Does he have "woke" right? Not "giving a shit" about what kids read?
He also said "I support people who want to be transgender." Isn't that ideologically incorrect? Aren't you supposed to manifest a belief that people are transgender and not that people just "want to be transgender"?
Let's compare Howard Stern to Russell Brand. Both were, in the past, something some people might call sexist pigs. Whatever, it's arguable. And both have restyled themselves either to keep up with the times or because they've gotten older and matured or declined. You can speculate. But Stern is appealing to the left while Brand is appealing to the right. More or less. And Brand is the one experiencing retaliation while Stern seems to be protecting himself.
Anyway, searching the 2 names together, I came up with this old interview (perhaps from 2017). Watch it while you can, and don't miss the random reference to the Roman Empire (within the first 2 minutes):
Stern = Cool kid... fully in line with the modern left.
Sex books for children in schools without parental consent? Howard Stern and the radical post modern left are all A-OK.
Russel Brand had sex 10 years ago? Rape! kill him. Shame him... remove his free speech - with No due process.
I do like how Stern defines woke as "Sex that is OK with Howard Stern." Nothing new - really.
Howard Stern is a pig. He is trying to rehabilitate his reputation, because his YOUNG wife, who married him for his money likes to hang with the Hollywood know, the people Howard used to make fun of. Now he is one of them. He grabbed his wife by the pussy, and she liked it...because she loves the millions he has. PERIOD.
Stern comes off as rather ignorant of the things he claims to support and is completely unaware of the woke agenda when claiming he doesn’t give a shit. The Woke are the ones pushing child porn and segregation into grade schools. The comparison to Brand is made more difficult by Brand himself being curious enough to dig into the bogus claims that he unquestionably went along with until he became a father and had real responsibilities. Stern is stuck at 17 and no wiser for all the time he’s spent on earth. Sad.
Imus's guy imitating Stern always ended with the single word "penis." Shock jock.
Covid broke Howard.
Howard Stern is a godless, germaphobe douchebag. He fears death more than anything because he is godless. He was also completely paranoid for his own "safety" during COVID, and that's why people like Stern and Gene Simmons vilified the "unvaccinated".
There is a difference between "what kids read" and what is made readily available for them to read. We used to sneak the playboy magazines out from under somebody's dad or older brother's bed. The women's underwear section of the Sears catalog was Generation X's exposure to women.
But our grade school libraries didn't stock Playboy for us, or have Penthouse Forum story hour. And they certainly didn't stock books on how to give your buddy a blow job, or it's ok to let your friend play with your butthole.
Howard Stern doesn't care what kids read, because Howard Stern doesn't care about anyone but himself.
It's always women reneging on the deal.
What's the baseline number of those women, if you have sex with a thousand? Just as background noise that you'd expect.
Sorry, i find Stern repulsive. He combines vulgarity, ugliness, and stupidity that only in a unique combinatino that only a 16 years old boy could find attractive.
His popularity was built on being "edgy" and talking about so-called taboo subjects in a subversive way. Well, now his views are mainstream and copied by everyone. So, in 2023 he's just a tired old Liberal making tired boomer sex jokes.
He's the jewish media version of hugh heffner. A boring hack, past his prime. A man so ugly he's had plastic surgery and still looks like a weird scarecrow.
Repeating what I posted in the Sunrise posting....Howard Stern is a dirtbag pretending that he isn't anymore...
Woke Howard Stern wants to cancel Russell Brand. NON woke Howard said this....
"There were some really good-looking girls running out with their hands over their heads. Did those kids try to have sex with any of the good-looking girls? They didn’t even do that? At least if you’re going to kill yourself and kill all the kids, why wouldn’t you have some sex? If I was going to kill some people, I’d take them out with sex."
Since Woke Howard Stern wants to cancel Russell for things he said or did previously, is it now time to cancel WOKE Howard Stern for being a woke asshole??
"He's a post modernist" True that.
Post enlightenment.
On air once Stern was talking about "dia-rear". Robin corrected him after a bit and asked "are you saying 'diarrhea' or dia-rear"?
Stern said he thought it was called "dia-rear" his whole life. Howard Stern is moron.
But, when you choose to become a darling of the left for your own self-preservation none of it matters.
I've always hated Howard Stern. I view his popularity as a barometer of how sick and decedent we have become. Like Rome in the final days.
Doesn't care what kids read? That's pure evil.
It used to be the case that both parties agreed that kids need to be protected and not sexualized at a young age. Now the Left is pushing sexualization down to the tender years. The ultimate goal is to lower the age of consent. Epstein was just ahead of the times.
A 12-year-old kid robbed a gas station in Omaha on Monday morning. 12! Obviously not in school.
The Dems are destroying America. And they enjoy it.
Stern lost his cool factor years ago... now he is just trying a 'hey, look at me' thing to get attention. Old washed up has-been.
Stern? The very aged shock jock from decades past? The guy whose entire career has been saying annoying and outrageous things solely to get attention, plus of course, bare tits on his radio show? The guy I never heard again after he went on satellite, before now?
What next, a Rush Limbaugh denunciation?
Howard Stern is a typical self-centered New Yorker. They think the world revolves around them, and nobody else matters. At one time, for a short period of time, NYC was perhaps the Babylon, Athens, or Rome of the modern world.
But now it's just a shithole bringing down the rest of the country as it self destructs.
Howard Stern, ALC, and Nick Fuentes all attended Boston University (a school that employs Kendi)
BU needs to be shut down immediately so we can figure out what the hell is going on.
Howard Stern's appeal seemed to be greatest among adolescent boys (or men who never grew up). About 10% of his schtick was funny as with a bad pun.
Howard got rich and realized that he needed the support of the Powers that Be. He is just a scared conformist protecting his assets.
So I couldn’t stand his show- it was subversive fun for 12yo boys that infected too many aspects of american culture. I did watch his movie and I appreciated his reinvention, a Kim K before he was a Kim K. Good for him.
His leaning in to the liberal talking points feels too off brand for me. He sounds like just another jerk…
Going to satellite radio killed Stern. What made the show interesting was pushing boundaries. There are no boundaries on satellite radio.
His second wife hasn’t helped either.
The Stern of 1995 would absolutely despise what he has become.
Thanks. I couldn't for the life of me remember his name yesterday.
The sexually descriptive nature of these transgender and homosexual instruction manuals being made available in grade school libraries goes way TOO FAR. SO FAR, that if you use the same language in a school board meeting or read them aloud, they will cut you off for lack of decorum. Last week Louisiana Senator Kennedy read aloud to the IL Secretary of State from "All Boys Aren't Blue" and "Gender Queer". It was kind of funny hearing him read it because it was so sexually explicit and detailed.
The hypocrisy is that these grade schools aren't stocking books instructing grade school heterosexual boys and girls on how to pleasure each other in graphic detail. The same feminists and beta males that support giving access to the books listed above, would lose their minds if the same was provided for heterosexual activity. As well they should.
This is ridiculous. Is it 'censorship' that you have to be 17 to get into an "R" rated movie? You gonna let 10-year-olds to see 9 1/2 weeks by themselves? Who's going to take a school bus full of kids to see "Lady Chatterley's Lover"? I'd imagine anyone who did such a thing would be arrested.
The availability of this material, being pushed by liberal educators, is nothing less than predatory.
Stern has to be "woke" and a lefty. He's very vulnerable to being cancelled and the right doesn't cancel. The right will try to boycott, but they don't have the means to demonetize and deplatform. A boycott from the right won't hurt Stern because very few on the right listen to him anyway. Most find him repulsive and disgusting.
Stern was never politically correct, but times have changed. PC has evolved into "woke".
Woke is PC that doesn't ask, it demands and it will try to enforce those demands. The change was inevitable and anyone who was paying attention saw it coming a long time ago.
PC was somebody's dog humping your leg, but now the dog has rabies.
People like Stern are how child sex abuse has become pervasive in institutions (like public schools) and society. They don't care that little kids are sexualized at an early age.
I can’t stand either one of these guys but Althouse makes a good point that if a previously sexist pig goes leftie, all is good, the past is forgiven. Go rightie? Not so much. The left has truly become the neo-Puritans, complete with witch-hunts, stocks and scarlet letters. Virtue signaling has reached crescendo level. Is the denouement soon to follow? Oh, I hope so. No matter what religion is presently running things, I want nothing to do with it.
Stern of the 1980s and 1990s would spend a good chunk of his show making fun of Stern of the 2020s. That quote about heroes living long enough to become the villain is also apt with edgy radio and talk show hosts.
Stern is too stupid to realize the bad books could be anti-woke Nazi shit. Would he still be anti-censorship?
Do you leave out that Howard Stern promotes Transcendental Meditation and Russell Brand promotes "Consciousness raising" on purpose? Because those are two interests that seem to lead to this kind of personal boundary-breaking behaviors.
And no - "woke" has nothing to do with being transgender
Stern, the guy who had women perform on a Sybian sex machine. That guy?
Well it would figure he is a democrat groomer and sexist.
Not sure whether to take moral direction from those who "don't give a shit" or "have no problem with" this or the vice.
Ya know?
A paragraph Senator Kennedy read in the Senate from "All Boys Aren't Blue". Imagine if this was made available in a grade school or Jr. High promoting heterosexual sex for minors...
We'll see if this gets censored. The content of these books relative to adults making it available for kids is the crux of the matter, no?
Page 206: "I remember the condom was blue and flavored like cotton candy. I put some lube on and got him up on his knees, and I began so slide inside him from behind. I tried not to force it because I imagined that it would be painful. So I eased in slowly, until I heard him moan."
Cotton Candy...interesting. I don't think 18-year-old are into cotton candy. Little kids like Cotton Candy. This is predatory.
There is plenty more. Replace "him/his" with "her" and imagine that in a grade school or Jr. High library. You don't have to imagine. It's real.
Perhaps what I just transcribed does not make it through the comment moderation. I'll know my point is then proven. If it's not appropriate to read out loud at a school board meeting, or two quote on the Althouse blog...the point is well illustrated.
Non-sterilizing shots with present and forward-looking collateral damage.
Woke and morally broke.
Pride and progress.
Howard Stern, Bill Maher, Woody Allen, Harvey Weinstein, and even Joe Rogan fit the prior generation's notion of stereotypical left-wing white guys. They all followed the 3-martini-lunch Frank Sinatra and Hugh Heffner generation of party-hearty urban leftists too.
With the rise of lefty black and brown females all the time and everywhere, simple white men are not allowed to be left wingers today. Only gay or transgendered white men are allowed.
Dead men walking. Dead men confused about where to go. Shut up about the bohemian hedonism, join another party, form another party, or sit it out. I expect them to mostly vote with the right wing within 2 election cycles.
Always count on Rh to… articulate the hidden math of any post.
Love that guy. He’s like my brother from another… birthing person.
Brand is so manic it’s painful to watch him.
Thesis: wokeness is a protection racket.
How did liberal public school teachers, and liberal school boards become aligned with Howard Stern?
You want Howard Stern on your local School Board taking the position of "I don't care what kids read"? This is complete left wing hypocrisy. A young boy in Colorado was kicked out of class for period of time because he would not remove the "Don't Tread on Me" snake flag from his backpack. The dingbat teacher/administrator did not know the REAL historical origins of the flag, or what it actually stood for. That's not censorship?
The screeching from the left that conservative mothers are "burning books" is all bullshit. The Italian Community Center in Milwaukee's Third Ward recently rejected and a townhall event requested by "Moms for LIBERTY". This group of moral women has been labeled and targeted by the Milwaukee Journal as a "far right hate group".
In reality, they are just moms who don't want Penthouse Forum made available for young people in public school libraries.
Some of us are old enough to remember the ridiculous record burnings of the 1970s. I remember some parents with a straight face declaring that KISS stood for “Knights in Satan’s Service.” History repeats.
That book may be for you and your family, or maybe it isn’t, but that doesn't mean you get to decide whether it is appropriate for other people in your community. Whether you read those books is up to you. Whether the rest of us read those books is not. If you find a book in the library that makes you uncomfortable, remember, the library is not just for you—it’s for everyone. Put the book back on the shelf and go find something else more to your taste.
Sex is cool - until you question the creepy big pharma narrative.
The left lie about book banning... I hear it all the time from the Maddow-NPR-PBS news faithful.
Ban a sex book in grade school or Jr. High - and boom - "You're and evil right-wing book banner!"
I know I'm commenting a lot here but...
Imagine the reaction of patriarchal alpha male fathers if what I transcribed above from "All Boys Aren't Blue" was reversed and the sexual description of entering "him" was now "her"...
What if the book was titled "All Girls Aren't Pure"? You think public schools would stock a book where a young girl describes a condom tasting like Cotton Candy?
I think Feminists and Fathers would align on the denunciation of this type of content if it was a young girl and a young boy. Rightfully so.
What is obvious here is that liberals and feminists have NO PROBLEM making this type of erotic instructional content available or young boys when another young boy is on the receiving end.
It's predatory grooming. On this subject, Howard Stern is the least of our concerns.
All while the left demand "to kill a mockingbird" be banned.
Roll out Newsome(D) to lie about that as well. He's the perfect pretty boi slick liar for the corrupt liar left.
Is this a continuation of the battle for the Complete Kama Sutra and the Joy of Sex in elementary school libraries? No? Maybe they should be included. Shouldn’t kids have all the options available? Playboy? Playgirl?
Howard Stern is not stupid. There’s a point in this interview where he says something like “but you were using each other”. Robin pushes back but Stern makes his point: these relationships are not one sided - where Brand takes what he can get (victimizer and victim). The females get what they want too - bragging rights. I thought that was very smart of him.
I should have put this in the post: The fundamental difference between these 2 men is that Stern is a physically unattractive man — always has been. His identity and his public persona all grow out of a mind that knows he is — to speak plain English — ugly. Russell Brand is a man of extraordinary physical attractiveness — absolutely magnetic — and he's known it and lived it. He built his identity and public persona on complete security that women instinctively want what he has to give.
Howard Stern hides in his basement in fear of COVID. He is a broken man of no further concern. He's woke because he is a coward and this is the path of least resistance.
Howard Stern from 20 years ago would have considered modern day Howard Stern to be a joke.
Is this a continuation of the battle for the Complete Kama Sutra and the Joy of Sex in elementary school libraries? No? Maybe they should be included. Shouldn’t kids have all the options available? Playboy? Playgirl?
I grew up in a time in which certain issues of National Geographic were pulled from the school library.
Steve Dahl made a career out of blowing up disco records in Comiski Park.
Probably Stern's attack on Brand is just jealousy. Ugly man hates good looking guy. NYC guy hates Brit. Shock jock hates guy who speaks before Parliment and edited the New Statesman.
Guy with an audience of 16 y/o boys hates guy who won a BAFTA award.
IRC, Stern hated Imus and was Jealous of him too.
I can't say much more because I can't remember seeing Brand do anything. I didn't know he was on Rumble or youtube.
Blogger Sydney said...
Brand is so manic it’s painful to watch him
"that women instinctively want what he has to give."
Oh, the poor victimized women,just slaves to their baser instincts.
And the burnt Fool's bandaged finger goes wobbling back to the Fire;
He also said "I support people who want to be transgender."
Stern made his appearance on the radio in southern California in 1991.
LA Times:
Locally, the Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation expressed disgust with Stern’s material and has asked to meet with KLSX executives.
“We feel it’s the most insensitive, the worst purveyor on radio of bigotry and misinformation and stereotypes, not only about gays and lesbians, but about women and other minorities,” said Richard Jennings, the organization’s executive director.
Back in the early 90's, an employee of mine was a big fan of Howard Stern. I asked why. He responded that he was controversial. Controversial? I told him it was just filth and filth has been around forever. Blank stare.
I'd completely forgotten that He and Katy Perry were married for ... some brief period, two years? Gee, whatever could have gone wrong.
This video is controversy gold.
Steve Dahl made a career out of blowing up disco records in Comiski Park.
THIS I remember, as anyone who lived through it would. No idea what "Rich" is talking about in the other comment. There were no bonfires of KISS albums, at least not any that got the attention that one 7th inning promo got. There were hearings chaired by ALgore's wife Tipper and spearheaded by her fascist Parents Music Resource Center group. But no bonfires.
""Am I for kids being able to read about anything in school? Yeah, I am. I don’t give a shit what kids read.""
I call bullshit on that as well. Howard would condemn them to hell if a school had daily Bible readings, or NRA-sponsored gun safety classes. We all know who has been banning classic literature for years, and just just look at last week's news where Ontario Canada is banning ALL books from schools published pre-2008: and they are woke. So we know who the book banners are. All Parents from Liberty is asking for is to have these soft-porn novels and graphic booklets moved from the K-6 shelves to the middle-school and higher, where appropriate. I've never been in favor of "sex ed" being a public school subject, as it was always clinical or embarrassing but rarely helpful. Now it has veered into promotion and discussion of weird sexual topics best left out of K-12 curricula. Too many sick puppies with teaching credentials to allow them to experiment on our youth.
Speaking of the Roman Empire, in the 20 yrs wife and I have been together, I read aloud before we go to sleep. Good stuff; Napoleon Hill, Ephesians, Epictetus, and so on. The day before I started reading about interest in the RE, I started Meditations, by Marcus Aurelius.
"But Stern is appealing to the left while Brand is appealing to the right. More or less. And Brand is the one experiencing retaliation while Stern seems to be protecting himself."
Which should tell you everything you need to know about who has power in this country.
Being a leftist/fascist is like a Covid inoculation, except it is actually effective.
"Russell Brand is a man of extraordinary physical attractiveness — absolutely magnetic — and he's known it and lived it. He built his identity and public persona on complete security that women instinctively want what he has to give."
I, too, bear this burden.
But I do it with grace and elan, as to be a good example to all of you 'regular' people.
You're welcome...
Thank you Joe for all you do
Stern has so much dirt from the past and thats why he's on his knees these days.
His typical comment to most women on the show was "Oh, I so want to bang you".
Why do you think he got the cackling hen sidekick? She served a purpose. 2 purposes.
Coward Stern is more apropos.
Ann Althouse said...
I should have put this in the post: The fundamental difference between these 2 men is that Stern is a physically unattractive man — always has been. His identity and his public persona all grow out of a mind that knows he is — to speak plain English — ugly. Russell Brand is a man of extraordinary physical attractiveness — absolutely magnetic — and he's known it and lived it. He built his identity and public persona on complete security that women instinctively want what he has to give."
Really? There's the difference between straight men and women: All I see is two tall, lanky guys with really big heads, one no more attractive than the other.
Mike (MJB Wolf)--
I hate to defend "Rich," but he may be thinking of the many church groups that burned Rock n Roll records, including KISS records.
In this article, one of the yahoos says that KISS stands for "Kids in Service to Satan."
My religious mother wasn't into burning records, but she wouldn't let us near KISS records because of the "Knights in Satan's Service" rumor.
Stern is scum and it’s a CYAop all the way around. The phony prick.
I can honestly say I've never heard a word spoken by Howard Stern. Even when he was a guest on Letterman way back in the day, I changed the channel.
He may have some appeal to some people. I wouldn't know. Doesn't seem like I'm missing anything.
Green eggs and ham? Canceled.
Men in shorts... dresses? Forward!
When did Howard Stern turn into an old, bitter, woman? I used to listen to him on the way to work in 1990. Hard to believe.
You seem to be more interested in making odd, not very useful political comparisons between them than on the actual issue that matters: Howard Stern wasn’t credibly accused of the multiple sexual assaults that Russell Brand was. It makes it seem like politics matters more to you than matters of law, crime and rights.
Howard Stern demonstrating in spades why I've always thought of him as one of America's premier shiitteheads.
Blogger rhhardin said...
"Imus's guy imitating Stern always ended with the single word "penis." Shock jock."
"I think I need a diaper change. I hope Deirdre comes home!"
Ann Althouse said...
Ann Althouse said...
"I should have put this in the post: The fundamental difference between these 2 men is that Stern is a physically unattractive man — always has been. His identity and his public persona all grow out of a mind that knows he is — to speak plain English — ugly. Russell Brand is a man of extraordinary physical attractiveness — absolutely magnetic — and he's known it and lived it. He built his identity and public persona on complete security that women instinctively want what he has to give."
An Althouse all timer. Actually the fundamental difference between these 2 men is that some teenagers have accused Brand of rape and sexual harassment whereas no woman has ever accused Stern of same.
Some of the most incoherent dogshit I've ever read.
A woman told reporters that when she was a teenager Russell Brand forced his penis down her throat until she choked and pounded his stomach to get him to stop. The reporting team then corroborated this pattern of sexually abusive behavior by speaking to numerous colleagues and acquaintances of his, both male and female. Howard Stern doesn't enter the conversation because no one has credibly accused him of sexual assault.
hpuddin' said,
"Howard Stern wasn’t credibly accused of the multiple sexual assaults that Russell Brand was."
Define credibly. Like as credibly as a laptop where the contents are on the internet? Or credibly as in; "I heard it on MSNBC"?
Blogger Rusty said...
"hpuddin' said,
"Howard Stern wasn’t credibly accused of the multiple sexual assaults that Russell Brand was."
Define credibly. Like as credibly as a laptop where the contents are on the internet? Or credibly as in; "I heard it on MSNBC"? "
Howard Stern wasn’t accused of the multiple sexual assaults that Russell Brand was.
Fixed it for ya. Happy?
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