July 9, 2023

"What the Navy story reveals is how dated and inauthentic the 80-year-old president’s view of family is."

Writes Maureen Dowd in "It’s Seven Grandkids, Mr. President" (NYT).
Once you could get away with using terms like “out of wedlock” and pretend that children born outside marriage didn’t exist or were somehow shameful. But now we have become vastly more accepting of nontraditional families. We live in an Ancestry.com world, where people are searching out their birth parents and trying to find relatives they didn’t know they had. I have sympathy for Hunter going into a “dark, bleak hole,” as he called it. I have sympathy for a father coping with a son who was out of control and who may still be fragile. With Hunter, his father can seem paralyzed about the right thing to do. But the president can’t defend Hunter on all his other messes and draw the line at accepting one little girl....

But that is his line, so let's try to understand it. Instead of saying this one thing is inconsistent with the rest of who you are, ask who are you if this is part of you? Dowd assumes there is a coherent, benevolent, good man, Joe Biden, and he's put family first:

Joe Biden’s mantra has always been that “the absolute most important thing is your family.” It is the heart of his political narrative. Empathy, born of family tragedies, has been his stock in trade.

And yet, I see in those words a knowledge that Joe Biden's empathy is not genuine. He repeats a canned message — a "mantra." He’s got a "narrative," and it's "political." Is the empathy truly felt? Dowd only says it's "been his stock in trade." That metaphor refers to what a shopkeeper has on hand to sell  you. 

So one way to read this column is a statement that the line he's been selling won't work so well anymore if he doesn't embrace the beautiful little granddaughter.

But you might think — as I thought on first read — that Dowd is living inside the fantasy that Biden is truly a good man, empathetically devoted to family, and he's just got this one blindspot. He needs to get up to date and see that enlightened people of today aren't ashamed of children born outside marriage. Oh, Joe, don't you see?! It's just not you?

But what if it is him?! One way to get clarity when perplexed about human behavior is to begin with the assumption that people are doing what they want to do. In that light, this one thing is not out of character. Rather, his character includes this one thing. You need to reassess the character. 

Let's go back to this line of Dowd's: "[T]he president can’t defend Hunter on all his other messes and draw the line at accepting one little girl." Dowd is really only talking about the success of the President's arguments. And notice that by saying "other messes," she is referring to the child as one of Hunter's "messes."

Here's how it makes sense to me. The "line" the President has drawn is a line that he thinks serves the interests of the man he favors, Hunter.

In the protection of Hunter, Joe Biden does not embrace any of the bad things connected to Hunter. He's pushing them all away — for Hunter. Hunter's fatherhood of this child is just another bad thing associated with Hunter, like cocaine or embarrassing selfies or corruption. The child is still a child, as inherently valuable as any other child, but the connection to Hunter is something extra that a staunch woman wants for the child she chose not to abort. That goes on the side of the line with cocaine.

As I said at the outset, it is Biden's line, and we need to try to understand it. I want to judge him, not help him. The President of the United States is not someone we need to strain to help. 


Mr. Forward said...

Navy rejects Hunter. Hunter rejects Navy.

Jaq said...

Joe hs a rather unique conception of family, which we know from his daughter's diary about his showering with her, to the recent clip of his wife and son on the WH balcony appearing to sniff and shudder a little as if having just snorted lines of cocaine, on the day that a bag of cocaine was found in an extremely secure area of the WH. According to the Secret Service, only family can pass through security without getting a thorough check, BTW.

It's like the fictional Snopes family had seized power in the US. Only I don't think that Faulkner wrote them as incestuous. But the Bidens would probably get driven out of any self-respecting trailer park in America.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Dowd(D) has sympathy for a son of the VP who was put in charge of Ukraine while VP. That poor poor son, pocketing millions of ill-gotten and washed clean tax payer dollars through pay-to-play mob-transactions with a Ukrainian energy company.

Screw Dowd(D). Obedient Corruption excusing hack.

Oso Negro said...

Put family first? Put family first? I would say he is more like cutting them in for a share.

jaydub said...

I tend to give Joe (and Hunter) the benefit of the doubt in the child's case. Joe is probably right to try to keep the little girl as far away from the Biden clan as possible. When she's old enough to climb in the shower with him he can reconsider and be magnanimous about their relationship.

gilbar said...

if you've lost Maureen Dowd, you lost the dried out old hags

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Ann says:

"The President of the United States is not someone we need to strain to help. "

The collective obedient narrative-in-unison corrupt hive-mind leftist media in the USA, disagree.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Hunter's cocaine found - Media dutifully stops reporting on it.

gilbar said...

that Biden is truly a good man

could someone show me One instance of Joe Biden being a "good man" ?? Just One??? I'll Wait

Mike of Snoqualmie said...

Joe "China owns me" Biden has been on the take since he was first elected. His brother James was the first bagman. Hunter has joined the bagman squad and looks to be far more successful than James. Raking in $10M from Ukraine and $5.1M from China isn't chump change.

Joe continues to lie about his first wife's death. She blew through a stop sign and was t-boned by a truck. He continues to say that the truck driver drank his lunch. The cops disagreed and did not bring any charges.

Joe is a creep. He continues to harass women and young girls with unwanted touches. Eva Longoria was the latest victim. He tried to cop a feel of her breasts; she expertly used her hands to divert his hands away from her breasts.

rhhardin said...

A stripper in the family is a negative.

Wilbur said...

An interesting note of Dowd's use of the phrase "stock in trade". All politicians are indeed salespeople.

It does also have a common usage/meaning of "qualities, ideas, or behavior characteristic of a person or their work".

When Modo wrote "Empathy, born of family tragedies, has been his stock in trade", maybe a better choice would've been simply "hallmark".

Wince said...

Poor Hunter, so fragile.

Unlike all the sex workers he’s shown disdain and exploited.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

"But the Bidens would probably get driven out of any self-respecting trailer park in America."

-Tim- 7:29 AM"

The Biden's really are White Trash.

Shane said...

Very well written and analyzed, Ann.

Sally327 said...

I wonder if this grandchild has Secret Service protection. With so much publicity hopefully her security needs are being looked after. I guess the Mom can sell one of those Hunter paintings she had to accept in lieu of cash, to get money to fund their security if it's not being provided for otherwise.

Has the mother sought a relationship with the paternal Grandparents? I think that's a difficult issue for the Mother, she can't really say anything publicly about Joe and Jill or ask for them to acknowledge their grandchild because she'll have the Democrat crazies out to ruin her life if she does, the full Paula Jones treatment.

rwnutjob said...

When the comments are so good, you steal them for Twitter. LOL

Narayanan said...

Hunter rejects Navy.
what if Meghan and Harry interview Navy about family rejection?
will they make thier $$$$$$$ from Spotify?

Iman said...


Narayanan said...

Joe continues to lie about his first wife's death. She blew through a stop sign and was t-boned by a truck. He continues to say that the truck driver drank his lunch. The cops disagreed and did not bring any charges.
can Truck Driver sue for defamation? if this lying claim has been made recently?

why is no RINO billionaire funding such a defamation case?

Kate said...

"The child is still a child, as inherently valuable as any other child, but the connection to Hunter is something extra that a staunch woman wants for the child she chose not to abort."

...but the connection to Hunter, her father, is something every child deserves and every mother has a right to ask for.

For some women -- possibly this woman -- when a child begins to grow in the womb, there is no other choice but to continue. Killing is not something every woman can choose.

~ Gordon Pasha said...

When you elect the son of a used car salesman to any office this is what you’re going to get. A-B-C is in their DNA.

MayBee said...

The media is firmly behind Joe Biden's trauma dumping.

People out in the world, though, are noticing what the trauma dumping is hidden.

Amadeus 48 said...

The Smilin' Joe Biden machine performs as expected: stupid, empty, and vicious.

TreeJoe said...

There is such a thing as character. And character is almost always learned from the parent; not always, not nearly always.

Hunter has a child. He does not seek to be a parent to that child, nor support her in anyway other than what he can convince the court to minimize. That's his choice and consistent with his poor character.

A powerful, rich, and extended family ALSO choosing to know about and avoid the child, not support her in any way....that is also a display of character. Ann, you can say what you want about Biden, but Biden is one man. He has an extended family he surrounds himself with. I've seen no sign they have sought to support, connect with, or offer the benefits of family to a child relative.

These are character traits. And they are extremely public right now. And telling.

Owen said...

"...Dowd assumes there is a coherent, benevolent, good man, Joe Biden, and he's put family first:..."

Well, there's your problem. Inside that drooling husk is nothing.

Left Bank of the Charles said...

‘Here's how it makes sense to me. The "line" the President has drawn is a line that he thinks serves the interests of the man he favors, Hunter.’

It seems to me to be a rebuke of Hunter. Hunter provided the sperm but hasn’t been a father. Hunter has excluded the child from his family. Joe is not willing to pretend Hunter didn’t do that.

Bruce Hayden said...

“Hunter has joined the bagman squad and looks to be far more successful than James. Raking in $10M from Ukraine and $5.1M from China isn't chump change.”

For the Democrats here, for the FJB voters and apologists, how does this make you feel? Biden as VP took millions in bribes from these countries, and Ukraine has gotten many billions in return. Do you rejoice in his good luck? Or just figure that is the cost of voting for Democrats. Should you be taking responsibility for the thousands of Ukrainians and Russians who have died in FJB’s little war there?

Bender said...

The question is WHY is Hunter so messed up? After all, Joe Biden never passes up an opportunity to express his obsessive love for his son - his son Beau, that is. Beau was/is clearly the favorite.

And I suspect that Joe and Jill have always treated Hunter like crap. Hunter certainly displays certain indicia of mental/emotional abuse growing up. Same with Joe's showering with his daughter.

Joe has always been an obnoxious self-serving ass in public - all the time thinking he's endearing. It doesn't take much to conclude his private persona matches his public.

Esteban said...

Joe Biden encapsulates all that is wrong with American politicians: smug, ignorant, entitled, and undeserving of acclaim. Our politicians are the worst of us.

Laslo Spatula said...

Sally 327 said: "I guess the Mom can sell one of those Hunter paintings she had to accept in lieu of cash, to get money to fund their security if it's not being provided for otherwise."

I'm curious as to how much those paintings would sell for when they are NOT funneling cash into the Biden Family.

Maybe we'll find out their true worth.

I am Laslo.

Ann Althouse said...

"...but the connection to Hunter, her father, is something every child deserves and every mother has a right to ask for."

I'm not denying that, only attempting to explain the line that Biden has draw so that it is not incoherent (as Dowd seems to say).

I'm not admiring that line.

AMDG said...

Joe Biden is a despicable man.

One of the most revealing passages in “Laptop From Hell” is a message from Hunter to one of his daughters:

“I hope you all can do what I did and pay for everything for this entire family for 30 years,” and “It’s really hard. But don’t worry, unlike Pop (Joe), I won’t make you give me half your salary.”

So what you have here is a father grooming his son to be his bagman. To further compound it, Joe’s other son, the sainted Beau, was groomed to follow in Dad’s footsteps and enter public life.

I can’t help but think that Beau’s position as the favorite son and Hunter’s lack of choices in life screwed him up considerably.

If Biden were a good man he would have urged Hunter to step up to plate and care for,his daughter. He also would have told him to keep his hands off his sister-in-law., but that is not how Joe rolls.

Given how screwed up life in the Biden family is maybe Biden is inadvertently doing Navy Joe a great favor.

Hari said...

Parents are expected to accept their children's life choices, even if those choices are at odds with their own beliefs. Hunter has chosen to reject his child. Joe has chosen to accept Hunter's decision.

mikee said...

Hunter is protected because he is a revenue stream. Get the grandchild involved in influence peddling and she, too, will become both loved and immune to prosecution.

Hari said...

Parents are expected to accept their children's life choices, even if those choices are at odds with their own beliefs. Hunter has chosen to reject his child. Joe has chosen to accept Hunter's decision.

mikee said...

Hunter is loved and protected because he is a revenue stream. Get the grandchild involved in influence peddling abroad, and she, too, will become both loved and immune to prosecution in old Joe's heart & mind.

gilbar said...

The Biden's really are White Trash.

i mean yeah, his dad was an alcoholic, that was fired from his job; and ended up a shady used car salesman.
And Yeah, Joe BRAGGED about being a "star Quarterback", when he WASN'T EVEN ON THE TEAM..
And Yeah, Joe BRAGGED about being "in the top 50%" of his class; which wasn't Even TRUE..
And Yeah, his 1st wife (he married just for her money) KILLED HERSELF; by driving in front of an oncoming truck..
And Yeah, he married that babysitter, because she'd gotten pregnant..
And YEAH, he took naked "showers" with that daughter, until she ran away from home to become a drug addict.
And Yeah, his son Hunter was kicked out of the Navy after HIS FIRST DRUG TEST (3months after enlistment)
And YEAH, that son then:
a) turned his brother's widow into a cook addict..
b) slept with her..
c) sold (well, rented) her on the open market as one of his crack whores
d) DUMPED her, when she got TOO skaggy
And Yeah, Joe has been accused of NUMEROUS rapes.. MANY involving girls as young as 3..

But White Trash? That seems to be pushing it? It's not like he's openly racists..
Except, Yeah, he DID say that you'd need a indian accent to be understood in a 7-11 (no JOKE!)
And YEAH, Joe DID brag about Delware being a slave state, and said he wished HE'D fought for the south ..
In 2006 Joe Biden Bragged About Delaware Being A Slave State, Joked About Fighting For The Confederacy

gilbar said...

the line that Biden has draw so that it is not incoherent (as Dowd seems to say).

The "line" seems CLEAR.. Biden (like MOST dems) think that lower class women should ABORT their pregnancies

John henry said...

Why is having a stripper in the family a negative?

She seems to earn an honest living. Probably a legal living. She voluntarily provides a service to willing buyers at a mutually agreed price.

That's more than any Biden, as far as I can see.

John Henry

Lloyd W. Robertson said...

Al Gore's most famous speeches, until he got into the climate change business, concerned loved ones of his dying or almost dying. Not his parents. I became a bit concerned about what he might have to do to Tipper in order to be elected Pres. (Should be delivered in Hitchcock's voice).

RNB said...

Narayanan wrote: "[C]an Truck Driver sue for defamation?" Curtis C. Dunn died in 1990.

JK Brown said...

I didn't do a search but I doubt Dowd was as "helpful" over Sarah Palin's grandchild. The one "born out of wedlock" but embraced whole heartedly even during a campaign when every sanctimonious rear-end in DC of both parties would seek to use the child to condemn.

Biden is beneath "white trash". The latter do embrace the offspring of their children regardless. But for Biden, appearance is everything, even after a court ruling on paternity.

On the other hand, I support this "beautiful" girl being kept as far from her father and grandfather as possible. There is ample evidence that young girls are not without risk of at least being creeped on near either of them. Do any of these pontificators really want to read about Navy's showers with her grandfather in 20 years?

Michael said...

C’mon! He only has one son now since the other was killed in Iraq. Besides, where he grew up out of wedlock babies were the fruit of sluts. Wrong side of town sluts.

jim5301 said...

On my first and second reading I thought it very clear that Dowd is saying that Biden's appearance as a family man full of empathy is a sham and this incident shows his true character. She says without qualification that Biden is callous and has a cold heart. And she is clear to say that the face he presents to the world is a "message" a "narrative" a "mantra."

I don't see how anyone who truly puts family first can think it's the least bit okay not to have any relationship with his five-year-old granddaughter. Biden v Trump for President of arguably the greatest country in the history of the world. Makes me nauseous.

John henry said...

Has anyone ever asked the mother if she wants to have any relationship with the Biden family? Or for her daughter to have any relationship?*

Serious question that I've not seen answered or even asked.

I think I would want to keep my children as far away as possible from those grifters were I her.

If hunter ever gets clean, then maybe encourage some kind of relationship with Navy's father.

And when navy is older, she can make up her own mind about a relationship and whether to go by Lundem or Biden.

*other than the quarter million in annual child support, of course.


Ampersand said...

Occam's Razor has a solution not considered by the Dowds of the world: Joe Biden lies whenever he thinks it will help him. Always has, always will.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

It is a modern iron rule of journalism that acknowledging any difficult truths about useful progressive actors, and Biden is extremely useful to leftists right now, must be couched in a false assumption that sustains the all-important narrative. In this case that Joe is a kind and thoughtful man is the premise that must be served even if the headline screams monster, as in this specific example. Dowd can’t even be honest when she’s writing the truth. (And don’t overlook the blame-shifting to her sister the “republican” who has kindhearted Joe on her Christmas card, a very handy literary device who’s needed to make the actual accusation that Joe is acting “out of character” by shunning the baby.)

Yancey Ward said...

As some wag on Twitter put it last week, Navy may never get to know the white trash side of her family.

JPS said...

Narayanan, 8:03:

"can Truck Driver sue for defamation? if this lying claim has been made recently?"

As RNB points out, he's dead. The last I heard of this one (not saying it's the most recent iteration) was during the Obama/Biden reelection campaign. Biden repeated his old line, and I believe the man's daughter wrote him (and someone publicized it) to ask him to please stop telling this lie about her late father. Who had done everything within the laws of physics to avoid hitting them, who ran to their car to try to help, and who carried grief and guilt over those deaths for the rest of his life.

Biden has come through more tragedy and loss than I can imagine - or maybe, as Red said, I just don't want to. But his slandering that man for the sake of a line in a political stump speech is very low.

cassandra lite said...

What evidence is that that Joe Biden is a good man? There isn't any. As in, literally zero. This is the man who has lied about virtually everything in his biography (and that doesn't even include stealing Neil Kinnock's identity) because the real thing was so unimpressive.

Most of all, though, this ungreat human being continued for years to blame a poor innocent truck driver for his wife's mistake in the car that cost her and their child's life. He's always been an insecure asshole who believed, even back then, that victimization was somehow aspirational and, simultaneously, that pity was useful politically.

PJ said...

And yet, I see in those words a knowledge

Nobody does this like Ann Althouse.

Joe's character is indeed the important topic here, but MoDo's is interesting, too. She's not ashamed to publicly make excuses for the bad conduct, but she's too proud to have people thinking she swallows Biden's malarkey. So she telegraphs that she's only pretending.

The kind of familial love practiced by Joe Biden would not be recognized by any of the good fathers of my acquaintance.

Scotty, beam me up... said...

Sally327 said...
…I guess the Mom can sell one of those Hunter paintings she had to accept in lieu of cash, to get money to fund their security if it's not being provided for otherwise…
She would be lucky to get $1 at a garage / rummage sale for a Hunter Biden painting. Hunter gets the “big bucks” as a quid pro quo access to his father. Why else keep the painting purchasers a secret? Navy has no access to the Big Guy…

Breezy said...

I have one biological child and one adopted child. I can’t imagine not holding on tightly to any offspring of theirs, whatever the circumstance.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Beau Biden died of brain cancer.
Lying liar who lies- Grifter Joe, is out there saying his son Beau died in Iraq.
(Imagine if an R did this?)

Isn't it sad that Obama made the ultimate in white trash his VP?

Michael K said...

Biden v Trump for President of arguably the greatest country in the history of the world. Makes me nauseous.

jim1234 has trouble with definitions. "Nauseous" means inducing nausea in others. "Nauseated" means have nausea yourself. However, I do agree with your version.

William said...

Ms. Dowd is simply reaching for clicks. She knows that 99.9567% of the mainstream media will simply sweep little Navy under the rug.

Nothing to see here, folks; move along.

Bob Boyd said...

Did Roberts name her daughter Navy as a jab at Hunter?

Hunter was commissioned in the US Navy at 43 years of age. The age limit is 41. That almost never happens, especially for a guy with a history of cocaine abuse. Senator Biden must have pulled a lot of strings and twisted a lot of arms to get that those 2 waivers for his son. Hunter was separated from the Navy after testing positive for cocaine. His Navy career only lasted 9 months from start to finish. Not something Hunter and Joe like to be reminded of I would imagine.

MayBee said...

it would be one thing if Hunter were in a happy marriage at the time, and it would be embarrassing for his wife to have to acknowledge a child born to someone else in the midst of their marriage.
But this is not that. He was single when he fathered the child. Hadn't even met his current wife.

Temujin said...

What Hunter Biden's tax payer funded Hooker said at 7:31.

Joe Biden spent his career as a bully, blowhard, ignorant, loudmouth corruptocrat. He expanded that during his Veep years. I am disgusted that this man is not yet in jail, let alone still President. As for what he thinks of his son's daughter Navy- I could give a shit. That entire family is a mess. And those who put him in this place need to face some consequences at some point. Bragging Cabal.

Charlie said...

"if you've lost Maureen Dowd, you lost the dried out old hags"


Charlie said...

Joe Biden is actually a horrible person, and he always has been.....just ask Corn Pop.

Apparently Maureen is just now figuring this out. Better late than never, I guess.

Darkisland said...

I wonder if KKK Grand Kleagle and Democrat Senator Robert Byrd had the Biden family in mind when he said this:


And looking at the Grand Kleagle just now, I am wondering if maybe he and Brandon are cousins or some such?

John Henry

Owen said...

Gotta say, Biden has elevated lying to a new level. His whole life, his “accomplishments,” his relationships —the whole shebang is soaked in mendacity. By at least as much as he seeks through lying to raise or rescue himself, the lying lowers and reduces him. He’s weak. Selfish. Stupid. Prideful. And as we see, such people do enormous damage.

I have to think Navy is better off staying well upwind of him and his sorry crew.

Darkisland said...


I posted 10 minutes ago a comment with link to video of Grand Kleagle Byrd talking about "white n****rs"

On reflection, I think it may violate the spirit of the blog and you should probably delete it.

OTOH, if you are OK with it, I'll stand by it.

John Henry

Aggie said...

I'm at that point with the Bidens that I accept that, however bad it looks on the face of it, I know that the media is busily doing their utmost to downplay the disgusting nuances of it - so it's worse. And even worse, having observed the oily, entitled, casual, venal banality of Joe Biden over the years, I accept that there is absolutely nothing that he won't lie about, to gain the immediate admiration of the audience. He is that driven by gratification. Who else do we know, in that family, that has a thing for gratification? That's the family motto, isn't it: Ipse Gratificatio, Sans Moderatione, on a family crest showing a pile of lucre between spread legs.

Rusty said...

Hari said...
"Parents are expected to accept their children's life choices, even if those choices are at odds with their own beliefs. Hunter has chosen to reject his child. Joe has chosen to accept Hunter's decision."
Parents are expected to teach their children morality and to be responsible for their choices. Well. Some parents that take parenting seriously.

Sebastian said...

"And yet, I see in those words a knowledge that Joe Biden's empathy is not genuine. He repeats a canned message"

Right. But in light of the acknowledged knowledge, a further question is if progs believe their own BS. The old Althouse theorem would say no.

"Rather, his character includes this one thing. You need to reassess the character."

Actually, his character includes lying repeatedly over decades, including about "trauma." This one thing fits his actual character as actually observed. The Bidens are a nasty bunch of amoral, power-hungry grifters. Family is just a tool.

Assistant Village Idiot said...

She is still covering for him, framing this as an old man out-of-touch with present realities. This is pure circle-the-wagons sociopathy. They don't care about anyone but Don Corleone and his people. Dowd lets the other Mean Girls know that the script is to say "Tsk, tsk."

Kevin said...

They have to keep Hunter happy and protected.

If he’s going to do significant time, he’ll sing to get a lighter sentence.

wildswan said...

The sermon in a Catholic church this morning included this line: "My mother told me to remember two main principles: 'There is a God. It isn't you.' " The Biden have forgotten that church and now think: 'There is no God. There's just you.'

RMc said...

Dowd assumes there is a coherent, benevolent, good man, Joe Biden

Biden (and his handlers/compatriots) prevented a Trump second term, and may well do so again. For tens of millions of Americans, that makes him a Good Guy, regardless of what else he does.

Jupiter said...

"Dowd assumes there is a coherent, benevolent, good man, Joe Biden, and he's put family first:..."

I would guess that Maureen Dowd knows better than that. That is simply the Party Line, that has been decided upon by the people who pay her to lie, and she parrots it along with the rest. Dowd is a whore, but not a stupid whore.

Christopher B said...

Hari said...
Parents are expected to accept their children's life choices, even if those choices are at odds with their own beliefs. Hunter has chosen to reject his child. Joe has chosen to accept Hunter's decision.

Looks like the latest talking points are out for all the NPC parrots.

Can we now assume that bag of blow was actually a present from Daddy to Hunter, since it's incumbent on a parent to support his son's life?

Moondawggie said...

Is Dowd (D-NYC) participating in a little battlespace prep to get NYT subscribers onboard with dumping Joe as the 2024 Dem presidential candidate?

Or, has she at long last simply recognized that Biden is a stupid, sleazy, amoral grifter?

If so, then let me quote John McClain in Die Hard: "Welcome to the party, pal!"

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Bruce Hayden-

I'll answer.
The left-> 1) do not care about internal corruption on team D. 2) the left deny that very corruption. They refuse to believe anyone on team D is a crook - even when the evidence is irrefutable.

Skeptical Voter said...

Well it's behind an NYT paywall, and it's MoDo--who is rarely worth reading. But one of the commenters likened the Biden family to the Snopes family. Can the Snopes sue for defamation?

Joe was never all that bright--given to plagiarism and false claims of his intellectual and physical prowess. He also has a genuine nasty streak displayed on many an occasion.

So I'm not going to worry about Joe's rating on the empathy scale. He's all for Joe and none for the rest of the world.

Inga said...

To reject this child of Hunters is shameful, from Hunter to Biden Sr. to other family members who are going along with it. The girl will benefit from an association with the Biden name in years to come when she enters college and engages in other adult life experiences. During her childhood years, depriving her of carrying her father’s name and knowing her fathers side of the family is so wrong, cruel even. Don’t they care in the least that they may be making this child feel unwanted and unloved for who her mother is?

walter said...

Meanwhile, "Pedo Pete" enables rape trees and child trafficking via open border.
But..he can ride a bike!

FullMoon said...

Be careful what you wish for.

Navy's mom gonna be real upset if Biden,s acknowledge the baby, then go to court for custody. With threir connections and power, easy to find a favorable judge.
Navy isn't the problem for Biden, mom is.

traditionalguy said...

In all criminal gangs the purpose is to steal a score of stolen money that will then be divied up among the gang. Keeping others out of having a shares to enlarge your cut is the Biggest Deal there is among gangs of thieves.

So this kid is not a criminal and is not entitled to any share. That’s all folks. Ask the Pelossi family whether maids and Gardners get a cut. No way. This kid’s mother was hired help.

SteveWe said...


You shouldn't say "dried out old hags." Just say that Maureen Dowd has been out of touch with the present since Reagan was President.

Free Manure While You Wait! said...

"Joe "China owns me" Biden"

You misspelled "Cluster Bomb".

Free Manure While You Wait! said...

"Well, there's your problem. Inside that drooling husk is nothing."

You're talking about Dowd, right?

MalaiseLongue said...

Ann, you forgot your "splooge stooge" tag.

JIM said...

Biden ignoring a child fathered by Hunter shows the true character of Joe. I cannot understand anyone defending him.

Prince Hal said...

I suggest that we have two types of bastard here:

First, in the originally primary, non-pejorative, 14th century, Anglo-French meaning of the word, we have young Ms. Navy Joan Biden-Roberts, Mr. Robert Hunter Biden's illegitimate child ("born out of wedlock") by Ms. Lunden Roberts. Note that there have been famous and important bastards in this sense in history who have done great things for their countries. See, e.g., Alexander Hamilton for our country; and Jean d'Dunois, le Comte d'Orléans, known as le Bâtard d'Orléans—the Bastard of Orléans (whose brother I captured on St. Crispin's Day, 1415, at the Battle of Agincourt). Maybe Ms. Biden-Roberts will become la Bâtarde de Biden and wear that epithet as an honorific agnomen as she fights for honor in her coming years.

Then, in the present, pejorative, modern sense, we have President Joseph R. Biden, Jr., and his aforementioned second son: offensive, disagreeable, mean, despicable, inferior persons (in my humble opinion only, of course)—not those who would or could be among "we few, we happy few, we band of brothers", even if, before that battle day, they had been "ne'er so vile [that that] day [would have] gentle[d] [their] condition". Recall that I had my longtime friend and fellow youthful carouser, and then lieutenant, Bardolph, hanged, although he had already fought with me at Harfleur, for looting. (Please note, oh law enforcement or intelligence community readers, or your private co-monitors, of on-line content, that the foregoing is not a call to hang the President or his son).

And Laslo, yes, yours was my immediate reaction in reading that Ms. Roberts had accepted paintings in partial payment when the obvious value of those paintings (again, in my humble opinion only) is not themselves for their intrinsic value but, rather, extrinsically as a conduit for funnelling money to the second son and his father. She does not appear, to me, to have been well counseled in that regard. Maybe she can pay her legal fees with a painting.

Perhaps, if Ms. Roberts could get the "blind trust" (or whatever it is) broker for Mr. H. Biden's direct sale paintings to handle the ones she has received for Ms. Biden-Roberts's support, the value of those paintings being sold by the former would be destroyed because the purchaser would not any longer be assured that the proceeds thereof would reach the intended recipient. But then, that possibility would most likely cause that broker to refuse to handle any of Mr. H. Biden's paintings that were not then owned by him: that broker must of needs deal only in initial sale paintings and not secondary market paintings because the purchasers likely must know who will receive the proceeds for them to have any value.

Donatello Nobody said...

No aspect of Joe Biden’s behavior supports the proposition that he is in any way rebuking Hunter.

jim said...

When do we see "conservative" journal editorialize on the moral failings of the Trump/Kushners, without a get of jail free counter argument?

phantommut said...

I'm curious as to how much those paintings would sell for when they are NOT funneling cash into the Biden Family. -- Laslo.

Ding Ding Ding! We have a winner!

Ralph L said...

Wiki: 2 y.o. Hunter sustained a fractured skull and severe traumatic brain injuries, spending months in hospital.

I didn't know that, but it could be part of his problems. OTOH, he has a BA from Georgetown and graduated from YLS in '96, when his father was a mere senator. Was it thanks for trying to tank Thomas?

It would be delicious if the party that exalted illegitimacy and single motherhood uses this to tank Biden--to give us Gavin.

Joanne Jacobs said...

The truck driver's daughter got Biden to issue a statement confirming that the truck driver was not at fault -- not drunk, not driving badly -- for the accident that killed Biden's first wife and infant daughter. He had told the "drunk driver" story many times over the years.

Joe Biden didn't have an affair with a teenage babysitter. He was a widower and Jill Biden was an adult when she volunteered to babysit and had an affair with Joe. Her husband found out that she wasn't really babysitting and divorced her.

Navy Joan's mother wants her to have a relationship with her father and his family, or says she does.

Jaq said...

"Biden has caused more tragedy and loss than I can imagine "


Narayanan said...

so how come no journalist etc are 'celebrating Blackness' of Biden family?

men leaving women to hold the baby?!

boatbuilder said...

I would have no problem with Biden "defending" Hunter by saying that he loves him, that he's had problems and struggles, and that we are working to get him the help that he needs, etc.

That is not what Biden does. He says Hunter is smart and capable and puts him in positions of responsibility, and denies the rather obvious reality that Hunter is an irresponsible drug addict.

Rafe said...

Joe Biden will recognize this child as Hunter’s only when she’s old enough to have her own bank account to launder the family bribes through.

- Rafe

Dave Begley said...

Any fair minded person has to conclude that Joe Biden is a criminal and traitor. Also a creep and terrible parent. How did we get to this place as a country?

Just watch. Trump gets the nomination and Joe drops out to be replaced by Gavin. Gavin wins. Our destruction is complete.

Amadeus 48 said...

Inga at 12:51--you have been constant on this matter. Thank you for speaking up.

chickelit said...

“Just watch. Trump gets the nomination and Joe drops out to be replaced by Gavin. Gavin wins. Our destruction is complete.”

Gavin Newsom embodies the worst of progressive social overreach and has for a very long time. Yes, the shallow liberal women will find his oily good looks irresistible, but he’s not going to play well on the national stage outside of the coasts. And won’t his erection above the others—I’m thinking of Harris—rub her and the Obamas the wrong way? Newsom and Harris were protégés of the same man. Why should she be suckered into losing?

walter said...

Yeah, she could trade on the Biden name and get a spot in a top school.
See Althouse's recent posts on that.
Trading on the Biden name is the family business.
Not a good idea to have Grandpa Joe aka Pedo Pete sniffing around the girl as she grows up.
It should be noted the mom may have done a bit of sploogotage based on the Biden name.

chickelit said...

@Amadeus: There are times when Ingá drops her partisan shtick and speaks truth to power.

AMDG said...

Blogger Michael K said...
Biden v Trump for President of arguably the greatest country in the history of the world. Makes me nauseous.

jim1234 has trouble with definitions. "Nauseous" means inducing nausea in others. "Nauseated" means have nausea yourself. However, I do agree with your version.

7/9/23, 10:29 AM


A race between a man who can’t control his ego against a man who can’t control his bowels.

chickelit said...

@Begley: I do concede that Gavin will easily win the votes of feminists as the man they’d most like to blow.

khematite said...

I have an uneasy feeling that we will see some kind of reconciliation between the Bidens and this little girl and her mother in Chicago in the summer of 2024. The nominating conventions have become so dull in recent years that the Biden team will be itching for some magnanimous and dramatic gesture that will allow the nation to lionize Biden for turning out to be the good and kind man that Democrats and the media have always claimed to believe that he was.

Moondawggie said...

Inga at 12:51:

Thanks for showing your moral core; we all respect the inherent goodness of your position in this matter.

But please also consider contemplating that the same ruthless, opportunistic, and selfish treatment that the Biden family displays towards Navy is identical to their treatment of our country and its governmental institutions.

Readering said...

For some reason I am reminded of a thirties screwball comedy, Bachelor Mother. Starts with a dept store employee on xmas eve being mistaken for foundling's mom. Ends with owner on new year's day mistakenly believing his son is the caddish dad, and breaking down in tears of joy that he is finally a grandfather. Happy ending with a proposal, of course.

Craig Mc said...

Acknowledging the grand-daughter might end up watering down the bribe payoffs.

Ancient Mariner said...

What the Navy story really indicates is that our President is a mean, cruel, corrupt, mendacious POS.

Ancient Mariner said...

What the Navy Roberts saga actually demonstrates is that the President is a cruel, selfish, mendacious POS.

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