October 18, 2023

Sunrise — 7:01, 7:04, 7:16.





Buckwheathikes said...

Yes, this was an attempted assassination of President Donald Trump.


Narr said...

#3 is a study in lighting and composition.


Josephbleau said...

The middle one should be Madison's new logo. I was wondering, Is there going to be a world series for baseball this year? I have not heard a thing about it.

Iman said...

Red sky in the morning
Blogger’s warning

Jaq said...

So I had been watching old episodes of Newhart, and I was wondering how the character Michael just appeared with no introduction. As an experiment I asked ChatGPT in which episode did Michael first appear. First it told me there was no character on Newhart named Michael. So I asked it for the season two cast, and it did not include Michael, I asked about season three, and sure enough, there is Michael. So I asked when Michael met Stephanie, and it confidently told me that it was season three, episode 15, called "Cats." Of course there is an episode called "Cats" but it's not that one, so I go to IMDB, and find out which episode Michael first appeared in, and it turns out that that episode was missing from Amazon. Which explained why I was mystified, but that episode, season two, episode 14, "Book Beat" is available on Youtube, and is one of the funniest episodes of the whole series. Now that I watched it, the series makes sense again.

So maybe ChatGPT has its own Gell-Mann effect. It seems ok, unless you are familiar with what it is talking about.

rhhardin said...

The baptist hospital had an ammo dump, if it conjugates ammo, ammas, ammat, ammamus, ammatis, ammant.

mezzrow said...

No two days the same.

This one was particularly lovely.

rhhardin said...

The last pic looks like a hospital being blown up by a rocket attack.

Liam Ryan said...

Those lines in the sky - in final photo - look terrific.

Jamie said...

I've been thinking about the burning question of what I would do if those with power over me threatened what I treasure most. Would I, in fact, kill other people's babies to save my own children?

I feel that I need to talk with my (thankfully adult) kids about this. Because I have to admit to myself that I would consider it - but I would have to conclude that no matter what I consented to do, they weren't safe. People who will kill your children in order to get you to kill someone else's children aren't going to be deterred by a little thing like my momentary compliance. The demands would never cease.

It would be so much harder if my own children were little, unable to understand the filthy bargain.

So I guess the question is, what power does Hamas have over the ordinary people of the Gaza? Do they have an Iraqi- or Nazi-style secret police? Are they threatening men with the deaths of their children, if they don't storm Israel and kill other people's?

Because that is the only thing I can think of that could make me consider it - and still isn't, for certain, enough to make me do it, as I laid out above.

But I wanted to get it on record that I can - barely - see a scenario in which I would consider it, out of respect for those who say that ordinary Palestinians have been pushed beyond the limits of human endurance. Anger at being denied a homeland wouldn't do it. But if I could guarantee, somehow, the safety of my children... I might consider selling my soul for that. Maybe. If I saw them to safety. Maybe. I don't know.

What a screwed up region.

Jaq said...

How would Superman eat his steak? My bet is well done, because his super jaws and teeth would find eating a medium-rare prime rib like eating steak flavored foam. No texture.

The Crack Emcee said...

tim in vermont said...

"So maybe ChatGPT has its own Gell-Mann effect. It seems ok, unless you are familiar with what it is talking about."

That's how I feel watching FRONTLINE.

Big Mike said...

Reiterating a comment from another thread:

Mousa Abu Marzouk may feel that he “lives in a cage,” but he holds in his hand the key to open the door. All he has to do is announce that Israel is a legitimate nation and has a right to exist, and that he renounces violence. That’s all it takes. That’s it. Well, and he has to mean it. People who make it clear that, if allowed to be free, they would commit atrocities like rape and murder, all one can do with them is lock them safely in cages or euthanize them. Or prepare to be murdered. People mostly don’t like being murdered, and Jews do not appear to be an exception.

I have no sympathy for Marzouk or any other Palestinian who bitches about being treated like a criminal, yet makes it veryplain that he would 100% be a violent criminal if treated like an ordinary,law-abiding citizen. I have slightly more sympathy for women and children living in Gaza, but many, probably most, of the women encourage their men and sons to be participants in the terror, so too bad if that results in their own deaths or the deaths of family members.

I have nothing but utter contempt for the Americans who apologize for Hamas. Lets you and the Juden fight ‘cause we hate Jews too. Yeah, eff you.

The Crack Emcee said...

Jamie said...

"What a screwed up region."

The first lie of Israel was "a land without people for people without a land." That tells you, right there, the Zionists did not think of the Palestinians as people. Every report I've seen says they were fine - "living in peace" - until Zionists showed up.

"What power does Hamas have over the ordinary people of the Gaza?"

They're with the ordinary people of Gaza. That's their appeal. The ordinary people of Gaza suffer, Hamas suffers, too - and they bite back. Recruitment is natural. Hamas is like owning a pitbull: He might turn on you, but he's most concerned with guarding your/his territory.

The Crack Emcee said...

Veteran State Department official Josh Paul QUITS agency after Biden backs America sending military assistance to Israel amid war with Hamas - He argued the blind support for one side in the conflict would harm the interests of both parties and cited a history of repeating mistakes in this regard

"In my 11 years I have made more moral compromises than I can recall, each heavily, but each with my promise to myself in mind, and intact. I am leaving today because I believe that in our current course with regards to the continued — indeed, expanded and expedited — provision of lethal arms to Israel — I have reached the end of that bargain.

I cannot work in support of a set of major policy decisions, including rushing more arms to one side of the conflict, that I believe to be shortsighted, destructive, unjust, and contradictory to the very values that we publicly espouse, and which I wholeheartedly endorse: a world built around a rules-based order, a world that advances both equality and equity, and a world whose arc of history bends towards the promise of liberty, and of justice, for all.'

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

New York Post: Grapes are the new carrots when it comes to good vision: new eye health research.

Just stay away from sower grapes. You don’t want to be raided or arrested, indicted.

Sower grapes bad.

Humperdink said...

Following the lead of Bud Light, Victoria's Secret went woke and embraced Megan Rapinoe as the lead in their "new and improved" marketing plan. Sales tanked. Of course.

The Crack Emcee said...

"Like you 'spotted to know!" Patrice O'Neal on comedy, race, and Arabs (2011)

wendybar said...

The difference between Capitol protests in America today.

"Those crazy J-6ers wanted the election to go back to the states and be verified as they thought the election was fraudulent.

These nice people just want more Israeli Jews raped, kidnapped, burned and murdered without consequence.

Don’t you see the difference?" - MostlyRight commenter @ Powerline.

wendybar said...

Again, it's like they live on in an alternate universe....

"The liberal media outlet ‘Axios’ is getting dragged by critics for claiming that the idea of an open border is a ‘myth’ that was started by conservatives.

It’s amazing the lengths the propaganda media will go to in order to deny the reality of life under Biden.

Who could possibly look at what’s going on across the country and suggest that we don’t have a problem at the border?"


wendybar said...

Bill Melugin

This is so bad. You can tell whoever wrote this hasn’t spent much time at the border or hasn’t bothered talking to the agents tasked with patrolling it.
Ask the 1.6 million + known gotaways how difficult it was to get in w/ chunks of the border unpatrolled while agents process.

By using the term "open border," conservatives are suggesting that anyone can get into the U.S. without much hassle. But the reality is the southern border is more fortified than it's ever been.

Axios Explains: The myth of a U.S.-Mexico "open border"
2:56 PM · Oct 17, 2023

wendybar said...

"Very few people in the United States appear to know that on Election Day, November 3rd, 2020, a coup was planned if Donald Trump won his reelection.

But here’s something funny: That evidence exists. However, instead of showing Trump supporters planning a coup, a video from 2020 shows Democrats plotting a coup if, at the end of the day, Donald Trump was reelected. “Trump’s gotta go.”

The people in the video were planning to violently overthrow the government in 2020 but hit the pause button because Joe Biden “won.” From that moment forward, there were zero ramifications for Democrat activists and federal employees and contractors planning a bona fide “insurrection.” That being the case, what’s to stop them from planning to carry it out in 2024 should Donald Trump win?"


Humperdink said...

Having watched Biden on the world stage in Israel mumble and stumble through some prewritten statements was particularly discouraging. Why? Because leaders across the globe look at him and have to wonder - how could the citizens of the US do this? It's escapes logic.

And yet .... and yet .... he's running again. It's a joke right?

wendybar said...

To make it more realistic, they should have had some bloody dolls with their heads cut off next to them... These idiots are imbeciles. They should be shunned like their forefathers...from the Democratic KKK.


The Crack Emcee said...

RFK Jr. comes out in favor of reparations

gadfly said...

Sources in Gaza are reporting that the explosion at Al-Ahly Baptist Hospital was likely a misfired rocket. An explosion of that magnitude means it likely hit an ammo dump. Single rockets don't kill hundreds and IDF bombs don't leave one small hole in the ground. It appears to be just another instance of Hamas killing enslaved Palestinians.

On the other hand, structural damage to the hospital building appears to be minimal as the single impact struck the hospital parking lot. So it appears likely that massive casualties were made up in order to support pre-planned world protests. 500 bodies were not displayed by Hamas.

Owen said...

Jamie @ 9:51: Wow. Your hypothetical is stark indeed, and IMHO very useful to help us navigate this moral hell-scape. Thanks.

Humperdink said...

When Trump was president "Hate has no home here" signs popped up in liberal enclaves in western New York. They have since disappeared. I thought maybe the signs would surface in Gaza. Sadly, I haven't seen any yet.

BUMBLE BEE said...

Israelis target the capitol building! :)

The Crack Emcee said...

Here's a German documentary about the birth of Israel. Pay attention to the story: They go to great pains to let us know that everyone was getting along - and then the Zionists showed up saying "This is our land" to the Palestinians, they know, have been there for centuries - and, immediately, their self-serving arrogance (and racism) started causing problems in the region.

There's no way it could've been otherwise.

Enigma said...

@Jamie: So I guess the question is, what power does Hamas have over the ordinary people of the Gaza?

The modern Palestinians apparently descended from the Philistines -- the competitor and enemy of the Jews in their ancient literature (as later compiled into the Christian Bible old testament). The Philistines were also some of the Bronze Age "Sea People" who raided and pillaged all across the eastern Mediterranean Sea. They likely originally came from Greece -- ancient Egypt knew of them and feared them. The Egyptians apparently first pushed and/or allowed them to settle in Gaza.


So, the Gaza area has apparently been populated by those descended from migrants, pirates, and raiders for thousands of years. Hamas? Not different at all today? Egypt and Jordan do not want Palestinian refugees and know this history well.

Leland said...

Obviously looking at the Madison airport with all the planes crossing over its VOR. Because several planes follow the same track, the one plane that was currently flying at you looks a bit like it had flown over you and pulled back and is heading into space.

The Crack Emcee said...

gadfly said...

"It appears to be just another instance of Hamas killing enslaved Palestinians."

Enslaved Palestinians, we know, the Israelis were already bombing. They reportedly hit the same hospital twice in the previous two days - before Hamas did it by accident. Slanted reporting makes sure we know everything Hamas does to Enslaved Palestinians, but what Israel does to Enslaved Palestinians is just accepted as what Israel does.

And yes, I think calling them "enslaved Palestinians" is a vast improvement over what you guys have been calling them over the last few days. Now Norman Finkelstein's analogy to John Brown, makes sense. The paraglider attack was not some weird anomaly, but a slave revolt. And we know who doesn't like slave revolts. I will remind you that Union soldiers sang songs to John Brown, even though he killed men, women and children. Why? Because his cause was just. America didn't care how ruthless and brutal he was, as long as people were enslaved.

Someone's going to have to inform me when that changed for "Enslaved Palestinians".

Leland said...

I'm glad Josh Paul admitted he was morally compromised and got out of our government. We need more like him to self-identify.

The Crack Emcee said...

"In August 2014, the latest Israeli aggression against Gaza had ended when Israel and the Palestinian Authority had agreed to a ceasefire. That inevitably had led everyone to wonder what the prospects for the future were. The answer could be found in Israel's response to the succession of ceasefires that had been reached in Gaza over the past decade. As soon as a ceasefire was reached, Israel would disregard it and continue its assault on Gaza, build more settlements and incite violence. On the other hand, Hamas would observe the ceasefire, until some Israeli escalation elicited a response, and that would lead to another exercise of "mowing the lawn", in Israeli parlance, each episode more fierce and destructive than the last. In fact, the successive ceasefires that had been reached essentially reiterated the Agreement on Movement and Access of November 2005, which had been concluded in the aftermath of the second intifada."

- Noam Chomsky, UN lecture 2015

wendybar said...

Jack Poso 🇺🇸
BREAKING: Douglass Mackey sentenced to 7 months in jail for posting memes about Hillary Clinton

Elon Musk


That had no material impact on the election.

What prison sentences were given out to those who suppressed the Hunter Biden laptop information? That *did* have a material impact on the election.
5:08 PM · Oct 18, 2023

Rusty said...

Jamie said,
What a screwed up region.
What a screwed up religion.

You have way too much time on your hands.

Kate said...

@Crack -- Does RFK use the word reparations or does the Post call it that? I watched the Math Hoffa interview a few months ago (and it was excellent, very deep-dive on the issues) and Bobby was specific about not giving payments but instead working on infrastructure. I'm not seeing anything new in this article except the Post discovering something it can make clickbait.

The Crack Emcee said...

Kate said...

@Crack -- Does RFK use the word reparations or does the Post call it that?

Not sure. I was grazing headlines over coffee.

Jamie said...

The paraglider attack was not some weird anomaly, but a slave revolt.

And we're back to "what would it take to make you kill other people's children?" My answer, bleakly stated above thanks to, of all things, a nice suburban ladies' book club book I'm reading about Iraq in 2002, was that anger over not having a homeland would not be enough. I'll add that anger and even desperation over the privations of my life would also not be enough.

What I said was that I could imagine a scenario in which my own children were being threatened with torture and death if I didn't kill someone else's children, and that might be enough to make me sell my soul, if I could see them to real and permanent safety before I had to do it.

So, I asked what Hamas has over ordinary Palestinians, all the while assuming that it was Hamas and not ordinary Palestinians who glided in with death on their wings, and Crack said, in essence, solidarity.

Which means - if he's correct - that the entire body of Palestinian people is just like Hamas, only perhaps less well trained. So - if he's correct - we're back where we started.

Next up: what would make me claim a homeland that my personal ancestors hadn't lived in for hundreds or even over a thousand years? A homeland where "my people" in a broad but important historical sense had had a continuous presence for literally thousands of years despite having been run out, burned out, driven out, again and again? A homeland far from the most recent enormous groups that hate my kind and have mass weapons sufficient to wipe us all out, and have shown their willingness to use them? If the "only" costs are that we will be concentrated in one place rather than having to be cut out of the population in order to be imprisoned and murdered, and we'll have to defend ourselves perpetually against a smaller, less well-armed group that hates us, not just because we will displace some of them but partly for that reason?

Well, to ask the question that way - which, yes, I realize shows my pro-Israel bias, but I struggle to see where its elements aren't true - is to answer it.

Old and slow said...

RFK endorsing reparations is fantastic news. Perhaps this will provide a clearer insight into his political views for those right leaning anti-covidvax types who have been flirting with supporting him. The man is a leftist loon whose environmental beliefs alone should remove him from consideration. Supporting reparations ought to be enough to keep his support firmly from the left where it belongs.

gadfly said...

Special Counsel Jack Smith’s federal investigation of Trump’s election meddling has been zeroing in on Sydney Powell. Several witnesses have been grilled on her involvement in post-election scheming, her contact with lawmakers, and her claims about Dominion Voting Systems.

Federal charges are not off the table. Now that Powell has pled guilty to charges in the Georgia RICO case and as one source put it: “Sidney’s fucked” - which of course is literally unimaginable.

Next will come Powell's Chapter 7 bankruptcy filing, just in time to foil Dominion Voting Systems' defamation lawsuit against her (and Rudy toot too) which can begin with initial document filings as early as October 26.

Jaq said...

"You have way too much time on your hands"

Busted, sometimes I do, no doubt. I was hoping that people might get a small chuckle out of the vagaries of AI, Amazon Prime video, and characters on a TV show. I did learn, to my sorrow, that the actor who played Michael, Peter Scolari died of leukemia in 2022. If you watch that episode, "Book Beat," you can see why they brought him back as a regular. He was never that funny again in the show, though.

AI is a lot like the press, journalist regurgitate in perfect grammar stuff that they are not smart enough to actually understand.

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