August 25, 2023

"With its psychologists overbooked, the clinic relied on external therapists, some with little experience in gender issues, to evaluate the young patients’ readiness for hormonal medications."

"Doctors prescribed hormones to patients who had obtained such approvals, even adolescents whose medical histories raised red flags. Some of these patients later stopped identifying as transgender, and received little to no support from the clinic after doing so.... Pediatric gender medicine is a nascent specialty, and few studies have tracked how patients fare in the long term, making it difficult for doctors to judge who is likely to benefit.... In the United States, health groups have endorsed what’s known as affirming care even as their peers in Europe have grown more cautious.... In a statement to The Times, [Washington University] said that it would not address specific allegations because of patient privacy, and that 'physicians and staff have treated patients according to the existing standard of care.' But doctors in St. Louis and elsewhere are wrestling with evolving standards and uncertain scientific evidence — all while facing intense political pressure and an adolescent mental health crisis...."


TreeJoe said...

"In a statement to The Times, [Washington University] said that it would not address specific allegations because of patient privacy, and that 'physicians and staff have treated patients according to the existing standard of care.'"

Let me correct that,

"No one is making specific allegations tied to a patient, but we're going to pretend they are so we can say we won't comment due to patient privacy. And we'll claim Standard of Care, even if there is no true Standard of Care, because it sounds like someone professional we can hide behind."

Even by my usual low standards, that sentence written by lawyers and communications professionals, is a case study in weasel words and hiding.

BUMBLE BEE said...

BULLSHIT. Pure Bullshit. Sixty years after Johns Hopkins and they're clueless?

Kevin said...

It’s a pump, not a filter.

iowan2 said...

"few studies have tracked how patients fare in the long term, making it difficult for doctors to judge who is likely to benefit.

Meaning Doctors are just making stuff up....follow the science!

Dave Begley said...

Very telling that the NYT ran this story.

It’s all confirmation bias. The kids claim they are trans and the so-called expert therapist wants to confirm that claim.

Leland said...

"struggled to provide them with mental health care."

Did they struggle to provide care or did they provide medication they that called care and charged patients and insurance without a problem? I'm thinking the latter.

"physicians and staff have treated patients according to the existing standard of care."

Fine, I'm sure they'll be able then to provide that standard in court.

Enigma said...

We are living in the 2nd or 3rd generation of sex reassignment efforts. The first two generations remained on the fringe and/or ended badly. The reasons for this were then pretty well understood. Today's transgender activists...are likely ignorant, likely unable to handle uncomfortable emotions and truths, likely have spent much of their lives as game and social media fantasy role players, and perhaps changed their sex due to peer-pressure, corrupt doctor$, and/or impulse. The old generation of honest scientists were honest about these factors.

Learn from the sad story of Daive Reimer, a one-time supposedly successful sex reassignment patient (spoiler: he reverted to his biological sex and later died by suicide):

Suicide trends in the USA:

Whatever we are doing these days, we are plainly not happier overall.

Krumhorn said...

Even my left-leaning millennial daughter says that these tranny enablers and groomers are on the wrong side of history.

- Krumhorn

Bill R said...

The Reich Kommissariat for children's health says that "Dr. Mengele has treated patients according to the existing standard of care."

Old and slow said...

These "patients" will fare badly over time. I can predict that with a high degree of confidence. A very large part of our society (but still only a tiny, highly vocal minority) have lost their goddamn minds. I hope there are severe consequences for the doctors pushing this when the inevitable backlash occurs. I don't have high hopes.

gilbar said...

look.. Kids are kids.. For a VERY short time.
This means, that The Only Safe Thing To DO.. Is Chemical Castration and Sterilization of ALL children.

If/WHEN! we Chemically Castrate and Sterilize ALL of the children on earth; we will be able to SOLVE MOST of the world's problems.

Problems are caused by humans
Humans are caused by humans
Children are humans
Sterilized children can NOT produce more humans

Once you realize sterilization is a feature, not a flaw.. Gender Affirmation makes MUCH MORE SENSE

gilbar said...

Some of these patients later stopped identifying as transgender, and received little to no support from the clinic after doing so....

why would they? It's a gender affirmation clinic. IF these villains Refuse to accept their treatment, that's THEIR Problem.
Plus, they've taken enough chemical castration pills to sterilize them; So it's a WIN WIN!

Birches said...

That whistle blower's name has been dragged through the mud for telling the truth. And honestly I have my doubts about her "twisting the truth" in the one case. I imagine the mother felt great pressure to recant once her emails became public. The NYT confirmed that she wasn't making it up.

Josephbleau said...

Why do research, if you think you won’t like the answer?

We are past the peak on the trans moral panic though, but weirdo moms who want a novelty kid will keep it going for a while.

BUMBLE BEE said...

You know you're in the shit when Alice Cooper is the voice of reason in the matter...

tommyesq said...

How did they develop a "standard of care" when there are literally no studies showing efficacy of care?

donald said...

Everybody involved in this should be shot in the back of the head, they’re bodies dumped in front of colleges all over the nation.

JRoberts said...

There may have been challenges with adequate staffing and training for patient care, but I bet they had NO challenges in the billing and collections department.

Sebastian said...

"and few studies have tracked how patients fare in the long term"

So for lack of evidence, they don't practice evidence-based medicine?

"making it difficult for doctors to judge who is likely to benefit"

But when in doubt, first do some harm?

"evolving standards and uncertain scientific evidence"

Wait, so the science isn't settled, and those who claim otherwise are spouting BS?

n.n said...

Trans/homosexualism (i.e. cisgenderism) through grooming (e.g. pedophilia) in schools, scouts, churches, and popular culture.
Trans/neogenderism through grooming, medical, and surgical corruption. Renewable interests despite the majority failures past, present, and likely progressive. The Levine's dreams of Mengele should at minimum be postponed until the person can legally and rationally off informed consent to a denial of sex and affirmation of gender simulation and forward-looking consequences.

Darkisland said...


Alice Cooper actually is a voice of reason. Drug and alcohol free for 40 years, practicing Christian, stable home and family life. Married and faithful to the same woman 50 years, plays golf 7 days a week.

Other than his stage act he's probably more reasonable than many of us here. Including me.

John Henry

n.n said...

weirdo moms who want a novelty kid

Planned Patchwork (PP). Once you exercise liberal license...

Big Mike said...

Every time one of the children who has undergone irreversible “gender affirmation” surgery later commits suicide, randomly choose a doctor, nurse, or administrator from that clinic and summarily execute them. You bet they’ll find psychologists to do proper pre-op evaluations!

Temujin said...

This is such an international scandal- the entire gender industry. It is no wonder that a number of Western European nations- UK, France, Sweden, Norway, The Netherlands, Finland, Poland, Hungary- have banned gender changing surgery for minors. If you do some homework on the topic, read or listen to people who have researched The Tavistock Clinic in the UK, or others around this country- it'll shake you to your foundation.

It is cruel child abuse. It is malpractice of the highest order. And somehow, in our clone-like society, it has become a 'cause' for the Left. Another sacrament of the religion.

Bruce Hayden said...

“Today's transgender activists...are likely ignorant, likely unable to handle uncomfortable emotions and truths, likely have spent much of their lives as game and social media fantasy role players, and perhaps changed their sex due to peer-pressure, corrupt doctor$, and/or impulse.”

You are forgetting AntiFA and mass killers. My theory is that many F2M transgendered have a tendency for extreme violence, and one of the causes is a female brain that hasn’t developed the defenses that a male brain has to the aggression that results from a normal male load of testosterone. Healthy male brains have an Off switch, that turns off aggression, when dominance is achieved. This isn’t just in humans, but in many other animals in species, fighting for mating opportunities stops almost immediately, after the other participant in the fight signifies surrender and backs down. This is part of why females are often considered more dangerous, when they engage in violence. That said, another poster suggested that the problem was maybe lack of older male group socialization.

BothSidesNow said...

This is yet another example of the pharma and health care industry being motivated by the big bucks. I saw a chart the other day showing the growth of clinics treating so-called multiple personality disorders. The # of clinics boomed when the bogus disorder became popular. I am sure many nice second homes in lovely parts of the country and in France were purchased off the winnings by clinic owners. Same here. Except the tragedy is greater.

However, if you go on twitter, you will see many lefist accounts losing their [] over any hint that this is not the greatest and most necessary thing since penicillin. Why in this instance they chose to put their faith in a profit-driven industry could be an interesting subject.

Another example of the same phenomenon is anti-depressants and other drugs of their ilk. The New Yorker had a long article a few years ago giving the story of one young women who had been heavily drugged for years, and decided to get off the drugs. There was basically no guidance to wean onesself safely. She finally found a pharmacy in Montreal that would provide her with a six month supply in smaller and smaller doses. The pharma companies had done no research on the process of getting off their drugs. Their only interest was in ensuring life-time customers. The woman was 28 when she began the weaning process. Half way through, she was walking down the street and experienced a sensation she had never experienced before. She spoke with friends about it, and learned that she had become aroused by someone she had seen on the street. Up to that point, as the age of 28, she had never experienced arousal or orgasm, thanks to the drugs. That is the American way of life for pharmas" customers.

Two-eyed Jack said...

This interview with Jordan Peterson on the very recent Canadian court overriding his right to free expression is worth listening to. He discusses what he views as proper clinical approaches to patients' identity issues and has fierce words for those who resort to irreversible interventions for minors:

Jupiter said...

"Pediatric gender medicine is a nascent specialty ..."

Like car-jacking.

gilbar said...

Bruce said...
the pharma and health care industry being motivated by the big bucks..
lefists losing their [] over any hint that this is not the greatest and most necessary thing since penicillin.

Isn't That Interesting?
I grew up in the '70's and '80's and All i Ever heard from the left; was their DISGUST, and HATRED for:

now, the left supports TWO things:
what changed these people brains?

Bruce then said
Another example of the same phenomenon is anti-depressants and other drugs of their ilk.

time for some serious Questions:
Who on the left, is NOT currently on anti-depressants and other drugs of their ilk?
are ANY of them not on anti-depressants and other drugs of their ilk?

Am i implying that anti-depressants and other drugs of their ilk are brain changing chemicals, that cause fundamental changes in people brains, that MAKE them LOVE Government and Big Business?
No, i am NOT implying that.. I am Explicitly postulating that.

Thing of the Pro Gov, Pro Biz leftists YOU know.. any of them NOT on pills?

wild chicken said...

"Learn from the sad story of Daive Reimer"

That wasn't exactly his choice! Geez get real..

Richard Dolan said...

"affirming care" and "the existing standard of care"

So, no careful studies -- really no reliable studies at all, just collections of anecdotes and the like with no real controls. Lovely. So what is the care "affirming," and how is a "standard of care" arrived at if that's the underlying reality? No matter, just wrap it all up in anodyne, antiseptic language and proceed with the approved narrative.

Yancey Ward said...

Sounds like the clinic was dealing out mental health illnesses.

wild chicken said...

I hate to see bad arguments for a good cause...

n.n said...


hombre said...

It's official. Lefties are child abusing monsters abetted by the Renfields in the putrefying medical profession who also slaughter unborn babies for them.

Michael K said...

This mass hysteria will eventually collapse, probably from malpractice suits and insurance refusing coverage. That is exactly what happened in the "Recovered Memories" scam. This is causing more permanent damage to kids but is the same sort of hysteria. As for motives of the medical types, the Psychology association was holding classes at the annual meeting on how to "discover" repressed "memories." When the malpractice insurance companies dropped coverage after Gary Ramona won his lawsuit, the classes and the entire scam vanished in a couple of months. This will happen to transgender "treatment" as well.

Josephbleau said...

The clinical basis for trans medicine is simple, Do it now or the kid will die of suicide. Oh, how evidence based treatment has fallen.

If you don't buy me a car I'll kill myself mom, it's better for me to take drugs and drink than to kill myself mom.

HoodlumDoodlum said...

Same ol' bullshit shuffle.

"We're following the standard of care, you can't blame us doctors."
Ok, how's that standard set?
Well by governing boards, of course! Serious, professional boards!
Ok, who makes the decisions for those boards?
Well by their members--doctors, naturally. Some of the same doctors practicing in this specialty.
So a group of doctors set the standard and they're not to blame because they're responding to the needs of the Drs in the field, right?
Yeah, but also the Drs in the field aren't to blame because they have an obligation to follow the "standard of care."
This stuff just gets handed down from on high, you see, and it's no one's fault if what's actually being done under cover of these rules and standards is in fact monstrously awful.

Oligonicella said...

Behold the results of "woke".

who-knew said...

Interesting that the first focus of the NYT (based on the headline) is the 'political storm'. We can't have the debate center around proper care of the mentally disturbed children involved, it's got to be politics.

HoodlumDoodlum said...

Same ol' bullshit shuffle.

"We're following the standard of care, you can't blame us doctors."
Ok, how's that standard set?
Well by governing boards, of course! Serious, professional boards!
Ok, who makes the decisions for those boards?
Well by their members--doctors, naturally. Some of the same doctors practicing in this specialty.
So a group of doctors set the standard and they're not to blame because they're responding to the needs of the Drs in the field, right?
Yeah, but also the Drs in the field aren't to blame because they have an obligation to follow the "standard of care."
This stuff just gets handed down from on high, you see, and it's no one's fault if what's actually being done under cover of these rules and standards is in fact monstrously awful.

Temp Blog said...

I'm curious why the headline and article are about a "small" clinic. Is there some sort of difference between small and large clinics that is relevant? Is the paper trying dimunition to engender some form of sympathy for the clinic? Does size even matter?

Static Ping said...

There is a recurring problem with "science" that they will do a study, or perhaps a "study," that upon closer inspection has so many flaws that the study's conclusions are useless for practical applications. This often involves being unable to control for various factors because there is no data for those factors to use. The defense that often comes up is that it is unfair to criticize the study for something that was outside of their control. The problem with this logic is the study must control for these factors to be complete, and the fact that it is impossible to control for these factors does not change the fact that controlling for these factors is necessary. There is no "impossible, so good enough" exception for science.

(Seriously, I have seen studies that literally made things up praised because at least they tried.)

That's not to say that these studies are useless, as even performing a flawed study can be useful for future investigation. The problem is often this one study is used to defend political policies, despite it literally being useless for that task. We see this a lot with "climate change" models, which are trying to simulate extremely complicated systems that the modelers do not understand and cannot understand, so the models are necessarily wrong, yet are used to justify radical decisions.

What I am seeing here is a classic variation of the above. The clinic is presenting the "we don't know what we are doing, but that's not our fault" argument. You are providing elective medical care that could have long term negative health impacts on your patients, you are not doing the basic due diligence, you are abandoning patients after your services do not work, you have no curiosity if the services you are providing actually help and blaming everyone else for this lack of curiosity, you are taking on patients that you literally admit you do not have the resources to support, and you are taking money for these "services." That sounds like a lawsuit. Or prison.

Mark said...

Ideology - and sticking it to those "traditional" bigots - is supreme. Too bad if a bunch of kids get totally effed up. The Left and all properly-thinking people are willing to sacrifice them for the cause.

Gospace said...

I read a link that went to chapter 3 of Brave New World. Which wasn't about this article in Not The Bee- - but could have been. Which reminded me- I need to reread Brave New World, I've forgotten too much.

It's all related, every bit of it.

And it includes the lie that many of you, including our blog hostess, believed and fell for- "Same sex marriage won't change anything- it's exactly the same as marriage has always been."

It's all related. Time for many of you to start connecting the dots. It won't be straight line. But they all connect.

Mason G said...

"The problem with this logic is the study must control for these factors to be complete, and the fact that it is impossible to control for these factors does not change the fact that controlling for these factors is necessary. There is no "impossible, so good enough" exception for science."

Michael Crichton talked about this in his "Aliens Cause Global Warming" essay.

"I take the hard view that science involves the creation of testable hypotheses. The Drake equation cannot be tested and therefore SETI is not science. SETI is unquestionably a religion. Faith is defined as the firm belief in something for which there is no proof."

Mason G said...

Oh... and there are a distressingly large number of "health care" practitioners who ought to be praying fervently right about now to whatever evil it is they have chosen to embrace that there is no God or eternal hell.

Rocco said...

gilbar said...
"I grew up in the '70's and '80's and all I ever heard from the left was their DISGUST, and HATRED for:

They definitely hated Big Business. But Government? Not in my experience.

In my sophmore or junior year of high school, we had a local activitist come in and talk to our debate class. So this was early '81 or '82.

He clearly and patiently laid out his political views, and why he called himself a progressive liberal. People like Locke, Jefferson, Adams, etc - who we would call classical liberals today - were fine for their day in overthrowing the idea of the Divine Right of Kings and all. But their view of liberalism was extremely limited. What the modern world needed was progress to gut - sorry, *build* - on that freedom by using government to root out inequities and advance social justice.

He didn't hate government. He hated that the conservatives were in charge(*) and wanted to get progressive liberals (ie, the right people) elected to make government "better".

(*) Contra his beliefs, at the time a Democrat-Charterite coalition was in charge of Cincinnati. The Charter Committee (and party) grew out of Republican desires to root out corruption and bossism in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, but were blocked by the local GOPe of the day: Boss Cox and his cronies were registered as Republicans. But once the reforms were implemented fully by 1925, the Charterites morphed into sort of a local equivalent of the DFL party of Minnesota.

Owen said...

Static Ping @ 12:55: Outstanding comment, thanks.

Michael K said...

Which reminded me- I need to reread Brave New World, I've forgotten too much.

I should, too. I remember much of it and Huxley never anticipated the birth control pill but the rest of it stands up pretty well after all those years.

Enigma said...

The unreal "wild chicken" wrote regarding David Reimer:

"That wasn't exactly his choice! Geez get real.."

Actually, it's nearly identical to what's going on today. Parents, doctors, members of the media, politicians, and other ideologues systematically brainwash and destroy the potential (and potential recovery) of naive young people and those on the edge of mental illness. They portray harsh and dysfunctional mental illnesses as a virtue, and create a way for passive-aggressive people (e.g., M-to-F transgender) to exploit those weaker than themselves. THESE 'GENDER AFFIRMING' PSYCHOPATHS PRESCRIBE PUBERTY BLOCKING DRUGS AND EXECUTE IRREVERSIBLE SURGERIES ON CHILDREN WHO ARE TOO YOUNG TO CONSENT TO HAVING SEX OR GETTING MARRIED, TOO YOUNG TO JOIN THE ARMY, TOO YOUNG TO BUY A GUN, TOO YOUNG TO BUY ALCOHOL, TOO YOUNG TO BUY TOBACCO, TOO YOUNG TO DRIVE A CAR, AND ENTIRELY TOO YOUNG TO MAKE ANY IRREVERSIBLE LIFE-CHANGING DECISION.

They have created a generation of martyrs and literal child sacrifices. Where are the altars and bloody knives and prayers to Gaia? Where is Joan of Arc to burn at the stake? Oh, that's their plan for next year...???

The current generation of doctors and school teachers (transgender and COVID-related) will be discussed in history books on the same page as Josef Mengele of Nazi Germany. They will become the stock villains of Hollywood films in the year 2100.

Free Manure While You Wait! said...

Did you or someone you love undergo gender reassignment surgery and experience the following side effects?

- Blood Clots
- Gallstones
- Weight Gain
- Acne
- Dyslipidaemia (abnormal levels of fat in the blood)
- Elevated Liver Enzymes
- Polycythaemia (high concentration of red blood cells)
- Hair Loss or Balding (androgenic alopecia)
- Infertility
- Nipple Necrosis
- A Puncture between the Bowel and Neo-Vagina
- Incontinence
- Prolapse no sensation, sexual or otherwise

If so, you may be entitled to financial compensation.

gilbar said...

Rocco said...
They definitely hated Big Business. But Government? Not in my experience.

i guess i was thinking about the old vietnam era hippies that Still hung out in Ames in the early '80's.. All the time talking about
Bogus Nixon and his bogus war (i can't begin to count the number of hippies i've heard blaming Nixon
Bogus FBI and all their spying and counterinsurgency stuff!
Bogus DEA and all their bogus drug laws!

Now the left is All about
Awesome Biden and his Wonderful war of liberation in The Ukraine!
Awesome FBI and all their spying and counter insurgency stuff!
Awesome CDC and all their Mandatory vaccines!

Tina Trent said...

Michael K, ordinarily I'd agree that the med-mal industry will clean this up.

But look at how far it has gone.

I'm researching the American Library Association's promotion of transgenderism and other ritualistic sexual destabilization of children. The school establishment, medical establishment, media, med schools, social workers, universities, and psychologists are 100% bought into this stuff. The president intentionally stuffed his cabinet and important advisors with trans groomers (grooming people to be trans, at least). He issues statements of encouragement telling trans children and their mommies that they are the most special people of all.

The books the ALA promotes the most are the I Am Jazz franchise. They recommend that children starting age 0 - 5 be exposed to that sad, hot mess -- in a program in the schools called "Embracing Gender Identities." There are I Am Jazz books for every age group.

It's a way for moms -- not only white, but the white ones then get to jump in the victim pool -- to permanently infantilize some offspring through brutal surgeries, or for young people to do it to themselves. And the infantilized are also hyper-sexualized. Then the walls come down: If some "infants" are sexualized, aren't all "infants" sexually available beings?

But we've jumped, from a few crazy people doing this, to the most prestigious hospitals strapping 16 year old girls to operating room tables and whacking off their breasts, or cutting off boys' penises and shaping "neo-vaginas" in them that require lifelong, daily wound care.

Even de-transitioning is its own fetish and social status now.

Identity politics controls society to this degree: nobody in those elite hospitals whispered a peep until a few brave older feminists and old-school social conservatives risked being stalked and socially destroyed for exposing it.

But it will take more than a few whacks at the pinata to bring this one down. It's exactly like other social contagions, except, this time, participation is not optional, and powerful people will make our children marinate in it until we actually DO something to stop it.

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