৯ অক্টোবর, ২০২৩

Sunrise — 6:59, 7:06.

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IMG_3760 3

৪৪টি মন্তব্য:

rhhardin বলেছেন...

Email from Dennis Richie ca. 1979 "Is Columbus Day a holiday in Columbus?"

Buckwheathikes বলেছেন...

Our own President, with zero input from the Congress, funded these terrorist attacks against Israel with $6 billion of US taxpayer dollars.

How is he not under arrest tonight as a co-conspirator?

Why did Hamas take a bunch of hostages? Because Joe Biden has set the price: $6 billion for 6 hostages is what he paid Iran.

Will some cop please arrest this terrorist co-conspirator? Is there not ONE SINGLE COP left in America who can do the right thing?

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves বলেছেন...

Book banning - another leftwing Hoax/ Leftist Lie.

Buckwheathikes বলেছেন...

Virtually every high government official in the Biden Administration is a Jew.

How can they SLEEP at night knowing that they are funding Iran, which then supplies Hamas with weapons?

Do these people even have a conscience? How have they not resigned EN MASSE after seeing what is the next Holocaust unfolding right in front of their eyes?

JEWS MUST RESIGN from Biden's sick administration. NOW. A new Schindler's List is already being written and every Jew working for Joe Biden is going to figure prominently.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves বলেছেন...

JGreenblatt ADL blasts MSNBC for calling Hamas “fighters” & rationalizing terror attacks: “Who’s writing the scripts?"

Dave Begley বলেছেন...

Naked pictures of Frank Biden appear on gay dating site. Claims his phone was hacked.

What is wrong with these Bidens?

Jupiter বলেছেন...

Just a reminder ...

That while we're pondering all this cool shit, the women kidnapped by the Palestinians are being raped in tortured in Gaza. Remember how sideways we got when we thought some rich idiots were trapped in a carbon-fiber capsule in the North Sea? These women are being held in underground dungeons by Orcs.

Buckwheathikes বলেছেন...

Do you think it's a coincidence that the Hamas Terrorist Organization attacked Israeli civilians on the same day the cops were interrogating the President of the United States for keeping classified documents stored in his garage in Rehoboth?

Because I don't think it's a coincidence.

Especially when you consider that Joe Biden gave Iran $6 billion dollars to orchestrate the attack.

The rule of Lemnity বলেছেন...

Jonathan Turley: · 18h
"Newly released evidence reveals over $20 million coming from 23 separate countries on four continents to at least nine Biden family members. Not only are the Biden transfers becoming clear, so is the Biden family tree in this lucrative form of corruption."

The rule of Lemnity বলেছেন...

I kept forgetting to post this here.

A Case for Color Blindness TED Talk by Coleman Hughes.

Apparently TED was shadow-banning it, to borrow lingo from another platform. That is to say TED was not promoting it on account that some of their staff disagreed with the content of the talk.

wendybar বলেছেন...

Steve Friend

Threat to a public official. Where you at, @FBI?

Gen Michael Hayden
How about the human race?
11:48 PM · Oct 9, 2023


wendybar বলেছেন...

Leftists are disgusting. How do you unite with these ANIMALS??

Greg Price

In the year 2023, a huge crowd of people holding Palestinian flags outside the Sydney Opera House in Australia are chanting “gas the Jews.”

They’re just resisting occupation, guys!


The Crack Emcee বলেছেন...

Dave Begley said...

"Naked pictures of Frank Biden appear on gay dating site. Claims his phone was hacked.

What is wrong with these Bidens?"

You posted this at 9 PM, but, if you had taken a look over at my site, you could've reported this at 10 AM. What is wrong with you, Dave?

The Crack Emcee বলেছেন...

Jupiter said...

"The women kidnapped by the Palestinians are being raped in tortured in Gaza. Remember how sideways we got when we thought some rich idiots were trapped in a carbon-fiber capsule in the North Sea? These women are being held in underground dungeons by Orcs."

You're talking to people who now say attacking Saddam and his sons - for having rape rooms - was wrong. They made a terrible mistake in judgment. Meanwhile, your local Pharmacist is being forced to supply you with as much useless "medicine" as you can buy, and no one knows the difference between any of it.

We don't demand better, and it ain't.

wendybar বলেছেন...

Illegals don't want to work....they just want us to hand them everything for free....


The Venezuelan migrants in NYC are now protesting to get rid of the work permit. They’re saying they just want a raise in food stamps


The Crack Emcee বলেছেন...

Lem the misspeller said...

Jonathan Turley: · 18h
"Newly released evidence reveals over $20 million coming from 23 separate countries on four continents to at least nine Biden family members. Not only are the Biden transfers becoming clear, so is the Biden family tree in this lucrative form of corruption."

Newsflash: Reparations are not a gift. They're payments for a broken contract. This is a fucking grift.

The Crack Emcee বলেছেন...

Lem the misspeller said...
I kept forgetting to post this here.

"A Case for Color Blindness TED Talk by Coleman Hughes.

Apparently TED was shadow-banning it, to borrow lingo from another platform. That is to say TED was not promoting it on account that some of their staff disagreed with the content of the talk."

Convince the Jews to give up their identity and then we'll talk.

The Crack Emcee বলেছেন...

Stampede of fear: Shocking moment crowd flees after 'loud noise' sparked panic at University of Florida vigil for victims of Israel terror - putting at least 30 people in hospital

Political Junkie বলেছেন...

Good morning, all.
Miss blog old friends Dr.K and Laslo.
Hope you two are well.

Cheers all!

gadfly বলেছেন...

Lem the misspeller said...
Jonathan Turley: · 18h
"Newly released evidence reveals over $20 million coming from 23 separate countries on four continents to at least nine Biden family members. Not only are the Biden transfers becoming clear, so is the Biden family tree in this lucrative form of corruption."

Jonathan Turley took the witness stand at the House impeachment inquiry hearing into President Joe Biden on Thursday, September 28. saying:

“In fact, I do not believe that the current evidence would support Articles of Impeachment."

The world has changed in the last two weeks, Lem, with the loss of a House Speaker and the all-out Israeli/Hamas war, so the recessed House has done nothing about anything regarding the Biden family "investigation," being conducted by Republican extremists, which has been ongoing at Trump's behest well before the 2020 Presidential election.

BUMBLE BEE বলেছেন...


The Crack Emcee বলেছেন...

I'm listening to that dumb ass, Neil deGrasse Tyson again, explaining how Muslims seemed to have magic powers compared to Christians, and cats led people to believing in witches.

Humperdink বলেছেন...

I was watching Gerald Baker, WSJ Editor-at-Large, commenting on the Israeli war this morning. Interesting guy.

Being unfamiliar with him, I checked his Wiki bio as I do with all people I find interesting. The final entry: "On 25 January 2021, five days after the inauguration of Joe Biden, Baker wrote an opinion piece for The Wall Street Journal in which he insinuated that under the Biden presidency, Trump supporters would be forced to enter Democratic "re-education programs"

Hillary Clinton October 2023: "In a recent CNN interview, former Secretary of State and Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton called for "formal deprogramming" of what she terms as the "MAGA cult."

Buckwheathikes বলেছেন...

Wait, I thought we were at war with Ukraine (EastAsia) this week, not Israel (Eurasia).

Anyhoo ... I'm sure we're about to hear from Emmanuel Goldstein any minute to tell us about this weeks chocolate ration increase (decrease).

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves বলেছেন...

Biden should not be impeached... he should be imprisoned.

Mike of Snoqualmie বলেছেন...

Iran will be next after Israel takes care of Hamas and Gaza. Saudi Arabia will bless Israel jets taking out Iran's government.

Quaestor বলেছেন...

Dave Begley writes, "What is wrong with these Bidens?"

For the sake of brevity and the Althouse disc quota Begley's question needs rephrasing. What's right with these Bidens? yields a much shorter list, starting with handedness.

Mike (MJB Wolf) বলেছেন...

Meanwhile sleepy Joe's brother Frank confirms those online naked pics of him are legit, but he has "no idea" how they came to be posted on a gay-for-dudes web site for the last five years. Its a shame these "hacks" keep happening to such an upstanding family of patriots.

Owen বলেছেন...

Beautiful pics (as always) but that cloud looks a lot like a Hamas missile track. Yeah, it's tacky to say so; and so very incongruous; but what we learned this weekend is, domestic tranquility is more fragile than we ever thought. It's a sky-scape of clouds at dawn-- painted on an eggshell.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves বলেছেন...

You have a link gadfly? You love to pimp leftist lies and leftist propaganda.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves বলেছেন...

Gadlfy cuts out Turley's entire comment:

Conservative law professor Jonathan Turley also said that the House does not yet have evidence to support articles of impeachment against Joe Biden, but argued that House Republicans were justified in opening an impeachment inquiry. “I want to emphasize what it is that we’re here today for. This is a question of an impeachment inquiry."

Again - but argued that House Republicans were justified in opening an impeachment inquiry.

Again - but argued that House Republicans were justified in opening an impeachment inquiry.

Gadfly Knows his post is now old news- poor Gadlfy must grapple with Turley's new set of knowledge and facts. Not that he will. Gadfly is a true believer in all leftist BS - and he knows for a fact that Biden is innocent.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves বলেছেন...

Gadlfy - It's leftist extremists in our government and the media that dutifully hide Biden family corruption.

...By simply saying "there is no evidence" over and over. Like good Pravda loyalists.

Oh - but there is plenty of evidence.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves বলেছেন...

Gadlfy - Loyal Bidenist... and excuser of radical leftist mob grifting.


"President Joe Biden once famously told a state official that “no one f—s with a Biden.” It was a statement that made more sense a few years ago than it does today.

These days, it seems like everyone is…well, messing with the Bidens. The president’s son, Hunter Biden, is facing federal charges on gun violations under a law that his father has heralded. He is also looking at possible additional charges on taxes.

Joe Biden’s brother James Biden was just subpoenaed alongside his nephew over millions of dollars sent by foreign figures as part of an influence-peddling operation.

Joe Biden is now formally under investigation for possible impeachment with at least four articles of impeachment under consideration.

Finally, a media that has long shielded the Bidens is now starting to acknowledge that Hunter and others were engaged in corrupt influence peddling."


Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves বলেছেন...

cont... from Turley:

"All of this scrutiny is not simply threatening the Biden sense of invincibility. It is also revealing more about the Bidens behind the scenes in an unvarnished and unflattering light.

Prosecutors often build narratives around the conspicuous consumption and the lifestyle demands of targets. Trump’s personal and financial dealings have featured greatly in litigation. The Washington Post’s Ruth Marcus and others have written about how the evidence exposed a “stunning display of Trump’s narcissism.”

The same may be true with Biden. There is a sharp disconnect between the public persona long maintained by the press and what is becoming more apparent to the public now.

Although the image of a “unifier-in-chief” quickly collapsed, the most lasting portrayal is that Joe Biden cares. Unlike Trump, he is portrayed as acting not out of greed, but an overwhelming desire to do good. In a typical article, a contributor to Forbes gushed about “How Empathy Defines Joe Biden.” The article explained that “Biden feels empathetic because that is who he is.”

That is not the image that emerges from the growing evidence about Biden and his family. The Bidens are suffering from legal exposure in actions concerning everything from withholding child support to peddling influence to federal felonies.

The investigations and inquiries often turn on questions of intent for actions taken by Biden family members, including the president himself. The motive is often all too apparent."

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves বলেছেন...

Turley cont...

"Hunter Biden left a long trail of emails and texts seeking millions in exchange for access to his father. He is shown in messages invoking his father’s power, threatening foreign figures to send him money. In one message, he allegedly makes a demand for an immediate transfer of cash from a Chinese businessman by saying that his father is sitting next to him to make sure the payment comes through.

Hunter Biden was burning through a fortune on drugs, prostitutes and high living. There were many eager to have the son of the vice president dependent on their largesse.

While Hunter is often portrayed as a human wreck, salvaged by influence-seekers, his uncles generated their own controversies. James has been a well-known figure among alleged influence peddlers for years in cashing in on access to his brother, Joe. Joe’s younger brother, Frank, has also been long identified as involved in the family influence peddling. Like Hunter, Frank appears to have been in dire financial straits due to his careening lifestyle and lack of any appreciable skills.

Frank’s need for money was not only great but known to his brother. In 1999, at age 43, Frank was involved in a car crash in Cardiff-by-the-Sea near Encinitas, California. He was accused of responsibility for the death of single father Michael Albano and then of evading service and responsibility in lawsuits by Albano’s surviving children. He only recently began paying what he owes."

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves বলেছেন...

more from Turley:

"Having had his driver’s license suspended in Florida, Frank nonetheless rented a Jaguar and had a younger man whom he had met at a Whole Foods driving him. Biden, sitting in the passenger seat, reportedly shifted the car into manual gear and encouraged Jason Turton, 25, to “punch it,” at which point he hit 80 miles per hour in a 35 mph zone.

Turton was later reportedly found to have twice the allowed level of alcohol in his system. Witnesses said everyone in the car was drinking that day and Frank was accused of telling Turton to “keep driving” after killing Albano. Frank would ultimately remain at the scene after Turton ran off by foot.

The police report suggested Frank was uncooperative with police on key points of the investigation.

Frank Biden defaulted in the action brought by Albano’s daughters, but he left California and spent decades evading payments. When attorney John F. Hayter, representing the daughters, garnished Biden’s Wells Fargo bank account in February, he found it virtually empty.

It took 20 years to get him to pay any of the $1 million he owed in damages. He was also reportedly dodging creditors."

Narr বলেছেন...

My guess for the next widespread festival of Islamic culture would be right here in Yourtown, USA.

Being nothing if not attuned to the high holidays of their enemies, why not make America's night of terror a real one? Imagine how many infidel kids could be run down in neighborhoods across the country by young warriors in stolen cars. They wouldn't even have to break into the arms caches in the mosques.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves বলেছেন...

and finally:

"The daughters had repeatedly asked Joe Biden to intervene, but nothing occurred for years until he was running for the vice presidency and the media began to pick up on his brother’s evasion of liability.

When Biden was still a senator, Albano’s daughter did finally get a response from Joe Biden’s staff that explained, “As you are aware, however, Frank has no assets with which to satisfy the judgment. The senator regrets that this is where matters stand and that he cannot be more helpful.”

That appeared to change just when Joe was running for the vice presidency. It was also when the Biden influence peddling efforts seemed to take off in earnest.

These cases reveal not just a family committed to corrupt influence peddling, but also strikingly similar patterns of legal and financial evasion. It also shows a family whose members had an insatiable thirst for cash and few skills beyond monetizing government service.

It is a familiar narrative in federal prosecutions. Prosecutors focused on such lifestyle demands in Paul Manafort’s prosecution, including highlighting his famous Ostrich coat.

The same is true in impeachments. When I served as lead counsel in the last judicial impeachment trial, my client, Judge Thomas Porteous, faced allegations of receiving gifts from those seeking to influence him. The House managers focused on Porteous’s lifestyle and gambling expenses to explain his seeking gifts from those with business in his court.

The Bidens had only one family business. They did not make furniture or sell groceries. They sold influence and, as Biden associate Devon Archer explained, Joe was their “brand.”

As these investigations and prosecutions continue, the public may conclude that it is not empathy but avarice that defines the Bidens."

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves বলেছেন...

at what point do brainwashed leftists admit Joe Biden and his family are shitty grifters and low-life frauds and crooks who deserve to be indicted and face jail time?

Owen বলেছেন...

Narr @ 10:46: Don't give these animals any ideas or encouragement. That said: I have to believe (since these animals are quite intelligent, and not in the least encumbered in their thinking by any scruples) that they already have plenty of entirely-too-lethal-and-shocking plans to demonstrate how seriously they take their work, which is jihad. Jihad pure and simple, wonderfully uncluttered by nuance or humanity.

I guess my question would be, what counter-planning has been done or could be done? How many Barney Fifes are out there in LittleVille, scratching their heads over how to issue parking tickets without offending the "migrant" community? ...Back in the day, we used to be under a legal obligation to muster regularly on the village green, with our weapons ready. Now? Not so much.

Michael K বলেছেন...

Blogger Political Junkie said...

Good morning, all.
Miss blog old friends Dr.K and Laslo.
Hope you two are well.

Cheers all!

I am at last recovering from a fall and a fractured spine. Home now finally and recovering. Thanks for the thought.

Mike of Snoqualmie বলেছেন...

The WaPoo is cutting heads (metaphorically speaking. No throats will actually be cut). It offering "buy outs" to 240 employees. It's revenue projections were "overly optimistic."

It might have met those revenue projections if it had covered the news honestly, instead of being part of the Mushroom Media Conspiracy.

Jim at বলেছেন...

“In fact, I do not believe that the current evidence would support Articles of Impeachment."

Include the entire quote. Otherwise, you're dishonest piece of shit.

Michelle Dulak Thomson বলেছেন...

Owen @9:45: Don't be dismayed. That was also my first thought, swiftly corrected to "Oh. Just contrails." But, then, it's been a long time since we thought of things in the sky as potential killers.

Now we have to shake off a couple of decades of dust and think of them so again. Drones, paragliders(!), and missiles. Despite that $6bil, I don't think that the Biden Administration and Iran are really bff yet; do you?