September 8, 2023

"Much has been made of Ramaswamy’s irrepressible annoyingness... But what I found striking about Ramaswamy..."

"... both in our conversations and on the debate stage, was not that he’s especially irritating (how many people who run for president aren’t?) but that he represents a distinct, very familiar flavor of irritation: He’s the epitome of millennial hustle culture, less a Tracy Flick know-it-all than a viral LinkedIn post come to life. The guy who’s always mining and nurturing new connections, always leveraging those connections into the next new thing, always selling and always, always closing. Seen this way, Ramaswamy’s otherwise quixotic-seeming presidential run makes perfect sense. Whether or not it wins him elected office, running for the White House is the ultimate rise and grind.... [H]is current comfort with [the word]  'woke' works for winning over a G.O.P. primary audience. When he needs to cultivate a broader base... I’m sure he won’t hesitate to reach out and tell me just what he thinks I want to hear."

Writes Farhad Manjoo in "Vivek Ramaswamy Is a LinkedIn Post Come to Life" (NYT)


The Crack Emcee said...

"[H]is current comfort with [the word] 'woke' works for winning over a G.O.P. primary audience."

Who still don't know what the fuck they're talking about

Bob Boyd said...

Look for all the Dems in your life to start telling you how annoying and irritating they find Ramaswamy now.
There's something racist about this line of attack.

Jamie said...

We know a guy like this... He and my husband are both involved in a very big and influential volunteer organization in our city. This guy has been trying for years to achieve a certain very high level in the organization (networking opportunities abound). There are two main paths to this level: huge donations (he donates heavily but not enough for this to be his path), and effective gladhanding. Furthermore, you only get three shots at achieving this level (the board has to vote on you); if you fail three times, you can never try again.

So, as of last spring he'd failed twice. Last year he deployed his most egregious gladhanding efforts - it was all or nothing. He's a friend of ours, but last year, being around him, especially but not limited to at events related to this organization, was intensely frustrating. He would never look at us - constantly scanning the crowd for someone more important to talk to. He would break off conversations in the middle to go chase a board member. He would show up at volunteer-work events and spend the whole time sucking up to the organizers instead of, you know, working.

Somehow, to the shock of all of us who know him, he got voted in. We think maybe the board got tired of cringing every time they saw him or something...

We'll see how he behaves this year, now that there's no higher hill to climb.

In contrast, we know another guy who achieved this level years ago, also without donating at the bazillions level, and he has the knack of making every person he talks to feel special. The My Fair Lady thing: the Colonel treats every woman as if she's a princess; the professor treats every woman as if she's a flower seller.

tim maguire said...

It's true that running for president is a great way to raise your profile. A year ago, hardly anyone had heard of Vivek Ramaswamy. A year from now, almost everyone will recognize his name. And if he's serious about a shift into politics, his race has already been a huge success. Even if his highest realistic hope is being Trump's VP, doors are opening up for him up and down the political ladder.

n.n said...

Manjoo opines about Ramaswamy. A safe space?

hombre said...

Ever notice that the NYT rarely, if ever, does this kind of critical analytic piece on a Democrat? Can you imagine a piece like this on Kamala?

The mediaswine at the Times are immersed in a "them versus us" world. The Dems and their consorts - e.g., the Chicken Littles, Antifa, LGBT+, BLM, WEF - are "us." Everybody else is "them."

Have the mediaswine noticed that? Noticing can define the difference between evil and stupid, although "both" is likely.

Ramaswamy, like Nikki Haley, says what needs to be said. The leftmedia is more tolerant of Haley because they perceive her to be anti-Trump. She would be a great choice for Trump's running mate for several reasons including that one.

n.n said...

Onassis, too.

Sebastian said...

"I’m sure he won’t hesitate to reach out and tell me just what he thinks I want to hear"

Except that the guy who's always closing and telling people what they want to hear also keeps saying things that GOPers and Dems and the MSM dislike. He is a salesman, sure, but he's also trying to disrupt the process and public policy.

Smartest guy in the room and slickish manner produce some annoyingness, which is not nice and therefore a handicap in American politics. So coldhearted! So nerdy! Doesn't he care about Ukraine and Taiwan and Israel? Maybe he'll abolish the Department of Edcuation--doesn't he care about our children? Etc.

Kate said...

Trump is the OG hustle. Maybe GOP voters prefer someone who doesn't spend the majority of their presidency on vacation.

Old and slow said...

It's a pretty astute summation of Vivek's schtick. And just to be clear, as annoying as he is, I quite like Ramaswamy so far.

Tom T. said...

Calling a guy whose parents came over from Bharat a hustler and a grind seems racially coded.

rcocean said...

Just reading the Google/yahoo news and various Libtard news outlets print and TV, its amazing how they've all mobilized against the New threat - Mr. V

He's crazy. he's a demogogue. he's annoying. He's ignorant and inexperienced. He's an Indian. He's a raciss/sexist/bigot/homophobe. He's a "TRump lover". He's a liar. He's a fake. He's dangerous. He hates Israel and Jews. He's just plain bad.

All because he disagrees with the Establishment positions on a few issues. THe MSM always uses these hysterial over-the-top words. It must work somebody. I'm guessing soccer moms and dumb men. If only he was "reasonable Republican" like that nice Mr. Pence or the brilliant Mr. Christie.

Jake said...

Kinda apt.

Dave Begley said...

Who the fuck is Farhad Manjoo? He's a hardcore leftist who works for the money-losing NYT. That's who!

Manjoo annoys me! The NYT is in the bag for the Dems.

Listen, Manjuice. Vivek is exceptionally smart and accomplished. He's the opposite of you.

Dave Begley said...

BTW, Alexander Payne's "Election" was filmed in the Omaha area at Papillion-LaVista HS.

Yancey Ward said...

This critique is particularly hilarious coming from a public frog like Farhad Manjoo.

Mark said...

He is the first 'move fast and break things' tech bro to run.

That works for a new product when you're looking to make money on an IPO or selling the business, not sure if a 200 year old Constitutional government will yield the same payout.

Big Mike said...

When it comes to annoyingness, I don’t see how Ramaswamy or anyone else beats Farhad Manjoo. Facile, smug, absolutely certain that the only reason anyone sees the world differently from him is their utter inferiority.

Michael K said...

The NY Times can always be relied upon in its evaluation of Republican candidates.

Kakistocracy said...

Ramaswamy, it seems, like Trump, will say anything to get attention. He Is just the latest Republican charlatan flavor of the month. Just another fool parroting the word “woke” like it’s a password to get into the world’s dumbest club.

Welcome to the future of conservatism in the US. Say anything to win the loyalty of MAGA voters.

Leland said...

"When he needs to cultivate a broader base... I’m sure he won’t hesitate to reach out and tell me just what he thinks I want to hear."

Reads exactly like something Trump would say, but it is the NYT, so I guess it is ok?

As for the rest of the quoted section, I find the argument to be the same used of any other competitor's "quixotic-seeming presidential run". Aren't they all just building brand for a better job? Maybe Secretary of State like Hillary or John F Kerry. Or VP like HW Bush and Biden? Sometimes they'll get lucky and win it all like Obama or Trump.

What an annoying article that waste time saying what we already know. How is this called "news"?

Robert Cook said...

"Who the fuck is Farhad Manjoo? He's a hardcore leftist who works for the money-losing NYT. That's who!

"Manjoo annoys me! The NYT is in the bag for the Dems.

"Listen, Manjuice. Vivek is exceptionally smart and accomplished. He's the opposite of you."

Ouch! Seems like your crush on Ramaswamy won't allow you to tolerate a profile that isn't equally as swooning as you always are when you mention him. Your outburst is unseemly.

NotWhoIUsedtoBe said...

I laughed.

I don't like Vivek because he's avoided having any relevant experience and just says what primary voters want to hear. He has no underlying principles.

Plenty of other candidates.

MB said...

Ramaswamy's main problem is that he is very smart and he talks to other people as if they are also smart. I'm not used to bright people doing that. Usually they try to dumb things down. (Overall, our politicians tend to be among the less bright people who try to speak obtusely in order to sound smart. They fool a lot of journalists that way.)

He thinks fast and responds to questions quickly. From the couple of interviews I've listened to, he appears to actually respond to the questions instead of just waiting for a space to put in whatever talking points he wanted to deliver - although he still does get those in.

toxdoc said...

I think Farhad has Vivek Ramaswamy confused with Tom Haverford.

Biff said...

It's pretty clear that the Democratic machine has decided that Ramaswamy is someone who must be destroyed before he gets any traction.

holdfast said...

Pretty funny coming from a supporter of Obama - the literal blank sheet of paper where all good libs and progs could project all their fondest hopes and desires.

gahrie said...

Your outburst is unseemly.

You know what else is unseemly? Looking at the history of the 20th century and still believing that Marxism is a good idea.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Weaken Trump and bash all the candidates. All is going according to plan on team D.

robother said...

Be interesting to see what castes/religions the Manjoos and the Ramaswamys names are historically associated with. Old world clan rivalries are just one of the ways that diversity makes us stronger.

Dave Begley said...

I wonder if Manjoo is annoyed at all the illegal aliens in NYC? The Mayor is.

I wonder if Manjoo is annoyed at the much higher prices for everything?

Was Manjoo annoyed when 13 Americans were killed at Abby gate at Bagram AFB? How about the billions in weapons left behind?

Fuck this guy. He’s not serious. Just a hack leftist.

AZ Bob said...

His canned speech at the debate started out: "Let's get rid of those canned speeches ...."

Big Mike said...

(Overall, our politicians tend to be among the less bright people who try to speak obtusely in order to sound smart. They fool a lot of journalists that way.)

@MB, that’s because nearly all journalists are are somewhat less bright than nearly all politicians. Would you like to get really rich? Figure out how to buy journalists for what they’re really worth and sell them for what they think they’re worth.

stutefish said...

Everyone Else:

The New York Times: Vivek Ramaswamy has invented the political career as a hustle and grind of networking and image management.

Jupiter said...

"There's something racist about this line of attack."

Which is why they tasked Farhad Manjoo with carrying it out.

Michael K said...

"Rich" says

Welcome to the future of conservatism in the US. Say anything to win the loyalty of MAGA voters.

As opposed to Republicans telling voters how they will work to help them, then flipping to the Beltway Club once elected, like Romney. Trump changed that because he didn't have to satisfy donors like DeSantis. Vivek is the same as he is a rich man from before politics, unlike Biden.

nbks said...

Vivek drives all the right people crazy

nbks said...

Vivek drives all the right people crazy

Richard said...

Blogger Rich said...
Ramaswamy, it seems, like Trump, will say anything to get attention. He Is just the latest Republican charlatan flavor of the month. Just another fool parroting the word “woke” like it’s a password to get into the world’s dumbest club.

I don’t think Rich likes minorities. Especially conservative ones that are a lot more intelligent and accomplished than he is.

mikee said...

I like that the candidate is condemned without actually, you know, the author stating a disagreement with anything, anything at all, that the candidate supports or opposes. Or even stating what the candidate supports or opposes. Saves a hell of a lot of time and effort when you just say you don't like his being a politician.

deepelemblues said...

Farhad Manjoo quite literally describes the modern (post-Great Depression) politician and acts like Vivek is some strange new phenomenon.

How ignorant are these people that are our betters?

Eva Marie said...

1. The only reason this opinion piece was written was to let everyone know that when Farhad Manjoo called up Vivek Ramaswamy “he was delighted to hear from” Manjoo. Since the casual reader (me) would gloss over that (as I did) he drew special attention to it: “I don’t mean this as self-aggrandizement.” Yes he did.
2. Ramaswamy wants us to know that he wants to work for us. Perversely, a lot of us have that Woody Allan attitude of “I’ll never join a club that wants me as a member.” If Ramaswamy wants to represent us - and with every appearance makes that case - well then, there must be something wrong with him.
Manjoo ends his piece by writing “I’m sure he won’t hesitate to reach out and tell me just what he thinks I want to hear.” Except, Ramaswamy doesn’t do that. His liberal interviewers would love to hear him stray from his ideals, from his defense of Trump, from his support of conservative concerns. But Ramaswamy always stays with his message. Annoyingly (and let’s face it - this is what is really annoying about Ramaswamy) he supports his statements with facts.
This is what a competence looks like. This is the standard we should make all our politicians live up to.

Michael K said...

How about the billions in weapons left behind?

The left is now denying that much was left behind.

chuck said...

If Farhad Manjoo thinks he was the smartest guy in the room, he is mistaken.

Josephbleau said...

My understanding of this article is that Farhad Manjoo and the NYT do not want this Indian guy to win. There is no other information content.

Josephbleau said...

My understanding of this article is that Farhad Manjoo and the NYT do not want this Indian guy to win. There is no other information content.

Candide said...

Just a typical Bharatian.

What? did I say something wrong? No! I didn't mean it that way at all! Wait, let me explain... Wait... please?..

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