WaPo has the nerve to instruct us on "What to watch for in the first Republican debate."
I'd say many who are "more-seasoned" in the wit and wisdom of Vivek Ramaswamy would say that’s a strategy that could succeed spectacularly.
Backfire? Is frontfire a word?
Note democxrats are never under this type of microscope. ... from the loyalist obedient hack-D press.
Vivek doesn't need anyone to tell him what to say.
Hmmm. #1 military strategy known is sidefire. Also called out flanking them.
But if the media never allows it on kindergarten TV, did it really happen.
The WaPoo is certainly an expert in Republican debates and how to do well in them.
Without Trump in attendance, Milwaukee is the "who gives a shit" Presidential debate. They're screwed if the don't talk about Trump and pretend he doesn't exist...and they are screwed if all they do is talk about Trump because it shows how miniscule they're campaigns are at the moment.
Trump is right not to show up. What does he gain? The current fight is bigger than any of the other candidates.
It also puts DeSantis on stage with the group of "also rans".
Vivek Ramaswamy is a smart, articulate and incredibly energetic politician. His policy proposals tend towards the unconstitutional and quasi-authoritarian exercise of power by the executive branch. I expect him to steamroll the other Republicans in the coming debates. His almost total disregard for basic civics and constitutional separation of powers will find a ready audience among those who think that those things are a sign of weakness.
I think he's very smart in general, but as with Trump, he's not living in the political real world.
Ramaswamy proposes 'draining the swamp' through mass federal employee layoffs, relocations, and agency closures. He claims to have a better understanding of how to accomplish this than Trump. Unfortunately, his proposals are not possible and strike at the heart of a conscious slimy strategy that has lasted for at least 75 years. Elected officials build loyalty and support by creating highly-paid lifelong (often duplicative) federal employee positions. As such, they'd be out of a job without federal employees to serve as perimeter guards. Democrat, Republican, it doesn't matter. Domestic or military service, it doesn't matter.
He thinks the swamp can be realistically drained, even as 50% of the population are bribed/bought off by government $$$ and DO NOT want the swamp to be drained. They built the swamp with their own dirty hands. Maybe he could execute mass layoffs in the private sector, but not in government where many careers and lifestyles fully depend on waste and duplication.
I'd start smaller and go for the most obvious excesses: Reduce the number of executives and political appointees. With fewer people in charge there's less ability to pass the buck and less ability to hide failure across many managers. These problems took decades to develop and, barring a violent revolution, solving them will require a very long effort. Metaphorically reduce the number of mosquitoes in the swamp, or kill the snakes and increase the number of alligators. But don't expect to change human nature. Byzantines. Mandarins. Ottomans. Massive and corrupt bureaucracies all.
None of this matters. trump will be the nominee this is all just show especially with instructions "support trump' and pick on the other people. That sounds like a brilliant way to beat a front runner, right? Trump will be the nominee; the right will be forced to vote for him and lose again. Dark Brandon has already beat him once, with the bleeding of independents, gen Z, abortion rights for women and trumps 91 felony charges, plus his already convictions of sex abuser etc. (though his posse don't really care about that) but women will, it should even be a bigger slaughtering even from a senile old man. You never know with this fella though, missing out on 43 million people watching as the B team (CHRISTIE, HUTCHINSON at least) TRUTH BOMB THE FORMAT, the Carlson thing is already pre-taped so lookout BWANA JIM may just showup sign the contract that no one will honor, especially him and get the TV ADULATION THAT HE CRAVES.
Yes. Frontfire is a word according to Wordspy
Shorter Rich: Removing corruption on the D-side is unconstitutional.
Rich said: "His policy proposals tend towards the unconstitutional and quasi-authoritarian exercise of power by the executive branch. "
Can you be more specific? The main proposals I have heard seem to center on regaining some control of the "Administrative State" or "The Swamp" as it often called. These Federal agencies sit squarely within the Executive Branch, which is Constitutionally subordinate to the President.
I may be missing something, and I hope you can clarify how this kind of thing implies a "...total disregard for basic civics...". If not the President, then who are these agencies accountable to? I assume you would agree the answer is not "to themselves", meaning their unelected leaders who shamelessly dodge and weave in front of Congressional oversight committees.
Rich said: "His policy proposals tend towards the unconstitutional and quasi-authoritarian exercise of power by the executive branch. "
Can you be more specific? The main proposals I have heard seem to center on regaining some control of the "Administrative State" or "The Swamp" as it often called. These Federal agencies sit squarely within the Executive Branch, which is Constitutionally subordinate to the President.
I may be missing something, and I hope you can clarify how this kind of thing implies a "...total disregard for basic civics...". If not the President, then who are these agencies accountable to? I assume you would agree the answer is not "to themselves", meaning their unelected leaders who shamelessly dodge and weave in front of Congressional oversight committees.
Backfired. Blondie had a song with that title.
You came into my life to test me
Your diplomatic drag depressed me
The glitter in your eyes undressed me
You were polished slick
Really thick
Wasting time dropping lines like
"I could get you into movies"
But we wound up at HoJos with hamburgers to go.
Sounds like a song about Biden.
Dave Begley said...
"Vivek doesn't need anyone to tell him what to say."
He's much smarter than any democrat that's going to interview him.
Rich said...
Vivek Ramaswamy is a smart, articulate and incredibly energetic politician. His policy proposals tend towards the unconstitutional and quasi-authoritarian exercise of power by the executive branch. I expect him to steamroll the other Republicans in the coming debates. His almost total disregard for basic civics and constitutional separation of powers will find a ready audience among those who think that those things are a sign of weakness.
8/21/23, 11:16 AM
It seems like you don't know what the executive branch does. Or are you referring to any proposals where he intends to make laws and regulations as he goes along?
For once, Ann's etymology concerns trump my concern about the subject at hand. My question is where "backfire" came from as a word describing an effort to fix things that makes things worse. The only other use of the word I know is for a car motor malfunction making a noise, but that does not really fit as that's just annoying and the car usually runs fine after that. I see "backfire" is also used to describe a fire intentionally set to deprive a forest fire of fuel, and presumably that works most of the time so that does not fit. Ah, it also describes a firearm firing backwards. Yes, that would be the origin.
Assuming the "make things worse" definition came from the firearm definition, then there is no reason for a "frontfire." A gun is supposed to shoot frontwards, and to have a word for normal, expected operation is not necessary. The only reason to have a "frontfire" is as an antonym for "backfire," something clever writers invent from time to time with words without obvious antonyms.
I'd like a Republican candidate to advocate for the Federalism of the different Departments.
Put Transportation in Illinois.
Put Agriculture in Iowa, or Kansas.
Put Education in Montana.
Put Interior in North Dakota.
Put HHS in Georgia.
Put HUD in Arkansas.
Why should everything be headquartered in DC?
Oh, please, Vivek is extremely pleased with Vivek. while possessing around as much genuine empathy as a brick. Just his idea alone of wanting to raise the voting age to 25 unless you do some form of national service is instantly disqualifying to me as far as his possibly becoming President is concerned.
Allow me to go on record and say this guy is not going to win the nomination. Can we move on the next shiny object.
I believe, having watched debates since Carter was running, that I have never learned anything from a debate. Can't we just admit that the format is a failure and the execution by biased "moderators" a farce.
If not the President, then who are these agencies accountable to? I assume you would agree the answer is not "to themselves", meaning their unelected leaders who shamelessly dodge and weave in front of Congressional oversight committees.
so why not Congress can hold President in contempt for 'his minions' dodge and weave
Its called lowering expectations. One problem with these debates is the endless amount of pre-spin, post-spin, and all around bullshit that almost drowns out what is exactly said.
Throw in the biased, attention hogging "moderators", the irrelevant (to R base voters) questions, and an overly crowded stage with 6-8 people all vying for attention, its a real clownshow.
Which can be entertaining. It just has zero to do with being POTUS.
I'm more interested in the Tucker-Trump interview.
Invite RFK Jr. to the debate.
Enigma seems to have the same concerns I do. As I noted in the previous post when Vivek was on JBP's podcast a second time, Vivek is attacking Trump on the issue of draining the swamp and suggesting he, Vivek, could be better at it by using the tactic described by Enigma. I suppose the Executive can refuse to execute, but I think Vivek might want to consider some of the language on Trump's first impeachment, or at least what Republicans had to say when President Clinton fired the White House travel office. Personally, I wish it was that easy, and for Democrats, it typically is. Unfortunately, the GOP tends to stand in the way of such sweeping changes and call it being conservative.
"The WaPoo is certainly an expert in Republican debates and how to do well in them."
Says a self proclaimed expert on the left and gayness. Perhaps you should follow your own advice here, Michael K.
Rich (or are you more of a Dick type?) I too would like examples.
Only one I can think of is raising the voting age and he has said that would need an amendment.
Unless you think an amendment is unconstitutional somehow.
John Henry
The debate will be questions designed to link to media narratives, so it will be about soap opera.
Imagine Vivek and Biden debating.
Imagine Biden and Trump debating. LOL - both will opt out.
Blogger Mark said...
"The WaPoo is certainly an expert in Republican debates and how to do well in them."
Says a self proclaimed expert on the left and gayness. Perhaps you should follow your own advice here, Michael K.
Oh no, Lefty Mark. I am convinced you are the world expert of lefty gayness.
I do know a bit about the consequences from practicing near Laguna Beach for years.
Blogger Rich said...
Oh, please, Vivek is extremely pleased with Vivek. while possessing around as much genuine empathy as a brick. Just his idea alone of wanting to raise the voting age to 25 unless you do some form of national service is instantly disqualifying to me as far as his possibly becoming President is concerned.
You are about as subtle as Lefty Mark, "Rich." The younger and stupider the better, eh big guy ?
The hedge word is “formal” practice sessions. Vivek is trying to lower the expectations for his debate performance while studying the opponents and likely questions. I understand how candidates do formal debate prep against a single opponent, where the candidate has someone play the moderator and someone else play the opponent. But how do you do that for a multi-person debate like this one? It’s all about getting in when it isn’t your turn and you see your chance.
In his bestselling book "In the Wet" by Nevil Shute one of the plots was multiple voting.
Any citizen could get up to 7 votes to cast in national elections. From Wikipedia's entry on the book
A person can have up to seven votes. Everyone gets a basic vote. Other votes can be earned for education (including a commission in the armed forces), earning one's living overseas for two years, raising two children to the age of 14 without divorcing, being an official of a Christian church, or having a high earned income. The seventh vote, which in the book is awarded to David Anderson for his heroism, is only given at the Queen's discretion by Royal Charter.
He also foresaw the Queen and Phillip fleeing Britain for Australia in 1983 and ruling the rump of the empire from there as England fell into the shit.
There have been other plural voting schemes proposed in the US and other parts of the world. I kind of like the concept, the more skin you have in the game, the more say you should have in how the game is run. Military vets might get an extra vote, for example. Or taxpayers might get an extra vote. Say 1 extra vote per $10,000 or fraction of income taxes paid. Maybe base it on SS payments.
I find plural voting interesting conceptually. I see nothing inherently unfair or undemocratic about it. I do see it as impractical for a lot of reasons. So just something to dream about as I lie awake at night.
Certainly better than our current system where I can show up in Chicago on election morning, register using my hotel as an address, Vote for Donald Trump for president and fly home that afternoon. (I was in Chicago on election day in 2016 and looked into voting. I could have done it perfectly legally. I had other more interesting stuff to do, though)
John Henry
I’ve watched and listened to Vivek Ramaswamy get interviewed for nearly two years now and have never failed to be impressed. The man is head and shoulders above ANY other politician in intellectual ability and the way he communicates his ideas and potential policies is far and away the most effective I’ve seen in my lifetime.
America would be very fortunate to have this man as POTUS. He could turn this ship around and get it heading in the right direction.
Rich and Joe Biden will always have Paris…
So the "games people play" extends to elitist Chris Sununu with help from his NYT friends, who have all the answers for all the non-starter candidates who will spend time this week debating how not to abuse poor Donnie Trump who will not debate because he doesn't want to defend his four indictments.
So Sununu cites the prior winners of the New Hampshire primary as somehow important to the primary election outcome and things go downhill from there.
As Lawyers, Guns and Money perceives the outcome we have arrived at an Apocalypse Now fantasy:
"Joe Biden is going to face Donald Trump in the general election less than 15 months from now, and only epidemiology or Capt. Willard stands in the way of that outcome."
Only three of the 10 other candidates have even pinched Col. Kurtz (Marlon Brando), - Chris Christie, Asa Hutchinson, and Will Hurd. The remaining seven are handing out bobblehead toys. Who will play the assassin Capt. Willard (Martin Sheen) with the machete?
In his bestselling book "In the Wet" by Nevil Shute one of the plots was multiple voting.
in GA is not one of Trump complaint about Fulton County some people getting repeat voting and not others?
There is such a thing as overly scripted. Not clear that there is any such thing as overly prepared.
My problem with Vivek Ramaswamy is that we have seen nothing of him operating in an actual political environment. We’ve had successful Presidents who had little or no practical political experience — Eisenhower had held no political office, and there’s this Lincoln fellow whose entire prior political career was being a one term Congressman (and he was not re-elected). However that doesn’t strike me as the way to bet. I’ll accept that he’s very intelligent and very able to articulate his policy positions, but he’s never had to negotiate with people who are absolutely opposed to him purely on ideological grounds.
“I do know a bit about the consequences from practicing near Laguna Beach for years.”
Just to be clear, you were practicing medicine… yes?
Ramaswamy’s “Ten Commandments of the 2024 Campaign”
Pretty good list. OK, I don't agree with the first one, but it is no way a deal breaker for me.
"Imagine Vivek and Biden debating."
No way in hell Biden would do it. He became President once by hiding in his basement. That would be his strategy this time around as well.
The usual debate strategy says that the long game is to attack the enemy. The short game is to attack your rival. (and those who fail at the short game never get the chance to play the long game.)
With the pack leader absent, attacking each other will make the whole procedure look petty and no fun. Attacking the absent leader will look mean and small fast.
I recommend cheerfully carpet-bombing the woke, the Democrats, the WEF, etc.
Iman - we can stick with the inarticulate big debt spending no different that the democrats - dick-stepper.
Trump was terrible at draining the swamp. He didn't do it.
Also - Trump spent our money like any good democrat. We are in horrible unsustainable debt because of big spending Trump.
What I recall from delivering lectures and the like is to know your subject, don't read verbatim if possible, just have enough on a notepad to remind you of your points, and go in. That's your prep, and it is hard to do because that clutch of notecards can become your crutch while the lectern you grasp becomes your fortress.
someone said..
If not the President, then who are these agencies accountable to?
haven't y'all been Paying attention? The entire executive branch answers to some county DA in Georgia.
At least if it's a republican admin
"Trump was terrible at draining the swamp. He didn't do it."
No, he did not. Ramaswamy has the same platform:
"where he said as president he would fire 75% of federal employees and abolish a raft of government agencies including the FBI, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention – which handled much of the US response to the Covid-19 pandemic – and the Department of Education."
and I'm ready to give him a crack at it, because Trump failed.
I’ll applaud anyone that purposefully does something like this differently from the others. We don’t learn and grow if we don’t experiment.
Vivek has the chops to pull this off.
Original Mike: thank you for those 10 commandments. That’s a great list. Ramaswamy is an extraordinary candidate.
Blogger Iman said...
“I do know a bit about the consequences from practicing near Laguna Beach for years.”
Just to be clear, you were practicing medicine… yes?
Surgery but medicine was a major factor. I had the pleasure of telling good men that they had AIDS. That was the time of the epidemic and Laguna was an epicenter.
HBTPFH: "Also - Trump spent our money like any good democrat. We are in horrible unsustainable debt because of big spending Trump."
As predicted, ALL past and current problems would be laid at Trump's feet by the usual suspects.
This latest is a most perfect example.
Michael K @8:45pm…
You saw it real-time. I lived in OC from ‘56 through ‘86, so am very familiar with Laguna Beach. We have a timeshare directly across from Heisler Park. Always memorable.
Trump spent our money like any democrat.
Backfire refers specifically to a very dangerous phenomenon in the real world. It has nothing to do with political metaphors.
I have stood, holding a fire extinguisher, within a few feet of an engine being started, where there was a high risk of backfire.
Don't confuse rhetoric with reality.
I’ve become more skeptical of Ramaswamy the more I listen to him. He’s basically promised to give Putin what he wants in Ukraine. He also said he would consider RFK Jr. as a potential running mate and if that’s not enough — Ramaswamy would support reopening the investigation into 9/11.
Trump's absence from the debate means that the part of the debate where candidates compare the size of their appendages will not take place. Very disappointing!
Hunter Biden's tax payer funded Hooker: "Trump spent our money like any democrat."
You also wrote this: "We are in horrible unsustainable debt because of big spending Trump."
Its all Trump. Past, present and one assumes future.
Precisely as predicted you would claim.
Yes indeed, if only the horrible Trump and his bitter clinger, deplorable and listless vessel supporters were gone government spending could come under control!
Trump alone stands in the way of our economic recovery.
Go ahead and keep running with that one. Its bound to work.
Indians and Indian-Americans frequently use the term, "prepone", so why not "frontfire"?
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