October 30, 2023

"Ellison has testified that his unkempt boy genius look was an act. In court, Bankman-Fried wore... his trademark crazy mane now trimmed..."

"... into a more conventional style. 'Mr Bankman-Fried, would you agree that you know how to tell a good story?' [the prosecutor Danielle] Sassoon asked. Bankman-Fried deflected, saying, 'I don’t know, it depends on what metric you use.' Sassoon [asked]... him about a colleague [said]... he had said cutting his hair would have a negative value for him because 'I think it’s important for people to think I look crazy,' he was quoted as saying. Ellison likewise testified that Bankman-Fried carefully curated his unglamorous image. 'I don’t think I said that in that way,' Bankman-Fried said. He had previously testified that he did not cut his hair because he was busy and lazy, not as a strategic decision. When Sassoon asked him if he recalled telling another investor, who asked him to wear a suit, that 'a T-shirt and shorts' were part of his brand, Bankman-Fried said he did not recall the comment.... 'You think of yourself as a smart guy?' the prosecutor asked. 'In many ways, not all ways,' Bankman-Fried replied..... 'In private you said things like "fuck regulators"?" Sassoon asked. 'I said that once,' Bankman-Fried admitted."


Butkus51 said...

"Smart" people met this guy and thought, he so smart.

Saint Croix said...

How is his hairstyle relevant in this criminal complaint?

Saint Croix said...
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JK Brown said...

Am I the only one who finds it amusing this is all being forced out by a prosecutors who has the name of a famous hair styling product line? I couldn't find out if she was related. Her parents were an attorney and psychologist in NYC. It is her maiden name retained after marriage.

Jay Vogt said...

Well SBF and CE are obviously telling the truth. They're both under oath.

n.n said...

Disparaging regulators is a contemptuous crime, perhaps an analog or digital hate crime, a disruption of government work prosecuted through Capitol punishment in select Democratic jurisdictions.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

lets talk about how that ill gotten gain ended up in Democrat Party coffers.

Michael K said...

He certainly outdid Elizabeth Holmes in the fraud department.

rcocean said...

At least they aren't calling him SBF anymore. I have no idea why they were hiding his full name, but one can guess.

Narayanan said...

admits to disparaging regulators
since when this became culpable

Dave Begley said...

The son of two Stanford law professors (one teaches ethics) steals millions and causes billions of losses and they all think it is a good idea for SBF to testify?

Three idiots, but the parents got away with millions.

I’ll also note that they were BIG contributors to the Dem party.

Karma, baby. Guilty!

Saint Croix said...

"you said fuck regulators?!

Fuck the IRS!

(oh no...)

Fuck the FBI!

(must be guilty now)

Fuck da Police!

maybe ask him what his skin color is, what his religion is, what his political party is, and who his parents are

are the prosecutors just floating or what?

"you think of yourself as a smart guy?"

maybe I'm just impatient or something, but get to the fucking crime already

retail lawyer said...

I thought he was aggressively sloppy and unfit looking. Like, on purpose.

retail lawyer said...

I thought he was aggressively sloppy and unfit looking. Like, on purpose.

rcocean said...

Protest for Trump on J6, get thrown in jail for 4 years.

Steal a Billion, get named SBF so people cant know you committed a crime, and have people talk about your haircut. Because if you're samuel bankman-fried, it doesn't matter.

Original Mike said...

Of course it was an act.

Rich said...

$8bn dollars of FTX customer deposits went to Alemeda. What's to discuss here?

SBF's entire career has been built on his belief that he is smart enough to BS anyone by telling them what they want to hear. He probably thinks he can still do it under cross-examination.

I read the Michael Lewis book “Going Infinite” so you don’t have to. Would not recommend spending any money on it.

Lewis paints SBF as an autistic trading savant who just lost track of some money because he’s too smart for book-keeping. He presents SBF as practically incapable of lying, but ignores all the copious written evidence where SBF has lied extravagantly.

At the end of the book, Lewis does some silly napkin math to figure out where FTX’s money went. He simply assumes Alameda couldn’t have lost the money on bad crypto trading bets because they had smart people, some even from Jane Street! Good grief.

Lewis seems to think that the FTX bankruptcy was a con job by greedy American lawyers and poor SBF would have been fine if only he had more time to find the money. Of course that’s what every scammer thinks when they’re in over their head.

Sometimes too much empathy can be bad for a journalist. This book was not worthy of Lewis’s reputation.

Whatever its original intentions, crypto has become a cross between a casino and a Ponzi scheme. Rather shocked, actually, that Lewis apparently got taken in.

Aggie said...

He wasn't a boy genius, and he wasn't a financial savant. He was a well-connected brat with über-connected, progressive-liberal-Democrat, Stanford University-professor parents. He parlayed his connections into this beach-party empire that relied on staying a step ahead of the sheriff and the regulators, whom he knew personally by virtue of his connections.

I give him credit for being intelligent enough to catch the wave of the entrepreneurial crypto-hustle, and spoiled enough to think that he could get away with it. It's a pedestrian bitch, but there it is. He started out as an elite, and was able to push the 'brilliant slob savant' scam for a while, but not really too long, compared to the polished types like Bernie Madoff.

If there is any interest in justice, the money trail to Democrat coffers will be ruthless and unblinking.

I think I read this quote here on Ms. Althouse's workshop somewhere, and found it noteworthy:

"Every lie makes you indebted to the truth, and that debt will eventually be paid."

- Valery Legasov, IAEA investigator during Chernobyl incident

fairmarketvalue said...

S-BF is nothing but a self-regarding evil conman, aided and abetted by his detestable parents, Bankman and Fried.

boatbuilder said...

I am forced to confess that I, too, have disparaged a regulator in my time.

Gerda Sprinchorn said...
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Just an old country lawyer said...

Only a prosecutor named Sassoon would interrogate a defendant about his hair.

Amexpat said...

Is the prosecutor's first name "Vidal"?

mikee said...

Publicity from dress and hair and mouthing off is not criminal. All this detail about the persona of SBF is insignificant compared to the paper trail of his loss of billions of dollars of investor money. Follow the money trail, find the crimes and identify the criminals. This is a case that might be described in an hour of testimony by a forensic accountant, fundamentally. The entire operation was designed to squander investor funds and cover up that simple fact.