September 10, 2023

"Days after saying that an influx of over 110,000 asylum seekers was destroying New York City, Mayor Eric Adams on Saturday directed every city agency..."

"... to submit plans to reduce spending by up to 15 percent, while renewing his calls for state and federal help to manage the migrant crisis.... An estimated 10,000 migrants are arriving in New York each month, overwhelming the city’s homeless shelters, which now house more than 112,300 people. The city, which is required to provide shelter to anyone who asks for it, has opened more than 200 emergency sites to house migrants."

The mandate comes from a consent decree in the 1981 case Callahan v. Carey case. 
This is the second time the Adams administration has sought relief from the right-to-shelter mandate. Earlier this month, the mayor issued an executive order that suspended rules requiring families to be placed in private rooms with bathrooms and kitchens, not in group settings, and that set a nightly deadline for newly arriving families to be placed in shelters.

The Legal Aid Society, which filed the litigation that led to the right to shelter, and the Coalition for the Homeless issued a joint statement strongly opposing the city’s move. The groups argued that the changes would hurt homeless New Yorkers as much as asylum seekers.

“The administration’s request to suspend the long-established state constitutional right that protects our clients from the elements is not who we are as a city,” the groups said. “New Yorkers do not want to see anyone, including asylum seekers, relegated to the streets. We will vigorously oppose any motion from this administration that seeks to undo these fundamental protections that have long defined our city.”


n.n said...

Legal and illegal immigration. Civil rights are fluid.

Sebastian said...

“New Yorkers do not want to see anyone, including asylum seekers, relegated to the streets."

Even many New Yorkers want "asylum seekers"--all phony--to be removed expeditiously.

But many New Yorkers also vote for the Dem regime that brought them the disaster.

You can't save your city if you don't want to save the country. Make up your minds, Dems.

The Drill SGT said...

Now consider the impact of 10000 a WEEK in a town the size of El Paso.


RideSpaceMountain said...

"The city is required to provide shelter to anyone who asks for it?"

Goshdarn it Althouse, stop posting stuff like this. My schadenboner can only get so erect.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

The price for virtue signaling is at least being levied close to the source. If the Democrats succeed in making large majorities of the public politically active the results will be far different from the way the activist class is running things now. They forget why “Independent” and “Unaffiliated” are the largest coalition obviously but my hunch is that destroying the city is not a plan most people will agree to. Menken’s “good and hard” rule can be enforced both ways.

RideSpaceMountain said...

To anyone who hasn't watched the almost entirely black townhall bitchfests in Harlem or the Bronx over this issue on Twitter or rumble is really missing out. It's like watching toddlers throwing a temper tantrum. It is absolutely delicious to watch these useful idiots pillory their chosen savior, Eric Adams, over the thing they all voted for to "get Trump".

Temujin said...

Never saw this much written about the 'migrant crisis' over the last 15 years. It had to happen to New York to get the media to notice. get Democrats to notice. (same thing, I know).

n.n said...

Immigration reform is a "burden"... burden for civil rights. Migration to Martha's Vineyard and Greener pastures is the solution.

Bob Boyd said...

challenges never contemplated, foreseeable or indeed even remotely imagined

rehajm said...

This is a result of bad policy. Let’s not continue…

PrimoStL said...

But I thought diversity was our strength?

Kevin said...

Welfare state or open borders.

Choose one.

Dave Begley said...

You NYC Dems made your bed so now deal with it.

The rest of America is loving this.

The weird thing is that Biden won’t stop. He could close the border if he wanted to.

donald said...

A feel good story!

rcocean said...

They aren't "asylum seekers" they're illegal aliens who walked accross our open border because liberal/leftists and Democrats refuse to enforce the immigration laws. Maybe when we get 50 illegal aliens here and its causing real finanical pain, your typical libtard MAY stop supporting open borders. That is, if it hurts them PERSONALLY.

Gahrie said...

In other words, NYC is being forced to deal with the same problems that the border states have been dealing with for over a decade.

Ex-PFC Wintergreen said...

So-called sanctuary cities have chosen the form of their destroyer; it takes a heart of stone not to laugh.

Although I do metaphorically weep for the completely avoidable human misery visited on the semi-innocent in this situation (I’m not convinced there are any truly innocent, except the small children caught up in the incompetence and buffoonery of the Democrat party).

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

The same people that declared themselves a “sanctuary” can’t with credibility now claim they didn’t foresee the influx now overwhelming them.

If they really didn’t contemplate what could’ve happened, then the act of declaring the city a sanctuary (without a vote referendum from their tax base who would have foreseen it) was truly what I would call rank virtue signal.

What’s the Watson saying? Once you eliminate the obvious whatever’s left, no matter how uncomfortable, must be the true north of Richmond.

Original Mike said...

"An estimated 10,000 migrants are arriving in New York each month, overwhelming the city’s homeless shelters,…"

Now do Texas.

Nicholas said...

This is simply bringing home to New Yorkers that the process of Brazilianisation of the United States is now pretty much unstoppable, barring the election in 2024 of a President and Congress that have the fortitude not merely to stop the tsunami, but to turn it back and reverse the flow.

No amount of sonorous intoning of "this is not who we are" is going to alter the logistical and financial impossibility of providing conventional housing for hundreds of thousands of people. The result is inevitably going to be the springing up of favelas. I'm hoping Central Park West, where I understand the NYT-lobotomised, triple-masked, serial vaccinated live, will be the first location. The societal cost of Brazilianisation is going to be very, very high. As usual with the consequences of "progressive" policies, it will be the hardworking poor and middle class who will bear the brunt of it.

Blastfax Kudos said...

"Has presented the city with challenges never contemplated, foreseeable or indeed even remotely imagined."

I hate this place. I hate the people. I hate the people that report on this place. Instead of a Gulag Archipelago it's a Highrise Archipelago. It is filled with the most overpaid egotistical daft people you will ever meet, worse still they come from all over the world to be daft here. The entire city is one giant ponzi scheme living off a neverending stream of greater idiots drawn by a fantastically crafted public relations campaign. And then, when the new crop of greater idiots gets here, the old crop of lesser idiots complain, as if the screeching over this latest crop was anything new.

New York city can't die. You can't kill something that's already dead but whose corpse is patched together with bailing wire and trotted out daily on the world stage like the protagonist from A Weekend At Bernie's. Prisons don't die either. They can't die because they serve a function as a containment zone for some really defective people, and God help me I'm stuck in here with them.

Gusty Winds said...

The hypocritical bitches on The View want the migrants to be moved out of New York City and spread out in, of course, flyover country. Sanctuary City is just another empty liberal virtue signal.

If they send them to Wisconsin, watch hypocritical, liberal Madison fight to not take anyone.

WTF did these stupid people think would happen?

hawkeyedjb said...

Biden will bankrupt New York with his open border policy, and his vote total in Manhattan will slide from 87% to 85%.

Ice Nine said...

Finally, the pain is where it belongs. Well, not quite, I guess; that would be Wilmington and Rehoboth Beach. But we are making good progress.

Make. It. Hurt.

Ice Nine said...
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Michael K said...

"No human is illegal and all are welcome here." Famous last words.

Ice Nine said...
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mezzrow said...

The application of this policy protects New Yorkers from the scenes of tents, needles, and human waste seen in San Francisco and Seattle. The result is their current predicament.

Either way, as long as the comfortable are being afflicted while the afflicted are made comfortable, the goal is being met for those in the jobs that administer these situations. More afflictions mean more jobs, and the "problem/opportunity" snowballs. It's a good jobs program for the credentialed folks with an interest in dealing with these people, most of whom are activists and party loyalists.

To. A. Point. That point may have been reached. To not see this as the terminus is to not look past the opportunities.

The truth of "there are no solutions, only tradeoffs" beams large for those with eyes. Thanks to Dr. Sowell for the correct words.

Quaestor said...

This was never a problem when it was just hillbillies being inconvenienced, right LLR Chuck?

Josephbleau said...

Is the US at a point where it is now a constitutional right to be given a first world standard of living at no cost to the individual?

Gusty Winds said...

with challenges never contemplated, foreseeable or indeed even remotely imagined

Right there. The perfect illustration of the arrogant stupidity of liberals, leftists, and Democrats.

Really? All you credentialed "highly educated" assholes couldn't even 'contemplate' the consequences? Couldn't even imagine?

Got to give the NYT credit here. That is quite the admission of incompetence, and an attempt to claim "no one could see it coming"

Hey Ana Navarro and David Brooks and all you arrogant liberal PhDs. The ditchdiggers in flyover country could see it clearly. And you called them all racists.

I feel bad for the migrants being exploited by liberals. But to the residents of NYC who voted for all this shit...I fart in your general direction.

Ice Nine said...

And while we're at it, stop calling them "migrants" as if they were just wandering souls, when the specific term for what they are - "immigrants" - exists. Feel free to add "illegal" to that...

(There is an obvious propaganda reason for the MSM/Dems doing this obfuscation, of course.)

Two-eyed Jack said...

For context, Escape From New York came out in 1981 as well.

Yancey Ward said...

Good and hard. Good and hard.

JaimeRoberto said...

Sanctimony cities have consequences.

BUMBLE BEE said...

What did dem voters think Fundamental Transformation was gonna be?
Here's what it REALLY means.

Their kids will be blown up with everybody else.

Hassayamper said...

So why do leftists think that small, poor towns like Yuma, Arizona, and Eagle Pass, Texas, should be forced to take on a task at which our largest and wealthiest metropolis is failing? I hear the Biden administration even intends to make it mandatory for so-called refugees to remain in the border states, using ankle bracelet monitors to enforce it, while welding open the border gates so anyone can walk in unhindered.

What is their game here? If they think the Great Replacement is such an evil racist conspiracy theory, they ought to stop taking steps that seem tailor-made to bring it about.

Aggie said...

"The city is required to provide shelter to anyone who asks for it? "

Yes, my dear, my goodness don't you know it's a Human Right? Here's another shocker - Medical Care is a Human Right as well. The sanctity of Human Rights is always under attack in Red States, but it still shocks Progressives when the Blue state bills land on the table.

Night Owl said...

Democrats continue to push failed border policies, (and other public policies), in spite of the immeasurable but clearly visible harm they cause. Yet they continue to convince themselves that they are good people, on the right side of history, and believe that those who oppose them are nothing but deplorable "haters". Pride is a powerful sin.

Maybe dems need to swallow their pride and listen to the opposition's arguments once in a while. An organized border policy is a humane one. There is nothing good about the human suffering and exploitation that is caused by the Democrat's chaotic open border policies.

Dude1394 said...

Boo hoo hoo. NYC dealing with 100K illegal immigrants in a year. Texas is seeing that in one month. So what does the installed cabbage head propose, putting a border around texas. You just cannot make this up. Open border democrats are blatantly allowing an invasion so they can import more voters. That is ALWAYS their goal.

J Scott said...

And now some creative DA can charge Adams and any lawyers or advisors with trying to illegally thwart the law with a rico charge .

Roger Sweeny said...

New York City, like so many jurisdictions in the United States, makes it difficult and expensive to build places for people to live. But everyone there also has a right not to be "relegated to the streets". "Who we are as a city" seems to be people who expect the impossible.

chickelit said...

This must be intentional on the part of the present Feral Government (Cloward-Piven in action). Sucks that the Feds made the mayor bear the brunt.

Moondawggie said...

NYC enjoyed signaling its virtue for years and years.

Now it gets to pay for it.

Karma is a bi***.

Owen said...

Blue on blue. Sorry not sorry.

Paul said...

F*ck Obama/Biden... F*ck Adams... F*ck Democrats in general.

Reap what you sow.

110,000 illegals?? Hell Abbott will send you 10x more VERY VERY SOON!!!

Get ready for 1,100,000.

RideSpaceMountain said...

Where is AOC?
Where is AOC?
Where is AOC?
Where is AOC?

What, do they not have chainlink fences in NYC? Can't wear white after labor day? "Tax the rich" Met Party gown at the cleaners? She needed to return some video tapes? WHERE IS AOC?

donald said...

I cannot laugh enough at this. Do any of them even bother to address just how fucking hypocritical and well, stupid they are. Eat shit New York.

Xmas said...

The "right to shelter" thing sounds like one of those lawsuits brought by an "outside" group that the city or state didn't really fight too hard against because they wanted a legal decision to "force" them to do something that voters would never want them to do.

Mason G said...

"while renewing his calls for state and federal help"

Federal help? Why should people who don't live in New York and don't have a say in New York elections be expected to pay for the promises New York politicians make?

wildswan said...

One part of the problem that doesn't get mentioned is that the majority of the new arrivals are not being sent by DeSantis or Abbott but are arriving on their own. About 55,000 have been bused but about 150,000 have arrived. They are drawn by NYC's homeless policies. Another part of the problem, which I see as insoluble till the border is closed, is that these arrivals will be on the city rolls till they can work. But as soon as they can work they will begin to compete with the poorest citizens for their jobs. They will be housed and fed by the government so they will undercut wages.
Although the Dems are utterly indifferent to the plight of the black community in relation to crime, schools and, now, employment, they still expect to get its vote. They have Bought their leaders with Large Mansions, Inequity promotions, Parties and Perks (BLIMPP). They are utterly contemptuous of these leaders and they do not even consider the leaderless masses enough to despise them.
But it's 14 months till the election. In that time, the figure of Trump might appear to the wretched refuse of the teeming city, calling out: "Send me your votes, you tired, you poor, you huddled masses yearning to be crime-free. I'll close border; I'll work for school choice; I'll work for cheap energy. You will be employed again as before. Trump for President is the golden door."

Earnest Prole said...

To answer your question, yes, New York City is required to shelter anyone who asks for it. I don’t have the ability to link right now but if you google “The Callahan Legacy: Callahan v. Carey and the Legal Right to Shelter” you’ll find a useful summary. Highlights:

“The landmark victory in the 1979 lawsuit Callahan v. Carey paved the way for further legal victories that ensured the right to shelter for homeless men, women, children, and families in New York City.

“In 1979 a lawyer named Robert Hayes, who co-founded Coalition for the Homeless, brought a class action lawsuit in New York State Supreme Court against the City and State called Callahan v. Carey, arguing that a constitutional right to shelter existed in New York. In particular, the lawsuit pointed to Article XVII of the New York State Constitution, which declares that ‘the aid, care and support of the needy are public concerns and shall be provided by the state and by such of its subdivisions….’”

effinayright said...

Just wait, until those prog citizens of NYC who voted for the likes of DeBlasio, AOC, Jerry Nadler and ""Chuck You" Schumer start learning how much they will have to pay in higher taxes to support all those illegals.

Just wait, as the poor citizens who pay no state, city or federal income taxes get what they didn't pay for: huge crime increases, a broken down subway and public transportation, one-a-month trash pickup, and lack of police protections.

Just wait, as businesses and high-tax paying citzens flee, leaving high-rises empty, lowering their value and the property taxes collected from them to fund city services begin to plummet..

Just wait, as NYC turns into "Detroit on the Hudson", causing tourists from the US and abroad to shun the place.

Just wait.

Meanwhile, cue up "I Love New York" and savor the irony.

Clyde said...

Contemplation, foresight and imagination are obviously in short supply in New York City.

Biff said...

Observation #1: It's hard not to enjoy liberals discovering that "positive rights," like a "right" to government-provided shelter, can have serious costs.

Observation #2: It's interesting that the population of NYC fluctuated between approximately seven and and approximately eight million for the 80 years between 1930 and 2010, but suddenly in 2020 it was approaching nine million (~8.8 million).

Observation #3: By some estimates, NYC's population has decreased by a few hundred thousand since the pandemic. There should be lots of room for "migrants" and "asylum seekers," right? I suppose the new arrivals won't be paying enough taxes to replace the revenue that used to come from those who fled. Incentives matter.

Skeptical Voter said...

Ah the old "It's not who we are" bleat of the liberal and progressive virtue signaling class.

I sorta get tired of asking "Just who do you mean by "we" Tonto?" Their "we" doesn't include me since the person saying it is usually spouting bulldust wrapped in a cloud of hypocrisy.

But Eric Adams is asking for federal money to help out, and he may get it. Meantime Senator Sienima (sp?) from Arizona is saying that the federal government's failure to spend money to help out on the border is a crime. And she's right.

RideSpaceMountain said...

"This is simply bringing home to New Yorkers that the process of Brazilianisation of the United States is now pretty much unstoppable"

Thank you. I'm glad you see this. I'm very familiar with Brazil and so are lots of other people who comment here and they see this too.

Here's the thing with "Brazilianification": Brazil couldn't stop it but we actually can stop it at any time. The primary difference is that Brazil's immigrants were actually Brazilians, albeit up until about 40-50 years ago predominantly rural, until they started flooding into the urban cores after the first progressivist administrations pre-military government. In other words, there was very little Brazil was able to do to stop it and those people are in fact constituents.

Mexicans are not citizens and they are not constituents. We do not owe Mexicans anything other than a baseline of humanitarian treatment as covered under international law. We do not owe them citizenship. We do not owe them quality of life. We do not owe them services. The perversion of international law and its willful allowance and utilization by progressive democrats is entirely responsible for this state of affairs. It can be stopped at any time. Democrats do not want it to stop. They know that if it stops their shake-and-bake plebians stop and so to do new rubes for their get out the vote efforts for the rest of time.

Democrats are all in for pro illegal immigration because they have to be. They will never negotiate in good faith on 'common sense immigration' reform because any immigration reform is an extinction event for their party. Their base cannot be sustained on gays, single white female rage, trannies, and the developing pedophile electorate because those constituents don't reproduce.

We're not Brazil. Not yet. But if we become Brazil, believe me when I tell you that no one will like it, not even the super rich. Super rich Brazilians move to Miami. Not even they want to live there.

traditionalguy said...

The NYC magic has long since left town. Wish it weren’t so, but like San Francisco it’s gone. Vegas in Nevada is where it’s gone. I guess the Mob insists on keeping law no order as a good bet.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

AOC is watching Run Silent, Run Deep.

MayBee said...

But the poem! The poem! Right there on the base of the Statue of Liberty!

gspencer said...

“longtime New Yorkers and asylum seekers will feel these potential cuts and they will hurt”

Adams continued, “And I would ask New Yorkers to remember that those who did not contribute to the status of this city, who never paid any NYC real estate tax or NYC income tax, who have no skills and who will be dependent on you for decades and who basically have no skin in the game, that these people are better and more important than you.”

RJ said...

For the cost of some chartered buses, Greg Abbott exploded the entire hypocrisy of 'sanctuary cities'. Great return on investment.

Richard Dolan said...

Push has met shove and the result is a nasty crash. It’s not just the huge expense in having to pay for the monthly influx of immigrants. The City spends wildly on all sorts of crusades — with a budget of $100+ billion annually, there’s a big pot that lots of special interests have become addicted to sucking on it. Yet the tax base in NYC has eroded— high earners and their businesses are leaving NYC, impacting the income tax receipts, and real estate values in Manhattan are down, impacting property tax receipts. Those two sources have paid the City’s bills for decades. The state has its own fiscal problems, rooted in the same realities as those hitting NYC, so it can’t bail out the City. Reality is an unforgiving teacher, as the politicos who engineered this fiasco are reluctantly learning.

Joe Smith said...

Flood every major democrat-run city with illegal alien criminals (yes, the second they crossed illegally they became criminals).

Bankrupt every city. Yes, I will end up paying more taxes to bail them out because DC will bail them out, but I'm getting fucked on taxes anyway. Might as well enjoy what I can.

This is what the idiot communist voters asked for when they pulled the lever for dummies like Adams.

How in the hell do such low-performing, low-intellect politicians get elected?

God help us all...

Joe Smith said...

"To anyone who hasn't watched the almost entirely black townhall bitchfests in Harlem or the Bronx over this issue on Twitter or rumble is really missing out."

Blacks are getting their lunches eaten by the Mexicans.

Talk about replacement theory.

I haven't seen a black person on a landscape or gardening crew in my town ever. Not one single person. And the money they make is pretty decent.

I guess it's easier to stay on welfare...

Earnest Prole said...

Sorry, I just realized I failed to “click for more” before commenting, but the details in the piece I cite are nonetheless useful.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Apparently not even Rich and Igna can spin this as republican’s fault. Bless his tiny bleeding heart da mayor is trying but everyone knows who wants a wall and who wants open borders. God bless Abbot for clarifying those two positions and a nice shout out to the illegals for going exactly where the virtue signals were broadcast from. Gooder and harder baby!

Narayanan said...

so asylum seekers don't want to be homeless on the street like any oridinary self-respectable American citizen?

Leland said...

So much wrong but well illustrative of the progressive mindset. A right to them is something the government gives you, and when it is inconvenient, then "the right" is negotiable.

This crisis wasn't a crisis until it landed on the progressive's doorstep. This is the way. Keep making them live up to their policy.

Narayanan said...

They aren't "asylum seekers"
somewhat old-fashioned : an institution providing care and protection to needy individuals (such as the infirm or destitute) and especially the mentally ill

for some meaning of asylum they indeed are!! and rationally so!!

donald said...

Real Americans to New York: Drop dead.

Rt41Rebel said...

You hate to see it.

Oligonicella said...

My only response to their situation is buwa... ha... ha.

Mike of Snoqualmie said...

The illegal aliens can take their shelter in Mexico City, Mexico. It's just a 5-hr, $400 flight way. NYC could even charter flights to MCM. Let MCM take care of the problem the apparatchiks of Mexico have created. Works for me, gets rid of the 110,000 illegal aliens tormenting poor Eric Adams.

tim maguire said...

May: "This is the second time the Adams administration has sought relief from the right-to-shelter mandate. …. The administration’s request to suspend the long-established state constitutional right t

Therein lies the danger of “positive rights”—a constitutional right the government doesn’t have to follow if it’s too hard.

Static Ping said...

"New York City Asks for Relief From Its Right-to-Shelter Mandate/City officials say that the arrival of 65,000 asylum seekers has presented the city 'with challenges never contemplated, foreseeable or indeed even remotely imagined.'"

Yeah, if you could not imagine this as the logical conclusion of open borders, which you literally begged for, you are too stupid to be in government, or, for that matter, to continue breathing.

Didn't have "right to shelter" as the suicide pact of 2023, but there you go.

Historically, when true idiots ended up in leadership positions, this became a self-correcting problem, and none of those corrections were pleasant.

Goju said...

Where is AOC?
Where is AOC?
Where is AOC?
Where is AOC?

She's looking for an appropriate parking lot to cry over.

Where are all the Dems who were talking about some writing on the base of a statue somewhere? That statue couldn't have been in NYC.

chickelit said...

The average New Yorker assumed that the asylum seekers would all stay in red border states when they voted for Biden and his open border policies. The new bodies were supposed to be granted voting rights eventually turn those red states blue. Seems to me that New Yorkers lack imagination and foresight.

chickelit said...

“Open border democrats are blatantly allowing an invasion so they can import more voters. That is ALWAYS their goal.”

That many brown and black citizens will actually vote against the suburban white females is delicious irony.

rehajm said...

Yet the tax base in NYC has eroded— high earners and their businesses are leaving NYC, impacting the income tax receipts,

Wall Street has moved to FL and TX. Remember when the NYC lefties were all wheee about how they were soaking the rich and don’t let the door hit you on the way out when Goldman threatened?

It’s gratifying at the moment but I know Washington will make me pay for it…

Jerry said...

Signaling virtue is popular.

Actually being virtuous? Not so very much. It's expensive, it's difficult, it's exceedingly subjective and open to criticism.

If you're signaling your virtue frantically then expect to be called on it at some point. And then - you can put up or shut up.

Now they're finding out how costly it really is. Think they'll shut up? Or pay up?

Dave Begley said...

If NYC has 100,000, where are the other 6,900,000?

Mikey NTH said...

They got what they asked for in multiple digits. So where's their virtue now?

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

All illegal entrants should be given to Sanctuary cities and states.

Dude1394 said...

It’s not easier to stay on welfare but anyone would hire a Mexican over a black person. If nothing else just to lose the attitude and priviledge.

The Godfather said...

Let's be practical. There are the following options for illegal immigrants (i.e., those who get into the US but haven't gone through the prescribed procedures): (1) they should be sent to federal facilities that welcome them and care for them until the (endless procedures) are completed to determine whether or not they should be admitted; (2) they should be expelled from the country by the US Govt; (3) There is no (3).

Creola Soul said...

Tough being a sanctuary city, isn’t it? You didn’t bother to tell Biden to close the border so this is what you get. NYC needs to put on their big boy pants and stop whining. You ask for this so enjoy he experiences.

tommyesq said...

For those wondering what illegal immigration was costing America, it is costing NYC 15% of all spending, so far. NYC's budget is around $107 billion, so just for this one city the immediate. so-far cost is a little more than $16 billion. For one city. Dealing with far fewer illegals than the southern border states. The cuts NYC is seeking are not to be given back to its citizens (who actually paid NYC that $16 billion) as tax cuts, nor spent to make NYC a better, more livable, safe place. It will simply result in fewer services, infrastructure, education and the like for NYC/American citizens, while NYC continues to collect that $16 billion in taxes.

tommyesq said...

The right-to-shelter mandate stems form an amendment to the NY Constitution that indicates the state must provide for the welfare of the "needy."

I would argue that the choice to be a junky living on the street does not make one "needy," particularly if there is family willing to look out for the individual. Those collecting welfare, food stamps, and other federal aid are almost by definition not "needy." Illegals should have to prove that their ability to obtain food an shelter in their home country could not be met before they qualify as "needy."

Also, I assume Adams is initiating the necessary steps to amend the state constitution, as he has indicated that the state cannot meet this obligation and that would be the one legitimate way to get rid of it. Right?

Kakistocracy said...

At long last, a politician willing to see reality and tell the truth about it.

There is a very easy solution to the problem escalating further. It’s the one most Americans want but politicians won’t enact. Stop people from illegally entering our country and stop pretending they are all asylum seekers.

Josephbleau said...

"... to submit plans to reduce spending by up to 15 percent."

If I was a Dept. Head in NYC I would then ask for a 2% increase in budget, a reduction in spending of negative 2% which is in the range of up to 15%.

Tina Trent said...

Keep sending them to sanctuary cities, also sanctuary counties, towns, and universities and colleges that endorse illegal immigration.

I live on the line between a county that elects leaders who enforce immigration law and a county that does not.

My serial child rapist illegal immigrant neighbor was released several times by the latter, but he crossed the wrong county line and got sent away for life.

Personally, I'm very happy to help subsidize his current address. Children in Mexico and America are safer for it, and all children deserve to be protected from rape.

That's my contribution to the poor and immigrants, so please stop asking me to round up my payment for "charity" when I'm paying for groceries. I "give" enough on April 15.

Tina Trent said...

Keep sending them to sanctuary cities, also sanctuary counties, towns, and universities and colleges that endorse illegal immigration.

I live on the line between a county that elects leaders who enforce immigration law and a county that does not.

My serial child rapist illegal immigrant neighbor was released several times by the latter, but he crossed the wrong county line and got sent away for life.

Personally, I'm very happy to help subsidize his current address. Children in Mexico and America are safer for it, and all children deserve to be protected from rape.

That's my contribution to the poor and immigrants, so please stop asking me to round up my payment for "charity" when I'm paying for groceries. I "give" enough on April 15.

Richard said...

As somebody said, virtue costs 'way more than virtue signaling. Either people haven't figured this out or they don't expect the former to come looking for the latter.

Richard said...


wrt your "junky living on the street"; Most homeless, junky or otherwise, are on the street because they lack social credit. They have no friends or family who will take them in. Not after last time.

Joe Smith said...

"It’s not easier to stay on welfare but anyone would hire a Mexican over a black person. If nothing else just to lose the attitude and priviledge."

You can fire a Mexican. Blacks not so much...

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