October 18, 2023
"President Biden landed in Israel... after a deadly explosion at a hospital in the Gaza Strip left Palestinians and Israelis trading blame...."
"Neither side’s account could be independently verified, and the cause of the blast and its death toll remained unclear.
During an appearance with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel, Mr. Biden appeared to endorse Israel’s denial of responsibility, saying: 'Based on what I’ve seen, it appears as though it was done by the other team, not you.' It was not clear from his comments whether U.S. intelligence agencies have independently validated Israel’s claim.... Rarely has an overseas presidential expedition been so uncertain even in its itinerary at the time of takeoff, and so freighted with jeopardy both political and physical...."
Strange to use the word “team” in this context. Is that the word on the notecard he’s holding?
Another reason Biden shouldn't have made this trip--especially while the propaganda wars are going on with the hospital explosion--all of Israel is potentially a war zone.
It's funny to see the Times covering all its "allegedly" bases after blindly embracing Hamas' version of events (even the most poorly calibrated bullshit detectors should have gone off at the claim of 500 dead that was made within moments of the explosion). Will they learn? Will they be held to account? Probably not. They are the New York Times, after all. Lessons are for lessor papers with more fragile credibility to protect.
This morning Hamas released pictures of the "bomb crater" which is smaller than potholes on our streets.
and so freighted with jeopardy both political and physical
So either the left is trying to portray Biden as fearless leader, man of danger…or they let slip out the ‘ohpleaseohpleaseohplease’ re: his safety. Neither is appropriate…
The other team?
This war is not MN v. WI.
"Neither side’s account could be independently verified"
Isn't the New York Times in the verification business? Aren't they journalists? Isn't it the journalists job to verify information BEFORE printing it? Or is it their job to interview terrorists on the same footing they would interview an elected government official?
This is the New York Times' take: Both sides are equal.
Do you trust terrorists? Do you trust rapists and murderers? The New York Times takes them at their word and reported what they said, as if it was true - which is that Israel killed 500 people by attacking a hospital. Is that true?
Does that sound plausible to you? Well, only if Jews are inhuman rats who need to be exterminated. And it turns out that's exactly what the New York Times would like to do. So of course they quote their co-conspirators in the terrorist community as if they are reliable sources.
How, in a city full of Jewish people, does the New York Times still exist? How, in an administration full of Jewish people, does Joe Biden still exist?
Biden’s weakness is the root cause of this war. I bet the planning for the attack started after Biden stole the election.
"Neither side’s account could be independently verified, and the cause of the blast and its death toll remained unclear."
Police are called to break up a bar fight. "Who started the fight?" they ask. Lots of noise and finger pointing but no clear answer.
Do the police walk away? No. Police take both drunks to jail.
In the Middle east, people die but nobody goes to jail. It's complicated.
Every f'n thing about the coverage in NYT and other "mainstream" media was horribly wrong. It wasn't a hospital, it was a hospital parking lot. It wasn't 500 dead, it was maybe a couple of dozen. (Frankly given how the Pals lie like they breathe, and judging from the pictures, we can honestly doubt whether more than a few people died) And most importantly, IT WAS A TERRORIST ROCKET THAT WENT OFF COURSE, not an Israeli strike. But the enemies of the Jews in the media and their enablers, the ones who said we needed to take a few days to verify that women and children had been butchered and burned alive because they were Jews, could not wait to blame the Jews, and buy the Pal's lies hook line and sinker. At this point, maybe the Israelis should do what everyone is accusing them of doing, and just level the whole place.
It's weird that my first thought was: I wonder if his own administration is trying to kill Biden by sending him there."
Usually I could be 100% certain.
typingtalker said: "Police are called to break up a bar fight. "Who started the fight?" they ask. Lots of noise and finger pointing but no clear answer."
A wise man once said: "If you get into a bar fight, you are either going to the hospital, to the morgue, or to jail".
Hamas has started this fight. I suspect Israel will strive for the one of the first two choices for the terrorists. And as a result, Israel will land in diplomatic jail.
@Dave Begley. Certainly at the Afghan RPO
The NYT is disgusting, unable to even execute actual journalism anymore. Even Al Jazeera has reported on the Islamic Jihad rocket. The Times went from actively blaming Israel to a mealy-mouthed passive voice unattributed “blast at hospital” formulation nicely captured by American Prometheus on the X and noted by Insty. It is a said state for the old rag.
The videos of the rocket failing in mid flight show it landing on the hospital. There are audios of Hamas discussing it was their missile launched from “ the cemetery behind the hospital” landing on the hospital.
But Nooooooooo, the “ bastions of truth” - our MSM - just regurgitate the Hamas claims instantly it was the mean old Israelis that did it. Baghdad Bob where are you in our time of need for truth?
Tag: "Premature Mission Accomplished"
As with yesterday's post, let's all welcome Biden to the deck of G.W. Bush's aircraft carrier. The common thread Biden's time in office has been aggressive effort to enact a Carter-like domestic agenda when COVID and international politics wouldn't cooperate. One might start to think Carter's vision was broken, or that Biden is a wee bit out of touch. He he he.
The NYT is a White Left Hamas supporting joke.
Tom Cotton
The United States should have no part in providing aid to Gaza for the same reason the U.S. didn’t provide aid to Nazi Germany.
Aiding Gaza will only prolong the rule of Hamas.
I am calling for the resignation of Joseph Kahn, editor in chief of the @nytimes
His slander has put people’s lives in danger. Same for all other fake reports. See this tweet and the video of people trying to kill Jews because of false reporting.
they are following friedman standards, when his weakness in arabic fluency and downright laziness, made him misrepresent the players in Shatila how do I know this, he didn't make the same mistake in the Book,
"Neither side’s account could be independently verified"
People on this blog have already assured me that the Palestinians of Gaza are guilty.
”Rarely has an overseas presidential expedition been so uncertain even in its itinerary at the time of takeoff, and so freighted with jeopardy both political and physical...."
Besides FDR flying to Casablanca while fighting was still going on in North Africa?
Elections have consequences. How do you like him now?
NYT: Unfit to line a birdcage.
Fuck the New York Times. It was obvious even before the videos (then audio) emerged that it wasn't an Israeli airstrike. If Israel was going to hit a hospital and endure the consequent PR damage, wouldn't they take out the hospital hiding Hamas's HQ? Geezus, prejudice makes people stupid.
So glad we have the mainstream news media to protect us from misinformation.
"The NYT reports."
Correction: the NYT propagandizes. It willingly aided Hamas. The American left has taken sides.
Question: Can there be socialism without antisemitism? Is any actual socialist opposed to the destruction of Israel?
The Israelis did not bomb that hospital.
This is journalistic terrorism.
Let equivocation and hand-wringing break forth across the land!
Neither side’s account could be independently verified, and the cause of the blast and its death toll remained unclear.
Horseshit. There's video of a missile dropping off course and impacting the hospital and it wasn't coming from Israel.
Then again, it won't be run on a "verified news source" so we can lump it in with Andy's Antifa footage.
Neither side’s account could be independently verified
Except for that Al Jazeera live broadcast showing the missile launch, failure during the boost stage, and landing on the hospital with explosion similar to other videos taken with phones on the ground.
The main owners of the NYT sulzberger family are Jewish.
I don't think Carlos slim is.
So why is the paper so anti jew and anti Israel?
C'mon, Elon. Buy the Times.
John Henry
Absent facts, the guilty party is the one you don’t like. This problem is amplified exponentially by social media — which is making one thing certain: no one knows what’s true anymore.
Israel didn't blow up that hospital.
Russia didn't blow up the Nord Stream 2 pipeline.
Hamas and the Biden administration employ much the same tactics...
NYT in full Holocaust Denial mode, still fueling anti-Israel, anti-Jew hate and violence.
NYT is a shameful excuse for a newspaper, but an excellent source for anti-American propaganda.
Palestinians have a problem. Both sides are killing them and the NYT won't save them.
"Other team"? Good grief.
Part of the reason that I believe Israel is because I want to believe Israel. Throughout the Islamic world, the Muslims for the same reason believe Hamas....The Israeli story is far more plausible, but in war unexpected catastrophes routinely happen. Would it be possible to have some team of neutral investigators from Sweden or whereever report on this...Not that I believe the report if unfavorable to Hamas would be accepted. All Muslim beliefs are fervent and unshakable, and now they believe Israel bombed a hospital....Biden's visit was unpromising from the start and now he has firmly linked America to bombed hospitals in the mind of the Arab street.
"It wouldn't be the first time that Israel denied blame for something they in fact did" Al Jazeera reporter on the scene
Claim is emerging there was a news station camera pointing at the area in Gaza where the hospital is located. It claims to have video showing a missile coming from within Gaza, not Israel. Speculation is that it was a misfire.
Ted Cruz has a podcast out in which he refers to ABC, NBC, et.al., as the "Hamas Air Force."
I'm becoming convinced that this has become a fight that will not end until one side kills essentially all of the other. Until 10 days ago, it was a series of tolerable skirmishes, but one side changed the rules, and the other side has no choice but to follow them.
Saul Alinsky does not smile.
The hospital that was bombed was a Christian one. This seems odd.
It didn't take long for reporting updates to establish that the explosion was in an adjacent hospital parking lot, and was likely from a deficient Palestinian rocket, and killed nowhere near 500. So don't understand the hating on Western reporters and editors.
But the rapid reaction in the Muslim world (which did not get its info from NY Times) is a sobering reminder of the possible repercussions of a full scale invasion, with 300,000 troops fighting 30,000 guerillas in urban warfare.
This is the most feckless administration in our history. Foreign policy-wise, it's like Obama's years X 5. Obama got away with being well-liked, particularly by our enemies who saw him as a path toward what they wanted to get. Biden's team has been insulted at every stop from the first early meeting between Antony Blinken and his Chinese counterpart. At that meeting he insulted Blinken, the US, Biden, and our entire being. Blinken looked like a deer in the headlights and we've been off to the races ever since. Biden's appointment list has been given a giant middle finger by everyone in the Middle East except Netanyahu who probably hates having to be the one stuck with hosting Biden (as Biden has treated him like crap since he took office anyway).
At this point in time we do have verified evidence of a 'mishap' from one of Hamas' rockets. But, let me put this in another view.
The world's opinion makers were ready at the touch of a button to declare Israel a criminal nation and it's people lower than whale shit, which is to say, lower than Islamic terrorists, when news of the hospital bombing came through. I turned on the BBC and CNN to be sure to get the first take from antisemites and was not disappointed in the least. They were quick to their disgust.
So, let's see. Israel, which has one of the best trained militaries in the world, specializing is precise, very specific targeting of buildings housing bad people, decided that it would be a good strategy to blow up a hospital full of patients, with precise targeting, because no one would notice? The Israelis are a people who love life as much as any people I've been around. They embrace life with gusto, as one would living under a constant barrage of rockets and bombings- all the time, for decades. They treated Hamas captives in their own hospitals.
The world was ready to believe these people purposefully targeted a hospital.
Hamas, on the other hand, days off of their beheading of babies, raping and murdering of women, seniors, killing anyone who was breathing: Jews or not (Bedouins in Israel were also done away with) has another night of sending out thousands of rockets toward Israel. And when I say 'toward' I mean, that's how they send them. Point and shoot and hope. These are not precise bombings. They are helter-skelter. And yes, they have 'blow-outs'. Misfires. It's happened before. The idea that one of Hamas' rockets misfired and hit their own hospital, under which they had a munitions storage is not only believable, curent audios and videos show it's what happened.
Yet, the world was and remains so ready to blame Israel. This is certainly one of those 'the lie travels around the world before truth even gets out of bed' moments. But in this next day it's become more clear what happened. Will that change the narrative at all with our global media? I doubt it.
How many times did the word combination “unproven claim” occur?
Maybe the people who blew up the Nordstream pipeline blew up the Hospital. That's two unsolved mysteries.
Anyway to focus on the Hospital, ignores the fact that the Gaza strip is more densely populated than Manhattan, and the Israelis have dropped 4,000 tons of bombs on them. If they didn't blow up one Hospital it wasn't for lack of trying. Why doesn't the IDF just invade and kill Hamas, instead of dropping bombs on kids?
But thank God Senile Joey Biden has showed up to rubberstamp anything Bebe does. Should win us a lot of friends in the Arab world. And I'm sure he'll make Israel understand that the USA has a separate and distinct interest in controlling the conflict so it doesn't spread, and having Israel avoid any war crimes that would inflame the situation.
Haha, who am i kidding? Count on "slow Joe" to sell out America and cry on camera when someone waves an Israeli flag. "We stand by Israel, no matter what".
“And most importantly, IT WAS A TERRORIST ROCKET THAT WENT OFF COURSE, not an Israeli strike”
Yeah. But it wasn’t even a “misfired” Hamas rocket. It was a rocket intentionally fired by Hamas that struck the parking lot next to its target, the hospital.
Leland said...
"Neither side’s account could be independently verified
Except for that Al Jazeera live broadcast showing the missile launch, failure during the boost stage, and landing on the hospital with explosion similar to other videos taken with phones on the ground.
This is what happens when your rockets are manufactured by the high school science class. With parts sourced from N. Korea.
Dave Begley said...
"Biden’s weakness is the root cause of this war. I bet the planning for the attack started after Biden stole the election."
There it is.
hombre said...
"Palestinians have a problem. Both sides are killing them and the NYT won't save them."
There's always one guy who gets it.
When supposedly respectable news sources immediately take the word of a terrorist group without performing even basic due diligence, those news sources are officially useless. We would be better off if the New York Times did not exist.
If you want actual news reporting, apparently you need to go to Twitter. For the record, the rocket from the Islamic Jihad landed in the hospital parking lot. The hospital still stands.
Rarely has an overseas presidential expedition been so freighted with jeopardy both political and physical....and that's just the stairs on Air Force One.
Blogger Leland said...
Neither side’s account could be independently verified
Except for that Al Jazeera live broadcast showing the missile launch, failure during the boost stage, and landing on the hospital with explosion similar to other videos taken with phones on the ground.
Not enough for the New York Times, which requires Hamas confirmation.
Israel releases 'audio of Hamas operatives discussing failed rocket launch' and video showing missile exploding in the sky moments before blast killed hundreds at Gaza hospital
Now that photos from the site are out, Hamas claims of an Israeli strike don’t even hold up to a tiny bit of scrutiny.
The Israelis are always fighting on at least two fronts: one being the battle with Hamas (and Hezbollah and PIJ and [fill in all the names past, present and yet to come]), the other being the psychological/moral battle for "world opinion," which is really the opinion of a few hundred "journalists" and their paymasters.
The battle against the terrorists can sometimes go well. The battle for world opinion never does.
At some point, I expect the Israelis to shrug and say, "The only way not to lose the battle for world opinion is...not to play. We'll be blamed in any event, so let's just get the job done."
it was bad quality control. Or blame the Danes for giving them water pipes that failed as rockets. As for the secondary explosion, it should come as no shock to anybody that the hospital was also an ammo storage point, like all the schools. In this the Baptist's are accessories before and after the fact
Tiny crater, lots of shrapnel damage, a warhead designed to kill bystanders, aka Palestinian.
Proof that goes on too long.
If anyone is thinking the NYT doesn’t know exactly what it’s doing, please disabuse yourself of that notion.
Biden's dreams of Obama's ethnic world Spring series.
No good can come from Biden's visit. His support for Israel will wither under the barrage from the anti-Semitic Jews at NYT. E.g., if that hospital was even hit, there is ample evidence it was by a Hamas misfire.
I'm ashamed of Bibi for that hug unless he's whispering threats in QuidProJoe's ear.
Biden in charge of foreign policy is akin to having an LSD stoner at the controls of an airplane.
That of course is a supposition, Meade. But not a bad one. The Palestinians are versed in faking events in their conflicts. A British documentary on that very topic a few years ago spliced shots of the same event from Palestinian and Israeli views. Lots of Palestinian shots of their fighters ducking behind and shooting over walls a couple blocks away from any engagement.
Also the 'victims' hopping off stretchers at the ambulance. Always a laugh.
Owen said...
At some point, I expect the Israelis to shrug and say, "The only way not to lose the battle for world opinion is...not to play. We'll be blamed in any event, so let's just get the job done."
And there it is. If the Israelis decide to git 'er done, I won't shed any tears, nor will I condemn them for fighting for their survival.
It was a fizzler.
"Team"--does Biden think he's playing shirts and skins basketball at noon at the local Young Mens Hebrew Association?
When Biden blunders into the Middle East the question is not, "What could possibly go wrong?--but rather What could possibly go right?".
And the answer is "not much right, and lot of things wrong". He should have stayed home and rested in the basement. Whatever else Biden is, he's not a credible "leader of the free world".
You can see the intact hospital, next to destroyed cars in its parking lot, here:
It is simply apalling that our blogmistress continues to cite Pravda on the Hudson.
Apparently the phrase NYT employed “explosion at a hospital” was more accurate than I realized. The hospital was not “blown up” at all. There is no confirmation that 500 people died. The whole thing was a propaganda operation. Lies continue to circle the globe before our richly financed intelligence agencies can verify the facts. Sad.
Our hostess's unspoken "cruel neutrality" stance on the barbarianism of Palestinian Hamas is reflected in her continued reliance on propaganda organs like the NYT. When running front page article on the "hospital" explosion the NYT went so far as to show a destroyed building which had nothing at all to do with the "hospital"!!
And of course, he brings up the car accident his wife had (in which he lies and blames the other driver of being drunk and causing it) when talking with people who lived through actual TERRORISM. He is an asshole. So embarrassing.
It was a rocket intentionally fired by Hamas that struck the parking lot next to its target, the al-Ahli Baptist Hospital.
@Meade, a bit of a clarification.
People on this blog have already assured me that the Palestinians of Gaza are guilty.
@Crack, not hardly. We merely pointed out what reality, or at any rate what it turned out to be. It’s scarcely our fault that your personal antisemitism has made you gullible.
Mike (MJB Wolf) said, "There is no confirmation that 500 people died."
Exactly. But the number is already out there. And we know once these stated numbers are imprinted, it keeps. Ask anyone today how many people were uninsured before Obamacare and they'll regurgitate '47 million'.
But few on the networks are realizing just what they've done putting the blame for the blown up hospital- I mean, the explosion in the parking lot next to the hospital- that killed 500 people. I mean...we're not sure how many, but we did see photos and videos of bodies laid out by the parking lot. The fact is that Hamas either did it on purpose, to change the narrative completely, or by accident, which doesn't excuse them one bit because who places their missile launcher, munitions storage, and rockets under or next to hospitals, schools, or inside of residences? Jihadists do. And they do it for a reason. Just putting it here in case someone from the BBC stumbles onto this site, this post, this comment. What are the odds?
An analysis...
"It didn't take long for reporting updates to establish that the explosion was in an adjacent hospital parking lot, and was likely from a deficient Palestinian rocket, and killed nowhere near 500. So don't understand the hating on Western reporters and editors."
So the first reports, dutifully transcribed by the NYT was harmless? Except it is STILL being claimed around the Muslim world *and even a US Congress critter or two). Roits are occurring around the world based on this "Israeli attacks" claim.
Yet, let's leave those editors alone.
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaand of COURSE Biden just pledged another fucking $100 million in "humanitarian assistance" to Gaza. Despite the fact they used the $325 million we gave them in April to plan and launch this attack and the fact Hamas stole the UNWRA "aid" just this week. God we are governed by fools and knaves.
Too bad there's no opposition party in DC to stop this.
Big Mike said...
People on this blog have already assured me that the Palestinians of Gaza are guilty.
@Crack, not hardly. We pointed out what reality is, or at any rate what it turned out to be. It is not our fault that your personal antisemitism made you ignorant and gullible.
Big Mike, you don't know what reality is: the Palestinians of Gaza are civilians and not firing rockets at anybody. They ain't got no rockets. The military wing of Hamas does. Why don't you get your head out of your ass, quit trying to persecute me, or frame me as an antisemite - like no one can tell the difference between hating the Jews and not liking what Israel does - and hear what I'm saying? The Palestinians of Gaza have committed no crime. But you have it in your head that they're criminals. And you're trying to defend that erroneous position by calling everybody an anti-semite. It's total bullshit. Half of the population of Gaza are kids. I have been watching them throw stones at Israel my entire life. How are you convincingly going to tell me that they are the biggest fucking threat to Israel? Or that Israel isn't being barbaric by killing them? Or that the world isn't being cruel by not counting those dead? You could give a fuck, when they are the closest thing to an "innocent party" here.
Sorry to bust your bubble, but I don't like narratives. Even heroic ones about stealing peoples land. They make me gag.
Robert F Kennedy, Jr just became an independent. But for the rest of his life, he was a Democrat - yet I don't remember anybody here listening to him, talking about vaccines, and saying "Don't listen to him because you know what party he's from". No. You made a distinction between him and his party of whackos.
Why can't you do that with the people of Gaza? Why do you blame them for what the military wing of Hamas does? You're obviously intelligent enough to make the distinction, so why don't you? Why do you look at the only innocent people in this whole thing and keep piling on to their troubles? What is wrong with you?
Rarely has an overseas presidential expedition been so uncertain even in its itinerary at the time of takeoff ...
Uncertain or secretive? Perhaps the NYT would have been more comfortable if the president had painted a bullseye on the side of his 747.
Slightly related ... why don't US presidents name their airplanes anymore? I liked Eisenhower's Columbines.
By the way, I'll soon be posting footage of Nelson Mandela, framing the Palestinian struggle as the same as his. But you guys go ahead and think that you're the experts.
I’m no fan of Joe Biden but he deserves full credit for saying on the world stage that independent US analysis had confirmed that the explosion at the Gaza hospital was caused by an errant Arab missile, not by an Israeli bomb. It’s easy for the world and the media to ignore the IDF when it presents its forensic evidence, but much harder for them to ignore the president of the United States. Thank you, President Biden.
Maybe the “500 dead” were those in the cemetery adjacent to the hospital.
Crack said: "Why can't you do that with the people of Gaza? Why do you blame them for what the military wing of Hamas does? You're obviously intelligent enough to make the distinction, so why don't you? Why do you look at the only innocent people in this whole thing and keep piling on to their troubles? What is wrong with you?"
Crack, give us examples where terrorists operating by the thousands amongst "innocent" people in an urban setting have ever been routed and destroyed.
Tell us how it's been done.
Don't you understand---making the civilians human shields is their strategy for waging a guerilla war against Israel.
Why do you give them a pass---unless, of course---you consider eradicating the Jewish state a "just cause".
Do you?
So, oh wise one.... how does one kill Hamas, and only Hamas when there are no visual means of identifying Hamas v. just a regular old Palestinian? Ignore the polls saying 2/3 of them support terrorist attacks on Israel. How do you identify the bad terrorists from the merely supportive of terrorists?
Uniforms? Sure Hamas has them. And their military wear them.... some of them, some of the time. Think they will do so when Israel comes into Gaza? Feh. Not to mention using human shields.
Gee, maybe the rules of war writers were onto something when they say combatants must wear uniforms or other means of identification. Those without? Subject to execution. Women combatants too.
Just sayin'.
"Maybe the “500 dead” were those in the cemetery adjacent to the hospital."
Never trust a hospital with its own cemetery.
Crack sez… “Why do you look at the only innocent people in this whole thing and keep piling on to their troubles? What is wrong with you?”
Too busy watching all those “innocent people” burning flags and attacking embassies across the Middle East, while they call for more murder. Facts don’t matter to these people. In that, you are a fellow traveler.
Petition Hamas to release the hostages, Crack. Do something useful, in lieu of making excuses.
A lie goes around the world twice before truth even gets its condom on.
By the way, I'll soon be posting footage of Nelson Mandela, framing the Palestinian struggle as the same as his. But you guys go ahead and think that you're the experts.
Hmmm,... given what's happened in South Africa with Mandela's successors in charge I really don't think you're putting forward a winning argument here.
But you are in good company, with Burn Loot Murder's chief grifter Patrisse Cullors boasting in 2015 about how “Palestine is our generation’s South Africa”.
Leland said...
"Crack, give us examples where terrorists operating by the thousands amongst "innocent" people in an urban setting have ever been routed and destroyed. Tell us how it's been done."
Can't do it and it sounds like a bad idea. They've tried it before. It didn't work. Get my pointe? If it didn't work before, why are you doing it again? Have you gotten any smarter?
"Don't you understand---making the civilians human shields is their strategy for waging a guerilla war against Israel."
Yes, but what I don't understand is, why Israel decides those human shield's lives are worth ending? Those are human shields. They didn't do anything. Why you and Israel don't understand that is the part that drives me mad. You have to go through them to get to Hamas, but you can't get to Hamas, so you're just going to kill them.
"Why do you give them a pass---unless, of course---you consider eradicating the Jewish state a "just cause"."
You can kill Hamas all you want. But the Palestinian people are not Hamas. And that is not my problem.
"Do you?"
I think Zionism was a bad idea.
Patrick said...
It's weird that my first thought was: I wonder if his own administration is trying to kill Biden by sending him there."
Usually I could be 100% certain.
10/18/23, 7:14 AM
I wondered about this too. Glad to see I'm not alone.
Owen @ 10:14am,
"The only way not to lose the battle for world opinion is...not to play. We'll be blamed in any event, so let's just get the job done."
That certainly worked for the government of Sri Lanka, though you must take into account that the amount of pre-existing hatred for the Sinhalese is approximately zero compared to that which is pointed at The Joooooo. So naturally Israel is going to have a tougher time of it if they go that route.
@Crack, people who support criminals are complicit in the criminals’ activities. The people who encourage are only slightly less culpable than the people who do. Gaza is not occupied by a foreign power; Gaza has been occupied by no one but Palestinians for years. That’s the reality. You are a simple-minded antisemite. That is reality too.
Never trust a hospital with its own cemetery.
Or a Chinese restaurant near a pet hospital.
Saw his speech this morning on television. He could barely read the teleprompter without constantly tripping over his words. The only thing he does well is project weakness. What an international embarrassment. Our enemies must be laughing themselves silly.
Upscale NY Jews view Israelis the way Hillary Clinton views deplorables. That's why you can have the NY Times publishing falsehoods like this. They want it to be true.
They didn't do anything. Why you and Israel don't understand that is the part that drives me mad.
Not a very long drive on your part. Does the temperature gauge even get off the ‘C’?
I think Zionism was a bad idea.
No, you think Judaism is a bad idea.
I think Zionism was a bad idea.
No, you think Judaism is a bad idea.
Zionism is not the same as Judaism
Iman said...
"Too busy watching all those “innocent people” burning flags and attacking embassies across the Middle East,"
There it is again. The people of Gaza didn't do that. That's the Arab diaspora. But you're blaming the people of Gaza. You're sick.
Iman said...
Petition Hamas to release the hostages, Crack. Do something useful, in lieu of making excuses.
When you guys stop doing something other than lying.
Tom Hunter said...
By the way, I'll soon be posting footage of Nelson Mandela, framing the Palestinian struggle as the same as his. But you guys go ahead and think that you're the experts.
Hmmm,... given what's happened in South Africa with Mandela's successors in charge I really don't think you're putting forward a winning argument here.
Can you people think? Do you think Nelson Mandela is the same as his successors? It's not his fault you tried to punk him when he got out of prison. Doing the same thing you're doing now. "You've got to think the way we think - or else." Shit, as far as I'm concerned, you might be the reason why South Africa turned out the way it is.
Y'all really do make people not like you.
Big Mike said...
@Crack, people who support criminals are complicit in the criminals’ activities.
The people of Gaza have been saying Israel has committed a crime since 1948
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