I haven't been paying much attention to each of these indictments, but this one looks to be one of the most absurd, overreaching indictments yet. If lawyers can be charged for advising their clients, we are all fucked.
Imagine the Soros payed DAs putting 10% as much work into prosecuting robbers and thieves as they put into robbing and stealing American elections for their paymaster’s loot. But then they would have to indict themselves. WE NEED ELECTION INTEGRITY NOW.
Rather than being tired of yet another indictment, why don't you entertain the possibility that Donald Trump might, just might, have actually done something wrong?
You seem to think that any investigation into Trump must, and only must, be an act of persecution and election interference.
Exactly what level of crime must Trump commit before he is accountable? The commenters here have already demonstrated they don't care if he raped someone or banged a porn star when his wife was at home with an infant, and then tried to pay her off to keep quiet. Can he shoot someone on 5th Avenue, or does that only count if he kills the random stranger?
It's very tiresome. Worthy of yawning. How about we all go to bed and wake up in October 2024. We can count the indictments to fall asleep. I can usually make it to 88 indictments before nodding off.
""Members of the conspiracy are also liable for the foreseeable crimes of their fellows committed in furtherance of the common plot."
So if you attended any of the 2020 demonstrations, you were responsible for the use of green lasers to damage the eyes of law enforcement, a war crime, BTW, according to conventions that the US has signed, and you are responsible for the IEDs that were thrown into Federal courthouses, and acts of arson against a police station and jail?
Oh no, this is just for Republicans. Democrats need not worry.
Just another day in our corrupt banana-republic-empire-with-nuclear-weapons. Ho hum said everyone outside the red-meat partisans.
These petty bureaucrats from failing city-states perhaps do not understand the severe consequences of destroying US credibility worldwide. Dollar as the world's reserve currency? Bye bye. Ability to fund the nearly $1T DoD budget and screw with Russia/China? Bye bye. Ability to fund social entitlements and grievance programs? Bye bye.
We are now a cluster of angry little selfish fiefdoms.
Let's ask the future? Which President committed more high crimes and misdemeanors? Biden? or Trump? Which one crippled the world economy? Which one started WWIII? Which one LOST WWIII?
They are like the assassinations of 1968, in a sort of a way. Because not immediately fatal, they may seem almost boring to those not engaged in the conflict.
But there is some entertainment value in uncovering the new and exciting legal theories underlying these indictments. Not to mention the unbridled joy of our Lefty comrades every time a new one drops.
Remember when Mueller was going to put Trump in jail for obstruction of justice in the Russian collusion hoax?
BTW, whatever happened to the NY AG investigation re: Trumps tax returns?
Next time we steal an election, don’t even try to contest it. We will bury you and you will die in prison.
Why the overreach though? Especially if they didn't steal the election. More and more this pushback makes it more likely that the election was stolen. Or they believe the election was stolen.
Rather than being tired of yet another indictment, why don't you entertain the possibility that Donald Trump might, just might, have actually done something wrong?
Rather than engaging in wishcasting about Trump's self-evident heinousness, why don't you entertain the possibility that since these indictments are all - every one of them - for things that were legal five minutes ago, and remain legal when a Democrat (other than maybe RFKJr) does them, there is in fact a political agenda being played out here?
Nothing, and everything: progs fight on all fronts, 24/7, BAMN, in an unprecedented attack on a former president and now candidate, undermining "our democracy" by expanding the process to make it the punishment, and pour encourager les autres. It is the bananification of the US.
Exactly. I suspect more than half the nation is now at the point of looking at all of this as ridiculous extremism, over-the-top, and a lot of things that, in normal times, would not even be thought of. They've overplayed their hand badly. And it's not going to come out as they think it will. Even if Trump ends up in jail they are badly underestimating the reaction of the nation- a combination of apathy for some and seething rage for others. I see no one outside of the networks thinking this is justice working it's way.
They've destroyed trust in the institutions. Now they are burying them. It'll take a massive tidal wave going in another direction to bring this country back. What we are seeing nationally, is the same sort of destruction by design we've seen in San Francisco, Portland, Seattle, and others.
Lots of sunrise photos again, but it still hasn't dawned on people here yet, has it? You're waking up now in Soviet America. The USSA. Those of us who escaped the USSR have seen it coming for some time and now it's openly here. Take it from us who know, it's going to get a lot worse.
“Rather than being tired of yet another indictment, why don't you entertain the possibility that Donald Trump might, just might, have actually done something wrong?”
I do entertain that thought. Might. But the overkill of impeachment after impeachment and indictment after indictment (none of which has been proven in a trial and all of which is based on the flimsiest of “evidence” and the most novel of legal theories never used for anyone else), complemented by a compliant propagandist media agreeing with it nonstop, makes me go hmmm.
Do you, Freder, entertain the possibility, that this might, just might, be political weaponization and/or that Joe Biden and his family might, just might, have used is position to sell influence and enrich themselves more blatantly than ever before ? Or do you have no interest in such things? Tired of hearing them uttered?
Things that are now illegal according to the Georgia indictment:
- Asking people for phone numbers - Reserving rooms in a Capitol building - Telling people to watch TV - Getting people to attend legislative hearings. pic.twitter.com/H2oQPXu4OM
— Greg Price (@greg_price11) August 15, 2023
More things that are now illegal according to the indictment:
- Holding meetings - Calling people - Asking people to call special sessions of legislatures - Setting up phone calls pic.twitter.com/y2XiVCWzy9
— Greg Price (@greg_price11) August 15, 2023
- Getting contact information for people - Sending emails - Observing signature match audits on mail in ballots - Asking people to speed up signature match audits.
Things that people are now being charged for. pic.twitter.com/F4D24HS0kg
— Greg Price (@greg_price11) August 15, 2023
- Telling people that there may have been voter fraud - Telling people to watch RSBN - Discussing the election on a phone call - Offering to provide election worker Ruby Freeman with protection pic.twitter.com/hZFq4LmfMB
Because Trump had the election stolen from him and he tried to challenge it, the Dems want to put him in prison for the rest of his life.
There is a difference between challenging election results (oh, and btw, all your claims about fraud are bullshit, unproven, or outright lies) and conspiring to illegally and unconstitutionally change the results of the election.
If you can't see that, then you are a pretty crappy lawyer, and even worse legislator.
Boy who cries wolf asks: Rather than being tired of yet another indictment, why don't you entertain the possibility that Donald Trump might, just might, have actually done something wrong?
First, the question demands we throw away a basic concept of American jurisprudence that a person is innocent until proven guilty. Why do you throw this away so casually? Second, possibility of a crime was entertained during the whole Russian Collusion lie that lasted three years. Why do you think anybody would trust you liars again? Third, related and consistent to the First, benefit was given to Hunter Biden that the laptop might not be legit and like the second point, you lied again. Once you’ve established yourself a liar, you’ll never be trusted again. That you cocoon yourself with other liars is your problem.
We all know by now that it's all political theater so why waste your time.
Freder Frederson said... "Rather than being tired of yet another indictment, why don't you entertain the possibility that Donald Trump might, just might, have actually done something wrong?
You seem to think that any investigation into Trump must, and only must, be an act of persecution and election interference.
Exactly what level of crime must Trump commit before he is accountable?"
If you hadn't spent the last seven years making shit up to indict him on then maybe you'd have a point. So tell me. How is now different? What "crimes" did he actually commit that other politicians have and have gotten away with. How is now any different?
Now do you believe that there is a plan, a conspiracy, to saddle the NWO onto the world so that the self-chosen elite will rule forever and remain wealthy ever more?
As the poster says, they're after us, Trump's just in the way (and they're moving him outta the way).
Exactly what level of crime must Biden commit before he is accountable? The commenters here have already demonstrated they don't care if he raped someone or showered with his daughter and prosecuted the people who obtained her diary describing that fact Can he shoot someone on 5th Avenue, or does that only count if he kills the random stranger?
Is it because you're bored with Trump indictments or because it's too depressing to think about what is being done to the system you believed in and devoted your life to?
In certain key jurisdictions like Atlanta, Milwaukee, Madison, the Dems have perfected election stealing. If the federal government doesn't fix that, then we are finished.
We need to provide Trump with POTUS-affirming care because he obviously truly believes he was voted to be president. For his own mental health and ability to “live his authentic self” Trump needs our affirmation. It’s his choice, his personal expression of what it means to be alive and American. He’s not hurting anyone and the only danger to him and his existence is the hateful and anti-POTUS rhetoric and actions taken against him by people motivated by their political beliefs and their hatred of his self-expression.
What "crimes" did he actually commit that other politicians have and have gotten away with. How is now any different?
I know this is tiresome, but read the damn indictments. The crimes laid out have not been committed by other politicians (or perhaps they were, but none were committed by a sitting president).
Blogger Dave Begley said... Because Trump had the election stolen from him and he tried to challenge it, the Dems want to put him in prison for the rest of his life.
Question Mr. Begley. If you believe this to be true, as stated, why abandon Trump now for DeSantis or Vivek Ramaswamy who now seem to hold your enthusiasm?
What is gained? What is reconciled? We are here now because the 2020 election fraud was not dealt with in 2020. "Moving on" was a mistake. I think even the "let's move on" crowd can see that now.
If you believe the stole the 2020 election from Trump, what makes you believe they wouldn't do the same to DeSantis?? Seems like wishful thinking.
In certain key jurisdictions like Atlanta, Milwaukee, Madison, the Dems have perfected election stealing. If the federal government doesn't fix that, then we are finished.
Provide the least shred of evidence, that hasn't been debunked, often by Republican election officials, that this is true. Many if not all the claims that Trump et. al. claimed after the elections (e.g., truckloads of filled out ballots shipped across state lines, Dominion voting machines switching votes, vote counters in Atlanta pulling suitcases of ballots from nowhere) turned out to be complete fabrications.
Do you, Freder, entertain the possibility, that this might, just might, be political weaponization and/or that Joe Biden and his family might, just might, have used is position to sell influence and enrich themselves more blatantly than ever before ? Or do you have no interest in such things? Tired of hearing them uttered?
I will entertain that Joe Biden and his family have unethically used their name and position to enrich themselves ("selling influence" is problematic). Did what he and his family did actually illegal, probably not (although I believe it should be.
But compare your conniptions about the "Biden Crime Family" and your acceptance of Clarence Thomas accepting expensive gifts from billionaires (even his bullshit RV was a gift from another rich guy) or the Trump children and in laws parlaying their positions into being enriched by foreigners (e.g., Don Jr. in India while his dad was president, $3 billion-mostly from the Saudis-for Jared Kushner). Or we can even go back to Spiro Agnew if you believe the Trump family is as pure as the driven snow.
So no, there is zero evidence that the Biden family "used [his] position to sell influence and enrich themselves more blatantly than ever before ?" (emphasis mine).
Nigh court. I was listening on the radio in between rides to Braves v Yankee fans going home, and Beyoncé concert revelers going to their hotels. A most noticeable difference was how the whites thought the concert was passé and the blacks thought it was the best concert they’ve ever seen.
Trump is similar. If you like him, he’s the second coming and if you don’t he’s Hitler revisited
On a confessional note, I took a $ tip from a Yankee fan. I put my soul in jeopardy.
It's always an interesting problem when justice isn't served in an election. Invariably, the response from the 'winner' is a condescending 'Well, there are no convictions, why, it was thrown out by the judge', when the judge is an elected Democrat and the claims are 'lack of standing' or something similar. As they plaster up the windows with paper to prevent the affected populace from seeing them count.
And yet, the affected populace continues to point out that justice hasn't been served; that 'Faith in Elections' is paramount to democratic rule in a representative Republic. Do they get a say, in this? There are quite a few of them.
And the election 'experts', the ones that serve as UN Observers in kleptocracies/kakistocracies/dictatorships-by-any-other-name around the world, continue to declare that virtually every red flag known to election fraud was flying proudly in miss, instead, with no mention of, or deference to, 'Faith in Elections'. And the Establishment breathes for another day.
Pressure cookers always have relief system, a burst membrane that'll let go before the cooker reaches dangerous pressures. Too bad it has been removed, in this case, and a dangerous game for the cooks to be playing.
Freder trusts his Democrat masters. He would like all of us to agree that there was no fraud and if you insist on believing that there was, we have lots of prisons building to keep you safe. We will empty them of criminals and put all you Trump fans there instead. We already have a good start with J6.
Dave Begley said... Chris Christie had it right today on Fox News. Trump is damaged goods. If the GOP has any hope of winning in 2024, he can't be the nominee.
8/15/23, 10:10 AM
Chris Christie should sit down, shut up and go away. HE is part of the problem, and a big reason why people are abandoning the GOP. With friends like him, who needs Democrats??
Donald Trump is firing back against the recent indictment by the Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis, maintaining his confidence that he will ultimately be cleared of all charges. The former president communicated on Truth Social that he will bring forth an “irrefutable” report that the 2020 election was “[r]igged.”
On the platform, Trump stated, “[a] Large, Complex, Detailed but Irrefutable REPORT on the Presidential Election Fraud which took place in Georgia is almost complete & will be presented by me at a major News Conference at 11:00 A.M. on Monday of next week in Bedminster, New Jersey.” He expressed the belief that, “Based on the results of this CONCLUSIVE Report, all charges should be dropped against me & others – There will be a complete EXONERATION! They never went after those that Rigged the Election. They only went after those that fought to find the RIGGERS!”
Greg Price @greg_price11 Reporter asks Fani Willis about the supposedly "fictitious" Trump indictment posted online earlier that now matched the official charges:
"I can't tell you anything about what you're referring to... I'm not an expert on clerks duties or even administrative duties so I'm not gonna speculate."
Blogger Dave Begley said... Chris Christie had it right today on Fox News. Trump is damaged goods. If the GOP has any hope of winning in 2024, he can't be the nominee.
What is gained by capitulating to the "damage" inflicted on Trump by lies the uniparty implemented since 2016? Russian collusion. 2020 was a clean election.
Do you think they'll just turn off the voter fraud and now your vote will count once again?
Shit they even lied about COVID origins and the Wuhan Wet market vs Fauci / US funding of crazy gain of function research at the lab?
If the education establishment has successfully dumbed down the American population, then we are gone already. Nothing is accomplished by turning back and supporting a GOPe chosen candidate. They're no different than Democrats.
Don't underestimate Fulton prosecutor Fani Willis. She's very partisan, but she's also smart and damn effective and fearless at using RICO laws. She has prosecuted popular rappers and black gang members, and even black schoolteachers and principals who changed children's test scores in exchange for bonuses. Won every case, in Atlanta, and prosecuting those teachers was NOT popular, to say the very least.
At least they're getting this one out of the way first. The rest will be downhill.
They have barricades and officers all the way from the Federal Courthouse, past Underground Atlanta, Five Points, City Hall, all the way to the State Capitol. This is a massive lock-down. Why? I'm deeply concerned that the international commie eco-terrorists camping out in "Stop Atlanta Cop City" nearby are going to use their well-honed, professional tactics to try to start riots and blame Trump supporters.
If you want to help Trump, stay the hell out of downtown, and tell everyone you know to do the same. Don't give them one sliver of opportunity to blame us for their violence.
Don't underestimate Fulton prosecutor Fani Willis. She's very partisan, but she's also smart and damn effective and fearless at using RICO laws. She has prosecuted popular rappers and black gang members, and even black schoolteachers and principals who changed children's test scores in exchange for bonuses. Won every case, in Atlanta, and prosecuting those teachers was NOT popular, to say the very least.
At least they're getting this one out of the way first. The rest will be downhill.
They have barricades and officers all the way from the Federal Courthouse, past Underground Atlanta, Five Points, City Hall, all the way to the State Capitol. This is a massive lock-down. Why? I'm deeply concerned that the international commie eco-terrorists camping out in "Stop Atlanta Cop City" nearby are going to use their well-honed, professional tactics to try to start riots and blame Trump supporters.
If you want to help Trump, stay the hell out of downtown, and tell everyone you know to do the same. Don't give them one sliver of opportunity to blame us for their violence.
Freder Frederson said... "What "crimes" did he actually commit that other politicians have and have gotten away with. How is now any different?
I know this is tiresome, but read the damn indictments. The crimes laid out have not been committed by other politicians (or perhaps they were, but none were committed by a sitting president).
You are either willfully ignorant or lying." One of us is However. My reputation for being accurate far exceeds yours. You were absolutely certain Trump colluded with the Russians. It was proven over and over that he hadn't. It was even proven that the allegations were were not only false, but were deliberately fabricated. You called for the impeachment of an innocent man. Again. Would you bet your life that these allegations are the truth? Again. How is this time any different?
"Rather than being tired of yet another indictment, why don't you entertain the possibility that Donald Trump might, just might, have actually done something wrong?"
That would be Trump, 18 others indicted, and 30 unindicted co-conspirators. The criminal here is the DA abusing her office to use the legal process as punishment while raising the very real possibility of prison for citizens who dared to challenge the party.
And now the self-interested weasels in the surrender caucus chime in.
Fani has a twofer. She gets to use up her resources to prosecute Trump and she gets to ignore the street crime plaguing residents of her Democrat city.
It doesn't get any better than that for a Soros prosecutor.
"Is it because you're bored with Trump indictments or because it's too depressing to think about what is being done to the system you believed in and devoted your life to?"
Denial, anger, bargaining, depression and acceptance. An intelligent and complex personality can maintain several of those emotions simultaneously.
As for others motivations, a simple surrender to an overwhelming attack on historic norms while facing the likelihood of social ostracization and the possibility of legal and financial destruction if one becomes actively involved could weigh heavily on the mind.
It's easier to give in and stay silent. I suppose that would roughly equate to acceptance.
Those are just speculations. Althouse puts herself in the public eye bravely and voluntarily so I get to play amateur psychologist online. But, she's too deep to read with any certainty.
Today's session was free of charge as is appropriate for it's value.
He would like all of us to agree that there was no fraud and if you insist on believing that there was, we have lots of prisons building to keep you safe.
You may believe that MI6 has granted you status as a double naught spy, and that you have a licence to kill (deliberately spelled the English way), but that is not going to provide you with a very good defense, even if you are pleading not guilty be reason of insanity.
You can believe whatever the fuck you want. When you take those baseless beliefs and commit crimes based upon those beliefs, you have crossed the line.
"So no, there is zero evidence that the Biden family "used [his] position to sell influence and enrich themselves more blatantly than ever before ?" (emphasis mine).
Yeah, everybody has set up two dozen shell corporations. I know I have…
I live and work in a very left-wing bubble, so I was surprised when some colleagues seemed upset about all the indictments. However, it wasn't because the indictments themselves an utter perversion of the law or anything like that (like everyone else, they only read the headlines and maybe a brief summary), but because even inside the bubble, people are starting to realize that the country is headed down a very dangerous path, especially since the Powers that Be appear both utterly incompetent and self-righteously over-confident. I don't think it's impossible that we end up with something like Northern Ireland during the Troubles, with car bombs going off in public places and the paramilitaries (Antifa) kidnapping people. A peaceful way out may be, paradoxically, through war and the military. If Trump is not allowed to run or if the election is obviously stolen from him, I expect military recruitment to completely dry up. But the ONLY thing everyone in Washington seems to agree on is more war in Ukraine. In this they are MASSIVELY out of step with something like 75% country, but they don't know it, because they deliberately ask the wrong questions in polls. The combination of few people joining the military with the absolute "necessity" of fighting wars against Russia and elsewhere leads inexorably to first (probably) trying to put all those millions of illegals into the military, and when that inevitably fails, the imposition of a draft. THAT's where I think the "little by little" collapse in public support turns into an "all at once" preference cascade. I hope we don't find out, but I'm less and less optimistic that anyone currently in power has the ability to recognize how serious the situation is or the power to pull us back from the brink. And anyone who thinks "it can't happen here" was not paying attention to Yugoslavia in the 90s. Disenfranchise a large enough portion of the population, particular when that disenfranchised group is geographically concentrated, and things can get out of control very quickly.
"…A show trial. Are we going to next put them in cages in the trial room for people to throw things at? This is not a serious prosecution. It’s serious if you’re on the wrong end of it, as I said. But the idea that a prosecutor in this day and age would think that in the middle of a presidential campaign, it’s appropriate to try to try 19 people at once, three of which she’s indicting for acts they committed as government, federal government officials, as president, as chief of staff, and as a senior official in the Justice Department. What a sham this is." - Tom Fitton
Because Trump had the election stolen from him and he tried to challenge it, the Dems want to put him in prison for the rest of his life.
No, Dave, They want to execute him. The deprivation of rights charge carries a potential death penalty.
This needs to be talked about more. Merrick Garland or Brandon need to be asked point blank if they intend to seek the death penalty. Probably on the gronds that his actions resulted in the death of Ashli Babbit. Yeah, I know, they didn't. But make him defend that in court.
In the meantime hold him without bail. Someone facing a potential death sentence is a flight risk, no?
How would you feel about executing our president emeritus under the color of the law? Some of the things you've said here make me think you would be all in.
There certainly are millions of American fascists who would be happy to see him dead, even at govt hands.
And the election 'experts', the ones that serve as UN Observers in kleptocracies/kakistocracies/dictatorships-by-any-other-name around the world, continue to declare that virtually every red flag known to election fraud was flying proudly in miss, instead, with no mention of, or deference to, 'Faith in Elections'. And the Establishment breathes for another day.
Please provide a link to the names and/or reports by these fictional UN observers who declared "that virtually every red flag known to election fraud was flying proudly in miss" (and honestly, I have no idea what "in miss" is supposed to mean). And giving me the names of the monkeys that flew out of your ass to tell you this doesn't count.
"Conspired to watch OANN election coverage" is not and should not be asserted as a crime, Freder. Try harder. Quit pretending you read this farce of an indictment or the telephone transcript. Then explain why Kanye West is part of the RICO conspiracy. I've heard few mentions of his name today on any channel or web reporting. Maybe they just included him to see who actually reads the indictment.
Boy who cried wolf wrote. I know this is tiresome, but read the damn indictments.
It is tiresome because that’s the best you can do yet expect that is enough to send a popularly elected President to prison. It wasn’t effective when you did it with the Steele Dossier. It wasn’t effective when you impeached him the first time. It wasn’t effective when you impeached him the second time. Now you what a redo of the second impeachment, but with only 12 people instead of millions of voters or 100 of their elected representatives. We are tired of your cries. You are too stupid to grasp the ramifications if we ran the US as you beg us to do.
Correction: It was Kanye's publicist cited in the indictment not the dude himself. And for something tangential to Trump's case it appears. Looking forward to them trying to elucidate the conspiracy as alleged.
From the indictment: On or about the 3rd day of December 2020, DONALD JOHN TRUMP caused to be tweeted from the Twitter account @RealDonaldTrump, "Georgia hearings now on @OANN. Amazing!" This was an overt act in furtherance of the conspiracy.
OMG such overt acts! Saying a hearing is on television should be capital offense, right Freder? I sure hope Trump doesn't say that this trial will be televised they might have the marshall shoot him on the spot.
And this is what you idiots are cheering, the caligulafication of our Republic. Sad.
Because THIS is what they are protecting??? Pathetic man, pathetic party, pathetic Country anymore....
Benny Johnson @bennyjohnson · Follow WATCH: Biden once again SMIRKS then runs away from reporters asking about the rising death toll of Americans from the Maui wildfires— quickly zips away in helicopter for a ONE WEEK vacation in Lake Tahoe https://twitter.com/bennyjohnson/status/1691475825684570113?s=20
You were absolutely certain Trump colluded with the Russians.
I don't know where you got this shit, but it isn't true. Show me where I said that Trump conspired with the Russians. As for colluding (which many of you argued, correctly, is not a crime), there is no doubt that the Trump campaign sought to collude with the Russians (Manafort and Trump Jr. meeting with that Russian spy believing she had dirt on Biden, Manafort releasing private polling data to the Russians). Mueller noted these incidents but not believe they constituted a conspiracy. He also, btw, listed numerous instances of Trump obstructing justice, but believed DOJ rules prohibited him from indicting Trump on those crimes.
The names of the grand jurors are in the indictment. I wonder how long before their addresses and phone numbers are published in some MAGA rag. I wonder how many have already received death threats.
Can we all agree that it is a good thing that the trial will be televised? Or are we not going to watch it just like we didn't watch the Jan 6 hearings? Much easier to deny the facts out of ignorance.
He would like all of us to agree that there was no fraud and if you insist on believing that there was, we have lots of prisons building to keep you safe.
You may believe that MI6 has granted you status as a double naught spy, and that you have a licence to kill (deliberately spelled the English way), but that is not going to provide you with a very good defense, even if you are pleading not guilty be reason of insanity.
Freder, please get back on your meds. You are making even less sense than usual.
Mike - Just because it was an overt act does not mean it is criminal by itself. If people are planning to rob a bank and one of them fills up the getaway car with gas, that would be an overt act. But it's not a crime to put gas in a car. I'm sure you are intelligent enough to understand the distinction?
I do congratulate you on reading the indictment though. Any of Trump's conduct cause you the least bid of concern?
Stockholm Republicans seem to think that if we run somebody other than Trump, the Democrats are going to calm down and stop lying and cheating. Good luck with that.
Mike (MJB Wolf) said... From the indictment: On or about the 3rd day of December 2020, DONALD JOHN TRUMP caused to be tweeted from the Twitter account @RealDonaldTrump, "Georgia hearings now on @OANN. Amazing!" This was an overt act in furtherance of the conspiracy.
OMG such overt acts! Saying a hearing is on television should be capital offense, right Freder? I sure hope Trump doesn't say that this trial will be televised they might have the marshall shoot him on the spot.
And this is what you idiots are cheering, the caligulafication of our Republic. Sad.
There are several comments like this on this page. Poor MJB Wolf gets singled out because his was closest to the bottom when I reopened this page. MJB Wolf is probably not more stupid than the others. But he is equally stupid, no doubt.
It is generally legal to rent a panel truck. We don't want to criminalize all rentals of panel trucks. But when you rent a panel truck to use it to place a bomb in front of a federal courthouse in Oklahoma City, it becomes an overt act in furtherance of a conspiracy. And is criminal in nature.
Now you what a redo of the second impeachment, but with only 12 people instead of millions of voters or 100 of their elected representatives.
Donald Trump is no longer president. So he doesn't get to be tried by millions of voters or the Senate. What is your point? Does advocating for a jury trial make me some kind of communist?
Lem the misspeller said... The indictments are on the verge of becoming a drinking game.
Sort of. Not exactly a traditional drinking game, where a show is so repetitive that you ridicule the repetition by yelling "Drink!" when a magic phrase is uttered.
More in the realm of a great pennant race. Where your team is in first place, but the race is still in doubt, and every night is another game where your team is a quality one, and well known to you, but each night with a new opponent, a new series, new games to enjoy. Enjoying them, night after night, some day games scattered in, in glorious succession. Enjoyed best of all with a tasty adult beverage.
I understand that lots of Trump fans might be like Atlhouse; worn out, tired of the Trump criminal drama, bored with the details. For Trump haters like me, it is wonderful. Interesting, energizing, compelling, motivating. After a year of it, I think I know where the two sides -- ProTrump versus AntiTrump -- will stand. And which side will be more fired up about turning out for an election.
Soooo...WHEN is Georgia going to indict Fat Stacy? But I guess we should quit bothering Stacey Abrams. She’s busy leading the planning to rig the 2024 election https://twitter.com/RNCResearch/status/1691471513042468865?s=20
And exactly how many entities (mostly LLC's) are controlled by the Trumps? And how many of them actually produce something?
1. If there were questions of foreign transfers into them we would know. It would be in one of the indictments. 2. How much malfeasance does this country have to endure from Biden before the Left actually wants it investigated?
For me, it is enough to know he and Hunter shared a bank account into which foreign funds were transferred triggering a SAR, and that funds were dispersed to pay expenses for both men from the same account. That is the very definition of the appearance of corruption.
Jim, no, not one. Nothing there. Certainly not racketeering in any sense of the word. Not one one lawyer in that huge transcript ever advised against the items of discussion, not Trump's nor GA's. And if it WAS then it was a crime against the State, not the county this DA works for. He admitted he did not win Fulton so why the indictment there?
Nothing he said or did was unique behavior to Trump and in fact fake governor Abrams did far worse including defrauding contributors of millions so she could sue Kemp and GA, which she never actually did. She just kept the dough.
Joel Pollak @joelpollak The indictment is a joke. But it sets a standard that Republican AGs and DAs should follow in retaliation. Convene a grand jury in some Republican jurisdiction and indict Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, Joe Biden and the rest of them for the Russia collusion hoax. One law for all.
"So no, there is zero evidence that the Biden family "used [his] position to sell influence and enrich themselves more blatantly than ever before ?" (emphasis mine)."
This claim that there is zero evidence is nonsense.
Rusty said... ... However. My reputation for being accurate far exceeds yours. You were absolutely certain Trump colluded with the Russians. It was proven over and over that he hadn't. It was even proven that the allegations were were not only false, but were deliberately fabricated. ...
And ex-FBI agent Charles McGonigal, a stalwart investigator of the Russian Collusion hoax who helped keep it alive, has just pled guilty to- Russian collusion... Well, effectively to that, though that wasn't the wording of the charges.
Donald Trump is no longer president. So he doesn't get to be tried by millions of voters or the Senate. What is your point?
Trump is running for President. The DOJ opted not to indict Hillary for clear violations of the law, so as to not interfere with an election. Millions voted and decided she was less fit to be President than Trump. The DOJ is indicting Trump to keep him off the ballot, as Democrats have said is the goal since Jan. 6th.
What's your point for pushing guilty until proven innocent? What's your point in assuming an indictment means the accused is guilty of a crime?
1. If there were questions of foreign transfers into them we would know. It would be in one of the indictments.
So far, no one has indicted Trump for bribery or accepting illegal contributions from foreign governments. So, no, it would not have been in the indictments.
And the questionable transactions by Jared and Don Jr have indeed been well covered, so if you don't know about them, then you are just intentionally ignoring them.
"This claim that there is zero evidence is nonsense."
It's the MO of progressives. Tell lies repeatedly until even they are tired of hearing them. Then claim everybody's heard about it already and it's "old news" and proclaim it's time to move on.
Donald Trump is no longer president. So he doesn't get to be tried by millions of voters or the Senate. What is your point? Does advocating for a jury trial make me some kind of communist?
Well, you are already that but we have known it for a while. Our problem is that this is blatant election interference by Democrats who are trying to end Trump's presidential campaign. He will not quit and can afford to defend himself, unlike Sarah Palin when they pulled this on her. Maybe the Supreme Court can do another 9-0 decision like they did on Smith and Weissmann before.
"This claim that there is zero evidence is nonsense."
Of course there is evidence. Trump tweeted that people should tune in to OANN and another time about Newsmax. Somebody rented rooms for people to discuss election fraud and how to get electors to change their minds. Etc. String 'em up.
The problem isn't lack of evidence. It's lack of crimes. First Amendment rights are being trampled. It's okay with the Democrats and their pet mediaswine.
"Of course there is evidence. Trump tweeted that people should tune in to OANN and another time about Newsmax. Somebody rented rooms for people to discuss election fraud and how to get electors to change their minds. Etc. String 'em up."
hombre, the evidence under discussion is that of Biden receiving foreign payments.
Like I said if there was something there it’d be in the indictments. Impeachment 1: nothing there. Impeachment 2: nothing there. Mueller: nothing there. Bragg: a joke indictment alleging a Federal campaign violation: nothing there. Etc. Etc.
last joke release Former President Trump on Monday issued a 12-page rebuttal to testimony and evidence presented by a House committee investigating the Capitol riot on Jan. 6, 2021, accusing Democrats of seeking to distract from a series of domestic issues facing the country. “Seventeen months after the events of January 6th, Democrats are unable to offer solutions,” Trump said in a statement released through his Save America PAC. “They are desperate to change the narrative of a failing nation, without even making mention of the havoc and death caused by the Radical Left just months earlier. Make no mistake, they control the government. They own this disaster. They are hoping that these hearings will somehow alter their failing prospects.” The 12-page document underscores how Trump has yet to move on from his false claims of fraud in the 2020 election and how the committee’s work may be central to a potential 2024 campaign. The House committee investigating the Jan. 6 insurrection has held two public hearings thus far as it builds a case to show Trump was repeatedly informed by aides that the election was not stolen or rigged but continued to claim publicly that it was for months, misleading his supporters. In the 12-page document, Trump repeats a handful of disproven claims to assert the 2020 election was stolen from him and rigged in favor of Democrats, including some that were brought up during testimony by former Trump campaign and administration officials. One section of Trump’s statement focuses on ballot trafficking claims, for which he cites the Dinesh D’Souza documentary “2000 Mules.” In testimony shown earlier Monday, former Attorney General William Barr laughed at the mention of the film, saying he was “unimpressed with it” and dismissed the idea that it proved widespread fraud. Another section asserts that President Biden could not have won the states of Pennsylvania, Arizona or Georgia because he got more Black votes and Hispanic votes than former President Obama. Each of those states has performed audits and recounts and found no evidence of widespread fraud. Trump in one section claimed states such as Pennsylvania and Michigan took additional time after Election Day to count ballots because it was part of an elaborate scheme to ship in fraudulent votes so Biden could erase Trump’s narrow leads in those states. But former Fox News editor Chris Stirewalt testified in person on Monday to dismiss that very theory, known as the “red mirage.” Stirewalt explained that Republicans typically do better on Election Day, while Democrats perform better in early voting. Some states, such as Pennsylvania, do not count early votes or mail-in ballots until Election Day, meaning it takes additional time to finalize the count. “We had gone to pains — and I’m proud of the pains we went to — to make sure that we were informing viewers that this was going to happen because the Trump campaign and the president had made it clear that they were going to try to exploit this anomaly,” Stirewalt said Monday. The Jan. 6 hearings have shown a number of former Trump aides dismissing his claims of election fraud and insisting they told the former president he did not have a case based in fact in the aftermath of the 2020 election. Barr has testified that he told Trump his claims about the election were “bullshit” and referred to them as “nonsense” and “idiotic.” In a deposition shown Monday, Barr told the committee he worried Trump was “detached from reality” in the weeks after the election as he claimed without evidence that certain voting machines were designed to cheat. But Trump has repeatedly shown he will not back down from his claims that the 2020 election was stolen, turning it into a major campaign issue in the 2022 midterms and beyond. He has backed candidates who continue to deny that Biden is the legitimately elected president, and he has supported challengers to the Republicans who voted to impeach him over the Capitol riot.Who cares what he releases,he is nobody but a citizen now.
"This claim that there is zero evidence is nonsense."
Of course there is evidence. Trump tweeted that people should tune in to OANN and another time about Newsmax. Somebody rented rooms for people to discuss election fraud and how to get electors to change their minds. Etc. String 'em up.
The problem isn't lack of evidence. It's lack of crimes. First Amendment rights are being trampled. It's okay with the Democrats and their pet mediaswine.
"Former President Trump on Monday issued a 12-page rebuttal to testimony and evidence presented by a House committee investigating the Capitol riot on Jan. 6, 2021...."
The Committee that cannot produce the records and evidence required by rule and law relating to their proceedings? That Committee?
Not a crime to express a different opinion than the majority. Not even to keep doing it. Not even to hire lawyers who share the same opinion. These things are expressly protected by the 1A and it is written to specifically protect political speech. Word blizzards and indictment storms containing much sound and fury signify nothing. Dinky just might have reinvented demonstrating absurdity by being absurd.
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I haven't been paying much attention to each of these indictments, but this one looks to be one of the most absurd, overreaching indictments yet. If lawyers can be charged for advising their clients, we are all fucked.
Imagine the Soros payed DAs putting 10% as much work into prosecuting robbers and thieves as they put into robbing and stealing American elections for their paymaster’s loot. But then they would have to indict themselves. WE NEED ELECTION INTEGRITY NOW.
That's exactly how I felt waking up this morning. I'm not sure what the point is of life in a world without ethics.
Rather than being tired of yet another indictment, why don't you entertain the possibility that Donald Trump might, just might, have actually done something wrong?
You seem to think that any investigation into Trump must, and only must, be an act of persecution and election interference.
Exactly what level of crime must Trump commit before he is accountable? The commenters here have already demonstrated they don't care if he raped someone or banged a porn star when his wife was at home with an infant, and then tried to pay her off to keep quiet. Can he shoot someone on 5th Avenue, or does that only count if he kills the random stranger?
Because Trump had the election stolen from him and he tried to challenge it, the Dems want to put him in prison for the rest of his life.
On MSNBC, they are all giddy and overjoyed.
The judge assigned to the case just took the bench this year.
It's very tiresome. Worthy of yawning. How about we all go to bed and wake up in October 2024. We can count the indictments to fall asleep. I can usually make it to 88 indictments before nodding off.
how easily Indictments of an exPresident become boring during a wished for boring administration!!
I think they're just trying to provoke another J6 so they can round up all of us deplorable citizens and put us into camps for, ya know, our own good.
Meanwhile, resident Biden's proxy war against the russians continues to kill Ukrainians..
And for what? To make money for Raytheon.. Obviously
""Members of the conspiracy are also liable for the foreseeable crimes of their fellows committed in furtherance of the common plot."
So if you attended any of the 2020 demonstrations, you were responsible for the use of green lasers to damage the eyes of law enforcement, a war crime, BTW, according to conventions that the US has signed, and you are responsible for the IEDs that were thrown into Federal courthouses, and acts of arson against a police station and jail?
Oh no, this is just for Republicans. Democrats need not worry.
Just another day in our corrupt banana-republic-empire-with-nuclear-weapons. Ho hum said everyone outside the red-meat partisans.
These petty bureaucrats from failing city-states perhaps do not understand the severe consequences of destroying US credibility worldwide. Dollar as the world's reserve currency? Bye bye. Ability to fund the nearly $1T DoD budget and screw with Russia/China? Bye bye. Ability to fund social entitlements and grievance programs? Bye bye.
We are now a cluster of angry little selfish fiefdoms.
Let's ask the future?
Which President committed more high crimes and misdemeanors? Biden? or Trump?
Which one crippled the world economy?
Which one started WWIII?
Which one LOST WWIII?
It's looking like a full-time job. Perhaps you can get ChatGPT to do some work for you.
The message is: Next time we steal an election, don’t even try to contest it. We will bury you and you will die in prison.
They are like the assassinations of 1968, in a sort of a way. Because not immediately fatal, they may seem almost boring to those not engaged in the conflict.
But there is some entertainment value in uncovering the new and exciting legal theories underlying these indictments. Not to mention the unbridled joy of our Lefty comrades every time a new one drops.
Remember when Mueller was going to put Trump in jail for obstruction of justice in the Russian collusion hoax?
BTW, whatever happened to the NY AG investigation re: Trumps tax returns?
Next time we steal an election, don’t even try to contest it. We will bury you and you will die in prison.
Why the overreach though? Especially if they didn't steal the election. More and more this pushback makes it more likely that the election was stolen. Or they believe the election was stolen.
Note to Freder: Banging a porn star is not illegal.
But flying a hooker across state lines is.
We live in dangerous times.
Nineteen defendants? Why stop there!
Rather than being tired of yet another indictment, why don't you entertain the possibility that Donald Trump might, just might, have actually done something wrong?
Rather than engaging in wishcasting about Trump's self-evident heinousness, why don't you entertain the possibility that since these indictments are all - every one of them - for things that were legal five minutes ago, and remain legal when a Democrat (other than maybe RFKJr) does them, there is in fact a political agenda being played out here?
It's all based on an inability to read Trump, which Althouse may share.
The indictments are meant to insist on that misreading as a legal fiction.
No worries; I'll send you an email after the trial and let you know how it turned out, Althouse.
"I'm like... what else is new?"
Nothing, and everything: progs fight on all fronts, 24/7, BAMN, in an unprecedented attack on a former president and now candidate, undermining "our democracy" by expanding the process to make it the punishment, and pour encourager les autres. It is the bananification of the US.
Exactly. I suspect more than half the nation is now at the point of looking at all of this as ridiculous extremism, over-the-top, and a lot of things that, in normal times, would not even be thought of. They've overplayed their hand badly. And it's not going to come out as they think it will. Even if Trump ends up in jail they are badly underestimating the reaction of the nation- a combination of apathy for some and seething rage for others. I see no one outside of the networks thinking this is justice working it's way.
They've destroyed trust in the institutions. Now they are burying them. It'll take a massive tidal wave going in another direction to bring this country back. What we are seeing nationally, is the same sort of destruction by design we've seen in San Francisco, Portland, Seattle, and others.
Lots of sunrise photos again, but it still hasn't dawned on people here yet, has it? You're waking up now in Soviet America. The USSA. Those of us who escaped the USSR have seen it coming for some time and now it's openly here. Take it from us who know, it's going to get a lot worse.
Freder said:
“Rather than being tired of yet another indictment, why don't you entertain the possibility that Donald Trump might, just might, have actually done something wrong?”
I do entertain that thought. Might. But the overkill of impeachment after impeachment and indictment after indictment (none of which has been proven in a trial and all of which is based on the flimsiest of “evidence” and the most novel of legal theories never used for anyone else), complemented by a compliant propagandist media agreeing with it nonstop, makes me go hmmm.
Do you, Freder, entertain the possibility, that this might, just might, be political weaponization and/or that Joe Biden and his family might, just might, have used is position to sell influence and enrich themselves more blatantly than ever before ? Or do you have no interest in such things? Tired of hearing them uttered?
Things that are now illegal according to the Georgia indictment:
- Asking people for phone numbers
- Reserving rooms in a Capitol building
- Telling people to watch TV
- Getting people to attend legislative hearings. pic.twitter.com/H2oQPXu4OM
— Greg Price (@greg_price11) August 15, 2023
More things that are now illegal according to the indictment:
- Holding meetings
- Calling people
- Asking people to call special sessions of legislatures
- Setting up phone calls pic.twitter.com/y2XiVCWzy9
— Greg Price (@greg_price11) August 15, 2023
- Getting contact information for people
- Sending emails
- Observing signature match audits on mail in ballots
- Asking people to speed up signature match audits.
Things that people are now being charged for. pic.twitter.com/F4D24HS0kg
— Greg Price (@greg_price11) August 15, 2023
- Telling people that there may have been voter fraud
- Telling people to watch RSBN
- Discussing the election on a phone call
- Offering to provide election worker Ruby Freeman with protection pic.twitter.com/hZFq4LmfMB
— Greg Price (@greg_price11) August 15, 2023
From what I've read and heard about this indictment I'm breathing a sigh of relief that I wasn't also indicted.
Because Trump had the election stolen from him and he tried to challenge it, the Dems want to put him in prison for the rest of his life.
There is a difference between challenging election results (oh, and btw, all your claims about fraud are bullshit, unproven, or outright lies) and conspiring to illegally and unconstitutionally change the results of the election.
If you can't see that, then you are a pretty crappy lawyer, and even worse legislator.
Quack attorney Dave Begley hasn't read the indictment but is certain it's BS.
Boy who cries wolf asks: Rather than being tired of yet another indictment, why don't you entertain the possibility that Donald Trump might, just might, have actually done something wrong?
First, the question demands we throw away a basic concept of American jurisprudence that a person is innocent until proven guilty. Why do you throw this away so casually? Second, possibility of a crime was entertained during the whole Russian Collusion lie that lasted three years. Why do you think anybody would trust you liars again? Third, related and consistent to the First, benefit was given to Hunter Biden that the laptop might not be legit and like the second point, you lied again. Once you’ve established yourself a liar, you’ll never be trusted again. That you cocoon yourself with other liars is your problem.
We all know by now that it's all political theater so why waste your time.
Freder Frederson said...
"Rather than being tired of yet another indictment, why don't you entertain the possibility that Donald Trump might, just might, have actually done something wrong?
You seem to think that any investigation into Trump must, and only must, be an act of persecution and election interference.
Exactly what level of crime must Trump commit before he is accountable?"
If you hadn't spent the last seven years making shit up to indict him on then maybe you'd have a point. So tell me. How is now different? What "crimes" did he actually commit that other politicians have and have gotten away with. How is now any different?
Valleyspeak is good but shorts and garner not so much. This like made me smile.
Now do you believe that there is a plan, a conspiracy, to saddle the NWO onto the world so that the self-chosen elite will rule forever and remain wealthy ever more?
As the poster says, they're after us, Trump's just in the way (and they're moving him outta the way).
Exactly what level of crime must Biden commit before he is accountable? The commenters here have already demonstrated they don't care if he raped someone or showered with his daughter and prosecuted the people who obtained her diary describing that fact Can he shoot someone on 5th Avenue, or does that only count if he kills the random stranger?
Is it because you're bored with Trump indictments or because it's too depressing to think about what is being done to the system you believed in and devoted your life to?
I worry that the preponderance of former DoJ attorneys on the Federal Bench may begin to affect the high regard in which the Judicial Branch is held.
In certain key jurisdictions like Atlanta, Milwaukee, Madison, the Dems have perfected election stealing. If the federal government doesn't fix that, then we are finished.
We need to provide Trump with POTUS-affirming care because he obviously truly believes he was voted to be president. For his own mental health and ability to “live his authentic self” Trump needs our affirmation. It’s his choice, his personal expression of what it means to be alive and American. He’s not hurting anyone and the only danger to him and his existence is the hateful and anti-POTUS rhetoric and actions taken against him by people motivated by their political beliefs and their hatred of his self-expression.
What "crimes" did he actually commit that other politicians have and have gotten away with. How is now any different?
I know this is tiresome, but read the damn indictments. The crimes laid out have not been committed by other politicians (or perhaps they were, but none were committed by a sitting president).
You are either willfully ignorant or lying.
Blogger Dave Begley said...
Because Trump had the election stolen from him and he tried to challenge it, the Dems want to put him in prison for the rest of his life.
Question Mr. Begley. If you believe this to be true, as stated, why abandon Trump now for DeSantis or Vivek Ramaswamy who now seem to hold your enthusiasm?
What is gained? What is reconciled? We are here now because the 2020 election fraud was not dealt with in 2020. "Moving on" was a mistake. I think even the "let's move on" crowd can see that now.
If you believe the stole the 2020 election from Trump, what makes you believe they wouldn't do the same to DeSantis?? Seems like wishful thinking.
I'm like... what else is new?
And you, a law professor!
(Shouldn’t that be a tag by now?)
In certain key jurisdictions like Atlanta, Milwaukee, Madison, the Dems have perfected election stealing. If the federal government doesn't fix that, then we are finished.
Provide the least shred of evidence, that hasn't been debunked, often by Republican election officials, that this is true. Many if not all the claims that Trump et. al. claimed after the elections (e.g., truckloads of filled out ballots shipped across state lines, Dominion voting machines switching votes, vote counters in Atlanta pulling suitcases of ballots from nowhere) turned out to be complete fabrications.
Thought process of idiot Democrats: "Trump is guilty. Therefore, we need to keep investigating until we figure out what he's guilty of."
Do you, Freder, entertain the possibility, that this might, just might, be political weaponization and/or that Joe Biden and his family might, just might, have used is position to sell influence and enrich themselves more blatantly than ever before ? Or do you have no interest in such things? Tired of hearing them uttered?
I will entertain that Joe Biden and his family have unethically used their name and position to enrich themselves ("selling influence" is problematic). Did what he and his family did actually illegal, probably not (although I believe it should be.
But compare your conniptions about the "Biden Crime Family" and your acceptance of Clarence Thomas accepting expensive gifts from billionaires (even his bullshit RV was a gift from another rich guy) or the Trump children and in laws parlaying their positions into being enriched by foreigners (e.g., Don Jr. in India while his dad was president, $3 billion-mostly from the Saudis-for Jared Kushner). Or we can even go back to Spiro Agnew if you believe the Trump family is as pure as the driven snow.
So no, there is zero evidence that the Biden family "used [his] position to sell influence and enrich themselves more blatantly than ever before ?" (emphasis mine).
"Too much of nothing can make a man feel ill at ease/ one man's temper rises where another man's temper might freeze"
Nigh court. I was listening on the radio in between rides to Braves v Yankee fans going home, and Beyoncé concert revelers going to their hotels. A most noticeable difference was how the whites thought the concert was passé and the blacks thought it was the best concert they’ve ever seen.
Trump is similar. If you like him, he’s the second coming and if you don’t he’s Hitler revisited
On a confessional note, I took a $ tip from a Yankee fan. I put my soul in jeopardy.
Chris Christie had it right today on Fox News. Trump is damaged goods. If the GOP has any hope of winning in 2024, he can't be the nominee.
It's always an interesting problem when justice isn't served in an election. Invariably, the response from the 'winner' is a condescending 'Well, there are no convictions, why, it was thrown out by the judge', when the judge is an elected Democrat and the claims are 'lack of standing' or something similar. As they plaster up the windows with paper to prevent the affected populace from seeing them count.
And yet, the affected populace continues to point out that justice hasn't been served; that 'Faith in Elections' is paramount to democratic rule in a representative Republic. Do they get a say, in this? There are quite a few of them.
And the election 'experts', the ones that serve as UN Observers in kleptocracies/kakistocracies/dictatorships-by-any-other-name around the world, continue to declare that virtually every red flag known to election fraud was flying proudly in miss, instead, with no mention of, or deference to, 'Faith in Elections'. And the Establishment breathes for another day.
Pressure cookers always have relief system, a burst membrane that'll let go before the cooker reaches dangerous pressures. Too bad it has been removed, in this case, and a dangerous game for the cooks to be playing.
Freder trusts his Democrat masters. He would like all of us to agree that there was no fraud and if you insist on believing that there was, we have lots of prisons building to keep you safe. We will empty them of criminals and put all you Trump fans there instead. We already have a good start with J6.
Dave Begley said...
Chris Christie had it right today on Fox News. Trump is damaged goods. If the GOP has any hope of winning in 2024, he can't be the nominee.
8/15/23, 10:10 AM
Chris Christie should sit down, shut up and go away. HE is part of the problem, and a big reason why people are abandoning the GOP. With friends like him, who needs Democrats??
Donald Trump is firing back against the recent indictment by the Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis, maintaining his confidence that he will ultimately be cleared of all charges. The former president communicated on Truth Social that he will bring forth an “irrefutable” report that the 2020 election was “[r]igged.”
On the platform, Trump stated, “[a] Large, Complex, Detailed but Irrefutable REPORT on the Presidential Election Fraud which took place in Georgia is almost complete & will be presented by me at a major News Conference at 11:00 A.M. on Monday of next week in Bedminster, New Jersey.” He expressed the belief that, “Based on the results of this CONCLUSIVE Report, all charges should be dropped against me & others – There will be a complete EXONERATION! They never went after those that Rigged the Election. They only went after those that fought to find the RIGGERS!”
I bet she has no clue what a woman is either....
Greg Price
Reporter asks Fani Willis about the supposedly "fictitious" Trump indictment posted online earlier that now matched the official charges:
"I can't tell you anything about what you're referring to... I'm not an expert on clerks duties or even administrative duties so I'm not gonna speculate."
Blogger Dave Begley said...
Chris Christie had it right today on Fox News. Trump is damaged goods. If the GOP has any hope of winning in 2024, he can't be the nominee.
What is gained by capitulating to the "damage" inflicted on Trump by lies the uniparty implemented since 2016? Russian collusion. 2020 was a clean election.
Do you think they'll just turn off the voter fraud and now your vote will count once again?
Shit they even lied about COVID origins and the Wuhan Wet market vs Fauci / US funding of crazy gain of function research at the lab?
If the education establishment has successfully dumbed down the American population, then we are gone already. Nothing is accomplished by turning back and supporting a GOPe chosen candidate. They're no different than Democrats.
This indictment answers one question I've always had about RICO: what prevents charging lawyers for an "organized crime" figure? The answer: Nothing.
Don't underestimate Fulton prosecutor Fani Willis. She's very partisan, but she's also smart and damn effective and fearless at using RICO laws. She has prosecuted popular rappers and black gang members, and even black schoolteachers and principals who changed children's test scores in exchange for bonuses. Won every case, in Atlanta, and prosecuting those teachers was NOT popular, to say the very least.
At least they're getting this one out of the way first. The rest will be downhill.
They have barricades and officers all the way from the Federal Courthouse, past Underground Atlanta, Five Points, City Hall, all the way to the State Capitol. This is a massive lock-down. Why? I'm deeply concerned that the international commie eco-terrorists camping out in "Stop Atlanta Cop City" nearby are going to use their well-honed, professional tactics to try to start riots and blame Trump supporters.
If you want to help Trump, stay the hell out of downtown, and tell everyone you know to do the same. Don't give them one sliver of opportunity to blame us for their violence.
Don't underestimate Fulton prosecutor Fani Willis. She's very partisan, but she's also smart and damn effective and fearless at using RICO laws. She has prosecuted popular rappers and black gang members, and even black schoolteachers and principals who changed children's test scores in exchange for bonuses. Won every case, in Atlanta, and prosecuting those teachers was NOT popular, to say the very least.
At least they're getting this one out of the way first. The rest will be downhill.
They have barricades and officers all the way from the Federal Courthouse, past Underground Atlanta, Five Points, City Hall, all the way to the State Capitol. This is a massive lock-down. Why? I'm deeply concerned that the international commie eco-terrorists camping out in "Stop Atlanta Cop City" nearby are going to use their well-honed, professional tactics to try to start riots and blame Trump supporters.
If you want to help Trump, stay the hell out of downtown, and tell everyone you know to do the same. Don't give them one sliver of opportunity to blame us for their violence.
Freder Frederson said...
"What "crimes" did he actually commit that other politicians have and have gotten away with. How is now any different?
I know this is tiresome, but read the damn indictments. The crimes laid out have not been committed by other politicians (or perhaps they were, but none were committed by a sitting president).
You are either willfully ignorant or lying."
One of us is
However. My reputation for being accurate far exceeds yours. You were absolutely certain Trump colluded with the Russians. It was proven over and over that he hadn't. It was even proven that the allegations were were not only false, but were deliberately fabricated. You called for the impeachment of an innocent man. Again. Would you bet your life that these allegations are the truth? Again. How is this time any different?
"Freder trusts his Democrat masters." Nah! At some level he knows.
Like all committed New Democrats, Freder is an amoral leftist avoiding cognitive dissonance with fabulism.
"Rather than being tired of yet another indictment, why don't you entertain the possibility that Donald Trump might, just might, have actually done something wrong?"
That would be Trump, 18 others indicted, and 30 unindicted co-conspirators. The criminal here is the DA abusing her office to use the legal process as punishment while raising the very real possibility of prison for citizens who dared to challenge the party.
And now the self-interested weasels in the surrender caucus chime in.
"Now, I don't even feel like making a new post for every new indictment."
I'm very proud of you. Sounds like your ready to surrender and pick up a white.
Fani has a twofer. She gets to use up her resources to prosecute Trump and she gets to ignore the street crime plaguing residents of her Democrat city.
It doesn't get any better than that for a Soros prosecutor.
The indictments are on the verge of becoming a drinking game.
"Is it because you're bored with Trump indictments or because it's too depressing to think about what is being done to the system you believed in and devoted your life to?"
Denial, anger, bargaining, depression and acceptance. An intelligent and complex personality can maintain several of those emotions simultaneously.
As for others motivations, a simple surrender to an overwhelming attack on historic norms while facing the likelihood of social ostracization and the possibility of legal and financial destruction if one becomes actively involved could weigh heavily on the mind.
It's easier to give in and stay silent. I suppose that would roughly equate to acceptance.
Those are just speculations. Althouse puts herself in the public eye bravely and voluntarily so I get to play amateur psychologist online. But, she's too deep to read with any certainty.
Today's session was free of charge as is appropriate for it's value.
He would like all of us to agree that there was no fraud and if you insist on believing that there was, we have lots of prisons building to keep you safe.
You may believe that MI6 has granted you status as a double naught spy, and that you have a licence to kill (deliberately spelled the English way), but that is not going to provide you with a very good defense, even if you are pleading not guilty be reason of insanity.
You can believe whatever the fuck you want. When you take those baseless beliefs and commit crimes based upon those beliefs, you have crossed the line.
"So no, there is zero evidence that the Biden family "used [his] position to sell influence and enrich themselves more blatantly than ever before ?" (emphasis mine).
Yeah, everybody has set up two dozen shell corporations. I know I have…
I live and work in a very left-wing bubble, so I was surprised when some colleagues seemed upset about all the indictments. However, it wasn't because the indictments themselves an utter perversion of the law or anything like that (like everyone else, they only read the headlines and maybe a brief summary), but because even inside the bubble, people are starting to realize that the country is headed down a very dangerous path, especially since the Powers that Be appear both utterly incompetent and self-righteously over-confident. I don't think it's impossible that we end up with something like Northern Ireland during the Troubles, with car bombs going off in public places and the paramilitaries (Antifa) kidnapping people.
A peaceful way out may be, paradoxically, through war and the military. If Trump is not allowed to run or if the election is obviously stolen from him, I expect military recruitment to completely dry up.
But the ONLY thing everyone in Washington seems to agree on is more war in Ukraine. In this they are MASSIVELY out of step with something like 75% country, but they don't know it, because they deliberately ask the wrong questions in polls.
The combination of few people joining the military with the absolute "necessity" of fighting wars against Russia and elsewhere leads inexorably to first (probably) trying to put all those millions of illegals into the military, and when that inevitably fails, the imposition of a draft.
THAT's where I think the "little by little" collapse in public support turns into an "all at once" preference cascade.
I hope we don't find out, but I'm less and less optimistic that anyone currently in power has the ability to recognize how serious the situation is or the power to pull us back from the brink. And anyone who thinks "it can't happen here" was not paying attention to Yugoslavia in the 90s. Disenfranchise a large enough portion of the population, particular when that disenfranchised group is geographically concentrated, and things can get out of control very quickly.
"…A show trial. Are we going to next put them in cages in the trial room for people to throw things at? This is not a serious prosecution. It’s serious if you’re on the wrong end of it, as I said. But the idea that a prosecutor in this day and age would think that in the middle of a presidential campaign, it’s appropriate to try to try 19 people at once, three of which she’s indicting for acts they committed as government, federal government officials, as president, as chief of staff, and as a senior official in the Justice Department. What a sham this is." - Tom Fitton
Blogger Dave Begley said...
Because Trump had the election stolen from him and he tried to challenge it, the Dems want to put him in prison for the rest of his life.
No, Dave, They want to execute him. The deprivation of rights charge carries a potential death penalty.
This needs to be talked about more. Merrick Garland or Brandon need to be asked point blank if they intend to seek the death penalty. Probably on the gronds that his actions resulted in the death of Ashli Babbit. Yeah, I know, they didn't. But make him defend that in court.
In the meantime hold him without bail. Someone facing a potential death sentence is a flight risk, no?
How would you feel about executing our president emeritus under the color of the law? Some of the things you've said here make me think you would be all in.
There certainly are millions of American fascists who would be happy to see him dead, even at govt hands.
John Henry
And the election 'experts', the ones that serve as UN Observers in kleptocracies/kakistocracies/dictatorships-by-any-other-name around the world, continue to declare that virtually every red flag known to election fraud was flying proudly in miss, instead, with no mention of, or deference to, 'Faith in Elections'. And the Establishment breathes for another day.
Please provide a link to the names and/or reports by these fictional UN observers who declared "that virtually every red flag known to election fraud was flying proudly in miss" (and honestly, I have no idea what "in miss" is supposed to mean). And giving me the names of the monkeys that flew out of your ass to tell you this doesn't count.
You are just making shit up.
"Conspired to watch OANN election coverage" is not and should not be asserted as a crime, Freder. Try harder. Quit pretending you read this farce of an indictment or the telephone transcript. Then explain why Kanye West is part of the RICO conspiracy. I've heard few mentions of his name today on any channel or web reporting. Maybe they just included him to see who actually reads the indictment.
Boy who cried wolf wrote. I know this is tiresome, but read the damn indictments.
It is tiresome because that’s the best you can do yet expect that is enough to send a popularly elected President to prison. It wasn’t effective when you did it with the Steele Dossier. It wasn’t effective when you impeached him the first time. It wasn’t effective when you impeached him the second time. Now you what a redo of the second impeachment, but with only 12 people instead of millions of voters or 100 of their elected representatives. We are tired of your cries. You are too stupid to grasp the ramifications if we ran the US as you beg us to do.
Correction: It was Kanye's publicist cited in the indictment not the dude himself. And for something tangential to Trump's case it appears. Looking forward to them trying to elucidate the conspiracy as alleged.
From the indictment: On or about the 3rd day of December 2020, DONALD JOHN TRUMP caused to be tweeted from the Twitter account @RealDonaldTrump, "Georgia hearings now on @OANN. Amazing!" This was an overt act in furtherance of the conspiracy.
OMG such overt acts! Saying a hearing is on television should be capital offense, right Freder? I sure hope Trump doesn't say that this trial will be televised they might have the marshall shoot him on the spot.
And this is what you idiots are cheering, the caligulafication of our Republic. Sad.
Yeah, everybody has set up two dozen shell corporations. I know I have…
And exactly how many entities (mostly LLC's) are controlled by the Trumps? And how many of them actually produce something?
Because THIS is what they are protecting??? Pathetic man, pathetic party, pathetic Country anymore....
Benny Johnson
WATCH: Biden once again SMIRKS then runs away from reporters asking about the rising death toll of Americans from the Maui wildfires— quickly zips away in helicopter for a ONE WEEK vacation in Lake Tahoe
You were absolutely certain Trump colluded with the Russians.
I don't know where you got this shit, but it isn't true. Show me where I said that Trump conspired with the Russians. As for colluding (which many of you argued, correctly, is not a crime), there is no doubt that the Trump campaign sought to collude with the Russians (Manafort and Trump Jr. meeting with that Russian spy believing she had dirt on Biden, Manafort releasing private polling data to the Russians). Mueller noted these incidents but not believe they constituted a conspiracy. He also, btw, listed numerous instances of Trump obstructing justice, but believed DOJ rules prohibited him from indicting Trump on those crimes.
It is tiresome because that’s the best you can do yet expect that is enough to send a popularly elected President to prison.
Of course Trump was not popularly elected. In fact the only Republican since George H.W. Bush popularly elected was W. on his second try.
I thought you guys loved pointing out that we do not popularly elect our presidents.
The names of the grand jurors are in the indictment. I wonder how long before their addresses and phone numbers are published in some MAGA rag. I wonder how many have already received death threats.
Can we all agree that it is a good thing that the trial will be televised? Or are we not going to watch it just like we didn't watch the Jan 6 hearings? Much easier to deny the facts out of ignorance.
@ Dave Begley: "Trump is damaged goods. If the GOP has any hope of winning in 2024, he can't be the nominee."
Trump is the GOP's only hope of winning—and he can't win. But why not go down fighting?
Two movies. It is so absurd. Illegal tweets now. Democrats are oblivious and tone-deaf: If you don't want to do the time, don't do the tweet.
Freder Frederson said...
He would like all of us to agree that there was no fraud and if you insist on believing that there was, we have lots of prisons building to keep you safe.
You may believe that MI6 has granted you status as a double naught spy, and that you have a licence to kill (deliberately spelled the English way), but that is not going to provide you with a very good defense, even if you are pleading not guilty be reason of insanity.
Freder, please get back on your meds. You are making even less sense than usual.
Mike - Just because it was an overt act does not mean it is criminal by itself. If people are planning to rob a bank and one of them fills up the getaway car with gas, that would be an overt act. But it's not a crime to put gas in a car. I'm sure you are intelligent enough to understand the distinction?
I do congratulate you on reading the indictment though. Any of Trump's conduct cause you the least bid of concern?
Stockholm Republicans seem to think that if we run somebody other than Trump, the Democrats are going to calm down and stop lying and cheating. Good luck with that.
In the last indictment, he was charged with "insinuating." Now he is charged with floating an idea in a meeting.
each indictment is merely a trigger for democrat ejaculation of hate.
Mike (MJB Wolf) said...
From the indictment: On or about the 3rd day of December 2020, DONALD JOHN TRUMP caused to be tweeted from the Twitter account @RealDonaldTrump, "Georgia hearings now on @OANN. Amazing!" This was an overt act in furtherance of the conspiracy.
OMG such overt acts! Saying a hearing is on television should be capital offense, right Freder? I sure hope Trump doesn't say that this trial will be televised they might have the marshall shoot him on the spot.
And this is what you idiots are cheering, the caligulafication of our Republic. Sad.
There are several comments like this on this page. Poor MJB Wolf gets singled out because his was closest to the bottom when I reopened this page. MJB Wolf is probably not more stupid than the others. But he is equally stupid, no doubt.
On Twitter/X, Neal Katyal (lawprof, former Acting Solicitor General, spectacularly successful Supreme Court advocate) points out that "overt acts" may themselves be legal activites but are performed in furtherance of the criminal conspiracy. Note link to his Yale Law Journal article on the subject. (Note also that Neal was responding to and criticizing a Tweet that was deleted by its author.)
Conservative attorney and writer (National Review, WSJ, Scalia editor) Ed Whelen makes the same observation, on his own Twitter/X account.
It is generally legal to rent a panel truck. We don't want to criminalize all rentals of panel trucks. But when you rent a panel truck to use it to place a bomb in front of a federal courthouse in Oklahoma City, it becomes an overt act in furtherance of a conspiracy. And is criminal in nature.
Now you what a redo of the second impeachment, but with only 12 people instead of millions of voters or 100 of their elected representatives.
Donald Trump is no longer president. So he doesn't get to be tried by millions of voters or the Senate. What is your point? Does advocating for a jury trial make me some kind of communist?
"And exactly how many entities (mostly LLC's) are controlled by the Trumps? And how many of them actually produce something?"
Like it or not, Trump was a business man.
Be honest for one second, Freder. What possible innocent explanation is there for the Bidens' behavior in this regard?
Lem the misspeller said...
The indictments are on the verge of becoming a drinking game.
Sort of. Not exactly a traditional drinking game, where a show is so repetitive that you ridicule the repetition by yelling "Drink!" when a magic phrase is uttered.
More in the realm of a great pennant race. Where your team is in first place, but the race is still in doubt, and every night is another game where your team is a quality one, and well known to you, but each night with a new opponent, a new series, new games to enjoy. Enjoying them, night after night, some day games scattered in, in glorious succession. Enjoyed best of all with a tasty adult beverage.
I understand that lots of Trump fans might be like Atlhouse; worn out, tired of the Trump criminal drama, bored with the details. For Trump haters like me, it is wonderful. Interesting, energizing, compelling, motivating. After a year of it, I think I know where the two sides -- ProTrump versus AntiTrump -- will stand. And which side will be more fired up about turning out for an election.
Soooo...WHEN is Georgia going to indict Fat Stacy? But I guess
we should quit bothering Stacey Abrams. She’s busy leading the planning to rig the 2024 election
And exactly how many entities (mostly LLC's) are controlled by the Trumps? And how many of them actually produce something?
1. If there were questions of foreign transfers into them we would know. It would be in one of the indictments.
2. How much malfeasance does this country have to endure from Biden before the Left actually wants it investigated?
For me, it is enough to know he and Hunter shared a bank account into which foreign funds were transferred triggering a SAR, and that funds were dispersed to pay expenses for both men from the same account. That is the very definition of the appearance of corruption.
Jim, no, not one. Nothing there. Certainly not racketeering in any sense of the word. Not one one lawyer in that huge transcript ever advised against the items of discussion, not Trump's nor GA's. And if it WAS then it was a crime against the State, not the county this DA works for. He admitted he did not win Fulton so why the indictment there?
Nothing he said or did was unique behavior to Trump and in fact fake governor Abrams did far worse including defrauding contributors of millions so she could sue Kemp and GA, which she never actually did. She just kept the dough.
Joel Pollak
The indictment is a joke. But it sets a standard that Republican AGs and DAs should follow in retaliation. Convene a grand jury in some Republican jurisdiction and indict Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, Joe Biden and the rest of them for the Russia collusion hoax. One law for all.
"So no, there is zero evidence that the Biden family "used [his] position to sell influence and enrich themselves more blatantly than ever before ?" (emphasis mine)."
This claim that there is zero evidence is nonsense.
I know this is tiresome, but read the damn indictments.
The indictments are bullshit. That's our point. It's been our point from the jump.
Why can't you get that through your thick skull?
Rusty said...
However. My reputation for being accurate far exceeds yours. You were absolutely certain Trump colluded with the Russians. It was proven over and over that he hadn't. It was even proven that the allegations were were not only false, but were deliberately fabricated. ...
And ex-FBI agent Charles McGonigal, a stalwart investigator of the Russian Collusion hoax who helped keep it alive, has just pled guilty to- Russian collusion... Well, effectively to that, though that wasn't the wording of the charges.
@ Chuck: "After a year of it, I think I know where the two sides -- ProTrump versus AntiTrump -- will stand."
Your error is in construing the indictment(s), not to mention the two impeachments, as a simpleminded matter of "ProTrump versus AntiTrump" factions.
Yes, they certainly are that -- to the simpleminded. To more thoughtful people, they are something else altogether.
Donald Trump is no longer president. So he doesn't get to be tried by millions of voters or the Senate. What is your point?
Trump is running for President. The DOJ opted not to indict Hillary for clear violations of the law, so as to not interfere with an election. Millions voted and decided she was less fit to be President than Trump. The DOJ is indicting Trump to keep him off the ballot, as Democrats have said is the goal since Jan. 6th.
What's your point for pushing guilty until proven innocent? What's your point in assuming an indictment means the accused is guilty of a crime?
1. If there were questions of foreign transfers into them we would know. It would be in one of the indictments.
So far, no one has indicted Trump for bribery or accepting illegal contributions from foreign governments. So, no, it would not have been in the indictments.
And the questionable transactions by Jared and Don Jr have indeed been well covered, so if you don't know about them, then you are just intentionally ignoring them.
"This claim that there is zero evidence is nonsense."
It's the MO of progressives. Tell lies repeatedly until even they are tired of hearing them. Then claim everybody's heard about it already and it's "old news" and proclaim it's time to move on.
"What difference, at this point, does it make?"
Donald Trump is no longer president. So he doesn't get to be tried by millions of voters or the Senate. What is your point? Does advocating for a jury trial make me some kind of communist?
Well, you are already that but we have known it for a while. Our problem is that this is blatant election interference by Democrats who are trying to end Trump's presidential campaign. He will not quit and can afford to defend himself, unlike Sarah Palin when they pulled this on her. Maybe the Supreme Court can do another 9-0 decision like they did on Smith and Weissmann before.
"This claim that there is zero evidence is nonsense."
Of course there is evidence. Trump tweeted that people should tune in to OANN and another time about Newsmax. Somebody rented rooms for people to discuss election fraud and how to get electors to change their minds. Etc. String 'em up.
The problem isn't lack of evidence. It's lack of crimes. First Amendment rights are being trampled. It's okay with the Democrats and their pet mediaswine.
"Of course there is evidence. Trump tweeted that people should tune in to OANN and another time about Newsmax. Somebody rented rooms for people to discuss election fraud and how to get electors to change their minds. Etc. String 'em up."
hombre, the evidence under discussion is that of Biden receiving foreign payments.
Like I said if there was something there it’d be in the indictments. Impeachment 1: nothing there. Impeachment 2: nothing there. Mueller: nothing there. Bragg: a joke indictment alleging a Federal campaign violation: nothing there. Etc. Etc.
last joke release
Former President Trump on Monday issued a 12-page rebuttal to testimony and evidence presented by a House committee investigating the Capitol riot on Jan. 6, 2021, accusing Democrats of seeking to distract from a series of domestic issues facing the country.
“Seventeen months after the events of January 6th, Democrats are unable to offer solutions,” Trump said in a statement released through his Save America PAC. “They are desperate to change the narrative of a failing nation, without even making mention of the havoc and death caused by the Radical Left just months earlier. Make no mistake, they control the government. They own this disaster. They are hoping that these hearings will somehow alter their failing prospects.”
The 12-page document underscores how Trump has yet to move on from his false claims of fraud in the 2020 election and how the committee’s work may be central to a potential 2024 campaign.
The House committee investigating the Jan. 6 insurrection has held two public hearings thus far as it builds a case to show Trump was repeatedly informed by aides that the election was not stolen or rigged but continued to claim publicly that it was for months, misleading his supporters.
In the 12-page document, Trump repeats a handful of disproven claims to assert the 2020 election was stolen from him and rigged in favor of Democrats, including some that were brought up during testimony by former Trump campaign and administration officials.
One section of Trump’s statement focuses on ballot trafficking claims, for which he cites the Dinesh D’Souza documentary “2000 Mules.” In testimony shown earlier Monday, former Attorney General William Barr laughed at the mention of the film, saying he was “unimpressed with it” and dismissed the idea that it proved widespread fraud.
Another section asserts that President Biden could not have won the states of Pennsylvania, Arizona or Georgia because he got more Black votes and Hispanic votes than former President Obama. Each of those states has performed audits and recounts and found no evidence of widespread fraud.
Trump in one section claimed states such as Pennsylvania and Michigan took additional time after Election Day to count ballots because it was part of an elaborate scheme to ship in fraudulent votes so Biden could erase Trump’s narrow leads in those states.
But former Fox News editor Chris Stirewalt testified in person on Monday to dismiss that very theory, known as the “red mirage.” Stirewalt explained that Republicans typically do better on Election Day, while Democrats perform better in early voting. Some states, such as Pennsylvania, do not count early votes or mail-in ballots until Election Day, meaning it takes additional time to finalize the count.
“We had gone to pains — and I’m proud of the pains we went to — to make sure that we were informing viewers that this was going to happen because the Trump campaign and the president had made it clear that they were going to try to exploit this anomaly,” Stirewalt said Monday.
The Jan. 6 hearings have shown a number of former Trump aides dismissing his claims of election fraud and insisting they told the former president he did not have a case based in fact in the aftermath of the 2020 election.
Barr has testified that he told Trump his claims about the election were “bullshit” and referred to them as “nonsense” and “idiotic.” In a deposition shown Monday, Barr told the committee he worried Trump was “detached from reality” in the weeks after the election as he claimed without evidence that certain voting machines were designed to cheat.
But Trump has repeatedly shown he will not back down from his claims that the 2020 election was stolen, turning it into a major campaign issue in the 2022 midterms and beyond. He has backed candidates who continue to deny that Biden is the legitimately elected president, and he has supported challengers to the Republicans who voted to impeach him over the Capitol riot.Who cares what he releases,he is nobody but a citizen now.
Just cite the source. It's bad form to waste our hostesses bandwidth.
"This claim that there is zero evidence is nonsense."
Of course there is evidence. Trump tweeted that people should tune in to OANN and another time about Newsmax. Somebody rented rooms for people to discuss election fraud and how to get electors to change their minds. Etc. String 'em up.
The problem isn't lack of evidence. It's lack of crimes. First Amendment rights are being trampled. It's okay with the Democrats and their pet mediaswine.
"Former President Trump on Monday issued a 12-page rebuttal to testimony and evidence presented by a House committee investigating the Capitol riot on Jan. 6, 2021...."
The Committee that cannot produce the records and evidence required by rule and law relating to their proceedings? That Committee?
Not a crime to express a different opinion than the majority. Not even to keep doing it. Not even to hire lawyers who share the same opinion. These things are expressly protected by the 1A and it is written to specifically protect political speech. Word blizzards and indictment storms containing much sound and fury signify nothing. Dinky just might have reinvented demonstrating absurdity by being absurd.
Miss Anne, these are your leftist compadres doing this. Remember that.
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