Writes The Editorial Board of The New York Times, in "The Cost of Inaction on Immigration."
"The country has already seen the consequences of keeping legal immigration artificially low.... The asylum program was never meant to be a vehicle for large-scale immigration and still needs an overhaul, as this board has argued. Then there is the question of how to support those who have already arrived in the United States. It’s also difficult to find political heroes here.... It’s been a decade since Congress has seriously considered immigration reform. Both parties have missed opportunities to do so, the Democrats most recently at the end of 2022.... Until Congress decides to take meaningful action, America will continue to pay a price."
Shorter NYT ... We need "comprehensive immigration reform." You know, make everyone a citizen we let in illegally, so they can vote themselves some more "support."
You know, vote themselves some of YOUR money.
The real message here is that Joe Biden has lost the NYT. They are no longer failing to cover the immigration crisis in the United States, for which Joe Biden is SOLELY to blame, not the Congress.
The NYT didn’t care about this issue until the people started showing up in their City. This makes me dislike New Yorkers even more.
"Artificially low".
I think NYC should harbor about 500k illegal aliens. Let some stay in the Times building and in the homes of the Editorial Board members.
You people backed Biden and Biden gave us this. It was all preventable.
By removing all border restrictions Joe has encouraged desperate people to come here without any way to meet the basics of human survival once they arrive. Women and children are raped over the course of the journey. This is an absolutely disgusting and tragic humanitarian crisis perpetuated by a nation (and especially a political party) that prides itself on its compassion.
Wake me when the press brings a hammer to their reporting.
Catastrophic Anthropogenic Immigration Reform. Labor arbitrage. Democratic gerrymandering. Population deficits through progress and abortion.
The editors of the New York Times can go fuck themselves. Not a dime more of money is my position- not a dime more. No amnesty for illegals immigrants, either.
I think it is extremely revealing that, at no time in this entire discussion of "national values", are the lives of the citizens of the United States taken into consideration. How the constant influx of new people means we rarely have a sense of contentment or permanence. We have no sense of control, or ownership over our cities or our neighborhoods, because there's always somebody new, demanding we change our norms - and the government demanding we make it so. This is especially hard on blacks who have been trying to get a financial foothold in this nation for centuries, but have to compete with all-comers.
I mean I 'get' it, but - I have to admit - I'm not a fan.
Translation - those smelly 3rd worlders are in OUR neighborhoods and it’s costing US money they could be used to pay off votes. Do something or we can’t virtue signal about the “plight” of these folks in Texas.
And subtext - this isn’t polling well at all, squirrel!!!
Still. I'd like to be able to choose who gets in and who doesn't. Apparently that's too much to ask.
Propaganda Day. The special asylum exception to immigration was created for victims of Stalin and Mao’s Communist murder states. It is not blanket open border law. But as usual Biden and his Media pound out total lies all the time.
This AM the MSNBC gang is giving 30 minute ad free proclamations by the Hamas spokes person declaring they are the victims of Jews justifying a Tet Offensive type mass attack on our ally Israel.
The war is on and our media is now Jew Haters as ordered by Biden who just sent Iran the money for the 3 thousand guided missiles.
The current immigration crisis has been brought to you by the same people who planned the withdrawal from Afghanistan.
We don't need no stinkin' plan.
Biden promised to "surge" the border with asylum seekers. Idiots voted for him.
Letting in a bunch of leeches is asinine. These folks will in large part,be forever on the dole. We already have far to many of those. People who do not contribute, have never contributed, and never will contribute. The invasion by illegals includes a large criminal element, terrorists, and is an insult to every immigrant who came here legally. When you ask to be let in at the front door, you're an immigrant, when you sneak in the back door you're a thief.
Well, the NYT needs some argument to elide the fact that Trump's border wall enforcement and "remain in Mexico" policies were working.
The abuse of the asylum law is staggering.
Letting in millions is not what asylum is for.
Integrate Martha's Vineyard, then we will have emigration reform. Resolve the forward-looking viability of the wicked solution, then we can tackle the incentive for immigration reform. End DEI and recognize diversity of individuals, minority of one. #HateLovesAbortion
As someone said on Fox news yesterday, there is immigration reform and border security. I agree that that is an important distinction. They are not the same issue and fixing immigration law will do nothing to secure the border, which should be our first priority. It's just another way for politicians to claim to be doing something abut a problem without actually doing anything about it. The Democrats want open borders, as shown by their actions, so we can safely ignore the words coming out of their mouths.
That's complete BS. Dems have never been willing to enforce immigration laws or provide the necessary funding to do so. After the 1987 reform/amnesty Democrats reneged on their promises to provide the necessary funding.
Way back in the day, Bernie Sander said this. Then he was told to shut up, and he did.
“If poverty is increasing and if wages are going down, I don’t know why we need millions of people to be coming into this country as guest workers who will work for lower wages than American workers and drive wages down even lower than they are right now,” Sanders said. ” … On one hand, you have large multinationals trying to shut down plants in America, move to China, and on the other hand, you have the service industry bringing in low-wage workers from abroad. The result is the same: Middle class gets shrunken, and wages go down.”
Seems to me we didn’t have this problem when Trump was president. Except that we were a bunch of meanies for not letting anyone and everyone in.
The spinless GOP - and I include Trump - should be promising to deport all of them.
They won't.
You and your four roommates are in the living room when water begins dripping through the ceiling. Soon the drip becomes a stream. You all rush upstairs to see the bathtub over flowing. You reach for the spigot to shut off the water.
But. "No!" scream the roommates. We must have a comprehensive solution. We need at least three plumber's estimates. Then we'll pick a course of action on cost, availability and how disruptive the work will be. Until then we do nothing.
Got it. Brilliant plan.
"We have no sense of control, or ownership over our cities or our neighborhoods, because there's always somebody new, demanding we change our norms - and the government demanding we make it so. This is especially hard on blacks who have been trying to get a financial foothold in this nation for centuries, but have to compete with all-comers."
Biden knew this and spoke to it years ago..... Back when that position was the popular one.
Of course he also held some pretty damning views on integration.
It is an invasion by hostile forces.
Milton Friedman: "It's just obvious you can't have free immigration and a welfare state."
NYT struggling to square the circle here. Which in fact you can do, for a while, if you have a sufficiency of other people's money (and other people's neighborhoods and infrastructure) to throw at the "immigrants." It seems however that we have finally reached the point where the contradictions overwhelm us. It's too bad Greg Abbott and Ron DeSantis had not started sooner to share the bounty of this influx of, ahem, talent, and had been joined by a few other governors, starting with Kid Brylcreem. We might have reached the pain point before doing quite so much damage to what's left of the Republic.
Has anybody run an estimate (doing basic time-and-motion stuff, minimum resources such as bed-nights and person-meals and so many T-shirts per "migrant" etc) on the number of CBP and ICE personnel --including citizens deputized to help out-- we're going to need to find, identify, collect, process, house, feed, supply with basic health stuff, and transport OUT OF HERE, and by what date we could ever hope to break the back of this work?
Just curious.
The country has already seen the consequences of keeping legal immigration artificially low....
No such thing. That phrase was chosen to support a specific view, not express the truth.
It’s laughable that the proposed solution is a new law. The current law is not being followed - what good would a new one do? It’s always been the most sensible to secure the border first, then discuss/pass immigration reform, if agreed upon.
Personally I can’t countenance all these illegal immigrants staying in the US. We as a nation never agreed to foot this bill, nor deal with the rapes, murders, thievery, drugs, diseases, that have come along with this population. Biden and Mayorkas and whoever is controlling them - Obama? - need to be shunned and shamed for this atrociousness.
But Congress has failed to provide the necessary resources to welcome those who are eligible and to turn away those who are not.
if they turn to the financial pages, they will learn the Federal government is broke.
I would bet that the amount of money being spent to support the illegal migrants is more than enough to enforce the border is we decided to spend it there.
Good one, NYT Editorial Board.
America's children are fucked. For generations.
No question as to who is fucking them.
Open borders, generous welfare state. Pick one.
Hey NYT, always be sincere whether you mean it or not.
"Then there is the question of how to support those who have already arrived in the United States."
When getting a green card for my wife to move to the US there was a requirement that she not go on public support. Once again the law abiding are suckers.
Remember when Trump offered the democrats citizenship to the DACA population in exchange for the wall? Complete non-starter for the democrats, who wanted the issue. Well, they've got the issue now. Shipping the illegals to "sanctuary cities" by the repub governors was a genius move.
Send them to Nob Hill, Beacon Hill, Forest Hills, Beverly Hills, Martha's Vineyard, the Hamptons, and every toney blue district in the nation.
Hahaha Send illegal immigrants to NYC, and, finally, the NYT cares about the problem. Border states should have bussed people to other states from the beginning.
Ha ha ha ha ha ha. hah ha Hah ha tee hee hee, haw haw... OMG!
Our first obligation is to care for our own citizens, and we have a responsibility to both citizens and immigrants to help immigrants successfully integrate into their new home. For 40 years I have advocated simplifying the process of legal immigration while strictly enforcing laws against illegal immigration, including serious penalties against employers knowingly hiring illegal immigrants, landlords knowingly leasing to illegal immigrants, and deportation of illegal immigrants.
For 40 years politicians and pundits have dismissed any opposition to illegal immigration as racist and antithetical to American values. I simply don't believe that the NYT has had an epiphany and is now on board for taking necessary steps prioritize the needs of our own citizens and manage immigration responsibly. They are just trying to make excuses and avoid the blame for the problems caused by the policies they have long advocated.
Huge credit to Abbott and DeSantis for completely turning around the politics of this issue. Even Trump, immigration hardass and wall-builder that he is, never thought to do this. I wish RDS had been as effective as a presidential candidate as he has been as governor, but maybe he's at least learning how to make a better run in 2028.
if they have resources to pay for transportation and 'travel protection' before reaching promised land by invitation >> what more do they need
"It’s also difficult to find political heroes here."
Lying dirtbag scumsuckers. Donald Trump has been trying to put a stop to massive immigration since 2015. And the NYT has opposed him at every turn.
Hunter Biden's tax payer funded Hooker: "The spinless GOP - and I include Trump - should be promising to deport all of them."
Once again, lumping Trump in with your GOPe-ers. You can't help yourself, can you?
From Sep 20, 2023, here's Trump saying precisely what you say you want republicans to say...and you dont even know it:
"Trump says he will carry out the 'largest domestic deportation operation in American history' if elected
Trump's comments come as more than 4,000 migrants crossed the US Southern Border Wednesday
"Trump, in Iowa, said that if elected, his second term would begin by "immediately" terminating "every Open Borders policy of the Biden Administration.
Following the Eisenhower Model, we will carry out the largest domestic deportation operation in American history," Trump said.
The former president said he plans to also "invoke the Alien Enemies Act to remove all known or suspected Gang Members, drug dealers, or Cartel Members from the United States"—an effort he says will end the "scourge of illegal alien gang violence once and for all."
Trump also said he plans to "shift massive portions of federal law enforcement to immigration enforcement," including parts of the FBI, Department of Homeland Security, Drug Enforcement Administration, and the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF)."
Brooke Singman By Brooke Singman Fox News"
Published September 20, 2023 5:36pm EDT
Well, of course, if Congress was consulted about funding “to provide the necessary resources to welcome those who are eligible and to turn away those who are not” then there would be a debate in the Capitol about who we wanted in, and how many, etc., etc. Would the Times really want that?
if they turn to the financial pages, they will learn the Federal government is broke.
@Kevin, + 1
Shorter NYT: "Mistakes were made. Pointless to bicker about who did what to whom. So shut up."
The Crack Emcee: "I think it is extremely revealing that, at no time in this entire discussion of "national values", are the lives of the citizens of the United States taken into consideration. How the constant influx of new people means we rarely have a sense of contentment or permanence. We have no sense of control, or ownership over our cities or our neighborhoods, because there's always somebody new, demanding we change our norms - and the government demanding we make it so. This is especially hard on blacks who have been trying to get a financial foothold in this nation for centuries, but have to compete with all-comers."
This has been one of the 2 or 3 major issues discussed, in precisely the same way you are discussing it, by Tucker Carlson and many others for years.
Tucker discussed it so often that the dems/GOPe-ers mounted continuous attacks on him for simply noticing how the no borders crew, which includes the GOPe-ers major funders, are destroying the national identity with their Great Replacement actions and harming our citizens...and in particular, blacks and hispanics.
No, we have NOT drawn Strength from immigration. The USA has more than enough people. And we don't need to keep wages artificially low. Nor do we need more third world immigrants or people of color.
The average native born US citizen, especially the working class, has gotten nothing from the millions pouring into the USA in the last 30 years. The rich and the Democrat party, OTOH, have benefited greatly.
In any case, the open border advocates and globalists are always playing the same shell game. Lets increase legal immigration, and give everyone Amnesty, and THEN we'll secure the border and start enforcing the immigration laws. Except that's a lie. They NEVER secure the border and they NEVER enforce the immigration laws.
Why the conservatives have fallen asleep on this issue is unknown. But once you let enough Black/Brown immigrants into the USA, this country will be just like California. A one-party Democrat state. And you can kiss your "Conservatism" goodbye.
should be promising to deport all of them.
how do you find them ? how do you fund the finders to be?
should be promising to deport all of them.
how do you find them ? how do you fund the finders to be?
The Crack Emcee at 904am - spot on, amigo.
"But Congress has failed to provide the necessary resources to welcome those who are eligible and to turn away those who are not. Instead, overwhelmed immigration officials allow nearly everyone to stay temporarily, imposing enormous short-term costs on states and cities that the federal government hasn’t done enough to mitigate...."
I seem to remember when "asylum seekers" had to remain in Mexico until approved & all others denied entry. But then that was xenophobic and fascist, right?
So now it's the fault of Republicans in Congress...... OK, gotcha.
I am sympathetic to the plight of immigrants from gang-ruled countries from Mexico on south. The source of the immigrants must be addressed - the gangs. Until a Maoist elimination of gangs can be accomplished, the immigration problem will remain.
Crack at 9:04 - indeed!!!! Well stated.
Agree - illegal immigration hurts all of us (**except rich white leftists) but it is especially harmful to blacks and black communities.
I said something similar the other day. Our corrupt government does all of this without our permission.
The Southern border is open WITHOUT OUR CONSENT.
Tammy Bruce nails it, too. Biden has successfully imported millions of illegals - dispersing them all throughout the nation. Watch how Crook liar Biden is gaslighting us all - pretending to care/ pretending to do something. He is such a fraud. and yet - the left will crawl over broken glass, and fill out many mail in ballots - to keep him as husk-puppet.
btw - Studies show that Rich White Leftists want to defund the police. Why? they do not care.
chickelit wrote: "This makes me dislike New Yorkers even more."
The next time al Qaeda attacks New York, I'm not sure which side I'm going to be rooting for.
LLR Drago - you sure are sensitive to any criticisms aimed at your bubble-gum super hero promise-breaking Hillary loving dick stepper. Adorable....and tired.
Trump breaks whatever promise is convenient for him to break. You keep the blind faith, man.
If Trump came out and promised to deport all the illegals - I would not buy it. You are free to keep your blind faith. LLR Drago. I do not give a rip about your irritatingly pro-Trump/Trump is god opinions.
Terminating an open border is not good enough.
We should all be demanding mass-deportations.
"But Congress has failed to provide the necessary resources to welcome those who are eligible..."
Congress doesn't provide anything, taxpayers do. As far as welcoming, "the eligible" should consist of only those who are able to provide their own necessary resources.
It will be necessary to impose punitive taxes on businesses that employ non-citizens. When monetary incentives to cross the border unlawfully begin to dry up, many people planning to invade the United States will have second thoughts. Immigration criminals already here will feel encouraged to leave.
What world do these people live in?
Obama could have done anything he wanted and did nothing.
Unless you are being hunted by a death squad, then fuck your asylum claim.
Go back home and apply. If you can't pass a literacy test in your own language you are denied. If you can't speak English you are denied. If you are admitted and we need your skills, you can bring only your wife and kids. Nobody else. Chain migration should be ended.
Too many people cheating to try to get into the most racist country on earth.
Crack is correct in that Mexicans have been eating the blacks' lunch for decades now.
Multiculturalism, welfare state, open borders: Pick any two (2).
Picking all three gets you flooded with unassimilated strangers who sponge off you. Like we have now. There are lots of poor people throughout the world who would love to be poor in the USA, and they won't need to assimilate (fit in), if we don't insist on that. That's what gets you little Mogadishu in Minnesota. Not so nice.
2016 - Trump promises he will go after Hillary. ooops. Promise Broken. But you can trust him this time.. promise.
Coming soon to the post-election narrative: 'You can't deport women and children!, you heartless bastards.' eh - we really are F-ed.
The executive branch enforces the laws, not Congress, so blaming Congress seems stupid.
You find them - however possible - and you deport them. All of them.
the threat of deportation might also help slow it down. (pfft) Nah - who am I kidding.
Soros is funding the transfer of illegal entrants from south and central America to the border.
The left demand a new voting base, a compliant citizenry on the public dole, the end of the middle class, single party rule (as in all corrupt authoritarian /communist regimes), rich white elites in jets ruling over everyone in do-as-I-say/ not-as-I-do hypocrisy, total control of the media (social and otherwise) - with punishment to all who do not tow the authoritarian party line.
The issue is not immigration, it is illegal immigration, immigrant productivity, rate exceeding assimilation reconciled with abortion and social progress of the native population. The issue is emigration reform to mitigate progress (e.g. Diversity, Inequity,
Exclusion or DIE) at both ends of the bridge and throughout, and casualties of Spring.
I am extremely tired of ninnies of the sort that infest the New York Times and other progressive media outlets. They uniformly intone, "We are a nation of immigrants".
Well yes--but with a difference. The immigrants who swarmed to the USA--starting with the Irish in the 1840s and the Scandinavian, Eastern and Southern European waves from 1850 to 1920 or so mostly came with a family support group--a cousin or an uncle or a brother who was already here in front of them. About a third of those who showed up at Ellis Island were rejected and sent back whence they came (mostly for reasons of disease or disability). They neither asked, nor received financial help from federal, state or local government. Many of them did not learn to speak or use English in the first generation, but by the second generation they'd assimilated and were proud Americans--without any of this hyphenization nonsense.
I've recently read or am reading novels about the immigrant experience. Karl Marlantes published "Deep River"--a story of Finns fleeing Russia and building a life in the logging and fishing industry in Southeast Washington State. I'm in the middle of a 1940 novel "Out of This Furnace" by Thomas Bell. It's a thinly disguised family history of Slovaks "Hunkies" if you will, who came to work in the steel mills at Braddock and Duquesne Pennsylvania. Long ago in high school a reading assignment was "Giants of The Earth" about Norwegian immigrants in the Dakotas. The stories have a common theme--those who could stick it here i n the USA were fully assimilated Americans in no more than two--or at most three generations. They did it without government help.
That's not the story of immigrants today; there's no health inspection at the border--what the heck it's wide open and if you can wade the Rio Grande, well come on down says Joe and his posse. Are these new immigrants coming to get support from a cousin or brother here? Well maybe--there are so danged many of them that surely some have those arrangements in mind.
But most of them will become Joe Biden's version of "Julia"--the lady who would be supported cradle to grave by Obama's government. There are calls in various municipal and state governments--and by the Dims in Congress to provide funds for housing, medical care, education and recreational facilities for the newly arrived "immigrants". Meantime citizens who are homeless are sleeping in the streets. Blacks, who have been loyal supporters of the Dims for several generations now realize that they are no longer "flavor of the month" when it comes to federal support.
So when I hear some ninny say "we are a nation of immigrants" my first response is "take a hike".
My solution to the immigration mess: Take their names, tell them to come back in 3-years(?) for their hearing, then put them on an airplane back to their capital city. Airfare less than $500/head. Then wave them goodbye and say "Have a nice flight. See you in 3-years."
Legal immigration is not "artificially" low. Until NYT progs stop spouting BS, nothing will change.
Asylum laws are massively abused. Until the abuse is punished severely, nothing will change.
The country should not welcome law breakers and invaders. But until it puts the interests of actual citizens first, as Crack says, nothing will change.
Huge credit to Abbott and DeSantis for completely turning around the politics of this issue.
Ironically, one of the most unpopular to pro-illegal immigrationists yet influential people of our time is a legal immigrant from Africa.
What a complete and utter load of crap. The previous president had stopped the invasion. The current president and the democrat party created open borders. Starting DAY ONE.
But this democrat propaganda RAG is trying to blame congress for the POTATUS open border slave and rape camps.
When can we put this rag to rest. How many gang rapes are the democrats going to instigate until this rag gets a conscience, millions more I expect.
should be promising to deport all of them.
how do you find them ? how do you fund the finders to be?
You find them by not supporting them with any services without proof of citizenship and watch them self deport. You raid businesses likely to hire them. You check the citizenship of everyone you arrest.
You fund the finding and deportations by shifting a fraction of the money currently spent supporting them. The rest goes to paying down the debt.
Keep those buses running, pack'em up and order more, and send every single one to a Blue State City until they learn their lesson.
You think the numbers are intimidating? Wait 'till they learn the full meaning of 'undocumented', especially the part referring to 'undocumented' criminal records. Wait 'till the legacy of incomplete innoculation hits, wait 'till your kid comes home with scabies, or head lice - or you do. Wait 'till those lungers start showing up in hospital wards, with lepers close behind. Who needs vaccination programs? We don't need no stinkin' shots.
Then once the wave of previously-whipped diseases tears through your public health budgets, let's talk about the real legacy for Americans: Third world living standards. Their best customers have arrived, and are clamoring for more. Soon there will be garbage in the streets, dumped furniture and abandoned cars, lots of unregistered dogs running around, people getting desperate for food because they cant' get work that pays a decent wage - being illegally here, and all. Hey it works where we come from, this feels just like home!
I've lived and worked in sh*tholes on 5 different continents, and trust me, there are common denominators. You'll be learning all about them, with time. Wave 'sayonara' to your 'high trust' society or any other such idealistic fantasies. That's why I say, fill the buses up.
Pretty soon, Americans are going to be applying for asylum from their own country.
Hunter Biden's tax payer funded Hooker : "LLR Drago - you sure are sensitive to any criticisms aimed at your bubble-gum super hero promise-breaking Hillary loving dick stepper. "
You are embarrassed for criticizing Trump for not saying something he had already said.
When called out on that, you desperately and pathetically s ramble to shift the goalposts.
Typical of you.
And interestingly, the ONLY politician on the GOP side that you called out by name for supposedly not saying something is the one guy who did say it.
You are an idiot.
HBTPFH: "LLR Drago. I do not give a rip about your irritatingly pro-Trump/Trump is god opinions."
Trump's quoted statement from Sept is not a matter of opinion.
Joe Smith: "Crack is correct in that Mexicans have been eating the blacks' lunch for decades now."
Uh, Cesar Chavez himself took a hard line against illegal immigrants starting in 1962 when he co-founded the United Farm Workers.
Look up Chavez's "Wet Lines" and his followers used to beat illegal immigrants up as a warning and to drive them out.
This has been a huge story within California for a very long time and a story LULAC and La Raza and others very much want buried for good.
We told you it was bad policy. Morons. Now we will never trust you…
What’s this talk about Congress failed? It was Mayorkas and Biden that told CBP to stand down and not enforce the laws. It was only a month ago the Biden Administration was suing Texas to remove buoys that were working as a barrier across the Rio Grande. After the courts upheld Texas actions, DHS agents began cutting razor wire Texas had installed prompting Gov. Abbott to declare an invasion.
Thats’s all the Executive Branch, NYT. That’s why your state governor blamed Biden. She’s not as much a DNC party mouth piece as your paper.
Simple fact: the U.S. has 4% of the world’s people. We can’t afford to house, feed and care for the other 96% without going broke ourselves.
All you asshole who walk to the polls unprepared and sitting on a bench outside the polling place and conclude Donald Trump is too weird…remeber these leftie shitheads thought of themselves the superior humans…and now they’ve become Republicans of 2020…
NYT are the worst people. They’re only saying it because Democrats need to up their polling numbers. It will work with the slightly less worst people…
Infiltrated by terrorists awaiting activation.
“ It’s also difficult to find political heroes here....”
But it’s easy to find political villains: AOC has long stated that she favors “reconquista.” Then there are the countless uniparty politicians who continue to receive funding from business interests who favor the lowest possible labor unit cost.
The guys who maintain the lawns of the palatial homes of the NYT Editorial board have started raise their prices due to the rising cost of labor. And the Dem mayor is inconvenienced by the cost of providing "sanctuary".
We are now is a "CRISIS."
We'll never solve this unless we tell the truth. The open border is bringing in fentanyl, terrorists and certain percentage of helpless people and there are so many millions coming that this percentage will overwhelm our cities. The border must close. Illegals on welfare should have their asylum cases heard at once and resolved. There should be no question of a long stay at taxpayer expense.
But millions are coming and the cities are being overwhelmed by hundreds of thousands, or even just thousands. Denver has 15,000, I think. This is not millions. The vanished millions have joined their families or some social system and are working with phony papers. Media stories don't quite get this reality. The illegals you meet are very appealing people, smiling friendly people who do want to work, that's the trouble, they'll work for almost nothing trying to get started and that runs down wages. They're frantically working to keep the tiny handhold they have on their one great secular chance which is to stay here.
LLR Drago - Someone who breaks important promises cannot be trusted.
Its a good thing we let all those fighting age men in the country.
What say you Inga? Up for a kidnapping?
"Make the enemy live up to its own book of rules." Gotta give ol' Saul credit. He nailed it.
Narayanan said...
"should be promising to deport all of them.
how do you find them ? how do you fund the finders to be?"
Follow the benefits. As an illegal in Illinois once you get into Cook County you're elegible for all kinds oif state benefits.
The point made above by The Crack Emcee (and others who have echoed him) was made effectively by the US Commission on Immigration Reform in the run-up to the bipartisan and comprehensive immigration reform legislation enacted by Congress in 1996. Democrat Bill Clinton appointed Democrat Barbara Jordan to lead that Commission in 1993, and Clinton signed the ensuing 1996 comprehensive reforms. One election cycle later, in 2000, we got a Republican president. In 2002 Democrats John Judis and Ruy Teixeira published The Emerging Democratic Majority, in which they predicted that several trends, including demographic trends that would eventually lead to a majority of non-white voters, would result in the end of post-Reagan Republican electoral success and a durable Democrat governing majority. In short order, Democrats turned against the 1996 bipartisan comprehensive legislation, forsaking the citizen-workers (largely African-American citizen-workers) that legislation was crafted to protect in order to accelerate the felicitous demographic trends. The next two Democratic Administrations have excused and enabled illegal immigration in diverse ways. And now, says the New York Times, Congress must act to solve the resulting immigration crisis. Yeah, no.
'Uh, Cesar Chavez himself took a hard line against illegal immigrants starting in 1962 when he co-founded the United Farm Workers.'
I am well aware of this and have made this point on this blog in the past.
Not sure the relevance, only that Chavez knew it was harming his American citizen workers.
allow nearly everyone to stay temporarily
How many have been sent back?
Props to Gov Abbott for making the NYTimes start to see the light, even if they're still trying to control the narrative.
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