১০ অক্টোবর, ২০২৩

Hey, New Yorker, consider the downside of scheduling your "Daily Cartoon" in advance.

Here's today's cartoon, obviously chosen — I hope! — back when the top news was the dreary deja vu of Congress needing to fund the government again and Biden and Trump tripping and stumbling their way toward another major-party nomination:


That seems so out of it, even as it's intended to make fun of New Yorker readers who are out of it. Or was it trying to make New Yorker readers feel sophisticated for feeling bored by all the hopeless shenanigans out there in the world? Whichever, it's painfully crass today.

Is this America — men shuffling in slippers, barely alive?

৪৪টি মন্তব্য:

The Crack Emcee বলেছেন...

I don't know what that is. Seriously. I don't recognize anything about it.

baghdadbob বলেছেন...

This cartoon is always timely.

When in our world's history has there not been war, atrocities, suffering, corruption and "hopeless shenanigans?"

Sometimes, like today, the misery hits a bit closer to home, sometimes it's just one million dead in Rwandan genocide.

Caroline বলেছেন...

“Is this America — men shuffling in slippers, barely alive?”
Yes— in every blue city, yes, a thousand times yes.

typingtalker বলেছেন...

Do we need all the accoutrements of modern life or will the internet, a cup of coffee and a companion suffice?

"You doomscroll, I make coffee, and together we forage bravely into each new day."

rehajm বলেছেন...

Is this America — men shuffling in slippers, barely alive?

Hey!- it’s an obese gay black lady’s America now. We just live in it…

Heartless Aztec বলেছেন...

Slippers are an adult American anomaly. Except in urban high schools where bedroom slippers are de riguer.

The Crack Emcee বলেছেন...

"Whichever, it's painful crass today."

Have A Nice Day

Static Ping বলেছেন...

Unfortunately, this is also how the White House schedules their social media alerts. Our "President" had a BBQ on Sunday and took a lid on Monday during a major international crisis, and while Joe is unavailable their messages are about a good jobs report and Biden going on a campaign stop on Friday.

At least the New Yorker cartoon has some black comedy value and is not specifically offensive.

traditionalguy বলেছেন...

Men living with their husband is hardly America.

Big Mike বলেছেন...

Well it’s 9:30 Eastern and I’m still in slippers. But this retiree is much better than “barely alive.”

tim maguire বলেছেন...

It's designed to make them feel sophisticated for seeing the banality and uselessness of their news fixation, while also giving them the go-ahead to indulge their news fixation. It's ok that they engage in emotionally destructive navel gazing because they know it's emotionally destructive navel gazing. A guilty pleasure.

Certainly one would hope the cartoon was scheduled pre-Hamas invasion and nobody thought to review the material before going live. But it's the New Yorker, so who knows?

pacwest বলেছেন...

I'm with Crack. Can someone explain that cartoon to me?

tim maguire বলেছেন...

Static Ping said...Our "President" had a BBQ on Sunday and took a lid on Monday during a major international crisis

Does anyone know the originas of the term "lid"? I remember the media simply using it during the campaign, "Biden read the paper during breakfast and then a lid was called." It took me a while to understand that meant he was done for the day and was probably off to take a nap. How is that a term we are just supposed to know? How is it ok for the president's handlers to simply inform the world that for the rest of today, the United States has no leader because the doddering old fool has done all he is up to doing today?

Ice Nine বলেছেন...

>?Is this America — men shuffling in slippers, barely alive?>

As if the slippers were the salient feature there that might make one provocatively ask if these mixed race, mated men "are America." Jaysus, the lefty media never lets up, does it.

planetgeo বলেছেন...

Weltschmerz has always been cool among the uber-elite who schlep around New Yorkerworld.

paminwi বলেছেন...

StaticPing: oxen made time in the last 24 hours or so to make time to tweet about the extra fees we pay for concert tickets and charges o your hotel bill for Wi-fi! He’s really connected to what’s happening in the world!

Dave Begley বলেছেন...

Libs aren't funny.

robother বলেছেন...

I'm drinking coffee, reading this, and looking down, yes, even wearing slippers as I scroll. I only lack a househusband to fit The New Yorker stereotype. (Is that the subtle point of the cartoon, that even the gay couple falls into the middle class rut?)

Sean বলেছেন...

Slippers are out of touch. They should be in crocs.

chuck বলেছেন...

Worse than that, heelless slippers suck.

gilbar বলেছেন...

Isn't the Arab bringing the coffee bombs supposed to represent Hamas?
And the Sleeping Jew.. That (according to the Leftie Left) deserves to DIE

Owen বলেছেন...

That's a brilliant cartoon, capturing the pinnacle of self-absorbed irrelevant triviality which The New Yorker both produces and consumes for its remaining 27 readers.

It's a weekly so I imagine right now its writers and editors are being briefed on how to prepare their thumb sucking narratives on That Thing That Just Happened At The Israeli Peace Rave. Yeah, it was a Woodstock gone bad, man. Kind of a Woodstock turned Altamont. Not cool.

jim বলেছেন...

Red meat time at Althouse.

Robert Cook বলেছেন...

The cartoon is obviously mocking such present-day affluent liberal Americans (gay or straight), who imagine their self-indulgent luxury of "concern" over the trials of politics and life in America and the world today as a spiritual/ethical hairshirt they are burdened to wear until righteousness prevails.

Robert Cook বলেছেন...

"Men living with their husband is hardly America."

Sure it is. Just as men living with their wives are America. Or women living with their wives or their husbands. Or married couples living with children, or with no children. And so on, and so on....

Mason G বলেছেন...

Looking for America in New York? Good luck with that.

Two-eyed Jack বলেছেন...

As they say, every New Yorker cartoon caption could easily be replaced with "I wish I were dead."

Nothing shocks.

Anthony বলেছেন...

Swear to God, I'm not sure I've ever found a New Yorker comic to be even vaguely chuckle-worthy.

Ann Althouse বলেছেন...

This cartoon is a New Yorker stereotype: An affluent couple and one makes a world-weary remark.

These days, instead of a man and a woman, they'll have 2 men or 2 women, so it's a gay couple, and just to rack up more diversity credit, they darken the skin tone — add some gray wash ink — to one of them. But they are the same damned couple. There's nothing homosexual or interracial about the scene or what's being said. It's the same old aloofness and affluence.

Jupiter বলেছেন...

"There's nothing homosexual or interracial about the scene or what's being said. It's the same old aloofness and affluence."

What do you mean? Can't you see, they just had red-hot butt sex? Unfortunately, they won't be having any little half-breed children, unless maybe they have contracted to rent a womb.

Joe Smith বলেছেন...

It's so insulting as a reader to be force-fed diversity drivel.

"I know, let's make the couple gay!"

"Why, that's fucking genius! It's never been done before, and people will think we're good people for being so open-minded!"

What it makes me think is that you're a mindless, liberal, drone.

Btw, it's kind of my life these days, but I don't wear slippers...

Scott M বলেছেন...

Good times create soft slipper-wearing men.

Slipper-wearing men create enemies wearing sturdy boots designed to be placed on the necks of slipper-wearers, creating hard times.

Hard times create local friendly sturdy boots.

Friendly sturdy boots create good times.

rehajm বলেছেন...

Blogger Ann Althouse said...
This cartoon is a New Yorker stereotype: An affluent couple and one makes a world-weary remark.

"I think I'm going to kill myself"

Yep. Stereotypical New Yorker…

Oso Negro বলেছেন...

A gay couple after a night of poppers and disco? Shuffling expected.

Jupiter বলেছেন...

Cookie, you left out "Dogs and cats, living together".

The Crack Emcee বলেছেন...

Ann Althouse said...

"There's nothing homosexual or interracial about the scene or what's being said. It's the same old aloofness and affluence."

Like I said, I don't recognize anything about it. I didn't even see them as a gay couple. It's just a weird cartoon.

n.n বলেছেন...

The odd couplet and a nuanced shout-out to albinophobes.

Aggie বলেছেন...

You know how you can tell it's the New Yorker? Because even though it's a droll, bi-racial gay couple, the very latest in societal chic, in spite of that, you'll still notice who it is, serving the coffee.

Kirk Parker বলেছেন...

rejahm cites Burge's Law, which is generally applicable but there are exceptions:

1. Executive at his desk, talking on the phone: "No, Thursday's totally booked too... Look, how about 'never'? Does 'never' work for you?"

2. Couple in a law office talking to the lawyer who's seated behind a huge desk with all his diplomas and stuff hanging on the wall behind him: "We're here because we want to sue for 15 million, but we're not exactly sure who or for what."

Gunner বলেছেন...

The white gay dude is Anderson Cooper and the other guy he just met last night.

mikee বলেছেন...

Men in slippers know that bare feet find the kid's Legos. So let's not disparage men in slippers. They know how to avoid at least some of the day's unpleasantness.

Will Cate বলেছেন...

The New Yorker cartoon... yet another thing that's not as reliable as it once was.

Brick Rubbledrain বলেছেন...


Anthony Dorazio বলেছেন...

"We make men without chests and expect of them virtue and enterprise. We laugh at honour and are shocked to find traitors in our midst. We castrate and bid the geldings be fruitful."

C.S. Lewis