September 14, 2023

"[W]ere Biden to step down, Harris would become the Democratic front-runner.... Yet her conspicuous weaknesses would ensure a contested primary."

"Therefore, the end result of Biden stepping down would be a long, divisive intraparty contest that would quite likely yield a nominee even more unpopular than Biden. Given this outlook, the Democrats are well advised to stick with the incumbent president who’s already proven capable of defeating Trump, his advanced age notwithstanding.... Letting Biden run again to avoid nominating Harris does not solve the problem posed by her unpopularity, but merely postpones it [to 2028].... Further, even with Biden running, Harris’s lack of political support remains a challenge for the Democratic ticket in 2024.... Taking the unusual step of dropping [the first person of Black or South Asian descent] from the ticket could plausibly offend and demotivate those who saw her election as a historic triumph.... If Harris were to become an administration critic or fan the flames of backlash (even covertly), then replacing her would obviously be more damaging than retaining her on the ticket. The party would therefore need to secure her buy-in, perhaps through the promise of a Supreme Court nomination or some other coveted post...."

Writes Eric Levitz, in "The Case for Biden to Drop Kamala Harris" (NY Magazine).

If this is to be done, it would require Kamala Harris to withdraw and to assert that it was her decision. But I think even if they could convince her to put on this show, she wouldn't be able to make the assertion credibly. She's a terrible speaker. She'd look elbowed out. It would be awful.


rhhardin said...

She's a whore.

mikee said...

The public has accepted a puppet of a president, an ancient dementia patient with his wife and others running his administration. But I don't believe the public wants, or will accept, a puppet who is a puppet because of her own lack of agency. She has been a puppet all her career, from being Willie Brown's side piece dumped into a sinecure when he tired of her, to dropping out of the presidential race before her first primary loss, to being a skin color & sex diversity pick for VP. She is an acorn in the rain gutter, acting like she is an oak with roots.

And she is one of the few politicians with a cackle worse than Hillary's, a trait that should banish her from public life all on its own.

cassandra lite said...

She could do it credibly, and even if she couldn't the typical Dem voter wouldn't give a shit, if the usurper were Michelle Obama. If Vegas would take bets on this, I'd put down a grand, though I suspect the payout would be only three to one.

Mark said...

Taking the unusual step of dropping [the first person of Black or South Asian descent] from the ticket

I guess that Obama is no longer Black. And Harris is no longer a woman - the first woman VP.

Mark said...

The party would therefore need to secure her buy-in, perhaps through the promise of a Supreme Court nomination or some other coveted post

So in addition to the illegal attempt at bribery, the plan would involve the LAUGHABLE possibility of a Supreme Court seat.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

who's fault? The corrupt left chose the vapid empty husk-puppets... for a reason.

Jake said...

Hello God. It's me, Jake. Please don't let Kamala Harris land on the Supreme Court.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

akk - "whose"

RideSpaceMountain said...

Ive been working on slogans for a Kamala/Fetterman ticket. What do you think?

Harris/Fetterman 2024 – Huh?
Harris/Fetterman 2024 – Make America Eloquent Again
Harris/Fetterman 2024 – Brawn Over Brains
Harris/Fetterman 2024 – Hoodie And The Blowfish
Harris/Fetterman 2024 – Dumber & Dumbest

More to follow.

Dave Begley said...

"Democrats are well advised to stick with the incumbent president who’s already proven capable of defeating Trump, his advanced age notwithstanding." What about the bribery?

Wilbur said...

Jeez-o-Pete, would even Senate Democrats vote to put her on the Supreme Court?

Joe Smith said...

'It would be awful.'

It would be epic.

rehajm said...

It doesn’t matter. Voters aren’t picking, anyways..

Sebastian said...

"the Democrats are well advised to stick with the incumbent president who’s already proven capable of defeating Trump"

Avoiding squabbles and defeating Trump are obviously part of the calculation. Most important is that Joe is doing the left's bidding, and becomes easier to manipulate with age. Sure, there's a chance of defeat, but the benefit of winning is incalculably great. With Trump pulling down the GOP vote in several states, Dems could end up with all of Congress and all the marbles to give it to us good and hard.

"could plausibly offend and demotivate those who saw her election as a historic triumph"

Why were blacks not offended when a half-Asian woman, raised by an Indian mother, descendant of Brahmins, was foisted on them as the first "black woman"?

"the promise of a Supreme Court nomination"

WTF? If said in earnest, that's a new level of prog flabbergastingness.

"she wouldn't be able to make the assertion credibly. She's a terrible speaker. She'd look elbowed out. It would be awful."

Correct. But then, she can't do anything credibly. Shoving her aside may be a risk worth taking.

Big Mike said...

It would be awful

All of the options for the DNC at this point are awful. When you don't think ahead, bad things happen.

Yancey Ward said...

Only the Democrats could elbow a shit-for-brains candidate out of the way and have it called awful.

Jaq said...

Wow has demonizing Trump paid huge dividends for the Biden political machine and influence peddling operation. 60-70% of Democrats don't want him, yet they will say with a straight face that he must win to "protect democracy."

Skeptical Voter said...

Salvation for the Democrats is named Queen Moochelle. They'll draft her like the Rethuglicans drafted Eisenhower in 1952.

And the danged fool voters will vote her in in a landslide. She can show up for the inauguration in the wrinkled bermuda shorts she wore getting off Air Force One.

cfs said...

Does Harris read the articles regarding her abilities and persona, from both left and right, and think to herself "what can I do to change this perception?" Or, does she just listen to the press of her few adoring fans and think "they can't criticize me. I'm a female person of color"? Has she yet to start listening to her staff and make an effort to study the issue on which she knows she will be discussing when attending any particular event or interview?

I've often wondering if Harris has considered not cackling at her own inane comments. And has she thought about learning more than just platitudes or word salads so that she can at least sound somewhat intelligent?

I know what is alleged about how she advanced to the position she is in now, but I truly wonder how someone with such an obvious lack of intelligence could advance as she has (even if some of the promotions were from her abilities at performing on her back or knees). I guess there is some truth to the fact that some are promoted just so they will now be someone else's problem. The problem in this situation is Harris is now everyone's problem.

The Crack Emcee said...

"the first person of Black or South Asian descent"

She ain't black

cassandra lite said...

"Yeah, yeah, you can have the Supreme Court."

"Okay, I'll do it."

"But even Democrats didn't vote for my confirmation."

"Sorry, kid, that's the way it goes."

Promise her anything, but give her arbitrage.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Vapid empty husk-puppets (Mob/de-lux) 2024! Stay loyal to the D!

Aggie said...

My observation is that the Biden Administration has been run by committee from the get-go. This is the kind of result that one sees when there is no clear leadership at the top, and a dearth of vision. You end up with a jumbled, discordant mess because every decision is being made by the majority coalition within the committee, which is in a constant flux. Look at the cabinet and its policy choices, go ahead, pick a department. Banned gas stoves and dishwashers, dead whales, and failed electric vehicle road trips? Men in women's Army uniforms? And VP selection processes like the one that landed Harris in the slot. They have no vision to guide them, no decisive leader, only clamoring voices.

Milo Minderbinder said...

So, let the dems auger in and vote them out. Biden and Harris then will be able to avoid spotlights....

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

The intermittent trickle has become a steady drip. Hmmm.

Kakistocracy said...

The single most impactful measure Biden could undertake to improve his desirability as President would be to appoint a successor qualified to takeover if he dies or is incapacitated. (decent chance).

All the adds and speeches in the world will not alter the view that Kamala Harris is not considered qualified by the vast majority to become the most influential person of the worlds most influential power.

If he were, for instance, to convince Jamie Dimon, Gina Raimondo or Gretchen Whitmer to join his ticket the election would be a done deal.

deepelemblues said...

Trump just took a lead in the RCP polling average.

Kate said...

Just because Biden beat Trump once (assuming he did) doesn't mean he can do it again. The presidency ages everyone, and it's hit him hard. The Dems are worried they can't cheat enough for him to win this time.

MadTownGuy said...

"She'd look elbowed out. It would be awful."

Like what happened to Pete Buttigieg and Bernie Sanders? DNC leadership doesn't care about optics these days.

Leland said...

These people are clowns. They are so far into their lawfare strategy they think is creating a better run country; they have completely forgotten what the laws are and how they work. When they finally notice the intentional roadblocks placed in front of them by people who understood how tyrants work; they jump to foolish solutions. Kamala can just voluntarily step-down, and nobody, particularly her, will care, so long as she has an iron clad quid pro quo for another shot at a job in which she is far from the best candidate.

The truth both the President and VP are the albatross around the DNC that 2020 primary voters recognized. But the DNC didn't like the primary results, so they selected Biden and later Harris. Then they changed the rules of the primary, so that primary voters can't warn them again. Now Biden's poll numbers are tracking where they were every other time a DNC primary began. Harris never really registered in the polls which is why her campaign stopped before the first primary began. But the DNC can't jettison Biden first, or history would be made with the first woman President of the United States. That might just invigorate the Democrat female base to keep her at the top of the 2024 ticket, and that just won't do. Harris isn't corrupt enough to be removed in disgrace. So, they have to convince her to remove herself from a historic opportunity that is hers to take. The carrot is an opportunity for some other position that regardless of how cushy and powerful, it is not history making.

Maybe they should have listened to their voters.

MikeR said...

"she wouldn't be able to make the assertion credibly." Huh? It's so simple: "I realized I wasn't cut out for this job. Let someone competent do it."
What's hard about that? Who would be offended?

Joe Smith said...

As my ex-brother-in-law used to say about blacks, "If I owned a business I wouldn't hire any because you can't fire them."

Joe Smith said...

'It doesn’t matter. Voters aren’t picking, anyways..'

Sadly, this is the correct answer...

rcocean said...

They aren't going to "Drop" Kamala. If Biden decides to resign, it will be when he thinks it will be best for the D's. Which means AFTER the primaries. WHich means Kamala will be the nominee by default.

Biden has zero intention of handing the Presidental nomination over to RFK Jr., Manchin, Newsome, or whatever other loser wants it. Or deceasing the D's chances of beating Trump by having a lot of in-fighting.

If he doesn't resign after the primaries he will wait till after November 2024, assuming Biden wins.

Scott M said...

It would be more awful. It's already awful. Furthermore, it lends even more credibility to the overall opinion of DNC short-sightedness. This exact situation was entirely predictable when they started gaming out the 2024 election given their range of options prior to the first 2020 primary debate.

Jupiter said...

"[the first person of Black or South Asian descent]"

He means the first one with a twat. Not that that makes her a woman or anything, but it was supposed to be a big deal, back in 2019.

PM said...

Nan Pelosi is going to 'chat' with Harris. It'll go something like this:
"Hey, Kam. Great shoes. Listen, Joe's out. We like you. We respect you. But no White House. Not this term. Trump'll ruin you. And we need you. Come back to California. We'll set you up in a high-awareness/low-income non-profit. We're gonna back Gav for President and once he's gone - the governorship is yours. Put in some years. After Gav, we'll push you for the White House. And if you can't wait, we'll give you Dianne's seat. Manolos?"

who-knew said...

Althouse said " She'd look elbowed out" That's because she is being elbowed out (for good reason). It wouldn't be the first time that VPs have been changed. Lincoln had 2 and so did Madison, Grant, and McKinley. FDR had 3.

Ride Space Mountain. Hoodie and the Blowfish is the clear winner.

Kevin said...

Biden Runs: Primary cannot be contested.

Harris Runs: Primary will be contested.

Why would the DNC change its stance?

Rory said...

Said the cat to the fox, "I know one trick only, but that one is worth a thousand of yours."

The pundit foxes know a thousand ways to improve the Dems chances. The insider cats know only one trick that wins.

Lloyd W. Robertson said...

If it were done, 'twere best done quickly.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

The left will crawl over broken glass to vote for second-Hitler for the sake of Trump-hate.

Lars Porsena said...

Black women think all the bad Kamala talk is racist/sexist. They will sit on their hands come election day if she isn't on the ballot. The Dems can't win without them ergo they are stuck with Special K.

kwo said...

I don't see the problem with her running and getting beaten in the primary. She's such a terrible politician, can there be any question of why she loses? She failed so completely in 2020, did it matter that she's a black woman?

tim maguire said...

If Democrats don't stop talking about how they are stuck with Biden because, like it or not, they have no alternative, someone might get the idea they are pathetic and worn out as a party. Funny thing to happen to the party of the cool kids.

Charlie said...

It's really shocking that the first affirmative action Veep is a horrible failure.

Butkus51 said...

doesnt matter

dem nominee will get 100 million votes

Owen said...

RideSpaceMountain @ 10:38: "...Harris/Fetterman 2024 – Hoodie And The Blowfish"

GROAN. Go to your room!

Yancey Ward said...

"He means the first one with a twat."

Well, Obama was a twat.

William said...

Just spit balling, but here's a few ideas. Remember how the Queen and the Queen Mother became more revered as they moved along in years. There should be some sort of equivalent post in American life for our aging public figures. On the Supreme Court, call it the Souter Award. Aging Supreme Court Justices who have lost control of their bowels and bladders should be awarded The Souter. The Souter Award should be even more revered than the original Supreme Court appointment. The Souter should come with a huge cash emolument and a worshipful interview with Oprah. Every year the Souter winner should crown Miss America, and she in turn, in gratitude for his years of service, should give him a therapeutic massage.....There should be equivalent positions open to both Congressional Houses, but special emphasis and honor should be given to the Senate. There the awards should be phased in as there are just too many eligible Senators. Perhaps the Romney Award should only be held for a couple of years before being passed on to the next recipient. As I say, I'm just spit balling here......The Presidency itself presents some unique challenges. It's not often, not since Wilson, that we have been blessed with such an enfeebled man holding the Presidential Office. Just spit balling again, but maybe the way out is to heap honors on the President's wife. The Eisenhower Award should be a joint award to the President and The Honored Wife. She can get to co-host with Oprah. Maybe present a lifetime achievement award to Harrison Ford at the Oscars with a just for fans appearance at the gala post party.....These are just embryonic ideas, but they're worth further consideration.

William said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Critter said...

Why would removing her from the ticket be awful? Politics is rough and tumble. If Harris was not a "historic" nominee, no one would care. Is the Democratic Party, and much worse the United States, supposed to suffer a fool in office just because of skin color?

Tofu King said...

It's somewhat shocking to me that the smart elites running the party (not Joe) did not anticipate this problem when they placed her on the ticket. I guess short term thinking prevails.

Jaq said...

Nobody warned me about a potential conflict of interest..[taking millions from Ukraine]. Besides, my son died

What a great President.

robother said...

Althouse: "It would be awful."

Yeah, awfully entertaining! And just what the MSM needs in a writer and SAG strike crippled season. After all they've done for the Brandon and the Democrat Party the last 6 years, a reality TV contest to decide whether to kick Kamala off the island and who to replace her with is the least they can do for a key supporter.

If they really fear Kamala's rhetorical powers of revenge that much, Joe could make it a Black only beauty contest, but open it up to all the other genders in the Democratic alphabet. Each week a new challenge to demonstrate their presidential fitness. I'm thinking a mock press conference. A 9-11 speech atop smoking ruins. A eulogy over Biden's grave. Of course, Joe and Jill would be the judges.

dbp said...

""Therefore, the end result of Biden stepping down would be a long, divisive intraparty contest that would quite likely yield a nominee even more unpopular than Biden."

I think this is just an incorrect assumption: An intraparty contest should result in the best and most electable Democrat being nominated.

The other assumptions are also dicey:

1. Not everyone believes Biden legitimately won the last election.
2. Even if Biden won, that was before he turned out to be so awful at being president.
3. If Biden was too old and out of it to be president in 2020 (he was), he certainly hasn't improved with age.

Leland said...

Riffing on PM @11:23AM
Why not offer Harris Governor of California? It is pretty obvious they want Newsom. He'll need to be replaced. It is a top-level job for one of the largest economies on the planet. And it positions her for a future run at the Presidency. As for what might seem an ugly step down, she needs to only state she wants to do something more for her home state. It still sounds better than how the PM of New Zealand stepped down. Bonus, there is a good chance Newsom will get his ass handed to him in the General (why are you laughing rehajm? oh...), and she is now positioned to run in 2028 without the Biden baggage.

Prof. M. Drout said...

I hope Harris' security team is the best the Secret Service has, because it's starting to sound like some of the creepier members of the establishment would be totally on board with allowing some "deranged, Trump-loving extremist" to take care of the party's problem and let them do what they obviously want to do: parachute Governor Hair-Gell into the White House.
I would hope there are enough less evil, more sane people who would prevent such a thing, but sadly I haven't seen a lot of evidence to support that belief, and it's not as if 3-letter agencies haven't done similar things in the past.

Bob Boyd said...

Taking the unusual step of dropping [Harris] from the ticket...

They don't have to drop Harris and they won't, IMHO.

If Biden steps down or dies or whatever, why would Dem voters care if the new President is a mere figurehead? Why would the media care? Or Dem leadership? They have no problem pretending Biden is terrific and they'd have no problem doing the same for Harris. They'd be even happier with Harris because she checks 2 diversity boxes. Biden checks zero.

I can see the press coverage already. Harris Surprises Everyone! - Harris Exceeds Expectations! - The Economy Loves Kamala! - Who Knew? Kamala's Hidden Gifts.

And whoever is running the country now would carry on. Heck, from their perspective, Harris is perfect. They don't want somebody in the WH who is going to struggle with them for control or expose them. They want somebody who is totally dependent on them and who will be happy to play the role.

The Vault Dweller said...

Who is/was better suited to bevon the Supreme Court, Kamala Harris or Harriet Miers?

Kevin said...

Why not offer Harris Governor of California?

Why should she give up the Presidency when it is at hand?

To do so would require a level of self-knowledge that she does not appear to have.

Maynard said...

Maybe they should have listened to their voters.

The Democrat establishment does not have to listen to their voters because 90% fit into one or more of two categories:

1. Those who religiously vote Democrat regardless of candidates and issues
2. Those who religiously adhere to the DNC Media spin.

We see ample evidence of both categories on this blog site.

Kevin said...

Why not offer Harris Governor of California?

Godfather: "Now listen, whoever comes to you with this Governor proposal, he's the racist. Don't forget that".

Leland said...

If Biden steps down or dies or whatever, why would Dem voters care if the new President is a mere figurehead? Why would the media care? Or Dem leadership?

Harris may care, and she'll have one hell of a pulpit to complain about the first woman President being told what to do by a bunch of misogynistic DNC party bigwigs. Then again, higher level male Democrats have previously stuffed things in Harris' mouth and told her to hush now and just do the job at hand.

tommyesq said...

Worth clicking the link from Tim in Vermont at 12:16. Biden clearly believes that, so long as he can convince you that no person told him directly to his face that the Joe/Hunter/whatever the brother's name is interaction with Ukraine was a conflict of interest, then he did nothing wrong. Potted plant, incapable of independent thought.

Gunner said...

Unless Biden appoints her as Ambassador to Vulcan or some other space faring race, the angry black women of the Dem Party will not be satisfied with a replacement.

Breezy said...

Harris has always been Biden’s impeachment insurance policy. Nothing more, nothing less. She’s been masterful in this role. If Biden drops out - actually, when he drops out - her work will be done. Her political career will be over when Biden leaves the White House. She’ll write a non-fiction on all the effects she commandeered and brought to bear to protect the Big Guy.

chickelit said...

Being unelectable, Harris can only get in as POTUS if Biden steps down or dies in office. I think that's been the plan all along. It is crucial to the Progressive agenda that she become POTUS by whatever means necessary. Then, once she's been installed, she will be feted as a historic first despite her unpopularity. She won't be a real leader but rather just a puppet for those actually in power now.

chickelit said...

When you're in the business of leading from behind the scenes--as the Democrats are now--itv really does't matter when the titular head is. Harris would make a great titular head.

phantommut said...

The thought of Kamala on the Supreme Court gives me the screaming heebie jeebies.

Saint Croix said...

Kevin at 1:49, dude!

The Crack Emcee said...

rhhardin said...

"She's a whore."

I left that out of my first comment. I'm surprised that column in the Los Angeles Times (specifically about her dating habits) disappeared once she got picked for the ticket. Montel Williams was just one famous name on her way to the top.

She will also be the first president to have laughed about busting people for smoking pot when she herself was smoking pot.

We are in a world of shit, People

Kirk Parker said...

From the medical examiners report - -

Name of Decedent: K. Parker
Date of Death: 09/14/2023
Cause of Death: Persistent Schadenboner

Left Bank of the Charles said...

No one is suggesting starting a third party like Emmanuel Macron did in France. Is that because it wouldn’t work, or because it might work but would be a too much for work for those hoping to replace Biden on the Democratic ticket?

Friendo said...

@ Jupiter, 11:22 AM: Outstanding, sir!

Jaq said...

Other candidates would be under no pressure to tear apart Harris in a primary race. The voters simply won't vote for her, and that will be enough.

The Godfather said...

Many commenters seem to be accepting the premise of Biden as "the incumbent president who’s already proven capable of defeating Trump". Leave aside the whole issue of 2020 election fraud (not proved, not provable), Biden "defeated" Trump by hiding in his basement and pretending to be a moderate. As President he has come (stumbling) out of the basement and demonstrated who he is. Not a moderate. The MSM has been doing its best to cover for him, but the time will come for the "real Joe Biden to stand up", and he'll trip over his feet again.
Do you want Trump elected President in 2024? Then nominate Biden Harris.

Iman said...

“She ain't black”

She voted for the old douche, so…

Jim at said...

The Democrats wouldn't have this problem if they chose a running mate based upon his/her credentials as opposed to gender and skin color.

I hope they choke on it.

traditionalguy said...

Reminds me of the real usefulness of a whore: you can pay them to go away.

Maybe the offer could be raised to 2 Supreme Court seats. They won’t be worth much under a future World Government’s Provence sub government anyway. Global Warming and all that you know.

Jamie said...

They have no problem pretending Biden is terrific and they'd have no problem doing the same for Harris.

I agree. And, as the First Woman President Who Also Ensures That Republicans Can't Get There First On Two Other Intersectionality Measures, she'll be exempt from needing to achieve anything. Sexist as it is, I predict a whole lot of puff pieces about her "style," her "huge heart for the disadvantaged," and her "courage in shattering the glass ceiling." And not one real question in any presser.

Gahrie said...

Can you imagine what would happen if some Rightwing nut job assassinated Kamala next June... I bet the DNC can...

Big Mike said...

It would be awful.

Unless you’re a hard core Democrat, why do you care?

Bruce Hayden said...

“The truth both the President and VP are the albatross around the DNC that 2020 primary voters recognized. But the DNC didn't like the primary results, so they selected Biden and later Harris…”

I don’t think that it was Biden, but Clyburne, who did a trade for his backing: Biden got the nomination, and a Black[ish] woman was his VP. That meant a Black female politician at the national level. Harris was a Senator, and had made a run for President. She fit the bill.

“Black women think all the bad Kamala talk is racist/sexist. They will sit on their hands come election day if she isn't on the ballot. The Dems can't win without them ergo they are stuck with Special K.”

And that’s the problem. The Dems don’t have a chance without Blacks, and with Black men starting to move towards the GOP, and esp Trump, Black women are key. Moreover, they can’t pull their big city election fraud without a lot of Black help. The photos from early morning after the election in 2000 made clear that the big inner city machines in Atlanta, Philadelphia, Detroit, and Milwaukee are heavily dependent on Black party stalwarts. For example, there were the photos of the mother/daughter team in Atlanta that kept running the same stacks of ballots through the counting machines. That sort of thing.

“ She could do it credibly, and even if she couldn't the typical Dem voter wouldn't give a shit, if the usurper were Michelle Obama. If Vegas would take bets on this, I'd put down a grand, though I suspect the payout would be only three to one.”

As scary as another 4 years of an Obama in the WH is, I don’t see a viable alternative for the Dems. Michelle is 100% American bred Black. No foreign born half breed like her husband or Harris. Angry in all the right ways. And with a national presence. Unless they can get Oprah to run.

gilbar said...

The Godfather said..
Biden "defeated" Trump by hiding in his basement and pretending to be a moderate.

yep, and they picked Biden, because HE WASN'T BERNIE SANDERS.. Who could NEVER BE ELECTED.
So, the question is: What would Bernie Sanders done, that resident Biden DIDN'T DO?
(not, what would Bernie have wanted to do.. But WHAT WOULD he have DONE??)

What does Biden run on THIS time? Bidenomics? how's THAT working for you? enjoying the $4 gas?

Political Junkie said...

The SOB will win reelection carrying 35 states.
Harris will then win twice and serve 8 years.
We are all fucked.

W was the last R pres.
Trump was a populist with an R label.

No where else to go. I will ride it out here.

But we are fucked.

GatorNavy said...

My take is Biden ‘dies’ in his sleep. Kamala loses to Trump. Trump loses to Newsome in ‘28.

Bronson said...

"Incumbent president already proven capable of defeating Trump."

Sure he did. He got 81 million votes while Hillary and Obama only got 65 million the previous two elections. He ran a campaign from his basement. He had almost no rallies, and the ones he did, no one attended.

No one believes Biden won that election.

Advo said...

The democrats have invited this problem by insisting each candidacy be “historic” in some way. They’ve sacrificed any semblance of competency on an altar of identity politics. Kamala couldn’t pull 2% support among Democrats, much less a general electorate. Joe has been a disaster by any objective measure, unless that objective is damaging the United States. Kamala promises to be worse in every way, including speaking in public, strangely enough.

The only thing keeping them alive politically is a dreadful complicit media that keeps their Orwellian doublespeak hidden. They deserve every problem they face times 10.

wendybar said...

GatorNavy said...
My take is Biden ‘dies’ in his sleep. Kamala loses to Trump. Trump loses to Newsome in ‘28.

9/14/23, 9:53 PM

If Trump beats Kamala, he can't run again in '28....sooooo, THAT is the time for DeSantis.

Big Mike said...

@GatorNavy, go read the 22nd Amendment. If Trump wins in 2024 he cannot run in 2028.

Narayanan said...

Jeez-o-Pete, would even Senate Democrats vote to put her on the Supreme Court?
fun time for Professora? >> please diagram her sentences for our enjoyment??!!

Breezy said...

The curtain needs to be pulled on the Wizards controlling Biden et al. Toto, where are you?

Rusty said...

Gahrie said...
"Can you imagine what would happen if some Rightwing nut job assassinated Kamala next June... I bet the DNC can..."
They're training the guy right now.

"Incumbent president already proven capable of defeating Trump."
Yeah. Go with that. Apparently there's an attraction principal in stupid. Like attracts like.

Robert Cook said...

"No one believes Biden won that election."

No one in your circle of friends and acquaintances, of course.

Tina Trent said...

Bruce, there's no way Michelle Obama will be talked into running for President, unless the DNC could find a way to threaten to destroy her if she refuses.

The destruction would come in the form of exposing all the things they and Annenberg worked hard to conceal in Obama's two elections. But there's danger that she wouldn't take the bait, and the Obama brand would end up less valuable to the DNC. The Obamas know that, and they were never particularly loyal to the DNC unless it suited them, so I don't see this scenario unfolding. It could too easily backfire and cost the DNC voters.

Michelle doesn't like politics any more than Meghan Markle liked being in the Royal Family. What she does like is no-show jobs, which, unlike her brother and parents, are the only jobs she's ever held. And she already has one of those. She's a celebrity ex-First Lady who gets to party in the Hamptons.

The solution to dealing with the Harris problem lies somewhere in the sitcom Veep, which offers several potential scenarios. Most likely, you put Buttigieg on the ticket as VP. He plays the ultra-competent character to make Harris' hamfistedness look like a more sentient version of what we have now (though Biden's senility is also his superpower). Buttigeig plays competence ironically, of course, but Democrats never let irony get in the way of their slobbering indulgence in identity politics. Harris pretends to be the figurehead: Buttigeig pretends to do the work.

What's more Democrat than that?

Prof. M. Drout said...

I don't want to play to the type of the Liberal Arts professor who claims everything is racist. BUT...
Doesn't this argument show a pretty high level of racism on the part of the mass media? Yes, Kamala Harris is obviously a dolt. But, yes, Joe Biden is obviously a dolt, AND he's got galloping dementia. Yet it's a good idea to run him for President again, but not to run HER. Why?
Seriously, do you really think that there's any meaningful different in intelligence between Joe (pre-dementia) and Kamala? Do you really think that in-dementia Joe is more intelligent? And if not, what except racism could explain why having Biden as the nominee would be acceptable but having Harris unacceptable?

(Hey, I don't LIKE the idiot rules of discourse that have been put in place over the past 20 years, but if they're going to be enforced on some, they must be enforced on all)

By the way, ChatGPT passing various Bar Exams should cause us to reassess the intelligence of glib jabberers like Biden. Seems like it's entirely possible to get through law school just by being able to string a bunch of sentences together with no logic or even coherent thought behind them (though it's probably even easier when you plagiarize...)

JAORE said...

Ive been working on slogans for a Kamala/Fetterman ticket. What do you think?

How about:'He/her, he/her, Hee/Hawr, Hee/Haw

Robert Cook said...

"Just because Biden beat Trump once (assuming he did) doesn't mean he can do it again."

Of course, but the reason Biden won in 2020--massive turnout of Trump-haters--will still be a powerful factor in 2024, making it possible Biden could win a second term.

n.n said...

The case for Harris to take a knee for political progress, perchance her progress, too, again. #MeToo revisited.

Christopher B said...

Replacing Harris as *Vice-President* requires her consent as there is no Constitutional provision for forcibly removing a VP who does not wish to resign. The 25th Amendment only applies to the President. Replacing her as the VP *candidate* is entirely within the Democrat Party's power to nominate someone else for 2024 ticket, primary or no primary. Petard. Hoist. Assembly required.

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