"The instructor then asked, 'How many people died in the Holocaust?' When a student answered, 'Six million,' the lecturer said, 'Colonizers killed more than 6 million. Israel is a colonizer.'... The teacher 'didn’t say anything that happened to the Israelis.... He ignored that. He said, "Hamas is a legitimate representation of the Palestinian people. They are not a terrorist group. They are freedom fighters. Their actions are legitimate."... He’s saying Israel is worse than the Nazis and Hamas is innocent. This is what Jewish students face at Stanford and other places. They’re feeling isolated, under attack and threatened.'"
From "Stanford instructor removed for targeting Jewish students as ‘colonizers’ after Hamas attack on Israel/Stanford officials were also criticized for neutral language in initially failing to unambiguously condemn Hamas" (Forward)(quoting Rabbi Dov Greenberg, director of the Chabad Stanford Jewish Center, who was relaying what he heard from 3 students).
But, but, this lesson killed when it was directed at the white kids.
What is this teacher’s name? What class was he teaching?
People can now see where identity politics leads: race and religious wars.
Twelve million were murdered in the National Socialist death camps.
John Henry
We should know the name of the instructor. It is news…
I see Stanford could only muster a couple dozen faculty signatures condemning the attacks. There’s 2,300 professoriate faculty at Stanford…
Professor was a woman.
One assertion after another, presented as syllogism.
Suddenly we’ll be hearing about the First Amendment and the duty of academics to speak truth to power.
I am impressed at the speed and scale with which the latest mind-poisoning meme has been deployed. When in doubt, just shout “colonizer!” and you will own the debate.
This nut job Regressive professor used a tactic on his Jewish and Israeli students that the Nazi Germans used when they came to power in the early 1930’s - identify and separate the Jewsfrom the rest of his class and then harass them as well as encourage the rest of the class to do the same. I also saw in a news article that this same Regressive idiot was the guy who put crazy ideas into Colin Kaepernick’s head and radicalized him. This man is pure evil and I hope by “removed” means he will be permanently terminated from Stanford University employment after an HR review, but I have my doubts.
Their actions are legitimate
including the raping, the kidnapping, the murders, the beheadings.. ALL legitimate?
Serious Questions:
If Hamas had a thermonuclear weapon, And detonated it over Tel Aviv; would That action be 'legitimate'?
What if they detonated one over Jerusalem? What about NYC?
what actions COULD they take, that would NOT be 'legitimate'?
I mean, other than failing to pray to Allah 5 times a day.. Obviously, there's NO EXCUSE for That!
This is very interesting as we all know that public schools no longer teach any history besides WW2. So if the Holocaust is no longer why the Nazis are evil, why are these college students all anti-fascists?
I was explaining the crocodile tears of AOC to my teenage kids last night about the 24 hour evacuation notice. After talking about the Gaza border situation, I said , "if she really cared about the Gazans instead of hating Jews, what women she be pushing for?" My daughter said Egypt to get involved. Bingo.
Had he stood the students in a corner and slaughtered them, would that have been an object lesson as well?
And the Jewish students just quietly participated in this supposedly outrageous exercise ? Call me skeptical.
Shouldn't Stanford have named the instructor that was removed?
I wish one of the Jewish students had had the sechel to riposte that the world map proves Arabs are history's greatest colonizer.
Gee, what a surprise, some College Professors are assholes! I had a friend who went to Georgia Tech, and he witnessed a professor (and this was in a science or engineering lecture) tell a Jewish student "6 million Jews and we missed your parents".
At what point will we stop tolerating nonsense and abuse from academicians? For the last half-century, no other profession has done more to harm comity, civilization ... and academia.
That is absolutely appalling! Good thing there weren't any railroad cattle cars handy, or "shower facilities" to move them into. Good god!
Good thing that's not a tenured position. That guy deserves the fastest termination possible, not a long paid suspension, as per usual mealy-mouth academia practice.
Never been prouder to be a Florida Gator, after reading UF President Ben Sasse's take on things!
All that talk of safe spaces and proper pronouns and proportionate responses and it comes to nothing. Hamas has taken the position that rape, baby murders, and burning people alive are legitimate forms of resistance. And some of the students and faculty at Stanford have taken the position that Hamas is a legitimate political organization with worthwhile aims and motives. That's scary and infuriating.
Affirmative action and DEI are poison in the academy, both student body and faculty. How much longer can it survive? Probably not even another decade.
If the instructor had put some white students in a corner and said this is what colonizers did to the Native Americans therefore white Americans are colonizers, that wouldn't have been entirely fair either, but nobody would have had a problem with it including the white kids in the corner. The professor probably had a similar expectation for this demonstration.
I bet he didn't even invent this demonstration. It's probably been done using white kids a hundred times in classrooms all over the country. He probably learned it from watching improve your teaching videos online.
Did any of the students kick the prof in his nuts in protest over his mock genocide of Jews? Asking because that prof sure deserves at least that.
My current trigger is Crisis Response, Communication and Prevention. This story made me wonder if large educational institutions have processes and policies in place to assure employees know and understand them? I am convinced these problems start in the Board Rooms. Funny thing is that I was terminating employments in the 70s in a unionized manufacturing environment for stuff like this.
"Hamas is a legitimate representation of the Palestinian people. They are not a terrorist group. They are freedom fighters. Their actions are legitimate."
Having Hamas lock Palestinians in their homes gives new meaning to the phrase "women and children first".
He should have been taken out of the classroom & shot in the head. Put a stop to this deluded bullshit.
Crimes against humanity.
Bob Boyd said...
If the instructor had put some white students...nobody would have had a problem with it
and yet.. And YET; if the instructor had done it with blacks (or other POS), he'd have gone to jail
microaggressions are BAD! macroaggressions are okay! MEGAaggressions are GREAT!
In the immortal words of a famous democrat:
Two deaths are a tragedy.. Two Million deaths are a statistic
It was “a required undergraduate course called “Civil, Liberal and Global Education.””
Freder Frederson said...
"Gee, what a surprise, some College Professors are assholes! I had a friend who went to Georgia Tech, and he witnessed a professor (and this was in a science or engineering lecture) tell a Jewish student "6 million Jews and we missed your parents"."
You mean a lot like you treat conservatives.
Anybody with knowledge of the Holocaust knows the massive amount of infrastructure it took to make it function as long as it did. "Colonizers killed more than 6 million" is an idiotic statement to make. I would guess the lecturer would have said the same thing to any number he was told by the students.
I can understand someone who is repulsed by the death and rape and kidnapping inflicted on innocent people, young and old, by Muslim fanatics who deny Israel’s right to exist. I can understand those who are horrified by the open air prison of the Gaza Strip where innocent people are denied basic human rights, have their homes destroyed, are murdered, in the name of Israel’s right to occupy the land given to the Jewish people by Jehovah. What I cannot understand is how anyone can be 100% on one side or the other. Another thing I cannot understand is the demand for censorship and canceling of all those who sympathize with the Palestinians, from people who supposedly hate censorship and cancel culture.
Also, note the slick use of "colonizers" rather than Jews or Israelies to place responsibility for colonizers all over the world, and throughout time, on Jewish heads (there is no possibility that Israel has killed more than 6 million, but perhaps all colonizers added together - you know, like Atilla the Hun, the Romans, the Muslim conquest of Iberia, etc.).
"Colonized" is just another BS word used by leftwing totalitarians and leftwing National Social Nazis.
"Twelve million were murdered in the National Socialist death camps."
Yes, a right-wing regime.
They left out the full quote:
"The instructor then asked, 'How many people died in the Holocaust?' When a student answered, 'Six million,' the lecturer said, 'Colonizers killed more than 6 million. Israel is a colonizer...And Trump and MAGA Republicans are Nazis.'"
Dave Begley said...
"People can now see where identity politics leads: race and religious wars."
I disagree: religious wars fuel themselves, because there's no logic to religion. Just the demands of invisible beings that some people decide to listen to - at all costs. The rest of us - especially atheists, who have nothing to do with any of this nonsense - must suffer under the weight.
"The teacher 'didn’t say anything that happened to the Israelis.... He ignored that."
As one should, in any real discussion of this issue. This war has been going on FOR MY ENTIRE LIFE. It's not just about the latest event that matters, but the fact that Israel is a bad idea we are ALL having to defend forever.
That said, the teacher was 100% wrong to single out anyone - but especially Jews - and make them stand in a corner. As far as I'm concerned, that "teacher" should be fired immediately. We must get ideologues out of our education system.
Finally, I've seen only one article saying America needs to teach better history to its kids. (Scroll all the way down) We are a nation in denial: Expecting anyone, over here, to know anything, with this terrible education system, is just punishing even more people made victims.
During World War II, Master Sgt Roddie Edmonds was serving with the 442nd Regiment at the Battle of the Bulge in 1944 when he and some of his men were captured by the Nazis. He and the others were transported to a POW camp in Germany where they were eventually housed with 1275 other soldiers. Edmonds was the senior NCO in that group.
One morning after they got there, the Nazis ordered only the Jewish POWs to fall out for that morning's roll call. Edmonds decided he wasn't going to let that happen so all 1275 men went outside, which apparently enraged the Nazi in charge, who screamed "you can't all be Jewish!" And Edmonds, other men have reported since, replied "We are all Jews here".
I was thinking about that when I read about this Stanford professor and wondered if any of the other students who aren't Jews thought about going over and standing with those called out to the corner. Probably not.
gilbar said...
Their actions are legitimate
including the raping, the kidnapping, the murders, the beheadings.. ALL legitimate?
People who expect wars to pay attention to decency are in denial. You start a war, and you released the furies.
Terror has a clarifying effect. You find out who likes it. The Jew haters reveal themselves. The academic rot gets exposed. Maybe the public, maybe even elites will have second thoughts about subsidizing the antisemites and importing Muslims.
Stanford is the home of the prison experiment, after all!
I hope these two things happened:
1. Jewish students refused
2. All the students joined the Jewish students in opposing the prof.
Odd wording, no?
What does that even mean? Can't mean "fired" or they would have said "fired."
Removed, you mean like a spot?
Spit it out, Stanford. Just admit you have this person in a safe room and you're protecting him because, like him, you too support terrorism.
The Democrat Party are Nazi's and we all need to come to grips with what we're going to have to do to them.
First thought: what class/subject was this "Instructor" teaching? Checking the referenced article, nothing in the first several sentences; just "the Instructor." Hmmmm. Trying to hide the nature of the course, are we???
Finally: "...a required undergraduate course called “Civil, Liberal and Global Education.”
Jebus! So you charge the poor dumb rubes $$$$ to attend mandatory political indoctrination. So much for Stanford.
Bender said...
They left out the full quote:
"The instructor then asked, 'How many people died in the Holocaust?' When a student answered, 'Six million,' the lecturer said, 'Colonizers killed more than 6 million. Israel is a colonizer...And Trump and MAGA Republicans are Nazis.'"
It also shows bad academic understanding. People whose religion is indigenous to the area and archeology shows evidence of their culture going back thousands of years are not part of the topic of colonization. It's like saying the Chumash or Tongva are colonizing Mexican claimed lands in California.
And YET; if the instructor had done it with blacks (or other POS), he'd have gone to jail
"other POS"? Seriously? Did you mean POC? I hope so.
Bless your heart, Cookie.
John Henry
A few remarks:
1. A required course with "Civil" in its name (AA 8:28am)! A remarkably uncivil thing for a professor to do. Does he even 'get' irony?
2. If I were Jewish and in that class, I would have refused to get up, and if the Professor said "Cohen/Goldberg/Feinstein, get up and stand in the corner!" I like to think I would have said "No" or even "Fuck you, bigot", making sure someone was recording both sides of the exchange on an iPhone.
3. Though I have no Jewish ancestry, so far I know (see next point), I would like to think that I would have got up and stood in the corner in solidarity and encouraged the whole class to do so, assuming any Jewish students had already done so.
4. How the Hell can anyone know for sure that they're not Jewish according to Nazi rules, where a single drop is enough? My grandmother's maiden name was Salmon, and the family was probably named after the fish - she was Scottish and there a lot of small-S salmon in Scotland. But I wouldn't be at all surprised if someone told me the name was originally Salomon and I'm partly Jewish. That would be mildly interesting, but I've never cared enough to investigate whether it is true. Only an antisemite like this professor would actually give a damn whether I'm a little bit Jewish or not, and they can all go to Hell.
Doesn’t sound kosher.
I'm certainly glad that Stanford is not a new member of the Big Ten. We would have to kick them out!
Not to belittle MSgt Edmonds, but he was in the 422nd, NOT the 442nd
If he'd been in the 442, he wouldn't have needed to pretend to be Jewish; they would have shot him for being Japanese
Roderick W. Edmonds (August 20, 1919 – August 8, 1985)[1] was a master sergeant of the 106th Infantry Division, 422nd Infantry Regiment in the United States Army
The 442nd Infantry Regiment (Japanese: 第442æ©å…µé€£éšŠ) was an infantry regiment of the United States Army. The regiment is best known as the most decorated in U.S. military history and as a fighting unit composed almost entirely of second-generation American soldiers of Japanese ancestry (Nisei)
The 442nd Regiment is the most decorated unit in U.S. military history
Bless your heart, Cookie.
John Henry
Those kidnapped by Hamas are already forgotten.
Those slaughtered and be-headed - forgotten. Women, children, elderly, families.. innocently slaughtered or taken. Forgotten. The press has DUTIFULLY moved on. Dutifully.
Now it's boo hoo Palestinians. 40% of them voted for Hamas.
Hamas/Iran got what they wanted.
Those kidnapped are already forgotten.
Those slaughtered and be-headed - forgotten. Women, children, elderly, families.. innocently slaughtered or taken. Forgotten. The press has DUTIFULLY moved on. Dutifully.
Now it's boo hoo Palestinians. 40% of them voted for Hamas.
Hamas/Iran got what they wanted.
Wasn't Islam spread by colonizers?
What is the instructor’s NAME? Why aren’t we given his name?
46-year-old Ameer Hasan Loggins, a Lecturer, at Stanford Introductory Studies of Civic, Liberal, and Global Education
Probably the worst part is treating college students like they are kindergartners.
And like kindergartners, the students obey.
I have a problem with all this talk about settler colonialism and it is this - every society outside sub Saharan Africa (and many within sub Saharan Africa) are settler states. Every single one. Human kind arose in Africa and left Africa to settle the world. What were they doing when, for example, they entered the Americas, but becoming settlers. They colonised the Americas. In fact, the Eskimos, and so called Native Americans colonised the world that the first settlers had found. There were three streams of settlers in the New World and the first stream, the original first peoples, are now to be found only in Amazonia, having been derived there by the later (non white) settlers. What were the Arabs of what is now Palestine but settler colonials. Or the peoples of Japan (the first inhabitants, whose descendants still survive in parts of Japan, are called Ainu). That people are settlers is therefor no excuse to condone the murder of women and children.
The 442nd Infantry Regiment (Japanese: 第442æ©å…µé€£éšŠ) was an infantry regiment of the United States Army. The regiment is best known as the most decorated in U.S. military history and as a fighting unit composed almost entirely of second-generation American soldiers of Japanese ancestry (Nisei)
No, that was the 442nd Regimental Combat Team, not the 442nd Infantry Regiment.
Wikipedia is fucked up mess. Take anything you read in it with a big pinch of salt.
So he was removed based on the word of three students? No trial? No hearing?
How does this differ from white students being forced to go through Race theory struggle sessions about being white native-born Americans, with being attacks as proponets of white supremacy and colonializtion?
We have blacks as a protected class due to their low income and historically powerless position. If you like having "Protected classes" (which i dont) that's makes sense.
But how does it make sense that Jews, the most powerful and wealthiest community in the USA, with almost no history of USA Government sanctioned discrimination being a "protected class"? Almost every reason you give for justifying Blacks protected status doesn't apply to Jews.
The USA has turned into a lunatic asylum. With Higher education being most mentally ill.
I am Jewish!
that jewish students followed instructions to stand in corner tells a lot about their lack of freewill
Ann Althouse said...
It was “a required undergraduate course called “Civil, Liberal and Global Education.””
ALL struggle sessions are.
jnseward is perplexed about those supporting Israel totally, given his description of:
"the open air prison of the Gaza Strip where innocent people are denied basic human rights, have their homes destroyed, are murdered, in the name of Israel’s right to occupy the land given to the Jewish people by Jehovah."
One reason you are perplexed by those of us who support Israel 100% is because of the fact that everything you say here is wrong. Gaza is not an "open air prison." When Israel forced the Jews living there to leave in 2005, they went kicking and screaming because they regarded Gaza as a home. They left intact a viable economic infrastructure, which HAMAS proceeded to ruin and destroy. Rather than "open air prison," what Gaza has been since then is more comparable to a "medieval fortress." So yes, Israelis, have had to besiege that fortress, which time after time launches missiles and terrorist attacks against it. Israel is not "murdering" anyone in Gaza. HAMAS does that by violating every international norm of war by deliberatly placing its citizens in harm's way in order to increase its civilian death numbers so as to feed an already deeply anti-Israel press and "international community" the talking points they need to undermine Israeli resolve. Finally, as for Israel's right to occupy Gaza, they do not claim that right from Jehovah, but as territory legitimately taken in a war of annihilation forced on it in 1967.
I hope that clears up your perplexity about those of us who back Israel 100%.
Probably for being a traitor to Japan. A nuance of difference. Axis formed in '40.
The professor got some of the Jewish students to identify themselves to their fellow students, which I think was the actual purpose of the exercise.
"Auschwitz -- horrible. They kIlled people. They kIlled children. They kIlled little children in Auschwitz, who could have grown up and moved to Brooklyn and hated black people, and they didn't get to do that."
Louis CK, at the Dolby (2023)
Louis CK is Jewish and, needless to say, does NOT see them as idealized, perfect people.
"Once you start going down the road of untangling the history of that region, you're forced to come to the conclusion that [the Israelis have] perpetrated an enormous crime, and the country itself is of questionable legitimacy."
- Russell Dobula, of Due Dissonance, stating exactly what I've been saying (and re-discovering) over the last few days.
Field Marshall Freder: "Gee, what a surprise, some College Professors are assholes! I had a friend who went to Georgia Tech, and he witnessed a professor (and this was in a science or engineering lecture) tell a Jewish student "6 million Jews and we missed your parents"."
Source: Trust me bro!
If I had been one of those students singled out, I would have asked the instructor, "Do I represent the Palestinian people?" If said, "yes." then I would respond that I would not need to stand in the corner because, decades ago, I would have elected a government that would have respected the right of Israel to exist, pledged itself to peaceful coexistence and had a prosperous, independent, nation by now.
Meet Ameer Hasan Loggins, the Stanford instructor who told Jewish students to stand in a corner while belittling the Holocaust and calling them "colonizers." His bio includes:
-A Bachelor’s and Masters degree in African American Studies from UC Berkeley.
-Currently earning his doctorate in African Diaspora Studies
-Research on reality TV and its effect on the perception of black Americans.
-Research at Harvard University’s “Hip-Hop Archive” at the Du Bois Institute.
-Work at Harvard’s Charles Hamilton Houston Institute for Race and Justice
"Hamas is a legitimate representation of the Palestinian people. They are not a terrorist group. They are freedom fighters. Their actions are legitimate."
"Hamas is a legitimate representation of the Palestinian people. They are a terrorist group. They are not freedom fighters. Their actions are war crimes."
I fixed it for you.
"Yes, a right-wing regime."
Go ahead, Cook. By all means. Connect the dots.
So singling students out for denigration based on their religion and ethnicity is now considered unacceptable?
What is a Leftist to do!
Typical affirmative action, low-IQ, quota hire.
All you n-words get your Black asses to the back of the bus and sit the eff down!
"An instructor at Stanford University.... asked Jewish and Israeli students to identify themselves... told [them to] stand in a corner"
Did that include the self-hating Jews?
"what actions COULD they take, that would NOT be 'legitimate'?"
Pig roasts with beer?
"Removed, you mean like a spot?"
Out, damned spot! out, I say!--One: two: why,
then, 'tis time to do't.--Hell is murky!--Fie, my
lord, fie! a soldier, and afeard? What need we
fear who knows it, when none can call our power to
account?--Yet who would have thought the old man
to have had so much blood in him.
"So much for Stanford."
Well it does have a beautiful campus.
Remarkable resemblance to conditions in South Africa. The Arabs staged a Spring and lost. The PLO aborted the second state solution with an ultimately nonviable coup in Transjordan. Israel has been the target of retributive change and Nobel Pieces (sic) in progress. Will the transnationals conspire with Mandela's Xhosa... Hamas faction to defeat Zulu... Fatah and native Israelis? Perhaps propose a progressive constitution that establishes systemic diversity (e.g. racism, sexism, human rites, etc.). Will they claim the natural resources for redistributive change? 50 shades of another handmade tale.
My daughter had to take a mandatory freshman writing class at U of AZ. That was 10 years ago. They had a "review" session before finals. The "instructor" used that hour to rant about how awful Ronald Reagan was. I don't think it affected her grade.
Another thing I cannot understand is the demand for censorship and canceling of all those who sympathize with the Palestinians,
Not "all those who sympathize with the Palestinians." There is a big difference between "sympathizing with the Palestinians" and "calling out Jewish students who may reasonably believe they're already under threat, given the mass protests in favor of killing noncombatant Jews, a la the Sydney Opera House "gas the Jews" gang, and telling the rest of the class that these Jewish students are one with the 'colonizers' of Israel who got what they deserved."
Do you really not see the distinction?
Oh, and - I don't want these people censored. I absolutely want them to keep talking so we can all see exactly who they are. If there are social or employment consequences to their free expression of their opinions, so be it - even tenure doesn't protect a professor from the consequences of HR violations, and this guy didn't have tenure.
I do not support de-banking them or physically harming them.
Another thing I cannot understand is the demand for censorship and canceling of all those who sympathize with the Palestinians, from people who supposedly hate censorship and cancel culture.
Maybe you could point to some examples of this happening. Because from where I stand, I'm more than willing to give these people a megaphone so everybody can see just who they are.
They're pro-Hamas, and proud of it. Tell the world, I say.
rcocean: But how does it make sense that Jews, the most powerful and wealthiest community in the USA, with almost no history of USA Government sanctioned discrimination being a "protected class"? Almost every reason you give for justifying Blacks protected status doesn't apply to Jews.
Wow, most powerful and wealthiest! I guess that explains why Jews are able to convince Congress critters to censure anti-Semitic screeds by other Congress critters? Are able to have a "Jewish Heritage month"? Affirmative action when applying to colleges and for jobs?
As for USA government-sanctioned discrimination, I suppose you don't know about the Jewish quotas for major universities in the past, and the anti-Jewish red-lining. Or how those fleeing Nazi persecution were turned away from the US.
This genocidal idiot ought not even to need getting rid of (I mean fired, not killed, obviously, for those who leap to conclusions), but we are now reduced to arguing about the things that once were common sense.
Any instructor who deliberately humiliates students based on their religion or nationality ought to be out on his/her ass immediately. I stress that this applies every bit as much to an instructor that (say) does the same to Hindu students, or Alaskan students, or for that matter Pakistani students or Arab students. You are a teacher! You don't do this shit.
That is all.
Yikes, Crack Emcee, this claim of yours about Israel, that the "country itself is of questionable legitimacy" is really way below par for you. It'd take far too much space to explain to you how Israel's claim to legitimacy is far more solid than just about any other nation's. I am not going to bother, because it seems you feel comfortable making the claim without the slightest attempt to explain it, so it's up to you. All I can say is if Israel is not legitimate, that means the land reverts to the British Empire, and then to the Ottoman Empire. At no point in all that time did any Arab nation, nor any "Palestinian" (A Roman place name) entity claim ownership of it, since no such Palestinian entity existed before 1967.
Robert Cook said...
"Twelve million were murdered in the National Socialist death camps."
Yes, a right-wing regime.
There you go again, deliberately conflating "fascism" with "right-wing".
You really think Trump and his supporters have as a motto, "All within the state, nothing outside the state, nothing against the state", when they want to push back against ever-intrusive government power?
I stand w Isreal. Leftists, Mullahs, Hamas-Palistinian terrorists can suck it said...
When I read about this yesterday, I immediately thought about the story of the Danish King wearing the Star of David "Jewish badge" when the Jews were ordered to do so.
And the therefore the proper response to that teacher was to stand up and go join the Jews, while telling teh "teacher" what a vile bigot he was.
Sadly, Stanford apparently lacks students with an sort of moral courage, or even human decency
The people who have been calling me and others a Nazi for 4 years are all in on killing Jews.
Another thing I cannot understand is the demand for censorship and canceling of all those who sympathize with the Palestinians, from people who supposedly hate censorship and cancel culture.
I do NOT want them censored at all. I want them out there loud and proud. Censorship is for the fascists (a/k/a progressive, democrats etc) they certainly had no compunction about censoring us on trump, vaccines, kung flu, elections and much more.
I want to amplify them. The truck in Cambridge with their names is a start. Bill Ackmam publicizing their name to other ceos also.
Nothing false or misleading, just the truth. They want to speak truth to power, find with me.
They absolutely ha e that right. Just as we have the right to find them repugnant.
It was Brandon's fascists that started. One would need a heart of stone not to laugh at it coming back to bite them.
John Henry
On the one hand, we have amazing Oscar Peterson Jr, the genius Art Tatum, the incomparable Miles Davis, the once in a generation Dave Chappelle, the extraordinary Tiger Woods, and the brilliant Thomas Sowell…and then there is this guy and so many more like him when I wish we had picked our own cotton.
- Krumhorn
Expecting a couple of 19 year olds to stand up against some belligerent black grievance studies "professor" in a required course is asking a lot of them.
Stick said...
"He should have been taken out of the classroom & shot in the head."
Why? Why shoot him in something hard, empty, and not used much?
Step 2:
The rest of the class brings machetes and beheads the Palestinian sympathizers, starting with the instructor.
"This is what Palestinians do to the Israelis."
Now we're even.
A proportional response.
John henry,
That is right. I am amused at all the people calling for Elon Musk to stop allowing these vicious people to post their snuff videos. Why? They are convicting themselves of atrocities!
Now, people who are just keen on snuff videos and like sharing them . . . that is another matter. But my understanding is that the current crop from Israel are posted by the perpetrators and no one else. Just let them go on for another week or so. Then give up their names.
"Another thing I cannot understand is the demand for censorship and canceling of all those who sympathize with the Palestinians, from people who supposedly hate censorship and cancel culture."
No, no no. We don't want you canceled or censored. It is important to us that you speak freely. We value free speech as an absolute right. Plus it is helpful to know those among us who are easily manipulated and who lack the ability to reason.
His name is Ameer Hasan Loggins.
I would not have stood in any corner b/c ordered to by this pos.
If those students had done any time in the IDF, they would have slammed his butt into a corner.
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