But, of course, it's a political issue. The child is 4 years old, and we're only getting this acknowledgement now. Obviously, his people have read the criticism, notably the criticism from Maureen Dowd (which I blogged about here), and they see that pretending the child doesn't exist is not going to work.
And whatever happened to "The personal is political"? You've acknowledged the child, but now you want your privacy, you want us to trust you to work it out appropriately, but you haven't been fair to this mother and child over the years, and how men treat the women they've impregnated has long been deeply politicized. Your party flaunts its (supposed) concern for impregnated women. You don't get to privatize it when the woman is inconvenient to you.
The one thing I can say with confidence is that Biden himself did not write or say those words.
I'm happy to hear this.
I hope the child gets all the love she deserves.
The child is 4 years old...
So, she's FINALLY old enough to sniff! Soon (in a year or two,) it'll be shower with grampa time!
Biden thinks whatever lie he sputters will be believed.
"Your party flaunts its (supposed) concern for impregnated women. You don't get to privatize it when the women is inconvenient to you."
Huh? Of course he does. Of course they do. We have two different sets of rules in this country now. Every last one of these people swears their Hypocratic oath - to be as hypocritical as they can possibly be.
They get to do whatever they want whenever they want. Little Navy is an Inconvenient Truth, how dare Maureen point that out to them. You'll accept their hypocrisy and like it.
I hope the child gets all the love she deserves.
I’d settle for her and her mother getting Secret Service protection.
Meanwhile, brava Althouse!
I like the detail about how Hunter gave his daughter a "painting" as part of the paternity settlement. You don't think that painting already has a buyer? You don't think that buyer is a major DNC donor? You don't think the DNC paid off Hunter's paramour in plain sight and will claim plausible deniability?
Yeah. None of this is political. 😉
Just a priori the woman is a gold digger, picked out Hunter and kept the kid for child support. I don't know where all this innocence came from except that women are always victims.
Inconvenient grandchild has achieved status where she can be acknowledged during Friday night news dump
What cums around, goes around.
rhhardin — making the world safe for splooge stooges.
rhhardin said...
Just a priori the woman is a gold digger, picked out Hunter and kept the kid for child support. I don't know where all this innocence came from except that women are always victims.
The child is the innocent victim. You may be right about the mother, but I don't really see people complaining about how she is being treated, they are complaining about the child being ignored by the Bidens.
Oh Yea said...
“Inconvenient grandchild has achieved status where she can be acknowledged during Friday night news dump“
You’re suggesting Grandpa Joe and Grandma Jill took a late July Friday news dump on their own long-beloved dear and valued grandchild?
"We want what's best for the child. And what's best for the child is not to bear the Biden name, nor receive child support commensurate with the millions of dollars her father has earned in, at best, murky ways."
To be fair, Hunter himself would've benefited from not being born a Biden. He might now be a functioning adult.
I'd like to give Hunter credit for, subconsciously at least, having the conscience to be as big a public train wreck for his family's criminal enterprise as he can, lapping up drugs in the Navy and leaving laptops and lap dancers with Navy in plain sight. But he is a Biden, so all bets are off.
Just a priori the woman is a gold digger, picked out Hunter and kept the kid for child support.
Yet all the public facts and acts reveal one family acting with class and propriety and actually trying to maintain privacy for the child, and the other family acting like Bidens.
"Just a priori the woman is a gold digger, picked out Hunter and kept the kid for child support."
It's not about the woman. It's about the child. All this kid needs, is the Bidens in her life, NOT. They are evil people!
"To be fair, Hunter himself would've benefited from not being born a Biden. He might now be a functioning adult."
You might be right, but I prefer to think Hunter 'Smith' would be a no name impoverished wastoid blowing dudes under a Dover overpass for crack money before returning to the sidewalk to shout obscenities at passersby.
Seriously, he would do everything he's doing now except he'd have to actually deal with the consequences. Instead of 5-figure hookers he'd be banging dudes for an extra 5 dollars worth of gas.
Friday evening news dump… and he never said he didn’t have a seventh grandchild!
Stop your pouncing!
The sudden interest in children without grandfathers is inexplicable. Maybe it's the belief that innocence should attract money. It doesn't seem to be raining down on other children without grandfathers. There must be millions of them.
It’s them laptops and lap dancers
Ya dig deep enough you’ll find all the answers
Perp walk that snowblind prick right into jail
And run his Alzheimer’s daddy right out on a rail
(fiddle and banjo break)
Co-writin’ credit is yers, Ralph L…
If’n ya wannit.
Is it a coincidence that grampa Joe is also a pedophile? Democrats are such creepy people.
To be fair, Hunter himself would've benefited from not being born a Biden. He might now be a functioning adult.
Or dead in a “drug deal gone wrong.”
Who among us hasn't had (unprotected) sex with a stripper in Arkansas? Could happen to anyone!
Leave Hunter and Joe alone, all you haters!
Look on the bright side. It does answer some longstanding and vexatious questions. At least we now know at what point the Bidens consider a fetus viable: 4 years.
Charlie #
"Or dead in a “drug deal gone wrong.”
LMFAO. I just had a flashback to Norm Macdonald and weekend update. That is such a Norm joke. I miss him.
Democrats care about power, that is all they care about, 24/7.
“You've acknowledged the child, but now you want your privacy, you want us to trust you to work it out appropriately, but you haven't been fair to this mother and child over the years, and how men treat the women they've impregnated has long been deeply politicized. You[r] party flaunts its (supposed) concern for impregnated women. You don't get to privatize it when the women is inconvenient to you.
Who is the “you”? You don’t seem to just mean Hunter, the impregnator.
On the question of privacy and trust, are you asking to sit in the room while Hunter works out his relationship with Lunden and Navy? As a question of public politics, would you like final approval over the arrangements that are made?
Paying over $1 million in child support support does not strike one as unfair treatment. Lunden dropped her bid to change Navy’s last name to Biden, so apparently that was a negotiating ploy. Is it just a coincidence that the name Navy that Lunden picked is also the branch of the service that Hunter was kicked out of?
Do you believe Navy needed the coke-addled Hunter of 2018 in her life? Hunter is the inconvenient child. Navy, however. Is convenient to you Biden haters.
Listening and reading what the corrupt+loyal press say as they gush over Biden and his family is quite telling and nauseating.
Biden men are vile.
"It was a non-story for 2 years. Then it rose to the level of a REPUBLICANS POUNCE STORY.
Now Biden does the right thing, and the major media will finally admit that Biden has 7 grandchildren.
It has very state media vibes."
Quote Tweet
Square profile picture
NBC News
Jul 23
"President Biden’s family story has long been one of his greatest strengths politically.
Republicans are starting to think they can turn it into a liability. https://nbcnews.com/politics/joe-b"
NBC - LOL. How State run can you go NBC?
While the plea for privacy is probably disingenuous, what's the alernative? That we have some publicly televised performance at the White House where Joe and Jill stand at the door and the kid comes toddling up the drive and they sweep her into their arms and then embrace the Mom and Hunter and his new family gather round and they all go inside and have ice cream cake and sing Wheels on the Bus Go Round and Round together?
I don't this issue really hurts the President. Everybody has messy or difficult family issues of one kind or another. I think people resent outsiders butting in with their two cents.
RHardin is consistent I suppose.
" ‘Jill and I Only Want What’s Best’"
As little money as possible from Hunter?
"And whatever happened to "The personal is political"?"
Nothing. The trope was always a prog tool. Still is. Dems use the personal to advance their politics. Their calculations change over time, but what else is new?
"you want us to trust you to work it out appropriately"
Nah, it's just a pose. Maybe it'll work with some women.
"how men treat the women they've impregnated has long been deeply politicized. Your party flaunts its (supposed) concern for impregnated women"
Flaunts is about right. They faked the sincerity pretty well. The bad-boy act has worked for Dems for years.
"You don't get to privatize it when the woman is inconvenient to you."
Or if you try, you scoundrel, women wil rise up in anger and vote against you, agreeing even to restrictions on abortion, holding you accountable, I tell you.
" ‘Jill and I Only Want What’s Best'
Best for Navy is to stay far, far away from that vile clan. Do not come within a mile of leering, licking grandpa. Having their genes is bad enough.
Rhhardin, are you suggesting the mother sexually assaulted Hunter Biden when he was incapable of giving consent?
Otherwise, it still takes a minimum of two to tango, though somebody will probably screw that up soon enough.
Plea for privacy = can you stop calling us out on our hypocracy
It takes this level of shaming for Brandon to act like a decent human being. FJB.
"Your party flaunts its (supposed) concern for impregnated women."
More recently, his party flaunts its (supposed) concern for impregnated birthing parents and asks "what's a woman?" But what difference, at this point, does it make?
Anyone ever notice that every time Hunter is pictured with with his "wife" its a different looking woman.
While the plea for privacy is probably disingenuous, what's the alernative? That we have some publicly televised performance at the White House…
The alternative would have been to NOT publicize how you “talk to each of my six grandchildren every day” like he said last month or perhaps not make such a show (including multiple photo opps with various media) of pointing out the Christmas stockings in the White House hung with your SIX grandchildren and your DOGS. Joe could have shown class since the beginning. He was literally asked how he felt the day she was born and got pissed off and insulted the reporter. Sure they could have been private or classy or both but they chose the asshole route because Joseph Robinette Biden has always been a fucking asshole. And proud of it.
@left bank of the Charles
The coping has started. Just the thing that happens when hypocrites and their defenders are exposed. Go ahead and try to rationalize the indefensible. Make it the hill you'll die on, be our guest.
Hmmm, they didn’t get away with “No one F’s with a Biden” this time.
What an awful family. What an utter lack of character, honesty, humility, and courage.
We elected the worst of us as President. More than once.
Imagining a first meeting of Joe Biden with his granddaughter, it occurs to me that Hollywood already shot this scene--John Huston at the end of "Chinatown."
The White House finally bit.
"We love her. But not enough to let her use her father's last name."
The mother could have started transitioning the granddaughter.
No way that could have been ignored.
I blame the mother for slow walking the eventual reunion. 😉
Lem the misspeller with the hot take nobody heard of.
Good grief. Be careful what you wish for. Get some of that Biden Inc cash into the girl's trust fund and forge a separate path from the rotten Biden family, especially Pedo Pete.
one of the best lines in this movie
Ultimately, this situation is a useful distraction from their selling out the country.
With Joe, it's a very simple matter to find out if Navy is part of the family. Check the bank routing records of the Biden syndicate revenue chain. Have any accounts been opened for Navy? Any overseas million-dollar payments been directed into her accounts? Didn't think so.
One of the commenters here has talked about "Biden haters". Now hate is a bad thing, and I suppose it's wrong to be a "Biden hater". OTOH it's perfectly acceptable to hold Joseph Robinette Biden in contempt--along with most of the others in the Biden corruotocrat family.
But his shameful behavior with respect to his seventh grandchild--begot in a coke fueled haze on the body of an Arkansas stripper (I'll parse Old Joe's thoughts here) is merely cumulative evidence concerning just what Joe is.
If it were personal and not political, he would have met with her before telling the media he was going to meet with her someday.
Gee, there is an election brewing. The first son did have his sweetheart plea deal fall apart this week. The polling on ignoring the seventh grandchild is not very positive.
I know - we will make a Friday statement about how we are all about our family, even the seventh grandchild we have ignored for four years, and get the press off our backs and back to gushing about what a strong family ethic we have. And then we go off for a 10 day vacation - again - and just do cutesy photo ops as 'dear old granddad' relaxing on the beach.
I'm sure that Joe and Hunter fully supported the woman's right to choose abortion. But not to make the wrong choice, to have the girl. No Democrat politician actually supports that choice. Those who choose life are on the wrong side of history. Every Progressive knows that.
Maybe she can inherit some of dad's fine art.
She’s not Jill’s granddaughter.
She’s Biden’s dead wife’s granddaughter.
Joe & Jill’s daughter has no kids.
Folks demanded Biden acknowledge his 7th grandchild. Ok, demand met. Looking forward to first meeting.
"The personal is political", Biden has dry humped his family politically his whole political career. The socalled "Biden word" is meaningless, he lies and always has. The Bidens are white trash, why would Navy want that last name?
Wonder if Joe wants to shower with her or just sniff?
President Sadsack doesn’t know up from down. No joke!
Biden has already forgot about the 7th grandchild. He can’t remember what he had for breakfast.
I will wait to see the seventh stocking on the mantle this Christmas. Perhaps then I will believe the words. Else, it’s just ass covering shit. I can send a roll for ya.
AA's on-target criticism of Joe & Jill* is refreshing. Nothing but nothing Biden has ever done was done because it was the right thing to do.
*I should be scolded. Phony Doctor Jill.
"The Bidens are white trash..."
You might be slandering innocent white trash all over the country here by comparing them to the Bidens. Just sayin'.
"You might be slandering innocent white trash all over the country here by comparing them to the Bidens. Just sayin'."
James Carville once joked that "you never know what your find when you drag a $100 through a trailer park". It was never proven.
It has been proven what you'll find when you drag several million dollars through a trailer park. You'll find the Bidens.
"And whatever happened to "The personal is political"?"
Even feminist values are subordinate to protection of The Big Guy.
Every time, every time, Joe the B man has to cave. It's a sign of weakness. You have seen the photos where he wears short shorts on the beach, thinks he is sexy, the black girls in the pool like his sunny blond leg hair. I have never had those thoughts, but if i did i would never tell anyone for God's sake.
Now he caves and stops hating the dna child of his son the splooge stooge.
Hey Joe, I am Xi, I launch the missle now, don't now lauunch yours or I tell everyone Hunter is crook.
"how men treat the women they've impregnated has long been deeply politicized. "
I may be old fashioned, but I don't think that long, impregnated, and deeply, should appear in the same sentence.
I agree with rhhardin. The mother is a bit of a gold digger. Well, not exactly a gold digger. Hunter is Sutter's Creek. Those nuggets are just laying out in the open waiting to be picked up...Hunter has a penchant for drugs, hookers, bribes, and foreign travel. If this relative amateur to the gold digging game was able to hook Hunter into a relationship that cost him many months' worth of bribes, you can imagine how deep foreign agents with psyops and pelvic floor training might have gotten their hooks into him.....The Dems believed that the Steele dossier was God's gospel truth and that Trump was most likely being blackmailed by Russian agents. So far as I know, there hasn't been any speculation about Hunter by those people who were sure that Trump was compromised....Hunter took the trouble to photograph himself doing drugs and sex with hookers. Can you imagine the things that he felt that were not suitable for recording. How hard would it be to pose a dead, twelve year old sex worker with a cut throat in the bed next to a passed out Hunter? Probably cheaper and quicker to arrange than negotiating a bribe. I don't think anyone living in close proximity to such a security risk should have a security clearance. The FBI should move to cancel President Biden's security clearance.
Wonder if Joe wants to shower with her or just sniff?
Joe takes his showers with a 35-year-old, male, Filipino nurse these days.
You would think gramps might tell his son to lie low for a couple years, as he is bad publicity.
But Hunter is there at white house functions and foreign excursions. He must really be raking in the dough for the old man.
"Now that we know the Bidens took $10M+ in bribes from Ukraine do you understand why President Trump was impeached for a single phone call to Zelensky asking about Biden’s financial dealings?
Nancy launched impeachment proceedings the next week and came up with the reason later
Trump was digging around in their Deep State laundromat and the regime punched back"
They are caving, because polling shows what schmucky people they really are. They SHOULD have caved when the DNA test came back positive, but they didn't. They waited until Hunters child support got cut, and their refusal to let Navy have his last name....and Americans can see right through their deceit.
could all this be used to let Dr Jill have bus-ride under carriage?
He saw a couple of pictures and decided she’s ready to be raped. By a president! He’ll make her feel special.
Trump should offer to adopt the child so the child will have secret service protection. He can adopt mother and daughter.
If Biden wouldn’t step up and do the right thing, Trump can also step in.
Tsk, tsk, tsk.
All the lefty emphasis on her being a stripper.
I was reliably told that being a "sex worker" was hunky-dorey. And surely "stripper" is on the good side of that spectrum.
Althouse has gone on forever about how WJC loved Monica and Monica loved WJC, and they should have gone off together. And WJC appropriated Monica's youth. Althouse is into jabber about WJC/Monica sex.
Here Althouse wants jump a couple generations (kid's kid) from the politician to make this 4 yo fair game for politics. After all it's Hunter (the pol's kid) that has appropriated the 4 yo's (pols's kid's kid) youth. Obviously it's inappropriate to shelter the 4 yo from being used as a political pawn. Especially because Ds flaunt supposed concern for not outlawing abortion (or whatever it was Althouse typed re explaining that this 4 yo should be politicized.)
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