Early in her career, Katalin Kariko, 68, a Hungarian-born scientist, saw mRNA’s medical potential and pursued it with ferocious and single-minded tenacity that exiled her to the outskirts of science. After a chance meeting over the photocopier at the University of Pennsylvania 25 years ago, she worked closely with Drew Weissman, 64, an immunologist who saw the potential for the technology to create a new kind of vaccine.... Together, Kariko and Weissman’s complementary knowledge helped to unravel a way to chemically tweak messenger RNA, turning basic biology into a useful medical technology ready to change the world when the pandemic struck.
October 2, 2023
"The Nobel Prize in medicine was awarded Monday to two scientists whose research laid the groundwork for messenger RNA vaccines that transformed the threat of the coronavirus pandemic."
From "Nobel Prize in medicine awarded to scientists who laid foundation for messenger RNA vaccines" (WaPo).
I'm filing this under things that will not age well.
At the same time, UK heart disease deaths spiked 44% with the pandemic:
They are just rubbing our noses in their power now.
I keep reading they're planning to roll out this technology in the agribusiness world even before it becomes prevalent in mainstream medicine. Very reassuring.
Her daughter is a two-time Olympic gold medalist for the US in rowing (Women's 8+).
Why do I get the feeling this is the worst placed Nobel since the Obama Peace Prize?
I'm surprised that the Nobel Committee didn't award the Nobel in Medicine to Dr. Donald J. Trump for his "Like a cleaning... on the inside" injection technique for infectious diseases, which I believe was published in a peer-reviewed article in the Epoch Times.
Yeah the machinations behind the awarding of the Nobel Prize are beyond reproach.
I don’t expect anyone will see any politics in this decision. None.
I certainly don’t. I mean, if Obama can win a Nobel for what they thought he would do in the future, maybe this is the same thing. Sure, the Covid stuff was a clusterfark, but we expect this to work to be really important someday so here’s your medal and Million Dollar prize.
A Nobel Prize right after it's revealed that the mRNA vaccines actually contained dangerous amounts of plasmid DNA (up to 70x the allowed levels), opening up the prospect of serious long-term medical complications? (Also present: a monkey virus-derived genetic sequence to promote DNA insertion in the nucleus - what the heck?!)
Of course, we were assured that the mRNA shots were the exact opposite of gene therapy and there was zero chance that foreign DNA could make it into the cells of someone getting the shot. That was, as they say, a "conspiracy theory."
So here's the question: if it's a "conspiracy theory" when it's unproven, what do you call it when it's proven?
The fact that she was forced out of Penn is presented as a charming anecdote. I'm surprised Ann didn't focus on that.
... whose research showed that an aging population will embrace almost any new medical technology, regardless of the risks to anyone under 60. Along with the virologists who worked on engineering a super coronavirus, they have reminded all of us that medical technology, like all technology, is often a poisoned chalice, or it enables us to win Pyrrhic victories.
The tin-foil hattery here is astounding. One can quibble with details of this award (should Ingmar Hoerr have shared?), but the award is well-deserved beyond the shadow of a doubt. This is an award for science, not for politics. What makes this award particularly noteworthy are the institutional obstacles Kariko had to face and her perseverance in face of these obstacles. I can’t think of a more deserving recipient.
(I expect posts on Bill Gates and 5G base stations any minute now)
Seriously???? Read up on plasmid DNA, people. You'll be eating mRNA soon. Vaccinating the herds.
The doctor who developed the lobotomy for treatment of mental illness, Antonio Moniz, also was awarded the Nobel Prize for Physiology or Medicine in 1949 for his work.
That did not age well, and, as Leland said, this will not age well either.
The Wuhan flu vaccine probably did help some people who were high risk when used to increase resistance to the original strain of the virus, for a few months in 2021. It still has not been subjected to industry standard studies of risk vs. benefit. The lobotomy procedure likewise may have been an improvement for a select few severely deranged people in the early 1950s, but everything is not a nail for these hammers.
a new kind of vaccine.... that transformed the threat of the coronavirus pandemic..
remember the Olden Days? back when vaccines would keep you from getting sick?
Those days have been "transformed", by "a new kind of vaccine..."
That doesn't stop you from GETTING the virus....
That doesn't stop you from SPREADING the virus..
That DOES allow you get GET the virus, time after time after time after time!
That Will dramatically RAISE your likelihood of heart failure
BUT! will make it Unlikely that you'll die from a virus; that had a fatality rate of far less than 1%
THAT is the "new kind of vaccine"....
Here's a Fun Thought Experiment!
What IF (somehow) Trump had been reelected? What would they be saying about this "vaccine" then?
What would the democrats be saying about Trump's "vaccine"?
What would the media be saying about Trump's "vaccine"?
HELL! What would the republicans be saying about Trump's "vaccine"??
Think about it?
More people have died WITH Trump's "vaccine" than without it
It was TRUMP that pushed through new rules that allowed this "vaccine"
it was EVIL Big Pharma that made ZILLIONS off of Trump's "vaccine"
If (Capital I. F. IF) Trump had won reelection; the "vaccine" would be ALL the dem's would be talking about
I should also point out that the inventor of the pre-frontal lobotomy (Antonio Moniz) won the Nobel Prize. I've spent my career in vaccine discovery and development and believe that mRNA technology can work; however, the commercial implementation by Pfizer and Moderna (abetted by the FDA) was egregiously bad and rushed, resulting in poorly understood tissue distribution, plasmid DNA contamination, and SV40 origin sequences in the vaccine. It used to be required that vaccines be manufactured in primary cells, not transformed cell lines, but standards have slipped as the revolving door between the FDA and the industry became the new standard.
I'm filing this under things that will not age well.
@Leland, I tend to agree. Nobel Prize committees used to be more circumspect, with good reason.
The shots made me sick so I stopped taking them and I got Covid anyway. OTOH I knew unvaxed ppl that died from the bug in 2020.
Interesting note about their research being initially ignored. She was actively discouraged by the university because she couldn't secure funding, culminating in her being denied tenure track.
And Barack Obama was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize. And Paul Krugman ....
mRNA viral vector... with forward-looking adverse and critical events. A veritable pride parade of anthropophobia. An alternative gateway to the wicked solution?
Be interesting to see how the technology develops, it has potential.
The phrase that jumped to mind immediately was "doubling down".
I view their research into mRNA as separate from what was done with it for the vaccine.
It does seem premature. There's no denying the speed at which a vaccine was developed or how the existence of a vaccine changed the emotional tenor of the pandemic, but it's far too early to determine the real value of their work.
No doubt the injection changes the DNA. Whoopee. The human body has to deal with that. But it’s NOT a vaccine that strengthens the human immune response. It has nothing to do with that, which is why it DOES NOT prevent catching or spreading the bio weapon invented to justify its mass use.
I put this down to LIES told by the Nobel guys…like Obama’s ludicrous Peace Prize for being elected.
It is also Globalist support for a World Government which is now possible with Quantum Computers using AI. Only problem is first the acquisition of North America the to exterminate the Americans that still defend their Bill of Rights.if this shot doesn’t do the job, then simply invite the world to invade and conquer them. Interesting times.
Some day a decade or so hence, we may look back on this as the equivalent of having given the Nobel to the creator of Thalidomide.
Wait... How much face do they have in their work again?
So were Robert Malone’s contributions to mRNA vaccine research significantly less important than the work of Katalin Kariko and Drew Weissman? Or is he being punished for his apostasy?
@MB, care to expand on your comment? Do others viewing this thread want to weigh in?
So here's the question: if it's a "conspiracy theory" when it's unproven, what do you call it when it's proven?
Websters Unabridged: (the big-ass desk top)
vaccine n.
1. any preparation used as a preventive inoculation to confer immunity against a specific disease, usually employing an innocuous form of the disease agent, as killed or weakened bacteria or viruses, to stimulate antibody production.
Online definition:
a substance used to stimulate immunity to a particular infectious disease or pathogen, typically prepared from an inactivated or weakened form of the causative agent or from its constituents or products:
Note the change from "confer immunity against" to "stimulate immunity". The definition changed after the 'vaccines' failed their promise of being vaccines. Just getting into better shape can stimulate immunity so that's a nothing-burger definition.
Stop changing word definitions to cover up your failures.
The initial wave causing a mass die-off of those susceptible with co-morbidities followed by subsequent waves that would find fewer and fewer targets would seem to mirror their claims of the 'vaccines' keeping you from dying (as much).
Hooray for the people who managed to earn the distrust of half the population who will NEVER take an mRNA shot again.
Together with the antiviral Ivermectin (Nobel prize for medicine in 2015), you really have something.
Covid-19? Who cares?!
Oh, wait...
"After a chance meeting over the photocopier at the University of Pennsylvania 25 years ago, she worked closely with Drew Weissman, 64, an immunologist who saw the potential for the technology to create a new kind of vaccine"
And perhaps some day it will.
Correct me if I'm wrong, I thought vaccines prevented infection. This particular vaccine can only keep you out of the ICU. And no matter how many doses you take, you are still susceptible to infection. And you can still spread the infection.
to create a new kind of vaccine
A 'vaccine' that neither prevents someone from getting - nor transmitting - the disease.
Yep. It's a new one, all right.
Except for the whole "It's not a vaccine, never was a vaccine and they called it a vaccine and said it would do what a vaccine does," which is stop transmission. So more prizes for lies, just like the Russia, Russia, Russia Pulitzers. The left is irredeemable corrupt. Organized crime on a massive scale. They just steal from taxpayers.
"Chuck said..."
Something gleefully ignorant again.
@MB, care to expand on your comment? Do others viewing this thread want to weigh in?
10/2/23, 12:58 PM
The development of the procedure is distinct from the development of the vaccine, distinct from the vaccines' benefits being oversold to the public, and distinct from various governments mandating their use.
Perhaps it will have great uses in the future. Maybe the COVID vaccine was Apollo I (although I don't think it's quite that bad) and some future vaccine will be the equivalent of landing on the moon. On the other hand, maybe it's like filling an airship with Hydrogen - seemed like a good idea at the time, but no.
I have no opinion on whether this deserves to win.
"Blogger Chuck said...
I'm surprised that the Nobel Committee didn't award the Nobel in Medicine to Dr. Donald J. Trump for his "Like a cleaning... on the inside" injection technique for infectious diseases"
I'm surprised Chuck! doesn't recall the posts here at the time about research using approaches like UV for antiviral treatment in the airways, including the lungs.
But of course:
Chuck said...
"I am afraid you are mistaking me for someone who has an interest in fair treatment of Donald Trump. I'm not your guy. I am interested in smearing him, hurting him and prejudicing people against him."
3/4/16, 4:46 PM
A Nobel prize for something that doesn't work and could possibly kill you?
Oligonicella said...Note the change from "confer immunity against" to "stimulate immunity". The definition changed after the 'vaccines' failed their promise of being vaccines.
Counting antibodies, no matter the relevancy.
Minimnizing adverse events via a reporting mechanism known to massively underreport even in situations prior to the career risks of doing so in Covid era.
Selective use of abused PCR testing to skew case and death data.
Eliminate placebo group and liability.
Fund regulatory agencies and media with big pharms.
Fail to report excess deaths synchrounous with rollout.
@MB, thank you.
> I thought vaccines prevented infection.
No, they prepare the body to mount a rapid defense. The problem with Covid was three fold. First, it hit the mucosal immune system, which was not particularly prepared by a vaccine injected into muscle. Second, Covid had a very short incubation period, 2-4 days, too short for the defense to be effective and hence stop the spread. Third, immunity such as it was, declined after 90 days or so. These problems were not new with the mRNA vaccines, they had also been encountered earlier when trying to develop vaccines for veterinary use. In short, the problem was not so much due to the specific vaccine, but rather to the difficulty in defending against coronaviruses in general. That said, the vaccines were oversold.
“Counting antibodies, no matter the relevancy.
Minimnizing adverse events via a reporting mechanism known to massively underreport even in situations prior to the career risks of doing so in Covid era.
Selective use of abused PCR testing to skew case and death data.
Eliminate placebo group and liability.
Fund regulatory agencies and media with big pharms.
Fail to report excess deaths synchrounous with rollout.”
The first one really got me. Those who got boosted had their immune systems in overdrive generating antibodies for the Wuhan variant spike proteins, for well over a year and a half after those spike proteins had been superseded by the Omicron spike proteins. We were constantly barraged by PSAs, etc, telling us that we need3d to keep getting boosted to keep our antibodies up. Except that keeping those Wuhan variant spike proteins up was extremely counterproductive expending immune system resources fighting te Wuhan spike proteins, and not the virus itself - or much of anything else, including the virus itself, or playing whack a mole with chronic long term viral infections and cancers. It was literally insanity.
Prior to the dreaded covid “vaccine” attempts at using mRNA for any therapeutic purposes had a 100% failure rate.
Prior to the dreaded covid “vaccine” using mRNA there was a 100% failure rate for every attempt at making a coronavirus vaccine for humans or animals. If you could count attempts that made the problem worse then the failure rate would be >100%…
So take two things with 100% failure rates, combine them together, and with literally zero testing, announce the new mRNA vaccines against the “novel” coronavirus now infecting humans is the greatest thing since sliced bread, state unequivocally that it will stop transmission dead in it’s tracks, and- we still have a 100% failure rate for any mRNA therapeutic and a 100% failure rate for any attempt at a coronavirus vaccine.
Oh, we also have the entire health establishment and political figures denying they ever said the “vaccine” was 100% effective. Or 90%, or any%, or effective at all.
This reminds me of the great stem cell debacle. Where liberals berated conservatives for not wanting to kill babies in the womb to harvest their stem cells because fetal stem cells were going to be the cure all for everything. And it turns out that stem cell therapy works- by harvesting a patient’s own stem cells and using them. Using other stem cells almost always results in uncontrollable growths or outright cancer. Seems embryonic stem cells can’t be used except in the donor. And if you killed the donor to harvest them…
JIM said...
"This particular vaccine can only keep you out of the ICU."
Sorry, but no it cannot. That's part of the PR I referred to. Another phrase change of theirs; from "can keep you out of ICU", to "can help keep you out of the ICU".
And really all that means is "some of those with shots stayed out of the ICU" which doesn't mean the shot did it because "some of those without shots stayed out of the ICU" as well. A group of which I am a member.
Nobel established the prize after inventing a more stable form of nitroglycerin. Everything old is new again
Oligonicella said...
A bunch of correct things. Especially the one about "redefining vaccine"
There's 3 things a vaccine does:
1: Keep you from catching the disease
2: Keep you from passing the disease on to other people
3: Create a "memory" of the disease in your immune system to protect you from future attacks
The Covid shot does not do ANY of those things. Thus the less than three months "effectiveness" of the shots.
And no, it's not that the virus has mutated so much in those three months that your antibodies are no longer effective. Because their solution for that "three month window" is you get the same shot again.
The problem is that it clearly isn't leading to the creation of memory T cells to keep the protection going
“The problem is that it clearly isn't leading to the creation of memory T cells to keep the protection going”
The vaccines did lead to the creation of memory T cells - for the 2 Wuhan variant spike proteins. We know that that happened because the ModRNA vaccines didn’t start crashing everyone’s immune systems until the 2nd jab, Crashed because the immune system was overwhelmed by fighting those very same Wuhan spike proteins, for a month or so after every injection (after the 1st) of the ModRNA that produces thos spike proteins. The problem was that the immune system was too exhausted to generate any other memory T Cells, thanks to a phenomenon termed “Original Antigenic Sin”, which includes an inability to develop these memory cells for the rest of the virus, or for later (e.g. Omicron variant) spike proteins.
Bruce Hayden said...
Me: “The problem is that it clearly isn't leading to the creation of memory T cells to keep the protection going”
The vaccines did lead to the creation of memory T cells - for the 2 Wuhan variant spike proteins.
Then why does protection last for only 3 months? And why do they give the exact same shot again to get another three months of "protection"?
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