September 15, 2023

"Your blatant efforts achieved your goal as the U.S. Attorney in Delaware today filed gun charges against our client..."

"... charges that are unprecedented when not part of some other criminal conduct and have been found unconstitutional by a federal court of appeals — and who reversed his earlier decision that such charges were not warranted. Your improper interference now affecting a federal prosecutor is a much greater threat to society than the 11 days that Mr. Biden possessed an unloaded gun."


RideSpaceMountain said...

Desperation is a stinky perfume. Nothing would give me more giddy pleasure than to watch Biden's crack-addict son turn state's on their whole criminal bribery enterprise. Long odds? You betcha. But a man can dream...a man can dream.

Ice Nine said...

Lawfare! The horror!

gspencer said...

A true Democrat,
--- "Never my fault."
--- "Never the fault of my client."

Quaestor said...

So... Federal gun legislation designed by Democrats to ensnare and imprison middle-class conservative Republicans has ensnared a progressive member of the ruling class. So sorry.

Dave Begley said...

The real fucking issue is why isn't Hunter being charged as an unregistered foreign agent like Paul Manafort. Or for money laundering with structured transactions like Denny Hastert? Or as an accessory to the bribery of the Vice President.

This is all one big fucking joke.

rhhardin said...

Politization of law competes with criminalization of politics now.

Bob Boyd said...

charges that are unprecedented when not part of some other criminal conduct

Okay, let's talk more about that.

Bob Boyd said...

The Republicans Pounce defense.

Levi Starks said...

So what he’s saying is that it wasn’t really a gun, it was in fact just a ham sandwich.

Leland said...

The gun charges require other criminal conduct, and that is the use of illicit drugs. The legislation that made it the law was supported by then Senator Joe Biden, who made it quite clear it should be used in prosecution. And it has, making the claim of “unprecedented” a lie. In this case a lie made to influence an election, which Democrats claim is akin to fraud and therefore such speech can be prosecuted. That you conspired with your client to spread such lies is apparently racketeering in Georgia.

Here’s the deal, evidence exists your client was using drugs when he purchased a gun, and in purchasing the gun, he lied about using the drugs. That is a crime with many people successfully prosecuted. As Nancy Pelosi suggests, Biden can prove his innocence in court. Alternately, you could have recommended that your client plead guilty to the crime to avoid a trial and potential prison sentence.

Jersey Fled said...

I missed the part where it says on the form that the penalties only apply if found in the presence of other criminal activity.

Spiros said...

In Bruen, the Fifth Circuit concluded that "our history and tradition may support some limits on an intoxicated person’s right to carry a weapon, but it does not justify disarming a sober citizen based exclusively on his past drug usage."

This looks like an open question. At least half the country prohibits gun sales to people who have a history of alcohol and drug misuse or who are actively intoxicated. These people can't get permits to own or carry guns.

Poor Hunter, this is going to be expensive to litigate. It's usually Republicans who get buried with legal fees!

Spiros said...

In Bruen, the Fifth Circuit concluded that "our history and tradition may support some limits on an intoxicated person’s right to carry a weapon, but it does not justify disarming a sober citizen based exclusively on his past drug usage."

This looks like an open question. At least half the country prohibits gun sales to people who have a history of alcohol and drug misuse or who are actively intoxicated. These people can't get permits to own or carry guns.

Poor Hunter, this is going to be expensive to litigate. It's usually Republicans who get buried with legal fees!

Brian said...

Welcome to the new rules...

IMO, I think Hunter skates in based on the Bruen opinion.

donald said...

Tough titty toots.

cassandra lite said...

This makes sense in the context of our becoming, over the last few years, Superman's land of Bizarro. Lack of evidence = dispositive evidence, and dispositive evidence = "without evidence."

How do you come back from this?

Aggie said...

'congressional manipulation', as opposed to the completely different and totally innocent 'Presidential manipulation'.

The cynical citizen part of me is thinking, 'well the first gambit didn't work, an outrageous plea deal on shaky and intentionally unclear grounds, designed to be quickly approved without questions so that it could fade away. Now we have the second round: An outrageous plea deal on slightly more formal grounds, designed to be quietly moved through the system so that it can fade away.'

But it's a little harder to erase something formal, I guess. Shame on those Republicans, being so awkward about a private family matter. I seriously doubt the integrity of the system now. Hunter Biden ain't goin' to prison on a felony gun charge. Somebody loitering outside the Capitol, on the other hand.....

Mazo Jeff said...

Wow, change the name from Hunter Biden to "you know who"! Sounds about the same!!

gilbar said...

House Republicans’ 'improper interference' is more dangerous than ..

more dangerous Than ANYTHING!
Republicans REFUSE to accept the fact, that the US is a fascist dictatorship ran by the DNC
"Laws" exist for ONE reason only.. To PUNISH enemies of the party.
All FOR The Party.. All Within The Party.. NOTHING Outside of the Party

Owen said...

Lowell is of course being very well paid for such rhetoric, but it remains less than compelling. Too complicated; picayune pettifoggery.

Go for the simple strong declaration: Hunter is innocent! You're being mean! We'll get you!

Kai Akker said...

Hunter looks so much like Mitt I thought I had the wrong link, at first. That Abbe Lowell, too bad it was only a letter; an Academy Award nomination was just waiting for his thunder. Hard not to enjoy Politico's explanation that they "obtained the letter and [are] publishing it here." What a scoop their staff managed. I hope they are charging their users a healthy fee.

Wince said...

With Weiss's sweetheart deal for Hunter rejected by judge, Weiss was then appointed "special counsel" to use gun charge as cover to avoid bringing any Hunter Biden charges that would implicate Joe Biden.

Hunter Biden's lawyer then blames Republicans for the gun charge.

Have I got that right?

I suppose that also closes the circle on making this look like an adversarial proceeding.

The first son’s lawyer said House Republicans’ 'improper interference' is more dangerous than Hunter Biden’s prior possession of a gun."

"Prior" to what, Hunter loosing possession of the gun?

Big Mike said...

Poor Hunter Biden! Poor, POOR Hunter Biden. What good is it if your Daddy is President but you can’t ignore firearms law? Goes to show that when Democrats talk about gun control there’s an unstated caveat: “except none of this will apply to us.”

Jaq said...

So throw in the part where he brandished the weapon and then his girlfriend took it from him and threw it into a public trashcan where, when she went back, she found it missing. It sounds like there is an "actual" crime there somewhere. In fact, the only reason to bring the charges brought is if some secondary crime was committed with the gun. Which it was. Which Weiss conveniently left out, so that the press could make it look a lot like Republicans were making a big deal out of nothing.

Personally, I would be fine if they dropped the gun charges and concentrated on his FARA violations. Maybe figure out how a crack head who had access to classified documents thanks to his dad, managed to write a very sophisticated analysis of Ukrainian politics, one that could have come from our State Department, 1,300 words long, that got him the job at Burisma. You know, the job where they cut his pay in half as soon as his father was out of office.

They could compare that email to the classified documents that Joe carelessly left in his garage in cardboard boxes, for example.This whole indictment is what they used to call a "limited hangout," it's a farce. This is the same old "Just Us" department, trying to throw off the scent of the dogs.

Leland said...

On a different note, congratulations to Republicans in the House, whose blatant efforts will bring a potential criminal to face charges of illegally purchasing a firearm. May their efforts continue to root out other crimes such as failing to report functioning as an agent of a foreign entity.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Hunter's attorney blames congressional republicans for his client, the son of a VP, not following the law?

I had to read that a couple times to figure it out. You know what's not unprecedented, everybody, including a one term retiring senator, blaming congress for everything that's wrong with the country.

I think Hunter blamed drugs and alcohol in an interview, dad blamed his son dying, when all else fails blame congress. How quaint.

Kevin said...

Not seen in any of the pushback: “Hunter is innocent.”

Michael Fitzgerald said...

The fucking nerve of these Democrat Party assholes. The fucking gall...

The Drill SGT said...

rather than: criminalization of politics

the whole Hunter investigation and indictment was the: politics of justice

Original Mike said...

Gun charges. Sigh. This is a distraction, a purposeful distraction, by the DOJ. Hunter's more important crimes are money laundering, failure to declare income, and illegal foreign lobbying.

Drago said...

Old New Soviet Democratical Hotness: The DOJ Investigators "investigating" (wink wink) Hunter's many shenanigans are totally above board dudes "following the law" in a completely "independent" way and could never be swayed ti make decisions by political considerations to do anything for their New Soviet Democratical political soulmates.

New Soviet Democratical Hotness: The bad republicans made us do a wrong thing.


Kakistocracy said...

Finally — this should disqualify Hunter Biden from running for President.

Isn’t there an already signed and agreed to diversion agreement?

The ATF estimates over 15% of all firearm purchasers lie about drug use of the ATF form. (That 15% is likely a lowball estimate as well.) Almost no one gets charged — let alone imprisoned — unless the firearm was in some way used in a crime.

Saint Croix said...

Gee, I wonder if the federal attempt to "investigate" the January 6 riot was political theater?

I wonder if it corrupted any of the attempted prosecutions against President Trump?

Image a TV show where Hamilton Burger is on 24/7 and Perry Mason is not allowed in the building!

Imagine a world where nobody gives a shit about guilt or innocence, they just care how it looks on TV.

Josephbleau said...

Interesting, if a small town Police Chief lets a friend skate on a DWI, and the mayor finds out and calls him on it, is that interference in a law enforcement matter?

That is arguably the situation between the DOJ and Congress over Hunter.

Jake said...

Now Hunter can plead the Fifth during any impeachment/impeachment inquiry proceedings.

jim5301 said...

If such charges are never brought in similar situations, then a reasonable conclusion to draw is that the prosecutor's actions were politically motivated.

As for Trump, many people have been charged with January 6 related conduct, and many people have been charged with obstruction for lying in response to a valid subpoena.

Seems pretty clear which side is acting politically.

Joe Smith said...

Boo freakin' hoo.

Who says it was unloaded? The crack-addled client?

"The real fucking issue is why isn't Hunter being charged as an unregistered foreign agent like Paul Manafort. Or for money laundering with structured transactions like Denny Hastert?"

Or the massive tax evasion...

Original Mike said...

"Finally — this should disqualify Hunter Biden from running for President."

For the "no evidence" crowd (well, not really a crowd):

Jonathan Turley: Five Facts That Compel the Biden Impeachment Inquiry

"First, there appears to be evidence that Joe Biden lied to the public for years in denying knowledge of his son’s business dealings.…"

"Second, we know that more than $20 million was paid to the Bidens by foreign sources, including figures in China, Ukraine, Russia and Romania. There is no apparent reason for the multilayers of accounts and companies other than to hide these transfers.…"

"Third, specific demands were made on Hunter, including dealing with the threat of a Ukrainian prosecutor to the Ukrainian energy company Burisma, where Hunter was given a lucrative board position. Five days later, Joe Biden forced the Ukrainians to fire the prosecutor, even though State Department and intelligence reports suggested that progress was being made on corruption. …"

"Fourth, Hunter repeatedly stated in emails that he paid his father as much as half of what he earned. There also are references to deals that included free office space and other perks for Joe Biden and his wife; other emails reference how Joe and Hunter Biden would use the same accounts and credit cards. Beyond those alleged direct benefits, Joe Biden clearly benefited from money going to his extended family."

"Fifth, there is evidence of alleged criminal conduct by Hunter that could be linked to covering up these payments, from the failure to pay taxes to the failure to register as a foreign lobbyist. …"

Owen said...

David Begley @ 8:58:

"The real fucking issue is why isn't Hunter being charged as an unregistered foreign agent like Paul Manafort. Or for money laundering with structured transactions like Denny Hastert? Or as an accessory to the bribery of the Vice President.

This is all one big fucking joke."

I am fucking shocked at your resort to profanity. Shocked!

More seriously, I would note that a stand-alone gun charge is mighty convenient to draw attention away from all that FARA stuff. No need to get into the question of unexplained (inexplicable?) deposits and disbursements of eye-watering sums of anonymous cash. Just a guy who messed up his firearms form and then "lost" the weapon. C'mon, man!

Drago said...

Shorter LLR Rich: some people should absolutely be above the law.


Earnest Prole said...

Gun charges. Sigh. This is a distraction, a purposeful distraction, by the DOJ. Hunter's more important crimes are money laundering, failure to declare income, and illegal foreign lobbying.

And it’s working: Count how many “well-informed” Althouse commenters have taken the charges at face value here.

Not to mention the ultimate distraction: Believing Hunter’s the primary perp when in fact he’s a pathetic accessory.

Jupiter said...

Yeah, this is what the Commies all say today. All of them say this, just as if each one of them had thought it up all by his lonesome self. The memo has gone out, and they all got the memo. For once, they have a point. Millions of people sign those idiotic declarations, claiming that they do not use illegal drugs, whatever that means, in order to buy a gun. But Hunter Biden may well be the only person who ever got charged for lying about it. In fact, I would guess that this was all worked out in advance, as a sympathy ploy for Biden. You'll note that Lowell did not address his calumnies to the prosecutor who charged his client. He knows that the prosecutor would love to let Biden walk if only the judge would allow it. Instead, they cooked up this bullshit charge, and Hunter will get a suspended sentence of 15 minutes in the corner wearing a pointed hat.

rcocean said...

Isn't astounding how aggressive and uncooperative the Biden and other Democrat Attorneys are? How unlike the Trump lawyers who are always meek and respectful and constantly chattering about how they want to comply. For example, Trump and lawyers bent over backwards and into pretzels trying to cooperate during the Documents case.

Its same thing with Congressional Investigations. The D's tell the Republican congress to go to hell, and fight them every step of the way. The R's (except in a few cases) brag about how they cooperated and told the Democrat committee EVERYTHING.

The D's never suffer for their obstruction and contempt. The R's never get rewarded for their cooperation.

Yancey Ward said...

The gun charges are the weakest of the charges that could have been brought against Biden. If I were the prosecutor, I wouldn't have even charged him on this. I suspect that is why these particular charges were brought- in order to able to dismiss all the others, including the tax evasion.

Gospace said...

Bob Boyd said...
charges that are unprecedented when not part of some other criminal conduct

Okay, let's talk more about that.

The lawyer's statement is deserving of the double positive that means a negative- Yeah, right.

How was the whole thing discovered. IIRC- the gun was found illegally disposed of in a dumpster withing the designated gun free distance from a school. Bunch of crimes right in that. He didn't dump it? Okay- someone else had it. Improper storage... All kinds of crimes.

Immanuel Rant said...

It's refreshing to see so many democrats coming out against gun control laws.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Let's cover this story as if Joe and his family were Republicans:

The Democrat-party connected lawyer said, "the 11 days that Mr. Biden possessed an unloaded gun," asserting a material fact without evidence, and eliding the details that the younger Biden has already admitted wrongdoing in the same Delaware court and bragged about "smoking crack every fifteen minutes" during the time in question, which violated the Federal Firearms laws his father voted for.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

What kind of idiot publishes a tell-all-on-oneself memoir about smoking crack and gambling away millions during their father's vice presidency while said father is actually fucking president? He confirmed these criminal acts on CBS news for crying out loud!

Kakistocracy said...

The most likely reason that Republicans can't find any evidence of wrongdoing by Joe Biden after 5 years of trying is that Joe Biden did nothing wrong.

After an abundance of exonerating evidence, the media really should have clued onto this by now but they have a puzzling weakness for Republican misinformation.

The government has even investigated Hunter Biden for almost 5 years now and they haven't turned up any evidence of wrongdoing by Joe Biden either.

Team MAGA — “Unacceptable results. There's gotta be an email server or child pornography ring tucked under a Benghazi somewhere.”

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

The real fucking issue is why isn't Hunter being charged as an unregistered foreign agent like Paul Manafort. Or for money laundering with structured transactions like Denny Hastert? Or as an accessory to the bribery of the Vice President.

This is all one big fucking joke.

Man when Dave is right he's really fucking right. Teo types of justice that depend entirely on (D) or (R), just like contempt of Congress referrals.

Jaq said...

"unless the firearm was in some way used in a crime."

It was involved in a kerfuffle in which his girlfriend took it away from him in a store, and threw it in a public trashcan, which sounds like a crime to me. But the whole purpose of this is to create the exact talking point that you are repeating. The diversion agreement assumed that his gun ownership career was uneventful, but it was not.

But this farce is to keep us from looking into his FARA violations, for one thing, his "Ten percent for the Big Guy" deal he struck while he was transported to China on Air Force Two. There is a pretty funny video of a Chinese speaker laughing about providing Joe Biden with a "traditional token of goodwill" through his son Hunter. What was that about?

Democrats: "I see nothink! I hear nothink! I know nothink!!"

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

So throw in the part where he brandished the weapon and then his girlfriend took it from him and threw it into a public trashcan where, when she went back, she found it missing

Vermont Tim let's not leave out the asterisk next to girlfriend, being as she was the widow of Hunter's brother, and the part where Hunter blamed "Hispanics loitering around the trash dumpster" for the gun (registered to him, and the part where the dumpster was within eyesight of a public school (the kind Bidens and Lowells don't attend), and the part where the Secret Service were dispatched to retrieve the gun and dispose of it properly.

Yeah just a normal nothing to see here kind of day in the life, right?

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Ah and weakshit Rich shows up to toss chaff in the air. Go back to being Chuck. Your new identity is growing old.

Gusty Winds said...

Although another example of the double standard that exists in the United States justice system, this seems like chicken shit compared to the REAL Biden corruption. (laundering Money, accepting bribe money from China and Ukraine in exchange for US foreign policy influences)...

"The Big Guy" used his drug addicted son as the bird dog for the Biden family "brand".

The charge is political appeasement.

Bitter Clinger said...

Wince @ 9:34am has it right. The whole point of this gun charge is to make it look like Hunter is being held accountable by charging him with a crime that won't link back to Joe. It is also nice that one can paint Hunter as a victim - he has struggled with drugs and is now caught up in the system. How often has the son of a loyal Democrat voter been in a similar circumstance? The man is always trying to keep young men down.

Harun said...

Note they chose gun charges where the law has been challenged and thus may never stick to Hunter.

Also note they slow walked all the 2015 financial crimes until SOL was over.

And they still have not charged any other financial crimes.

Wonder why not?

Remember they had some bullshit story about needing everything to go together, and now they show that was false.

Seems obvious they are protecting Joe from investigations that would delve into financial flows.

Harun said...

"Almost no one gets charged — let alone imprisoned — unless the firearm was in some way used in a crime."

Almost no one.

So some people do get charged.

What does the Rule of Law mean?

It means even the most powerful, connected people have to follow the law, even the laws their father passed.

I know, I know, its so unfair.

Why can't they just slow walk this like his tax problems?

After all important Democrats don't have to pay taxes like the peasantry.

Amadeus 48 said...

A mouthpiece speaks. Now do Jussie Smollet.

tim maguire said...

It's funny, the sweetheart deal to not charge him at all fell apart. Their fallback sweetheart deal was charges on minor offenses. Now they're crying that the offenses are minor. Shout louder, maybe this deal will fall apart too. Then maybe we'll get to see what real charges look like.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...


There are much bigger crimes here. Crimes being ignored and denied... by the hack press

Skeptical Voter said...

My reaction when I heard of the indictment was, "Where are the Michael Flynn FARA charges?"

This is just more side stepping by the Delaware prosecutor; he's deliberately blown the statute of limitations on the felony tax evasion charges--and somehow he didn't see the FARA violation.

Kabuki theatre all the way down. I don't think it's likely that Hunter Biden will ever see the inside of a Club Fed prison. Although the one at Lompoc California wasn't too bad. You would work on your tennis game there (I think John Dean did that). And if you bribe your guards (like John Alessio did) you can meet up with hookers at a convenient motel. So all in all if Hunter does see the inside of a slammer, why not Lompoc?

Dagwood said...

Blatant efforts to uphold the law?

I guess in the eyes of the Biden cartel, its defenders, and today's Democrats in general, it would be considered blatant.

n.n said...

Democrats are Pro-Choice. That said, we need consistent civil rights.

Mark said...

Political hacks should not play at being criminal defense attorneys.

Narayanan said...

""Your blatant efforts achieved your goal as the U.S. Attorney in Delaware today filed gun charges against our client...""
is that high praise or left handed compliment?
R should take encouragement to do more of same wrt FJB

Drago said...

In related corrupted DOJ/FBI ops against innocent Americans in service to their democratical masters, the last 3 victims of the FBI concocted, initiated and directed Whitmer Fed-napping hoax were set free after the non-New Soviet Democratical jury found them obviously not guilty on all counts....unanimously.

Recall there was also a parallel FBI directed hoax in Virginia where released text messages from the FBI agents showed they were duplicating the Whitmer hoax tactics and it was an FBI agent himself telling members of the group that their explicit goal was the murder of democratical governor Ralph Northam...while the guys being set up told him that was crazy.

And the FBI slug in charge of the Whitmer Fed-napping plot?

Put in charge of the DC office prior to Jan 6.

Nothing to see here. Move along please.

Rusty said...

Brian said...
"Welcome to the new rules...

IMO, I think Hunter skates in based on the Bruen opinion."
Not if he lied on his foem 4473.

Rich said,
"The ATF estimates over 15% of all firearm purchasers lie about drug use of the ATF form. (That 15% is likely a lowball estimate as well.) Almost no one gets charged — let alone imprisoned — unless the firearm was in some way used in a crime."
Hence the form 4473 and the background check.
If he didn't get a background check he is already in violation of federal law.

Will Cate said...

Memo to Lowell: we are no where near our goal.

phantommut said...

Isn’t there an already signed and agreed to diversion agreement?

The judge in that case blew that agreement up. (Hunter's legal team did their client no favors by using subterfuge to try to get the House's "friend of the court" filing expunged from case records. One of the most stupid things I've ever heard of a law firm doing.)

Subsequently, the Government dropped its tax related charges against Hunter. Probably, again, to keep the documentation out of the court records. It's obvious DOJ would rather this whole mess disappear, but...

Considering the disaster that the dog and pony show became, the DOJ has to do something; the politics of letting Hunter skate would smell like five-day-old sushi slathered with wasabi mayo left in the sun. So...

Charge Hunter with something which no DC jury will convict, ram it through the courts as fast as possible, and throw some more indictments at Trump or whatever GOP target of convenience becomes available.

That would make a great script for a political comedy; unfortunately, I think it's real life.

Jersey Fled said...

“The government has (pretended to) investigated Hunter Biden for almost 5 years now and they haven't turned up any evidence of wrongdoing by Joe Biden either.”


Fixed it for you.

TeaBagHag said...

One of the many differences between Trumpists and rational thinking folk:
rational folk are ok with people being punished for a crime they committed.
Hunter Biden should face consequences for his unlawful acions. Full stop.
Just ask a MAGAt if Trump should face consequences for ANY of his dozens of crimes.

Free Manure While You Wait! said...

"Politization of law competes with criminalization of politics now."

Hunter Biden is not a politician. Or are you saying that due to his political connections, he should be immune to the laws that govern us little people?

Rocco said...

Abbe Lowell wrote...
"Your blatant efforts achieved your goal as the U.S. Attorney in Delaware today filed gun charges against our client...charges that are unprecedented when not part of some other criminal conduct and have been found unconstitutional by a federal court of appeals — and who reversed his earlier decision that such charges were not warranted. Your improper interference now affecting a federal prosecutor is a much greater threat to society than the 11 days that Mr. Biden possessed an unloaded gun."

Ma'am, this is a Wendy's.

Free Manure While You Wait! said...

"The most likely reason that Republicans can't find any evidence of wrongdoing by Joe Biden after 5 years of trying "

The Republicans have not been investigating Joe Biden for five years.

"Team MAGA" is a Democrat myth.

Jim at said...

After an abundance of exonerating evidence, the media really should have clued onto this by now but they have a puzzling weakness for Republican misinformation.

Good parody shouldn't be so obvious.

Mike of Snoqualmie said...

Martha Stewart was investigated for insider trading. She was cleared of that accusation, but she lied to the FBI and was convicted of a process crime. Hunter lied on a Federal form, and is now being prosecuted for that lie. What was good for Martha is good for Hunter. Joe can always visit Hunter in the slammer. Perhaps, they'll even have adjoining cells.

Drago said...

And since we are talking about the completely corrupted legal system our New Soviet Democraticals have delivered to our doorstep, we cannot allow ourselves to forget the supporting role the GOPe plays in helping the democraticals.

Case in point: the ridiculous Bush/GOPe driven shampeachment of Ken Paxton.

Its so bad even Matt Schlapp and CPAC are coming out blazing:

"Fair warning @CPAC will be scoring the votes associated w the impeachment and prosecution of TX AG Ken Paxton. Voters should have the final say on issues that are raised during a campaign. The left and establishment GOP too often collude to stop the will of the people."

Mikey NTH said...

I expect lawyers to go to bat for their client, so I will wait and see what the courts have to say.

IG: @DudeKembro said...

Why doesn't McCarthy have the votes?

Answer: Because his own Republicans know Biden did nothing wrong.

Maybe Republicans are impeaching Biden for building the world's strongest post-pandemic recovery:
- record job growth
- record infrastricture projects
- 4 million more jobs than existed pre-COVID
- record clean energy investments
- the lowest inflation in the developed world
- record manufacturing jobs
- record low unemployment for blacks and Latinos.
China is flailing thanks to Biden's trade policies. And Biden has rebuilt NATO, using only 3% of America's total defense budget to cripple Putin's war machine.

BUMBLE BEE said...

If you've been coddled about blatantly felonious activity "You Ain't Black".

BUMBLE BEE said...

I see you've continued to grow your commenter list, Ann and good on ya, got some real thinkers. Your trolls aren't the dimmest bunch on the interwebs, so you got it made!

The Drill SGT said...

"Isn’t there an already signed and agreed to diversion agreement?"

The agreement wasn't agreed to by the head of the Probation office, so NO.

btw: The Hunter/Halley gun is a 38 revolver.

In his crack crazed, hooker hotel photos he waves around a 9mm semi

Original Mike said...

@IG: You forgot about halving the deficit.

Chuck said...

Kevin said...
Not seen in any of the pushback: “Hunter is innocent.”

9/15/23, 9:53 AM

The difference, right there, between Trumpers and NeverTrumpers.

Trumpers are all over the place, claiming that Trump is innocent, that the Presidential Records Act exonerates him, claiming that the deep state and the Department of Justice are hopelessly biased against Trump and for the Bidens, claiming that Trump was only fighting against a rigged 2020 election; basically claiming that "Trump is innocent" in every way imaginable.

We won't debase ourselves the way that Trumpers are. For my part, I'm not claiming "Hunter is innocent." I don't expect that President Biden will intervene in the Hunter Biden prosecution the way that Trump tried to intervene in DoJ matters when he was president. Or the way that Trump sold pardons for favored family members and agents:

Charles Kushner
Steve Bannon
Roger Stone
Elliot Broidy
Paul Manafort
Dinesh D'Souza
Michael Flynn
Joe Arpaio
Bernie Kerik
David Safavian
Michael Milken, Eddie DeBartolo, Billy Walters, Conrad Black
Former Republican congressmen Duke Cunningham, Steve Stockman, Duncan Hunter, Mark Siljander and Robert Hayes.
Public corruption celebrities Rod Blagojevich and Kwame Kilpatrick.

Drago said...

Original Mike: "@IG: You forgot about halving the deficit."

And curing cancer for the 4th time.

And delivering 3 more Summers of Recovery.

And setting water conservation records by showering with his adolescent daughter.


This IG dude is what happens when the gadfly-like lefty incel NPC types migrate over from Threads or Facebook with their normal schtick.

boatbuilder said...

Curiously, they managed to charge Hunter with the only crime he was implicated in that couldn't possibly involve The Big Guy, and let the SOL run on everything else.

Nothing to see here, move along...

Jaq said...

Until they report it on NPR, and MSNBC, it hasn't happened, so no, Joe Biden has not done anything wrong. There's your proof right there! There's your mountain of exonerating evidence. Here, I will link to it right now and

Go ahead, search to your heart's content, you will find no evidence of wrongdoing by Joe Biden, but you will find plenty of accusations against Trump, and as we know, no evidence or even legal foundation is required for those, they are free.

As for the defense that this kind of crime is rarely prosecuted, what about ex presidents having classified documents? When is the last time that was prosecuted, and when is the last time they were asked for back, for that matter, and then the ex president was arrested while the return was being negotiated. When was the last time that happened? Never, you say! You don't say.

jim5301 said...

Drago - re Whitman I’m sure you know that about 10 of the alleged conspirators were found guilty. Just curious how your brain processes that. Why do you suppose the system worked for the 3 acquitted and not for the others?

Left Bank of the Charles said...

If Hunter Biden is convicted on the gun possession while using drugs charges and the conviction is upheld on appeal, that will be quite a precedent - 13% to 25% of gun owners could be prosecuted under the same statutes.

Narayanan said...

can Hunter now qualify to spokeperson NRA fund raising? and NRA avoid NY trobles

Rusty said...

All of this to distract from that pesky laptop that proves, many time, that Hunter and his dad were taking millions from other countries.

Tina848 said...

Most criminals and other people prohibited from buying a gun, do not go to a gun store and fill out a 4473 form. They are smarter than that, they get them illegally.

Drago said...

im5301: "Drago - re Whitman I’m sure you know that about 10 of the alleged conspirators were found guilty. Just curious how your brain processes that. Why do you suppose the system worked for the 3 acquitted and not for the others?"

Yes indeed, your corrupted DOJ/FBI and "judge" were more successful in the jurors placed, the evidence not allowed in, the charging instructions, etc in the earlier trials.

So congratulations to you and your New Soviet Democraticals: you were able to create, fund, initiate and lead a completely hoaxed up Fed-napping scenario and entrap multiple innocents and then railroad them as terrorist threats thru corrupted trials.

The FBI offered provided cash, the "comms proof" (their own emails), purchased the terrorist equipment and gear, set up the "terrorist" surveillance scenarios, drove the Whitmer family to and from their abodes at the dates/times the FBI setup and drive the "terrorists" to compromising locations and made sure to pre-place the hidden cameras at key locations where the "terrorists" would be, per FBI CHS direction. And on and on.

This very pattern was attempted in Virginia as well with the derailed Gov Northam hoax "assassination" whivh blew up on the feds when the text from the FBI dude was the one found to be the only one calling for Northam to be killed and the others not going along with.

Think of it like the video of fed asset provacateur Ray Epps who was exhorting Trump supporters to go into the capital the next day and the Trump supporters chanting "no!" and "Fed! Fed!".

The real question for how one's mind works is how is it that ALL the actual accused weren't exonerated?

The answer is simple: the feds were successful in getting more jim5301's on the other juries.

Just like in DC or NYC.

Drago said...

Left Bank of the Charles: "If Hunter Biden is convicted on the gun possession while using drugs charges and the conviction is upheld on appeal, that will be quite a precedent - 13% to 25% of gun owners could be prosecuted under the same statutes."

"13 to 25%"


Sure left bank. Sure.

And such "precision" with that "estimate".

Rusty said...

jim5301 said...
"Drago - re Whitman I’m sure you know that about 10 of the alleged conspirators were found guilty. Just curious how your brain processes that. Why do you suppose the system worked for the 3 acquitted and not for the others?"
Three were recently aquitted.
The FBI played those guys like a fiddle.
Here's a tip, jim. When you and your lefty friends are sitting around sipping lite beer and discussing how you can destroy a Trump campaign headquarters without being caught. The member of your group that brings up guns and explosives is the FBI plant.

Rusty said...

jim5301 said...
"Drago - re Whitman I’m sure you know that about 10 of the alleged conspirators were found guilty. Just curious how your brain processes that. Why do you suppose the system worked for the 3 acquitted and not for the others?"
Three were recently aquitted.
The FBI played those guys like a fiddle.
Here's a tip, jim. When you and your lefty friends are sitting around sipping lite beer and discussing how you can destroy a Trump campaign headquarters without being caught. The member of your group that brings up guns and explosives is the FBI plant.

Gahrie said...

If Hunter Biden is convicted on the gun possession while using drugs charges and the conviction is upheld on appeal, that will be quite a precedent - 13% to 25% of gun owners could be prosecuted under the same statutes.

There are people currently living in prison for breaking the law that Hunter is accused of breaking.

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