September 15, 2023

"I think it’s very unlikely. What, what did I do wrong? I didn’t do anything wrong. You mean because I challenge an election, they want to put me in jail."

Said Donald Trump, quoted in "Trump says it's 'very unlikely' he'd pardon himself if elected/In an interview with NBC's 'Meet the Press' former President Donald Trump said that in his final days in office, he told people, 'The last thing I’d ever do is give myself a pardon'" (NBC News).
"People said, 'Would you like to pardon yourself?' I had a couple of attorneys that said, 'You can do it if you want.'... I had some people that said, 'It would look bad if you do it, because I think it would look terrible.'... Let me just tell you. I said, 'The last thing I’d ever do is give myself a pardon.'... I could have had a pardon done that would have saved me all of these lawyers and all of this — these fake charges, these Biden indictments."

Very unlikely ≠ impossible.

The last thing ≠ a thing that will never happen.

Of course, Trump is reserving the option of pardoning himself. But for now, running for office — for the position that will be necessary if he is ever to pardon himself — he asserts his innocence. 


rhhardin said...

If you throw out poll watchers and cover the windows, it's going to look suspicious. Where's the audit is the first question.

john mosby said...

Would be funny as hell if he’d buried a self-pardon deep inside one of the Mar-a-Lago boxes….


Gusty Winds said...

Trump is correct. He didn't do anything wrong. He challenged a fraudulent, corrupt election which installed the current corrupt President. For that, they want to put him in jail, or remove him from the ballot, even though half the country wants to vote for him again.

Democrats "defending democracy" my ass.

Bob Boyd said...

I could have had a pardon done that would have saved me all of these lawyers and all of this — these fake charges, these Biden indictments.

You could have pardoned your most devoted supporters, Mr. Trump. You could have saved them all of these lawyers and all of this — these fake charges, these Biden indictments...and years in jails and prisons.

Hindsight perhaps, in both cases. Who would have guessed how far these people would go. We probably all continue to underestimate their vindictive depravity. Even they probably underestimate themselves.

RideSpaceMountain said...

"Very unlikely ≠ impossible."

And you know what? I wouldn't care if he did. I'm done with the "moral high ground" standard. I take a situation and I say to myself, "would a progressive do it if the shoe was on the other foot?" Then I say yes. Then it becomes fair game.

If we're going to have a prisoner's dilemma society, then so be it. Trump hitting the 'defect' button for himself would not change any of my opinions of the man. Something something eggs + breaking = omelet something something.

john mosby said...

And don’t think Biden’s staff hasn’t already made him sign a blanket pardon for himself, his family, and his whole admin, then zapped certified NFT copues of it to multiple law firms, the national archives, and even foreign countries….


Leland said...

Among the other things pointed out, if the question was asked while Trump was still President, then I think he lived up to his statement. The US Senate did not agree with the House that Trump led an insurrection. The Senate agreed with Trump that his challenge of the election was not a high crime or misdemeanor. Trump did not pardon himself when he still could as President nor was it the last thing he did before leaving office.

Kate said...

This is like asking the other candidates if they'd be Trump's VP. Until the option's on the table it's all speculation, and saying "yes" now diminishes your chance at the top seat.

tim maguire said...

The pardon is conceptually strange for people who have done nothing wrong. (Pardon me? For what?) And Trump is right that he has done nothing wrong and pardoning himself would make it look like he was guilty.

But logical consistency only gets you so far. The more innocent I am, the more happily I will accept a pardon that keeps me out of jail.

AMDG said...

Trump did attempt to overturn the election. I am not sure of the illegality of that but it certainly renders him morally unfit to hold any office.

The funny thing about Trump is that if he did not give into his worst instincts he would be in a much better position.

If he had returned the documents when asked the document indictments would not exist.

If he had simply acknowledged defeat in 2020 there would be no question about being re-elected.

If he had just invested his inheritance in a stock index fund he would be e wealthier than he is now.

AMDG said...

Trump did attempt to overturn the election. I am not sure of the illegality of that but it certainly renders him morally unfit to hold any office.

The funny thing about Trump is that if he did not give into his worst instincts he would be in a much better position.

If he had returned the documents when asked the document indictments would not exist.

If he had simply acknowledged defeat in 2020 there would be no question about being re-elected.

If he had just invested his inheritance in a stock index fund he would be e wealthier than he is now.

Kakistocracy said...

Just like in the E. Jean Carroll case... Trump won't testify but his public videoed statements will be used to show his contradictory positions, his intent and his knowledge. This whole trial could just be Jack Smith hitting the play button.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Any interview Trump does first and foremost serves to highlight the fact the POTUS cannot sit for a real interview and quickly devolves into babel while Trump is sharp and an excellent extemporaneous talent.

Gusty Winds said...

Leland said... The US Senate did not agree with the House that Trump led an insurrection.

J6 was a set up. Not an insurrection. The first impeachment over the Ukraine phone call was all bullshit to cover for US massive corruption in that country.

The actual insurrection, you can even call it a coup de tat, was the absentee voter fraud used in WI, MI, PA, GA, and AZ in 2020. Probably was implemented in MN as well. In 2022 AZ upped the game and fucked with same day voters in concentrated red areas.

COVID massaged absentee voting by Democrats was a 2020 plan the entire year, starting with Wisconsin's spring 2020 election where they claimed, "if you vote in person, you might die". That hooked all the liberal college educated white women who bought into the COVID fear more than anyone. It also allowed them to illegally ballot harvest (see Zuck bucks in WI), and destroy chain of custody after illegal harvesting, like was done in Madison, WI.

Drop boxes were stuffed. Give me a break. That's why they were illegally implemented. US Mail might have been too traceable.

The absentee voting was perfect for slowing down the count, actually stopping the count on election night, and then slow rolling the fraud over the next couple weeks. Had to keep the election monitors at bay...because of bullshit COVID.

If you still think you are living in a "democracy" or a "constitutional republic" you're just playing make believe and kidding yourself. Perhaps for people who hate Donald Trump along with his working class's perfectly ok.

Now we have graduated to trying to jail you main political opponent. All to the applause of college educated white women. Our government knows that most Americans have the attention span of a goldfish. It's not that hard to pull off in a population that had been dumbed down by the education establishment for the last fifty years.

Part of the reason I'm not a DeSantis Presidential fan, is he keeps his mouth shut about the 2020 fraud he knows is very real.

The Crack Emcee said...

If he wins, all of this will be a badge of honor.

Leland said...

The more innocent I am, the more happily I will accept a pardon that keeps me out of jail.

The whole point of a pardon is to restore the innocence of those that were politically persecuted. So yes, if you are innocent, except the pardon that recognizes your innocence.

Heck after all these years of Ford pardoning Nixon, we learned later it was just the number 2 at the FBI trying the case in the media when he decided that he likely wouldn’t win in court.

Also, Trump might have pardoned himself during the Russian Collusion investigation. I think Democrats wanted him to do so, because they would forever claim his guilt despite his real innocence, because he took a pardon. But Trump didn’t play along. Still, many Democrats still believe he is guilty. Many Democrats still believe Trump is also guilty of insurrection despite the Senate’s finding, which is why they jump to the 14th Amendment as if Trump has been proven guilty of anything. They really want the presumption of guilt to be all it takes.

Laughing Fox said...

"Trump did attempt to overturn the election. I am not sure of the illegality of that but it certainly renders him morally unfit to hold any office."

Protesting obvious illegalities in the election (like ballots being counted after observers required by law had been sent out of the room) is not "an attempt to overturn the election." Having a rally in DC on the day the Senate meets to count the electoral votes is not another "attempt," especially when offering the use of the National Guard to protect the Senate.

To say nothing of all the "whatabout" situations in which Democrats protested elections.

And so like the Carroll case, when someone can be found guilty of a misdeed that occurred at an unspecified date in an unspecified year.

Rich and AMDG, you would not find it fair to be the target of farfetched accusations like these.

Drago said...

AMDG: "Trump did attempt to overturn the election."


All the masks are off now.

Thank you LLR AMDG!

Transparency is a good thing.

AlbertAnonymous said...

Is there a commenter here who actually thinks Joe Biden won’t pardon Hunter as he’s walking out the door of the WH?

Probably already signed it. Covering EVERYTHING!!

Drago said...

LLR Rich: "Just like in the E. Jean Carroll case..."


Indeed, the E. Jean Carroll hoax/sham "trial" is the very model of New Soviet Democratic "judicial" star chamber proceeding to be emulated in all cases moving forward.

And Team LLR has a brand public member! AMDG!

A banner day indeed for Team Left...such as it is...since its just AMDG.

Think of it as picking up an undrafted free agent minor leaguer tossed into the mix at the last minute to sweeten the trade...along with $25k in cash.

Butkus51 said...

Hillary once had a Russian prostitute pee on her in a hotel.

Print it!

Drago said...

Gusty winds: "Part of the reason I'm not a DeSantis Presidential fan, is he keeps his mouth shut about the 2020 fraud he knows is very real."

LLR AMDG begs to differ.

2020 was the mostest bestest secure-iest above-boardiest election ever, right LLR AMDG?

But that darn Trump won't go along with the New Soviet Democratic lies about their clear election fraud so that Trump, (Keanu Reaves "Point Break" Voice) "he's gotta go Bode".

lonejustice said...

Since Trump never pardoned any of the J6 protestors, many who still languish in jail, he would be a hypocrite to then pardon himself. After all, the protestors did nothing wrong, just like Trump.

cassandra lite said...

Typical Trump: me me me me me me me me.

He could've also pardoned the 1/6 people, but that's never on his mind. Yet his hordes who are outraged about their arrests, prosecutions, and sentences are sticking with him and believe not to is "disloyal."

For all its faults, I want back the America I grew up in. Even in 1968, the center can and did hold. Everyone, stepping over it or not, knew where it was.

Rusty said...

AMDG said...
"Trump did attempt to overturn the election."
No he didn't.
See what I did there.

William said...

AMDG said "Trump did attempt to overturn the election. I am not sure of the illegality of that but it certainly renders him morally unfit to hold any office." Maybe so, but there was fraud out the ying-yang in the 2020 election.

My position is that it is incumbent on the election authorities in this country (from local to federal) to PROVE that there was no fraud in an election. There were lots of anomalies in the 2020 election that were simply swept under the rug by the partisan election officials in power as they followed the playbook that said that ANYTHING you did was allowable as long as it lead to the defeat of Orange Man.

2020 showed that the election system in this country is CORRUPT. With a corrupt election system, there is no democracy. Q.E.D.

Jaq said...

"Trump did attempt to overturn the election."

No, he attempted to adjudicate the election. If it got overturned, it would have been done lawfully and constitutionally.

Josephbleau said...

“Of course, Trump is reserving the option of pardoning himself. But for now, running for office — for the position that will be necessary if he is ever to pardon himself — he asserts his innocence. “

Trump is doing a better job of asserting his innocence than Hunter’s lawyers are, anyway. So he does not lack ability.

Critter said...

Trump is constantly accused of doing something he didn't do. In this case, the accusation is about something that "of course" Trump will do. I'd like to jail every one of his unfounded persecutors. They make Stalin proud.

Joe Smith said...

He should pardon himself and all of the non-violent J6 folks.

Then bring the hammer of God down upon the dems and the deep state.

He won't do the last part of course; he doesn't want to get JFK'd...

Breezy said...

The reason J6 happened was the wall of silence and obstruction of any legal means to get to the truth of the election results. It was the nixing of any type of audit or review of the ballots and counting/voting machines, and the brazen people proclaiming that the election was fair and fraud-free when anyone with any history of following elections knew it was fraudulent result. Time and time again, the left wants to make proclamations about the way things are, as if doing so makes it so. Most of us can see the nefariousness of it and are sickened by it. Trump’s “crime” was seeking the truth - for himself and for his voters.

The overwhelming sense of frustration of not being able to get to the truth of the election - whatever it may be - was what drove people to convene, march and riot during J6. To this day, tens of millions of people know it was a rigged election. Biden’s atrocious job performance makes the whole rigged election thing that much more conceivable. He’s not President material.

jim said...

Is Trump's psychotic view of the world going to prevent his lawyers from defending him? Will they be forced to toe his line of bullshit?

jim said...

At least the current crop all made sure to get paid in advance!

GRW3 said...

He'll put in an ally into DOJ this time, who'll fire all the swamp partisans and replace them with people who actually follow the law and get all the charges dismissed.

Rabel said...

"Since Trump never pardoned any of the J6 protestors, many who still languish in jail, he would be a hypocrite to then pardon himself."

Check your dates. If that was sarcasm it's too subtle for me.

Also, the opening question by the new anchor for Meet the Press is pretty much what you might expect. Paraphrasing, "How can you continue to say that there are two systems of justice given the recent indictments of Hunter Biden on three gun charges."

And her delivery of the question, in a soft, pleading voice with her heavily made-up face upturned, begging, pleading.

Sickening. Fuck these people.

Drago said...

I am starting to think LLR AMDG is one of those cats working overtime to get one of those coveted DeSantis "online influencer" slots.

Unfortunately, that entire DeSantis Online Influence campaign has pretty much already failed as a ginned up astro-turfy ploy.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Laughing Fox:
"Trump did attempt to overturn the election. I am not sure of the illegality of that but it certainly renders him morally unfit to hold any office."

Protesting obvious illegalities in the election (like ballots being counted after observers required by law had been sent out of the room) is not "an attempt to overturn the election."

That's right and there's a related update. This week a judge in AZ finally ruled that yes indeed the SOS did violate election laws by not following the signature verification procedures the legislators put in place. Just like Trump said. Just like the (R) candidate for governor said at the time. Too late. No remedy available now. The SOS is now governor, but this is how it goes. People scream, "you have no proof!" But much too late the truth comes out and those people have nothing to say about the actual level of cheating that went into 2020 and 2022.

JAORE said...

'The last thing I’d ever do is give myself a pardon.'

So, January of 2028 as you prepare to walk out the door?

tim maguire said...

Leland said...The whole point of a pardon is to restore the innocence of those that were politically persecuted.

Yeah, no. Not sure where you came up with that, but that has nothing to do with the pardon power. In fact, I can't think of a single instance where a person who was pardoned for that reason.

Rocco said...

AMDG said...
"The funny thing about Trump is that if he did not give into his worst instincts he would be in a much better position.
- If he had returned the documents when asked the document indictments would not exist.
- If he had simply acknowledged defeat in 2020 there would be no question about being re-elected.
- If he had just invested his inheritance in a stock index fund he would be e wealthier than he is now.

If Trump had simply learned to love Big Brother.

Narayanan said...

why not Biden do a Gerald Ford move by pardon Trump!!!???

will that be more deranged than anything ?

AMDG said...

Blogger Drago said...
Gusty winds: "Part of the reason I'm not a DeSantis Presidential fan, is he keeps his mouth shut about the 2020 fraud he knows is very real."

LLR AMDG begs to differ.

2020 was the mostest bestest secure-iest above-boardiest election ever, right LLR AMDG?

But that darn Trump won't go along with the New Soviet Democratic lies about their clear election fraud so that Trump, (Keanu Reaves "Point Break" Voice) "he's gotta go Bode".

9/15/23, 9:18 AM

1. The reason DeSantis does not talk about 2020 is because it is a losing issue for the vast majority of voters. Winning issues for Republicans are the economy, parental rights, crime, immigration, Creepy Joe’s infirmity, and general incompetence of the Democrats. As 2022 showed, if the election is about The Fat Tub of Goo’s grievances defeat is sure to follow. I am mystified as to how the tRumo Swabs fail to comprehend this.

2. Have I ever said the 2020 election was clean. The answer is no because it was not. The problems were locked in when many of the extra-legal provisions were put in. Trump’s problem here is two fold. First, legal challenges should have been made when the provisions were put in, not after the fact. Second, Trump idiotically failed to exploit the provisions. The case could be made that Trump lost the election the moment he decided to discourage supporters from voting early.

You can scream about the stolen election all you want but the fact remains that most people have moved and do not want to hear about it anymore.

What will it take to get the tRump Swabs to understand that they are a minority in the country and that their Lord and Savior, Donald “Ballot Box Poison” Trump, besides being an incompetent buffoon, is despised by far more people than love him. Why do they love Trump more than America?

Narayanan said...

He could've also pardoned the 1/6 people, but that's never on his mind. Yet his hordes who are outraged about their arrests, prosecutions, and sentences are sticking with him and believe not to is "disloyal."
don't Pardons have to name individuals and delivered and acknowldeged?
or can it be 'general amnesty' by Executive Order for the whole country since not all were known by name??

Mark said...

If ANY president were to issue a pardon for himself, before then end of that day, the House would impeach and the Senate would convict.

Chuck said...

rhhardin said...
If you throw out poll watchers and cover the windows, it's going to look suspicious. Where's the audit is the first question.

I want to respond directly to this dumb, noxious blathering. You are referring, in your own stupid way, to the events at the City of Detroit AVB counting center conducted at the TCF Center. Right? If not, who the fuck knows what you are talking about?

It was a raucous scene, caused largely by unruly and poorly-trained GOP challengers. Not only have I been at the Center on election night; I've been an attorney-supervisor of MIGOP challenger teams at the Center in previous presidential elections.

What happened was that both parties exceeded (by a lot) the allowed number of challengers in the hall where the counting was going on. Detroit officials rightly closed the area from other additional challengers (both parties) entering. (A call had gone out that night from one member of the MI-GOP election staff for challengers to congregate at the TCF Center after regular polling places closed and all the action had shifted to the TCF Center. I know, because a friend shared the message that he got with me.)

So with lots of gathering activists at the TCF Center, and with entry to the counting hall rightly and correctly closed to them, GOP activists began to gather at the glass windows looking into the hall and started to use their cellphone cameras to photograph the room and the workers. At the time, I knew it was a violation of the law, albeit (I thought at the time) a merely technical violation. Inside the hall, workers placed paper over the windows to block the photography. That drove the activists nuts, and they started pounding on the windows. Now as I say, I thought at the time it was only a technical violation of Michigan's election law to photograph the area. I now think that it was more sinister, in light of the way that Fulton county election workers were photographed and then harassed in a way that has led to felony charges reaching all the way to Donald Trump. With their names and images sent out over the internet to a worldwide audience of crazies.

Post-Election 2020, thanks in large part to a comprehensive and detailed report led by the respected Republican state senator Ed McBroom, and following several Wayne County Circuit Court civil lawsuits in which no wrongdoing or evidence of fraud were ever adduced, we know that the claims of hidden fraud at the TCF Center are all complete bullshit. There were GOP challengers inside of Detroit's TCF Center at all times during AVB counting. They were never "removed." And the windows were covered because of illegal photography and intimidating, disruptive pounding of the glass.

Donald Trump succeeded in winning MORE votes in the City of Detroit in 2020, than he had in 2016. Both elections, his share was paltry but that was true for McCain in 2008 and Romney in 2012. Trump has repeatedly claimed "There were more votes than voters in Detroit," which is simply a stupid, bald-faced lie. Turnout in Detroit's 2020 general election was 51%. Trump has variously/vaguely repeated a weird number that he seems to have gotten from one of attorney Sidney Powell's experts that vote totals in Detroit were 139% of registered voters. It isn't true; it isn't even a serious claim.

I regret a bit that I have written this comment in such polite language, because what I really wanted to do was to physically rub your nose in this.

USA Today's Fact-Check on this subject.

MountainMan said...

It seems the news media and very few bloggers are covering the John Eastman disbarment trial. For the past few days GA elections expert Garland Favorito has been testifying about the many anomalies in the 2020 election in GA. The prosecution in the case appears to be trying to get most of his testimony dismissed through repeated objections. There is a livestream of the proceedings but I don't have time to watch it. I think journalist Rachel Alexander is following it and makes periodic reports on X (Twitter).

Here is a link to the report that Favorito wrote and posted on the web site. It is quite interesting. It has many links to data, reports, court documents, etc. The report is 18 pages but clicking through to all the links takes some time.

If you want to follow what has been going on in the trial you can follow X user @Rach_IC

Saint Croix said...

I am probably not the first to notice that in the liberal mind

Orange Is the New Black

and now it's just a question of when

Orange Is Beautiful

Jim at said...

You could have pardoned your most devoted supporters, Mr. Trump. You could have saved them all of these lawyers and all of this — these fake charges, these Biden indictments...and years in jails and prisons.

This point keeps popping up and I'm not sure why. He was no longer President when all the crap came down on the J6 defendants.

Jim at said...

I am mystified as to how the tRumo Swabs fail to comprehend this.

You do realize any point you're trying to make goes right out the window when you type this shit?

Mason G said...

"There were lots of anomalies in the 2020 election that were simply swept under the rug by the partisan election officials in power..."

And those same election officials would be busting their butts to gather and present evidence disproving those anomalies, if such evidence existed. Everybody understands this, even idiots and Democrats. Since the choice has been instead, to fight tooth and nail any effort to examine what happened, well...

MountainMan said...

I just tried to post this, and it failed for some reason, so trying again. You can delete if the first one went through.

Narayanan said: "don't Pardons have to name individuals and delivered and acknowldeged?
or can it be 'general amnesty' by Executive Order for the whole country since not all were known by name??"

There is precedent for the President to issue a general pardon or amnesty. On December 25, 1965, President Andrew Johnson issued Proclamation 179, which states, in part:

"Now, therefore, be it known that I, Andrew Johnson President of the United States, by virtue of the power and authority in me vested by the Constitution and in the name of the sovereign people of the United States, do hereby proclaim and declare unconditionally and without reservation, to all and to every person who, directly or indirectly, participated in the late insurrection or rebellion a full pardon and amnesty for the offense of treason against the United States or of adhering to their enemies during the late civil war, with restoration of all rights, privileges, and immunities under the Constitution and the laws which have been made in pursuance thereof."

AMDG said...

Blogger Jim at said...
I am mystified as to how the tRumo Swabs fail to comprehend this.

You do realize any point you're trying to make goes right out the window when you type this shit?

9/15/23, 4:15 PM

I think the tRump Swabs are beyond reason at this point.

The bulk of Trump’s campaign expenditures have gon to defense attorneys and his plane.

Given the timing of the trials and his lack of money he is not going to be able to mount any type of campaign.

The tRump Swabs only feel emboldened by this inste@d of concerned. It is almost as if they prefer defeat.

rcocean said...

People who say Trump should have pardoned the J6 protesters ignore the facts. Trump only had 15 days to issue a pardon, and he had no idea how many people were going to be charged and what Biden and the DOJ were going to do.

He also had no desire to pardon those who committed violence or destroyed property.

Every pardon had to be submitted to a lawyer to be written out, and then be reviewed by a group of lawyers who decided if the pardon was legal and constitional. And guess what? The Lawyers in the pardon office, on orders from Barr and the acting AG, were 'slowrolling Trump's pardons" and holding up those they didn't like.

Trump had no power to discipline these people and make them move faster. He could only fire them and hire someone else, an impossible task in December/January.

Further, Trump had to worry about the Impeachment trial prosecutors using the pardon as evidence that he was "conspiring to cause an insurrectin/riot".

And finally, Trump didn't realize how vengeful and crazy Biden, Garland, and the DC Judges would be. Who forsaw in January 2021, that they would be prosecuting people for J6, two and a half years later. Or that they track down a 1000 people in the greatest manhunt in US History. Or they would sentence a peaceful protester to 16 years in Jail!

Anyway, we now return you to "Crossfire". And attacking Trump and ignorning everything else.

cassandra lite said...

"My fellow Americans, pursuant to the pardon power conferred upon me by Article II, Section 2, of the Constitution, I had granted and by these presents do grant a full, free, and absolute pardon unto Donald J. Trump for all offenses against the United States which I, Donald J. Trump, have committed or may have committed or taken part in during the period from June 14, 1946 through whatever date far into the future I may die.

My fellow Americans, my long national nightmare is over."

Mikey NTH said...

The interview Trump shows someone who is still fast on his feet intellectually. Joe Biden is not.

For an analogy from MASH, Biden is Col. Blake, Trump is Col. Potter. Frank Burns and Radar ran Col. Blake, not so with Col. Potter.

Mason G said...

"You do realize any point you're trying to make goes right out the window when you type this shit?"

Don't know about anyone else, but I skip over that poster's comments at this point.

Drago said...

Yes. It does appear LLR AMDG is pushing his DeSantis astroturf Online Influencer schtick...which is failing miserably.

And accelerating over the cliff as fast as you can say Thelma and Louise.

I wonder if DeSantis' meeting on Wed in CT with major Romney/Bush/McCain funders went well and what modified strategy they discussed?

Drago said...

Cassandra lite, you guys appear to be well drilled in creating fake quotes.

Is it a learned lefty skill or does it come naturally?

iowan2 said...

AMDG @8:20am

If he had returned the documents...

If he had simply acknowledged defeat...

If he had just invested ....

You ignore history, and you sound stupid

You believe Trump deserved to be attacked by the Intelligence community, the FBI, the DoJ, the State Department, and others that haven't been discovered yet? The full weight of the Federal Govt attempted a coup to get rid of Trump. All of that is lies. proven lies, and not a soul suffered any repercussions.

Now, you say the President, that has plenary power to declassify anything he chooses by any method, or no method at all, has broken some law?
When the Democrat leader of the Senate tells you, not challenge the CIA because they have 7 ways to Sunday to take you down....thats true. That's whats going on now.

The infuriating part, is people like you fall for the same lies, time after time after time.
Or do you know the truth, and you are just joining in spreading the lies?

iowan2 said...

Every pardon had to be submitted to a lawyer to be written out, and then be reviewed by a group of lawyers who decided if the pardon was legal and constitional. And guess what? The Lawyers in the pardon office, on orders from Barr and the acting AG, were 'slowrolling Trump's pardons" and holding up those they didn't like.

None of that is true.

Pardon power is plenary and absolute. NO ONE has the constitutional power to challenge the President.

Jim at said...

I think the tRump Swabs are beyond reason at this point.

Fine. I'll treat your posts with the attention they deserve and simply scroll on by.
Welcome to the world of Chuck. You've earned it.

Narayanan said...

thanks Mountainman.

so then any President can pardon / amnesty Immigration law violatros too??

such simple solution to make problem go away! so why challenge DACA?

Drago said...

iowan2 (to LLR AMDG): "The infuriating part, is people like you fall for the same lies, time after time after time.
Or do you know the truth, and you are just joining in spreading the lies?"

Across the board we witnessed the early DeSantis Online Influencers migrating from their 2022 "We can have all the Trump policies but with more competence and without the Trump drama" campaign pitch angle to now, in 2023, a desperate and open embrace of multiple clear New Soviet Democratical lies as a way of trying to get Ron back on track and resurrect his faltering campaign by claiming Trump caused all the problems, forcing the dems to be...dems.

LLR AMDG demonstrates this in this very thread.

This is simply another example of the astonishing continued tone deafness, incompetence and corrupted practices of the DC GOPe consultant class that is pushing these failed tactics and are behind the DeSantis effort which are then parroted online by their minions.

They are operating off a 2004 model for electoral politics and their feet are hopelessly stuck in that framework which is cemented about their feet and ankles as the steamroller of political reality is rolling over them...similar to Kevin Kline in a Fish Called Wanda.

It didnt have to be this way of course.

But as with the GOPe/Bushite/Rovian/democratical/LLR-democraticals alliance in trying to remove Ken Paxton from his AG position in Texas via corrupt lawfare means to clear the way forward for loser GOPe-er George P Bush, well, these guys just cant help themselves.

LLR AMDG is just an embarrassing NPC foot soldier in this overall effort.
He can't begin to explain why it is that with ALL the big early JEB! money and billionaire backing and media assistance DeSantis can't even consolidate the non-Trump vote.

You would think the incredibly well funded globalist team behind DeSantis would see that as an issue to be addressed and come up with something interesting to say....but nope.

Its just the same plan they've had since 2021: wait for the GOPe and dems to take Trump out via lawfare then blackmail Trump supporters by claiming a vote for DeSantis is the only way to get Trump pardoned.

So its just the same impact-less and failed insults and dem talking points that have been proven utterly ineffective that LLR AMDG relaunches every single day.

Go back and read the AMDG posts from 6 to 9 months ago. Identical to today in every way.

Just like Edward Norton in the 2003 film The Italian Job: No imagination...and for DeSantis, no where to go but down.

Drago said...

iowan2: "None of that is true.

Pardon power is plenary and absolute. NO ONE has the constitutional power to challenge the President."

Unfortunately, as with the unlimited power to declassify documents, we find ourselves in the Kafkaesque world where there is a hithertoo unkonwn and recently "discovered" unwritten "but Trump" exclusion clause in the Constitution hidden within some emanation of a penumbra somewhere.

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