August 3, 2023

"People are dying, entire patches of Earth are now charred, water is growing scarcer... and Americans’ foremost concern is 'oh no will my boss frown at me for rocking cargo shorts?'"

"The f—k is wrong with you people?... We’re a few years away from everyone wearing buckskins and killing each other for canned goods, and I’m supposed to care what George Will Jr. in the C-suite wants everyone to wear in their cubicles?... If it’s 110 out, and that’s no longer a hyperbolic number, who has the right to tell you that you can’t dress comfortably? What argument of theirs could possibly hold water? Anyone who wants to force pants on your body is just trying to force their morals on others. Are you one such person? Congratulations, you’re a fascist. I hate you. Here’s a picture of my leg hair. Deal with it, tough guy."

I'm reading that rant "Not allowing shorts in the office is fascism" by Drew Magary (SF Gate). Go to link for picture of leg hair. 

I just have one question: "If it’s 110 out"... what temperature is it in? There's air conditioning in the office, I'm sure. Of course, that contributes to global warming. I doubt if you'd want the AC turned off in exchange for permission to wear shorts. So just wear shorts while you're outside and carry a damned pair of pants with you to put on when you arrive at work.

Back up question: If you really think the human civilization is about to collapse, is your little job even worth doing?


stlcdr said...

It seems like inside temperatures have been dropping. Suddenly going outside will hit you like a truck in the summer. Looking at historical data, it appears to be no hotter outside than it has been.

Modern generations are spoiled to the point that they feel like they should be able to do anything they like. If they don't get their way, resort to the 'think of the children!' argument.

Meade said...

"I got hairy legs, that turn blond in the sun."

Meade said...

“And the kids used to come up and reach in the pool and rub my leg down so it was straight and then watch the hair come back up again. I love kids jumping on my lap.”

tim maguire said...

"If it’s 110 out"..

It was 113 the day I put my daughter into the child seat of my bicycle and rode into town to get her passport photo taken. For the next 5 years, she looked sweaty in her passport photo.

Dave Begley said...

Record snowfall in CA and CO. Plenty of water.

Temujin said...

There's going to be a huge swath of people who are going to be disappointed in about 5-7 years when they realize that we're still here, that the weather still gets hot in the summer, and that Obama's oceanside mansion is not under water.

Leland said...

Water is growing scarcer? We had record snowfalls this past winter. Why isn’t the DOJ indicting these people for lying to the American people?

Besides, it is my blogger host that complains it I rock cargo shorts.

Enigma said...

Demanding short pants to fight heat reveals cluelessness about heat management. Take a look at the dress style of the Arabian Peninsula (Saudi Arabia) in the desert and with the nomadic lifestyle. Long, flowing robes create a movable 'tent' around the body and keep the heat from reaching the skin. Furthermore, covering the skin prevents sunburn. Finally, fabric becomes damp with sweat and/or adding water so the outfit becomes an evaporative cooler.

Many people with serious hiking experience in hot and sunny areas wear a huge floppy sun hat, long sleeves, and long pants to fight heat.

A generation ago this guy would have had a "Skateboarding is not a crime" bumper sticker. No, it's not a crime but defacing another person's benches and staircases with your skateboard grinds is indeed vandalism.

Readering said...

Someone should move to Bermuda.

NKP said...

If it's 110 out, it's not San Francisco.

If management expects you to wear "business attire" at the office that doesn't make management fascist and it doesn't make you a victim.

If you want to wear shorts or sandals or flip flops or micro-mini skirts or tank tops or halter tops or t-shirts (with the message of your choice) to work, by all means do so. Enjoy your new career renting surfboards or making cold calls informing people what they need to do to collect their Publisher's Clearing House prize.

Patrick Henry was right! said...

The owner of the business, the employer decides. They should decide to fire this guy for being terminally stupid.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

The Devil you say! You mean 30 fucking years of apocalyptic climate psy-ops has had a detrimental effect on young people? Huh. This seems related to a story I saw yesterday that said the constant refrain of a rigged economy has had a similar impact on the electorate who now are proving reluctant to accept the bidenomics miracle old Joe is selling. Of course the ridiculous “heat maps” every damned weather report features just reinforces the myth that the world is boiling. How did you think people would react to all the voices of authority constantly shouting “THE END IS NEAR!” like the pre-internet meme?

IamDevo said...

As far as "hottest weather ever," I can only refer to the information provided by my electricity supplier here in central Pennsylvania, which establishes that the average temperature in the month of July, 2023 was four degrees LOWER than that of July, 2022 and that the HOTTEST DAY in July, 2023 was one degree LOWER (92 F.)than the hottest day in the month of July, 2022 (93 F.). This source, I suspect, is probably as accurate as anything else available. I realize that one cannot extrapolate directly from my local conditions, but I suspect that if temperature readings were taken honestly and without the baneful influence of the "Global Warming/Climate change" fanatics, we would likely see that all the frenzied predictions are merely lies.

Curious George said...

The number of places that hit 100F at least once in a year is decreasing.

R C Belaire said...

This is how civilization collapses -- one pair of short pants at a time. Next, they'll want to wear wife-beater tops in the office/workplace.

rehajm said...

Last month my wife took pictures of me swimming in Lake Tahoe with the snow capped mountains in the background. It looks like a polar bear plunge. Washoe Lake is almost touching 395…

rehajm said...

Wait until they tell him about having to work Fridays…

Esteban said...

Writers have dress codes? Personally, I don't care what you wear. Are you good at your job? I've worked with folks that dress to the nines, but couldn't find their way out of a closet with a map and complete slobs that are the most efficient, smartest workers.

Drew's early work on family and being a young adult was generally really good. Then he got into politics and the like and he's just another dude yelling at the clouds.

Jamie said...

A generation ago this guy would have had a "Skateboarding is not a crime" bumper sticker.

Hahaha, thank you for this, Enigma!

When I read the wild hyperbole quoted in the blog post headline, my first thought was of my skateboarding, surfing brother-in-law (now 48, and still shredding or whatever it is they do). For as long as I've known him, he's justified every personal choice of his by appeal to some high holy authority, including his desire not to have a child (that, of course, was because of "overpopulation" and "climate change," not because he wanted to be able to go out with the dawn patrol to catch those morning waves without hindrance).

His wife, a long-suffering woman, ultimatum-ed him into one child, and the world is of course a better place because she's in it. Not only that, her father is a better man because she exists. But still he goes on self-justifying his whims and preferences.

gilbar said...

We’re a few years away from everyone wearing buckskins and killing each other for canned goods

anyone (Any ONE) that says such stupidity needs to be fired for gross incompetence

wild chicken said...

I spoke with a friend in Cali yesterday and she said they're all supposed to leave their thermostats at 78.

Maybe that has something to do with it.

Rusty said...

Dave Begley said...
"Record snowfall in CA and CO. Plenty of water."
Wait a minute, dave.(car door closes. we hear the sound of a car driving off).2 hours later. I'm back! Yep. Lake Michigan is still there. It looks full too.

tommyesq said...

"The f—k is wrong with you people?... We’re a few years away from everyone wearing buckskins and killing each other for canned goods,

No chance this dude (a "writer," fer cryin' out loud) will be able to come up with buckskins.

NorthOfTheOneOhOne said...

Always keep in mind; writers are lazy and have deadlines.

rehajm said...

We’re a few years away from everyone wearing buckskins and killing each other for canned goods

What’s this ‘we’ stuff, shorts guy? You’ll be long gone before it gets to that…

EAB said...

What’s most disturbing is how this guy even has a job as a columnist. Teenage snark coming from a grown man is beyond unattractive…more unattractive than I imagine the shorts he prefers. I’d be okay if men followed the Bermuda model - at least the one that existed when I was there years ago. Bermuda shorts with suit jackets was quite attractive.

cassandra lite said...

Hey Drew, where'd we get the buckskins? And by the way, there's just as much water as there was a billion years ago.

Gahrie said...

Just for the record, it has been getting to 110 degrees in summer in California my whole life, and I'm 58 years old.

hawkeyedjb said...

I used to believe (well, 'believe') that the world was about to end and I used that to justify other stupid and childish things. But I grew out of that by my early twenties, and life has been pretty good since I stopped being foolish and self-centered. Some of us bloom later than others.

Big Mike said...

Many people with serious hiking experience in hot and sunny areas wear a huge floppy sun hat, long sleeves, and long pants to fight heat.

Also fighting ticks, chitters, and other biting insects.

Creola Soul said...

You’re right Ann, what’s the temperature inside?
Man has adapted to his climate for millennia and since the Industrial Revolution has developed air conditioning, central heating, insulation , weatherstripping and so on. It’s made the South comfortably habitable in the summer and has likewise made the North habitable in the winters. The climate alarmists seem to think man will suddenly be rendered incapable of further innovation. Adaptation doesn’t fit their narrative, which demands upheavals in society.

Big Mike said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Iman said...

You left out CornPop and Slow Joe’s “apology chain”, Meade!

Buckwheathikes said...

"We’re a few years away from everyone wearing buckskins and killing each other for canned goods ..."

These people are mentally ill. Humoring them is a mistake because this mental illness is contagious.

Ralph L said...

Washoe Lake is almost touching 395

That's a little too hot for me, even in Kelvin.

We've had an unusually cool and wet spring and summer here in NC, but there's another 2 months to go.

Owen said...

Pretty obviously this dude has never heard of the UHI (Urban Heat Island) effect which drives T readings up and allows your friendly panic-stoking weather-nerd to point to big flaming red patches on their maps. If you were to correct the data for UHI I'm pretty sure you'd find that, yup, the 1930s continue to be the hottest ever.

Howard (not that Howard) said...

Drew Magary is a gigantic long-time idiot.

Michael said...

So now we can add decorum to standards and discipline as things we can easily get along without.
Human civilization may indeed be about to collapse, but it is people like Magary who are hastening the day.

Danno said...

"So just wear shorts while you're outside and carry a damned pair of pants with you to put on when you arrive at work."

Ann pantsed them with a TKO in that sentence. Looking back, I doubt she thought that "men in shorts" would come to this.

MikeR said...

Fascinating snapshot. Earth is burning, they say, and this fool writes an article castigating another fool for telling people to wear this. "No, they can wear that! Why aren't you taking this seriously?"

MikeR said...

The comments here make me despair, as do the comments on the other side. Does no one care what science actually says about the topic? Neither super-disaster, nor nothing. Just an expensive problem.
Human beings are just not good at identifying reality.

Douglas B. Levene said...

IMHO, adult men should only wear shorts when they are engaged in athletic activities.

donald said...

Last year on this date in Palm Springs it was 106. Today it’s gonna be 109. We’re all gonna die.

Drew Magary worked at Gawker. Gawker people. Don’t pay him never no mind, lessen yer laughing at him.

donald said...

It’s not even a problem. It’s the weather.

Left Bank of the Charles said...

Althouse has had the academic privilege of not having to go to work in the summer.

I walked a mile to work and a mile back again for over 25 years. Cargo shorts are a bad idea in hot weather. The extra pockets add extra weight and additional friction when walking. I kept a nice shirt, pair of slacks, and jacket at the office, for use only in the rare event that a client who needed to be impressed showed up.

Mark said...

The urban areas that this guy no doubt thinks everyone should live in (Smart Growth!) are veritable ovens, absorbing and then radiating all that heat.

So many things that progressives complain about are, if not caused by, then exacerbated by their progressive policies.

Paul said...

Hahahaha.... Yesterday I went shooting in 104 degrees on the gun range. Just took a small bottle of water, shorts and t-shirt. Did fine. No biggie. High humidity cause I live in Texas.

Oh, and one more thing...

You think it is hot now folks???

Dallas and Fort Worth – 113 degrees
Temperatures soared to astonishingly high numbers in Dallas and Fort Worth during a record summer on June 26 and 27, 1980. The average Texas high in June clocks in around 92 degrees, so these temperatures likely took Texans by surprise.

El Paso and Waco – 114 degrees
El Paso and Waco tied for the fourth hottest day in Texas on June 30, 1994, and July 23, 1980, respectively. In 1994, El Paso temperatures hit an impressive 114 degrees. Twenty-four years later, Waco’s summer temperature hit the same level. Hopefully, residents of these two regions will be prepared with ways to beat the heat.

Midland-Odessa – 116 degrees
June 1994 is on our list again, with another scorching hot day on June 27. These extreme temperatures spanned several Texas regions, but Midland–Odessa experienced the highest temperature of 116 degrees.

Wichita Falls – 117 degrees
The summer of 1980 will go down in history as one of the toastiest summers on record. Wichita Falls’ temperature reached 117 degrees on June 28, 1980 – but record-high temperatures in the triple digits lasted throughout the weekend.

Monahans and Seymour – 120 degrees
Two dates tie for the hottest day in Texas history. On August 12, 1936, Seymour clocked in intimidating temperatures reaching 120 degrees. Then on June 28, 1994, Monahans reached 120 degrees. The heatwave of 1994 earned the most spots on this list, but the summer of 1936 is the earliest recorded super-hot day in history.

OMG... did we have that many SUVs in 1936? Was the sea rising?

Lance said...

"If it’s 110 out, and that’s no longer a hyperbolic number"

Was it ever a hyperbolic number? Boise Idaho hit 111F in 1960 and 110F the next year. Sacramento passed 110F in 1925, 1933, 1934 as well as '60 and '61.

dbp said...

"We’re a few years away from everyone wearing buckskins and killing each other for canned goods, and I’m supposed to care what George Will Jr. in the C-suite wants everyone to wear in their cubicles?..."

The good news is that you can wear whatever you want. The reason you can wear what you want is that nobody will hire a lunatic who thinks we're a few years away from killing each other for canned goods.

D.D. Driver said...

I hate that guy. He ruined Deadspin with nonstop woke politics. Sports should be a place where we can escape that crap.

Mason G said...

"Neither super-disaster, nor nothing. Just an expensive problem."

It was hotter in the 1930s than today. Nobody did anything about it. It's cooler now. So- what's the "expensive problem"?

hawkeyedjb said...

"So just wear shorts while you're outside and carry a damned pair of pants with you to put on when you arrive at work."

People (mostly women) commuting on the train to downtown Chicago have for decades worn tennis shoes for the journey and switched to work shoes upon arrival at the office. They managed by adapting, not by throwing a hissy-fit or demanding accommodation. Smart people, smarter than this 'columnist.'

Fred Drinkwater said...

At the Adobe Christmas party back in about 1995, a top-ten list was read out. The Top Ten Things Our Japanese Visitors Are Surprised By At Adobe.

#1 on the list was "Russ Johnson's bare feet"

Russ was in the office next to mine. His bare feet were the natural result of him removing his motorcycle boots after arrival. (Keeping the socks on would have been tacky. I guess.)

Russ was also the proximate cause of a formal notice from Management, prohibiting shorts in the office. Which notice he ignored.

But. Russ was one of *those* software guys. The ones who are fifty times as productive and creative as the average guy (like me). So guess what the company did to him?

That's right. They left him the hell alone, to get on with it. Because Chuck and John and Co. were not idiots.

Somehow I doubt Drew Magary or his management are like that.

Michael said...

Does anyone seriously pay attention to anything this pompous, posturing ass(Magary) says?

PM said...

Walking your dog on a leash IS FASCISM.
Using supermarket bags instead of your own IS FASCISM.
Buying a house when others can't IS FASCISM.
Forcing a writer to make clickbait IS FASCISM.

mikeski said...

I hate that guy. He ruined Deadspin with nonstop woke politics. Sports should be a place where we can escape that crap.

Well, he had help, but yeah. I remember he posted a lengthy cri de coeur on "The Reckoning" or some such thing, lecturing the Deadspin audience about what happens when you're mean to people (mostly blacks and women, as I recall). This from a guy whose entire oeuvre was dick jokes and sarcastic, gimlet-eyed observations on sports. I pretty much stopped reading him after that.

If you're going for cloying sincerity, at least be funny.

MB said...

I want to see SF guy kill a buck, skin it, cure the hide and then sew it into wearable trousers. Or shorts, if he prefers. I doubt he'll pose a threat to my canned goods horde.

There was a reddit post recently by a guy who was asking why his coworker would make a comment about his casual attire. He was wearing shorts. Even on reddit, the consensus was that he was dumb to dress for work like that. (I don't think there was anything in the dress code at his work that prohibited it, but that's probably because they want to allow women to wear nice shorts and can't do that while banning men from wearing them.)

Narr said...

No comment at all about footwear?

Flip-flops? That's far more egregious IMO than the shorts.

Skeptical Voter said...

Read the climate scaremongering in the Los Angeles Times, hyperventilate and die of fright. You'll still have the hair on your legs.

Mason G said...

"Anyone who wants to force pants on your body is just trying to force their morals on others. Are you one such person? Congratulations, you’re a fascist."

Yeah? Well how about...

"Anyone who wants to force others to accept shorts on your body is just trying to force their morals on others. Are you one such person? Congratulations, you’re a fascist."

Okay now?

Big Mike said...

Put him on a Performance Plan as a signal to him that he should investigate other employment options if he’s not happy with the conditions of employment where he’s at.

Big Mike said...

Put him on a Performance Plan as a signal to him that he should investigate other employment options if he’s not happy with the conditions of employment where he’s at.

MikeR said...

@Mason "It was hotter in the 1930s than today." Not on average. Global temperatures are a little bit warmer, and a slow rising trend is pretty obvious. This isn't really controversial. What's controversial is how much of a problem it is.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

I used shorts the first couple times mowing the lawn. Post mowing little rashes on my hairy legs put an end to that.

Rocco said...

Paul said...
"Yesterday I went shooting in 104 degrees on the gun range. Just took a small bottle of water, shorts and t-shirt. Did fine. No biggie. High humidity cause I live in Texas.
[High Temperature Records]
Dallas and Fort Worth – 113 degrees...
El Paso and Waco – 114 degrees...
Midland-Odessa – 116 degrees...
Wichita Falls – 117 degrees...
Monahans and Seymour – 120 degrees...

After the Comanche largely chased the Mexicans out of Texas, Mexico invited settlers from the US and Europe to try and settle there. The first group of Germans arrived just in time for the summer, and they all died from the heat. The next group of Germans arrived in later, cooler weather, giving them time to adjust. Those groups ended up thriving.

Quaestor said...

"Water is growing scarcer? We had record snowfalls this past winter."

Unfortunately for Californians, most of that snow melt is seawater now. CA hasn't opened a new meltwater impound in 60 years, thanks to the Sierra Club.

Quaestor said...

Not on average.

Averages are the most disreputable statistical method -- easily manipulated, and typically misinterpreted.

Mason G said...

@Mason "It was hotter in the 1930s than today." Not on average.

The article is talking about current conditions, not averages over time. I'm saying it has been hotter in the past than it is today, which isn't really controversial either.

Doug said...

Drew Magary used to be funny.

Free Manure While You Wait! said...

Here in Minnesota we keep hearing about how hot it is. How climate change is going to kill us all dead. But here's the reality:

Minnesota, Temperature Data, July 2023

Days below average: 14
Days above average: 15
Days at average: 2

Source: Kare 11 News

Fact: Less than half of the month of July was above normal (and August temps are expected to be below average).

Conclusion: Climate change my ass.

Solution: STFU

Kevin Walsh said...

This is an unpopular opinion, but I think cargo shorts look dorky and I never wear them. But wear what you want

Paul said...

Rocco said...

"After the Comanche largely chased the Mexicans out of Texas, Mexico invited settlers from the US and Europe to try and settle there. The first group of Germans arrived just in time for the summer, and they all died from the heat. The next group of Germans arrived in later, cooler weather, giving them time to adjust. Those groups ended up thriving."

General Philip Sheridan, in the February 1866 a newspaper in Mobile Alabama, reported on a remark he made about Texas: "If I owned Hell and Texas, I’d rent out Texas and live in Hell."

JaimeRoberto said...

Forget it Ann, Magary is an idiot.

"If it’s 110 out, and that’s no longer a hyperbolic number..." Assuming he's in San Francisco since he writes for SFGate, the high last month was 79. 110 is indeed hyperbolic. As for my town about 30 miles east, it can indeed be 110, though the high last month was 106, but it has always been such, even when I was a little kid.

Big Mike said...

BTW, the "entire patches of earth" up in Canada that are charred are the result of arsonists either ignored by or perhaps even encouraged by the government of Canada, coupled with a forest management that encourages the fires to be allowed simply to burn themselves out.

Tough luck if you're a bear or a deer or a moose in the path of the flames.

Rabel said...

He's exaggerating for comic effect. This, in a way, is a good thing. A little blasphemy that would ordinarily be frowned upon by the true believers. Greta is frowning.

How dare him!

Old and slow said...

I probably wear shorts 350 days per year (short shorts, no less). I also live in Arizona and run every single day. When I go to work, I wear trousers like an adult man should. When I lived in Ireland 20 years ago, you almost NEVER saw a man in shorts unless he was running or playing sports. Tattoos were also quite uncommon. I've been back there a lot the last couple of years, and tattoos are now everywhere, worse than in the US even. Men are also wearing shorts a lot, often to show off their tattoos. It's very disheartening... I blame Sinead.

donald said...

AFTCO original fishing shorts. The best man.

JIM said...

This is the type of emotional meltdown that climate hyperbole and propaganda have created.
Not one single Weather or Climate "expert" predicted the wet year California just experienced.
But the "experts" are now predicting an El Nino and record high temps for 2024. Why would anyone give credence to these false prophets?

Jim at said...

There's going to be a huge swath of people who are going to be disappointed in about 5-7 years when they realize that we're still here, that the weather still gets hot in the summer, and that Obama's oceanside mansion is not under water.

Not a chance. Because they're the same people who were screeching 5-7 years ago we'd all be dead by now. Or the Arctic would be ice free. Snowfalls a thing of the pass. And on and on and on.

They'll pretend they never said such things and then double down on the next set of bullshit claims.

chickelit said...

I saw “Oppenheimer” last night and couldn’t disagree more with his review. Maybe, like shorts, it’s a generational thing.

Mason G said...

Regarding "entire patches of Earth are now charred", from the WSJ:

Climate Change Hasn’t Set the World on Fire
It turns out the percentage of the globe that burns each year has been declining since 2001.

One of the most common tropes in our increasingly alarmist climate debate is that global warming has set the world on fire. But it hasn’t. For more than two decades, satellites have recorded fires across the planet’s surface. The data are unequivocal: Since the early 2000s, when 3% of the world’s land caught fire, the area burned annually has trended downward.

In 2022, the last year for which there are complete data, the world hit a new record-low of 2.2% burned area. Yet you’ll struggle to find that reported anywhere.

Narr said...

I find shorts to be comfortable and appropriate for seven or eight months a year.

Plus, I've got great legs and my wife likes to show them off.

Mikey NTH said...

I am in central Michigan and it has been cooler and wet this summer, so much so that the lawn I don't water has been green and requiring mowing throughout July.

And water getting scarce? A- there is this thing called the water cycle I leatned in third grade, and B- tell Beijing about the scarcity, I am sure they would love to learn about that right now.

KellyM said...

Good Grief - just another reason why I don't bother with SF Gate. What a maroon.

Temps downtown today barely broke 60 degrees and the sun struggled to clear the marine layer. Folks going to the Giants game at the ballpark were bundled up for the event. Yes, the interior had a super-hot spell in mid-July, with triple digit temperatures in the Central Valley and points east, but that has calmed down. Currently, at 5pm PT the temperature at Bishop, CA, in the Eastern Sierra, is 91 degrees. I think the average is above 100 for the beginning of August.

The amount of deception being used to con people into thinking life on earth is at crisis levels is downright sinful. It's no wonder people under 40 are doped up on antidepressants, convinced that their demise is imminent.

Mason G said...

"The amount of deception being used to con people into thinking life on earth is at crisis levels is downright sinful."

Take a look at the chart here:


boatbuilder said...

Heh. Althouse is getting as cranky as the rest of us.

It took the shorts to put her over the edge.

boatbuilder said...

When I was younger, the old codgers used to say things like "You wouldn't believe how hot it was in the summer of '55. Streets melted and women took their tops off just to keep from fainting." They were just old codgers.

Now that I'm an old codger, and I talk about how freakin' hot it was back in the day, I'm a "CLIMATE DENIER!! and an enemy of all that is good.

The AC works a lot better now than it used to, and the beer is not only a lot colder, it is way better.

So quit yer bitchin, young whippersnapper.

boatbuilder said...

"There's going to be a huge swath of people who are going to be disappointed in about 5-7 years when they realize that we're still here, that the weather still gets hot in the summer, and that Obama's oceanside mansion is not under water."

Ah, Temujin, you are a very wise man. But if you haven't figured out the memory hole by now, I don't know what to say.

They won't be disappointed because the past never happened.

wildswan said...

Kids today just don't know what summer heat is. When I was a kid we had to walk home from school and the temperature was 95. No, it was 100, 100 degrees. And when we got there, we had to get a drink out of hose that has been lying in the sun and the water was hot and it tasted of rubber. Then we dug the soft tar out out the cracks in the road and chewed it to see if it was like gum because it would be free. But it was not like gum. After that we had to learn 15 spelling words before we went to bed. The beds were too hot and we slept on the floor. Finally, the rain came and a cool breeze made the curtains sway and off in the distance you heard a train whistle blow.

MadTownGuy said...

Growing up in Southern California, I played outside in 100°-plus temps until I had enough, then went inside to our non-airconditioned house and drank a few good gulps of that lead-laden tap water before I sat down to rest. Some commenters may dispute that, but I turned out all right.

Cato said...

It is not as hot as the 1930s. Think about that. And NO air conditioning.

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