Seen this morning because I went to Twitter and clicked on "Kavanaugh" in the "What's happening" sidebar.
If you're wondering whether writing "Really fuck you" on someone's photograph and posting it on Twitter is a protected speech under the First Amendment, read the Supreme Court's new "true threats" case, Counterman v. Colorado.
Anniversary of Dobbs
Since many major Supreme Court decisions are handed down at the end of June, is this really a thing? It is similar to "on the Anniversary of the New Year".
As for true threat, isn't this the guy that threatened to grab a sleeping woman's breasts, because he thought it was funny? I'd say "Fuck Off" to him, but he would probably enjoy the fuck.
You'd think Al Franken could come up with something better than that.
LOAN - leftists need to look up the definition.
Free speech. Leftists do not understand.
STate compelled speech - leftists DO understand.
16 And Jesus said, Are ye also yet without understanding?
17 Do not ye yet understand, that whatsoever entereth in at the mouth goeth into the belly, and is cast out into the draught?
18 But those things which proceed out of the mouth come forth from the heart; and they defile the man.
19 For out of the heart proceed evil thoughts, murders, adulteries, fornications, thefts, false witness, blasphemies:
20 These are the things which defile a man: but to eat with unwashen hands defileth not a man.
Screaming into the Void? More likely Screaming FROM the Void.
Imagine I am an author and I am writing a book. Does the government get to compel me what I write in the book?
FYI, linking tweets just became a lot less useful as they just stopped allowing people not logged in to view tweets.
News organizations are going to have to find other sources for the same information, ones their readers can follow links for.
The left will miss civility more than most when they've actually killed it and will immediately blame everyone else for what they have done.
Why does every picture of the Justices together make Sotomayor look like this goblinish dwarf lurking in the corner as if she's preparing to devour the other eight?
The genius of the founding US constitution, to make these appeal judges a lifetime appointment. They can't be cancelled.
"You'd think Al Franken could come up with something better than that."
Yeah, there must be at least a hundred ways to say "Oooh, I'm just so mad."
Can we add Manjoo to the list?
"Sometimes profanity is appropriate, and those times are when I'm really mad about something. When YOU are really mad about something, just get a f'ing grip, will you?"
[eye roll]
Being Progressive means never being happy.
Even when you win there is something else you haven’t won.
The rage machine must be fed or the fire goes out.
Just to Be CLEAR.. Calling a guy "he" IF she doesn't want to be called that, is now a felony:
Michigan House passes bill that could make using wrong pronouns a felony, fineable up to $10,000
Under the new bill, 'intimidating' an individual in regards to their gender identity can result in prison time or a $10,000 fine
Just so you're Clear
Hunter Biden's tax payer funded Hooker said...
Imagine I am an author and I am writing a book. Does the government get to compel me what I write in the book?
well, That would depend, on What pronouns you use
Al Franken reminding America that he's not ready for the Senate again. But he IS a Democrat so I'm pretty sure that posting of the justices will be a massive donation pull for him.
Funny thing is, I don't recall ever- not once- hearing Al Franken talk about giving kids in the cities SCHOOL CHOICE, or vouchers to use for private or charter schools. To give kids in the cities an out from Union/Democratic run schools. The testing in this country has been- for decades- moving downward. Recent testing showing 8th graders simply cannot read or add. But we know this. We see the comparative testing with other industrial nations year after year. We are a failing nation.
The answer is not to select who gets into college based on their skin color. By college, it's too late. The answer is to work on kids education from K-12. Parents in the cities have to get involved with their kids education, yes. But also- they have to have a choice. They're stuck in government schools, run by unions who collect money to pay for Democratic pols who make sure no one changes the school system that pays the unions. It's the disease in our country.
Forget about affirmative action. Take action for the kids, K-12 and you won't have to worry about affirmative action. College will happen for kids who are prepared.
Franken is a moron, sometimes parading as an intellectual. A perfect Democrat. And- He couldn't hold Clarence Thomas's jockstrap. If he knew anything about Thomas's life, he'd never say another word other than, "I apologize for being a moron."
"You vacuous, toffee-nosed, malodorous pervert!"
I came here to the Supreme Court for an argument.
"Oh, oh, I'm sorry. This is abuse."
Those poor lefties! Always somebody pissing on their flower pot.
This is most definitely not Al Franken’s Decade.
My twitter feed is full of idiots who can’t state a reason why the Supreme Court is wrong, but they’re sure it is.
Their solutions are pretty extreme. And egged on by ignorant irresponsible politicians like AOC and Elizabeth Warren. Basically, but without saying it, most liberals want a dictatorship (which they assume will always be led by their dictator).
Blogger Bob Boyd said...
You'd think Al Franken could come up with something better than that.
Why would you say that?
Profanity is the way one lefty signals to other lefties that he/she/they is more virtuous than them.
So what are they mad about? The end of affirmative action? They will find other ways to exalt negroes, I feel sure.
The Left certainly has a way with words.
I, for one, look forward in future years to the leftist's March for Death each June in DC, with hundreds of thousands of pro-abortion activists and non-parents protesting the lack of judicially sanctioned, rather than legislated, abortion for all. /s
All the Supreme Court did in the Dobbs decision was something the Court could have done, should have done, quite helpfully to society and politics and law, 50 years earlier in Roe v. Wade. The Court back then tried to write a national abortion law, which is not what a court, any court, should do for any issue. The Dobbs decision simply returned abortion law to the legislatures of the states as an issue not under federal legislative authority, per the US Constitution. Congress doesn't make the laws on this issue, the Supreme Court doesn't make the laws on this issue, only the states make the laws on this issue.
I approve of this decision greatly, even though it means Texas will very likely lose its Republican majority legislature over the issue, this next election, unless the Republicans get their heads outta their asses and ease the onerous restrictions they recently imposed on abortion and its providers. It wasn't quite a ban, but they certainly made abortion Clintonian - legal, safe and very rare. But the Repubs have held Texas for almost 30 years now, and just like the Dems did before them, have grown lazy and stupid in their power. So perhaps a good election beating is just what Texas needs to get better Republican legislators again.
Insults: when seeing a lack of imagination in such insults, I’m reminded of the movie “Roxanne” with Steve Martin being unimaginatively insulted with his big nose (Cyrano de Bergerac). Oh what a precious document it would be to see a Justice writing a rebuttal to such ‘insult’.
A modern, full-length novel version of what to say when you can't muster a convincing argument to refute another's ideas. Progressives play politics by capturing cultural territory and bullying the remaining real estate, instead of competing with winning ideas.
"Justice Gorsuch devotes the final seven pages of his opinion to dissecting the dissent by Justice Sonia Sotomayor. If genteel, it is also rather brutal. Sotomayor’s dissent is a partisan cri de cœur on behalf of the LGBTQ community, where B stands for “bully.” Gorsuch writes:"
"It is difficult to read the dissent and conclude we are looking at the same case. Much of it focuses on the evolution of public accommodations laws, post, at 7–13, and the strides gay Americans have made towards securing equal justice under law, post, at 14–17. And, no doubt, there is much to applaud here. But none of this answers the question we face today: Can a State force someone who provides her own expressive services to abandon her conscience and speak its preferred message instead?
When the dissent finally gets around to that question—more than halfway into its opinion—it reimagines the facts of this case from top to bottom."
And furthermore: one reason (far from the most important, but there nonetheless) I'm big on free speech is exactly this. Keep on telling me exactly who and what you are, guys. Don't be scared - my side isn't going to try to stop you.
Back in the GWB days, we were visiting very progressive friends in Austin. We went into an expensive, boutique-y shop that sold very Austin things - t-shirts, coffee cups, all sorts of stuff with anti-Bush messaging. My favorite was right next to the cash register, on full view of people (including police) on the street - a display of buttons saying, "That's OK, I wasn't using my freedom of speech anyway."
The courage! At any time, that shop owner might have been cuffed and carted off to jail, her shop forced to close. Right?
Al Franken, the holier-than-thou preachy activist, the comedian famous for saying "I'm good enough, I'm smart enough, and doggone it people like me" while wearing a blue sweater, and the man who simulated groping a woman as she slept. Then, forced to resign from the senate in the Me Too era...
When, if ever, does he develop self-awareness? When all you see is problems in others, perhaps YOU have the problem. Of course, he was always a one-joke-pony on SNL so maybe this attitude reveals his true intellect.
Fools. And people think we should unite with such hateful, divisive people?? I'm glad they are "suffering". They deserve our scorn, not our sympathy.
So did Elena Kagan actually say?
Anytime Congress gives the slightest bit of discretion, it should just be assumed that bureaucracy can do anything they want.
That's what Kimberly S was saying on the WSJ potomac watch podcast
Kevin said...
Being Progressive means never being happy.
Even when you win there is something else you haven’t won.
The rage machine must be fed or the fire goes out.
7/1/23, 7:55 AM
100% THIS^^^^^
It's amazing what happens when your moral and intellectual superiors (HA!) lose their right to bully someone. Isn't it?
The three female progressives on the court are seriousness hacks. wow.
That's a good example of the Left's unwillingness/inability to debate issues.
The grown man who pretended to grab a sleeping woman's tits for a leering photo.
His character remains consistent.
Gorsuch asks:
"Can a State force someone who provides her own expressive services to abandon her conscience and speak its preferred message instead?"
Progressives say: Yes.
Gorsuch hit it out of the park.
The Left just wants power. Totalitarian power.
Not a member of the right Tribe? You're out! Forget about merit.
Don't believe that 2 + 2 = 5 and that girls can become boys? You're a terrible person!
Don't believe that spending trillions in the West to achieve net zero? The world will end unless you believe and pay up.
Hey. Fuck the Left. The Left must be defeated so completely that they will have to change their minds or finally shut up.
Just what we need - mansplaining from a white guy on affirmati e action.
It's non-Democrats who should be upset about Dobbs. The best shot the Republic had to survive was Democrats aborting themselves.
Meanwhile, they cheer on this kind of incivility from their "leaders."
Why attack the SCOTUS? Can't they mollify themselves with two Affirmative Action hires out of nine.
Why would you say that?
The guy went to Harvard and worked as a tier-one comedy writer and comedian. Politics aside, he has a solid history of being very funny and creative. I'd expect a guy with his creds to come up with the hundred and first way of saying, "Oooh, I'm just so mad."
The use of profanity, especially the F-bomb, mystifies me. Coarsening of society at it's finest. Do you teach your children on the use of that word? Grandchildren? There is a commenter here from the cornhusker state who drops the F-bomb on a regular basis. Surprises me. It does nothing to advance your argument. In my mind, it detracts from your position.
tim maguire said @ 8:07 am
Basically, but without saying it, most liberals want a dictatorship (which they assume will always be led by their dictator).
Liberals, and especially “progressives”, in their mind want a “benevolent” dictatorship. They think they ALWAYS know better than us on EVERYTHING and only they can run the country. Instead, we would end up with a brutal dictatorship as the proletariat would chafe under their “benevolent dictatorship”.
F-bombs are about all progs have left as argument.
As I suspect other commenters have discovered, a little righty pushback in conversation with progs can trigger f-laced ranting within about two minutes.
Combined with Attiah's disdain for white women, the public version is sending a useful signal to swing-voting "moderates."
Well of course it’s protected speech. To imply a threat it would be necessary to show what clear meaning “fuck you” even has any more. And even if you could draw on its obscure sexual etymology, no rapist has ever used the expression to telegraph their criminal intentions, least of all as a threat. If you can generalize anything from the expression it would probably be complete disregard or even contempt, but those are protected from prosecution as well - at least as long as thought crimes remain free from prosecution.
You guys forget that the former Senator Franken is still a professional comedian, meaning he is funny when paid to be so. This is just Franken being himself, for no charge and with no payment. Maybe, just maybe, he's using this effort as advertisment, marketing, publicity, to help his future comedy career, rather than expresssing his sincerely held beliefs as an individual member of society. And maybe he's just as limited in terms of his political ideology and self expression as he was as a professional comedian and as a Senator.
You'd think Al Franken could come up with something better than that.
Not me.
Comedy clubs should pay ME to attend. Left, right or indifferent even a mediocer comic makes me laugh.
Not the guy tat says, "Me, Al Frankin" as a boring, repetitious punchline...
As for true threat, isn't this the guy that threatened to grab a sleeping woman's breasts, because he thought it was funny?
Sounds like Kristen Gillibrand’s influence remains strong. He threatened no such thing. He allowed a picture to be taken of a sketch both he and said woman had performed IIRC, so apparently there were audiences who thought it was funny.
The Left certainly has a way with words.
So says a troll shilling for the political ideology that gave America “Hang Mike Pence!” And “Grab ‘em by the pussy.”
Speaking of the latter, how are Don Trump’s defamation lawsuits coming along?
The Left just wants power. Totalitarian power.
Nah, they just want an acknowledgment from the totalitarian right that the constitution is not a conservative document.
Once you do that your submission to us will be obvious.
The court’s liberals wrote the ruling Althouse cited (as if any of the cons bothered to look at it). They were joined however by the rest of the newly invaded right-wing court, with the sole exceptions of Thomas and Barrett. The self-hating AA beneficiary and the self-hating handmaiden. The others all agreed though, as they more often do nowadays. Even Ant. Scalia defended a right to flag burning. You have a lot to learn, grasshopper.
The only people who consistently act without civility are DEMOCRATS. 000s of examples could be given, but lets just take one. The death of Scalia. The death of Ginsburg.
Conservative justices that don’t agree with you? How horrible. You should all kill yourselves…
I suspect if I said that it would not be protected speech under the First Amendment. Emanations of penumbras and all…so I’ll just say ‘Fuck the Left.’
Gee, Al. Can you sound more like a petulant child? "I didn't get my way! Waaaah!"
People with the emotional maturity of six year olds.
Blogger Humperdink said...
The use of profanity, especially the F-bomb, mystifies me. Coarsening of society at it's finest. Do you teach your children on the use of that word? Grandchildren? There is a commenter here from the cornhusker state who drops the F-bomb on a regular basis. Surprises me. It does nothing to advance your argument. In my mind, it detracts from your position.
I got in trouble in second grade because of that word. At the time I was in a one-room school. My only fellow second grader was...let us call him Frank. Frank was not brought up in a civil family like I was. We were outside for recess. For some reason, Frank said the "F" word. I had never, in all my seven years, heard that word before. I repeated it. That's when the teacher heard us. I lost my recess privileges for some time AND I had to write out a page of the dictionary. At the time, believe it or not, I did not understand why I was being punished. I didn't find out until many years later when I asked a friend about it. I was brought up in a family (including extended relatives) where the fathers did not swear or use foul language in front of women and children. To this day, my older brother has never sworn or used foul language, because he wasn't brought up that way. Apparently my dad did, just not in front of us. I would say if you want to get your point across these days, study a thesaurus and "be different." Overuse of the "F" word is...boring.
Again, thanks, Donald. Good job.
Remember "Impeach Earl Warren" billboards. I guess that was the conservative way of saying fuck off back then. See how much we have evolved over the years.....I think you can properly tell ACB to fuck off, but when you write "fuck her" above the picture of an attractive woman, you're wandering onto dangerous territory. This is especially true for someone with Franken's history of not reaching for the right word but rather groping for a joke.
"Fuck her" is probably less ambiguous when written about Justice Sotomayor.
Al Frankin's books are insufferable. He forced his son to visit a Christian college to mock Christianity, and his son was deeply ashamed, yet Franken thought it was hilarious.
He was so drunk and coarse -- and incoherent -- daily on Air America (I had to listen for research) that they needed extra people to try to prop him up. Ever uber-leftist Randy Rhodes, an actual radio professional, at least, was disgusted.
Whew, glad we got rid of that fascist, sexist bigot Franken.
We are just going to have to pollute our speech by using everyone’s name everytime they are addressed.
….daily on Air America (I had to listen for research)
Lol, haha. Right… do tell.
If Al Franken is not funny (comparatively speaking of course, for a former senator) I’d hate to see what the right considers to be funny among their own politicians. Franken said some of the Republican senators were funny, but of course theirs is the party that inflicts scumbags as distasteful as Ted Cruz on the country - a guy who eats his own boogers. (Has that been blogged about, BTW?)
In any event, I thought Franken had a funny section of his book that FOX tried to sue him for publishing, when he wrote to John Ashcroft and asked the devout abstinence-advocating prude to relay a personal story about a time when he was very tempted sexually, but declined to do anything sexual about it. This is the guy, remember, who wanted to cover the statue of Lady Justice with a sheet because he was offended by her aluminum breasts. He said it would be used for research into his own book, Savin’ It! which would be all about how hormonal young people could learn to better channel or suppress their urges, as the right-wing apparently advised them to do.
I can see why right-wingers would not find this funny, though. Because if they stopped taking themselves so seriously they’d realize what a joke they are personally.
Someone’s got teh sadz… :0(
Hmmm. Tacit admission they have no logical argument to present.
The Madame of the House is allowing comments to flow rather freely today. Thank you, Professor.
Please, fellow commenters, don't fuck it up with mindless and useless back and forth argumentation.
We're doing pretty good so far.
"You'd think Al Franken could come up with something better than that."
Davis was the talented one.
hpudding is always serving excrement, never anything thoughtful offered. A sad case study…
Fuck Al Frankenstein forever and retroactively to cover everything he claimed to be funny.
"Blogger hpudding said...
As for true threat, isn't this the guy that threatened to grab a sleeping woman's breasts, because he thought it was funny?
Sounds like Kristen Gillibrand’s influence remains strong. He threatened no such thing. He allowed a picture to be taken of a sketch both he and said woman had performed IIRC, so apparently there were audiences who thought it was funny.
The Left certainly has a way with words.
So says a troll shilling for the political ideology that gave America “Hang Mike Pence!” And “Grab ‘em by the pussy.”
Speaking of the latter, how are Don Trump’s defamation lawsuits coming along?"
Shorter Blogger hpudding:
"I lost my recess privileges for some time AND I had to write out a page of the dictionary."
Our brilliant educators use writing as punishment. Have for decades.
And then they wonder why kids hate essay questions.
Donald Trump can choose a song to use as his campaign theme. Then force that artist to perform it so Trump can video record it, and create a music video.
I think artist have even prevented politicians from using their work.
So not demanding a custom piece of work, just using what's already for sale.
"If you're wondering whether writing "Really f*** [I refuse to repeat the word] you" on someone's photograph and posting it on Twitter is a protected speech..."
Special opprobrium is reserved for "Uncle Toms."
The Left certainly has a way with words.
So says a troll shilling for the political ideology that gave America “Hang Mike Pence!” And “Grab ‘em by the pussy.”
Speaking of the latter, how are Don Trump’s defamation lawsuits coming along?
Puddinghead seems to be focused on stuff that sounds to him/her/it like bad examples by Republicans. I've never hear "Hang Mike Pence". The other was a comment made in what was thought to be a private moment and was part of a longer sentence that puddinghead, like so many Democrats, edited to change the meaning. Most of the lawsuits against Trump are funded by Democrats for a specific purpose. A woman who does not remember the date 40 years ago when he supposedly raped her in a department store. A NY jury has no problem with that. You lefties have made Lawfare an art.
Scotty, beam me up said...
"Liberals, and especially “progressives”, in their mind want a “benevolent” dictatorship."
They don't give thought to the possibility that they may be the Mensheviks in the new Regime.
It's like the '70s never happened around here somewhens.
Franken's just a gropey mope who had his moment; he could only be relevant to anything now by making True Threats.
Light the fuse, leftists.
Light it.
Remind me, did Franken consider Trump too crass and vulgar to hold office?
Civility? From the left? They have the emotional maturity of three-year-olds and demonstrate it every time something doesn't go their way.
Joe may be slow, but it took less than a day for him to send a one-finger salute in the direction of the Supreme Court by announcing that he was going to go through with student loan forgiveness no matter how the Court has ruled.
I've never hear "Hang Mike Pence".
Interesting defense.
I wasn’t in Washington 1/6/2021 but I know that it happened. Are you saying anything you don’t witness or take part in personally doesn’t happen?
Most of the lawsuits against Trump are funded by Democrats for a specific purpose.
Another interesting “defense.” Every lawsuit ever takes place for a specific purpose - as detailed in the complaint that initiates it.
As for funding (whatever that means, legal fees?) Trump now has to pay $5 million so it looks like he’ll fund a good amount of the “costs” of the lawsuit he lost. Or he would if he wants to be in compliance with the law. In any event, it’s better than a Supreme Court completely captured financially by the shadow dockets given to it by Leonard Leo.
A woman who does not remember the date 40 years ago when he supposedly raped her in a department store. A NY jury has no problem with that.
No doubt. Nor should they.
But they might have had a problem with Trump pointing to E. Jean Carroll (his victim) in a photo and saying that she was Marla Maples, his second wife. I guess that kind of a mistake (confusing his wife with a woman he he was found to have sexually abused) doesn’t strike you as a little out of the ordinary.
You lefties have made Lawfare an art.
Rule of law is way better than rule by fiat in a cult of personality. Name one time that Trump said that he respected how the law constrained him in a single action, that he respected the law more than his ambition and need. Just one.
And I’ll even count the one time of him on tape talking about how he no longer had the authority to declassify the national security secrets that he was passing around like they were baseball cards to trade and brag about.
Light the fuse, leftists.
Light it.
Jim is angry everyone, and threatening mayhem.
How impressive.
Maybe next he’ll start beating his chest and jumping around like a gorilla.
Hebetudinous Al Franken!
There's an interesting intramural war raging right now in anti-Trump world.
The devoted leftists (example: Elie Mystal of "The Nation") are fighting with the Federalist Society lawyers who all along backed the conservative nominations to the federal judiciary even when they were denouncing Trump (example: George Conway).
To illustrate, here are Elie Mystal and George Conway on Twitter:
Elie Mystal.
George Conway.
The Twitter feeds of George Conway, Ed Whelen, David French and too many others to list -- all of the most devout class of Trump-haters -- are right now packed with defenses of the most contentious of the recent Supreme Court term wrap-up cases. Invariably, they are the very best defenses to be found on social media.
I've all along said that I held my nose to vote for Trump in 2016, and mostly regretted it. To be sure, the one effective Presidential deal that Trump ever made was agreeing to outsource his federal judicial nominees to the capable conservatives in the Federalist Society. Otherwise, we might be wondering why Justice Jeanine Pirro ruled as she did last week. Actually, no. Without that deal, we'd be talking about how the Clinton bloc of Judges voted. Trump never would have been elected.
Anyway, I have "mostly" regretted ever having voted for Trump. This past week was some small consolation.
MadTownGuy said...
They don't give thought to the possibility that they may be the Mensheviks in the new Regime.
think about all the single white college educated women with their BlackLivesMatter signs in their yards..
think about all the queer lesbian black women RUNNING BlackLivesMatter..
think about the scrawny nerdy Ante-Fa black shirts..
Come the Revolution.. How long will ANY of Those last?
When the Black Muslims take over? When the Muslims take over?
SHIT! the ONLY Thing keeping ANY of those freaks alive, is conservative america..
And they're Too Dumb to know it
I wasn’t in Washington 1/6/2021 but I know that it happened. Are you saying anything you don’t witness or take part in personally doesn’t happen?
Most of the lawsuits against Trump are funded by Democrats for a specific purpose.
Another interesting “defense.” Every lawsuit ever takes place for a specific purpose - as detailed in the complaint that initiates it.
I am tired of responding to lefty idiots but one more time. You know that it happened how ? Got it from Daily Kos, did you?
The guy who funded the lawsuit against Trump was a guy named Reid Hoffman, who is a billionaire Democrat donor.
These lefty billionaires are destroying the American tradition to further enrich themselves and sheep like you think it's great.
It's funny how no one wants to fuck the ugly women judges.
Ill help you out, puddin. Before Franken was a senator he wrote jokes for SNL.
hpudding said...
I wasn’t in Washington 1/6/2021 but I know that it happened.
What Happened? Details Please. WHAT do You KNOW???
I KNOW that the cops shot an unarmed woman to death, and beat another unarmed woman to death..
Again.. WHAT do You KNOW?
for f-u threat to be horrific does it need be orifice-specific?
Franken revealed his White Left racism with his "really FU" over Justice Thomas.
The best comeback for this kind of tweet
No hints. It would give it away.
I was a nonvoter in 2016 and 2020, but voting now. Judges are the main reason I will vote for DJT, if he is R nominee.
All 6 R appointed SC justices, while not perfect, have brass balls. Oh wait, 5 with brass balls and one with, oh, a brass corset?
at least as long as thought crimes remain free from prosecution
Originalist and textualist judges and justices reply, "You're welcome."
How now, Black cow?
You know that it happened how ?
Same way I know that black holes are real. By not being so paranoid as to assume any given bit of common knowledge is just part of a great big conspiracy to get me to believe things that some random powerful person fulfills a secret agenda by getting me to believe. I don’t assume I’m that important in general to be lied to for secret reasons.
But it sounds like you think all that footage was made-up, the injured and killed weren’t injured and killed, everyone including Mike Pence and Mitch McConnell lied about it and the 1,030 charged, 570 who pled guilty and 485 convicted actually had no evidence of their wrongdoing. If so then maybe you can provide your own evidence rebutting all that. Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence and given the extent of your denial about such a significant event, the burden on proof is on you to persuade or convince.
The guy who funded the lawsuit against Trump was a guy named Reid Hoffman, who is a billionaire Democrat donor.
Cool. Since Trump was found culpable it looks like he’ll can send the payment directly to this Reid Hoffman guy then. Good to know that his investment paid off.
These lefty billionaires are destroying the American tradition to further enrich themselves and sheep like you think it's great.
Lol. What tradition? The tradition of letting sexual abusers off the hook? The tradition of now suing rich powerful liars like Trump? The tradition of pretending a guy who was president is above the law? Even Bill Clinton had to answer a civil charge while he was in office and you’re going around pretending that there’s some phony baloney “tradition” demanding that an ex-president like Trump can’t be put through the same.
What’s it like to live in a country where you have to make up so much nonsense just to pretend its traditions and principles actualy align with yours, whatever those are?
LLR and Violent Homosexual Rage Rape Fantasists: "Invariably, they are the very best defenses to be found on social media."
Invariably they are the worst defenses of the recent rulings and represent nothing more than an attempt, after the fact, to rewrite history and pretend that their hack political desires over the last 7 years, had they been fulfilled, would have given us a 6-3 or worse far left court....which is precisely what the far left radical billionaire's that fund David French, George Conway and all the other LLR-democratical "heroes" want desperately.
Which also explains LLR-democratical Chuck's strong and passionate support for the entire radical trans agenda, just like these supposed "Never Trump" (actually Never Conservative) losers who have limped back to their natural home: the democratical party.
LLR-democratical Chuck: "I've all along said that I held my nose to vote for Trump in 2016,..."
Yes, that is indeed a lie that many leftist FakeCons attempt to sell on blog sites to push their pro-democratical agenda...like LLR-democratical Chuck.
Exit question: if LLR-democratical Chuck is posting at Althouse blog, can his mini-me LLR-lonejustice be far behind?
Lets see what happens....
hp said.. , the injured and killed weren’t injured and killed
WHO, exactly, do YOU think was "Killed"?? This is Fun!
It's sad watching them hurting their own cause like this. Reasonable people look at this tantrum and think, "Why should these angry, nasty children have any say about anything?"
You just won’t believe where Al Franken sent at least one of his kids to college, that is, using his legacy connection to steal a spot from a POC.
So... Dems couldn't/wouldn't put together a law to expressly allow abortion. They had to leave it to the administrative state, leftist S.C. appointees. Sorta proves the adage that the left doesn't create, but destroys.
Who is having all these abortions? Disproportionately, blacks, I'd presume. Just another way of degrading A.A. culture as Daniel Patrick Moynihan predicted so long ago.
BTW Franken is a vestige of the 80s. Pretty Vacant.
"fuck her" "fuck him"
2nd row all the way to the right has no idea what you speak of.
Dammit Butkus51, she’s a doctor of jurisprudence, not an 8th grade biology student!
Reasonable people look at this tantrum and think, "Why should these angry, nasty children have any say about anything?"
The problem is, their voters reject reason in favor of emotion.
"Lol. What tradition?"
I'm beginning to wonder if hpudding is Inga's sock puppet. Or vise versa. Has anyone ever seen them both on a thread at the same time? They both have a knack for not addressing the issue at hand. They simply counter it with canned Progspeak.
"You'd think Al Franken could come up with something better than that."
Not really.
What’s it like to live in a country where you have to make up so much nonsense just to pretend its traditions and principles actualy align with yours, whatever those are?.
puddinghead likes gender changes, BLM riots burning down cities, open borders and massive welfare payment to illegals and we don't even know who they are, inflation that has doubled gas prices and food prices.
That's not the country I lived in for 80+ years but you will no doubt enjoy it.
The Biden crime family is something you deserve.
I used to have a simple metric for judging whether someone was worth talking to. It was the "Spinal Tap" metric. If someone had seen "This is Spinal Tap" and knew how funny it was, they were worth talking to. If not, well...
My new metric is the "Marsha Blackburn" metric. If you are someone who thinks "What is a woman?" was a question with any significance or cleverness, well...
"Such a fine line, between stupid and clever."
This is the Democratic Party. THey're ready for a fight and this is just the beginning. I'm really not sure that anyone, besides Donald Trump, is ready for this down and dirty fight in 2024.
My belief is that no Democrat should be considered to have a safe seat, we should be finding good candidates to go after them, prepared to wrestle with the pigs, and win these races.
Anytime you hear a Republican talk about civility and cogeleality, they should be primaried because they are part of the problem, not part of the solution. Democrats may not use the same language as Al Franken, but they're all thinking it.
LLR-democratical and Violent Homosexual Rage Rape Fantasist Chuck: "My new metric is the "Marsha Blackburn" metric. If you are someone who thinks "What is a woman?" was a question with any significance or cleverness, well..."
One cannot help but notice radical transgender policy supporter Chuck, like all other leftists, refuses to answer that oh so simple question: "What is a woman?"
No leftist can answer that question.
And given LLR-democratical Chuck's extraordinarily bizarre long-term fixation on certain underage children of politicians, I think we can all discern a clear pattern here.
Hpudding, Mark, why should I prove what I do for a living when you don't even use your real name?
Find someone else to stalk.
That's not the country I lived in for 80+ years but you will no doubt enjoy it.
If you thought that country was one that allows current or former political officials absolute immunity from litigation or prosecution then you didn’t know what country you were living in.
The Biden crime family is something you deserve.
I have no idea what this means but it sounds like a way to project attention away from a former president who just lost a $5 million lawsuit and wants to avoid conviction from the indictment he’s answering for bragging on tape about how he lacked the powers to declassify national security secrets that he was playing show-and-tell with at his Florida beach resort.
Did you ever have to keep documents or information given to you confidential? Or did you keep boxes of medical/legal information pertaining to others entrusted to your care stacked up in public bathrooms?
And talk about a crime family! Try googling Charles Kushner some day.
Also try explaining what his son Jared got in exchange for the $2 billion from the Saudis before the Trumps left town.
Or why Jared Kushner and Ivanka Trump were given access to security that they weren’t cleared for.
hpudding - If you believe the way Donald Trump was treated is normal I feel for you. No President deserves to be treated that way and the Democrats still have not paid enough for what they put the country through.
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