October 15, 2023

"Seven sorority sisters, suing anonymously as Jane Does... said Artemis only posed as a transgender woman to get into the sorority...."

"As she read the allegations, Artemis felt angry and betrayed. 'Some parts were completely made up,' she said. 'Others were things I remember but in their version was twisted to look weird, gross, sexual.' Many passages felt deeply personal, as though those filing the lawsuit could sense her deepest anxieties. She was still learning to dress as a woman and had been able to afford only a few long dresses that reflected her modest Mormon upbringing. The lawsuit took note: 'Other than occasionally wearing women’s clothing, Mr. Smith makes little effort to resemble a woman.' 'Mr. Smith is 6’2” tall, and he weighs 260 pounds. No other member of Kappa Kappa Gamma has comparable size or strength.' Other accusations homed in on the social awkwardness that Artemis says was partly a symptom of her autism. 'He has several times chosen to sit for hours on the couch in the second-floor common area. He does not study. He does not speak to the women who live there.... Mr. Smith has, while watching members enter the sorority house, had an erection visible through his leggings. Other times he has had a pillow in his lap.'..."

From "A trans woman joined a sorority. Then her new sisters turned on her. A 21-year-old University of Wyoming student was looking for community. Instead, she faced death threats, a federal lawsuit and an attempt to kick her out" (WaPo).

"The sisters in the lawsuit created a legal fund on a Christian crowdfunding website, raising more than $60,000. 'Men who identify as women are invading women’s spaces — sports teams, sororities … women social organizations and girls schools,' their page read.... They also talked on camera in an hour-long program with conservative SiriusXM host Megyn Kelly. 'It’s a weird, gut-wrenching feeling that every time I leave my room, there’s a possibility that I’ll walk past him in the hall, whatever setting that may be in,' said one sister. 'I refuse to allow subverting my rights as a woman to cater towards the comfort of a man,' declared a sorority sister who was a witness in the lawsuit. 'Yes, right on, sister. Fight! Fight!' Kelly urged them in response. 'I think this is a guy who’s just getting off on living with these beautiful women.'"

I'm especially interested in the idea that a transgender person must make an "effort to resemble a woman." My first thought was that it is considered highly offensive these days to tell a woman she needs to make an "effort to resemble a woman." We'd say a woman can wear whatever clothes she likes, and she can wear her hair long or short (even in a crewcut if she wants), and that it's just fine if she never wears makeup. If a transgender woman is accepted as a woman because of internal feelings, why is any particular outward manifestation required? To be a woman in America is to be entitled to freedom of choice regarding outward manifestations, so a transwoman should have equivalent freedom.

But perhaps I am wrong about how sororities operate. Maybe they do enforce outward norms of femininity. Maybe the women do pressure each other to wear their hair long and wavy and to apply enough but not too much makeup and to dress fashionably and to talk and gesture in a girly way. Presumably, some transwomen would love to lean into that challenge to outwardly resemble that stereotype — to be one of what Megyn Kelly calls "these beautiful women." 

Quite obviously, Artemis Langford is not that kind of transgender woman. I wonder how this sorority treats ciswomen with short hair, no makeup, and boyish clothes and demeanor. Maybe they're not invited to join in the first place. 


Iman said...

Oh, FFS.

260 lbs of sickness.

West TX Intermediate Crude said...

The author of this screed dragged up Matthew Shepard two times as a victim of homophobic hate crime. He death was tragic, but his murderer was a former lover who was unhappy at the financial outcome of a drug deal, nothing to do with poor Matthew's sex preferences.
Credibility- gone.
This girl is a provocateur at best, but more probably just another delusional millennial in need of mental health care.

Dogma and Pony Show said...

"If a transgender woman is accepted as a woman because of internal feelings, why is any particular outward manifestation required? To be a woman in America is to be entitled to freedom of choice regarding outward manifestations, so a transwoman should have equivalent freedom."

Nobody has the "right" to "be" something he is not, let alone a right to compel others to treat him as that other thing. You can't gaslight all of humanity into pretending that people are the only men or women depending on their "internal feelings." Objective reality is still a thing. That Japanese guy who thinks he's a collie is still just a guy who thinks he's a collie. He's not a collie.

Tom T. said...

I seem to recall a whole bunch of '80s movies with this plot, although they were all comedies.

hawkeyedjb said...


"She" has a boner, just like any normal woman. Yeah. Everything else that follows is bullshit too.

Ironclad said...

I wonder how this sorority treats “women” with short hair, no makeup, and visible erections. Fixed it for you there.

The crux of the argument here is that this individual seems to make no attempt to be “feminine” other than to wear a dress and be a trophy display for trans invading women’s spaces. That’s the crux of the argument here. Don’t make excuses.

Patrick said...

I cringed when I read Ann use their nonsense term "cis"

iowan2 said...

Aren't sororities goal orientated to gather like minded women supporting each other? A group with common culture, language, desires, fears, joys?

For a trans person what does "feel like..." mean? If not appearing and acting a certain way,a feminine way?
If not appearance. Hair, makeup, clothes? Likes. Fashion, boys, mating and making family.

If that is not what a trans feels, what makes them trans?

If this guy has nothing in common with a house full of women, why does he think he's female?

Dave Begley said...

Yup. Artemis is a victim.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

I think the phrase was an unfortunate choice that detracts from the overall point that forcing men into women’s spaces makes them feel unsafe and a creepy lurker who leers at naked women is acting like a creepy dude not like a normal sorority member.

Michael said...

He is not a trans woman. Cross dresser. Fine if you stay in your own lane but cut off your junk if you want to be believed. Plus lose fifty pounds.

John henry said...


Are you now saying that I can be a woman without even pretending to be a woman?

John Henry

Buckwheathikes said...

These women just need to quit that sorority and form a new sorority, but don't tell anyone. That solves this problem. If their new sorority is somehow infiltrated by a sexual predator or other mental illness afflicted person, then dissolve that sorrority and create a new sorority and don't tell anyone.

Keep doing that. Women perpetuate this problem by accepting that there's nothing they can do about this. Which is untrue. Women don't appear to be "problem solvers."

EdwdLny said...

It's a guy with a mental illness. The national organization supports this guy. The solution is for the women to leave, leave the house, leave the organization and let everyone know that that the organization is misogynist. Further, in light of recent events, they are likely antisemitic. Why would anyone want to be affiliated with such a vile and disgusting organization ?

Owen said...

Schadenfreude is strong here.

Levi Starks said...

He’s a victim, but not of the sorority.

Buckwheathikes said...

This is a transparent coordinated, game-planned attack by Democrats and the Fascists on the left to use lawfare to dismantle the Constitution's First Amendment.

The Supreme Court has long held that the First Amendment's protection of free speech, assembly, and petition logically extends to include a “freedom of association." Generally, this means we have the freedom to associate with others who have similar political, religious, or cultural beliefs.


That's what this is about. Having already eliminated the freedom of speech, what the left is doing is now systematically erasing the freedom of "association." They are FORCING people to associate with others they do not wish to. Once that freedom is successfully eradicated, they will move on to assembly. Then petition.

The point is the eradication of the First Amendment and all of its protections.

The Nazi's that you see parading in support of the literal murder of Israel this week are assaulting the United States as well. As a country, we will need to wage WAR on these Nazi's and we all need to get comfortable with that.

gspencer said...

"Trans woman" is Newspeak for man.

Mike of Snoqualmie said...

Really, Ann? Making a scene at your new home is not the way to fit in. If a man, and he's a man, wants to pretend that he's a woman, at least he has to act the part. If he didn't know how to dress and act like a woman, he should have done that learning elsewhere instead of imposing it on "his sisters." He though he was entitled to upset all of the other women because he was trans. He showed no regard for them. Why should they tolerate his aberant behavior?

I had a friend, Warren, who started dressing and acting like a woman. This was some 40-years ago. He showed up at a party of another friend as an attractive woman. "She" had to tell me that "she" was Warren, he'd been so kitted-out.

Warren was a Boeing engineer. As part of his transition, he had to use the women's bathrooms. The women objected and management told Warren not to do that. He continued, the women continued to object, and he was fired.

Cappy said...

These dang kids today. Back in my day you had to down a six pack of Hudepohl and beseige Siddall Hall for those hard earned panties!

Political Junkie said...

This is maybe the only time in my life I have rooted for sorority girls.

mezzrow said...

+10 to our gracious host, even though she's not counting coup.

I went "Heh". Not saying that Artemis doesn't have needs, but this is perhaps not the way to meet those needs. When culture goes to unexpected places, you get unintended consequences and a search for the "real" victim in the exchange of lived experiences. Tradition might say that this isn't such a good idea in the first place, but tradition doesn't count for much these days.

I guess I'm just a reactionary old coot, huh?

gilbar said...

'Some parts were completely made up,' she said.

like that parts about him being a "she"?

Mr. Smith has, while watching members enter the sorority house, had an erection visible through his leggings.

Don't MOST sorority sisters have an erection visible through his leggings?

Serious Question: If a biological female spent her afternoons in the common room masturbating while watching the other sisters.. (oh, and that biological female was COMPLETELY unattractive to the other sisters).. would that biological female be welcomed?

Our Professor pretended to say: But perhaps I am wrong about how sororities operate.

Hard to believe you there!
You want us to believe that sohos want unattractive disgusting things as sisters?
You say you lived in a college town? And you've claim that you've never met a sorority sister!

gilbar said...

Maybe they do enforce outward norms of femininity. Maybe the women do pressure each other to wear their hair long and wavy and to apply enough but not too much makeup and to dress fashionably and to talk and gesture in a girly way.

May BE! just might may be! It COULD BE, that we are living on the planet EARTH. MAYBE!

Political Junkie said...

How did he/she become a member? Didn't he have to be voted in?

oldirishpig said...

I don’t know… Am I allowed to read that headline and say, “Good!”?

Black Bellamy said...

If a transgender woman is accepted as a woman because of internal feelings...and full stop. They are not. Some people accept that. Most do not. The overwhelming majority of people in the world do not. Don't conflate the social media activist "we" with the actual we.
Also, yes they're not invited to join in the first place. That's what sororities are all about. Excluding the short hair, no makeup, and boyish clothes and demeanor people.
I want you to type the word "sorority" into Google Search then press "Images" on top of the results. They are exactly what most people stereotypically assume them to be.

Wilbur said...

This dumb ass sorority voted to invite or accept Artemis as a member, as a sister in their fraternity.

Elections have consequences.

Jim said...

I've always thought that sororities have always admitted or rejected women on all sorts of criteria from hair color, weight, personality, social background, what the Brits might call whether they were "clubbable," and whatever else they deemed important.

Wince said...

I remember when the left’s ‘Seven Sister’ boogie men were oil companies.

Well, I guess oil companies are also still boogie men for the left.

Ice Nine said...

>Maybe the women do pressure each other to wear their hair long and wavy and to apply enough but not too much makeup and to dress fashionably and to talk and gesture in a girly way.<

That would be, "in a womanly way," not the "girly" derogation you posted. It's a shocker, but members of sisterhoods tend to look female and they tend to like it that way. And different sororities have different looks, from glam women to plain jane women and various mixtures in between.

>>I wonder how this sorority treats ciswomen with short hair, no makeup, and boyish clothes and demeanor. Maybe they're not invited to join in the first place. <<

That is exactly how it's done - in every sorority, I would think - just as in most other social organizations in which membership is selective. For that matter, they probably don't invite women who use the nonsense term "ciswomen" either. And, hey, they are women! - you should be embracing their freedom to do what they want.

Randomizer said...

We'd say a woman can wear whatever clothes she likes, and she can wear her hair long or short (even in a crewcut if she wants), and that it's just fine if she never wears makeup. If a transgender woman is accepted as a woman because of internal feelings, why is any particular outward manifestation required?

That is the contradiction of transgenderism. A woman can dress, talk, work and walk any way she chooses. Do everything the way she thinks a man would. When a man says that he feels like a woman inside, what stereotype is he talking about? It's fair to question the man's statement because it doesn't make sense. It makes more sense to assume the man wants to invade women-only spaces and force others to endorse his choice.

It was entirely foreseeable that Artemis would disrupt the Kappa sorority by making many of the members feel unsafe and be a spectacle on campus. Artemis considered that a noble goal.

R C Belaire said...

One word comes to mind : creepy.

NorthOfTheOneOhOne said...

But perhaps I am wrong about how sororities operate. Maybe they do enforce outward norms of femininity.

Well, they are bastions of conformity.

Marty said...

I love it when the Professor uses leftist invented language. "Ciswomen."

Sebastian said...

"We'd say a woman can wear whatever"

Correct. This is the era of whatever. Mini skirts at school, whatever. Autonomy ueber alles.

"To be a woman in America is to be entitled to freedom of choice regarding outward manifestations, so a transwoman should have equivalent freedom"

So any male can exploit the whatever. Anything goes, ladies. Deal with it. Your clever sisters on the sidelines will rationalize the invasion.

The Crack Emcee said...

I lived in San Francisco for almost 30 years and I saw it: Gays tricked women, into being so open-minded their brains fell out, and now they're paying the price for it. Once women helped sell the lie that Harvey Milk was killed over homophobia, America was on it's way downhill from there. They just discovered Matthew Shepard wasn't even killed over homophobia, after the big years-long propaganda blitz that they made us live under. It was all lies. I search for a time when I wasn't being lied to by this country. We were supposed to prepare for a new Ice Age.

And - when you know the truth - Bill Clinton is a 3 time rapist whose wife can't seem to stop being respected for lying. My God, I love this place.

planetgeo said...

How long are normals going to put up with this sick nonsense? It's a combination of absurd virtue-signaling and deliberate infliction of irritating nuisances on normals.

n.n said...

Transsocial. #NoJudgment #NoLabels

Whiskeybum said...

There are two issues here.

1) If the sorority does not like Artemis' behavior, them why did they let him/her join in the first place? It's not like sororities don't have carte blanche in deciding whom to accept or reject for membership based on the whims of the current members.

2) Althouse raises the question: "If a transgender woman is accepted as a woman because of internal feelings, why is any particular outward manifestation required?" Good question! Let's take that thought to its extreme: Since outward manifestations are not criteria on judging whether or not someone is trans, and internal feelings/attitudes cannot be examined directly, then any man, acting 'like a man' and 'looking like a man' should be accepted into any woman's organization according to the rules of the weltgeist by simply stating he considers himself a woman. According to these implied rules, a (true) man need not change one single thing about his behaviors for acceptance into the Sisterhood if he so chooses!

Bruce Hayden said...

He’s a guy, claiming to be female so that he can live with the girls in the sorority house. My memory is that the girls in the house didn’t want him to join, but were forced by their National organization to accept him. He is likely twice the size, or more, of most of the biological females in the sororities, and gets erections around them. The whole thing is idiotic. He needs to be in counseling, instead of hanging out in the private areas of the sorority with an erection, freaking out all of the real females living there.

Bob Boyd said...

In response to questions about his troublesome erection Mr. Smith said, "I try to push it down, but my heels come up."

cassandra lite said...

So she was a lesbian with a hard-on. 2023 in a nutshell.

RideSpaceMountain said...

I'd be interested in the voting habits of the 7 sorority sisters. I suspect there might be some inconsistencies between who they've voted for vs. who they're now trying to 'vote' off the island. Call it a hunch.

Aggie said...

Nice try, pervert.

Joe Bar said...

There is a stereotype for sorority sisters, just as there is for fraternity brothers. As always, there is some truth buried in there.

I thought that the sorority/fraternity had to vote on admittance. Was this dude foisted on the chapter by Management?

rrsafety said...

“ I wonder how this sorority treats ciswomen with short hair, no makeup, and boyish clothes and demeanor.”
Interesting theoretical, but Artemis is literally a guy so the theoretical is not helpful.

Big Mike said...

But perhaps I am wrong

@Althouse, all of us should use that phrase a lot more often. For instance I trust that you are not unaware that biological males will lie to biological women with some regularity, and in fact many lie a lot, even to their wives. Yet you and other feminists seem prepared to accept a biological male’s assertion that “she” is trans — an assertion that “she” obviously can revoke at any time and for any reason. Is that really okay?

Where to start with this sorry episode? Artemis Langford claims to have been searching for [a] community. But how does one get accepted by a community? Surely not by forcing oneself upon it! And how in Hell did Artemis Langford wind up accepted as a member? Was Kap Kap Gamma that desperate for pledges?

I think that there’s a pretty clear principle here — if your erections are making biological women with whom you share a residence uncomfortable, then you or they need to go.

Vonnegan said...

Artemis Langford isn't any "kind" of transgender woman, because such a thing doesn't exist. He's a man. No amount of dressing one way or the other (or surgery, or hormones, either) will change that. Shame on KKG for allowing him in. Shame on the WaPo for gaslighting people that he's the victim here.

Smilin' Jack said...

“Quite obviously, Artemis Langford is not that kind of transgender woman. I wonder how this sorority treats ciswomen with short hair, no makeup, and boyish clothes and demeanor. Maybe they're not invited to join in the first place.”

Artemis is 6’2”, 260 lbs. Did they not notice that when he rushed?

Kate said...

This is a months-old story, one I mentioned a few times in the cafe posts. Interesting that the WaPo wants to chime in now. You'll notice the women lost their lawsuit. Their national team refused to support them. They can live with the transwoman or quit, but they are ineligible to join another sorority. Also, Artemis was rejected at other sororities s/he rushed because comments to the sisters alarmed them. After that, Artemis became more circumspect.

And yes, Althouse, a sorority does have dress standards, or it used to in the 80s. Short hair was never commented on, but clothes were strictly enforced.

Jamie said...

You found it - the case that makes me go hmmm rather than just rant. It has it all: large man in a dress, neuro-atypical-ness, random (? not being able to have one, I don't really know if they're ever "random," even in one's twenties) erections, judgy sorority girls, oppression, women's spaces, trans rights, philosophy, definitions, lawfare...

But actually I do just want to rant. There is no way to deny that, whatever this particular person's "true self" may be, a 260-lb physical man living in a house of women poses a potential threat - of embarrassment at minimum, but also of physical harm.

So I think I'm zeroing in on this position: if you are an adult and want to be trans, go ahead, and the extent to which you "commit to the bit" is up to you. But you do not receive automatic entry to single-sex spaces. It's just one of those things - you have no more right to enter a single-sex space than you do a cleanroom or a temple of a religion not your own. I mean, ideally I wouldn't want lesbians to have access to women's locker rooms (or gay men to men's locker rooms) either, because sexual attraction is not supposed to be part of the function of the locker room, but at least the average lesbian is not automatically a potentially physical threat to the average woman of whatever sexual orientation based on size and strength.

Narr said...

Autistic Mormon tranny? How the hell did the creature get rushed?

Jamie said...

Oh, and also - no one gets to be offended at being mis-gendered.

I already live by this one. I have female bone structure and wear women's clothes, which fit differently from men's even when they're much the same. But my speaking voice could be either low for a woman or high for a man. I don't get offended when people mistake me for a man on the phone.

Ampersand said...

The plaintiffs shouldn't be allowed to proceed anonymously.
It should go without saying that sex is a binary. Nonsense breeds ever more nonsense.

Jupiter said...

I'm especially interested in the idea that a transgender person must make an "effort to resemble a woman."

I'll bet you are. If he was in your kitchen every morning, pulling his crank into the half-and-half, you might be better able to satisfy your rather perverse curiousity.

Steven Wilson said...

A trans woman is still male. Particularly is the person in question is 6' 2" weighs 260 pounds and is capable of sporting an erection.

This is a sad case. To have that stature, the delusion that you are a woman and to be autistic are conditions that iare heartbreaking if true and pure opportunism if not. There's some lunacy involved that he was ever allowed to be in a sorority, and I fully understand that some of the women are uncomfortable if not outright fearful in this situation. His acceptance has to be the result of some virtue signaling on the part of both the sorority and its national organization. And, of course, those pushing this or sanctioning it are not those who have to live with it.

To ask the question about him trying to look like a woman and asking if sorority's have those expectations is one I can't answer. I know back in my time the 60s fraternities and sororities certainly did expect their members to have neat and orderly appearances. I think that all went away in fraternities at least in the 70s.

This dude, and he is a dude, despite his mental illness, does not belong in a sorority. Sadly, I'm not certain there is anywhere he does belong given all of his issues. It's unreasonable for those at a distance to insist that those directly affected by these circumstances accept them. But it seems to be the way we do things these. If this is to stand then perhaps we can expand these situations and install illegal aliens and their families in the homes of those who purport to support an open border.

There's nothing like having to endure reality to change one's opinions on policy.

Steven Wilson said...

A trans woman is still male. Particularly is the person in question is 6' 2" weighs 260 pounds and is capable of sporting an erection.

This is a sad case. To have that stature, the delusion that you are a woman and to be autistic are conditions that iare heartbreaking if true and pure opportunism if not. There's some lunacy involved that he was ever allowed to be in a sorority, and I fully understand that some of the women are uncomfortable if not outright fearful in this situation. His acceptance has to be the result of some virtue signaling on the part of both the sorority and its national organization. And, of course, those pushing this or sanctioning it are not those who have to live with it.

To ask the question about him trying to look like a woman and asking if sorority's have those expectations is one I can't answer. I know back in my time the 60s fraternities and sororities certainly did expect their members to have neat and orderly appearances. I think that all went away in fraternities at least in the 70s.

This dude, and he is a dude, despite his mental illness, does not belong in a sorority. Sadly, I'm not certain there is anywhere he does belong given all of his issues. It's unreasonable for those at a distance to insist that those directly affected by these circumstances accept them. But it seems to be the way we do things these. If this is to stand then perhaps we can expand these situations and install illegal aliens and their families in the homes of those who purport to support an open border.

There's nothing like having to endure reality to change one's opinions on policy.

donald said...

Why hasn’t a boyfriend or brother or dad straightened that shithead out yet? And by straightened out I mean curb stomped.

Kate said...

Since commenters here are asking: The voting rules were changed so that the sisters weren't allowed to vote no on Artemis. National had decided to be inclusive, and the local chapter couldn't override that.

Steven Wilson said...

A trans woman is still male. Particularly is the person in question is 6' 2" weighs 260 pounds and is capable of sporting an erection.

This is a sad case. To have that stature, the delusion that you are a woman and to be autistic are conditions that iare heartbreaking if true and pure opportunism if not. There's some lunacy involved that he was ever allowed to be in a sorority, and I fully understand that some of the women are uncomfortable if not outright fearful in this situation. His acceptance has to be the result of some virtue signaling on the part of both the sorority and its national organization. And, of course, those pushing this or sanctioning it are not those who have to live with it.

To ask the question about him trying to look like a woman and asking if sorority's have those expectations is one I can't answer. I know back in my time the 60s fraternities and sororities certainly did expect their members to have neat and orderly appearances. I think that all went away in fraternities at least in the 70s.

This dude, and he is a dude, despite his mental illness, does not belong in a sorority. Sadly, I'm not certain there is anywhere he does belong given all of his issues. It's unreasonable for those at a distance to insist that those directly affected by these circumstances accept them. But it seems to be the way we do things these. If this is to stand then perhaps we can expand these situations and install illegal aliens and their families in the homes of those who purport to support an open border.

There's nothing like having to endure reality to change one's opinions on policy.

Steven Wilson said...

A trans woman is still male. Particularly is the person in question is 6' 2" weighs 260 pounds and is capable of sporting an erection.

This is a sad case. To have that stature, the delusion that you are a woman and to be autistic are conditions that iare heartbreaking if true and pure opportunism if not. There's some lunacy involved that he was ever allowed to be in a sorority, and I fully understand that some of the women are uncomfortable if not outright fearful in this situation. His acceptance has to be the result of some virtue signaling on the part of both the sorority and its national organization. And, of course, those pushing this or sanctioning it are not those who have to live with it.

To ask the question about him trying to look like a woman and asking if sorority's have those expectations is one I can't answer. I know back in my time the 60s fraternities and sororities certainly did expect their members to have neat and orderly appearances. I think that all went away in fraternities at least in the 70s.

This dude, and he is a dude, despite his mental illness, does not belong in a sorority. Sadly, I'm not certain there is anywhere he does belong given all of his issues. It's unreasonable for those at a distance to insist that those directly affected by these circumstances accept them. But it seems to be the way we do things these. If this is to stand then perhaps we can expand these situations and install illegal aliens and their families in the homes of those who purport to support an open border.

There's nothing like having to endure reality to change one's opinions on policy.

Steven Wilson said...

A trans woman is still male. Particularly is the person in question is 6' 2" weighs 260 pounds and is capable of sporting an erection.

This is a sad case. To have that stature, the delusion that you are a woman and to be autistic are conditions that iare heartbreaking if true and pure opportunism if not. There's some lunacy involved that he was ever allowed to be in a sorority, and I fully understand that some of the women are uncomfortable if not outright fearful in this situation. His acceptance has to be the result of some virtue signaling on the part of both the sorority and its national organization. And, of course, those pushing this or sanctioning it are not those who have to live with it.

To ask the question about him trying to look like a woman and asking if sorority's have those expectations is one I can't answer. I know back in my time the 60s fraternities and sororities certainly did expect their members to have neat and orderly appearances. I think that all went away in fraternities at least in the 70s.

This dude, and he is a dude, despite his mental illness, does not belong in a sorority. Sadly, I'm not certain there is anywhere he does belong given all of his issues. It's unreasonable for those at a distance to insist that those directly affected by these circumstances accept them. But it seems to be the way we do things these. If this is to stand then perhaps we can expand these situations and install illegal aliens and their families in the homes of those who purport to support an open border.

There's nothing like having to endure reality to change one's opinions on policy.

Steven Wilson said...

A trans woman is still male. Particularly is the person in question is 6' 2" weighs 260 pounds and is capable of sporting an erection.

This is a sad case. To have that stature, the delusion that you are a woman and to be autistic are conditions that iare heartbreaking if true and pure opportunism if not. There's some lunacy involved that he was ever allowed to be in a sorority, and I fully understand that some of the women are uncomfortable if not outright fearful in this situation. His acceptance has to be the result of some virtue signaling on the part of both the sorority and its national organization. And, of course, those pushing this or sanctioning it are not those who have to live with it.

To ask the question about him trying to look like a woman and asking if sorority's have those expectations is one I can't answer. I know back in my time the 60s fraternities and sororities certainly did expect their members to have neat and orderly appearances. I think that all went away in fraternities at least in the 70s.

This dude, and he is a dude, despite his mental illness, does not belong in a sorority. Sadly, I'm not certain there is anywhere he does belong given all of his issues. It's unreasonable for those at a distance to insist that those directly affected by these circumstances accept them. But it seems to be the way we do things these. If this is to stand then perhaps we can expand these situations and install illegal aliens and their families in the homes of those who purport to support an open border.

There's nothing like having to endure reality to change one's opinions on policy.

Steven Wilson said...

A trans woman is still male. Particularly is the person in question is 6' 2" weighs 260 pounds and is capable of sporting an erection.

This is a sad case. To have that stature, the delusion that you are a woman and to be autistic are conditions that iare heartbreaking if true and pure opportunism if not. There's some lunacy involved that he was ever allowed to be in a sorority, and I fully understand that some of the women are uncomfortable if not outright fearful in this situation. His acceptance has to be the result of some virtue signaling on the part of both the sorority and its national organization. And, of course, those pushing this or sanctioning it are not those who have to live with it.

To ask the question about him trying to look like a woman and asking if sorority's have those expectations is one I can't answer. I know back in my time the 60s fraternities and sororities certainly did expect their members to have neat and orderly appearances. I think that all went away in fraternities at least in the 70s.

This dude, and he is a dude, despite his mental illness, does not belong in a sorority. Sadly, I'm not certain there is anywhere he does belong given all of his issues. It's unreasonable for those at a distance to insist that those directly affected by these circumstances accept them. But it seems to be the way we do things these. If this is to stand then perhaps we can expand these situations and install illegal aliens and their families in the homes of those who purport to support an open border.

There's nothing like having to endure reality to change one's opinions on policy.

Steven Wilson said...

A trans woman is still male. Particularly is the person in question is 6' 2" weighs 260 pounds and is capable of sporting an erection.

This is a sad case. To have that stature, the delusion that you are a woman and to be autistic are conditions that iare heartbreaking if true and pure opportunism if not. There's some lunacy involved that he was ever allowed to be in a sorority, and I fully understand that some of the women are uncomfortable if not outright fearful in this situation. His acceptance has to be the result of some virtue signaling on the part of both the sorority and its national organization. And, of course, those pushing this or sanctioning it are not those who have to live with it.

To ask the question about him trying to look like a woman and asking if sorority's have those expectations is one I can't answer. I know back in my time the 60s fraternities and sororities certainly did expect their members to have neat and orderly appearances. I think that all went away in fraternities at least in the 70s.

This dude, and he is a dude, despite his mental illness, does not belong in a sorority. Sadly, I'm not certain there is anywhere he does belong given all of his issues. It's unreasonable for those at a distance to insist that those directly affected by these circumstances accept them. But it seems to be the way we do things these. If this is to stand then perhaps we can expand these situations and install illegal aliens and their families in the homes of those who purport to support an open border.

There's nothing like having to endure reality to change one's opinions on policy.

Steven Wilson said...

A trans woman is still male. Particularly is the person in question is 6' 2" weighs 260 pounds and is capable of sporting an erection.

This is a sad case. To have that stature, the delusion that you are a woman and to be autistic are conditions that iare heartbreaking if true and pure opportunism if not. There's some lunacy involved that he was ever allowed to be in a sorority, and I fully understand that some of the women are uncomfortable if not outright fearful in this situation. His acceptance has to be the result of some virtue signaling on the part of both the sorority and its national organization. And, of course, those pushing this or sanctioning it are not those who have to live with it.

To ask the question about him trying to look like a woman and asking if sorority's have those expectations is one I can't answer. I know back in my time the 60s fraternities and sororities certainly did expect their members to have neat and orderly appearances. I think that all went away in fraternities at least in the 70s.

This dude, and he is a dude, despite his mental illness, does not belong in a sorority. Sadly, I'm not certain there is anywhere he does belong given all of his issues. It's unreasonable for those at a distance to insist that those directly affected by these circumstances accept them. But it seems to be the way we do things these. If this is to stand then perhaps we can expand these situations and install illegal aliens and their families in the homes of those who purport to support an open border.

There's nothing like having to endure reality to change one's opinions on policy.

Kate said...

Wait a minute. "Suing anonymously"? When was this article written? The judge wouldn't let them sue anonymously. The women all had to give their real names.

hombre said...

Trans, autistic. Anything else? Chronic hangnails?

Trying to normalize this person's behavior hints at why comments are turned off and why WaPo lost $100 million last year.

Oh. And clearly the plaintiffs were lying and had no reason to feel uncomfortable about a "sister" with a dick watching./S Including the stuff about the murder and the usual "death threats" is transparently, hopefully provocative.

Iman said...

sassy salsiccia!!!

John henry said...

Off topic but I a currently at a college varsity volleyball tournament.

At least 2 teams from NY, one is Vassar.

Not a single woman coach, assistant coach or any other non-playing woman to be seen.

And they say women need men like fish need bicycles. Unless they want to play volleyball, I guess.

No complaints about granddaughters coach. He has a winning team and she really likes him.

But why no women? There were plenty of (volunteer) women coaches when she was playing high level club vb in high school.

John Henry

Breezy said...

New rule at the house - everyone must pluck their brows, wax their groin area and wear 3” heels.

Problem solved.

MikeM said...

Were my daughters members of that coven I would advise them to triple lock their doors at night.
Mental health used to be taken seriously. Avoiding all the political flapdoodle, what does your instinct tell you about this guy Professor?

hombre said...

Evidently the Kappas have also eliminated the "blackball." What? Somebody might be offended by rejection?

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

If they don't want this guy there, turn the tables on him.

Install a webcam in the common area and ask for volunteers to monitor it, so that when the volunteers see him sit in the couch of the common area, volunteers come in and sit with him. Maybe have two male volunteers come in so they can have chit chats with each other, about sports, about the girl they are dating, talk about the courses they are taking.

This guy wants to be in a girl's space, make it a guy space when he is there.

Political Junkie said...

Wilbur at 910 - I read your last sentence as "erections have consequences" and chuckled. Then chuckled when I realized I misread.

Ann Althouse said...

"Nobody has the "right" to "be" something he is not, let alone a right to compel others to treat him as that other thing."

What about after they are accepted as a member of something, such as, here, a sorority?

pacwest said...

Transgender is a made up word. There is no such thing. It might be possible to change your sex sometime in the future, but medical science will have to make some huge leaps to make that happen. Body mutilation would be a more accurate description, but in this case, as in the Mulvaney instance, scam would be the more likely descriptor.

Mass delusion can be frightening thing, but personally I find it humorous. Mostly. I am a bit disturbed that the inmates seem to have taken over the asylum.

Not my circus, not my monkeys.

Mike of Snoqualmie said...

Men pretending to be women make the best women, Ann. Just like men pretending to be women athletes make the best woman athletes. Real women athletes just need to try harder. Never mind, that the male body is naturally stronger and faster than women's bodies.

The women in Kappa Kappa Gamma need to tell their tormentor "leave", "fake", "assh*le" every time he appears. If he appears at parties or dinners, ignore him. Just talk around him. Ostracize him so he skedaddles out of there toute suite.

Dude1394 said...

Who cares whether he is dressing like a woman or not. He is a man, always will be a man until he cuts it off. Then he will be a eunuch but at least he won't be sitting around with a boner watching the girls go by. And the girls won't have to fear getting raped with said boner.

He is a man, he can do whatever he wants, but forcing women to accept them at the point of a gun is just wrong. No one should have to allow a potential rapist into their home.

Ann Althouse said...

"... forcing men into women’s spaces makes them feel unsafe and a creepy lurker who leers at naked women is acting like a creepy dude not like a normal sorority member."

Please take account of the fact that the sorority accepted this person as a member. Once accepted, didn't the sorority have to follow through on the privileges of membership. Every other member is allowed, I would think, to dress the way they want and not to look and act especially feminine. And aren't they all allowed to sit quietly in the common areas and to feel whatever sexual feelings they may privately experience?

Ann Althouse said...

"Are you now saying that I can be a woman without even pretending to be a woman?"

I'm saying that once the sorority decides to accept someone as a member, it needs to follow through and treat members the same. The sorority didn't go with the idea that no one with male body parts can be a member. Let them follow through with their own policies.

It would be a different question if a sorority wanted to limit membership to persons with female body parts.

I'm guessing that those making policy for the sorority decided they wanted to be inclusive toward transgender women. Having done that and having accepted this person as a member, they have to deal with the consequences. It was not a one-time display of values. It's an ongoing living arrangement, and Artemis Langford had a legitimate expectation of equal treatment.

The question of who "is" a "woman" doesn't matter to this dispute.

But I am also interested in the question whether anything outward matters with respect to transgender persons. I'm positing that the best way to understand it is as an internal feeling, a sense of oneself. But a problem there is that some people might think you are lying or mistaken. To that, I would ask when does it matter? When does it relate to anyone other than the person experiencing the feelings?

Ann Althouse said...

"They are FORCING people to associate with others they do not wish to."

Where is the forcing here? The sorority chose to accept Langford as a member. Other members chose to join this sorority. The only forcing is that some people who became members did not control the choosing of the other members and now they have to associate with them. That happens all the time within associations. Are you trying to posit a right of everyone within an association to control who else is in the association? I can't even picture how that could work. It's physically impossible.

Bob Boyd said...

What about after they are accepted as a member of something, such as, here, a sorority?

Sounds like he wasn't accepted. Sounds like he was imposed upon this chapter. Any women who quit the sorority or moved out of the house risked being marked for life and it probably would have affected their grades, their entire college experience and their future employment prospects. They'd likely have been vilified on campus and beyond. The people who did the imposing were probably also afraid.

Or maybe they just changed their mind. It's a woman's prerogative they say. After all, as 2 Live Crew so eloquently phrased it, "That dick is an awful thing"

JAORE said...

If IRC, California requires a certain make up of corporate leadership, including percentages of women. What if that percentage of current men suddenly proclaim themselves women? Is that OK? Problem solved?

What if a middling Division II men's soccer team declares itself trans and takes the Olympic and World Cup spots from the present women's team.

What if ANY affirmative action goal for women.... you get the point.

A recent "women's" link up with tech companies included a good number of biological men (strike that, men, just MEN). Boy were the biological women pissed off.

Now do declared race.

It's mental illness akin to the Queers for Hamas. (The reverse of "What's wrong with Kansas" on steroids.)

Gawd the mental gymnastics needed to be a lefty.

Ann Althouse said...

"Elections have consequences."

Ha ha. Yes. Exactly.

Steven Wilson said...

A trans woman is still male. Particularly is the person in question is 6' 2" weighs 260 pounds and is capable of sporting an erection.

This is a sad case. To have that stature, the delusion that you are a woman and to be autistic are conditions that iare heartbreaking if true and pure opportunism if not. There's some lunacy involved that he was ever allowed to be in a sorority, and I fully understand that some of the women are uncomfortable if not outright fearful in this situation. His acceptance has to be the result of some virtue signaling on the part of both the sorority and its national organization. And, of course, those pushing this or sanctioning it are not those who have to live with it.

To ask the question about him trying to look like a woman and asking if sorority's have those expectations is one I can't answer. I know back in my time the 60s fraternities and sororities certainly did expect their members to have neat and orderly appearances. I think that all went away in fraternities at least in the 70s.

This dude, and he is a dude, despite his mental illness, does not belong in a sorority. Sadly, I'm not certain there is anywhere he does belong given all of his issues. It's unreasonable for those at a distance to insist that those directly affected by these circumstances accept them. But it seems to be the way we do things these. If this is to stand then perhaps we can expand these situations and install illegal aliens and their families in the homes of those who purport to support an open border.

There's nothing like having to endure reality to change one's opinions on policy.

Bob Boyd said...

I'm guessing that those making policy for the sorority decided they wanted to be inclusive toward transgender women. Having done that and having accepted this person as a member, they have to deal with the consequences.

I'm guessing those making policy were not the ones who had to deal with the consequences.

JAORE said...

"The sorority chose to accept Langford as a member."

Perhaps,during rush. Langford failed to make it clear he has a "member". And that member, his penis, and would be exposed, erect, while his sisters showered.

JAORE said...

"... to feel whatever sexual feelings they may privately experience?"

"Privtely", like an erection exposed to the group?You are trying WAY to hard on this subject. Again.

Yancey Ward said...

Again, I will state the Ward Rule for trans-women who want to enter womens' domains like this:

Lose the dick and balls first.

Yancey Ward said...

You can also be voted out of a sorority house, can't you? Did the member of that particular house vote Langford out and the national sorority stepped in to stop it?

gilbar said...

Ann Althouse said...
Where is the forcing here? The sorority chose to accept Langford as a member

well, if you'd read; you'd see that the National Office ORDERED them to accept him
seven women from the Kappa Kappa Gamma house have filed a lawsuit against the national sorority organization
The plaintiffs allege the national Kappa Kappa Gamma sorority, its national council president and Langford all pressured the local chapter to breach sorority rules.

Seriously Althouse? Are you senile? or are you just playing one for TV?

Robert Marshall said...

Sororities, like fraternities, are where college-age kids go to find a social group they can fit into, which helps them learn how to become the sort of adult they want to be. There are lots of choices, ranging from "Animal House" style frats to very traditional sororities, and everything in between.

These are selective groups; not everyone is welcome. The existing members get to choose from the ones who express an interest in joining. And the prospective members are choosing, too, trying to find and join a group that fits their ideal community. This selectivity is what makes a case like "Artemis" so ridiculous: the community Artemis wants to join doesn't want Artemis to be a member. It's an exclusive community, and they want to -- and have the right to -- exclude Artemis.

Take a hint, dude: you're not wanted.

And that should be the end of it. It's a private, social interaction community, and laws and wokeness and LGBT++ 'pride' has nothing to say about it.

Bruce Hayden said...

“I thought that the sorority/fraternity had to vote on admittance. Was this dude foisted on the chapter by Management”

Normally Greek houses have a black ball system - one active member voting “No” is sufficient. That is the theory. The reality is a bit more nuanced. I was black balled by the guy who would be the next chapter President. Except that I had a letter of recommendation from the national president. Saner heads prevailed, esp after everyone was reminded that we had lost our alumni chapter after the son of the president of that group was black balled. Besides, we really didn’t overlap living in the fraternity house - he was a senior living off campus by the time I moved in my sophomore year. In retrospect, I understood his motivation - my partner and I were the oNly ones who could fairly consistently beat him and his partner playing bridge. My daughter’s sorority worked similarly, in theory, but women seem much less willing to personally black ball someone. That essentially means that more “No” votes are usually required to keep someone out.

The flip side is that you can typically throw people out too. In our case, it took a trial (that I presided over) and a majority vote. My roommate/successor as house president was the prosecutor and the one pushing the expulsion. Never did figure out the big reason for it, just that the person thrown out had disclosed our ritual to his girlfriend. We all did that, so it never made sense.

Barry Sullivan said...

I am baffled by the whole "pronoun" issue. One of the nice things about the English language is that it largely abandoned gender with respect to nouns. For example, in French "the girl" is "la fille" whereas "the boy" is "le garcon." So, in English "the" does double duty, thus simplifying grammar.

Now, the left is trying to resurrect noun gender by requiring -- through social opprobrium and ostracization -- "pronoun preferences." Of course, such "preferences" are turned into "mandates."

I for one refuse to kowtow to the new language police. If I am referring to a biological man posing as a woman, I continue to use the pronouns "he" and "him" regardless of what he prefers. My thoughts are mine and I shall express them however I want.

Writing should be clear and concise; so don't get me started about individuals who insist on "them" and "their."

Cheryl said...

IMO the National sorority saw an opportunity to virtue signal here. It’s a small sorority, 40-ish members according to the article. Wyoming is also the only university in that state, so it would be hard for these girls to leave, and that chapter is relatively isolated.

Artemis didn’t go through the regular recruitment process (“rush”) but instead received an open bid. That means the chapter didn’t hit quota during regular rush. That’s often an indication of a less-healthy chapter. In addition, the vote had names attached to the votes, not the norm. Given the political climate, it’s easy to see that the sorority members felt a lot of pressure.

The sisters in this chapter are victims. Nationals can bring a lot of pressure to bear on these chapters, especially when housing is involved. Craven of Kappa, really. I wish the girls would walk out.

Also that article is awful! Maudlin, and utterly inaccurate about the Matthew Shepard murder. Untrustworthy in a little, untrustworthy in a lot.

Robert Marshall said...

PS - While the sorority might have made a "choice" to accept Artemis, I would guess that was under considerable duress "from the National organization." There is precedent for women giving in to that sort of pressure, like the UPenn women's swim team, who got arm-twisted into letting Lia Thomas flaunt his tumescent junk in their locker room after manfully ripping them apart in the swimming pool.

So, I contend there should be a do-over allowed here, if my read of the situation is correct.

Besides, what sort of person insists on staying in a social organization that manifestly does not want them there?

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent said...

“Where is the forcing here?”

Well, define “forcing”. Adolescents gulled by relentless Lefty dogshit made social imperative? A strong case could be made that the 19 year-olds from Bumfuck were forced to accept the faux fem dude lest they be vilified by the usual toxic clowns.

Political Junkie said...

Regarding Hostess at 1147.
I have wondered if this concept - "leaders or a small group of decision making choices that the masses of the group do not support", is one reason for the decline of so many groups, associations, neighborhoods, political parties, nation states, etc. over the past 6 plus decades.

Leland said...

Interesting that you attend an university, because you just call yourself a lawyer, doctor, engineer, or various other professions without years of training and experience. Yet these same universities think all it takes to change biology is to call yourself the opposite sex.

Sebastian said...

"the best way to understand it is as an internal feeling, a sense of oneself."

This is the philosophical conundrum of our time. In defining identity, the culture has moved toward pure subjectivism. It's an "internal feeling," you see. Not long ago, it was "socially constructed." Before that, encoded by biology or given by God.

But of course, the subjectivist position cannot suffice on its own: it is always also accompanied by the insistent demand that any subjective claim be socially recognized and politically affirmed, and by the claim that biology and theology are irrelevant. Feelings rule.

"But a problem there is that some people might think you are lying or mistaken. To that, I would ask when does it matter?"

Of course, people will lie, and of course, many will be "mistaken." There is no sure way to tell, and even when the lie is obvious at a distance, as in the sorority case, there will be many pomo rationalizers to explain it away. "It" matters only when rational traditionalists have the power to resist the trans transvaluation. Elsewhere, in the whatev culture, anything goes.

n.n said...

It could be worse, they could be Jane Roe... Roe, Roe your boy down the river Styx.

That said, Artemis probably has two mothers, an absentee or donor father, and is confused about the masculine gender.

Bob Boyd said...

Even if they did vote to accept him, were they really free to choose? They probably didn't want to be labeled the sorority that's transphobic and all that would have followed from that.

walter said...

"That's your pillow now.'

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent said...

“Besides, what sort of person insists on staying in a social organization that manifestly does not want them there?”

Now that is not a good argument. Indeed, it’s exactly the kind of junior high school disingenuousness that the lunatics latch onto as a diversion from the real evil that they’re pushing.

Tim said...

I would guess that if a cis woman with short hair and masculine features chose to sit on the couch in the common area, she would not sport an erection, which would probably be more acceptable to the people sharing the space.

William said...

It's not just the transgendered. All women who are 6'2" and weigh 260 lbs have trouble finding just the right outfit. A little black dress is out of the question. A Chanel outfit can sometimes work, but it's hard to find one in your size....As a fashion accessory, I would recommend that she wear a codpiece. That would draw attention away from the erection. Codpieces are traditionally associated with men--not of a certain age but from a certain age--but in our inclusive era why can't women wear codpieces. I wouldn't advise a leather codpiece though. Something in a a soft fabric with pastel colors would emphasize the femininity of her erection.

Jamie said...

He is a man, always will be a man until he cuts it off. ... And the girls won't have to fear getting raped with said boner.

The problem I see is that if this hypothetical large male person isn't sincere about wanting to undergo as full a transition as medical science can currently provide, or maybe even if he is sincere, anger at the women's lack of complete acceptance could still drive him to physical assault, and perhaps - because of the nature of this malady - sexual assault. A penis isn't the only thing that can be forced into a woman's body. And a biological male without a penis will still, on average (and in this case, definitely), have the physical ability to do the forcing.

So no, even once you castrate yourself, you still don't get access to women-only spaces. You "feel like" a woman so strongly that you're willing to cut off your penis and testicles and take drugs for the rest of your life to diminish your testosterone production and to provide female-level estrogen? Fine - do all that, because you feel so strongly that you should be a woman. Part of the price you pay for your so-strong feeling, your compulsion even, is that you willingly sacrifice your access to the men-only spaces to which you had access before, and you willingly accept the fact that you also don't belong in women-only spaces.

Or you could work to do something to correct your compulsion instead.

Take what you want, says God. Take what you want, and pay for it.

Ron Winkleheimer said...

Just a thought, maybe there was a good reason for society to stigmatize this kind of behavior.

farmgirl said...


I don’t believe this person is mentally ill.
I don’t believe this person is trans.
I believe this person is socially awkward.
I believe this person is a pervert.
I believe this person is intelligent.
I believe this person is a manipulative, spoiled brat.

I believe that it would be more acceptable to become trans while still being call by accurate pronouns, by your original name and by remembering who you were in your actual past life. You’re not a re-creation- you’re a living work in progress.

In this way, you don’t deny your family/friends from loving you as you were.

Not that I agree w/being something we aren’t, but it’s so much more honest to bridge the gap- as opposed to burning the bridge between.

Ron Winkleheimer said...

"Are you trying to posit a right of everyone within an association to control who else is in the association?"

As someone else has already pointed out, you just described a fraternity. Some private clubs work that way as well.

Blackball - to vote against
especially : to exclude from membership by casting a negative vote

Ron Winkleheimer said...

"When does it relate to anyone other than the person experiencing the feelings?"

I don't care about what someone feels, I care about their actions and how those actions affect others. Why do the rights and "feels" of so called trans people trump that of actual women? But I can give one specific instance - housing male prison inmates who claim to "feel" like a woman in women's prisons, resulting in rapes and pregnancies. But I guess it is OK to get raped as long as it is with a "female penis."

This is sort of nonsense is why the "elites" and the media are so rapidly losing credibility.

“There are some ideas so absurd that only an intellectual could believe them.”
― George Orwell

Oligonicella said...

I wonder how this sorority treats ciswomen with short hair, no makeup, and boyish clothes and demeanor. Maybe they're not invited to join in the first place.

Hypothetical what-about, what-about, what-about, what-about.

In any event, it's called freedom of association.

Oligonicella said...

Recall that slippery slope I laid out a while ago? This isn't even really at the bottom of it.

I iterate; change 'I think I am' to 'I got all surgeries done' and watch these creeps disappear. Until then it's cosplay.

Zev said...

It's "he" not "she."
And those suing were correct in every respect.
It's gross beyond belief.

Ron Winkleheimer said...

"Every other member is allowed, I would think, to dress the way they want and not to look and act especially feminine."

I have to admit, the only experience I have ever had with sororities was back in the 70s when I delivered newspapers to several of them, but from that I'm going to conclude that, at least back then, they cared about what members wore and wanted them to look feminine, a lot.

Ron Winkleheimer said...

Also, a rock-n-roll band generally has to have everyone agree about who is in it.

Freeman Hunt said...

Why was this person accepted into a sorority in the first place? And if he didn't want to be sorority-ish, why did he join? People don't join Kappa Kappa Gamma, what I understand to be the alpha of sororities, to brood around looking plain.

No one has to be into the sorority thing. I certainly wasn't. But why join if you aren't? And why accept men who they would never accept if they were women? Bad faith situation all around.

Oligonicella said...

Ann Althouse said...

What about after they are accepted as a member of something, such as, here, a sorority?

It's called getting kicked out of the club. I kicked people out of my stunt group who refused to dress and act accordingly.

Freedom of association.

Whiskeybum said...

Bob Boyd said... "I'm guessing those making policy were not the ones who had to deal with the consequences."


Free Manure While You Wait! said...

"The sisters in the lawsuit created a legal fund on a Christian crowdfunding website"

If it isn't named, it doesn't exist.

Wa St Blogger said...

A person who forces others to accept them into a community is not in favor of community. They are being selfish and are interested only in themselves, because once you force yourself into a community, the community is lost.

Anna Keppa said...

Ann Althouse said...

"It would be a different question if a sorority wanted to limit membership to persons with female body parts."
Are you freakin' serious???

Up until this case, "sorority" has always meant "a college club for college girls", aka women.

Who the hell are YOU to require sororities to specify that they want only "persons with female body parts"?

Would girls who rush a sorority have to pull down their panties before they were let in?

Jupiter said...

"What about after they are accepted as a member of something, such as, here, a sorority?"

So your point is that this has got nothing to do with his being a perverted freak, it's a straight-up question of contractual obligations? Uh-huh. How's the half-and-half this morning? A little rich? Ejaculations have consequences.

Joe Smith said...

Can we please stop the nonsense of using 'she' for fully intact men who go around getting woodies in the presence of real women?

Such bullshit. It is pandering of the highest order...

Free Manure While You Wait! said...

If you are a user of X, follow Gays Against Groomers. They make excellent points regarding this issue, one of which, is that these groomers manipulate impressionable gay teens and Lesbians into believing that they are transgendered, not gay. Ann's son is fortunate to have been born when he was.

Fun Fact: Men who transition from male to female have nearly a seven fold increase of developing multiple sclerosis. (Source: NIH) Google it.

I worked with homeless gays, Lesbians and transgender teens for years. The gays and Lesbians are just normal kids in every way. The transgenders are strange as fuck. Every last one of them.

Joe Smith said...

'It would be a different question if a sorority wanted to limit membership to persons with female body parts.'

It is a female, same-sex sorority.

Only the whackos at various colleges have redefined the term 'female.'

As for your other argument, you are welcome until you are not.

If you're invited to a cocktail party, get sloppy drunk, and grope the host's wife, you will likely be shown the door absent a key party.

Iman said...

Hey, chicks can have dicks. Deal with it!


JK Brown said...

I'm always curious why these women who oppose trans-women don't just walk away. Leave the sorority, quit the team, starve the national organization of the dues and smear their reputation.

I suggest there will never be a trans-woman beach volleyball player. Those who make the money off girls jumping in thongs know it would kill their cash cow. This is not to say the women who play beach volleyball aren't great athletes, but the sport would be much smaller if they wore less revealing "uniforms".

In any case, like they say about abortion, trans-gender in women's spaces is a women's issue that men should stay out of. After all, these sorority women were probably out protesting for Trans rights against those evil conservatives the week before Artemis moved into their chapter house.

Free Manure While You Wait! said...

" gspencer said...
"Trans woman" is Newspeak for man."

Trans = Faux

Every time.

Free Manure While You Wait! said...

"Wilbur said...
This dumb ass sorority voted to invite or accept Artemis as a member, as a sister in their fraternity.

Elections have consequences."

Erections have consequences.


Free Manure While You Wait! said...

"What about after they are accepted as a member of something, such as, here, a sorority?"

What about after they are IMPOSED as a member of something, such as, here, a sorority?


Free Manure While You Wait! said...

"Seriously Althouse? Are you senile? "

I've been reading this blog almost daily since 2004. With no desire to come across as mean, she has lost a step or two since then.

The Godfather said...

As I've said before, we should not call a man who "identifies as" a woman a "trans woman"; this person is a "trans man". Biology first, imagination second.
Look at this story, describing this guy honestly:

As HE read the allegations, Artemis felt angry and betrayed. 'Some parts were completely made up,' HE said. 'Others were things I remember but in their version was twisted to look weird, gross, sexual.' Many passages felt deeply personal, as though those filing the lawsuit could sense HIS deepest anxieties. HE was still learning to dress as a woman and had been able to afford only a few long dresses that reflected HIS modest Mormon upbringing.

TeaBagHag said...

I’m with you bastards on this one. Can we end this nonsense by replacing trans woman the term “chick with dick?”

Breezy said...

I’m not a religious person but when these cases come up, I can honestly see where a spiritual community could really help someone think about others rather than themselves.

Marcus Bressler said...

There is no such thing as a "trans woman".
He's a pervert and HE is a MAN.
That you would even admit to his alleged actions in sitting on the floor, ogling the women, and sporting an erection in HIS clothes is a "I spit on the floor" at your moral choices.
Stop gaslighting his sex and the reasons he is there. I thought you supported women against perverted men: did you join the Harvey Weinstein Fan Club? Pathetic.


Marcus Bressler said...

Here is the "Community Notes" on TwitterX's Wash Post tweet about the poor, sad, transwoman:

Currently rated helpful
Shown on X
Oct 14
Provides important context · Directly addresses the post’s claim
"Langford is a heterosexual man.

"In 2018 the Sorority changed its rules to allow men to join if they claim to be trans. Langford used this to get a place.

"Sorority members tried to remove Langford after male pattern lewd behaviour but failed due to the 2018 rule change."

Bunkypotatohead said...

Next year that chapter of the sorority will get zero female applicants.
Problem solved.

Jamie said...

My son, in a fraternity, advocated for a pledge who was a non-drinking gay guy. There was, at the time, a culture of drinking, especially during pledging, but not a requirement, and this guy refrained from drinking during pledging. The guy was admitted into the frat, despite being very different from the rest of the guys.

He proceeded to "whistle-blow" against the culture on the national level, in spite of not having been required to drink, and to a much lesser degree, not meeting the culture, but not the requirement, of being straight.

It was quite the brouhaha. My son spent his junior and part of his senior year, as an officer in the frat, dealing with the repercussions of the whistle-blowing, despite the fact that no one ever made this kid drink a drop of alcohol in order to be admitted. It was, to be fair, the year that the kid died at Penn State during rush. And as a mom I am not unhappy that the emphasis on drinking lessened. But my son's desire to be more inclusive could have closed this fraternity's doors forever.

I was not a big fan of the Greek system myself - I didn't do it and my husband's participation in it was a strike against him when I was considering dating him in college. But many of our dearest friends are men whom my husband met through his fraternity and their wives, and many of my son's closest friends are his fraternity brothers. So, I think for some people this system is a valuable short cut to finding compatible people with whom to form long friendships.

This situation, in which this person's desire to be accepted, generally, into an all-woman group appears to have overwhelmed any desire actually to fit into the group, totally undercuts the camaraderie that the Greek system is supposed to be about. Even giving this Artemis the benefit of the doubt for sincerity, Artemis is prioritizing personal feelings over community cohesion, which is central to the Greek system.

I don't want to pass judgment on Artemis personally, though I definitely have an opinion. But systemically, Artemis should not be there.

Leland said...


Missing a can’t

MikeD said...

Once the "National Organization" forced them to accept this deviant male, they shuda just severed ties with the National and advised all other chapters their reasoning to do so. Dollars to donuts the blowback would've either changed the National's ruling or resulted in a new regime at the National's level.

n.n said...

Gender is sex-correlated attributes (e.g. sexual orientation). Trans- refers to a state or process of divergence from normal. Transvestites are transsocial. Homosexuals are transgender. Gay and lesbian are retronyms culturally appropriated to socially distance homosexuals from others in the transgender spectrum. Artemis is a progressive social liberal. The women have been ordered to take a knee to DEI (i.e. class-disordered ideology) and post-normal science.

wildswan said...

iowan2 said...
Aren't sororities goal orientated to gather like minded women supporting each other? A group with common culture, language, desires, fears, joys?"

Exactly what I thought. Is a 6'2" autistic Mormon man who decides he is female but who who retains Mormon ideas on dressing - is this person a sorority girl?
And then, he is surprised to find malice, pettiness and gossip going on in a group of women? His clothes, his looks, his social skills, got picked over by sorority women and he is surprised? I say "he" because no "she" would be surprised.

Narayanan said...

do these sorority girls count among the white liberal college educated who vote D?

so why would they not obey orders from above?

boatbuilder said...

I see the opportunity for some fascinating fraternity pranks here.

Perhaps made into a cheesy movie.

Libs pretend that 2 + 2 = 5, and insist that everybody follow the rule, until it affects them--time for new rules!

n.n said...

2 + 2 "=" (politically congruent) 5

n.n said...

White... color... sex supremacy.

Narr said...

There goes all the fun from panty raids.

Pianoman said...

@Kate: "Since commenters here are asking: The voting rules were changed so that the sisters weren't allowed to vote no on Artemis. National had decided to be inclusive, and the local chapter couldn't override that."

Then you forfeit your sorority membership and find a different sorority that shares your values. Clearly the national office is more interested in scoring virtue signaling points, and is willing to let a bully push them around. Time to abandon ship. It sucks, but the alternative is worse.

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