So interesting to watch Crooked Joe Biden break every environmental law in the book to prove that I was right when I built 560 miles (they incorrectly state 450 in story!) of brand new, beautiful border wall. As I have stated often, over thousands of years, there are only two things that have consistently worked, wheels, and walls! Will Joe Biden apologize to me and America for taking so long to get moving, and allowing our country to be flooded with 15 million illegals immigrants, from places unknown. I will await his apology!
October 5, 2023
"President Joe Biden – who, as a candidate, vowed that there will 'not be another foot' of border wall constructed on his watch – has been plagued by issues on the border..."
"'There is presently an acute and immediate need to construct physical barriers and roads in the vicinity of the border of the United States in order to prevent unlawful entries into the United States in the project areas,” [Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas said in a filing].... Among the laws the Biden administration is bypassing to build the wall are several of the same statutes the administration has in the past moved to protect, including: the National Environmental Policy Act, the Endangered Species Act, the Clean Water Act and the Clean Air Act...."
how does this dovetail with the BP cutting razor wire laid down by Texas DPS so that immigrants won't be hindered?
“Diversity is our strength” he said
“Migrants deserve our help!” he said
“It will be fun!" he said
an endless succession of wheels and walls
5-7 million democrat voters.
They are really importing a single party voting base... and these illegals are living off of the rest of us - without our approval.
So we were building the wall until 2021. And then we stopped. And then we started again today. Ah, wouldn't it have been nice to have cut out the middleman.
Emigration reform to mitigate progress and collateral damage at both ends of the bridge and throughout. People should not feel compelled to immigrate. George "Fentanyl" Floyd syndrome should not be facilitated through enabling trafficking and denying civil rights. We need to balance our budget and stop exporting progressive prices ("inflation") through shared responsibility. We need to end the ethnic Spring series that is a first-order forcing of CAIR. #HateLovesAbortion
So border walls move from RACIST category back to NECESSARY with a memo and the requisite EOs from the POTUS desk? No mea culpas? No apologies to AZ and TX for the heavy Fed hand that prevented those states from using the materials the Trump administration had staged ready to use? What about last month’s announcement that the Feds were selling off the wall materials for “pennies on the dollar”? Is that no longer true either?
How can they blame Trump now that they are admitting he was right?
"There is presently an acute and immediate need to construct physical barriers and roads in the vicinity of the border of the United States in order to prevent unlawful entries into the United States in the project areas,” [Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas said in a filing]
This f**king need existed 4, 5, 6, ... years ago.
15 million more illegals means Joe Biden will get 96 million votes next time. Should be enough for now.
From "places unknown." Is that near Parts Unknown, the land of mysterious pro wrestlers?
Illegals need to be sent to his Delaware house, his Rehoboth Beach House, to the front of the White House ect..ect..ect... Let the Biden administration stew in the mess that THEY made.
Way too late for walls to work. Everybody knows it but for some it’s still worth pretending to care in this long-running theater piece called “Decline And Fall Of The United States.”
A physical wall can’t work but a social and cultural wall might: if we all snooped and ratted on that new family down the street who can’t speak English and whose kids beg and then burgle our houses. Some Federal gendarmerie could be formed to come and check their papers (or in the absence of strong proof of legitimacy, they could be assumed to be illegal) and round them up on buses (the ones with mesh over the windows) and taken…away. And “processed.” Back to…? Well, somewhere else.
I see that outcome as about as unlikely as a wall.
I wouldn't say Biden has been plagued by border issues.
Mayors of border cities have been plagued by border issues. Governors of border states have been plagued by border issues.
Biden just hides out in Delaware, avoiding his dog.
Will Joe Biden apologize to me and America for taking so long to get moving, and allowing our country to be flooded with 15 million illegals immigrants, from places unknown. I will await his apology
Trump pulls one from the Althouse play book! Maybe he’s a lurker…
The open border finally got away from them.
Did the Dems really think they could control this?
Biden bypasses laws about keeping illegal entrants out of our nation.
Biden admin abuses sanctuary rules to allow millions of illegal entrants into the nation... as he promised to do when he was campaigning.
Alternate headlines that are truthful.
NBC News a few days ago: 25% of hospital patients in NYC public hospitals are illegals. Maybe build a wall around the hospitals. Or put MASH units on Martha's Vineyard. Meanwhile, NYC Mayor Adams is vacationing in Mexico.
Lefties, you voted for this ^^^^^
Just remember that the Great Replacement is a conspiracy theory perpetrated by aluminum foil hat wearing Golems clickety clacking away tirelessly on typewriters deep within the misty mountains. They pull their illegal immigrant crossing statistics in the millions and millions of entrants using their precious necronomicon, also known as
Trump: "As I have stated often, over thousands of years,... "
I know Trump is old and that he like to exaggerate, but really? :)
Dementia Joe… God love him… put the pedo out to pasture, he’s toast.
We were told by all the lock-step D-hack "newz" /offical White House obedient narrative outlets that...
Where is AOC? Where are the photo ops? Where are the demands for arresting those who put kids into cages?
"... bypasses 26 federal laws ...." What's a law to a Biden?
Closing the barn door after the horse escaped is nothing more than a public relations move.
It seems labor arbitrage and Democratic diversity policies have been called. I wonder if this is what prompted Stones to publish a negative report about X and Musk in the "mainstream" news.
Somebody is selling some big time steel.
This kind of thing is interesting. It's good that he's acknowledging the obvious, but will he also acknowledge that there's something _wrong_ with his thinking? This was obvious to the other side and not to his side.
Hunter Biden's tax payer funded Hooker said...
5-7 million democrat voters.
They're not so reliably Democrat as Democrats expected, and their children will be even less so. Which as much as anything is likely why the Democrats have warmed to the idea of a wall. (I refer you to the school protests in Michigan for insights into why immigrants may not be the deal the left thought they were.)
Election getting closer, so need to look like they are doing something. Nothing will get built and the illegals will continue to arrive a million every quarter.
I don't think my comment above needs much explication but here's an afterthought. I view the border problem as a physics problem. You have two different liquids A and B with a barrier between them. There's a certain amount of slow leakage (driven by a pressure differential: more A molecules are attracted to the B side, than the other direction). The leakage means the B side has to adjust to the new arrivals, and up to a certain rate of influx it does so. Then something happens: the pressure differential goes way up (migrants increasingly savvy and/or desperate and/or mobile) and the barrier permeability goes way up as well (wall left unbuilt; CBP outmanned and demoralized). Result?
Now the B side is getting swamped: cannot adjust/assimilate the new arrivals, or even keep track of them. Entropy means you can't reverse the flow. Maybe, just maybe, you can improve the barrier so the influx rate drops back to a "manageable" level. Or you improve the efficiency with which you assimilate the newcomers. But in the old days you might get B's who were on average ready able and wiling to add value to the A side they had entered. Now as the flood of Bs sweeps up anybody who can fog a mirror and has a rap sheet and wants some free stuff, your sorting and assimilation problem has exploded. In any case, at these volumes and pressures, you're talking about years --decades-- of work to accommodate the new reality.
There's no going back. IMHO the big question going forward is, who do you think is the least-incompetent, least-untrustworthy manager of what is going to be a huge ongoing shift in "who we are"?
Mayorkas until yesterday: THE BORDER IS SECURE!
Where are Chuck and Inga hiding today?
Remember when??
I guess Joe is the white supremacist now?? Now that Joes man made CRISIS is hitting the left...they are all for the wall. Fucking Hypocrites deserve every illegal being sent their way. Embrace the suck as Drunk Nancy would say.
It wasn't that long ago I read that the Biden administration was selling off the uninstalled wall material. So does that mean he has to purchase new? If so who will benefit financially from this? Something smells fishy.
He probably also broke laws regarding bribery for the material replacement.
Illegal immigration is the biggest challenge to western civilization in millennia.
I have a map showing migration maps into western Europe in the 5th century AD and one showing current migration pathways in a recent Financial Times article on migration. There's a perfect overlap. One might keep in mind that these invasions overthrew the Roman Empire.
So wait, border walls aren't racist anymore? Are they not going to weld the doors open on this wall? Will they now admit the border isn't secure and that Biden has not done more than any other president to secure the border? So many questions...
Just for fun, I hope someone sues the Biden administration for suspending these laws and then we can watch in open court Biden's team defending the need for the walls.
Starr County, Texas. Per Wikipedia:
[A]s of 2020, Starr has the longest streak of voting for Democrats in the entire country. Its streak is currently almost triple the length of Minnesota's Democratic streak, which began in 1976.... In the most recent election, Donald Trump came within five points of winning the county, receiving 8,224 votes (47 percent) to Joe Biden's 9,099 (52 percent).
What a coincidence.
There's a good chance that Biden's promise will be fulfilled. Bypassing environmental laws will initiate court challenges which may well delay any new construction.
The "acute and immediate need" is not to stop illegal immigration across the southern border. (And that won't happen.) The "acute and immediate need" is for the Biden administration to be seen Doing Something before the next elections.
Horse, barn door.
They've achieved their goal of orchestrating an invasion.
Now they can claim they're doing something about it.
Traitorous cocksuckers.
My prediction: The additional wall constructed will be short, ineffective, and little more than a photo/video prop for the mainstream media.
This won't stop Biden from legalizing the millions of illegals already in the USA or even stop the millions from flooding in illegally. Nor will it stop a flood a "Fake refugees", or "H1-bs" or Biden from increasing the LEGAL immigration cap by millions.
And Biden's BUILDING a wall. He's not BUILT the wall. Who knows when it will be completed. And who knows what Biden will do in Jan 2025, maybe that "Wall" will be demolished.
Get it?
And the "Wall" needs guards and the willingness to deport those you find "climbing over the wall". Which Biden will not do.
McCain said for 10 years "Just build the dang Fence". And then voted to not fund any border contruction. But it allowed him to POSE as someone who cared about the border.
Biden and GOPe think you're stupid.
And based on people's votes - they are.
Can you imagine just how horrifying their internal polling must be?
"Holy Crap, Jill, your husband is polling around the same numbers as malaria and Ted Talks."
The internal polling at the DNC/Biden HQ must be terrible to get them to do this. In the meantime, Team Rep has decided that a circular firing squad is just what the political moment calls for. Lovely.
Best is seeing all the bitching and moaning videos on Twitter of Chicago communities pissed that migrants are being housed in their communities. No awareness that they voted for this shit and will do so again in 2024. A busload got dropped off at the Willis/Sears Tower today, and they kicked them out of the lobby.
NYC Mayor Eric Adams is on his way to Mexico and Central America to "see what he can do". Thought that was the job of ding bat Kamala Harris??
Turn out "Sanctuary City" was nothing more that another liberal, bullshit virtue signal. We all knew that. I'd say I can't wait until migrants start showing up in Madison, WI to reveal their hypocrisy...but that a little to close to home.
President Biden is not building "The Wall" as previously proposed by Trump. Instead, he is using Jersey Barriers, which can be easily crossed. The funds allocated for The Wall cannot be redirected, so Biden is utilizing them to deplete the budget. This places pressure on Trump and Republicans to introduce new legislation to secure additional funds in order to finish the project.
"Holy Crap, Jill, your husband is polling around the same numbers as malaria and Ted Talks."
Made me laugh out loud. Thanks.
Biden has "issues" with the border. What border?
Trump was building a xenophobic racist wall.
This will be an inclusive wall of welcome and love and stuff.
Send Commander to the border and put him to work protecting America.
Great, Beiden sold all the stored wall steel, (to democrat rich people). And tomorrow will buy it all back at 10 times the cost. We will hear about the details in 2 years and “at this point why does it matter?” ( tm).
Why did they sell it last week if they were going to need it now? Are they that incompetent that they don’t know they are going to flip flop next week? The Beiden admin is an organized crime syndicate, they physically can’t be that stupid, it has to be a criminal plan.
Their border wall ecological policy dovetails comfortably with their Nuke The Whales coastal abomination.
There will be massive repercussions...
If a real wall is built you will see World War Z... yea kind of like the movie.
It is called unintended consequences.
"Among the laws the Biden administration is bypassing to build the wall are several of the same statutes the administration has in the past moved to protect, including: the National Environmental Policy Act, the Endangered Species Act, the Clean Water Act and the Clean Air Act...."
Bypassing? Clever euphemism; it'll go over most peoples' heads.
"I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States . . ."
"[H]e [the President] shall take Care that the Laws be faithfully executed"
Trump was right about the democratic choice, which was, and is, not the Democrat Choice. We -- diverse nations -- need emigration reform to mitigate progress.
Seems the polling isn't going well. Sending illegals to the Democrats who invited them, and welcomed them into their sanctuary cities is working. Keep sending more buses to Democrat cities.
Joe is now wants to SEND THEM BACK!!!
Camilo Montoya-Galvez
NEWS — The Biden administration is restarting direct deportations to Venezuela in an attempt to reduce the recent record arrivals of Venezuelan migrants along the southern border, four current and former U.S. officials tell @CBSNews.
Biden admin sold off the parts to UN-installed border for pennies on the dollar.
All Americans need to demand that the millions of illegal entrants must be deported.
This is a winning potion for the GOP. Any takers?
OK, sure, it's fun to see Biden wanting to build a fence, after everything he (and every Democrat pol and editorialist) said when Trump wanted a fence -- but the fact is, in today's environment a fence is too little too late. When the homeless were camping in your yard, that was one thing, but now they've got the key to your house.
What is needed now is to remove from the country the people who've come here illegally; remove them from wherever they are. From what I read in the news, there are probably a lot of folks in "Blue" cities who would be happy to assist. So Joe, when you build Trump's fence, make sure there are north-to-south exits with plenty of capacity.
too bad they sold off all that uninstalled fencing. no current contracts? another year to actually put up a meter of fence
How is this being paid for? Is Mexico paying for it?
Ann looked to see if Trump is "truthing" about Biden's wall turnabout, and he is . . . but TFG is not "truthing" about Mar-a-Lago but perhaps he should be:
“Between 2011 and 2021, you value the Mar-a-Lago property between $18 million and $28 million,” Rep. Jared Moskowitz, (D-FL) wrote in a letter to the Palm Beach County appraiser.
“Mar-a-Lago was listed as worth $490 million in financial documents given to banks,” he wrote.
“If the property value of Mar-a-Lago is so much higher than it was appraised, will you be amending the property value in line with the Trump family’s belief that the property is worth well over a billion dollars?”
Trump - "We are going to build the wall."
What a fucking liar.
Gusty Winds said...
NYC Mayor Eric Adams is on his way to Mexico and Central America to "see what he can do". Thought that was the job of ding bat (sic) Kamala Harris??
Mayor Adams is not about to talk to the VP about his self-determined, all-expenses-paid vacation to Mexico and Central America. The NYC Mayor has no authority whatsoever to do anything in foreign countries about immigrants illegally shipped to The Big Apple and elsewhere by Ron DeSantis and Greg Abbott.
Election getting closer, so need to look like they are doing something.
That's it in a nutshell. 20% approval rating on his handling of immigration.
Of course we're talking about 20 miles of wall which doesn't make any difference anyway, and others have pointed out it won't get built anyway. They already sold the leftover stockpile of Trump's wall for scrap.
But low info Dem voters can latch onto the headline to offset the chaos they are experiencing.
Not another foot may be a translation from a French negative.
If so who will benefit financially from this? Something smells fishy.
@rvpjr, something smells (financially) fishy? The Biden family? Tell me, friend, are you aware of anyone in the entire Biden administration who isn’t on the take?
If they were serious they would put the Justice department on the ngos and funding sources of the groups helping these people invade our country. Lots of rich people will shut their wallet once jail for supporting invasion is on the table
LLR-democratical lonejustice: "Trump - "We are going to build the wall."
What a fucking liar."
Oh, there's a f****** liar around here alright...and surprise! Its another of our pathetic LLR-democratical brigade.
Here's a couple of links for you...
One is the wall build tracker Customs and Border Protection used.
One is a description of progress made as of June 23, impressive amount of progress considering all the "roadblocks" (see what I did there?) that McConnell and Ryan put up to stymie the effort. The other provides an interactive map so you can zoom in on the precise locations of construction.
Quick notes from the links - as of June 23, 2020 there were 216 miles of new wall system construction which replaced "old and dilapited" barriers with new wall systems or new wall systems where no wall previously existed.
In addition, at that time there was 339 miles of new wall system under construction and another 189 miles were in pre-construction phase.
With each passing day, LLR-democratical lonejustice becomes even more pathetic. No wonder LLR-democratical C**** called in LLR Rich to beef up the LLR brigade presence on Althouse blog.
LLR-democratical lonejustice just cant hack it.
If happening at all, a Biden is making bank on it somehow.
"With each passing day, LLR-democratical lonejustice becomes even more pathetic. No wonder LLR-democratical C**** called in LLR Rich to beef up the LLR brigade presence on Althouse blog."
I imagine lots of readers here would offer a "Thank You" for reading all those "LLR" posts so that they don't have to (I know I do), not to mention the time required to point out the legendary levels of stupidity included in them.
Remember folks, a key task for our pathetic LLR-democratical brigade is to pop into any thread that is critical of democrats or paints democraticals in a deserved bad light and attempt to deflect that thread onto Trump/conservatives/republicans.
Recall the explicit reasons the LLR-democratical sockpuppet Brigade commander LLR-democratical C**** gave for posting at Althouse:
1) To smear and lie about Trump/conservatives
2) Drive a wedge between Althouse and her readers
The wholly inadequate and poor performing LLR-democratical lonejustice falls flat on his face again.
One can only imagine how flat his face must be by now....permanent like, probably.
Love, love, love to see Biden fail. Flail some more, Obama-loser-puppet.
Rich said:
"I have a map showing migration maps into western Europe in the 5th century AD and one showing current migration pathways in a recent Financial Times article on migration. There's a perfect overlap. One might keep in mind that these invasions overthrew the Roman Empire."
I don't understand how you can superimpose a map of the Gothic invasions on a map of South/Central American invasions. I take your general point - how can we survive? I totally think we must close the border. But again - how can you compare the Goths and Vandals, pagans from completely outside the Roman Empire, to South and Central Americans who are Christians with a European background mixed in with indigenous and African strains so that they resemble Americans?
I think we have to enforce the border because veterans are being kicked into the street to make room for illegals, because illegals are taking jobs at low pay while they live at city expense, because illegals are getting housing and other benefits which cities "couldn't afford" for the native sons, and because I'm certain there will be ballot harvesting wherever illegals end up. I also think fentanyl is flowing in through the open border and killing people.
Finally, I think Trump should be Speaker of the House thereby putting an end to the prosecutions till he gets elected President. And it would revitalize the House
The NYC Mayor has no authority whatsoever to do anything in foreign countries about immigrants illegally shipped to The Big Apple and elsewhere by Ron DeSantis and Greg Abbott.
10/5/23, 6:04 PM
Gadfly, you forgot to mention the airplanes full of illegals that the Biden administration was ILLEGALLY flying into Westchester County New York in the middle of the night. (God only knows where else) He sent thousands. Funny, how your news sources don't mention THAT little tidbit. Go stick your head back in the sand.
gadfly said...
I have a house that I bought for just under 200,000 in 1993. Other than maintenance I haven't i9mproved the house at all. Today, for tax purposes, the house is appraised at over 600,000.
(Althouse&Meade you have my sympathies.)
To be honest. I can't see how a man your age has the energy to hate so much. I'd think so much hatetred would be exhausting. Imagine what you could accomplish if you didn't waste so much time hating Trump.
The "Wall" will have large, wide open gates for "asylum seekers". On the American side of the gate, there will be a clearly marked path with stops labelled "Free Housing", "Free Medical Care", "Free Pension Benefits - $1,000 per month for life!", "Free Food", "Free Clothing", "Free Education".
There is going to be no "wall". This is all just a distraction until they get a critical mass of welfare dependents. It won't take long.
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