July 6, 2023

Twitter banning Trump was "the right decision for the company, but the wrong decision for the world," said Jack Dorsey.

Dorsey said that he came of age as "a punk." He loved that "ethos" — "challenging the system." He didn't want to become an entrepreneur, but that's where he found himself, and he needed to learn how to grow the company. Learning that, he "learned what [he had] forgotten... about what [he] loved about the internet in the first place," which is that it was decentralized.


TRISTRAM said...

So what was good for Twitter was bad for the world. That doesn't sound evil at all.

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

'We on the left hate hate hate him so much... we had to ban free speech and a sitting US president'

Can you believe people thought the left stole the election for the mob-husk Crook Biden puppet? and his crook family? I mean really. Free speech must be curtailed so only approved leftist narratives get thu. Otherwise - DISINFORMATION! -
I mean come on - using covid and last minute election law changes, counting during the dead of night, and those zuchberg drop boxes - where lying liars who lie generation were paid to drop off huge stacks of ballots in the middle of the night.

Election deniers will be banned!

Aggie said...

"I blame society. Society made me what I am..."

"That's bullsh*t. You're a white suburban punk, just like me"

Otto knows.

tim maguire said...

Given what a train-wreck of a company Twitter was when Musk bought it, it's hard to see any positive way of looking at their censorship regime.

B. said...

Doesn’t this man own a mirror? He looks like a wannabe hermit, wandering in the desert.

Breezy said...

?? He also said that the peer companies centralized the internet, which in turn felt free. He seems confused. At a minimum he’s not clear.

I wish Brand had pressed him on why that censor of Trump was good for Twitter. Trump was a key Twitter conversation instigator.

Aside, I lost respect Dorsey when he appeared in videos as CEO of Twitter dressed like Castro.

veni vidi vici said...

He's the guy who allowed and heralded the vanguard of online censorship and deplatforming, and now everyone's supposed to look on in awe at his purported wisdom and erudition?

No thanks. No amount of reputation-laundering will repair that stain.

Big Mike said...

He’s wrong about it being good for the company.

baghdadbob said...

Ahhh...a moral epiphany, AFTER he contributed to the conspiracy to defeat Trump and install the Biden Crime Family. Mission Accomplished, with a smidgen of guilty regret.

At least he can eat in California restaurants without harassment.

J said...

Punks are inherently narcissistic so he has not changed much.

mikee said...

How nice that he says this now, so long after it makes any possible difference to the election he helped tilt to the dementia patient.

rcocean said...

Is this how Brand usually is? I hate it when someone takes 40 seconds to ask a question. Anyway, Dorsey, as shown by Twitter takeover struggle wasn't really in charge of Twitter. The Board of Directors run by Paul Singer were calling the shots. And Paul Singer is a billionaire liberal who works with all the other liberal billionaires to control social media and the MSM.

You'll notice that even Elon Musk who is worth 200 billion, had to bow these same people and adjust his "free speech uber alles" approach. Because this group - the liberal Billionaire class - is DETERMINRED to enforce their will and dominate the market place of ideas through boycotts, censorship, and financial pressure.

I'm glad Dorsey realizes what he did was "wrong for the world". And he's right "decentraliztion" is the only real answer to escaping the control of this cabal of elites. But PEOPLE ARE STUPID. Ultimately, I don't know if you can ever stop a smart, power, elite group except with another group of smart powerful people.

Owen said...

Jack Dorsey got lucky. He has done a lot of damage. Maybe he should go away and count his money.

mccullough said...

Dorsey was born in 1976 when punk was on the wane.

Jack Dorsey: The First Millennial

Gusty Winds said...

It was the wrong decision for the world. Jack's regret seems sincere.

Kevin said...

Once Dorsey banned Trump, the other players had a "moral obligation" to follow suit.

He now sees his decision was the necessary first domino.

fairmarketvalue said...

Dorsey is still a punk, and his lame excuse that banning Trump was good for the company but bad for the world is just nonsense. Ol' Jackie knew from the get-go and was ok with Twitter being subsidized by the FBI and the other alphabet agencies. He also was ok the quid pro quo of Twitter carrying liberal water for the media and administration and banning Trump and conservative voices. His transformation of late into a deep-thinking reluctant Zen entrepreneur-philosopher is malarky.

Ralph L said...

We need a Peter the Great to take some whacks at that beard.

walter said...

Exacrly when did guvmint directives start coming in the backdoor?

walter said...

Coincidence shortly after new censor friendly gal comes to helm, gotta be logged in to view tweets.

Kirk Parker said...

Ralph L.

PtG swings his sword.... "Oops! I guess my sword is a little longer than I thought it was."

Oligonicella said...

If Dorsey truly believes what he did was bad for the world he would fall on his sword.

He hasn't.

Narayanan said...

so Jack Dorsey is why Sundance called Twitter 'Jack's magic coffee shop!'

finally got it >> am I awesome. brilliant.