October 19, 2023

Sunrise — 7:11.

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Buckwheathikes said...

So the big story of the day is this: The White House was forced to apologize for releasing a photo of the Idiot In Chief meeting with a bunch of Special Forces operators, Seal Team 6 type dudes. Where did this photo appear?

Instagram. Which is owned by Facebook. Which is owned by the CIA.

The White House (how does a building apologize, someone explain this?) literally printed a photograph of our elite special forces on a public website accessible by our sworn enemies.

So, for those of you keeping score at home:

1) The White House gave Iran $6 billion dollars to co-mingle and money is fungible.

2) The White House watched as Iran gave the orders to the Hamas Terrorist Organization to attack Israel with the bullets they bought, which the White House just reimbursed them for.

3) The White House was OK with that because the White House is Catholic. And these are Jews. And they tortured and murdered Jesus Christ. So they deserve a 2nd Holocaust.

To recap: Joe Biden funds the terrorists, buys their bullets, orders the hit on Israel because he's a Catholic taking orders from the Pope, then sends in Seal Team 6, who he immediately outs on Instagram to get them killed.

And somehow, we still have people volunteering for our military in this country, despite having an actual terrorist who will out them on social media as their Commander In Chief.

And they won't frag him for some stupid reason.

rhhardin said...

YouTube is full of Japanese ladies speaking Japanese showing how to play Debussy's Clair de Lune, for some reason. If you turn on closed captions and (in settings) autotranslate to English you get a glimpse of the female mind.

Here by contrast is a full performance of it by the anti-Yuja Wang (=virtuoso flashy pianist with skimpy breast-revealing wardrobe) Ōtsuki Fujiko, a surprising performance. Also a couple of other pieces, Elvera Madigan and La Campanella.

Your money back if you don't like it.

Mike of Snoqualmie said...

1 – 2 of 2
Blogger Buckwheathikes said...


So, for those of you keeping score at home:

1) The White House gave Iran $6 billion dollars to co-mingle and money is fungible.

10/19/23, 7:36 PM

1-A) Joe "China owns me!" Biden enriched both Russia and Iran with his restrictions on oil production and transport. The much higher prices fed their war-making coffers. The Iranian rebellion has collapsed, again enabling the mullahs to wage war on Israel.

Bob Boyd said...

Biden told us the Israelis are wonderful people, the Palestinians are wonderful people, the Ukrainians are wonderful people, who are all just trying to live in peace and freedom, but the Americans are antisemites and Islamophobes and it isn't safe for minorities to walk the streets in our country because of all the racists. Isn't that nice?

Narr said...

Spent 3.5 hours at the eye doctor this afternoon--wife's and my annual checkup. She had her cataracts fixed in '21, and I have been putting it off, but now have two appointments in January to get new lenses.

They asked if I wanted the deluxe install, which would free me from glasses, but my glasses are a part of me--since the 7th grade. So I'm going with the least pricey option (as I generally do).

The lady assistant who did most of the prep and testing before the doctor came in kept asking if my left eye vision was always so lousy. Yes.

Had I ever worn a patch? No. (Arrhh.)

I'll still wear specs, but I won't list to port as I would if I wanted to see without the cutting.

Narr said...

Spent 3.5 hours at the eye doctor this afternoon--wife's and my annual checkup. She had her cataracts fixed in '21, and I have been putting it off, but now have two appointments in January to get new lenses.

They asked if I wanted the deluxe install, which would free me from glasses, but my glasses are a part of me--since the 7th grade. So I'm going with the least pricey option (as I generally do).

The lady assistant who did most of the prep and testing before the doctor came in kept asking if my left eye vision was always so lousy. Yes.

Had I ever worn a patch? No. (Arrhh.)

I'll still wear specs, but I won't list to port as I would if I wanted to see without the cutting.

Buckwheathikes said...

rhhardin is often wrong, and in this case, he's wrong again.

There is only one Claire de Lune on YouTube that anyone needs to watch. And it's by an Italian guitarist named Roxanne.

And she has no reason to put on the red light.


Mr. Majestyk said...

You and a stranger are in a lifeboat that is sinking far from shore. Neither of you can swim. There is one life jacket. What do you do? Try to get the life jacket and live, even though the other person will die. It is you or him.

Similarly, Isreal must do what it takes to protect its citizens, even if it means that innocent Palestinians will die. Why should more innocent Israelis die so that fewer innocent Palestinians die? Although Israel should certainly try to minimize deaths among Palestinian civilians, the current situation -- bloodthirsty, genocidal maniacs relentlessly trying to kill, and killing, Israelis -- is untenable and requires that Hamas be wiped out, no matter the cost.

I am certainly open to ideas on how innocent Israelis can be protected while also protecting innocent Palestinians. But so far, I haven't heard any reasonable ideas on how that can be accomplished.

wildswan said...

The coverage of the Israeli-Gaza war is terrible but I have the feeling that reporters are repeating old, outdated lines of attack on the Jews of Israel which no longer work. For instance, only one side is "bombing cities," namely, the Palestinians who are firing 300 to 400 unaimed rockets every day at one Israeli city or another. And that's old-style war. Israelis are using drones to aim artillery precisely and precision rockets from planes by which they can strike the exact, individual military targets which they aim at. They are bombing individual buildings which house Hamas military supplies, soldiers or commands posts. Here is a video showing individual buildings being hit.


AS you can see, Palestinian civilians are not in the line of fire except as Hamas is using civilian buildings to house military gear.

Ignoring Palestinian rocket attacks on Israeli civilians is old-style news coverage. Antisemitism in media coverage didn't start yesterday and is going more or less as usual - in a changed political landscape. What are viewers (and voters) thinking as they see antisemitic media coverage for what it is these days? Especially viewers who are being told that "settlers" can be massacred in a "decolonization" like that of October 7 and that they are "settlers" and due for a "decolonization" themselves.

chuck said...

@rhhardin That La Campanella was wonderful, most pianists play it faster in a display of virtuosity, but Fujiko did lovely things with the sound. I liked it. It says it was recorded 2021, and Fujiko is now 90 years old. Amazing.

Here is an Lhevinne version of the Listz-Busoni variant. Interesting contrast, I'd call it light perfection.

chuck said...

@rhhardin That La Campanella was wonderful, most pianists play it faster in a display of virtuosity, but Fujiko did lovely things with the sound. I liked it. It says it was recorded 2021, and Fujiko is now 90 years old. Amazing.

Here is an Lhevinne version of the Listz-Busoni variant. Interesting contrast, I'd call it light perfection.

Jaq said...

"I'm just a soul whose intentions are good, oh Lord, please don't let me be misunderstood."

Mike of Snoqualmie said...

To all the Hamas-brothers and sisters: Hamas lies. It's a terrorist organization that hides behind the civilians.

The actual death toll due to the nonexistent Israeli strike on that hospital: 10-20.

To paraphrase Union General Phil Sheridan: "The only good Hamas is a dead Hamas." Erect the crosses, nail the Hamas fighters onto the crossbars, and break their legs. Let them die a slow, painful death. They can get to heaven and collect their 72 vegans.

Josephbleau said...

Beiden said that violence never solves anything, Heinlein was more knowledgeable than dumb pablum Joe.

“Anyone who clings to the historically untrue — and thoroughly immoral — doctrine that ‘violence never solves anything’ I would advise to conjure up the ghosts of Napoleon Bonaparte and of the Duke of Wellington and let them debate it. The ghost of Hitler could referee, and the jury might well be the Dodo, the Great Auk, and the Passenger Pigeon. Violence, naked force, has settled more issues in history than has any other factor, and the contrary opinion is wishful thinking at its worst. Breeds that forget this basic truth have always paid for it with their lives and freedoms.” RAH.

Jupiter said...

I'm trying to make sense of the reported fact that less than 2% of Americans have taken the latest "covid booster". The CDC (Criminal Department of Crime) recommends that you take it, and that you inflict it on your helpless children too. The FDA says that it is "safe and effective", whatever that means. Yet only 2% of Americans have allowed themselves to be poisoned in this fashion.

I mean, this would seem to indicate, that 98% of Americans have wised up. But then, why are they still voting for DemonRats?

Maybe this is why the DemonRats are so determined to make it a crime to question the "election" racket. Maybe Americans aren't voting for DemonRats, the DemonRats are just stealing the elections. That would explain A LOT!

Jupiter said...

"you get a glimpse of the female mind."

rhardin, you seem to be deeply committed to the idea that there is a fundamental difference between the way women think, and the way men think. And I would not argue with that, although I would say, that I have seen women think about mathematics every bit as effectively as I do. I don't think it is a question of ability, more one of inclination.

But all that to one side, thinking what you think, why do you keep citing that one female veterinarian philosopher? Vickie Whoever. Is she somehow exempt from the female malady?

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

I’m still getting a chuckle out of the protest pejorative; Petro Pete.

Political Junkie said...

This will not happen.

I wish R's and D's would ok spending bills for Ukraine and Israel, but say the funding must be paid for by increased tax rates on the wealthy.

Won't happen, but I think that is the best course of action.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

YouTube: It's so funny how we don't talk anymore

Hint: what’s it going to be like in the near future?

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

X video clip : Trump Derangement Syndrome does not discriminate. It gnaws both smart and not so smart set alike.

Humperdink said...

Curious if anyone can enlighten me as to what the GDP is in Gaza? What is their largest industry? Tourism? Solar panels? Hostage management? Do they grow their own food? Produce their own fuel, water, electric? What is their unemployment rate? Do they produce and export anything other than bombs and rockets? So many questions ....

Saint Croix said...

love that photo

Saint Croix said...

"I stand by my hyperbole."

Trump should use that line in one of the debates!

It would kill. All the straights, and the narrows, would be standing there with such a look on their face.

Althouse has a future career as gag writer for Trump.

You would be arrested, of course. That's the downside.

Saint Croix said...

Violence, naked force, has settled more issues in history than has any other factor

In the short term, sure. But the issues remain.

We tried to force Vietnam to abandon communism. Didn't work.

A couple of decades later, they abandoned it on their own.

Saint Croix said...

Violence is like lying. It's a short cut, and sometimes we use it.

The devil loves a short cut!

Image you are lying to your spouse, your entire life, and she never finds out.

You've avoided hell, right?

And then you're in the afterlife, and all your lies are revealed.


Humperdink said...

I see President Biden is combining aid to Ukraine and Israel into one package. Why not throw in a new bridge for Cape Cod and a new abortion clinic in Brooklyn?

The Crack Emcee said...

"I unconditionally condemn the Hamas attack on Israelis close to the Gaza border, without any 'ifs' or 'buts,' and I give Israel the right to defend itself, and destroy the threat. However, I notice a strange thing: The moment one mentions the need to analyze the complex background of the situation, one is, as a rule, accused of supporting or justifying Hamas terrorism."

Slavoj Žižek, in Frankfurt one day ago (not far from where I used to live) and - Hey - that's also been my experience as well:

It's almost like this is the NewAge, society's filled with imbeciles, and thinking is no longer allowed,...

The Crack Emcee said...

Lem the misspeller said...

YouTube: It's so funny how we don't talk anymore

Hint: we're not allowed to think anymore,...

Iman said...

“rhardin, you seem to be deeply committed to the idea that there is a fundamental difference between the way women think, and the way men think. And I would not argue with that, although I would say, that I have seen women think about mathematics every bit as effectively as I do. I don't think it is a question of ability, more one of inclination.”

Don’t “over-think” this. Think Alfalfa/Our Gang and the He-Man Woman Haters Club.

MadisonMan said...

I'm trying to make sense of the reported fact that less than 2% of Americans have taken the latest "covid booster".
Pfizer marketing fail. But I anticipate the ginning up of COVID fear for the 2024 election so Biden can again campaign from his basement.
The people I know who've had COVID lately all have been boosted. I pass.
I did get the latest 'flu vaccine; it's my impression that that is an actual vaccination, unlike the COVID "booster" that does -- what, exactly?

Rusty said...

Narr said...
You won't regret it. I had severe astigmatism and was at the point of getting trifocals. Now I'm 20/20 and use +2.00 readers for close up stuff.

Jamie said...

I just saw an ad yesterday during the baseball game for... something. Everyone in the ad was wearing a mask - mostly the cloth ones that we know are ineffective against catching COVID (and probably ineffective against spreading it, but even with aerosolized rather than droplet transmission I suppose it's good not to cough or sneeze* at people), so I figured it couldn't be that. I'm visiting Seattle at present and lots of people, many more than at home in Texas, are still masking, so I thought maybe it was a locally produced ad.

But no, it was for the flu vaccine. And such is my almost visceral reaction to masks now that it made me NOT want to get a flu shot... and I always get s flu shot.

*I happened to be standing nearby the other day when one of our friends sneezed, right against the setting sun. I got a truly gross front row seat to the silhouette of all those droplets. He didn't cover up in any way because he was outside, but man.

Narr said...

Thanks, Rusty, for the encouraging words.

Mike of Snoqualmie said...

I'm having cataracts replaced starting in late November. The doctors recommended the standard lens, not the fancy works-at-all-distances lens. I'm going for far-field clarity with glasses for reading.

I had lazik about 13 years ago. Went from annual updates for bifocal glasses at $500/yr to using the $10 readers. Much improved vision.

Michael McNeil said...

According to the CIA World Factbook, the GDP of the Gaza Strip (purchasing power parity) during 2021 was $27.779 billion. The GDP per capita as of 2021 was $5,600.

Narr said...

Sounds like we're on the same path, Mike.

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