October 22, 2023

"The ability to spot danger in advance and prepare for it is the test of a body’s functioning."

"The Jewish nation has never excelled at foreseeing danger. We were surprised again and again—and the last time was the most awful one. That won’t happen under my leadership. This is what the state of Israel expects from me, and this is what I’ll do."

Netanyahu once said, quoted by Yair Rosenberg in "The End of Netanyahu/He sold Israelis a story about their safety. It turned out not to be true" (The Atlantic).
Israelis do not forgive failures to secure their safety. Golda Meir left politics after the debacle of the 1973 Yom Kippur War, in which Israel lost nearly 3,000 soldiers following a surprise Egyptian and Syrian attack. Her name is reviled by some in the country to this day. But what happened on October 7, 2023, was worse than what happened on October 6, 1973. Meir lost soldiers—people who had purposely put their lives on the line. Netanyahu lost civilians—the people the state and its soldiers were supposed to protect....  In the end, the man known as “Mr. Security” failed by his own standard, and he failed to fulfill the fundamental expectation of his fellow citizens.....


narciso said...


The Crack Emcee said...

Bibi is now pronounced "bye-bye"

hawkeyedjb said...

As Golda (supposedly) said: All political careers end in failure.

rhhardin said...

The 1973 war was trying to defeat Israel, the Hamas attack was trying to provoke Israel. Provoking is easier and not a threat in itself.

Dave Begley said...

Yes, after the war Bibi is out. And Biden should be out for his multiple failures and the fact that he’s been bribed. But because of Dem vote stealing and party loyalty, Biden might stay in office.

I’ll add that the generals and intelligence people will be fired too. Has anyone at the CIA been fired for all of its mistakes? Pompeo privately said he should have cleaned out the top rung at the CIA. This according to Bobby Kennedy at a campaign event in Iowa.

Larry J said...

I wonder how much of the failure to detect the attack in advance can be because in Israel, as in the US, much of the Intelligence Community was more active in politics than in doing their jobs.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

This is a difficult question that unfortunately leads back to our own policies. The last two Democrat presidents have openly and actively opposed Netanyahu, financing his opponents, running advertising campaigns smearing him. The Mossad as well was working to undermine the judicial reforms proposed by Netanyahu helping to block him from forming a coalition government. The Israeli government was as leaderless as our House of Representatives on October 7. Mossad should have seen it coming, like our vaunted intelligence agencies should have, like the same lot should have seen 9/11 coming. Was our IC working with the Mossad to weaken Netanyahu instead of helping them identify threats?

There are other more conspiratorial questions that follow. This article appears and reinforces the idea that perhaps the intelligence agencies were willing to allow a little attack in order to further wound Netanyahu’s party and efforts to form a coalition. The same way that ours ignored every warning that J6 might turn into a riot. Romney confirmed again that the warnings were early and specific.

Sebastian said...

"Israelis do not forgive failures to secure their safety"

In effect it means they do not forgive themselves. The leaders only cater to the illusions of the people: on the left, that a durable peace with the Palestinians in the form of two states is possible, on the right that the Palestinian problem can be managed by coopting Hamas and keeping the Palestinians divided.

The cause of the failure is the people's longing for peace. Their only safety lies in permanent cold-hearted realism and a ruthless determination to fight. For a civilized people, that is no way to live. But it is the only way.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

He literally had just one job.

The Crack Emcee said...

YOU KNOW THE MUSIC'S SOURCE MATERIAL: Pink Floyd's Roger Waters-led masterpiece, Dark Side of the Moon, mashed-up with the Wu-Tang Clan, a rap group known to support the Palestinians of Gaza. The Dark Side Of The Wu is a production funhouse, speeding the Floyd up and twisting their grooves around, but these mad Scientistss aren't working as hard as Danger Mouse did on The Gray Album, figuratively taking a hammer to smash The Beatles' square peg White Album into the round hole of Jay-Z's Black Album. For a project featuring NY's roughneck Killa Beez, this almost goes down as smooth as a Steely Dan album.

The Crack Emcee said...

If he was American, he'd be safe.

Tom T. said...

The key is whether Netanyahu supporters change their minds. Of course his opponents are going to take the opportunity to say he has to go.

narciso said...

yair has been chasing phantoms like the Big Orange Man, while the killers were planning in Lebanon and Gaza

GRW3 said...

The Israeli intelligence services have been focused on the mission to get rid of Netanyahu. They may succeed by their own failure. They must have modeled this approach on how the CIA failed to notice China was restricting internal travel from Wuhan province while still allowing international travel (on top of not knowing about the outbreak earlier).

Maynard said...

The Israeli intelligence services have been focused on the mission to get rid of Netanyahu.

As I have stated here many times.

Bibi is Israel's Donald Trump.

Narayanan said...

look like Bibi milking Entebbe is reaching expirty date

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Writer, YouTuber Coleman Hughes believes it was a "perfect storm" of event coming together to facilitate a surprise attack.

Quaestor said...

Lem writes, "He literally had just one job."

That's false, and Lem should know that. (Literally? The figurative use of that word was pioneered by Rachael Maddow. This is not a good look, Lem.) Keeping tabs on the plots and plans of Israel's enemies is literally the only job of Mossad by the terms of its charter.

The Atlantic doesn't have the fingers to take the pulse of any nation, let alone Israel. As an institution, The Atlantic despises Israel generally, but particularly when the Jewish right is in power, consequently this article is more wish than prediction. The voters now understand the fundamental mistake was the withdrawal from Gaza and its subsequent acquisition by Hamas, an entirely predictable course of events set in motion by the thoroughly rancid William Jefferson Clinton, a man who has done nothing except what was entirely self-serving at the moment, and Yitzhak Rabin, the frontman of the doctrinaire socialist Labor party. Rabin was later assassinated by a man driven mad by his foresight of the consequences we have lately seen made flesh. The Atlantic joyously greeted the absurd and poisonous Oslo Accords along with every other mouthpiece of the Clintonistas, but the editors are unlikely to express any regret for their magazine's role in this renewed Holocaust.

In the aftermath, Netanyahu and Likud will endure. Mossad will be purged

Paul said...

For the life of me I do not understand why Israel won't give licenses to carry Rifles by any Israeli citizen near the border. I guess maybe they such control freaks they just cannot bring themselves to allow citizens to carry their own protection.

Israel's government has (again) failed them again. Their government just use the body count to cloak themselves as victims and off to war they go.

Narayanan said...

thanks for info Narciso. how many 'Americans' still believe they are the gooddies and not baddies

boatbuilder said...

All of these years he was hated and pilloried by the lefties for being too focused on Israeli self-defense.

I suppose that he deserves much of the current criticism, but it's damned if you do and damned if you don't.

Narayanan said...

They must have modeled this approach on how the CIA failed to notice China
aka CIA following much vaunted principle of Stare Decisis wrt USSR

n.n said...

The second state, Transjordan, was not a viable solution after the attempted coup by "Palestinian" leaders. The People have been victims through Fatah, a Nobel Peace prize recipient, and Hamas. Will the Israelis follow the progressive path of democratic nations and bear the "burden" or will they bear the burden? Will they follow the precedent set by transnational interests in South Africa and adopt a progressive constitution that legalizes diversity (e.g. racism, sexism, human rites)? Will they lose their Jewish religion and adopt the ethical Pro-Choice religion of choice in liberal cultures?

James K said...

I can't see Israelis turning to the left in response to this, since it was the left that had pushed for giving work permits to Gazans by the thousands, some of whom turned out to be spies for Hamas. The question is who on the right can succeed Bibi, who is not a young guy in any case, except in comparison to the dotards running our country.

Amexpat said...

Bibi is too much of a modern day politician to take one for the team as there really isn't a party team anymore like there was when Golda was PM.

He and the Israeli military also dropped the ball in not immediately denying that it was an Isreali rocket that hit the hospital in Gaza. It took a couple of news cycles before the Israeli version was known. Bibi should have been on the air saying that Israel, unlike Hamas, doesn't intentionally hit soft targets like hospitals and Israel, unlike Hamas, would admit it if they accidental hit one.

Joe Smith said...

My entire life I've heard stories of how great Israeli intelligence is.

It seems like the run-up to this was almost blatant.

I've also heard that Hamas did it the old fashioned way...no electronic communication...everything by courier, etc.

Maybe running Epstein was their biggest accomplishment.

Joe Smith said...

'If he was American, he'd be safe.'

If he was American he'd get rich on the lecture circuit and would end up teaching at Harvard.

Of course, he'd have to admit to cross-dressing or some other kink first...

Laughing Fox said...

For sure the Atlantic wants to get rid of Netanyahu.

Yancey Ward said...

Unfortunately for Netanyahu, the buck does stop at his desk, and he will pay the price politically at some point in the near future- it really is his job to prevent such things happening. However, despite Yair Rosenberg's desperate hopes, that will not mean the rise of a left of center PM, nor will it lead to a different policy regarding the Palestinians and settlements in the West Bank territory. The hardliners will tighten their grip on the Knesset, and if my suspicions turn out to be true, that the IDF and Israeli intelligence leaders knew about the coming attack and deliberately allowed it to occur in order to undermine Netanyahu and his upending of the Israeli supreme court system, then they will likely be executed for it. I would hope my suspicion is just a conspiracy theory, but I increasingly don't trust government operators of any kind, even to the point of believing they will deliberately have their own citizens murdered to advance a political agenda.

FleetUSA said...

Consider the source - The Atlantic. I wouldn't expect them to ever be pro Netanyahu. They drink the Dem tap water.

cfkane1701 said...

I have a lot of respect for Netanyahu, but once everything is under control, he has to resign. Part of why Israel was unprepared was the divisions caused by his (totally righteous) battle with the Israel Supreme Court and his (justified) battle against his political enemies, who trumped up fraud charges against him.

I don't mean he should leave because people are so ardently wishing for him to be gone; I mean that he has to take responsibility, not for his perceived or unproven acts, but for the security failure that killed 1,500 of his own people. A true leader knows that the safety and security of its people is the only source of a government's legitimacy, and he failed at that. It might sweep his enemies into power, but Israel has had its eyes opened, and the left wing is not so far left anymore. They know they need to fight for their country again.

mikee said...

Unconditional surrender of Hamas including all leadership, and war crimes trials, preferably military tribunals with immediate sentences, might make Bibi's future a bit brighter, and would definitely go far to settling down the Mideast. Consequences is what Hamas needs, good and hard.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

I advise them to elect a sold international leftist. See what happens.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Q - 10:07


Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Sometimes terrorists prevail.

They have patience. You bet Biden's open border let in the next sleeper cell - that will make 9/11 look like a piker.

William said...

Somebody screwed up. They'll probably spend more time trying to pin blame than to discover the cause. And that might be part of the cause.

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent said...

“He and the Israeli military also dropped the ball in not immediately denying that it was an Isreali rocket that hit the hospital in Gaza. It took a couple of news cycles before the Israeli version was known. Bibi should have been on the air saying that Israel, unlike Hamas, doesn't intentionally hit soft targets like hospitals and Israel, unlike Hamas, would admit it if they accidental hit one.”

I don’t know about that. By keeping shtum they gave the usual suspects time to shit the bed. A backfiring rocket of a different sort. A propaganda victory for Israel and a subtle political victory for Bibi of the “see how they hate us” sort.

The Crack Emcee said...
“If he was American, he'd be safe”

That’s why I scoffed when I saw Althouse’s excerpt. Is the psychology of Israelis somehow different from the Americans of Pearl Harbor and 9/11? If anything, I’d think they would be more inclined to circle the wagons.

Rabel said...

Seems bad form at this particular point in the crisis to go after the leader who bears ultimate, but not direct, responsibility.

What positive effect can this type of attack have on Israel's future?

Prof. M. Drout said...

It's stories like this that make me think that rogue "deep state" elements in the Israeli "intelligence community" had the bright idea of allowing a 'little" incursion so as to create the narrative that "Netanyahu didn't keep you safe."
(You know, the way the FBI decided to ignore the warnings about the Tsarnaevs or the anti-gay murderer in Orlando, the Vegas shooter, maybe even Parkland, etc. because they thought that the worst that would happen would be an attempt that they could heroically thwart, or a "small" attack that would justify more funding, more gun-control laws, etc.).*
But they were played, and the little incursion they were allowing to happen was a smoke screen for the massive assault, that did happen. And the reason they got played was, probably, that they thought they were dealing with typical Hamas bloodthirsty dimwits but were really dealing with bloodthirsty dimwits being run by the ruthless but competent intelligence service in Teheran.

*Or, I could be too optimistic, and they really are monstrous people who would allow the massacre of a bunch of people at a concert or a marathon or a nightclub to try to increase support for anti-terrorist funding, or gun control, or just general fear an intimidation.

Michael K said...

Blogger cfkane1701 said...

I have a lot of respect for Netanyahu, but once everything is under control, he has to resign. Part of why Israel was unprepared was the divisions caused by his (totally righteous) battle with the Israel Supreme Court and his (justified) battle against his political enemies, who trumped up fraud charges against him.

Yes, by all means select a "leader" who wants a two state solution and who leans toward Socialism. We have done it and see how well that is working.

Ambrose said...

One could have a long and busy career reporting the "end of Netanyahu" again and again.

Howard said...

Netanyahu gave Hamas $500,000,000 to destabilize Palestinians thus crippling any chance of the formation of an independent State.

In addition, Netanyahu hard-line Israeli government put West Bank settlement expansion at the top of its priority list on, vowing to legalize dozens of illegally built outposts and annex the occupied territory as part of its coalition deal with ultranationalist Orthodox religious zealots.

You can't blame the libs and woke culture or some Deep State Chimera. Bibi Netanyahu did this.

Narr said...

Hey hey, ho ho, Netanyahu's got to go!

It'll happen sooner or later, but so far the national unity coalition is holding. But sooner rather than later the IDF has to put boots on the rubble, and too much waiting starts to look weak.

As Napoleon may have said, you can do anything with bayonets except sit on them.

I don't disagree that the fiasco exposes deep deep state rot, if not treasonous conspiracy in Zion.

deepelemblues said...

Netanyahu's resignation once the war is over or if it drags on too long was already a foregone conclusion.

The Atlantic's barely-concealed slavering at the thought that this will be a larger repudiation of the Right in Israel is pure fantasy. Netanyahu's replacement will be an even harder-line right-winger so far as the Palestinians are concerned.

West TX Intermediate Crude said...

Prof Drout-
After seeing what has occurred in the USA over the past decade, I don't think there is any low barrier to what political people will do to further their cause. The FBI and CIA have been infiltrated and bent to political ends, why not Mossad and Shin Bet? The Great Leftist Omelet will not make itself.

The USA did not try to sack FDR after Pearl Harbor, or GWB after 9/11- on the contrary the American people rallied around the flag and gave the presidents carte blanche to do what had to be done (unfortunately short term for GWB, but that was his doing). Bibi and his party have been as hard line as the Israeli public will tolerate; they will tolerate/demand a significantly harder line for the near future. I pray he does not waste this opportunity.

Kakistocracy said...

The concept that Hamas could be managed and peace maintained at the point of a gun, are not valid.

Netanyahu and the Trump gang with its "Abraham Accords" thought they could bring a semblance of peace by suppressing Palestinians, expanding settlements, surrounding Israel with a fence and bribing other Arab states with favorable trade terms.

It doesn't work. It provides only the illusion of peace. You can't buy friends, and you cannot long suppress the homeless and stateless at the point of a gun from behind a wall.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

You’re right Quaestor. In my defense I didn’t have time to post something more… perspicacious. I shall endeavor to do better. Thanks for calling it out.

Valentine Smith said...

Peace is ONLY maintained at the point of a gun and history says so.
Seventy some years of this shite says so.
Nations are for sale. Just look at the Bidens.

Michelle Dulak Thomson said...


look like Bibi milking Entebbe is reaching expiry date

Oh, you mean how Bibi's brother Yonatan was the only Israeli killed on the raid that rescued a couple hundred Israelis hijacked to Uganda? That Entebbe?

Frankly, I always get that one confused with the evacuation of 6,000 Ethiopian Jews to the "white colonialist imperialist settler state." Considering that it also contains more Jews from Middle Eastern countries than were expelled from Israel proper, and that said Jews were expelled at the exact same moment, I dispute the "white" part of that description altogether. But no doubt others will disagree

Michelle Dulak Thomson said...


No, the "Abraham Accords" weren't about "suppressing" Palestinians," but ignoring them. And it has worked, several times, because most Arab governments are honestly tired of the Palestinians and would rather get on with life.

"The homeless and stateless" are that way because, frankly, no existing state will have them. Arabs care for Palestinians only as political pawns. Iranians care even less; for them, Palestinians are cannon fodder, no more. They are useful only insofar as particular developments need Israel to be a villain. Otherwise, they stay locked up in their cage. You don't see any Arab states offering to airlift Palestinians out of Gaza, do you? I thought not.

Is this fair? No, of course not. But UNRWA has ensured that everyone on the planet regards the great-great-grandchildren of Palestinian refugees from 75 years ago as still "refugees." They are literally the only group of people so designated, and so they continue to rot in de facto reservations when people displaced by (say) the partition of India, which happened at the same time, are long resettled (and by now mostly deceased), and their children and grandchildren and great-grandchildren have grown up in new places, whether India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, or the rest of the world.

hombre said...

Leftmediaswine, like Atlantic, dislike Netanyahu as do progressive Jews including those in Israel. Remember when they claimed he was too militant?

This smells like the lefty assaults on Trump. Intelligencers and military leaders got caught up with the media and politicians and forgot to do their jobs. We have not paid the price yet. Israel has.

Lefties, in there quest for whatever are nation destroyers.

Neighborhood Retail Alliance said...

Netanyahu and the Trump gang with its "Abraham Accords" thought they could bring a semblance of peace by suppressing Palestinians, expanding settlements, surrounding Israel with a fence and bribing other Arab states with favorable trade terms.

It doesn't work. It provides only the illusion of peace. You can't buy friends, and you cannot long suppress the homeless and stateless at the point of a gun from behind a wall.

No, Rich, the mistake was thinking that playcating a homicidal fascict cult could help keep the peace-along with more than 20,000 day laborers

hombre said...

Rich: "The concept that Hamas could be managed and peace maintained at the point of a gun, are not valid."

Forgetting about this straw man, Tell us Rich, what do you and the other lefties propose?

Before positing an answer, you can bring yourself up to a modicum of understanding of Middle Eastern Islamist geopolitics by reading the 1988 Hamas Charter which was in effect when Hamas was elected by Palestinians to run Gaza in 2006. Then go to the accounts of the 1941 visit by the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem Muslims to persuade Hitler to bring his genocide of Jews to the Middle East. It's just a short course, but it might alleviate a portion of your monumental ignorance about the Israel Hamas conflict.

Okay. Go ahead.

hombre said...

Howard: "You can't blame the libs and woke culture or some Deep State Chimera. Bibi Netanyahu did this."

Of course, it's all about Bibi. Hamas and other Islamists have held no evil intentions toward Israel and her Jews. That was clear in Hamas' 1988 charter which stated: "Israel will exist and will continue to exist until Islam will obliterate it.... 'The Day of Judgement will not come about until Moslems fight the Jews (killing the Jews), when the Jew will hide behind stones and trees.'" This was their pledge in 2006 when elected to rule Gaza./S

It was clear when the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem went to Germany to persuade Hitler to carry his genocide of Jews to the Middle East. That was all about Bibi too./S

And lefties aren't pimping for Hamas and other Islamists, are they, Howard?

hombre said...

"How many 'Americans' still believe they are the gooddies and not baddies."

Pretty much just the well informed, patriotic ones. A few more years of QuidProJoe's Deep State, anti-Constitutional Gestapo and graft-driven foreign policy and that will end.

Kai Akker said...

--- YouTuber Coleman Hughes believes it was a "perfect storm" [Lem]

Lem is running a little wild. I was just getting YouTuber Coleman Hawkins diagnosing "Disorder on the Border"! Perfect. Stormy. But smoooth.


Kai Akker said...

---For sure the Atlantic wants to get rid of Netanyahu. [Laughing Fox]

This particular writer has probably been denouncing him for at least 20 years. Tedious axe-grinding. Why take the worst attack in 50 years as anything but an excuse for political score-settling.

I read a prior Atlantic article by an Israeli journolist who had moved with his wife from Tel Aviv to the very edge of Gaza once they had a baby. Smart guy.

He had escaped from his safe room only because his retired general father had recruited another retired general and they had commandeered equipment and gone in to the son's village. Ten hours of sitting in the safe room with his two little children and in the end, completely and utterly dependent on the militarism of his father, he had found the occasion the perfect opportunity to denounce Netanyahu.

That is surely the lesson he was supposed to learn in that situation.

So consider the source, as always.

The Crack Emcee said...

"There is no room in the country for both [Arab and Jewish] peoples . . .There is no room here for compromises . . . There is no way but to transfer the [Palestinian] Arabs from here to the neighboring countries,...Not one village must be left, not one [Bedouin] tribe. The transfer must be directed at Iraq, Syria, and even Transjordan,...only after this transfer will the country be able to absorb millions of our brothers and the Jewish problem will cease to exist. There is no other solution."

- From the diary of Yosef Weitz, director of the Jewish National Fund's Land Settlement Department, December 20, 1940

Howard said...

Hombre: you seem to have a hair trigger reaction to the point I made. Of course Hamas is 100% responsible for launching a Holocaust attack to initiate their own final solution to the Jewish question.

People have been blaming Biden for the $6Billion he gave to Iran (which is still frozen, not fungible) plus all the bleeding heart liberal aid money sent to Gaza.

It turns out, Bibi Netanyahu intentionally funded Hamas to the tune of $500Million. Plus encroaching onto even more West Bank property by ultra Orthodox nationalists who don't work, live on welfare and don't defend Israel in the IDF. These are undisputed facts reported long before the horrific attacks.

It's incompetence at best and criminal negligence at worst.

Answer me this. If a labor party liberal PM did these reckless things prior to the Hamas slaughter of innocent peace loving civilians including men women children the elderly and babies, would you defend such a man?

Notice that I'm not adding in the unverified rumor Bibi ignored Egyptian intelligence of an imminent Hamas attack. If this is true, all these actions combined amount to treason, IMO.

Mea Sententia said...

The media are remarkably uninterested in Hamas, its ideology (content and origin) or its sources of funding, but they are most interested in why Israel did not magically predict the attack in the first place.

Aggie said...

So the politicians and intelligence services that were devoting their full attention to bringing Bibi down, are now pivoting to the new narrative? "Look what he did", instead of "look what he made us do"?

I think Israelis will know who it is that dropped the ball, and why it was dropped. The Opposition, trying to prop up a fall guy for slaughter, is American-style politics, taking a pointer from the 'Get Trump' play book. Israelis don't have the luxury of such distracting BS.

hpudding said...

In the aftermath, Netanyahu and Likud will endure. Mossad will be purged.

Right. Because Mossad made the political decision to take all resources off of Gaza so that it could instead “protect” crazed religious settlers in the West Bank as they harassed the locals and set off skirmishes around their newest trailer park to erect on expropriated Palestinian land. Sure.

A fish rots from the head down, in this case a head that’s got heart arrhythmias and has been in office decades too long. And divided the country by trying to hobble the judiciary - because his base of psychotic fundamentalists who avoid army service and take handouts to not work and read scripture all day really have the right idea on how to run a country.

Israel can either be a democracy or an apartheid theocracy. All the success that it had since it was first established wasn’t because of a desire to pursue the latter. The right-wing Americans just want the country to be a US military dependency forever and have a vested interest in worsening the conflict, so I guess they shouldn’t care if it follows that course also. But it extinguishes all hope of legitimacy and normalization.

holdfast said...

In a democracy, every leader has an expiration date. And too many good ones (like Netanyahu, and thinking of Stephen Harper in Canada too) don't have a good succession plan. It doesn't matter how good you are, eventually the people will get tired of you, even if they generally like your policies.

Better to leave on a high note and on your own terms.

Netanyahu needs to finish the immediate fight, and then step aside.

And on his way out, clean house in the top ranks of the IDF and Israeli intel agencies.

hpudding said...

For the life of me I do not understand why Israel won't give licenses to carry Rifles by any Israeli citizen near the border.

Or you could just as easily set up a weapons cache right on the border fence with a sign on it that says, “Dear Hamas Operatives: Please Take One Each.”

hpudding said...

FarraCrack’s got doom and gloom naysaying from 83 years ago, everybody. Not sure what purpose it’s supposed to serve, but he sure seems to like saying it.

NotWhoIUsedtoBe said...

I'm not an Israeli citizen. Those that are will eventually vote, and they get to decide.

The obsession with foreign, particularly Israeli, politics is very strange.

Drago said...

Howard: "People have been blaming Biden for the $6Billion he gave to Iran (which is still frozen, not fungible)..."

You will literally chaw down on anything, wont you? Fungibility doesnt disappear simply because you click your heels together and whisper: there's no talking points as wonderful as democratical talking points...

But it gets even better, as it always does...

Howard: "It turns out, Bibi Netanyahu intentionally funded Hamas to the tune of $500Million. Plus encroaching onto even more West Bank property by ultra Orthodox nationalists who don't work, live on welfare and don't defend Israel in the IDF. These are undisputed facts reported long before the horrific attacks.

It's incompetence at best and criminal negligence at worst."

Incompetence at best and criminal negligence at worst?!


Lets go there, shall we?

Oooh! A whole $500M?

Your boyz obambi and Biden kicked a sweet $150 BILLION to your beloved Iranian islamic supremacist democrat allies in Tehran and those are the cats that are directly funding everything Hamas does....except for the billions the US democraticals funnel to the Islamic supremacists via the corrupted UN NGO's.

And lest we forget, Howard's "heroic" obambi and Biden made sure to deliver almost $2 BILLION of that sweet sweet cash to Howard's iranian pals (remember how all the democraticals wept when Soleimani got whacked?) in UNMARKED, UNTRACEABLE paper currency loaded onto pallets!!

Howard, you were asked this before but you too "heroically" ran away from the question: why do you think almost $2 Billion was paid to your Tehran amigos in untraceable cash?

Spoiler: that's cash paid directly to terrorist suicide bomber families and worse.

But wait Howard! It gets even better!!

What was one of the first things Biden did as Presidente to reinstate obambi/biden admin policy?

Removed sanctions on Iran so they could cut energy deals with the ChiComs (who own the Biden crime family) and the russkis and anyone else.

Initial estimated value of these deals: $400 - $500 Billion...per year!...and rising!

You democraticals have shoved so much cash into the Iranians pockets, along with purposefully accelerating the Iranian nuke program (why are you democraticals doing that Howard?) that Hamas, like the Iranian backed Hezbollah, Iranian backed
Houthi's in Yemen and Iranian backed syrian rebels have been swimming in cash for the last 15 years.

Courtesy of Howard's democratical heroes.

$500M over a number of years to encourage continuing the rift between the PLA/PLO/Fatah and the Muslim Brotherhood offshoot Hamas shrinks to insignificance compared to the cashola routed to Hamas from Iran which was from the democraticals.

As for Israel allowing additional Jewish settlements in the West Bank, territory captured by Israel after absorbing 3 major wars (and surviving another) by the agressor actions of the combined Arab world over decades.

Even Bill Maher cant stomach the BS hyocrisy and bloodlust of the left (like Howard) where the Arabs get to attack whereever and whenever they want and when they lose they get to say Ooopsies! Lets have a do-over!

Howard never disappoints with his moronic monomaniacal one-dimensional, blinders securely in place, "hot takes".

Never stop being you Howard!

And keep up the "good work" of helping to expand the solid and ever growing democratical party-islamic supremacist alliance...which has been on full undeniable view over the last several weeks after years of what you cats have been vomiting up as "plausible deniability".

Kakistocracy said...

MAGA: "We've always supported Israel!"

Also MAGA: “Jews will not replace us'

Big Mike said...

Netanyahu’s political career might be over; we shall see. But the chances he will be replaced with someone less hard right is zero, to as many digits as you care to calculate.

Drago said...

Rich: "MAGA: "We've always supported Israel!"

Also MAGA: “Jews will not replace us'"

One your most pathetic lies which will move no one.

Which is saying something.

And given the role of the LLR-democratical Brigade to always deflect/project in defense of the now undeniable islamic supremacist terrorist murderers allied democraticals, fully expected.

But still pathetic.

As always.

Full marks for consistency one supposes.

Kakistocracy said...

Comrade Drago — are you suffering from the effects of a steady diet of lead paint chips as a child? Perhaps you grew up under power lines?

Drago said...

LLR-democratical Rich/C****, you do show some wisdom in quickly abandoning whatever line of BS you are peddling when called out on your transparent lies and then feebly attempting to change the subject.

It never works but, as noted above, full marks for consistency one supposes.

Good luck in your next Push Another Transparent Lie Adventure!

Drago said...

Big Mike: "Netanyahu’s political career might be over; we shall see. But the chances he will be replaced with someone less hard right is zero, to as many digits as you care to calculate."

Likely so.

Other questions remaining to be answered: what was going on from June of 2021 to Dec of 2022 while Bennett and Lapid were Prime Ministers Of Israel?

Kakistocracy said...

Spasibo Comrade Drago — you appear to be in the grip of Yesterday and Tomorrow has yet to show up….

Drago said...

LLR-democratical Rich/C****,I dont believe fortune cookie recitations can effectively deflect from the facts of the astonishing financial support you democraticals have bestowed upon your islamic supremacist allies.

And it certainly wont negate the need for you democraticals to explain why you so desperately want your mad mullah pals in Tehran to become a nuclear weapons power in the Middle East...besides your hatred of Israel of course.

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