১২ অক্টোবর, ২০২৩

"The left has always attracted certain people who relish the struggle against oppression primarily for the way it licenses their own cruelty..."

"... they are one reason movements on the left so reliably produce embittered apostates. Plenty of leftists have long fetishized revolutionary violence in poor countries, perhaps as a way of coping with their own ineffectuality. Che Guevara didn’t become a dorm room icon only for his motorcycle and rakish beret."
Writes Michelle Goldberg, in "The Massacre in Israel and the Need for a Decent Left" (NYT).
We also shouldn’t underestimate the role of antisemitism in warping people’s moral sentiments. I’m reminded of the German New Left militants of the 1960s and ’70s. Though they were radicalized by abomination of the Nazism of their parents’ generation, some, in a grotesque irony, ended up committing anti-Jewish terrorism themselves. A group suspected of trying to bomb a Berlin Jewish center on the 1969 anniversary of Kristallnacht wrote in a communiqué, "The Jews, who have been driven away by fascism, have themselves become fascists, who in collaboration with American capital want to exterminate the Palestinian people."...

There was a time not long ago when the [Democratic Socialists of America] seemed to be emerging as a political force, with several of its members, including Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Jamaal Bowman, ascending to Congress. Now it has made itself an embarrassment to most politicians associated with it.... 

Goldberg gets in a shot at conservatives: "Conservatives reading this might take a jaundiced satisfaction in what some surely view as naïve progressives getting their comeuppance."

Jaundiced satisfaction? Is that what conservatives are feeling? Well, she said "might." I think it's more like desperate hope that people will reshape their thinking and abandon the left... which isn't much different from the idea, expressed in Goldberg's headline, that people will abandon the part of the left that is not "decent."

১১৬টি মন্তব্য:

Dave Begley বলেছেন...

The entire Left needs to be destroyed.

Some white woman are waking up to the fact that maybe abortion in America should be left to the states and it is foolish to vote for the party that is okay with beheading babies.

The Crack Emcee বলেছেন...

I feel nothing but frustration about everything people are saying now, because I know how they usually talk, and how they usually embrace nonsense. Michelle Goldberg doesn't address Che Guevara's portrait being literally all over France and what that means. Are they dorm room creatures?

In the idea of labeling every frustration with the Jews as "antisemitism" is tiring. My first girlfriend was a Jew, and many of my past roommates have been Jews, and I still don't think the Israel story, as told, makes compelling sense. Nor does saying college students can't have an opinion, without risking their future employment. That's just in attack on free speech.

Being unAmerican, to defend what you think of as American values, is how you get into the shit.

RideSpaceMountain বলেছেন...

The left only gets more insane over time, and the reason is the diminishing returns of virtue signaling. The appeal of leftist politics is that it offers the believer an easy way to feel a part of a virtuous elite fighting an unvirtuous majority. Leftists value virtue signaling so much because it shows the world and their fellow leftists their membership in this elite.

The problem is that such an arrangement becomes a victim of its own success. Once the virtuous succeed in convincing the majority of their ideas, then there is nothing special about believing them anymore. More importantly, there is nothing special about them anymore. So to maintain its appeal, the left has to come up with a new cause to replace the old one. Fifty years ago, accepting interracial couples was a sign of being part of the virtuous left. Today, it has been decades since a significant number of people objected publicly to such a thing. So, it has no virtue signaling value anymore. As a result, the left moved on to accepting gays and then to gay marriage and now to transgenderism. Should they succeed in normalizing transgenderism, they will necessarily have to move onto something else even more disgusting and immoral, likely sex with children, and then something after that...the deviancy ratchet only moves in one direction.

The left quickly ran out of actual injustices and bigotries to fight. So, it had to invent new ones by embracing increasingly insane and destructive ideas. In just a few short decades the left goes from fighting for interracial couples to calling women who don't want to shower with men bigots.

The left has long since given up on achieving any sort of final end or Utopia. Its goal now and has been for a long time is the struggle as an end in itself. Leftism exists so that leftists can feel a part of a virtuous elite that exerts its power over the unvirtuous. That is it. It is about power and feeling superior. There is no other end.

The Crack Emcee বলেছেন...

Oh, and like Bari Weiss, Michelle Goldberg is not exactly a great journalist.

Amadeus 48 বলেছেন...

Michelle Goldberg has the capacity to leave me speechless--the sort of "Where to begin?" speechless. I don't think she knows many people with right-of-center opinions.

The Crack Emcee বলেছেন...

The average American can't tell you our own history, but you're gonna start punishing people for not seeing Israel's in the way you want. Fucking hilarious.

And cruel as fuck.

The Crack Emcee বলেছেন...

The average American can't tell you our own history, but you're going to punish people for not getting Israel's correct. Fucking hilarious.

And cruel as fuck.

Iman বলেছেন...

A little introspection from an unlikely source.

Heal thyself, lefty!

Quayle বলেছেন...

The problem is pride - enmity - which exists in the hearts of us all, to some degree or another. Some people already have battle lines drawn in the hearts and minds before they even walk out of their front door in the morning. They chose to create and maintain a value hierarchy of people and groups, putting some above others, and other below some, and also usually battling to ascend, themselves, above all.

It creates an unmanageable structure in which you'll get severely and repeatedly forked eventually. It will eventually drive you mad.

For example: Ms. Goldberg feels the need to not let the conservatives think that this situation and her writing elevates them in the hierarchy. She can't just make a principled point and let it resonate where it does. She has to put in more effort to maintain her desired value hierarchy of peoples and groups and therefore must attempt to prevent the conservatives from rising a notch in the hierarchy.

But she's forked. She sees the wrong of people cheering on rapists. But she's troubled that if she condemns them to clearly, she will be seen as giving "support" to some other group she wants to keep down and in their place.

And we all do it, to one extent or another.

Sebastian বলেছেন...

"The left has always attracted certain people who relish the struggle against oppression primarily for the way it licenses their own cruelty..."

Right. Remember the Vendee. But now take the next step: that leftism itself sanctions, encourages, legitimates, glorifies cruelty, for the sake of creating the New Soviet Man or the classless society, to bend that arc of history just so.

"Plenty of leftists have long fetishized revolutionary violence in poor countries"

Correct. They like it. Ordinary human blood lust, amplified by ideology.

"the Need for a Decent Left"

There are decent leftists. Michael Walzer? Since the cruelty follows from the certitude of an all-encompassing ideology, there can be no "Decent Left."

"We also shouldn’t underestimate the role of antisemitism in warping people’s moral sentiments."

But there are gradations. Hamas is not merely "antisemitic," but actively genocidal.

"I’m reminded of the German New Left militants of the 1960s and ’70s"

And it's good to be reminded of them, bastards that they were.

"There was a time not long ago when the [Democratic Socialists of America] seemed to be emerging as a political force, with several of its members, including Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Jamaal Bowman, ascending to Congress."

Is it kosher, by the way, to belong to two parties at the same time?

"Jaundiced satisfaction? Is that what conservatives are feeling? Well, she said "might." I think it's more like desperate hope that people will reshape their thinking and abandon the left"

Are you ascribing such a "desperate hope" to us conservatives? Sorry, no. We don't do desperation, and our hopes are always tempered. Nor do we entirely trust the apostates. About the Left, in all its indecency, we have no illusions.

wild chicken বলেছেন...

From the annals of the old New Left:

"Some women silently wondered if these activists were simply trying to earn the manhood they had forfeited through their avoidance of the draft."

Just so.

The Crack Emcee বলেছেন...

"The Jews, who have been driven away by fascism, have themselves become fascists,..."

That's the image the Israelis have forged.

The rule of Lemnity বলেছেন...

Tragedies bringing out the best in people is itself a kind of tragedy.

I take it to mean 'our better angels' are nothing but pinch hitters.

Enigma বলেছেন...

Does anyone remember the expression "a wolf in sheep's clothing"?

The world is filled with false-flag opportunists who exploit naïve, trusting, and compassionate people. This extends everywhere and in every country. The left routinely attracts young idealists fresh off their mothers' teats. They are indeed too trusting and too dependent on others, and not yet jaded by struggle, betrayal, failure, and disappointment.

So, the left routinely comes to be dominated by clever (wealthy) sociopathic leaders who manipulate the trusting masses to 'garner' personal power and wealth. This shouldn't surprise anyone after the bloody 20th century and harsh realities of the USSR, China, North Korea, etc. This shouldn't surprise anyone after Jim Jones and the Jonestown massacre. This shouldn't surprise anyone who sees the vast amount of left-manipulating dark money flowing from billionaire oligarchs.

A talented wolf in sheep's clothing can persuade or bribe the willing, the innocent, and the gullible to believe that black is white, up is down, and evil is good.

Quaestor বলেছেন...

If people abandoned the part of the left that is not decent, would there be any left left?

Gusty Winds বলেছেন...

MAGA is pro-working class. MAGA is anti-war. MAGA is NOT racist...it just wants a controlled border to stop the exploitation of these immigrants, drugs...and safety for Americans.

What we have seen come out of the radical University left, lead by Ivory Tower professors and administrators is unqualified arrogance, leading to full blown ignorance. They don't effectively champion anybody but themselves.

They are deaf to other points of view. And in the end, they are very pro-violence to achieve their political objectives. But what we have seen with Ukraine and now Hamas, is complete war mongering. A fantasy that Ukraine is about "protecting democracy". Or that Hamas represents "freedom fighters".

Human nature is to double down. For liberal women, abortion is everything. Destroying the patriarchy is everything. I really don't believe they research, read, or absorb any of the larger complexities and REAL dangers of world events.

NorthOfTheOneOhOne aka Doug Emhoff's Pimp Hand বলেছেন...

Plenty of leftists have long fetishized revolutionary violence in poor countries, perhaps as a way of coping with their own ineffectuality.

Damn! One of them finally admits it!

Leland বলেছেন...

Funny how all the violent revolutionaries willing to overthrow governments are called extremist right wingers yet manifest themselves on the left. Yesterday’s BLM glorifying terrorism is the same BLM in 2020 that burned American neighborhoods in protest of the government.

Drago বলেছেন...

"Goldberg gets in a shot at conservatives: "Conservatives reading this might take a jaundiced satisfaction in what some surely view as naïve progressives getting their comeuppance."

Conservatives Preparing To Pounce!

Drago বলেছেন...

"Plenty of leftists have long fetishized revolutionary violence in poor countries, perhaps as a way of coping with their own ineffectuality."

NorthOfTheOneOhOne: "Damn! One of them finally admits it!"

Uh oh.

Robert Cook and the LLR-democratical Brigade is not going to like that! Not one little bit.

rehajm বলেছেন...

Most of the Boston liberals I encounter could be mistaken for Aryans...and who has time for antisemitism, anyways? I mean those liberal elites fly back from Davos with their latest agendas but holy cow, the hate takes so much work...

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves বলেছেন...

The left do collectedly admire and excuse historical monsters..

and they get a pass! Our higher educational system is a toxic joke.

Ampersand বলেছেন...

Michelle leaves out the dishonesty, incompetence, historical misremembering, amnesia, sneaky hunger for undeserved social and economic preferment,preemptive self-forgiveness, and indifference to the obvious harms they inevitably cause. With the NYT in the vanguard.

Rocco বলেছেন...

Lem the misspeller said...
“I take it to mean 'our better Angels' are nothing but pinch hitters.”

Except for Mike Trout, of course.

rcocean বলেছেন...

Reading Goldberg, i wondered if the USA had suffered a massive terrorist attack on a Jewish synagogue. So, I read through the news.

Nope. Nothing in the USA.

Then I assumed American Jewish leaders were calling for a secure border and an end to Muslim immigration, but nope, that didn't happen either.

But its good that Israel is making "pre-emptive strikes" on other countries, because that's the pathway to peace. And because the arab countries attacked will assume we approved. After all, the USA "stands by Israel" no matter what.

Ampersand বলেছেন...

Michelle leaves out the dishonesty, incompetence, historical misremembering, amnesia, sneaky hunger for undeserved social and economic preferment,preemptive self-forgiveness, and indifference to the obvious harms they inevitably cause. With the NYT in the vanguard.

Mike (MJB Wolf) বলেছেন...

Too bad all the Disinformation “experts” and enthusiasts are all Left because it gives them a huge blind spot when it comes to who exactly, for example, is committing and committed to genocide.

JAORE বলেছেন...

"...saying college students can't have an opinion, without risking their future employment. That's just in attack on free speech."

Sorry, Crack, but this is foolish.
1) Would you be against employers saying we don't hire out and proud proud KKK members?

2) Free speech protections, as I'm sure you know is about governmental speech (including governmental interference in speech). You are calling for consequence free for activities some of us find repugnant.

Rocco বলেছেন...

Blogger Leland said...
“Funny how all the violent revolutionaries willing to overthrow governments are called extremist right wingers yet manifest themselves on the left.”

Robert Cook will be along shortly to explain why all those left wingers aren’t really left wing.

The Crack Emcee বলেছেন...

The story of the Israelis is like Game of Thrones: you start off believing in the narrative, but the longer you stay with it, the more it looks like it was written by a psychotic 3-year-old.

tim maguire বলেছেন...

The Crack Emcee said...That's the image the Israelis have forged.

Yes, antisemitism is the Jews' fault.

The Crack Emcee বলেছেন...

Donald Trump said the Hamas attack was "very smart". I guess he can't be president now,...

Big Mike বলেছেন...

Goldberg gets in a shot at conservatives: "Conservatives reading this might take a jaundiced satisfaction in what some surely view as naïve progressives getting their comeuppance."

Well, as a conservative Republican I certainly do feel some satisfaction at Progs getting their comeuppance. Whether it’s “jaundiced” satisfaction, I don’t know. The wife says my skin doesn’t have the yellow tinge of jaundice, so probably just ordinary satisfaction.

From where I sit Progs are wrong on climate, wrong on race in America, absolutely wrong on eating bugs instead of grass fed beef, absolutely wrong on socialism, and even more absolutely wrong on the notion that the earth’s population should be sleeved down from 6 billion to 500 million (as Jane Goodall and others have proposed). Since in my experience Lefties scoff at facts, are immune to things like logic and reality, and regard no views distinct from their own as legitimate, having reality forced upon them to the point where it breaks through the near-infinite level of smug that characterizes not just Prog extremists but even more moderate liberals, this cannot help but generate a level of satisfaction.

For myself I would be happy if as many as 10% of Jews ask themselves why they’re giving their money and support to a Democrat party that turns around and countenances demonstrators chanting “Gas!” “The!” “Jews!” “Gas!” “The!” “Jews!”

Dogma and Pony Show বলেছেন...

Crack Emcee, let me see if I understand you:

Hamas launches an unprovoked invasion of a sovereign nation, terrorizing peaceful, unarmed civilians with rape and slaughter.

American student "X" publicly applauds Hamas' actions.

Applauding Hamas' actions causes "X" to lose an employment opportunity.

The injustice Crack Emcee protests -- the injustice that is "cruel as fuck" -- is the loss of the employment opportunity?

The Crack Emcee বলেছেন...

Walking around with machine guns while you expand your base in the West Bank is not exactly a peace and love image

RideSpaceMountain বলেছেন...

Scratch a smug leftist/progressive and you'll actually discover a lot of them are very meek people. Most of them are very emotionally unstable, and their shake-n-bake virtue is the mask they use to hide in plain sight. When they forgot to download the day's talking points or the mask slips this is what you get.

There are millions of these 30 and 40 somethings that are going on 12, stamping their feet and howling uncontrollably because daddy government didn't buy them that Mighty Morphin Power Ranger in the check out line.

Original Mike বলেছেন...

"Nor does saying college students can't have an opinion, without risking their future employment. That's just in attack on free speech."

I'd say that's a poor description of the current event. That "opinion" is the celebration of rape and murder. And deciding your company doesn't want to hire such an individual is not an attack on free speech.

cfs বলেছেন...

For progressives, "oppression" is their favorite snack at Whole Foods being out of stock. Oppression is their Uber driver being late in arriving. Oppression is not only not being able to kill their children on demand, but also women a continent away not being able to kill their's as well. They are doubly oppressed if U.S. tax-payers do not fund those overseas abortions.

Progressives also believe that if children are not introduced to sex (physically if possible) by age four then the entire human race is both oppressed and oppressive. Progressives believe that capitalism is oppressive unless it is in regards to the sex trade, and then it is important to women's freedom. Progressives believe hearing an opinion differing from their own is not only oppression but also actual violence.

Screw 'em!

Meade বলেছেন...

"The left has always attracted certain people who relish the struggle against oppression primarily for the way it licenses their own cruelty..."
"... they are one reason movements on the left so reliably produce embittered apostates.”

Let me say that for you more concisely and clearly, Michelle: The Left has always been made up of sick people stealing each other's medicine.

Narr বলেছেন...

Politics, and (dare I say it?) Religion sometime attract cruel people.

Bad and cruel people do bad and cruel things happily,
but to get good people to do bad and cruel things, political
and religious fervor are very effective.

The sadistic cruelties inflicted are meant to work as they always do--
enrage the enemy to his own bloodlust, and make everyone on your side

Michelle Dulak Thomson বলেছেন...

The Crack Emcee,

Nor does saying college students can't have an opinion, without risking their future employment. That's just [a]n attack on free speech.

Oh, now he tells us! TCE, many, many people have lost their jobs -- not just risked not getting them in the first place -- for far less. My first thought was of the Cooper v. Cooper incident in Central Park, actually, where the woman lost her job and even -- temporarily -- her dog over what ought to have been a trivial and even retrospectively humorous incident. What, say, Accuracy In Media is doing now is exactly what has been done by other organizations with far less provocation. Anyway, AIM is apparently listing the names of students who publicly supported the peace-music-festival-obliterating, kibbutz-leveling, baby-beheading, Holocaust-survivor-kidnapping goons of Hamas. I daresay their potential employers will take everything into account when deciding whom to hire.

The Crack Emcee বলেছেন...

JAORE said...

1) Would you be against employers saying we don't hire out and proud proud KKK members

Yes, but these aren't KKK members. They're kids out of high school who don't believe what you've told them. And that's not their fault, it's yours. Most Americans can't tell you our history but you're going to expect everybody to go along with what you say is going on overseas?

You people are out of your f****** minds

Joe Smith বলেছেন...

Communism is left.

Communism is the most evil political system ever devised.

Communism should be resisted by any means necessary.

Jupiter বলেছেন...

Michelle Goldberg, passing an idle hour in a used bookstore, discovers a History of the 20th Century.

Read some more, Michelle. There's a whole shelf!

Joe Smith বলেছেন...

"'My first girlfriend was a Jew, and many of my past roommates have been Jews..."

I can't be racist, I have a lot of black friends : )

Joe Smith বলেছেন...

'The Left has always been made up of sick people stealing each other's medicine.'

Not to mention always leaving the toilet seat up.

Fucking commies...

Larry J বলেছেন...

tim maguire said...
The Crack Emcee said...That's the image the Israelis have forged.

Yes, antisemitism is the Jews' fault.

It's said that the Germans have never forgiven the Jews for the Holocaust, for everything is the Jews' fault.

Mike (MJB Wolf) বলেছেন...

Liberals and Conservatives have more in common than the Left and Liberals, except for L & L both reflexively vote for Democrats, who reflexively tolerate the Left. As wise Rabbi Dennis Prager says, if Liberals actually voted their conscience (i.e. Classic Liberalism such as free speech, property rights, "live and let live" etc.) democrats would be starved for support. But too many vote anti-Republican instead.

NorthOfTheOneOhOne aka Doug Emhoff's Pimp Hand বলেছেন...

...some surely view as naïve progressives getting their comeuppance.

More like a bunch of privileged little shits getting a hard dose of reality and having to realize that these things are not a game.


As Leifer pointed out, even before the killings in Israel, it was a grim time for the American left, as the elation of the Sanders campaign and the revolutionary hopes of the Black Lives Matter movement gave way to backlash and retrenchment. “When the left loses, it enters into a cycle of self-marginalization,” he said.

Seems to me like they do that when they win, too.

The Crack Emcee বলেছেন...

Joe Smith said...
"'My first girlfriend was a Jew, and many of my past roommates have been Jews..."

I can't be racist, I have a lot of black friends : )

And I've been the Shabbos for several synagogues and I've work for Jewish schools. Should I keep going? Or are you guys gonna keep up the charade that everyone has to say exactly what you want them to say when you say to say it?

Yancey Ward বলেছেন...

The Democrat coalition of voters contain both Jews, Muslims, and intellectually incoherent young people. It is not easy for that coalition to speak rationally on this topic.

Tina Trent বলেছেন...

It was hardly a long stroll for Baader-Meinhof, or the Weathermen, or SDS, or Black Panthers, or BLA to target Israel, even though several of the most prominent leaders of the Weathermen and SDS were themselves Jewish.

They had long ago crawled into bed with Muslim terrorists.

As someone smart wrote yesterday, this isn't about Israel. It's about Islam.

gspencer বলেছেন...

A "Decent Left"?

Yeah, right. You'll find it in the file drawer as dry water, one-handed, polka-dotted sky hooks and cancer-free tobacco

Scott M বলেছেন...

Nor does saying college students can't have an opinion, without risking their future employment. That's just in attack on free speech.

Hardly. It's an excellent lesson in free speech and personal responsibility, though I know that's probably a dogwhistle racist term to you. What isn't, though?

As a citizen we have a right to say pretty much whatever we want outside of some very constrained and situational circumstances. Also a citizen, some owner or CEO of a company can view that speech and decide that they don't want to be a part of the person who used their speech to speak it, ie, your right to swing your fists ends at the tip of my nose.

We have an entire generation of people who reached adulthood (chronologically if nothing else) without realizing that rights come with serious responsibilities. That shouldn't be surprising because civics instruction in general has been garbage for decades.

Melania Trump signals support for abortion rights: ‘No room for compromise’ বলেছেন...

Wasn’t Walter Duranty in Russia in the 20s and 30s, publishing articles full of glowing praise for Stalin? Denying the famines? I guess the NYT of the time had plenty of information about Stalin, just not what we’d call “good information.”

MikeR বলেছেন...

In theory I completely agree with Goldberg. In practice, I don't know what Israel is going to do or can do. How are they supposed to "destroy Hamas" without depopulating Gaza?
I'm sure it will be difficult anyhow, with Gaza riddled with deadly underground tunnels. But once they have Gaza completely pacified, what then? I am afraid I would advise doing something that is unmistakably classified as a "war crime" - but seemingly necessary anyhow: pushing all the people in Gaza, out of Gaza, just emptying the place. Move them to the border of Egypt and don't ever let them come back. Let people bring them food and water there, let them go into Egypt or anywhere that will have them, but Gaza is done.
Otherwise, I don't see why Gaza will not simply rebuild and try and do it again. How do you stop them? They tried that already.

Tom T. বলেছেন...

Israel is making "pre-emptive strikes" on other countries

Preemptive? Really?

The Crack Emcee বলেছেন...

Scott M said...

"Civics instruction in general has been garbage for decades."

But you expect people to act like, oh no, it's all been great. Make up your fucking mind. That's all I'm asking.

The Crack Emcee বলেছেন...

Scott M said...

"It's an excellent lesson in free speech and personal responsibility, though I know that's probably a dogwhistle racist term to you. What isn't, though?"

So somebody out of high school, who doesn't understand 75 years of history, overseas - in a country they've never been to - should be punished for having the wrong opinion?

You guys really need to rethink who the "monsters" are around here

hombre বলেছেন...

"Conservatives reading this might take a jaundiced satisfaction in what some surely view as naïve progressives getting their comeuppance."

There is no comeuppance for progressives. They are shameless and ignorant. Reality doesn't change that.

In this instance, progressive Jews like Goldberg may be an exception, but it won't last.

The Crack Emcee বলেছেন...

Joe Smith said...
"'My first girlfriend was a Jew, and many of my past roommates have been Jews..."

I can't be racist, I have a lot of black friends : )

Yeah, and we even have arguments and disagreements, too. I guess that makes me a member of the KKK or Hamas now. According to the new hypocritical politics of America

Scott M বলেছেন...

The wife says my skin doesn’t have the yellow tinge of jaundice, so probably just ordinary satisfaction.

Ace called it a "schadenboner". :)

The Crack Emcee বলেছেন...

You guys have fallen into a dark, ideological hole, and you don't know how to get out.

Kevin বলেছেন...

Goldberg gets in a shot at conservatives:


Seems there ought to be a tag...

The Crack Emcee বলেছেন...

Joy Behar's Trump Derangement syndrome: The View host implies former president may be partly to blame for Hamas massacres in Israel

Everybody's a guilty party now.

Oligonicella বলেছেন...

RideSpaceMountain said...

The left has long since given up on achieving any sort of final end or Utopia. Its goal now and has been for a long time is the struggle as an end in itself. Leftism exists so that leftists can feel a part of a virtuous elite that exerts its power over the unvirtuous. That is it. It is about power and feeling superior. There is no other end.

It was always about power.
I knew (not friends) them fuckers when they bombed the KU computer center, killing a student working nights.
That's who they are.
The rest is smokescreen.

The Crack Emcee বলেছেন...

I have learned there are two words you never say in sequence, and those words are "the" and "Jews"

- Another well-known KKK member, or potential member of Hamas, describing the hysteria that one group of people seem to instill in others

Duty of Inquiry বলেছেন...

Essentially the first amendment says, among other things, you can say what you want.

It does not say "You can say what you want without suffering consequences."
Or that I have to listen.

Differently, by all means tell me who you are, just don't expect me to forget.

n.n বলেছেন...

Internally, externally, and mutually consistent. Now, where do we start, and how do we proceed?

The Crack Emcee বলেছেন...

"I know Jewish people have been through a lot of stuff, but you can't put that on black people"

- Dave Chappelle, putting the blame on all the hypocrites, now trying to make themselves look sanctified

The Crack Emcee বলেছেন...

"it shouldn't be this scary to talk - about anything"

- Dave Chappelle

Free Manure While You Wait! বলেছেন...

"Nor does saying college students can't have an opinion, without risking their future employment. That's just in attack on free speech."

So you'd hire a college student who openly advocates for the KKK?

gilbar বলেছেন...

once you realize, that Satan is at work in the world.. It ALL makes much more sense.

people castrating their OWN children?
people reading and murdering babies?
people saying: "YOU stole their land.. so THEY have a right to rap/rob/murder"?
whenever you see someone destroying others, instead of building themselves; ask yourself: WHY?
why destroy? why Not build?
because Satan is at work in the world.. And his work is: DESTRUCTION

The Crack Emcee বলেছেন...

I've read about the crimes in 1984, but I never thought I'd see the day when conservatives thought it was great

n.n বলেছেন...

At the precipice of authority and reconciliation, shall we again choose the former? #HateLovesAbortion

Free Manure While You Wait! বলেছেন...

"What we have seen come out of the radical University left, lead by Ivory Tower professors and administrators is unqualified arrogance, leading to full blown ignorance. They don't effectively champion anybody but themselves."

This. Case in point:

The family of Robert Davis, 19, who is accused of killing local journalist Josh Kruger, said that Davis was just 15 when he and Kruger began a years-long relationship involving drugs — and that Davis told them Kruger was threatening to post sexually explicit videos of him online before, police say, Davis shot Kruger.


The Crack Emcee বলেছেন...

The Republicans just nominated Steve Scalise to the leadership position, even though he once said he's like "David Duke without the baggage." These are the same anti-racists who, now, are lecturing all of us on ethics.

The Crack Emcee বলেছেন...

Free Manure While You Wait! said...

So you'd hire a college student who openly advocates for the KKK?

I have persuaded all kinds of people to stop doing all kinds of crazy shit. And I didn't do it by threatening their livelihoods. Yeah, I don't seem too big on that idea. You just wanna kill people.

Free Manure While You Wait! বলেছেন...

"Not to mention always leaving the toilet seat up."

A true gentleman always leaves the seat up in order to signal to the ladies that he didn't pee on the seat. Ladies, you're welcome.

The Crack Emcee বলেছেন...

You guys have got a story and you're sticking with it, even though it doesn't make any sense. And anybody who says so hates the Jews, and deserves to die.

I think you guys are just setting up your next round of being hated.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves বলেছেন...

biden is proof the left will 100% excuse and deny wholesale corruption on their side.

Because hatzez Trump is the biggest religion going.

Douglas B. Levene বলেছেন...

The glamour of revolutionary violence has a long and ugly record. Why should 2023 be any different?

Richard বলেছেন...

“My first girlfriend was a Jew”

I think that explains Crack’s antipathy towards Jews. 

“And many of my past roommates have been Jews”

I am not antisemitic. Some of my best friends were Jews.

How many times are you going to post the Normal Finkelstein video? He has always been an unrelenting anti-Semite. Just because you found a video that supports your anti-Semitism does not make it a valid position on Israel. If someone were to post links to David Duke videos, would you accept that as a valid commentary on Blacks?

Your antipathy towards Jews, reminds me of the expression, no good deed goes unpunished. Jews have been in the forefront of the civil rights movement. They have been strongest supporters of the blacks. The more that they supported and continue to support equal rights for blacks, the more you hate them. You appear to have no knowledge of the history of Israel and the Arab states. During WWII, the Arabs supported Hitler’s genocide of the Jews. Do you not know that the Arab states immediately attacked Israel when it was founded in 1948, in an attempt to finish what Hitler had started - the genocide of the Jews. Do you know that from 1948 to 1967, the Arab states refused to let the Palestinians have self-determination in the West Bank and the Gaza strip. Israel only took over those territories when they once again had to fight for their lives during the 6 day war. Twice Israel offered to give the Palestinians their own state and they turned it down. Israel unilaterally pulled out of the Gaza Strip in 2005. Hamas took over that land by force from the PLO and rather than become a peaceful state, their charter called for the destruction of Israel. There have been no elections in Gaza once Hamas took over and Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas also seems to have forgotten to hold elections. The Palestinians have been their own worst enemy. If Israel were to disappear today, the Palestinians would be ruled by undemocratic regimes. Is that the freedom you want for them, or is it just the annihilation of Israel that you desire.

Lars Porsena বলেছেন...

NO,it's not a bug. It's a feature of leftism

narciso বলেছেন...

well that leaves a bit out of the story, how Mohammed crushed the last community in Arabia, called Khaybar, that was about 700 years later, after Masada and Bar Kochba, then the Crusaders came into the picture about 300 years later,

Nicholas বলেছেন...

“Nor does saying college students can't have an opinion, without risking their future employment. That's just in attack on free speech.”. Hang on a minute, i thought the Left believed that the cancellation of your Twitter account in the dark Pre-Musk period was fine, because it was a private company and your right to vent your opinions was totally unimpaired. But if a private company decides not to hire you for spouting hate filled Leftist nonsense,, that’s different it seems. Why?

iowan2 বলেছেন...

ALL of the Democrats ideas and goals for America, have or will fail

Thatcher clearly summarized the reason. "eventually you run out of others peoples money"

Go back to FDR to see the source of todays discordant society. Social Security was the first bit of feeding wild animals....they soon become dependent and unable to feed and protect themselves.

We in America intuitively knew that our golden years were dependent on our children having the tools, education, training, and acquired life, and professional skills to earn a good living, so as to support us into our dotage. Social security short circuited the natural order

Come up to present
Forcing policies that cripple the US economy It is basic anthropology, that energy creates wealth. Democrats have shut us down. Even Germany is bringing coal fired electric plants back into production.

Democrats have upped the debt horrendously. Printed money without limits, and wonder why we have $5 eggs.

Shut down oil leases and permits, and gasoline is over $5 per gallon.


Democrats are 100% of the educational direction of the Nation. Despite the fact the Constution does not allow federal money be spent on education. But since democrats control the curriculum, the people are clueless about the protections enshrined in the constitution.

ALL of the Democrat ideas are failures.

n.n বলেছেন...

Leftism has always attracted people who relish authority. Let my will be done. Results may vary.

Eva Marie বলেছেন...

Thank you Richard. Well said.

JIM বলেছেন...

"Evil people always support each other, that is their chief strength" - Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn

The Crack Emcee বলেছেন...

Blogger Richard said...

"The more that they supported and continue to support equal rights for blacks, the more you hate them."

I think it's wild how a war starts overseas and all of a sudden you guys are screaming people over here "hate" people. No. That's the simple minded framework I'm railing against. Some people do not agree with what's going on. It's as simple as that. Didn't before the war, and don't now that it's started again. And looking into the history of Israel, I'm even less inclined. It has nothing to do with people being Jews or people being Arabs or anything else. I'm an atheist. I think all of you are fucking crazy. You use religion to start shit with each other and then you demand people to pick a side. It's crazy and I won't do it.

The Crack Emcee বলেছেন...

And do you know how I know I have Jewish friends?

I can disagree with them.

Hassayamper বলেছেন...

I can't be racist, I have a lot of black friends : )

This trope has always bugged me. It became a racist stereotype back in a less integrated age, when a white man was prone to say things like this in reference to a bartender, barber, shoeshine man, or golf caddy with whom he had a pleasant but patronizing relationship, characterized by a commercial transaction at its base. The racism inherent in the saying arose from the fact that the speaker would never invite such “friends” to dinner at one’s house or to the wedding of one’s child. (I have to remind my wife from time to time that her “friend” at our local Neiman Marcus store would be quite unlikely to be so cheerful and friendly if my wife habitually came into the store in flip flops and hot pants with a maxed-out credit card.)

But if you do have friends who are of such good quality, with whom you have an intimate, voluntary, egalitarian relationship based on nothing more than shared interests and good fellowship, I think it’s quite appropriate to use it as a retort to insufferable lefties who accuse you of wanting to reinstitute slavery and all the rest of that kind of bullshit. I’ve only had one black friend like that in my life, now sadly deceased, but he was a dear friend indeed. Our families vacationed together and ate at each others’ houses. He and I, or more commonly our wives, could call at any time and ask for one of their kids to be picked up by the other family at school, taken home and supervised for an afternoon, even fed dinner and taken to school the next day if needed. This worked in both directions and we still keep in touch with those kids, who are now quite productive and worthy adult citizens. Anyone who says my differences with the far-left agenda means I want to put such people in chains (looking at you, piece of shit Joe Biden) can go straight to hell.

Mikey NTH বলেছেন...

Goldberg seems to see that in her fight against the conservative right that exists in her mind she has instead allued with monsters that will destroy her once they are done using her. She sees, but she desperately does not want to understand what she sees.

In other words - you done f'd up in your choice of allies, Michelle.

Mike Petrik বলেছেন...

What Meade said.

Mason G বলেছেন...

"ALL of the Democrat ideas are failures."

They recognize that, and claim that's why they need more money- in order to pursue their failed policies more forcefully.

Narr বলেছেন...

N.B. FWIW&FTR--I don't think Crack is an anti-Semite in any deep way. I do think he likes the contrarian position and poking the majority sensibility.

There have been plenty of good (and not so good) arguments made here about the history of the Middle East and who has the better claim and superior rights to what some call the Holy Land. There were a lot of Jews in the world--diarist Victor Klemperer comes to mind--who considered the Zionist experiment to be a mistake verging on a crime, and I know American Jews who want Israel to prosper but consider the USA their promised land.

But now it is what it is, and we are where we are.

The entire Gaza Strip is an urban fortress complex now, and when the Israelis go in (it's Friday there now) they will be opposed not just by the scum who butchered peaceful people but many other young men and women who may not have had the stomach to commit atrocities but will certainly defend their turf.

The Crack Emcee বলেছেন...

Dogma and Pony Show said...

Crack Emcee, let me see if I understand you:

"Hamas launches an unprovoked invasion of a sovereign nation, terrorizing peaceful, unarmed civilians with rape and slaughter."

Wait. See, this is what I'm talking about: say the whole thing. This is the latest act in a war that has been going on my entire life. This attack did not come out of the blue. It is just one more stage. That people were at a RAVE in the middle of a war zone shows the stupidity that we're dealing with.

"American student "X" publicly applauds Hamas' actions."

As is their right as an American.

"Applauding Hamas' actions causes "X" to lose an employment opportunity."

When America specifically says politics is NOT supposed to be a basis for employment.

"The injustice Crack Emcee protests -- the injustice that is "cruel as fuck" -- is the loss of the employment opportunity?"

No, is the loss of American values just because you guys saw a news report.

William বলেছেন...

I read her, Friedman, Kristof. These NYT columnists are all agreed that the big challenge facing Israel right now is to not inflict civilian casualties on Gaza. They want Israel to be smart and not angry in its response. They think Israel should learn from our experience in Iraq and Afghanistan. I don't know. Maybe Hamas and the people of Gaza should learn from the experience of Saddam and the people of Iraq.....I've got a pretty long fuse, but if someone raped my wife, killed my children, and incinerated my mother, I think I'd be more inclined to anger than thoughtful deliberation.....The left owes a huge debt to Adolf Hitler and the Nazi Party. Not only were they white but many of them were bourgeois. While its true that the Nazis were sort of leftish in their politics, you can also highlight some of their more conservative views and pretend that they're just like Republicans. It's kind of hard to portray these Hamas terrorists as just like 1/6 crowd. The Hamas people are hard to like, even for NYT columnists. Maybe if they wore red berets and started talking in Marxist boilerplate instead of Koranic platitudes, the NYT columnists could reach out to them and take up their cause.

William বলেছেন...

I read her, Friedman, Kristof. These NYT columnists are all agreed that the big challenge facing Israel right now is to not inflict civilian casualties on Gaza. They want Israel to be smart and not angry in its response. They think Israel should learn from our experience in Iraq and Afghanistan. I don't know. Maybe Hamas and the people of Gaza should learn from the experience of Saddam and the people of Iraq.....I've got a pretty long fuse, but if someone raped my wife, killed my children, and incinerated my mother, I think I'd be more inclined to anger than thoughtful deliberation.....The left owes a huge debt to Adolf Hitler and the Nazi Party. Not only were they white but many of them were bourgeois. While its true that the Nazis were sort of leftish in their politics, you can also highlight some of their more conservative views and pretend that they're just like Republicans. It's kind of hard to portray these Hamas terrorists as just like 1/6 crowd. The Hamas people are hard to like, even for NYT columnists. Maybe if they wore red berets and started talking in Marxist boilerplate instead of Koranic platitudes, the NYT columnists could reach out to them and take up their cause.

The Crack Emcee বলেছেন...

JIM said...

"Evil people always support each other, that is their chief strength" - Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn

That's a scary thing to read as people are running around telling other people what they can and can't say.

Rabel বলেছেন...


I don't want to start a fight, but please do yourself a favor and look up what "proficient" means in the context of student assessments.

The Vault Dweller বলেছেন...

So I tried looking at what younger folks were thinking about the current Israel-Palestine situation, by younger I mean in their 30's and below. The ones on the right were what you expect, "This was a horrible, brutal terrorist attack," "Nothing justifies kidnapping and murdering hundreds of innocent civilians like that," "Israel doesn't just have the right, but the duty to defend itself," etc.

The left seemed split in two groups: one, those who were either all out justifying the attacks, or those who were saying something like yeah this is bad but the real issue is what the Palestinians have been experiencing, and two, those who clearly saw the attack as evil and were shocked at those on the left trying to justify or ignore the violence. The language used by group one wasn't full on Nazi or Hamas tier anti-Semitism, but rather the language of colonization, oppression, and resistance. Now I'm sure there are folks among them masking their actual motivations but many of the young folks view it as some aspect of colonialism. I think Black Lives Matter Chicago put out a tweet very soon after the attack that celebrated the attack showing a cartoon of a paragliding Hamas member with the caption "I stand with Palestine". To these people Israel is just another group of white people colonizing and oppressing people of color. The identity of Israel as the Jewish state only matters to them as that is the mechanism they believe the colonizers are using to oppress the people of color. Now I doubt any of these people are going to actually do anything to bring about a "Free Palestine". But I suspect they want society to perceive that there is a rule of morality that any group of people that they deem oppressed or colonized can undo that condition by any means necessary.

Free Manure While You Wait! বলেছেন...

You didn't answer my question.Try again.

Krumhorn বলেছেন...

The natural extension of RideSpaceMountain’s excellent comments is what we have seen here. Everyone who has found themselves in the shitter on this were spring-loaded to virtue signal on the next BIG THING. It was an automatic bug-eyed leftie dick move…before the actual unassailable horror details became public. Raped women herded through the streets with blood pooling in the seat of their pants along with pozzed Islamic jizz loads, then children taken as hostages….and now the beheaded babies.

Oh crap!

Doxxing trucks are cruising through Harvard Square. Prestigious job offers withdrawn. Billionaires won’t hire you. Obloquy and vilification abound. And now Michelle Goldberg is discharging you from the great leftie tent.

- Krumhorn

holdfast বলেছেন...

Crack Emcee is a sucka MC who allows leftist MSM and other simps to define his view of Israel.

How boring. Pedestrian even. Try being a little independent.

Big Mike বলেছেন...
এই মন্তব্যটি লেখক দ্বারা সরানো হয়েছে।
Big Mike বলেছেন...

rcocean said...
Reading Goldberg, i wondered if the USA had suffered a massive terrorist attack on a Jewish synagogue. So, I read through the news.

Nope. Nothing in the USA.

How’d you miss the Tree of Life synagogue shooting in November 2018? Are 11 dead Jews, a couple of them Holocaust survivors, plus six more wounded, not enough for you to call it “massive”?

Big Mike বলেছেন...

I see that Crack is having difficulty differentiating between the legal right to speak one’s mind with freedom from the consequences of speaking one’s mind. You have a legal right to walk into a biker bar and yell out that “Harley riders are pansies!” But there might be consequences.

In the case of the young woman over whom Crack is shedding tears, she has a legal right to have written what she wrote, and if she had been planning to go to work for a left-leaning nonprofit, then probably no consequences. But she was going to work for a white shoes law firm specializing in corporate law. Would her outspoken, poorly thought through, printed remarks potentially cost the firm business? Law firms do not bring associates on board to cost them business.

Jamie বলেছেন...

No, is the loss of American values just because you guys saw a news report.

Are we still on the withdrawal of job offers? Because that's not the "loss of American values." Speech should be free but can't be consequence-free.

How does that fit in with not shouting down speakers? Well, as I see it, you have to allow the speech in order to allow the consequences to be felt. So - don't prevent the speaker from speaking; it's the best way to know what and who she is. If you object to what she says or what and who she is, protest after the speech, when everyone now knows what you know.

In this case, these students spoke - loud and clear. Their youth and inexperience is baked into the cake; their potential employers knew they were getting young, green employees. What their potential employers didn't know, but now do know, is how these "kids" (and as someone near your age, Crack, I do call them "kids" most of the time) feel about a barbarous attack and what they consider to be an acceptable response to it, both on their own part and on the part of the victims. This realization now informs the potential employers' wish to hire those kids.

The speech version of FAFO, I suppose.

The Crack Emcee বলেছেন...

holdfast said...

"Try being a little independent."

How much more independent do you want me to be? You side with Israel, obviously with no caveats. The government sides with Israel, obviously with no caveats. Most of the world sides with Israel, obviously with no caveats - but you don't think I'm independent enough?

iowan2 বলেছেন...

I don't want to start a fight, but please do yourself a favor and look up what "proficient" means in the context of student assessments.

Leftist are forced into pedantry to defend the collapse of education. BFD!

How about 40% of Baltimore Schools FAILED to create a single proficient student.

That makes the illiterate unemployable student 'feel' a lot better. Just like the participation trophy the same student got playing soccer.

YOU are the problem. Explaining away the collapse of educating our young to do the simple act of reading.

YOU do a swing by, telling the children its OK. you can read....just no at a proficient level....Thanks! all the illiterates thank you for fixing the problem

Old and slow বলেছেন...

Get back on your meds Crack. You are ruining the comments section. You aren't brilliant, or uniquely insightful. You are just full of yourself. I enjoy your comments in moderation, but when you decide to overwhelm the entire site to put us all right, it gets very tedious and your limitations become all too apparent.

Scott M বলেছেন...

it gets very tedious and your limitations become all too apparent I, for one, miss the days of yor when his "She'll run and she'll win in a landslide" Hillary predictions echoed across the comments section, day in, day out.

Mind your own business বলেছেন...

The Crack Emcee strikes me as the sort of person who felt that the Nuremberg trials were unwarranted retaliation.

Blogger Pro বলেছেন...

why does the left start acting like dictators once they are in power?