August 18, 2023

"I am mindful of the critics — and I’m one of them — that we can be doing more and better in myriad areas."

"I’m mindful that as governor, I can’t do it all. But I’m also mindful that the buck stops here. And I’m ultimately going to be held to account."

 Said Gavin Newsom, quoted in "Why San Francisco is make or break for Gavin Newsom/Newsom has increasingly been moonlighting as a quasi-city executive of his hometown and approaching its woes as a litmus test for his success in Sacramento." (Politico).

Gaze upon the mindfulness:

That's a screenshot from the photo at Politico. I reduced the color saturation (a lot) and reversed the cast from garishly hot to cool:

What was going on with that insane orange-ification? It's Trump, isn't it? Everyone wants to be Trump and also not-Trump. What a crazy world!

I'm seeing Trump in that picture of Newsom, but Meade saw someone else. He sends me this:


PrimoStL said...

He looks very orange in that picture. Orange man bad!

Big Mike said...

Hillary should be wearing orange.

hawkeyedjb said...

The man knows politics; it is literally all he knows. He has perfected the arts of deflection, criticism and bullshit. If he is ever held responsible for anything, it will be the first time. It wouldn't go well for him.

Temujin said...

One only needs to see what has happened in California under Newsom. And before that, his time running San Francisco. He is the epitome of what is wrong with American politics. A pretty face owned by a wealthy benefactor family, a man with no good ideas, and little new vision for our world, who gets placed in higher and higher positions because he (a) is with the right party in a one party state, (b) has great hair, (c) can speak well.

Almost reminds me of Obama, except for the hair part. But Obama is more charming. And more conniving.

Sebastian said...

Which raises the question, which is worse, or more dangerous, a mindful prog or a mindless one?

cassandra lite said...

I've lived in CA nearly all my life, and it's not remotely arguable that he isn't the worst governor of my lifetime. Every metric has worsened. By an order of magnitude.

He's also the most unctuous, oleaginous, transparently phony politician I've ever seen, and it's an embarrassment to the the human race that he (a) rose to the governorship and (b) is assumed to be the replacement for Biden. He'd be the easiest presidential candidate to run against. Video clips of life in his CA with "Coming soon to Gavin Newsom's USA" would do it.

Political Junkie said...

I am afraid that trust fund baby will be the next president.

The Crack Emcee said...

Come on, that's the look of the NewAge movement. Hillary's got it, and Gavin Newsom is married to a self-declared "empath," so you know he's in the club. It's remarkable how his sleeping with his Best Friend's wife while defending pairriage (gay marriage), and then lying multiple times, about going into rehab for a drinking problem, never comes up.

All of that is what makes him true presidential material

phantommut said...

I'm sorry, in whatever photoshopping you want to do with the original, that picture would give me the creeps. Serious "uncanny valley" vibes.

phantommut said...

Another aside: I think Hillary is an awful human being, but I have no problem accepting she's a human being. Newsom...

Heartless Aztec said...

Good looks, proper color saturation and $10 will get you cuppa' Joe in San Francisco. He needs some flowers in his hair.

Leland said...

The old cop-out, "I can't do it all". But the problem is you did something and the effect was negative. California is worse off due to your leadership. If San Francisco is a litmus test on what Gavin Newsom leadership could mean for the entire US, then I absolutely do not want it.

As for the photo, it looks like they are attempting to do the holy lighting, halo-effect, that was often used for Obama images.

"More Housing Faster"; say Gavin Newsom, what's the lead time for getting a housing project approved in San Francisco? It is the developers responsible for the time it takes to get regulatory approval, or the government that you supposedly lead?

Rusty said...

I like it when the left points to California as a success. It just shows the rest of that we really are in their way.
Those RVs you see parked when you take surface streets in and around LA are using the storm drains to dispose of their sewage. Human waste is going straight into the ocean.

Rocco said...

Gaze upon the mindfulness:

AI is getting better. Almost looks like a real person.

planetgeo said...

And yet, Newsom would win in a landslide if he ran for President. I'll leave it to rhhardin to explain it.

Yancey Ward said...

Temujin nails it- Newsom is the white Obama.

Yancey Ward said...

Or whiter Obama.

wendybar said...

If you want shit filled streets littered with homeless drug addicts, vote for Newsome!!!

Fred Drinkwater said...

I suffered through Newsom's covid press conferences. His speech style is "endlessly rambling blowhard who loves the sound of his own voice".

Flat Tire said...

What Temujin said. Exactly.

traditionalguy said...

Wow. The chief of the lawless arsonists that planned the fires wants our trust that he will spend multiple billions of dollars on bureaucrats that will fix a problem…and no one will steal it all this time.

Dave Begley said...

Keep an eye out for more stories about Pete B.

A debate between Pete and Vivek would be amazing. Vivek would clean his clock.

Dave Begley said...

The White Obama cuts both ways.

Dems will love that name.

Bob Boyd said...

Why Newsome instead of Biden?
Why settle for a corrupt, incompetent police state when you can have a corrupt incompetent police state and poop with needles in it stuck to your shoe?

henge2243 said...

What is that second picture, a hemorrhoid on Trump's ass?

mezzrow said...

He's as good at his job as Jimmy Swaggart was at his. If it was all about presentation, both would be the role models for subsequent generations. Alas, there must be substance.

It's a question about how many can see through him now? Once you see the absence of a core, the guy turns into a lightweight. He becomes the risible chief executive of our biggest, richest state.

Don't look down. It's a long way to the bottom.

Jupiter said...


gspencer said...

Newsom, "And I’m ultimately going to be held to account."

"You are doing a hell of a job, Brownie."

The Crack Emcee said...

It's when certain things become obvious, like the media rushing to assure us that Gavin Newsom's sleeping with his Campaign Manager's wife wasn't a #MeToo thing, that the relationship between individual Democrats and the media become clear. What ties them together, as we're also told, at the same time, that the New Age movement is America's fastest growing religion, replacing even Christianity? I repeat: Gavin Newsom is married to an "empath". The current Vice President dated Montel Williams, who was allowed to have a talking-to-the-dead scam on television. Oprah Winfrey, the most trusted woman in America, sits at the feet of Shirley MacLaine.

Wake the fuck up, People, you're losing it.

Big Mike said...

San Francisco is not the sole failure of Newsom’s governance, merely the most visible. If he was a genuine leader, and everyone pulled together with what they used to call “a right good will,” I still can’t see how San Francisco could be cleaned up before November 2024. He’d have to take the side of ordinary people (Normals) against special interests. Partying at a ridiculously expensive French restaurant with dozens of friends while the ordinary people were under strict lockdown shows what he thinks about anyone who isn’t rich.

And under Newsom’s governing policies California in general, and San Francisco in particular, have been assiduously chasing wealthy and middle class people out of their state — and off their tax rolls — which will make the climb back to normalcy that much harder.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

San Francisco is a toilet. A drug haven... a crime haven... YAY All democrats! Drugs crime and feces... all while the Pelosi-mob wealthy skip on by....

Plus - he is so pretty.

Rocco said...

gspencer said...
Newsom: "And I’m ultimately going to be held to account."

I think he means his bank account.

Mason G said...

"I am mindful of the critics — and I’m one of them — that we can be doing more and better in myriad areas."

If you can be doing better, why aren't you?

BTW, note the progressive tell when it comes to government: "more and better". It never crosses the progressive mind that doing less is an option.

desheldon said...

His head is not on straight

Cappy said...

What a tool.

Tina Trent said...

Hillary looks better than she has looked in years.
Photoshop or virgin's blood?
Less time swimming in scotch?

Big Mike said...

"You are doing a hell of a job, Brownie."

At least Michael Brown, as head of FEMA, actually went to New Orleans after Katrina. Where is Deanne Criswell? In Washington! Fancy that.

ga6 said...

"I am mindful that my hair stylist must do a better job"

rehajm said...

San Francisco is not the victim of a natural disaster it is an own goal result of bad policies with all the wrong incentives chosen by very stupid people electing other stupid people. Yes, you're going to 'get Trump' but will it have been worth it? My guess is you'll say yes...

AZ Bob said...

Gavin Newsom is so "mindful" as California goes down the toilet.

Hubert the Infant said...

He is extremely successful at his job, which is to make rich white Democrats feel good about themselves. Amazingly, he is even better at that than Obama was. As just about all powerful institutions in the U.S. are run by rich white Democrats, he will be the next President.

Narayanan said...

approaching its(SFO) woes as a litmus test for his success in Sacramento." (Politico).
does this mean he is failing in both places or just one or everywhere?

Narayanan said...

furthermore head of Newsom leans left while Hillary leans right!!!???

Narayanan said...

A debate between Pete and Vivek would be amazing. Vivek would clean his clock.
what if Pete brings a digit-ified temporal indicator?

Narayanan said...

Gavin Newsome >
Peter Keating from The Fountainhead! or Justin Trudeau from Canada?

did they ever have an alternative career-wish that they give up under pressure/lazy?

mikee said...

Gavin might become president, he might not, but should he run, I'd like everyone to remember you read it here first: he's a male version of Hillary.

dgstock said...

As president, Gavin Newsom could do for the U.S. what he did for San Francisco while mayor and California as governor.

mccullough said...

Myriad is a word that people use to sound smart. Up there with garner

Michael K said...

Newsom is almost the perfect Democrat. Hair gel in place. No original ideas. Talks like he knows something but what comes out is the latest DNC line. Willie Brown was the last smart Democrat in CA. I knew Jesse Unruh. That was a smart man. He said, "If you can't drink their liquor, eat their food and fuck their women, then vote against them in the morning, you don't belong here."

Left Bank of the Charles said...

Is Newsom setting his sights on a run for President in 2028? Fixing San Francisco is a multi-year project. If he succeeds, that addresses one of the strongest criticisms against him. Taking on a big job and doing it well to get a bigger job is politics at its best.

Iman said...

Slick Gavie!

Iman said...

A Whiter Shade of Fail.

Big Mike said...

Is it just my antipathy towards the overly-entitled, or does the picture of Newsom after Althouse fixed the color saturation make him look a bit simple-minded?

We can still say "simple-minded," can't we?

Real American said...

This spring, the activist group TogetherSF Action started running an ironically cheerful ad campaign called “That’s Fentalife!” to draw attention to the grim reality on the streets and spur politicians to act. Their push garnered widespread media attention and was featured on “Fox & Friends.” Newsom hated it. And he chafed at how the ads’ lighthearted nature gave ammo to right-wing critics to embarrass and batter Democrats. At one point, Newsom’s advisers contacted people with ties to TogetherSF to privately complain, according to two people familiar with the outreach.

Newsom complained because it brings unwanted attention to his failures and the failures of the progressive governing model which is to let criminals run free, disarm citizens, and defang the police. To the progressive, power itself is the goal, so crime isn't the problem. People who complain about the crime are the problem since it undermines their power.

walter said...

Fred Drinkwater said...
I suffered through Newsom's covid press conferences. His speech style is "endlessly rambling blowhard who loves the sound of his own voice".
" the moment."

In Picture, he's thinking about his next meal at French Laundry.

Quaestor said...

Newsom's photo looks like a rejected submission for a Tiger Beat cover. Imagine the photo editor's comment clipped to the print, "Come on, Gavin, even 12-year-old girls are that easy."

boatbuilder said...

This country's version of Justin Trudeau. God help us.

Mountain Maven said...

Sadly he would beat Trump and would only be slightly better than Biden.

BUMBLE BEE said...

Donald Trump is red hot
Newsome ain't doodly squat! (H/T J. Geils Band)

He is quite oleaginous, however.

BUMBLE BEE said...

Upper Class Twit?

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

As long as Trump is on the ballot - the left will crawl over broken glass to vote for the cute team captain of our decline.

Not Sure said...

I'll say this for him: He makes a more convincing Ken than Ryan Gosling does.

Yancey Ward said...

"Hillary looks better than she has looked in years."

I wrote here last week- Hillary Clinton is looking into running against Biden in the primaries or against the field if Biden steps aside.

Yancey Ward said...

Is Newsom setting his sights on a run for President in 2028? Fixing San Francisco is a multi-year project. If he succeeds, that addresses one of the strongest criticisms against him. Taking on a big job and doing it well to get a bigger job is politics at its best.

LOL! Politicians like Newsom pretend to take on big jobs and pretend to have succeeded at them, to get a bigger job. Let's suppose Newsom does run in 2028- SF is likely to be worse off then than today, and yet the media and Newsom will proclaim they saved SF if the city still has even one employed resident.

Skeptical Voter said...

The Brylcream Boy is was and always will be a blithering bozo with delusions of grandeur. As Molly Ivins observed of Dubya, Newsom was born on third base in San Francisco politics and believed he hit a triple. Newson would argue that his first and worst fault is that he is too critical of himself. Too critical of Newsom? Hold my beer!

rhhardin said...

The point is not mindfulness but appearing to mean well. It's for women.

Tina Trent said...

Yancey: "I wrote here last week- Hillary Clinton is looking into running against Biden in the primaries or against the field if Biden steps aside."

That would be fun. Clinton-Trump again.

Everyone's heads would explode.

walter said...

Blogger Not Sure said...
I'll say this for him: He makes a more convincing Ken than Ryan Gosling does.
Perhaps equally plastic...or finely honed botox.

Iman said...

"Hillary looks better than she has looked in years."

Shake your head, ref, your eyes are stuck.

Iman said...

Shorter hardin: “Bitch set me up.”

madAsHell said...

Shouldn't he be wearing a red tunic, and Captain Kirk telling him to look for the strange noise behind the rock!!

Bonkti said...

That's the self-satisfied look of a man breaking wind silently.

JaimeRoberto said...

The AWFLs love him, so he's got a chance. I was at a party a few years ago when he was mayor, and some ladies were so giddy talking about how they had been in the same room with him at another party, they were literally squirming in their seats. Sorry to be crude about it. Just reporting the facts.

Mary Beth said...

That would be fun. Clinton-Trump again.

Everyone's heads would explode.

Imagine if she lost to him again. The knives would be out for her.

Will Cate said...

Excessive mindfullism.

PM said...

THAT is one slick motherfucker.

IamDevo said...

Pencil-necked geekery at its finest. Perhaps the uber-pencil necked geek. Or the ur-pencil necked geek, if you prefer.

Anna Keppa said...

"Hillary looks better than she has looked in years."


Sure. If you squint, you can't even see the neck wattles and those tiny creases around her lips.

(and if you say you can't see them, you must be squinting)

Interested Bystander said...

Housing First is the mantra for all the BS homeless industry scammers. Nothing to say about drugs and mental illness.

Mason G said...

"Hillary looks better than she has looked in years."

Would it be possible for her to look worse and still be alive?

Mikey NTH said...

Hillary is Tanned, Rested, and Ready!

Drago said...

Hunter Biden's tax payer funded Hooker: "As long as Trump is on the ballot - the left will crawl over broken glass to vote for the cute team captain of our decline."

Then you have nothing to worry about as your GOPe/dem team of corruptocrats are going to remove Trump from the political process entirely to clear the way for an establishment candidate they will choose for you.

So here's an early congratulations to you.

Btw, once your team has removed Trump, what should be the first major policy announcement of the establishment GOP candidate?

Another $100B for Ukraine?
Strong endorsement for Romney in Utah?
Shipping another couple of million jobs out of the country?
Deciding impeaching Biden would just be wrong? They are already saying that, aren't they?

So many possibilities to get Team Uniparty moving again once Trump is gone.

Makes one tingle.

Mark said...

It is amazing how much the right vilified Newsom. It's very much like what the left tried and failed to do to Trump and IMO will likely turn out to be just as much a failure.

At enough derangement, it becomes clear to everyone who is the issue.

Paul said...

Newsom is a national strain of Herpes. He would be the gift that keeps on giving.

Bunkypotatohead said...

That pic looks like he is doing his impression of Adam Schiff.
Californians elect some of the most repellent politicians.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Drago - Piss up a rope. You have it wrong and you have me wrong. So tired.

Trump is a loser with limited support. this has nothing to do with me. or the gop - or anyone running for the top spot. Yes - we already know the left is corrupt. You - like Trump - like to ignore that fact. Boring.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

DRago Queen and the straw man argument. Again. So lame.

I see captain super hero bubble gum card dick stepper is too afraid to debate. Understandable as he is an inarticulate buffoon. Must be Mitt Romney's fault. or JEB!

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Newsom has a record of total failure at every step up the political ladder. At least Obama waited until he won the presidency to reveal his incompetence. He had no executive experience and thus nothing to judge him on except his campaigns. In fact I remember Messina saying that the way he ran for president proved his executive abilities. I know Gavin. Gavin ain’t no Obama. Gavin’s record is an unbroken string of incompetence and broken promises.

Big Mike said...

Mark said...
It is amazing how much the right vilified Newsom. It's very much like what the left tried and failed to do to Trump and IMO will likely turn out to be just as much a failure.

@Mark, go walk the streets of San Francisco barefoot, and without looking down.

Rusty said...

San Francisco. Hell just walk along Venice Beach.

rwnutjob said...

"I’m ultimately going to be held to account."
Dude you are fucked?

Not really. Media frosting will cover it.

Iman said...

“Hillary is Tanned, Rested, and Ready!”

Yeah, well Perry Johnson is Wrinkled, Resting, and READY!!!

Tina Trent said...

Team Drago. And RIP Jim Buckley, who tried to clean up what LBJ was breaking and wasn't a fatuous turncoat ass like his brother. The magazine guy. The other Buckley brother is a lovely man too.

If Buckley had succeeded in pushing against LBJ's war in Vietnam and against poor minority families at home, his also-honorable Democratic successor, Pat Moynihan, would have had a lot less to write about -- and struggle to clean up.

JAORE said...

“I am mindful of the critics — and I’m one of them — that we can be doing more and better in myriad areas,”

It seems to me that San Fran, and California as a whole, would be far better off if he (and his ilk) not done a damn thing during all these years in office.

Drago said...

Hunter Biden's tax payer funded Hooker: "DRago Queen and the straw man argument. Again. So lame.

I see captain super hero bubble gum card dick stepper is too afraid to debate. Understandable as he is an inarticulate buffoon. Must be Mitt Romney's fault. or JEB!"

Gee, its a real mystery why you early DeSantis supporters cant get anyone to join your side with such compelling "arguments"

But again, early congratulations to you and Team Globalist/Dem/GOPe on the coming lawfare removal of Trump from the process.

I'll bet you've already got the champaigne on ice.

Drago said...

HBTPFH: "Trump is a loser with limited support."

Lets have some fun.

Explain why your preferred candidate cannot consolidate plurality support of the NON-Trump voters in the republican party.

This should be good.

Has anyone else noticed that when pressed Trump supporters reference policies and history and previous specific actions when explaining why they still support or lean Trump but those that are the most vocal, with a few notable exceptions, in their opposition to Trump spend all their time attacking Trump and Trump supporters on a personal level.

There is a reason for that.

And when it comes to being "boring" and repetitive, HBTPFH is right up there with the lefties.

As predicted.

Mason G said...

"Has anyone else noticed that when pressed Trump supporters reference policies and history and previous specific actions when explaining why they still support or lean Trump but those that are the most vocal, with a few notable exceptions, in their opposition to Trump spend all their time attacking Trump and Trump supporters on a personal level."

I have noticed that. The comment below was posted elsewhere and is along the lines of what I've quite often seen:

"I will gladly vote for Donald Trump again, simply because he gives me what I want. I wanted Roe vs. Wade overturned. He did that. I wanted tax cuts. He did that. I wanted an strong U.S. economy. He did that. I wanted the U.S. to get out of the climate accords. He did that. I wanted the U.S. to get out of the Iran Nuclear agreement. He did that. I wanted the U.S. to be independent from Saudi Oil. He did that. I wanted the U.S. to have an embassy in Jerusalem and try to accomplish peace in the Middle East. He did that. I wanted the U.S. to stop trying to start wars all the time. He did that. So I can put up with Trumps bambastic ego and resulting antics because he is a New York street fighter and fights to give me everything I want."

PM said...

"California Governor Gavin Newsom approved a rule that all new cars sold in the state by 2035 would need to have zero emissions, i.e. be completely electric."

He would carry this and more to the White House in a guzzlin' armored Cadillac. He's a complete "for thee not me" mf-er.

Aggie said...

Gavin Newsome takes the Greasy Creep-O-Meter to 11.

Gk1 said...

What a worthless asshole. Hate him. Totally hate him. No accountability for any of Newsom's actions by california liberals. I think all red states need to disenfranchise all incoming californians and make them pass a civics test before allowing them to vote in their state. This is exhibit A. They will vote for anyone with a (D) next to their name without ever thinking.

Linda Fox said...

Newsom's mien is indicative of a certain type of politician:
- Smooth brow, seemingly calm and meditative
- Slim-faced, no jowls, wrinkles other than some light crows feet, or visibly sagging skin
- No visible blemishes, rough spots, or other signs of wear and tear on his body
- Head tilted at a calculatedly 'thoughtful' angle
- Mouth slightly pursed
I have absolutely NO doubt that he has "had work" done on his face - facial tucking of loose skin, Botox, fillers - whatever was needed to achieve that 'ageless' look.
Note the patient and accepting expression. No anger, energy, or determination. That's for the lesser individuals. His job is to be the Face of Big Brother - endlessly patient, even loving, and wise beyond all others.
Talk about a manufactured politician!

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