October 22, 2023

Bill Maher: "Don't go to college." And: "If you absolutely have to go, don't go to an elite college"

"It just makes you stupid."

Contains the line: "Harvard Yard is the Wuhan wet market."

Watch the whole thing so you see that Maher somehow ends up lashing out at right-wing politicians and Supreme Court Justices — displaying photos of of 15 of them and declaring these faces "utterly punchable." We see Paul Begala guffawing. No one seems to notice the embrace of violence here, even as Maher just got done lambasting students for endorsing/accepting the massacre in Israel.


Kate said...

"Harvard Yard is the Wuhan wet market."

Ezra Pound is green with envy at that one.

rehajm said...

The wet market thing is a fantastic creation of the same type of dolts what didn’t want to be blamed for the catastrophe they created. It was a good try though and if you aren’t thinking about it sounds like it should be funny…

Mazo Jeff said...

I dud not know the only stupid people that come out of these "elite" schools are Republicans! Good thing I listened to this "elitis" or I never would have gotten this information.

Dave Begley said...

Intellectually and culturally, Bill Maher is not interesting or influential.

rehajm said...

If you’ve been around the place recently it feels like Kowloon

Humperdink said...

At one point, Maher and Jon Stewart were the source of news for Gen Z. My nephew quoted Stewart repeatedly when debating me. His typical response to me began with "Jon Stewart says ..".

Stewart has disappeared and Maher has turned into a chameleon. He throws a bone to conservatives and then bashes them relentlessly. He wants it both ways. In his heart he knows supporting the left-wing nuts is the path to destruction, but he just can't abandon them.

rehajm said...

Watch the whole thing so you see that Maher somehow ends up lashing out at right-wing politicians and Supreme Court Justices — displaying photos of of 15 of them and declaring these faces "utterly punchable.

He’s trying to not be Jon Stewarted. It still might happen…

Wilbur said...

Yes, it was worth watching the whole thing, if only to note those whom Maher claims are so punchable are not those blaming Israel, or using cis pronouns, or anti-free speech, which Maher decies.

Punchable works both ways, Mr. Tough Guy.

gilbar said...

i was SO PROUD of my nephew, when he got accepted to NYU..
i was SO DISGUSTED with my nephew, when he Actually WENT to NYU ten years ago..
He now has
a bachelor's degree in poli sci; with a minor in economics
$200,000 in student debt
a job as an accounts analyst, making about $90,000/yr (after working for 6 years)
since he lives in chicago area, he bought an old house, for another $250,000 in debt

since he 'thinks' he went to an 'elite' school, you'd 'think' he could figure out how long it will take to get out from his debt load; instead, he thinks his house is his 'investment'

gilbar said...

No one seems to notice the embrace of violence here

micro aggressions are TERRIBLE!! Actual aggressions are to be embraced!!
If you don't use my pronouns.. you are trying to kill me!!
If i rape and murder you.. That's just what you DESERVE!!

Humperdink said...

"Don't go to an elite college."

Apparently non-elite colleges aren't the choice either. The non-elite colleges in Pennsylvania are shrinking at an incredible pace. The state-related university system in PA was once a crown jewel of the state. A variety of factors contributed the enrollment crash. High costs, Pennsylvania's population loss, demographics (older population). Covid did not help. And maybe younger people just don't see the wisdom of higher (cough) education. The situation was so dire, PA combined the administration's of several of the universities. Higher education will not heal itself. They don't know how.

Big Mike said...

No one seems to notice the embrace of violence here

It has not gone totally unnoticed. And it s not new.

The Crack Emcee said...

Bari Weiss, Sam Harris, and, repeatedly, this other barely-funny one with TDS, one day (Thank you, Mary Katherine Ham) who still thinks he's a "voice of reason" the next - when they're really just hypocrites. And ready to advocate violence when it suits them.

Also, we say things like "endorsing/accepting the massacre in Israel" when this stuff is just thrown in the kid's lap. I heard a woman yesterday saying she hadn't heard the word "Palestine" until she was an adult, and she was asking what that meant about our education system and our media? Or what does it mean that everything she HAD heard, was one-sided and slanted toward Israel? Does the realization Israel may be wrong mean she is "endorsing/accepting the massacre in Israel" or just being moral?

BTW - as I'm typing this, there's violence a-brewing in the apartment building next-door to mine. At 4AM. Insane.

Saint Croix said...

Somebody on his staff went through and removed all the women in power who have graduated from Harvard and Yale so that he could limit his violent fantasies to male Republicans.

Maher went to second-tier Ivy, so part of this rant is probably due to not getting in Harvard or Yale. At second-tier Ivy, they still teach you where the money is. So of course he mocks Republicans, he'll do that until he retires. He's relatively honest but he also knows who pays the checks.

The Crack Emcee said...

I got about two minutes in and then couldn't do anymore. The man is NOT funny. I was reminded of the night Christopher Hitchens flipped off his audience: Hitchens was attacking Iran that night, and Bill Maher was attacking him for doing so. Then Hitchens accused Maher of telling "the joke that stupid people laugh at." Which is actually as good a description of Bill Maher, himself, as you're going to get.

Another old lawyer said...

I forget, what's a common reaction to publicly being shown to be wrong, especially where cognitive dissonance is at the root?

Danno said...

Maher is 100% correct on his statement on elite colleges. Most major colleges are now just an indoctrination center for leftist stupidity.

Barry Dauphin said...

"Harvard Yard is the Wuhan wet market"
No, Bill, it's the Wuhan Institute of Virology.

Breezy said...

Maher calls the students’ college-learned ideas illiberal but then castigates those who don’t subscribe to them. His blinders are thick indeed. He demonstrates “elite” in real time!

mezzrow said...

Some of these are not like the others, and these you can punch. Are you smart enough to see the difference?

It's like eating a jar of peanut butter when you don't find the ratshit until the very end. 95% great stuff from Maher, but don't forget that finding the (R) is like finding the yellow star. I didn't even know that rhymed until I was done typing it.

For the ignorant, you could walk away thinking all those Ivy grad guys like Ted Cruz and DeSantis want to see all the Jews murdered too like BLM does...

Bottom line: Believe what you want, as long as you vote (D). First principles thinking? What's that? Who's the asshole now?

Amadeus 48 said...

This one was weaselly in the extreme. Maher doesn't mean it. He chummed the waters with anti-Ivy observations and then fed the hook to right-side folks only. All the campus-based irrationalities he cited are part of the left's mantra, but all the villains are on the right.

Bah! Maher is as bad as any smarmy Jimmy (Kimmel, Fallon, or Carter).

farmgirl said...

Bill maher has the emotional roller coaster temperament of a five year old.

retail lawyer said...

Trigger warning: "We see Paul Begala guffawing". Thats no way to start the day.

Ron Winkleheimer said...

Lets see, support of killing babies and burning old people to death is equivalent to disagreeing with you about immigration and foreign policy. Bill is going to be shocked, shocked I say when he is canceled by the left and nobody on the deplorable side wants him.

Butkus51 said...

Smartest man in the room.

At least he knows so.

Earnest Prole said...

No one seems to notice the embrace of violence here

Noticing the embrace of violence is dangerously adjacent to civility bullshit — don’t take the bait.

Mazo Jeff said...

I never knew that only conservative politicians were the only stupid people that could have come from these "elite" universities.

Tim said...

I honestly cannot recommend college for anything other than what the elites like to refer to as trade school. You want to be an engineer? Sure, get a degree. A nurse? Yep, go get that degree. A teacher? Yep, you can pick up a degree to get that job. And I strongly recommend that you go to a state school and save money. But other than that? I cannot see where they are actually teaching anything useful. Certainly not how to think, and certainly not any kind of classical education.

narciso said...

this is the democracy Maher wanted, he 'dragged' us to it, it required a recession, he didn't expect a chinese sourced pandemic, but he didn't really mind, he can't complain now,

Big Mike said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Fredrick said...

Bill Maher stays true to his lefty roots by not noticing that none of the people who graduated from ivy league shools decades ago proclaimed any support for Hamas. The not so subtle suggestion to violence on his part is just icing on the cake.

michaele said...

Often times. during a perfectly good on target rant against the head scratching path "progressives" have embraced, Maher can't resist getting in some gratuitous jabs at Trump and/or Republicans. It's like he has to prove that he's still part of the cool kids' crowd.

Cappy said...

It's the trademark Immelman Turn of leftist conversation.

rhhardin said...

Maher's daddy was a network news editor at NBC when Imus was there, and Imus and sidekick Chuck McCord used to set little Bill up with female NBC pages as a bit of fun morals corrupting in the NBC family.

narciso said...

no all the ftx recipients stayed bought,

rhhardin said...

It might be said now that I have the best of both worlds. A Harvard education and a Yale degree. - JFK

Quaestor said...

A left-wing nut doesn’t fall too far from the tree.

Typical, really. Maher has neither a rebellious spirit nor the courage of his conviction so he sticks to the well-worn path. A few decent opinions regarding the entrenched antisemitism in our so-called elite schools have been published in the trash media Maher consumes with his breakfast, thus he finds a safe way to appear au courant. However, he must always defend his hindquarters with a gratuitous assault on the decency he depends on to blaze the trail before him, and like a treacherous pet bites the hand that feeds him.

Disgust with academia is widespread and longstanding. The festering really began to enflame during the scandalous persecution of the Duke lacrosse team lead by the disgraceful Mike Nifong egged on by the disgraceful Group of 88. If the reader hasn’t given that much thought, he should start. One might expect eight Beria-scale psychopaths in any cohort of socialists, but eighty-eight? And none were dismissed or meaningfully disciplined, unleashing the mortal storm that roils the American soul and befouls the academy grove.

rhhardin said...

You can read through all of (Yale) Harold Bloom's books and not find a trace of idiotic leftism; nor in his student Camille Paglia, at least at the tie of Sexual Personae.

I wonder if Paglia has said anything about Hamas.

wild chicken said...

He might embrace violence but it's not violent violence.

Humperdink said...

Butkus51 said: "Smartest man in the room."

It's a small room.

Rusty said...

I think Dave nailed it.

Iman said...

Mutt-faced Maher has had one too many stupefying blasts of intoxication.

Spiros said...

If not universities, what then? Can we train doctors and lawyers, engineers and scientists through apprenticeships and guilds? We'd have to rely on licensure testing.

cassandra lite said...

Love him or hate him, Josh Hawley is smarter than Barack Obama.

That was a strange right turn (or was it left?) that Maher made by naming a whole bunch of Republicans who are likely to agree with him that a Harvard/Yale education has morphed into something worse than useless.

Scorpion and frog are immutable.

Heartless Aztec said...

Bill Maher needs to be Three Stooge slapped, his eyes poked and his nose pinch pulled. Punchable indeed.

s'opihjerdt said...

I never understood the claim that it is racist to NOT believe that Chinese people eat stolen cats and diseased bats.

Marcus Aurelius said...

Marcus Aurelius said...
My observation concerns his in-house audience, the carefully groomed groupies who will always laugh at his witticisms. When he brought up Josh Hawley and the other R,s for ridicule there was a noticeable fall off in the response. I think by his body language Mayer noticed this.

Stick said...

I had some hope at one point that Maher would be redpilled.
not today

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

If the leaked tapes of Sheila Jackson Lee vulgarly berating her staff were from a Republican Congresscritter then Maher would have played them in their entirety last night.

Levi Starks said...

Shouldn’t a judge issue him a gag order?

Oligonicella said...

I do not take advice from Pizza Man. I'll aggregate and decide on my own.

Sebastian said...

"No one seems to notice the embrace of violence here"

That's because it's not particularly notable. Given time, the probability of a lefty rant resulting in a call for violence against righties approaches 1. On scales small and large, ever since the French Revolution, leftism requires a scorching of the earth and the creation of New Men, by any means necessary. The fact that even Maher, who occasionally shows signs of knowing better, succumbs to the routine cruelty, if only for self-protection, confirms yet again the power of the ideological virus.

As the pro-Hamas signs spell out clearly enough, decolonization is not a metaphor. Nor is decolonization limited to the Jews and Israel.

It's good of Althouse to notice. Now draw the necessary inferences.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

"College today is a day-spa combined with a North Korean Education camp."


robother said...

Crack Emcee: Then Hitchens accused Maher of telling "the joke that stupid people laugh at." Which is actually as good a description of Bill Maher, himself, as you're going to get.

Good one. Maher's a man addicted to his own claphter. And perfectly illustrated by Paul Begala guffawing.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

3:57 is the strongest point he made.

I have to hand it to him - some big punches thrown at the predictable hive-mind speech crime illiberal radical racist left.

NorthOfTheOneOhOne said...

For the record; Bill Maher graduated from Cornell.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

ah predictable left Maher returns nearthe end to bash Josh Hawley and praise the left's lord and savior - the man who brought back race-hate and skin colors wars - Obama.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

At the end - in dishonest lefty Maher fashion - he tries to tie the idiot Nazi kids at Harvard with GWB.

BUMBLE BEE said...

Hans chimes in...


The "U" is not alone.

The Crack Emcee said...

Dave Chappelle triggers WALKOUT from Boston show after comedian slammed Hamas attacks, Israel's 'war crimes' and pro-Palestinian students who've had job offers nixed


Dave Chappelle triggers WALKOUT from Boston show after comedian stood up for decency and American values: we don't condone barbarity, depriving people of food, water and medicine, and we don't tout Free Speech and then punish people for believing we mean it.

gspencer said...

FORCE is the currency of the Democrat Party. If, by law, you comply, fine. But if you don't comply, the ratchet is tightened until you do comply. Violence is inherent in today's Democrat Party as it has been inherent in all totalitarian regimes.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Josh Hawley for president.

donald said...

Bill Maher talks a lotta shit that he in no way can back up. He’s the guy getting on the lifeboat in the titanic.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Maher's hatred of conservatives is similar to the left's collective hatred of Israel and Jews.

I'm guessing he's too dumb to figure that out.

Narayanan said...

"Harvard Yard is the Wuhan wet market."
if Maher has learned anything he would compare to Wuhan Institute and insertions at cleavage points by US Academia

Joe Smith said...

Maher is the kind of guy who always thinks he's the smartest person in the room.

I worked in Silicon Valley tech for almost 40 years, with some of the smartest people on earth.

But they wouldn't tell you that they were...

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Be careful not to slam hamas' war crimes. Delicate Nazi Palestinians - boo hoo.

JAORE said...

The 180 from pointing out radical leftist antisemitism to bashing conservatives that graduated from "elite" schools should cause whiplash.

Bill M. didn't even blink.

Flexibility/ignorance/blindness on moral grounds must be maintained.

FullMoon said...

Imagine the results of diminutive Billy Maher punching any Republican in the face.

Bob Boyd said...

"It just makes you stupid."

Cornell Alum Maher is the pudding.

n.n said...

Evaluate secondary education as a value proposition and proceed accordingly. Many people will find it fraught with risk and offers little return.

Yancey Ward said...

That is what cognitive dissonance looks like- the perfect example in real life.

William said...

Bill Maher is a fully licensed but not wholly owned subsidiary of the Democratic Party.

Bob Boyd said...

Barry Dauphin said...
"Harvard Yard is the Wuhan wet market"
No, Bill, it's the Wuhan Institute of Virology.

Nailed it.

rehajm said...

It’s funny he calls them punchable. All of the current women and most of the men could knock him on his ass…okay maybe not Soto but I bet she could honey badger him….

Rabel said...

I'm seeing a few people on the "right" who made their pile due to a degree from a high-end college trying to pull up the ladder they used to get where they are while recommending one of those mythical "apprenticeships" that are lying around all over the place just waiting to be snapped up by those still on the ground.

And doing it to sell advertising to the angry crowd.

Colleges may be worse than they used to, but was no one here around in '68?

rcocean said...

WHen Maher first came on the scene, he claimed to be "politically incorrect" and constantly asserted he was NOT a Liberal/Leftist OR a Democrat. He was some sort of Libertarian. And somewhere in the middle.

He dropped that mask a long time ago. He's just a leftwing Democrat who doesn't like taxes, and wants legal hookers and cocaine.

So when the "Dogface boy" says dont go to college who knows his REAL motivation.

rcocean said...

If some rightwinger said on TV that Maher had a "punchable face" Maher would be crying on his next show about "Death threats".

That's how these people roll.

Ron Winkleheimer said...

"I'm seeing a few people on the "right" who made their pile due to a degree from a high-end college trying to pull up the ladder they used to get where they are"

By right Rabel means people who oppose supporting baby murder.

Any way, Maher counts Obama as one of the good people! The guy who sent literally billions of dollars in cash to Iran so that they could support terrorist groups like Hamas.

And Maher continues to push the narrative that anyone who disagrees with any item that the left supports does so because they are defective in some way and that the left possesses absolute moral authority and must exercise this authority over moral and intellectual inferiors who cannot be allowed to govern themselves.

He is just trying to communicate to the baby murder supporters to keep it on the down low, they're freaking out the moderates.

Oligonicella said...

Rabel said...
Colleges may be worse than they used to, but was no one here around in '68?

If you're striving for a comparison of the two sets, perhaps you could kick it off.

I see Weathermen, et al, but in two very different contexts and numbers.

JIM said...

Maher thinks Obama is the best and the brightest, Ted Cruz has a punchable face. Maher almost sounds normal, then he rips the mask off to satiate his hate of all things not "liberal". Yeah he's a huge hypocrite and quite proud of it.

rcocean said...

The massacre of innocent civilians and the corresponding war crime of the Israeli reprisal (4300 Palesteinians killed so far) should be subject to some serious, adult, debate and discussion.

Instead, Bill Maher and most of the MSM just shout "Terrorist supporter" at anyone who's doesn't support Israel in EVERYTHING they do, or wants to talk about how to solve this conflict while being fair to both sides.

Plenty of people, and I suppose that includes many of these so-called "Terrorist supporters" and "Jew Haters" at Harvard and elsewhere, (1) want justice for the palestinians and don't support Israel committing war crimes/ethnic cleansing AND (2) condemn Hamas' terrorist attack.

But the Pro-Israeli side just wants to shout "Jew Hater" and "40 dead Israeli babies!!" at anyone who wants to talk about Israeli's bombing of Gaza, root causes, and how do we stop the Killing.

And believe it or not, Israel is NOT the 51st state, and plenty of us average Americans, want a President and Congress looking after OUR American interests and not blindly supporting the Israeli Government. The USA has no national interest in supporting War Crimes or Ethnic cleansing by EITHER side. The USA national interest in the Middle east is PEACE. Does Biden know that? Or is he so blinded by his love of Israel, he cant acknowledge that?

Howard said...

It seems like you folks are in a considerably amount of pain.

Gospace said...

Bill Maher was bullied in HS. I found out about this shortly after finding out we were in the same HS, which was shortly after joining Facebook, which according to Facebook was January 2009. I have to wonder how much this affects his worldview. 3 years in the same school- he was a year behind me- and I don’t recall ever crossing paths with him. Apparently all my HS friends knew him.

Also bullied in his class was Harry de la Roche. I didn’t know much about him but we met more than once. Just checked and seems he was granted parole this year after being found guilty of killing his family in 1976. Two entirely different stories and outcomes from the same HS class.

I’ve never seen a Bill Maher show, nor have I heard him talk. Everything I know about him is from blogs, this one and others, and the occasional quote from him in the MSM.

But just knowing of those two coming from similar but not identical backgrounds makes one wonder why people turn out the way they are.

Like a family with 7 children and one becomes a druggie and the others successful adults.

Or one becomes rich and famous and the rest live normal lives.

What happened that made one different?

Bill Maher and I in those HS years had the same teachers. But yet learned different lessons. I tried watching the clip, got a whole one minute into it before flicking it off. And I recall one of the comments from a close friend who was very surprised I had never met Bill Maher- “He was a smart ass in HS too.” So it looks like that never changed.

Rabel said...

"By right Rabel means people who oppose supporting baby murder."


Big Mike said...

M(4300 Palesteinians killed so far)

Does that include at least 40 babies? How about rapes? No rapes? Those IDF soldiers need to get busy.

Plenty of people, and I suppose that includes many of these so-called "Terrorist supporters" and "Jew Haters" at Harvard and elsewhere, (1) want justice for the palestinians [sic]

Real Justice would involve — will involve — a lot more than 4300 dead Palestinians. Get used to it. Who in Hamas is not a Palestinian? Which Palestinians do not support Hamas? Which Palestinians did not cheer when the learned how many Israelis were killed? Palestinian children are on video spitting on the nearly naked body of Shani Louk — even the children are culpable.

The goal of this war is — has to be! — seeing to it that nothing like October 7th never happens again. Not vengeance (not primarily, anyway) and certainly not your perverted view of “justice.” It’s up to the Palestinians to finally admit that they have no right to cross the border and murder babies and rape women by laying them across the bodies of their friends. How many dead Palestinians will that take?

You can claim that you “condemn” the Hamas attack all you want — will your condemnation prevent future attacks? If not, then your condemnation is irrelevant, isn’t it?

The rest of your comment, especially the “51st state” straw man, is just bullshit. You say you want PEACE? Then get the Hell out of the IDF’s way while they pacify Gaza.

rcocean said...

The rest of your comment, especially the “51st state” straw man, is just bullshit. You say you want PEACE? Then get the Hell out of the IDF’s way while they pacify Gaza.

The Israeli's aren't "pacifying" Gaza, they're bombing the fuck out of it. And killing thousands of innocent civilians. They've committed a war crime by cutting off electricity, water, and food to Gaza. And they've demanded the Arabs leave northern Gaza, even though they have no where to go. Many Israeli Right-wing Pols are now saying this is the time for the "final solution" to the Gaza problem. Drive them out, and then ethinically cleanse the area.

Is Big Mike Jewish? If so, your one-sided view of the situation is understandable. If you're a Gentile American, you should go see a psychologist. Unless you're getting Paid to support Bebe on the internet. Which is the case with Miss Lindsey and most of our hysterical "Kill 'em all" politicians.

Big Mike said...

@rcocean, not Jewish myself but to quote an old cliche some of my best friends are …. (Well, actually, my two best Jewish friends died of cancer, one during the COVID lockdowns and the other just before. Each was a mensch and much missed.

Unlike you, I don’t hold with terrorism. Unlike you, I don’t accept rape as a legitimate act of war. Unlike you, I do not accept terrorists murdering babies as a legitimate act of war. Apparently you do, which makes you less than human as far as I am concerned.

The people living in Gaza chose to hate Jews for being Jewish (and doubtlessly Americans for living in the USA). They chose to commit acts of terror and/or to support terrorists living in their midst. I don’t care whether PEACE comes from Palestinians accepting Israel as a legitimate country and renouncing violence, or by the last Palestinian dying in a bomb blast. But there needs to be peace.

But tell me, rcocean, did get off watching the Hamas video or Shani Louk’s body being carted around on the back of the pic up truck? Did that turn you on?

rcocean said...

But tell me, rcocean, did get off watching the Hamas video or Shani Louk’s body being carted around on the back of the pic up truck? Did that turn you on?

I see this sort of thing from Israeli supporters quite often. Its the way they argue. Same with the rest of your screed. Whenever I read this stuff, I never feel like I'm talking to a fellow American about things happening in a foreign country.

The emotion and anger is ramped up to x10. There's a lot of name calling, lies and misrepresenting the Pro-peace position. But mostly its this weird deep emotional involvement with foreigners who are 5000 miles away. Hatred for one side "Kill 'em all", and massive sadness over the deaths on "the good side". Understandble if you're an Israeli or a Jewish American. Sorta bizzare if you're like 98 percent of the USA, and not either of those.

Unlike you, I feel sad for the innocents being killed on both sides. And want the kiling to stop. And I desire several things: that peace comes as quickly as possible, that the Hamas terrorists get punished, and that the innocent Arabs in Gaza get justice and freedom.

And above all, I don't want this conflict to spread, and for America to get involved in another useless Middle Eastern war.

rcocean said...

But tell me, rcocean, did get off watching the Hamas video or Shani Louk’s body being carted around on the back of the pic up truck? Did that turn you on?

I see this sort of thing from Israeli supporters quite often. Its the way they argue. Same with the rest of your screed. Whenever I read this stuff, I never feel like I'm talking to a fellow American about things happening in a foreign country.

The emotion and anger is ramped up to x10. There's a lot of name calling, lies and misrepresenting the Pro-peace position. But mostly its this weird deep emotional involvement with foreigners who are 5000 miles away. Hatred for one side "Kill 'em all", and massive sadness over the deaths on "the good side". Understandble if you're an Israeli or a Jewish American. Sorta bizzare if you're like 98 percent of the USA, and not either of those.

Unlike you, I feel sad for the innocents being killed on both sides. And want the kiling to stop. And I desire several things: that peace comes as quickly as possible, that the Hamas terrorists get punished, and that the innocent Arabs in Gaza get justice and freedom.

And above all, this conflict doesn't spread, and America doesn't get involved in another useless Middle Eastern war.

Big Mike said...

Unlike you, I feel sad for the innocents being killed on both sides.

Who are the innocents in Palestine? Children? Like the it’s who spat on Shani Louk’s corpse? The women who encourage their men to fight for Hamas?

And I desire several things: that peace comes as quickly as possible, that the Hamas terrorists get punished, and that the innocent Arabs in Gaza get justice and freedom.

I see no path to get to peace without making it painfully and abundantly clear that they cannot ever hope to win. As I keep saying — and you keep ignoring — all the Palestinians have to do is (1) acknowledge Israel’s right to exist. (2) renounce violence and terror, and (3) mean it. They will not do thst, and thus they’ve sown the wind. As the Ptophet Hosea predicts, they shall reap the whirlwind.

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