October 12, 2023

"The humanitarian crisis was spiraling in the Gaza Strip as its sole power plant ran out of fuel and shut down on Wednesday..."

"... leaving already overwhelmed hospitals dependent on generators with a dwindling supply of a few days’ fuel. Nearly 340,000 people have been displaced by the conflict, according to the United Nations. The brutality and devastation of the Hamas attack was coming into clearer view...."


The Crack Emcee said...

Gaza is mostly women and children. Who had nothing to do with what was going on in Israel. Would you guys keep on crying about beheading babies as a city of innocents suffers.

RideSpaceMountain said...

Complex systems in terrorist-controlled territories will not survive the competency crisis.

Dave Begley said...

A siege is a great idea. Starve them out.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Perhaps don't elect Hamas (Nazis) as your leaders.

America's leftist Democrat media complex - they quickly skip past the deaths of innocent civilians at the hands of Nazis - to focus on their favorite victim.

JK Brown said...

Pro tip: Don't start a war with the people who supply your water and electricity, and control your fuel via blockade.

Hamas is not a terror organization using facilities in a country such as al Qaeda was in Afghanistan and Iraq, they are the government of Gaza.

If Democrats launched terror attacks on Canada would anyone differentiated them from the US given Democrats control the White House and the Senate and a large portion of the government workers are also devoted Democrats?

Larry J said...

You know, attacking the country that provides your energy, food, and water might not be such a good idea.

Roger Sweeny said...

Gee, maybe Iran or some of the Arab countries should take the Gazans as refugees. Gaza has no natural resources or harbors and a brutal desert climate. There were very few inhabitants before refugees from the creation of Israel, who were then kept there by deliberate policy of the UN and Islamic countries which refused to take them in.

Enigma said...

This castle siege may cause many more deaths than the combat has so far. Lack of food and water leads to ill health and disease --> indirect deaths. Lack of water rapidly causes death and limits sanitation (e.g., wound treatment). Lack of food won't really bite for 30 days and may be mitigated by active farming. Still, with Hamas likely hoarding all the food we'd likely see Nazi-style living skeletons in Gaza before long.

I don't think this blockade can survive external political pressure for more than a week or two.

hawkeyedjb said...

This is pretty much what Hamas has been hoping for. The residents of Gaza are only cannon fodder, and the list of people who care about their fate does not include anyone in Hamas, Hezbollah, or Iranian leadership. Most Gazans probably support Hamas in their dreams of a Judenrein "Palestine," and they are learning that killing Jews is not a cost-free activity.

Sebastian said...

Solution: evacuate.

technochitlin said...

When you discover a cancer, you cut it out. Is this traumatic for the cancer? Yes it is. You still cut it out, and dispose of it.

MikeR said...

"340,000 people have been displaced by the conflict" Really. I have been hearing from all the usual idiots that they cannot leave and have nowhere to go.

rhhardin said...

Richard Epstein threads the needle, how to wipe out Hamas while remaining Jews.

There's a beach, all women and children go there and somebody will transport you to safety. Everybody left is a target.

Hamas might not allow it, but then it's on them.

His theory is that Hamas was relying on a domino theory. Once they act, other anti-Israel forces around the world will join in. Hamas know it can't defeat Israel or hold land by itself.

Wilbur said...

I'm sure their Arab brethren in the region will step in and invite those displaced from their homes to live in their country, just as they have for the last 75 years.
Oh, wait ...

These people voted for Hamas as their governing reps in an election. As Barack Hussein Obama said, elections have consequences.

Amadeus 48 said...

I suggest that Hamas give up its hostages in order to get things back on track.

planetgeo said...

Up until now the Israelis have clearly been "the victim". And all the evidence of the attack has clearly shown the barbarism of the attackers.

With the siege and the imminent pulverizing counter-attack, the script and the roles are about to switch. And that change in perception may well have been the strategic intent of the attackers and the level of barbarism used. This is grandmaster level media and psychological warfare. Some initial pawn moves have already been made, with terms like "proportionate", and "rules of war" tossed out there in advance of the Israeli response.

My guess is that Iran's end game here is to bait the Israelis into a mass-casualty and mass-displacement of civilians response to justify a downstream "final (nuke) solution".

Humperdink said...

Why would you invade a country that is your primary source for your food, water, and electric power? One would think that is stupid to the nth degree. But alas, starving Palestinian children on video is a propaganda victory.

Xmas said...

$1000 per rocket times 5,300 rockets certainly would have bought that hospital a reliable backup generator with weeks worth of fuel.

Dude1394 said...

And the minute an ambulance tried to help, they were attacked. Sometimes you just have to let a forest fire burn out.

BUMBLE BEE said...

FAFO. Anyone surprised?

BUMBLE BEE said...

Hamas factored it in the price.

Ironclad said...

Awww. Poor babies there. I’m certain that in good Middle Eastern cultural norms the “fighters” will take all the food and leave the rest to starve. Let’s face it - the ONLY way out of this mess for Hamas is to make the children starve for TV to get the Israelis off their backs. It’s all they have got now as a weapon.

Rusty said...

For some reason I am not outraged.

Browndog said...

Bulldoze Gaza into the sea.

This is a comment I read some 20 years ago, and it still holds up.

rcocean said...

Well, those A-rab children deserve to die. yee-haw, we stand by Israel. How dare anyone attack them and kill Jewish kids. We'll show them thar towel-heads whose boss. Lets kill em all and let god sort em out. Its what jesus would do.

Too bad Chris Hitchens is dead. He'd be smirking and drunkenly demanding we drop an A-bomb on Gaza.

With Miss lindsey applauding.

MikeD said...

There are no innocents in Gaza. They elected and have continued to support Hamas. When I see mothers bringing their children to help celebrate the mutilated bodies of Israeli women and children I can't help but hope there'll be a permanent end to this pestilence.

rcocean said...

The weak kneed response of the so-called Christian Protestant Churches to the escalation and retaliation by Israel reminds me the Iraq war. McNeil Leher had 3 religious leaders on to discuss whether attacking Iraq was moral.

The Catholic priest was first, and he talked about just war doctrine, and doubted under that doctrine that an attack was morally justified.

The Rabbi then spoke, and said the opposite. According to the Talumd you don't have to wait for a declared assassin to make the first move, you can attack him first.

Finally, the Southern Bapist piped up and said, "I agree with the Rabbi".

LOL. Yeah, thanks for CHRISTIAN POV there paster. And that's what the Protestant churches are always like. They follow the powerful, and never let Jesus get in the way of a good ol'fashioned war.

cfs said...

What response did Hamas think they would get in return for the atrocities committed over the weekend? Did those women who were cheering in the street after their men slaughtered women and children in Israel think that Israel's response would be to deliver pizza to assist them in their celebrations or to help relieve THEIR suffering. Did they not realize who provided and maintained their water sources and infrastructure? Hamas has controlled Gaza since what? 2007? They insist they are oppressed by Israel, their enemy, yet they have done nothing to improve the area and depend upon Israel for all their resources. Resources which they often attack and destroy much as they did the greenhouses built and left there by Israel.

JAORE said...

Hundreds of millions in foreign aid. Hey, let's build rockets instead of desalination plants, or energy supplies, or pay for families of those who died n terrorist attacks...

Build back better means tunnels into Israel, not greenhouses or any of a thousand other ways to help the people of Gaza.

Hey, they are loading rockets next door to our elementary school. Hamas tells us to stay put. Is that a good idea? ... Oh well, that's the elected officials we put in charge.

Israel warns civilians to leave. Gaza shares a border with Egypt. OH, Egypt [or Jordan or Lebanon] doesn't want them? Damn that Israel. Besides, the celebration of dead babies, children, women and the aged is scheduled. Don't want to miss out on the sweets to be handed out.

jim said...

War is a very bad thing.

You should not start wars.

rcocean said...

"There are no innocents in Gaza. They elected and have continued to support Hamas."

Hamas has the same attitude. They say there are no innocents in Israel because they continue to support the Israeli strikes and attacks on Gaza and occupation of the west bank. So, their terror was justified.

The cycle of violence continues.

And so it goes...

Joe Smith said...

Where does this fit on the 'Fuck Around and Find Out' graph?

Joe Smith said...

'Gaza is mostly women and children. Who had nothing to do with what was going on in Israel. Would you guys keep on crying about beheading babies as a city of innocents suffers.'

So no harm, no foul.

Kind of like the Babylon Bee headline, "Emperor Hirohito Calls For Ceasefire After Bombing Of Pearl Harbor"

robother said...

Hamas leader Baraka: "The Israelis are known to love life. We, on the other hand, sacrifice ourselves. We consider our dead to be martyrs. The thing any Palestinian desires the most is to be martyred for the sake of Allah, defending his land.”

Sounds like he's offering the Israelis the outline of a win-win deal. Both sides can get what they want!

Jim Gust said...

Before this is over there will be 2.5 million displaced Gazans. All Palestinians will be relocated or in their graves.

Hamas has shown all thinking people that there is no other resolution possible. I have zero sympathy for "suffering Palestinians," just as I have zero sympathy for the Germans who supported the Nazis during WWIi. Those Germans civilians suffered mightily, through death, privation, starvation, and relocation.

They deserved it.

Václav Patrik Šulik said...

Hamas hates the average Jordanian (now known as "Palestinian") as much as it hates the Jews.

Owen said...

rhhardin @ 8:42: Admirable summary of Epstein's main points on Gaza. He said other good stuff on the state of university campuses --an essential biomatrix for much of the pathological "thinking" we see. People: do check it out at "Ricochet."

n.n said...

So, they went Green with intermittent energy produced by gray technology sourced from an ecological morass and environmental blight?

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Damn it! I made the mistake* of reading Crack and rcocean, in that order:

Gaza is mostly women and children. Who had nothing to do with what was going on in Israel

You just don't know much about this subject at all, do you?

The cycle of violence continues.

Answer me this: Was there generally peace in both Gaza and Israel on Friday October 6, before the Hamas attack or not? Now explain why that was.

*General disclaimer: I may miss your response if I call you out here, but others will be enriched by a thoughtful response from you. As a rule I try to skip over Rich, Crack, Chuck (the capitalized version) and now rcocean. Sometimes I fuck up and read your dreck. The exception proves the rule. Life's too short to read so many bad takes.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Sounds like a lot of people here think we overstepped polite boundaries when we fire-bombed Dresden and nuked Japan twice. However, even the Japanese don't agree with you assholes.

Oligonicella said...

rcocean said...

LOL. Yeah, thanks for CHRISTIAN POV there paster. And that's what the Protestant churches are always like. They follow the powerful, and never let Jesus get in the way of a good ol'fashioned war.

Unless one is the son of God and on a mission, equating one's righteousness with his behavior is vainglory seeking. As I recall, he whipped the shit out of a few people.

The Crack Emcee said...

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

"You just don't know much about this subject at all, do you?"

Just what the Jews are telling me online.

Jupiter said...

There's a "humanitarian crisis" in Gaza? Does it have anything to do with the kidnapped women who are being raped and tortured in Hamas' underground prisons? Or no?

Jupiter said...

"Sounds like a lot of people here think we overstepped polite boundaries when we fire-bombed Dresden and nuked Japan twice."

Fire-bombing Dresden was most assuredly a war crime. It wasn't "impolite", it was wanton, pointless, malicious slaughter of civilians, with no military justification whatsoever. Nuking two Japanese cities wasn't exactly anything to be proud of, either, but at least it arguably shortened the war.

Josephbleau said...

The thrillers write themselves now.

2009, Evil Twin Obama begins a deal with Iran to give them money to not build a bomb, he knows they will cheat. Iran quickly gets bomb as expected.

2022, Beiden admin undermines Netanyahu making hamas think he is weak.

2023, Beiden admin pays 6 billion to Iran for hostages, hamas wants to create a hostage franchise of their own.

Last week, hamas outperforms and kills too many, takes too many hostages, faces backlash.

Next week, Iran goes nuts, wants to go see the 12th imam, pops nukes on Israel.

Israel sends nukes to Iran, both countries destroyed, Evil Twin Obama Laughs,

rcocean said...

"Answer me this: Was there generally peace in both Gaza and Israel on Friday October 6, before the Hamas attack or not? Now explain why that was."

Oh so I write "There's a cycle of violence" and you seem to think there was "generally peace" before oct 6th in Israel and Gaza.

Dude, have you been following the Israeli conflict with the Palastinians and their neighbors? Or have you not had access to the news reports and history books? This cycle of violence has been going on since 1948.

Its no coinicdence the attack happened on the anniversery of the Yom Kipper war of 1973. But that's 'muricans for you. They have the memory of a flea. The news can report this or that suicide bomber, Israeli airstrike, IDF shooting of a civilian, clashes over the west bank, crazy jews attacking muslims in the west bank, muslims retaliating, etc. etc. etc.
and it just goes in one ear and out the other. Palasteinian activists have described Gaza as Dachau without the barbed wire.

Yeah, it was all peaceful. And then hamas FOR NO REASON, attacked. LOL. This is another violent tit for tat in cycle of violence that's been going on for 75 years. And no I'm not going to give you "links" and "Sources" - go read it yourself.

rcocean said...

Unless one is the son of God and on a mission, equating one's righteousness with his behavior is vainglory seeking. As I recall, he whipped the shit out of a few people.

Yeah sure. We Godly Christians stand with Israel and their massive bloody retaliation. After all, isn't an eye for eye and tooth for tooth what Jesus preached?

Free Manure While You Wait! said...

"Amadeus 48 said...
I suggest that Hamas give up its hostages in order to get things back on track."

Ding! Ding! Ding! Ding! Ding!

Free Manure While You Wait! said...

"Unless one is the son of God and on a mission, equating one's righteousness with his behavior is vainglory seeking. As I recall, he whipped the shit out of a few people."

Yup. And his disciples carried swords. One of them (Peter?) drew his and cut off a dude's ear.

Leland said...

Where does this fit on the 'Fuck Around and Find Out' graph?

Well passed "fuck around" and just starting to "find out", with a long trip further ahead.

Spiros Pappas said...

The world has sent tens of billions of dollars in aid to the Palestinians. Why don't these people have their own water and electricity?

effinayright said...

The Crack Emcee said...
Gaza is mostly women and children. Who had nothing to do with what was going on in Israel. Would you guys keep on crying about beheading babies as a city of innocents suffers.
Crack, you gotta better idea as to how Israel can deal with this, one meeting your prissy approval standards?

No? Then STFU.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Dude, have you been following the Israeli conflict with the Palastinians and their neighbors?

Yes. Did you miss Israel giving the territory over 100% to them in 2005? One side wishes to be left alone and live in peace and one side rejects a two-state solution and keeps launching Intifadas after which they cry and the Left cries with them. Many have pointed out that these displaced Jordanians had many opportunities to stay and live in peace, or they could have won any number of the wars their fellow coreligionists launched against Israel. But they didn't. They fled abandoning their homesteads. Israel has existed for millennia. Their conflict with the Philistines (from which Palestine draws it's romanized name) has been going on for even longer.

But let's cut to the heart of it all. "Palestine" is not now nor has it ever been a country, a political (as in having fixed borders) entity. Ditto Gaza. Ditto the West Bank. They are more akin to homeless camps because like our homeless that is what they choose. It's a lawless land that defies the laws of the civilized world and by committing war crimes has forfeited its right to exist. There is no "genocide" of Palestinians. Their population has literally grown at the same rate as Israel since 1960. They have self-rule, but that's not good enough for you Jew haters.

How many wars to exterminate Jews do the Israelis have to suffer before they are allowed to fight? If you want to free Palestine, free them from Hamas and Isis. Then we can talk about the survivors. But be warned. We are ALL on Islam's list. The Jews are simply the top name. Right under that is any non-believer in Islam. Under that is any believer insufficiently suffused with the right kind of Islam.

Now I can go back to skipping over your BS. Fuck off.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Answer: Yes there was general although uneasy PEACE in the Middle East last week. Jake Sullivan even bragged about it.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

"75 years"? LOL. Dude your reading list needs to go a little farther back.

mikeski said...

Gee, maybe Iran or some of the Arab countries should take the Gazans as refugees.

Well, the Rafah crossing into Eqypt is right there on the other end of Gaza. Eqypt could open that up.


Clyde said...

As far as the humanitarian crisis for the Gazans goes, it’s just getting started. These are the good old days for them. They haven’t seen anything yet.

Buckwheathikes said...

Don't they have to be human for it to be a humanitarian crisis?

Are baby-killing terrorists really humans?

This isn't a humanitarian crisis. It's a terrorist crisis.

But it's good to get confirmation that the New York Times and Washington Post are on the side of the terrorist organization and its main funder - Joe Biden.

GatorNavy said...

Several commentators had used the starting point of 1948. This is incorrect, the hatred in the Mid East amongst Arabs started upon the ascendancy of the Turks and the decline of the Sultan. Also, there is a reason the Palestinian Arab was semi-nomadic as most of the other tribes, such as the Saudi’s, actively loathed and occasionally slaughtered the Palestinian Arabs. In Arab dominated lands, phrase Faulkner wrote,”the past is never dead. It’s not even past”, fits perfectly. The Zionist movement started buying land in what is now known as Israel, I believe as per my reading, in 1899. The Jews then were relatively unmolested, then came WW1, then the Brits, French and tentatively, the Americans. In the twenties and thirties the Jews waxed and the Palestinians waned. Even after WWII, the Palestinians never regained any prominence and were treated as a very poor relative by their fellow Arabs. The current crisis is nothing new, the media is useless as ever, the best and brightest are useless, and this thread of Israelis versus Palestinians missed the bigger questions. One, when will the Israeli’s stop beating the Palestinians and second, other than the Saudi’s, who are the’winners’? Would it be Iran?, Isis?, Al-queda? Your guess would be as good as anyone’s.

Maynard said...

Hamas/Iran is not playing to the American/Western audience.

They are playing to the Arab world. They expected that Israel would level Gaza. They worry that oil riches have made other Arabs lazy. They are trying to motivate them back to eternal jihad.

They also want to win the power struggle with Saudi Arabia for influence in the Arab world.

If that takes the deaths of 1 million Palestinians, well you have to break a few eggs to make an omelet.

Jim at said...

Gaza is mostly women and children. Who had nothing to do with what was going on in Israel. Would you guys keep on crying about beheading babies as a city of innocents suffers.

You've been pushing this same, bullshit point for days now. STFU, already.

Narayanan said...

A siege is a great idea. Starve them out.
is there an 'out' that applies to Gazans

MadTownGuy said...

Some colonizing going on there.

James K said...

The Zionist movement started buying land in what is now known as Israel, I believe as per my reading, in 1899. The Jews then were relatively unmolested, then came WW1, then the Brits, French and tentatively, the Americans. In the twenties and thirties the Jews waxed and the Palestinians waned.

Actually 1882, though Jews had been emigrating to Israel on and off for centuries. And yes, they bought the land from (mostly absentee) Arab landowners.

Also, there were Arab pogroms against the Jews between the wars, notably 1929 in Hebron, were dozens of Jews were slaughtered, almost 20 years before the state of Israel existed.

BUMBLE BEE said...

In the mid eighties I worked with woman who was bombed out in Dresden as a child.
Go ahead and think it did not affect the populace's morale.
Be wrong and think yourself correct. It is habit forming.

Leora said...

Have they tried releasing the hostages?

Drago said...

GatorNavy: "The Zionist movement started buying land in what is now known as Israel, I believe as per my reading, in 1899. The Jews then were relatively unmolested, then came WW1, then the Brits, French and tentatively, the Americans. In the twenties and thirties the Jews waxed and the Palestinians waned."

It was during that period that the Arabs began directly witnessing what the Jews could create out of desert and the resentment and jealousy and inevitable bloodlust against the Jews began to grow rapidly.

It was no accident the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem was such an ally of Hitler and wanted to provide Arabs to the Germans to help kill Jews.

It should also never be forgotten that as 700,000+ Arabs fled Israel after the '48 war (because they believed the propaganda), over 800,000+ Jews were attacked and driven out of Arab nations in retaliation....at the same time as the Arab nations shoved the Arabs from Israel into camps and never allowed them to become citizens.

JIM said...

The people taken hostage by the Hamas terrorists are suffering unbelievable atrocities. Worse than death.

Sheridan said...

Send SEAL Team Six to Qatar to say howdy to the leaders of Hamas. Include Inbal Lieberman on the team.

Amadeus 48 said...

Will Biden go to Palestine? He won't even go to East Palestine.

typingtalker said...

"The humanitarian crisis was spiraling in the Gaza Strip as its sole power plant ran out of fuel and shut down on Wednesday ... "

Wait a few years ... "The humanitarian crisis was spiraling in Manhattan as the wind died down and the sun set and the subway trains stopped on their tracks ... "

Free the Carbon!

alanc709 said...

What fool expects his sworn enemy to nurse him? Feed him? Why are all the leftists crying about babies dying in Gaza. Consider it mass abortion. Women are dying in Gaza? What's a woman?

Duke Dan said...

Make the rubble bounce. And then do it again to be sure.

The Crack Emcee said...

rcocean said...

"Too bad Chris Hitchens is dead."

You don't know how often I think those very words. Probably every day. Most of these fuckers couldn't debate him and wouldn't want to try. But now that he's dead, all the idiots get to rule the roost.

The Crack Emcee said...

Jim at said...

"You've been pushing this same, bullshit point for days now. STFU, already."

What are you gonna do? Chop my head off? Go kill a baby as revenge?

The Crack Emcee said...

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

"Sounds like a lot of people here think we overstepped polite boundaries when we fire-bombed Dresden and nuked Japan twice. However, even the Japanese don't agree with you assholes."

This wouldn't be so bad if you guys didn't (intentionally?) misread everything I say. Israelis can do what they want, just as I think the Palestinians can do what they want, but if you don't think I noticed that Israel is right in the middle of a bad neighborhood - and that's the Jew's own fault - then you're the one full of shit.

effinayright said...

Jim at said...
Gaza is mostly women and children. Who had nothing to do with what was going on in Israel. Would you guys keep on crying about beheading babies as a city of innocents suffers.

You've been pushing this same, bullshit point for days now. STFU, already.

REading the sudden flurry of Crack's posts the last week or two, I've concluded he is bipolar and in his manic phase.

The Crack Emcee said...

Blacks and Indians, her,e are getting a good lesson and how white people think about what to do when people don't like you very much.

The Crack Emcee said...

The people of Gaza are going to be the Native Americans of Israel

pacwest said...

Would you guys keep on crying about beheading babies as a city of innocents suffers.

Although I find the current situation abhorrent it was probably always going to come to this. Your portrait of a "city of innocents" is widely off the mark. Palestanian youth are taught from the cradle that Israel should be wiped off the map and Jews should be killed. I don't know the exact percentage of Palestinians who endrose this, but I do know it is high. Sad, yes. But intractable.

One of my kids had a high school friend who was raised in Palestine. Great kid, level headed, just the type of kid you want your own kids hanging around with, and we spent quite a bit of time with him. Got along great until one time I had a one on one with him about Palestine and how it was growing up there. He stridently told me how unpleasant it was living under Israel's thumb and how the only solution was the elimination of Israel. I commented that the Jews weren't going away and there had to be a way to coexist with them if life in Palestine was going to get better. He clammed up, asked for a ride home, and we never saw him again. Still, great kid,
I wish I hadn't of brought up the topic.

It's a problem without a peaceful solution.

The US is committed to keeping a refugee corridor open. For what? No one wants Palestinian refugees. They've got no where to go.

I think the Abraham Accords and the $2b Kushner deal with the Saudis (which our ill informed lefties try to use as a bludgeon against Trump) play a much larger role here than most people realize. The adverse effect on Israel of what they are about to do will be mitigated somewhat by them.

Joe Bar said...

Have you read CdrSalamander's breif? It's not going to be pretty.

Political Junkie said...

Oh well.

GatorNavy said...

Thank you Drago for reminding me of that villain. I shall reread Professor Lewis’s monograph on him

Rusty said...

Turns out Dresden was a legitimate target.
"Dresden, therefore, became a target in early 1945. Allied intelligence revealed that, far from being an inoffensive center of culture, Dresden and the surrounding area was home to 127 factories that manufactured everything from rifles and machine guns to artillery pieces, aircraft components, precision optical devices, and poison gas (the latter manufactured by Chemische Fabrik Goye, GmbH).

Dresden was also a key rail hub, with lines running to Berlin, Prague, Vienna, Munich, Breslau, Leipzig, and Hamburg. The Wehrmacht’s headquarters had also been relocated from Berlin to the Taschenbergpalais in Dresden, and there were at least one ammunition depot and several military hospitals.

The Joint Chiefs of Staff of both the United States and Britain had earlier in the war authorized the aerial attacks on German cities to accomplish “the progressive destruction and dislocation of the German military, industrial, and economic system, and the undermining of the morale of the German people to a point where their capacity for armed resistance is fatally weakened.”

Colonel Harold E. Cook, an American prisoner of the Germans in Dresden, stated after the war, “I saw with my own eyes that Dresden was an armed camp: thousands of German troops, tanks, and artillery, and miles of freight cars loaded with supplies supporting and transporting German logistics toward the east to meet the Russians.”"

Mikey NTH said...

There was a heck of a humanitarian crisis in Tokyo in late March 1945 also. Innocents were incinerated, the survivors suffered grievously. War is hell, and the blame lands on those who launched this round of war.

Looking at you, Hamas.

Mike of Snoqualmie said...

Tough tiddlywinks. The Gazans should have considered what Israel would do to them in response to their barbarism.

Crucify Hamas. Raze Gaza.

Mike of Snoqualmie said...

Source: Speech to the Mayor and Councilmen of Atlanta (1864)

Speaker: William Tecumseh Sherman

War is cruelty. There is no use trying to reform it. The crueler it is, the sooner it will be over.


Gaza asked for it. They're going to get it good and hard.

Mike of Snoqualmie said...

Israel's goal must be to break the Gazan's will to obliterate the Jewish state. Only then can they have peace with Gaza.

The Crack Emcee said...

Mike of Snoqualmie said...

"Israel's goal must be to break the Gazan's will"

It's only been 75 years. Good luck with that.

Old and slow said...

"The Crack Emcee said...

The people of Gaza are going to be the Native Americans of Israel"

Fair enough. There certainly are parallels to be found in their behavior. That would benefit everyone. Though I would point out that the Jews have as much history in the area as the Arabs do, not that that really matters. Humans move around, and the weaker ones are often displaced.

NotWhoIUsedtoBe said...

Israel is going to take some territory, throw all Palestinians out of it, and keep it. They don't want more Palestinians to be responsible for, and land is what Hamas is mad about.

Fine, if they attack Israel, they lose more land. It's more humane than bombing civilians, and has a direct, clear result. Hamas can't hold territory if Israel wants to take it. The people who live there lose everything, but that's not Israel's problem anymore. They can use the territory as a buffer. The bonus is to show that Hamas can't stop Israel from doing it.

Israel can't police two million Palestinians, but they can take land from them. And... most of the world isn't going to care. I certainly don't, and I was all for a Palestinian state 25 years ago. Now, I don't care. If there was ever a people bent on self-destruction, it's the Palestinians.

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