastern Studies. About half my professors were Jewish. One of my best friends lived in Young Israel House and about once a month walked there for Shabbat dinner and to hang out with my friend. My point is that Cornell has a healthy and sizeable Jewish community.
But then so does Cooper Union in New York City. And so does and so does.
What the October 7 attacks and perhaps more significantly the demonstrations and protests around the world have shown is how much anti-Semitism is alive and well including on American college and university campuses. Not simply opposition to the modern state of Israel. But "we hate Jews and want them dead" anti-Semitism. I've seen several articles discussing the October 7 attacks that explain this.
Why target Jews at a large university in upstate New York? What do they have to do with Israel? I know there are answers but such questions but that is exactly the point. They are Jewish. And that is enough for these people.
One more quick comment. Why are university campuses such hotbeds of anti-Semitism? Some argue that this is a sign of how much Marxism has taken root in higher education. Well yes it has. And Israel is viewed as a kind of proxy for capitalism. Israel is viewed as a Western nation. West = capitalism. Capitalism is bad. Therefore Israel is bad so yay Hamas.
The problem is that we're not just seeing crowds of people *in the West* demonstrating against Israel and in favor of Gaza/Palestine/Hamas (recognizing they are not the same thing). We're seeing real honest anti-Semitism. Often cloaked in concern for Gaza/Palestine.
Perhaps anti-capitalism almost immediately metastasizes into anti-Semitism. Or finds common ground with those who for whatever reason just plain hate the Jewish people and want to see them dead. My guess is the latter.
Good article in Time
How the Activist Left Turned on Israel
From 2011 to 2014, polling by Gallup found that millennial Democrats sided with Israelis over Palestinians by 25 points when asked their views on the long-running conflict. By 2023, the same group sided with Palestinians over Israelis by 11 points—a 36-point shift. The Pew Research Center found last year that 56% of Americans under 30 had an unfavorable view of Israel.
That's indoctrination in the schools. If American Jews want to help fix this, you need to join with Republicans to break the teacher unions, and free the schools. And we could use 25 years of people "divesting" their money from Ivy League institutions. These fuckers are indoctrination camps for Hamas. Starve them of dollars.
A lot of Iranian dissidents are pro-Israel and anti-Hamas.
"One sign of popular opposition surfaced when regime supporters waved Palestinian and Hamas flags in a stadium prior to a recent football match in Tehran’s Azadi stadium. Spectators reacted by chanting anti-Hamas and pro-Israeli slogans."
I'm happy to hear that!
Remember the golden rule: All hate crimes are hoaxes until proven otherwise.
I've been assured none of this is happening because Inga doesn't personally know anybody doing it.
As to the question of following links in posts and comments, from the perfectionism thread - yeah, I seldom do it either. I provide links, when I have them, in my comments where I make factual assertions so that others can check my assertions and my sources, but I state the assertions in my comments - because it's a pain to go from tab to tab.
I follow some. I try to dip into Crack's, at times, because he does seem to be a heterodox commenter with an interesting story and I want to understand him better. But it would be a lot easier if he would just say flat out what he wants to say (which of course he sometimes does) instead of doing clickbait headlines that, when I follow them, often seem obscure and even unrelated. And when I've tried to follow some of those links to whatever their conclusions are, it's down the rabbit hole I go.
So increasingly I'm just... not.
I'll probably get my gumption back eventually. But in the face of constant Palestinian claims repeated by straight news as fact ("Israeli strikes on Gaza have resulted in some 8,000 fatalities, the Palestinian Ministry of Health in Ramallah said on Sunday, drawing the data from sources in the Hamas-controlled enclave. Around 3,000 of those killed are children, according to the same authorities." - from CNN, emphasis mine - the article is regarding the attempted mob attack on the plane from Tel Aviv that landed in Dagestan, what, last night), I'm pretty burned out right now.
Putting this comment here because 1) it took a little while to write and I didn't just want to discard it, 2) there's no current cafe post, and 3) it seemed to fit better here than on other current posts because of the example I cite. (Putin is blaming the 1000-strong airport mob on "Western influence," of course.)
Aggie @ 10:35: Brilliant. Appreciated.
"We've been tolerating 'hate whitey' rhetoric for so long now. Why does it take antisemitism to make us think that this is suddenly a problem?"
I think it kind of depends on who "us" is. I have thought that "hate whitey" rhetoric, and also the practice, widespread among American negroes, of robbing, beating, raping and killing white people is a problem, for quite some time. I think what has changed is that the Jews have suddenly discovered that a lot of the people they have been training to hate whites think that Jews are white. You can see why that would be a concern.
Hillbillies might enjoy Bari Weiss and The Free Press. She and others are reassessing Trump.
Red pill!
Netenyahu gave a great speech.
Hamas isn't allowing innocent civilians to exit into the safe zone.
Stop blaming Israel. Talk to Hamas.
the FBI - LOLOLOLOL. Useless on-the-take frauds.
Ann Althouse said...
"'One post called Jewish students “rats” and said, “If you see a Jewish ‘person’ on campus follow them home and slit their throats.”' Now THAT'S anti-semitism."
It's so on the nose that it reminds me of those campus incidents with the noose on the black professor's door. When I read stories like this, I wonder who did it.
10/30/23, 11:10 AM
Wow. Democrat Party members just can't help themselves these days. It's exhilarating.
Who did this?
Who did that?
Who is doing these things within the ivy-covered walls of academia? I wonder...
I cant get through the paywall, so as I understand it, we have ANONYMOUS posts on some sort of Cornell blog or facebook type bullitin board. And these include crazy threats to Jews.
OK, well 90-10 this is fake. And if its true, its just one crazy guy.
But nice to know "It happening here in America" and "Its Nazi Germany all over again". Gee, where have i heard that before? Oh that's right, after EVERY so-called antisemitic "hate speech" incident. 90 percent of which turn out to be fake, and done by Jews. Remember all those synogogues that had antisemetic haters calling them up and issueing threats? It was another holocaust. Then it turned out to be some Jewish guy in Israel. Oh, well.
But hey, I understand. You're the richest, most powerful ethnic group in the USA. You make non-Jews lose their jobs and destroy their careers whenever they cross you. Hell, you even have jewish billionaires going after silly college students who sign a petition. And You got the SPLC, ADL, FBI and zillion other non profit Organizations pushing for Jewish interests, and punishing percived Jewish enemies.
So its pretty hard to play the victim. Pretty hard to get much sympathy. Who loves the rich guy with all the power? Enter the fake "hate crime". Its the only way to get people to love you. But given my hardwired American upbringing I dont like liars and I don't like crybabies and hysterics. So.....
The vile pro-Palestinian Jew-haters and anti-semites right under our noses.
Columbia professor: "We cannot protect your children."
"And You got the SPLC, ADL, FBI and zillion other non profit Organizations pushing for Jewish interests, and punishing percived Jewish enemies."
Hmmm... Would that be the ADL that was founded by Jews for the purpose of framing a black man for the rape and murder of a white girl who was actually raped and murdered by a her rich Jewish employer? That ADL?
But hey, Hamas doesn't represent Palestinians. All those people you see on Gaza streets cheering the parade of naked Jewish prisoners, photographing them, spitting on them, hitting them with sticks, those people are tourists. /S
rcocean (6:37) doing a little projecting about hate crimes.
Jupiter (7:35) treating us to the newer version of the blood libel.
Right on, guys. Your timing is exquisite.
The current hatred, demonstrations, and abuse of Jewish in USA will eventually blamed "right wingers", Magas, and Trumpists by the MSM.
Ok, rcocean and Jupiter, I must repeat: even if this were to turn out to be a false flag or hoax - is it not telling that the public reaction, ahead of any big reveal, is... nothing? Can you name another ethnic group - besides white people, who are hard to target ethnically in this way - for whom, if there were an apparent threat like this, there wouldn't be an immediate show of enthusiastic support? A la Jussie? A la the Virginia, what, la crosse team rape hoax woman?
Why do you think that's missing here?
You two seem to think that because Jews have done well, even excelled, in the modern world, it's all cool. (And the bad actions of a rich Jewish guy, if your story is true, which I haven't looked into, don't negate my point, Jupiter.) I'm calling that out.
Why should the FBI go after HAMAS/GAZA supporters when they can go after Catholics?
I mean the Catholics protest at school board meetings and pray at abortion clinics.
All HAMAS does is murder babies, behead Jews, and try to destroy Israel by any means and HAMAS/GAZA supports are all Kaopectate with that and want to fund it.
I don't hear any Muslim-Americans speaking up for tolerance.
Off the top of my head
Dave Chappelle
Kareem Abdul Jabbar
(the Ayatollah Khomeini once said there is no fun in Islam, no humor in Islam, no sport in Islam, and he said the USA was "the great Satan," so I would assume any Muslims working and living here in peace reject that version of Islam).
Rick67: thoughtful points.
Why is this alleged hoax not like all the other hoaxes? Context. Whenever there's an alleged anti-black incident on a campus, the entire school screeches to a halt; administrators gas up their DEI agendas, and even after it's revealed as a hoax, white students are informed that it is nonetheless a "teaching moment" that they should respect and feel guilt and shame for anyway.
When an alleged anti-Semitic incident happens, all the pro-Palestinian administrators, DEI employees, professors, and students openly march through campus celebrating it, chase Jewish students from public places, and do not condemn the anti-Semitism (until it smacks some of them in their pocketbooks thanks to angry donors).
Anatomy of a Biden family ‘cover-up’ executed by our own FBI and DOJ
Maajid Nawaz, British-Pakistani, not beloved of the "mainstream Muslim community" of Britain, and former jihadist, is trying to make the case that because Islam recognizes no Pope-like figure and no council of elders or bishops or whatever, individual Muslims may, as a matter of conscience, interpret the Koran and the other sacred writings for themselves. He says this theological argument means that Muslims should support secularism, since there's no way, within that argument, to establish a One True Faith.
You'd think - well, I'd think, but I'm not Muslim - that this theological approach would be popular among modern, Westernized Muslims. But apparently not so much.
He's had a number of non-Muslims call him an Islamophobe, and a number of Muslims call him a lapdog for the West.
Nawaz is howling at the moon. The lack of a central authority like the Pope has been noticed for centuries, and cited as the big reason there has never been, and never will be, a Reformation movement in Islam. (Reformation, a stand-in for modernization.)
There's something to the argument.
I've been watching Tom Holland (the historian, not the pop-wanker of the same name) and others on Youtube about early Islam. (I commend his book The Shadow of the Sword; I haven't read Dominion yet, but it's on my list.) Basically, everything we thought we knew about Islam is wrong--it's a farrago, cobbled together by people living centuries later in sites far removed from the action. Christian scripture has far clearer pedigree.
Anyway, as I learned in my Readings in Modern Islam course in grad school, if Al Hajj al-Afghani, Rashid Rida, and Muhammed Abdu couldn't sway the masses, Nawaz won't.
Syed Qutb concluded that modernity was unclean and rejected it. They almost all do, except for the weaponry.
"One post called Jewish students “rats” and said, “If you see a Jewish ‘person’ on campus follow them home and slit their throats.” Another post was titled “gonna shoot up 104 west,” an apparent reference to Cornell’s kosher and multicultural dining room.... "
Other commenter have alluded to this, but I'll say it outright: false flag.
False flag allegations notwithstanding, it's clear that anti-Jewish animus is alive and well. And well-funded, based on the proliferation of Palestinian flags at mass protests around the world. Those are not false flags.
Well, rocean. You've touched on nearly all of the ' protocols'. You're work here is finished.
When I was a child my parents lived in a jewish neighborhood. In my early teens and young adulthood I worked in Skokie. I worked in the machine shop I apprenticed in. It was owned by a Jew. Other than my dad, the hardest working MFer I ever knew. And guess what? Most of the people in Skokie were middle or lower middle class. Just like the town of Des Plaines where I grew up.
So. ya know. Piss off.
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