ADDED: The NYT story is just a squib with the notation "This is a developing story. Please check back for updates." I can't understand why they wouldn't have a long and complete obituary ready to publish at the push of a button.
AND: From the WaPo obituary:
Mrs. Feinstein won her Senate seat in what became known as the Year of the Woman, an election that sent 24 new women to the House of Representatives and brought the total number of female senators to six.
The precipitating event was the 1991 confirmation hearings of Supreme Court nominee Clarence Thomas, who became the second Black justice on the high court. The proceedings pitted Anita Hill, a former colleague of Thomas’s who also was Black, against an all-male, all-White Senate Judiciary Committee that, in the view of many women, did not engage respectfully with Hill’s allegations that Thomas had sexually harassed her.
“Every woman that watched that changed,” Mrs. Feinstein told the New York Times in 2018. “I think change happened at that moment.”
I can't understand why they wouldn't have a long and complete obituary ready to publish at the push of a button.
Because no one ion the left was allowed to consider she wasn’t a healthy, vibrant, vigorous member of the US Senate.
Frankly what we’ve seen around her of late was elder abuse.
Joe Biden’s Presidential Campaign hardest hit.
That ain't your Daddys New York Times.
Whoa. The gerontocracy story just turned a page. RIP
"Only the future is certain ... the past is always changing."
It would be dangerous to just print an obit. What if the Democrats need people to believe something about her that was not in the obit?
Will the Chinese claim the body?
Rest in peace.
Stay in power til you die. Just want our founders were hoping for.
That's sad (Sheds tear). Now I feel like spicy Korean for lunch.
I hope that Newsom doesn't say "F'n golden!" over a tapped phone line, because that could land him in prison for 14 years. You know, with none of the rest of the transcript allowed as evidence in the trial. Remember that these bullshit show trials throwing politicians in jail while withholding and purportedly "damning" evidence from both the jury and the public started under Obama.
Oh, that's right, that can't happen to an insider and friend of Pelosi, daughter of mob lawyer, and BTW, mobbed up congressman. That only happens to enemies of the Obama machine.
I can't understand why they wouldn't have a long and complete obituary ready to publish at the push of a button.
They must right? So the only thing we can infer is that they don't like it for some reason. Maybe waiting for the talking points.
Obituary? I'd have written a respectful one a few years back if she'd retired as soon as her cognitive issues became obvious. But she stayed too too long and over the advice of many. This helped no one, so the respectful thing may be to say nothing.
Feinstein kept the Dem Senate majority intact "Just vote, don't ask questions." With Menendez currently on the ropes, with Fetterman always a serious medical risk, with Sinema likely running again and splitting the AZ vote, and with Manchin at risk of defection, the Democrats may finally rethink their geriatric defense strategy.
Who will be next among Biden, Schumer, Pelosi, McConnell, Trump, Bernie Sanders and the rest of the age 70+ crowd? Bets?
De mortuis nil nisi bonum.
That said, I expect the Democrats will poormouth whatever encomiums the Republicans offer.
With power so important in Washington that they abuse the elderly by keeping them in office until well after they able to function, I'm surprised they didn't hold Diane's hand up to vote on shutdown like Weekend at Bernie's. Am I going to Hell for telling the truth?
They should be writing Joe Biden's too. He'll be dead soon.
Good. Hopefully she gets an attitude with Michael the Archangel and his scary fiery sword thing that goes up, and gets kicked into hades to be used as a plaything by beezlebubs imps.
If you want US news, you have to get it from FOREIGN sources that have not be compromised.
Here's the obituary.
Feinstein's greatest achievement was helping Jim Jones kill about 900 people.
Sorry, plural of encomium is encomia.
That’ll learn me to use them fifty-cent words.
Like happens with bad news about the economy, it must have been "unexpected"!
She voted yesterday morning. Then went home to die, I guess. Our political class is awfully ghoulish in their priorities.
Why didn't her daughter, who had the Senator's power of attorney, put a stop to this cruelty?
Developing story? Really?
"I can't understand why they wouldn't have a long and complete obituary ready to publish at the push of a button."
They were probably hoping to lead with her replacement.
This is terrible news, but karmically appropriate, for the lying, sleazy Adam Schiff (who may be the only pol in CA sleazier than Newsom). The probability that Newsom would choose a white man as her replacement over his POC competitors is vanishingly small.
Her shining and defining moment will always be stepping in after SF Mayer George Moscone and Harvey Milk were killed, right after the Peoples Temple cult massacre in Guyana. Her ultimate political sin will be papering it all over by inventing and embracing lies about homophobia, like everyone else did who had connections to the cult, resulting in this rainbowed farce of a country that we have today.
By the way, it took 900 cultist dying in a jungle, and over three years, before everyone heard the confessions that the Democrats had stolen Harvey Milk's election, something no one mentions today, as they honor him by claiming he "won" and deny they do such things.
Who is going to be the replacement for the person who is actually casting her votes in the Senate?
"...Declining health for months"? How about years.
I can't understand why they wouldn't have a long and complete obituary ready to publish at the push of a button
I'm pretty sure that the NYT has obituaries written in advance for important figures of a certain age.
The NYT story is just a squib with the notation "This is a developing story."
NYT wants to be sure she doesn't still identify as alive.
I'd say good riddance, but Newsom's replacement choice will undoubtedly be worse.
Gilbar - I heard she is running. On team D, Zombie apocalypse, Weekend at Bernies and Idiocracy --are real.
Not necessarily Gilbar.
does this mean, she WON'T be running for reelection?
Probably not, but she'll still be voting, of course.
Can she still vote in the Senate?
"I can't understand why they wouldn't have a long and complete obituary ready to publish at the push of a button."
Because there may have been a late breaking event where the NYT could club conservatives under the holy veil of DF.
What on earth will her poor husband do now that he cannotvprofit off of defense contract quid pro quos while simultaneously secretly funnel slush funds to Code Pink for her campaign funds?
What will now happen to all the poor now-unemployed college Media Matters inters who eill no longer be paid by the DNC/ActBlue thugs to whitewash her Wikipedia page?
Good riddance.
Feet first – the Democrat way. F__king us over right to the end.
She can now rest easy and no longer be troubled by her unfaithfulness to the oath of office to obey the Constitution.
"I can't understand why they wouldn't have a long and complete obituary ready to publish at the push of a button."
It's because they have to wait to see if the Democrats are planning to continue to push her out there and use her 'presence' for votes as they have for the past few years.
A progressive health condition and common human condition. RIP
Give the job to Kamala Harris.
"“Every woman that watched that changed,” Mrs. Feinstein told the New York Times in 2018."
It changed me, too.
"Holy shit, they're railroading this guy on national television!"
I consider myself to at an awkward age — too old to work, too young to be a politician.
I'm so old I can remember when the death of a Senator was a back page story. Now it's almost non-stop on TV news.
Let's see what happens next. Say, Newsom appoints Kamala to the seat, solving their VP problem. Then Biden makes Gavin the VP. Then the Ds find a way to get rid of Joe so Gavin can run for POTUS as a < 2 year incumbent, allowing him to serve 2 full terms.
I know that all sounds crazy but when you see what they are doing to Trump in the courts I'm not so sure it isn't an entirely plausible scenario.
I'm sorry she died. Instead of a moment for the deceased we have all the comments above- I agree with all of them. Metaphorically carrying our leaders out toes up is a stupid way to govern...
Yah, Ann stop with the NYT as journalism. The kids they used to train with the obits are too busy working with Congress, surfing the internet looking for conservatives to ban...
Who's running for Senate from CA?
The precipitating event was the 1991 confirmation hearings of Supreme Court nominee Clarence Thomas, who became the second Black justice on the high court. The proceedings pitted Anita Hill, a former colleague of Thomas’s who also was Black, against an all-male, all-White Senate Judiciary Committee that, in the view of many women, did not engage respectfully with Hill’s allegations that Thomas had sexually harassed her.
They were bullshit allegations, that's why they didn't engage the way they wanted them to. You had a good run with the bullshit allegations there with MeToo, and you keep plugging, but I think the tolerance for this shit is on the wane again...
Temujin said....
9/29/23, 9:04 AM
The BEE is onnit!
Mrs. Feinstein won her Senate seat in what became known as the Year of the Woman, an election that sent 24 new women to the House of Representatives and brought the total number of female senators to six.
1992: Unprecedented number of liberal women elected.
Media Label: "Year of the Woman"
1994: Unprecedented number of conservative men elected.
Media Label: "Year of the Angry White Male"
Gavin Newsome says he's going to appoint a black woman to the vacant seat, but not one of the current candidates. Just goes to show his racism.
"She voted yesterday morning. Then went home to die, I guess. Our political class is awfully ghoulish in their priorities."
She died doing what she loved.
Silly redditors and other peoples:
You don't give up a Judiciary seat any sooner than necessary.
Power is not a prophylactic against death, although many powerful people think so. In his later years, Stalin would talk about how the peasants in his home country routinely lived to one hundred years...The deaths of Feinstein and RBG should cast a shadow over the Biden candidacy. Old people die....Contra Trump, it's perhaps useful to remember that Wendell Wilkie, so full of life and energy, had a massive coronary and died before FDR. Old people die.
@The Crack Emcee: "Her ultimate political sin..."
The 1994 "Assault Weapons" ban comes close. She and her allies didn't understand how guns work and came up with a purely cosmetic ban. This set in motion a series of dominoes. In due course it led to strong opposition, favorable pro-gun court rulings, and wasting tons of energy on a counterproductive/ineffective distraction. As of today, the AR-15 and AK-47 style guns sell in the millions, and are likely more popular because of Feinstein's efforts. They continue to be sold with minor cosmetic changes in California, New York, and other anti-gun states.
The 1994 law followed an absolutely stupid 1989 California gun ban that literally went through a gun picture book and selected all the "scary" ones for elimination, regardless of function. They banned a single-shot shotgun, and also guns sold with anti-rust "fingerprint resistant" coatings -- saying they were intended to avoid law enforcement (They were not, and could not do that). At the same time, the 1989 and 1994 laws allowed wood stocked semi-automatic guns (e.g., Mini-14) with identical lethality to AR-15s to be sold.
Only now, almost 30 years later, have the Democrats started talking about the function of general semi-automatics rather than the childish cartoon nonsense category of "assault weapons." Feinstein was a key player in causing wasteful trench warfare and a dysfunctional cultural divide.
Wait. Don't the dead deserve representation too?
She wasn't a bad senator, overall, though in recent years her age was definitely showing. Even so, I think we'll look back at her final years fondly since her replacement will certainly be worse.
My hope is that Ro Khanna gets the seat after her, although it seems unlikely. He's a progressive, so I doubt I would agree with him on much.
But he was also one of the few politicians on either side to come off well after the disclosure of Twitter's internal files. In the Ukraine (at least before the 2022 invasion), he was also a strong voice arguing for cutting Nazi groups in the Ukrainian army off from US money and material. And overall, he just doesn't seem like someone filled with hatred and resentment, like Katie Porter, or an untrustworthy liar, like Adam Schiff. But I suspect he doesn't have much of a chance.
From year of the woman to initiating the Blaisey Ford stunt. Circle of a Dem life.
Fascinating take, @Mountan Man. Kamala back to Senator...
De mortuis nil nisi bonum.
She's dead? Good.
Is that what you meant?
I wonder if anyone wil bring up the Moscone/Feinstein/Willie Brown/Harvey Milk/Jim Jones kool-aid connections?
Actually it was flavor-aid, but at this point, what difference does it make?
It was Biden who led the attack on Anita Hill.
The GOP has to approve the appointment of a replacement to the Judiciary Committee and may refuse to do so, which would throttle the Biden administration's ability to appoint more judges or DOJ officials.
Remember the last 'vote' of Sen. Robert Byrd? They wheeled his wheelchair in, his head moving around like a bobblehead doll, and made sure he cast that last vote the approved way.
A lot of people in DC have zero decency, and care about nothing but power.
I agree with Spiros. It would be a step up for Kamila Harris and would give Joe Biden a mechanism to step aside once he has chosen a new VP, such as Gavin Newsome.
Newsome is already practicing debating with DeSantis. I am thinking he knew this was in the works.
Newsome would be the new national face of the Dems, and may actually spur some of the other geriatics to retire. That would be good.
Since this event has been anticipated for months if not years now, I expect the well prepared Governor of California will only take until January, maybe February, to get a replacement Senator announced. Either that or by 5pm today, so he can still run for president if/when dementia Joe takes a bad fall and busts a hip.
So Feinstein came in on the year of the woman and left when nobody would define what a woman is.
She voted yesterday in the Senate on the "Securing Growth and Robust Leadership in American Aviation Act."
“ I can't understand why they wouldn't have a long and complete obituary ready to publish at the push of a button.”
Why would they? She didn’t have any dirt on Hilary Clinton.
Who will be next among Biden, Schumer, Pelosi, McConnell, Trump, Bernie Sanders and the rest of the age 70+ crowd? Bets?
@Engma, you need to take Tp out of the list. The goal of the Democrats and their media allies seems to be to incite some crazy person to assassinate him so that skews the betting odds.
I really liked DiFi. She was reasonable. She had great constituent communications. She was used for the Blaisey Ford stunt- she didn't understand what her staff had done.
The obvious play, as others have noted, is Newsom appoints Harris, the democrats oust Joe, and then Newsom runs for President. I will be amazed if this is not how it plays out.
Time for Adam Schiff to put on some blackface and tell us about his hard-scrabble life as a black child born in Massachusetts. Alternatively, he could offer to give Newsom a blow-job.
I'm sure she was a very nice woman.
She was a stand-up person when it counted the most back in the day.
It's shameful the way Nancy et al dragged her out of her home to prop up their count 3000 miles away.
From a CBS article,
“Feinstein's staff is widely recognized as capable, and has long borne the burden of the office while the senator struggled with health issues.”
She was a terrible senator driven by greed and corruption. No different than the rest of them minus maybe a few.
Can you even imagine how out of it she was the last 5-10 years of her life?
She had no idea what was going on, but someone held her hand and told her how to vote.
And the political machine in CA could have gotten her re-elected if it chose to do so.
Hell, they could probably get her re-elected even now.
No deep state?
'Wait. Don't the dead deserve representation too?'
Well, in many states they vote, so I guess so...
So ? The real question is, how is she going to vote in the next election.
I admired her firm stance on gun control - NOT. Essentially, it was guns for her, and none for the rest of you deviant animals. She had a concealed carry license in California and carried a revolver in her purse back when it took nearly an act of God to get one, and only dropped it once she had armed security around her for the rest of her life. She famously knew nothing about firearms, from how to safely hold one in a public setting, to what parts of a semiauto rifle did, when she wanted to ban them, but banning guns was her go-to idea for solving all problems with criminal violence. She had not just an F rating from the NRA, but an F- rating from GOA.
In which circle of Hell did Dante send hypocrital lying politicians to suffer? Make room, there.
A couple have suggested that this is an opportunity to send Kamala back to the senate. Or at least down from the dais (as president) to the floor (as plain old senator or POS)
And there is nothing to stop that, IF she can be cajoled into going along and resigning as VP. And Newsome is willing to appoint her and the CA legislature goes along (Not certain whether they have to approve the appointment)
But now there is a big problem, the Vice Presidency is vacant. Biden would need to nominate a replacement and both House and Senate would need to approve. Senate is 50-50 split. Would a majority approve a new Biden VP? House is Majority Repo. I doubt they would.
"Well, you know, we are in the election process and we can get by without a VP for 13 months. Don't want to screw up the elections." That would be the public reason for not confirming a VP.
Another reason would be speculation on whether Biden will finish his term. He could be impeached , could stroke or could die. If that happens Speaker McCarthy would move into the oval and would be the "logical" candidate for re-election putting a finger in President Emeritus Trump's eye.
I think trying to replace the VP at this stage would be really dangerous and probably impossible for the demmies to pull off.
John Henry
When did DiFi really die?
I suspect that she died a few days or even weeks ago. They've been keeping her corpse around until her death can actually be beneficial. Yeah, she "voted" yesterday. Did anyone check her pulse? Or did an wheel her in and then "help" her cast her vote?
As bad news has come out about Brandon in past months, they would just add another indictment onto our President Emeritus. That may be problematic as people are catching on and each indictment seems worth another 5 points in the polls.
So save DiFi for a day when Brandon has been really hammered like yesterday in the Biden Crime Family hearings. Now the presstitutes can talk about her all weekend and nobody will notice that they aren't talking about Brandon.
And should we change her name? Instead of DiFi, shouldn't we be referring to her now as FiDied?
John Henry
Stroke of luck for Biden. He offloads Kamala to the Calif Senate seat and brings in. Newsome as his VP. Silky smooth and down goes Trump that much easier.
Enigma said...
@The Crack Emcee: "Her ultimate political sin..."
"The 1994 "Assault Weapons" ban comes close."
Come on, has that been what's really upsetting the nation, or the rainbow army coming after your kids - and your guns?
And of course nothing but praise for one of their team members.
90 is a long life, and having a parent at that age is no small task for a child. I wouldn't blame her kid for a feeling of relief. I hope she can quickly find a new normal.
Rusty said...
"I'm sure she was a very nice woman."
She was. San Francisco has long considered her waaay too decent. The City even found her modesty troubling, and a reason to question her allegiance. But there was no questioning the stabilizing effect of her personality, whenever trouble seriously hit the fan. She was always a comforting figure, as opposed to Nancy Pelosi's activist "Mama Bear" routine. Nancy Pelosi herded cats. Dianne Feinstein convinced them to come over to her side.
Except when the "Green New Deal" kids came over for a visit, making demands - she was like fuck-you,...
First voted for her soon after moved to the state 1992. But eventually decided she was too old to be a Senator in 2019. More California voters thought otherwise. Feel the same about Biden as president in 2025.
I can't imagine wanting to die of old age in office. I feel bad that there's nothing else she wanted to do in her life besides power and politics.
Lets honor Feinstein based solely on her voting record.
Which sucks, vagina or not.
“Newsom will have a senator appointed by Monday morning.”
Timing may be bad for the Dems. If they decide to push FJB out, they probably need to push out Harris too. That Senate seat was maybe the one thing that they could offer her. And they aren’t ready for that quite yet. Even a month from now would be better for them. Newsom could conceivably sit on filling the seat for a bit, but the Dems in DC probably can’t afford that, esp with the budget continuing resolution being in the pipeline right now. They need every vote they can.
“Feinstein's staff is widely recognized as capable, and has long borne the burden of the office while the senator struggled with health issues.”
Shouldn't the person whose name is on the ballot be the one to be bearing the burden of office? Or are we past the point of publicly elected officials now?
Asking for a friend...
Got her chips cashed in
Mrs. Feinstein won her Senate seat in what became known as the Year of the Woman, an election that sent 24 new women to the House of Representatives and brought the total number of female senators to six.
Yeah. Year of the Woman. Elected the same year as Patty Dimbulb.
Thanks. Thanks a lot.
" Clyde said...
Will the Chinese claim the body?"
Thread winner!
"Stroke of luck for Biden."
Never say stroke round the elderly.
I was changed by the Clarence Thomas hearings. I began to vote Republican.
I can't understand why they wouldn't have a long and complete obituary ready to publish at the push of a button
I bet they did have one prepared. In fact I bet they had a few prepared they just weren't sure which one to run. Diane Feinstein wasn't the most popular Democratic Senator with the Left over the past several years. There were lots of leaks and even public statements calling on her to resign because of her health and competency. Even before that, back when she was planning on running in 2018, there were Democrats urging her not to run. And I don't think all the concerns were about her health or mental competence. I think lots on the left felt she wasn't fighting enough, and was too cozy with Republicans. That video of her hugging Lindsey Graham at the end of the hearings on the nomination of Amy Comey Barret to the Supreme Court ruffled a lot of feathers. Given what I just recently heard on NPR which was overwhelmingly positive, I can't imagine there would have ever been any harshly negative obituaries, but there may have been some obituaries that had a few negative graphs.
John henry said...
When did DiFi really die?
I suspect that she died a few days or even weeks ago. They've been keeping her corpse around until her death can actually be beneficial. Yeah, she "voted" yesterday.
better watch out John! Or the Professor will disappear your post like she did mine
She’s fine, as Althouse would say about our old, weak leaders. Whoever was directing her votes will probably just supervise the replacement puppet when installed by Newsom. Similar to how Biden is currently handled.
RIP Dianne
The Clarence Thomas high tech lynching made me switch parties and confirmed my shift to conservativism.
I think I made the same prediction here.
Gavin has promised to appoint a Black woman who is not currently running. Racist.
How in the world was it that she employed a Chinese spy as her driver? How did that happen? How many secrets stolen?
Another fucking failure of the FBI and CIA!
Clyburn would never agree to removing Harris. This is a committee run administration, remember. A lot of cats to herd. And while Newsom is young and able to joust, his state is emitting that giant sucking sound that Ross Perot talked about once upon a time. We’re truly in the crazy years.
... her daughter, who had the Senator's power of attorney,
is daughter then proxy to vote in Senate?
The Propaganda media is pathetic. They think we are blind and dumb, like the Progressives who believe the lies they get spoon fed...
"Ms. Feinstein wasn’t a stalwart of centrism in the Senate. She was an unabashed liberal whose professionalism and grace became qualities that irritated the more left-wing elements in the Democratic Party."
Townhill said "She was an unabashed liberal whose professionalism and grace became qualities that irritated the more left-wing elements in the Democratic Party."
While I said "San Francisco has long considered her waaay too decent. The City even found her modesty troubling, and a reason to question her allegiance. But there was no questioning the stabilizing effect of her personality,..."
What's the diff?
.Contra Trump, it's perhaps useful to remember that Wendell Wilkie, so full of life and energy
we could've had WW-I and WW-II had he lived!
The bloody 'day of infamy' that forged Sen. Dianne Feinstein's political career
Mikee: the ninth circle of Hell is generally understood to be for statesmen, whom we would call politicians, who betray their country.
Feinstein's most disgraceful moment was her involvement in the cover-up of the circumstances of the murder of some 900 innocent, confused souls held captive in Jim Jones' Jonestown, AKA the People's Temple Agricultural Settlement.
They were told they were oppressed by America and would find freedom from racism and capitalism in a camp run by Stalinist Jim Jones in Guyana. Politicians from Feinstein to the "blessed" Harvey Milk to Roslyn Carter ran cover for Jones while he milked the U.S. Government of his captive "followers'" social security, foster care, and welfare payments. Harvey Milk did by far the most to collude with Jones, even lying about children who were snatched and transported there to gain access to their foster care support checks, but the entire Board of Supervisors, including Feinstein, ignored the pleas for help from agonized relatives of the victims. And as Feinstein's political star rose on Milk's death, which quickly became a gay martyrdom though it has nothing to do with Milk being gay, she played his legacy up to enhance her prestige and pander to his constituents.
Feinstein did try to save the lives of countless gay men by campaigning hard for the unpopular efforts to close San Francisco's bathhouses during the AIDS crisis, but she helped condemn 900 Jonestown captives -- mostly elderly and black, 1/3 young children -- to certain death at the hands of Democratic Party hero Jim Jones. Only Congressmen Dan Quayle and Leo Ryan tried to save the captives of Jonestown -- though Quayle missed the fact-finding mission where Ryan was murdered by Jones' terrorists.
Though she was the obvious insider to expose them, Feinstein kept mum (likely to protect pal Jerry Brown) when conveniently surviving members of Jim Jones' inner circle took over a public California University's academic department to rehabilitate his image: thus we pay for the Jonestown Institute of the Department of Religious Studies at U Cal San Diego. She kept mum about Walter Mondale, Jerry Brown, George Moscone and both Jimmah and Roslyn Carter's involvement with Jones.
If you look at what she did with her undeniable talents, you can see why Dante consigned lying politicians to the deepest depths of Hell.
And let's not forget that Jones' mass voter fraud got Willie Brown elected, and thus Kamala Harris projected.
A few additions to Tina Trent's comments:
Courtesy of the Jonestown Institute of the Department of Religious Studies at U Cal San Diego, here is the text of the letter Harvey Milk wrote to Jimmy Carter, lying about a couple who had left the cult, Timothy and Grace Stoen, so that Jim Jones could steal their child, who Jones had re-named as his own.
"The unpopular efforts to close San Francisco's bathhouses during the AIDS crisis" went further than just gay men. As soon as I saw that line, I remembered being at a house party and watching people have sex on a pool table. One very well-hung guy was servicing a long line of women, and I remember thinking that the AIDS crisis was in full swing, and nobody gave a damn. I also went to a lot of raves when people chose that moment when they and their friends were peaking on acid and ecstasy to announce they were dying of the disease.
Ironically, Jerry Brown, a.k.a. Governor Moonbeam, was one of the few politicians who looked askance at Jim Jones. He checked him out, but he kept his distance, while everyone else got sucked in. Willie Brown had been long time drinking buddies with the murdered mayor, George Moscone - they shared hookers - so he was pretty much a shoo-in, but yes, Tina's right there. The fallout from Jim Jones changed this country, and not for the better. In many ways, we are still living his lies, and afraid to do otherwise.
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