"Before the announcement, two administration officials, noting the pro-Palestinian marches in Europe, in New York and on some American college campuses, said in interviews that they could already sense the narrative shifting. They spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss the administration’s internal assessments...."
The political risks for Mr. Biden are difficult to measure. In his first significant public effort to urge caution on Israel, Mr. Biden warned on “60 Minutes” on Sunday that “I think it’d be a big mistake” for Israel to occupy Gaza again, a step Israeli officials say they have no intention of taking. But they have not explained who would run the Gaza Strip in the absence of Hamas, or how they could keep a similar group from arising from the ashes of Gaza City....
“Biden believes he has the moral authority here,” said Thomas R. Nides, who served as Mr. Biden’s ambassador to Israel until he resigned over the summer. “He has stood up for the state of Israel. He believes they are right to be dismantling Hamas. But he wants to show he stands for humanity, too.”....
The comments at the NYT express overwhelming negativity toward this trip: "Biden absolutely CANNOT accept Netanyahu's invitation at this time! We cannot be responsible for Israel's actions and the civilian casualties"/"Bad Idea. Let the Israeli PM take full responsibility for the military actions it is taking. Send aid, back them up with words, but don't be physically seen as being linked"/"No. We don’t need the President of the United States going into a war zone"/"Netanyahu has been playing President Biden like a piano throughout this crisis, and is humiliating America in the process"/etc.
"The comments at the NYT express overwhelming negativity toward this trip: "Biden absolutely CANNOT accept Netanyahu's invitation at this time! We cannot be responsible for Israel's actions and the civilian casualties"/"Bad Idea. Let the Israeli PM take full responsibility for the military actions it is taking."
You know what NYC needs? More buses from Texas.
Any trip is most likely going to be a bad redux of G.W. Bush on the aircraft carrier with a "Mission Accomplished" banner behind him.
Biden must be facing intense pressure from his big and essential Jewish donors (e.g., 2020 candidate and agenda puppeteer Michael Bloomberg; Mark Zuckerberg; Chuck Schumer and supporters). With Wall Street's Bill Ackman publicly going hard after the Harvard pro-Palestine student groups as anti-Semitic, many other Jewish oligarchs are likely just as angry in private.
This may be the Woke movement's breaking point. The Trump Derangement Syndrome fever may break as people start to focus on self-interested forward-looking survival politics rather than knee-jerk blind opposition to Trump and all things Republican.
I think it is a mistake for Biden to go, because it is a war zone and his entourage will draw resources that need to be focused elsewhere. There are other ways to show US commitment to Israel.
…and take his Apology Chain and Corn Pop with him…”
If it were any other president I might have strong opinions about what he does or does not do, but with Biden siting in the White House, none of it is even real. He's a figurehead. Stay, go, do whatever. It makes no damn difference.
The "Great Satan" has long term risks streaming across the southern border at this moment.
We have two aircraft carriers over there, full of everything we need to retrieve our hostages. That is all the presence we should have.
Now we know what we always knew.
By the way Professor, I see what you are doing here with a post about the existence of free will and then one related to a situation where people have murdered babies and performed other horrific atrocities.
The thing that advocates of the "no free will" argument never seem to understand is that it totally justifies such actions. And any retaliatory actions taken.
Have to admit, this trip is a head scratcher politically. Some fairly large Palestinian demonstrations in the USA. We're not unified on this deal. No one would blame Biden if he just chilled with a few state!ends about this "tragedy" and the need for peace. But to put America squarely behind Israel at this moment may turn out badly.
I sure hope Israel doesn't realize that it was Joe Biden who funded the terrorist attacks via its adjunct Iran with a $6 billion kiss in the mail, and arrest him for funding terrorism while he's in Israel.
Be a shame if they did that. But it would probably end the war if they did.
This is the trip where the head Nazi in the Democrat Party travels to Israel to inform them they'll just have to accept the 2023 Iranian Smallocaust and swallow what he's giving them.
I hope they tell him to fking pound sand and refuse to negotiate with terrorists like Joe Biden.
DeSantis has made Biden look bad by flying Americans home, even the ones Biden's people left in Athens after billing them for the escape flight. And now he's realized that to be supportive of Israel is so last century for the hard left. He decides to take his entourage into a war zone and boss another country's leader during a conflict.
He's managing to offend everyone at once.
WHY announce it to the world? Are they trying to get him killed?
He can lie like Hillary and say he dodged bullets and sniper fire on the tarmac run.
Media will cheer.
He still hasn't found the time to visit Palestine Ohio
My first thought was that this could be their opportunity to replace the current figurehead with someone more electable. I didn’t want to think that but I feel compelled to say it.
No more aid to the welfare state that is Jew-Hate soup Gaza.
I am struggling to estimate the gain/pain ratio in this excursion.
Gain: attention (redundant: everything the pRes does always gets coverage), distraction (from what? His possible impeachment? Meh), prestige (as what? A peace-maker? It is to laugh), strategic insight (from a photo-op with Bibi early in a chaotic grueling campaign? Please).
Pain: security burden (all it would take is one lucky rocket in the thousands Hamas and Hezbollah will unleash), confused message (will Biden stroll the blood-soaked ground like a bewildered tourist? Will he upstage Bibi with some warlike noises? Or with some dovish ones?), super-expensive sideshow (while our own borders collapse, our economy crashes and our own people edge closer to identitarian warfare).
Beiden wants to be all things to all people. He is a dilettante. Going to Israel is going to piss off his base because he will wade in to the war like MacArthur returning to the Philippines. He will do stupid things to be impressive.
So...this is how the Dems get rid of Biden?
Biden would make a fine human shield.
“Biden believes he has the moral authority here,” said Thomas R. Nides, who served as Mr. Biden’s ambassador to Israel….”
The guy who showered with his daughter, raised Hunter and accepted bribes has moral authority?
2 + 2 = 5
"By the way Professor, I see what you are doing here..."
To say I did it is to suggest I could have not done it.
Is he being sent there on purpose?
He's trying to look like a leader before the election year. Too late. He's never been a leader. This too he will screw up.
Joe Biden said...
And the kids used to come up and reach in the pool and rub my leg down so it was straight and watch the hair come back up again. They'd look at it.
As with Qasem Soleimani, I guess both sides risk loosing "our furry little guy" with a trip to the region.
“Bad Idea. Let the Israeli PM take full responsibility for the military actions it is taking. Send aid, back them up with words, but don't be physically seen as being linked”
Great example of passive aggressive. Hold the PM of the country attacked responsible? How do you plan to do that? “Send aid, back them up with words, but don’t be physically seen as being linked”. This person has no idea what responsibility means. Sending aid and comfort by our own constitution is enough to consider a person responsible. Sending aid is a physical link. If you think that is warranted then commit to it, because it is enough for external observers to reason you agree with the military actions. If you don’t agree with the military action, don’t send aid or back the actions with words. Trying to pretend passivity while aggressively holding people responsible is lunacy, and that you hold the Israeli PM fully responsible yet desire to provide aid and comfort is confusing to both friend and foe.
I would suspect that if Biden were compos mentis there would be no concern with the trip.
Shouldn't it be "played him like a fiddle"? There's nothing cheap about a piano.
"We have two aircraft carriers over there, full of everything we need to retrieve our hostages. That is all the presence we should have."
What a dumb ass statement. Boots on the ground are what are needed to retrieve hostages. Two carriers with a couple of hundred aircraft can't do shit to retrieve hostages, and that's not why they are there.
Didn't take long for "Jewish oligarchs" to start to get blamed.
The American government always sees its role in the Israel-Palestine conflict as restraining Israel. Biden going there will delay any counter-invasion, and he will lean hard on the Israelis to turn on the water and power and allow aid into Gaza. The Americans are trying to jump from "you can't invade on such short notice, when there's no aid available" to "you can't invade after all this time, and you'd endanger the aid workers."
Biden's planned trip is the administration's best-guess answer to the question that kept coming up at every WH meeting on the war: WWTD?
My assumption is he is seeing polls showing US populace generally supports Israel here. He shows support, he gets a bump. Aren’t these things always about polls?
Buckwheathikes said...
"I sure hope Israel doesn't realize that it was Joe Biden who funded the terrorist attacks via its adjunct Iran with a $6 billion kiss in the mail, and arrest him for funding terrorism while he's in Israel."
Wait until they learn that Netanyahu had given them money,...
The Biden/Obama administration has made a dogs breakfast of the entirety of US foriegn policy.
The crazed effort into getting Iran into a nuclear deal, show weakness. Negotiating from such a crazed effort, sent all the signal needed for Iran to lower the shroud and aide and direct hamas to attack, children and old people. Burning them alive in their homes, after decapitating their infants.
Appeasement has never worked.
But I am having a hard time trying to square the unequivocal demand that the Ukraine war reciece limitless cash and arms, but support for the only democracy in the middle east is left to flap in breeze of indifference.
Occams Razor, and Follow the Money, informs me, the grift is much more lucrative with money sent to Ukraine.
Fareed Zakaria and Scott Galloway on Israel Gaza Hamas in a global context
Now is the time to take political gamesmanship down a couple notches. Clearly, Biden wants to help Israel wipe out Hamas with fewer civilian causalities to prevent the re-religious radicalization of Saudi Arabia.
In this talk, Zakaria can see the good in MBS even after he dismembered his good friend and colleagues Khashoggi.
Biden has now forced Israel to postpone yet further its incursion into Gaza, allowing the world's condemnation to reach critical mass.
It was inevitable by the Sunday of the attacks that there would be condemnation, but already the predicate for the extirpation of Hamas is being memory holed.
The rules are, and always have been, different for Jews. Netanyahu should've foreseen how quickly the narrative would change. I think he thought, "This time it'll be different."
It's never different. (Hence the joke, "Germans will never forgive the Jews for Auschwitz.") And the consequences this time of allowing Hamas to fester will be far more insidious and consequential than taking the hit of international opinion would have been.
The bar is set so low for Biden, the trip will be considered a success if he manages get on and off AF1 without falling down.
CTH says one of the reasons Biden is going now is to impede Israel’s incursions into Gaza (will have to be on hold until the visit is over).
Biden will tell the Israelis that his son Beau died fighting Hamas in Burma--or something like that. And he'll come back and tell us that he dodged sniper fire which was silenced only when Hunter threw a grenade that wiped the sniper's nest out.
I heard of this trip and thought, "What could possibly go wrong?" Then I realized that it was Slow Joe making the trip and thought, "What could possibly go right?"
The old geezer should stop meddling in other people's affairs.
Bibi wants the show of commitment. Biden wants to use his "moral authority" to hamstring the Israelis. Not sure if it requires a visit.
By the way, why isn't the IDF all over Gaza yet? First the sob stories, then the delay, then the politicking with the US--not exactly a decisive response so far.
Biden believes he has the moral authority to stand up for humanity and all that, but mostly he wants to get over there and lock up his claim to a substantial share of this juicy, new source of orphan blood.
BY the way ... Biden is correct. It would be a HUGE mistake for Israel to "occupy" Gaza.
They should turn it into a fking parking lot. No homes. No buildings. Nothing to "occupy."
Raze it. 100 years from now, you can build whatever you want on it and there won't be any Palestinians there.
Don't occupy it. Also don't allow anybody ELSE to occupy it. Empty it. Then build a no trespassing fence around it.
Blogger wendybar said...
He still hasn't found the time to visit Palestine Ohio
That was my thought when I heard the news.
Going to East Palestine, Ohio after the derailment was an opportunity for a low-cost campaign moment. Whether or not he could do much form them moving forward, he would look like he cared. Time and expenditure relatively minimal. The fact that he didn't do it is the bigger campaign story.
Going to Israel now entails massive planning of people's time and energy and for what. GWB trip to the aircraft carrier was 6 weeks later and involved actions taken directly by the US. If you believe the Iran connection, Biden standing up and saying there is no connection won't be believed. His alternating yelling and whispering doesn't inspire his own constituents let alone battle hardened IDF soldiers.
The reality of the situation is that anything involving Biden has to factor in his energy level. This trip will take most of this week in the going and coming. Again, for what? The return on investment appears to be minimal if not negative.
Polls show an large majority of Americans favor giving Israel a free hand to deal with Hamas. The political risks to Biden are minimal. (Where are the terrorist-loving left-wing loonies going to turn if not to the Democrats?). The physical risks are the ones I'd be concerned about. Like some of those Times commenters, I don't see any reason for the president to physically travel to Israel.
To Biden say is at risk is silly. Israel's enemies are his friends. Biden is second best thing that has happened to Iran, and by extension Hamas (Obambi being the first).
wendybar said...
WHY announce it to the world? Are they trying to get him killed?
Hamas or whoever may calculate that they're better off having Biden in there than anyone who might replace him, similar to the Allies decision in the latter stages of World War II that they would not make any efforts to kill Hitler because he was clearly a strategic negative to the German war efforts.
The perils of owning a Tesla: heavy rain.
"To say it did it is ti suggest ...". Chuckle ...
I'm guessing his handlers are hoping a missile takes him out. That would solve a lot of Democrat problems.
The way the joke goes is that man has free will and every so often gets to use it....Whether you call it original sin or the id or the reptilian brain, it's always there and, perhaps more often than free will, it gets to cast the deciding vote on what to do next....Some people probe undiscovered depths in their reptilian brains. To call them animals is kind of flattering. Their mammalian instincts are no deeper than their surface hair.
Why is Biden acting like Israel is the 51st state? This is man, who didn't visit winsconsin after the Christmas parade massacre, or East Palastine OH after the chemical spill, or Maui after the fire, or the UAW picket line (until Trump forced him to).
Now, he wants to go to Israel, to kiss Bebe's ass. For once the NYT's commentators are right. If Biden shows up, it will be message to Arab world that the USA supports a Massacre in Gaza. Or anything Israel does.
If I was a DNC political consultant, I'd tell Biden: Leave that to Mitt Romney and Mitch McConnell.
Why is Biden acting like Israel is the 51st state? This is man, who didn't visit winsconsin after the Christmas parade massacre, or East Palastine OH after the chemical spill, or Maui after the fire, or the UAW picket line (until Trump forced him to).
Now, he wants to go to Israel, to kiss Bebe's ass. For once the NYT's commentators are right. If Biden shows up, it will be message to Arab world that the USA supports a Massacre in Gaza. Or anything Israel does.
If I was a DNC political consultant, I'd tell Biden: Leave that to Mitt Romney and Mitch McConnell.
If he took a walk in Ukraine, perhaps he's obligated to take a walk in Israel. Maybe, just to show everyone how fair he is, he'll take a walk in Gaza City.....He does have a tendency to fuck things up. I hope he doesn't go off on an incoherent ramble during the press conference or have trouble finding his way to the podium. That will be the message and Hamas will be encouraged.
Peter Zeihan, again, when asked what he most wants Americans to understand:
"There's no 'win' here for anyone, so be careful who you condemn."
"To say I did it is to suggest I could have not done it."
I actually did LOL when I read that.
To say I did it is to suggest I could have not done it.
Could it be Biden thinks he's going to East Palistine?
We'll know when he either starts talking about:
Rail safety and hazardous materials, or
How his son died fighting Hamas.
“'Biden believes he has the moral authority here,' said Thomas R. Nides."
Actually I think Biden senses an opportunity for a bribe here.
Wasn’t the vice president supposed to go first?
Biden Family motto is to keep your friends close and keep your enemies closer. He wants to be much closer to Netanyahu.
He probably thinks he's going to Target.
Chicago Jesus is in charge, his pallets of cash funded terrorists who killed American soldiers. Biden's $6b has not been released yet as Hamasholes point out, but the intent is clear. Screw Israel & screw the colonialist US.
It's coming here across the southern border & they are just Biden their time.
since when does a president fly into a war zone after telling the enemy when he is planning to go there? This is like putting a "kick me" sign on your tush/
This is nonsense.
I'm surprised Netanyahu invited Biden. I guess he thought he had to, but I bet he hated it.
“ Ann Althouse said...
"By the way Professor, I see what you are doing here..."
To say I did it is to suggest I could have not done it.”
Ah, peak Althouse!
What good does a Biden or Harris visit do? Both are incompetent. Look what happened to Ukraine after we sent Harris over to invite them into NATO.
This administration is full of idiots. I agree they should not go, because they will make a bad situation worse.
"...group from arising from the ashes of Gaza City."
Key word. "Ashes"
Old and slow said...
"He's a figurehead. Stay, go, do whatever. It makes no damn difference."
I agree with Old and slow. It's not like they're sending the actual president.
Sebastian says: “By the way, why isn't the IDF all over Gaza yet? First the sob stories, then the delay, then the politicking with the US--not exactly a decisive response so far.”
It’s going to get done. Few casualties, Hamas destroyed. No need to hurry to prove something to the world.
@Tom T fails basic reading comprehension: Didn't take long for "Jewish oligarchs" to start to get blamed.
I was not blaming them at all. I was PRAISING them for returning to logical self-preservation pro-Jewish politics. Hearing Jews criticize Harvard and lefty media outlets for casual, hateful no-consequences anti-Semitism is a very good thing.
I was criticizing the oligarchs their blind anti-Trump self-defeating (jealous / hypocritical / foolish) conduct over the last several years. That may be ending now.
I also criticize the non-Jewish oligarchs Bill Gates, Donald Trump, Rupert Murdoch, and Elon Musk quite a lot. All oligarchs should be held to the rules they want to force on others. If they step into politics they are all fair game.
From Obama to Biden, Spring is in the air.
Biden should should not reject Netanyahu’s invitation, but rather offer to meet him elsewhere - Cyprus, maybe? Malta?
jaydub said...
"We have two aircraft carriers over there, full of everything we need to retrieve our hostages. That is all the presence we should have."
"What a dumb ass statement. Boots on the ground are what are needed to retrieve hostages. Two carriers with a couple of hundred aircraft can't do shit to retrieve hostages, and that's not why they are there."
I made a dumb ass statement? I spent time on an aircraft carrier for a while. You do realize they hold Sailors, Marines, Pilots, smaller boats, automotive vehicles and aircraft, right? So they can fly in - put boots on the ground - grab our guys and fly back out? Now, please explain what's "dumb" about that? And by the way, yes, that is why they're there. That's the only reason.
anybody against trading Soleimani for FJB? Iran would say more useful alive!!
Let's just hope he doesn't fall down the steps on the way in and stumble up on the way out.
If God forbid there is some kind of attack that takes out Biden, the real question will be whether it was Hamas, or Iran, or a devil's bargain between the faction that desperately desires a war with Iran and the faction the desperately desires someone other than Biden as the nominee.
(And I mean that "God forbid" with 100% sincerity. I hope nobody in the government is really so stupid and evil as to allow or enable something like this, but I also have a pretty good idea of how stupid and evil people in the government can be, and I don't think there is a lot of margin).
I think he plans to achieve what Blinken apparently failed to do during a 7-hour meeting with Netanyahu--persuade Israel to take care of the Palestinian human shields as well as attack Hamas. That's what Biden's great (but untested in action) "moral authority" is called upon to do here.
Can Israel do these two things at once? Like, sending in trucks full of supplies and know that the supplies and even the trucks will not be used by the Hamas fighters? Not sure how. But Biden (and Blinken, too) didn't ask questions about how to retreat from Afghanistan and bring along American citizens, either. Their thinking is entirely at the level of "broadcasting good intentions is all that is needed; making workable plans requires too much effort."
The big risk is Biden is a foreign policy imbecile who is now senile.
Israel is killing Palestinians who were running away, as they were told to do, and, so far, 933 of the dead are children.
If an American president is going into a war zone, one hopes that there is some sort of victory at hand (however minor) to make it worth it for him.
I wouldn't be surprised if some sort of hostage exchange has been arranged and he's going over there for the photo op of greeting the returning American hostages on the tarmac in Israel.
If they've got nuthin', then this strikes me as useless showboating for the Biden admin.
Going to East Palestine, Ohio after the derailment
was it safe geezer health wise? I would hesitate without hazmat suits!!
Going to East Palestine, Ohio after the derailment
was it safe geezer health wise? I would hesitate without hazmat suits!!
God forbid = in'sh'allah
It's just political theater anyway. Democrats are anti-Semitic and don't like Bibi because Obama didn't like Bibi. So he scores no points with them. Republicans and the world know he's a dunce so he scores no points there.
Why go?
"If God forbid there is some kind of attack that takes out Biden, the real question will be whether it was Hamas, or Iran, or a devil's bargain between the faction that desperately desires a war with Iran and the faction the desperately desires someone other than Biden as the nominee."
The Israelis would benefit the most from an assassination clearly linked to Iran or Hamas.
Crack @ 10:55: "Israel is killing ...."
Palestinian theater staged by fighting age males. We've seen it before. Where are the moms?
Hey Crack, aircraft carriers don't carry a complement of black boots to be put on the ground by black helos.
hombre said...
Crack @ 10:55: "Israel is killing ...."
"Palestinian theater staged by fighting age males. We've seen it before. Where are the moms?"
""Palestinian theater"? How do you create an open air prison - just for the cameras?
Biden is only going because his handlers think it benefits him politically. No other reason is needed.
I think the U.S. is putting pressure on the Israelis to not kill more about 5-10 times as many Palestinians as Hamas killed Israelis. The Administration wants a tit-for-tat solution here, which only means it all happens again in about 2-5 years. The Biden people want to restore the status quo after a cease fire where Gaza receives water, electricity, and food from Israel. What is likely to happen, and should happen in my opinion, is that the border is completely closed and every square meter is mined up to a depth of 500 feet, and the Gazans are left to provide their own electrical power, water, and food.
Biden is very adept when it comes to working closely with leaders he does not like or trust. I would imagine a top priority would be the release of some hostages while he’s there.
+ 2 for Crack at 7:12, another + 2 for 10:24, + 1 each for 8:24 and 9:35.
- 10 for 10:55.
Democracy Now? No bias there at all.
Team Juice getting the go bag ready.
Gotta make Joementia a wartime prez.
(Forget about Biden crime family)
Democracy Now! is mostly laughable and gullible.
Blogger Rich said...
Biden is very adept when it comes to working closely with leaders he does not like or trust. I would imagine a top priority would be the release of some hostages while he’s there.
As long as the checks to the secret bank accounts clear that may be true.
If Israel invades Gaza after Biden visits, the Islamic world will say the US gave the go-ahead.
Invading Gaza will no longer be considered solely an Israeli decision; WE will get blamed for Palestinian deaths.
Hamas and Iran will consider that casus belli to attack Americans ---Jewish or not--- anywhere they can find them.
Biden should stay home.
It is a stupid and dangerous plan for that lunatic to go there, just like everything else this garbage administration does.
Crack: "You do realize they hold Sailors, Marines, Pilots, smaller boats, automotive vehicles and aircraft, right? So they can fly in - put boots on the ground - grab our guys and fly back out?"
Yes, I'm aware of carrier capabilities - I spent 26 years in the Navy, including three combat tours in two wars, 12 deployments, three commands at sea and two ashore, plus task group commands during the Gulf War. I also rode four carriers while assigned to Cincpacflt staff and two years embarked in USS Midway (CV-41) where I was assigned as anti-surface warfare commander, anti-submarine warfare commander and screen commander at various times.
The one marine company assigned to a CV is there for security, particularly nuclear weapon security, and never deployed off the carrier. The carrier airwing is composed of naval aviation squadrons and have full time roles in battle group air defense, electronic warfare, anti-submarine warfare and surface searches and strikes. The half dozen small craft loaded on carriers are unarmed and used for personnel transfers and liberty boats; I've never seen an automobile on a carrier. None of the carrier or airwing personnel are trained or equipped for ground combat. Amphibious Ready Groups carry the fleet marines and ground attack aircraft, not the aircraft carriers. We didn't send any of those with the carriers.
Allow me to repeat my first comment: "What a dumb ass statement" and add that being an ignorant blowhard is no way to go through life.
SteveWe said...
Hey Crack, aircraft carriers don't carry a complement of black boots to be put on the ground by black helos.
You guys, I served in the United States Navy. Aircraft carriers travel with a Battle Group. They have everything necessary to do anything that we need. An aircraft carrier, alone, is already a traveling city with it's own airport and entertainment complex. This idea that somehow they're not appropriate for what we need is insane.
You guys believe the narrative that they're there to keep Iran back, when we don't want anything to do with any of this bullshit. This is not our fight. We had enough during the Iraq war. We are there to get our people back, because that's what we do. Nothing else. We give Israel money and they are big boys and girls. They don't want or need us getting in their way.
TaeJohnDo said...
Democracy Now? No bias there at all.
I stand w Isreal. Leftists, Mullahs, Hamas-Palistinian terrorists can suck it said...
Democracy Now! is mostly laughable and gullible.
You guys are not very media savvy if the only outlets you trust are conservative. Democracy Now! is an extreme left-wing operation, but you know what? I trust them to tell me the truth as they see it. I rarely catch Amy Goodman lying to me, or even trying to lie to me. I may not agree with her take on something, but I trust her to be an honest broker. That's more than I can say for most main stream and conservative outlets. Not to mention, only a child would look at the outlet and not at the information being provided. I will take good information off the back of a cereal box. You guys will be sitting there, trying to say that Lucky Charms is a better source than Cheerios, when the only question is if it's the truth or if it's a lie.
And the truth is, you guys are biased AND "mostly laughable and gullible."
TaeJohnDo said...
Democracy Now? No bias there at all.
I stand w Isreal. Leftists, Mullahs, Hamas-Palistinian terrorists can suck it said...
Democracy Now! is mostly laughable and gullible.
And another thing: do you idiots really think I don't know what Democracy Now! is? If you assume that I would know, then why are you speaking? And, if you assume that I didn't know, after 10 years on this blog talking about conservative issues, what kind of idiot do you take me for?
I swear to God, you guys are both insulting and out of this fucking world.
I have two suggestions:
1) Have Slow Joe go to Palestine, Ohio but tell him it's the Middle East Palestine. He won't be able to tell the difference, the Ohio voters will get their "the president cares about you" strokes, and President Brandon is robbed of an opportunity to make a bad situation worse. Win/win!
2) Have Slow Joe and the rest of the our Woke military brass dust off their sooper smart evacuation plans for Kabul and put them in charge of the evacuation of Gaza City.
I think it is smart politically for SOB Joe to take the trip now.
1. In an election against Trump, the D's will be motivated to turn out no matter what. Doesn't matter if some of them are pissed with the Biden trip now.
2. The trip can show he has balls going into a war zone. Always a plus for a pres. Let's see if the press searches for a fake turkey? Press will probably have a story about Biden killing three terrorists.
3. If things go to shit later, he can say he tried early on.
4. The elite D donor class will be satisfied.
5. If he dies, goes down in history as brave.
6. Only negative...Pres Harris.
Effinayright @1:37: I fear you are correct.
Jaydub @ 1:53: wonderful put-down. You’ve educated the room so that —insofar as it respects facts— it will side with you.
Don't you cringe when you hear the phrase "moral authority"?
Crack: I trust them to tell me the truth as they see it.
There you go. I trust Fox as much as I trust Democracy Now.
DN is only going to report what will support their bias. I watched the clip. I never saw 900 dead palestinian children. I just cruised over to the DN site - there was only one headline concerning the Middle East that did not cast Israel in a bad light, concerning 199 hostages. There were 23 that put Israel in a bad light.
And you called me insulting and out of the fucking world? I thought better of you, Crack. My mistake.
“I swear to God, you guys are both insulting and out of this fucking world.”
Get a bigger shovel. You’re on a roll on this!
Probably the first time in my life I have agreed with the commenters on a NYT article.
TaeJohnDo said...
"I trust Fox as much as I trust Democracy Now."
I didn't say I trust any of them. You saw me write that I look for Amy Goodman to lie to me. That's not trust
"DN is only going to report what will support their bias."
That doesn't matter. I come to their reporting with my own set of facts, to either add or detract from what they say.
"I watched the clip. I never saw 900 dead palestinian children."
Do you really think they have to show you all 900 for it to be true?
"I just cruised over to the DN site - there was only one headline concerning the Middle East that did not cast Israel in a bad light, concerning 199 hostages. There were 23 that put Israel in a bad light."
You do understand they're trying to show you the opposing view, don't you? Why would you think that they're going to praise Israel? That's the flaw your reasoning right there: You don't understand what they're doing. What purpose they serve. That's why you think they're liars. They're not liars - you're not very bright and judging them wrong for not accommodating that.
"And you called me insulting and out of the fucking world? I thought better of you, Crack. My mistake."
Look, I'm sorry, but anybody who goes to Democracy Now! looking for someone to praise Israel does not understand what's going on. You want to see praise for Israel? Go look at Fox News. Do you want to see an opposing view to that? Go to Democracy Now! To say Democracy Now! is unfair, or dishonest, because they don't do the job of Fox News is just stupid.
Political Junkie said...
Don't you cringe when you hear the phrase "moral authority"?
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