October 13, 2023

"So I don’t want to say anything off the cuff but I respect where you’re coming from."

Said Pete Buttigieg, quoted in "Climate protesters crash Buttigieg interview, chanting 'stop Petro Pete'" (The Hill).

As I was playing that video out loud, Meade said, "Why doesn't a Cabinet Secretary have better security?" And that made me think perhaps the interruption was considered desirable — by Buttigieg, by the Biden administration/campaign. It isn't hard to generate ideas about why getting interrupted by extreme and rude climate activists might be advantageous.

And yet Buttigieg's response was so weak.  As one protester proclaims — after Buttigieg is ushered out of the room — "He said he can't speak off the cuff!" 

If the interruption had been anticipated, Buttigieg should have been prepared with something like Ronald "I am paying for this microphone" Reagan. 


rehajm said...

Yah, this shit is always staged. That Sunday show what ran on ABC with families sharing funny home videos debunked this stuff decades ago. If the video showing the guy cutting down the tree first pans to the car, then back to the tree, then the tree falling on the car…

…the kids shooting this from their phones are prolly too young to remember that show or something…

tim maguire said...

Maybe that was the best Buttigieg can do. Maybe that was his Reagan response.

Paul Zrimsek said...

Sod off, Swampy.

Dave Begley said...

Pete spoke “off the cuff” when he labeled me as a racist.

Pete waited days to send US jets to Israel to evacuate Americans. And he wanted them to pay.

People can now see what a failure he is.

And don’t forget that his dad was a leading Marxist scholar at Notre Dame. Pete’s a Marxist.

Leland said...

It seems they think calling themselves “defiant” means they can act like assholes.

Enigma said...

Yet another unqualified Biden diversity hire struggles. Don't they all?

With this, the border issues, the blue city crime issues, inflation vs. spending, and disagreements over Ukraine/Palestine, the Dems are returning to their traditional infighting and division. It suggests to me that Trump may be stronger than expected in 2024.

Dave Begley said...

These people are crazy. And the Dems support them. Net Zero is the dumbest idea ever unless, of course, you are making money from it. I know a lawyer in Omaha and he’s probably grossing $2-3m per year on this.

Kate said...

Maybe, like with RFKJ, Biden feels threatened by Pete and has refused him a security detail. Maybe the SS has a whole list of Biden's troublesome priests.

Political Junkie said...

Lots of D's think "Mayor Pete" is a presidential candidate. I do not.

iowan2 said...

If the interruption had been anticipated, Buttigieg should have been prepared with something like Ronald "I am paying for this microphone" Reagan.

Yep. Credentialed not accomplished.

A Rhodes Scholar fails to match up against a moving picture actor from the 1930's!(and worked for WHO radio, Des Moines, 1933). He was Governor of California, and President of the United States

Let that sink in.

moving picture actor vs Rhodes Scholar.

The Crack Emcee said...

TIMING (I did that years ago)

And, of course, WEEN.

michaele said...

I was always under the impression that extemporaneous speaking was one of Mayor Pete's special skill sets...using his well modulated voice to string together words and sound intelligent and reasonable...and then, NOT cackle! I was surprised he was not better prepared and more willing to extensively engage as opposed to cutting and running. This Sec. of Transportation gig has been a disaster for him.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

We need all the energy from the earth that the left want to ban.

Carbon is not a pollutant. Without it - no life on earth.
Anyone who says "The science is settled" is not a real scientist. Real scientists never say that.

mikee said...

So he was stopped from saying....what exactly? Is the Transportation Secretary involved in any crisis activities right now? The East Palestine rail crash obviously is NOT a crisis, based on the response to it.

Name any Secretary of Transportation other than Pete B., without looking it up, and I'll be amazed. Self promotion taken to an amazing level, with such public relation stunts.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

This is the crap they are preaching in our schools.

Gusty Winds said...

Mayor Pete is worthless. Climate activists are morons. Match made in heaven.

JRoberts said...

Some observations regarding the video:
1) The auditorium looked pretty empty. Pete must not be much of a draw.
2) The demonstrators on stage looked like a grade school presentation. At least one of them should have been dressed as a sunflower.
3) The whole thing, including Pete's portion, looked like it was being staged for the omnipresent cell phone cameras and for social media. Everybody, again including Pete, were "preaching to the choir" and the choir was very small.
4) These people cannot be taken seriously, but I'm sure they earned a little extra credit for one of their PoliSci classes. What "extra credit" was Pete trying to earn?

NorthOfTheOneOhOne said...

And yet Buttigieg's response was so weak.

He's a lover not a fighter!

MadisonMan said...

Now imagine him as President! Of course, Biden very rarely faces anything but a carefully curated audience.
Who was the last Democrat who might have extricated themselves from such a situation with a sharp and witty phrase?

Justin_O_Guy said...

JRoberts said

The auditorium looked pretty empty. Pete must not be much of a draw.

It was just lousy scheduling. It was happy hour at the gay bar.

gilbar said...

I'm NOT saying we should do this.. Because it'd probably be WRONG..
But biofuels? wouldn't it serve the environment; if all those protesters were converted into biodiesel?

Again, i'm NOT saying that we SHOULD do this.. I'm just asking Why NOT?
According to many on the left, There are TOO MANY PEOPLE on this planet; Doesn't the answer write itself?

TaeJohnDo said...

Pete just bends over and takes it in the a$$ again...

Stick said...

When they eat their own, I pop popcorn

Sebastian said...

"Buttigieg's response was so weak"

Mayor Pete not up to the job? Say it ain't so.

"Buttigieg should have been prepared with something like Ronald "I am paying for this microphone" Reagan."


Leland said...

This is why Buttigieg should really be boo'd off the stage: https://instapundit.com/610933/

Gilbert Pinfold said...

I see his McKinsey training kicked in...

robother said...

I can just about see it, Pete proclaiming "I paid for this protest!"

Wilbur said...

"Who was the last Democrat who might have extricated themselves from such a situation with a sharp and witty phrase?"

JFK comes to mind. But he had pretty good writers working for him, too.
Maybe The Reverend Jesse Jackson.

iowan2 said...

Who was the last Democrat who might have extricated themselves from such a situation with a sharp and witty phrase?

Democrats are the result of their policies in action. Democrats have 100 good ideas a day. ALL of them fail.
Participation awards are a democrat agenda item. Now decades later, Democrats have been protected from engaging in the debate, to hone their skills of persuasion.

Any attacks on the Democrat agenda, get labled as bigoted, racist, yada, yada, yada, yada. NEVER engaging on the substance.
Climate change is a great example. Fledgling Science declared "settled" before the ink was dry.
No examination, no debate. simple arithmetic is ignore We know how many joules a year are used in carbon fuels. Diesel, gasoline propane, natural gas... we have that number. now convert it no megawatts. Why is that simple bit of arithmetic not being done? Because no debate was allowed to flourish.

Bonkti said...

Low T PEtE.

cassandra lite said...

The events of this week have not been kind to Buttigieg's future political aspirations. It is impossible to imagine this wisp of a human in the Situation Room at times like this.

mikeski said...

I would donate $5 to any politician who, in response to one of these tantrums, directed security/the cops to "drag those fuckers out by the hair, right goddamn now."

phantommut said...

"Who was the last Democrat who might have extricated themselves from such a situation with a sharp and witty phrase?"

Who was the last Democrat with a sense of humor?

mezzrow said...

What an apse.

MadTownGuy said...

mikee said...

"Name any Secretary of Transportation other than Pete B., without looking it up, and I'll be amazed. Self promotion taken to an amazing level, with such public relation stunts."

Liddy Dole, but I know that only because she was my boss back in the mid-Eighties.

Meade said...

Norm Mineta. Be amazed.

JT in Indy said...

Mayor Pete is one of the more feckless and cloying humans alive. BUT . . . after the events of this past week, I've had it with well-to-do spoiled college children cosplaying as left-wing radicals. Remove them - with force if necessary - from the both the literal and metaphorical stage. We don't have to put up with this crap.

Dave Begley said...

Speaking of dopey Dems.

Sen. Bob Martinez was lucky to be acquitted the last time he was criminally indicted. But old Bob had to go back to his criminal ways. How could he be so stupid? Doesn't he know that the FBI can tap phones, search emails and obtain search warrants.

And didn't the people of NJ re-elect after his first trial?

Dave Begley said...

Norm Mineta was able to personally execute a full stoppage of air flights on 9-11 because he actually knew the industry. The Rhodes Scholar wouldn't have a clue.

Yancey Ward said...

Buttuvwxyz is almost the poster child for the phrase "Empty Suit".

RigelDog said...

Interesting thought. It is a proven fact that some government authorities are actually in sympathy and collusion with various outside interests, especially when it comes to environmental issues.

Thus a phony set-up where an NGO sues the government to, say, save the Freckled Fuzzy Frog's habitat and the gov't agency then "reluctantly" agrees to some or all of the demands in order to "settle" the lawsuit.

Skeptical Voter said...

Pete Booty Boy is, was, and never will be ready for prime time. The idea of him as a Presidential candidate is simply laughable.

When Sarah Palin was tapped to be McCain's Vice Presidential running mate, she was mocked as lacking the necessary experience. She was then the Governor of Alaska, a state with a population of 700,000 people. By contrast, Mayor Pete was mayor of South Bend Indiana--a city with a population of 100,000.

Still if you are a politician, whether from a minor city or a minor state, you ought to be able to speak "off the cuff". Unless you are Joe Biden in which case you drool on your cuff.

Joe Smith said...

He was hailed by the left as a genius, the smartest man to ever run for president.

Forget that Jefferson dunce, Mayor Pete was the real deal.

And as a bonus, he was gay!

The man is a fraud who shouldn't believe his own press.

Oligonicella said...

mikeski said...

I would donate $5 to any politician who, in response to one of these tantrums, directed security/the cops to "drag those fuckers out by the hair, right goddamn now."

Much like when Brit panel host Andre Walker threatened that asshole TikToker Mizzy Bacari who used to run around stealing old women's dogs, etc.

The look on Mizzy's face is simply priceless.

The Drill SGT said...

mikee said...
Name any Secretary of Transportation other than Pete B., without looking it up, and I'll be amazed

Easy Peasy: Elaine Chao, who I think was Sec Labor, as well as Sec Trans and did 3-4 jobs over the years at DOT and whose pop ran a shipping company

Mayor Pete likes trains

Without oil terminals like that, world oil prices rise, America suffers and the folks like Russia and Iran get rich

Oligonicella said...

Yancey Ward - You forgot the ++ at the end.

hombre said...

Think of these peckerheads in a world without petroleum wondering what happened to their cell phones.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

When Reagan said those words, Petro Pete was not born yet.

Danno said...

mikeski said..."I would donate $5 to any politician who, in response to one of these tantrums, directed security/the cops to "drag those fuckers out by the hair, right goddamn now."

And strip them of any personal items containing petroleum or byproducts, do facial recognition photos to distribute so all of society can mock them, cut off their electric and gas utilities and ability to fly on aircraft, etc. Make their lives a living hell.

Bob Boyd said...

Breaking: we just chased Secretary Pete Buttigieg off the stage at the Meyerhoff Symphony...As we write he is ramming down our throats the Sea Port and GulfLink oil terminals

This isn't the first time somebody who was chasten Buttigieg got something rammed down their throat.
Sorry. Just trying to do my part to keep the blog occasionally ribald.

Rabel said...

There's a lot of security there, you just aren't seeing it. I count at least 4 that look like SS, plus local support. Two are in a prepped to draw pose and they are communicating and only stand back after assessing the protesters as nonthreatening.

If anyone had moved directly toward the Secretary there would have been an impressive takedown.

The Black lady was ready to kick somebody's ass till Pete waved her back.

Pete seems to have drawn the DEI team from the SS pool.

JAORE said...

"Buttigieg should have been prepared..."

An evergreen response to every damned thing Pete does.

Rosalyn C. said...

Elaine Chao was well known — especially because of her family’s shipping business and her husband Senator Mitch.
Too bad Pete didn’t tell them we don’t have the fully functional alternatives to fossil fuels in place yet and scientists admit the climate crisis is not so existential, thank them for coming and then leave. Too afraid to tell the truth? That’s not a leader.

mikee said...

These amateur hour theatricals for a Secretary of Transportation are nothing compared to the many, many years of Code Pink antiwar activism, disrupting Congressional hearings in a pre-arranged kabuki theater of loud protests during hearings, screaming during arrest, and release without charges filed, again and again and again. Now that there is a mideast war starting up, I look forward to the expert Code Pink pre-planned protests again, coming soon to MSNBC with press releases and spokespeople available to propagandize on TV. They at least know how to do public relations protests.

Leland said...

Petro Pete suggests he knows something about Petroleum. He doesn't. Even if you think he is supporting Petroleum (he's not, but he has nothing else to power his jet), calling him Petro Pete is very misleading.

He's no more Petro Pete than the notion that all these protestors got to the event by walking or riding a bicycle. Stopping petroleum usage begins with you. Stop using it. Please. Winter is coming and nobody would want you to miss out on a non-petro future.

boatbuilder said...

The lack of diversity among the climate protesters is frankly shocking.

Why should anybody listen to them?

HMS Defiant said...

I consider it a marked failure for any government official to need security when addressing the public. The vicious protesters were not raised properly and they have never suffered a single rebuke for their out of control behavior. The policies of the government are supposed to reflect the will of the majority of the people. Letting a tiny majority (1-12) override all debate and all arguments is not a good sign that the nation has been raising kids right for the last 60 years.

Jupiter said...

Are we completely sure that Pete isn't actually PeeWee Herman? There's just a certain vibe there ...

Kevin said...

Pete has become Beto, the Sequel!

Sheridan said...

When I think of Mr. Pete, the picture of Michael Dukakis, in the tank, wearing the tankers helmet comes to mind. And then I laugh.

Christopher B said...

As to memorable Secretaries of Transportation, everyone with sufficient seniority should remember Liddy Dole as she was the principal behind the use of DOT funding to force states to raise the drinking age to 21.

MadTownGuy said...

"It isn't hard to generate ideas about why getting interrupted by extreme and rude climate activists might be advantageous."

Althea Bernstein, please pick up the courtesy phone.

Political Junkie said...

Norm Mineta - Good man, great American!

Zev said...

The diversity hire can't speak on the cuff either.

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