২৪ জুলাই, ২০২৩

Sunrise — 5:40.

IMG_2458 3

And waterlilies, at 6:04:



২১টি মন্তব্য:

tim in vermont বলেছেন...

Here is a detailed breakdown of how Ukraine interfered with the 2016 election on behalf of Hillary Clinton, requiring her, according to the first law of propaganda, to accuse Russia of interfering on behalf of Trump

One of the most important such issues is Ukrainian interference in the 2016 election while Biden was in de facto control of the Ukrainian government. This question was repeatedly raised during the 2019 impeachment hearings with one State Department official after another flatly denying any such interference by the Ukrainian government. But despite such denials, there is unequivocal evidence of such Ukrainian government interference.

It's important to remember that the "black ledger" referenced in the NYT and leading to Manafort's resignation was totally fake and created by the Ukrainians at the behest of Joe Biden and, not incidentally, the impeachment "whistleblower." This is why the Democrats had to accuse Trump of demanding that Ukraine produce fake evidence, because that's what the Democrats had done.

On July 7, 2020, at his press conference (link), Ukrainian parliamentarian Andrii Derkach released an astonishing Biden-Poroshenko tape (link) from August 19, 2016, in which Poroshenko confirmed to Biden that the Ukraine government (under Poroshenko’s direction) had released the “important documents from the former Regions Party” [the Black Ledger references to Paul Manafort]. Poroshenko and Biden laughed heartily about the news that “one of the key adviser of Mr Trump, so-called Paul Manafort, is resigned today.”

Ha ha ha! So funny. Ukraine creates the fake evidence to force out Trump's campaign manager, then imprisons him on a charge of which Hunter Biden is plainly guilty. You know, being an "unregistered foreign agent."

On August 19, 2016, at about the same time as Biden and Poroshenko were gloating about Manafort’s resignation, Leshchenko was gloating that the Black Ledger would make it impossible for Trump campaign and would be “last nail in the coffin” of both Manafort and Trump:

Basically, Ukraine, in all of its corruption, has been the tail wagging the dog, using the eminently corruptible Joe Biden as a tool to keep Trump out of power, since Trump sought peace with Russia, and Kiev wanted war. Well, Kiev is getting their war, good and hard.


rhhardin বলেছেন...

Monday is garbage day and today a neighbor threw out a Barbie house Pic

Friendo বলেছেন...

Love the lilies!

The rule of Lemnity বলেছেন...

The Rothko looks are my favorites.

Drago বলেছেন...

Kathryn Jean Lopez at the now democratical billionaire funded National Review comes out strongly against Jason Aldean's song.

As expected and predicted. I evitable really.

The National Review is now just about 18 months behind the Bulwark and the now defunct Weekly Standard.

The 2024 election cycle should be sufficient to kill off any illusions about what, precisely, "controlled opposition" looks like.

jim5301 বলেছেন...

Watching the price is right today. The contestants included an interracial gay couple. They won 10,000. Question - for those of you who opposed gay marriage, is that an issue you still have strong feelings about? Have your worst fears been realized? Or have your views softened a bit?

Original Mike বলেছেন...

More "non-evidence" of Joe Biden's crimes and interference of his Justice Department in the investigation:

"When the Pittsburgh FBI office briefed the Delaware U.S. attorney’s office on evidence implicating Hunter and Joe Biden in a bribery scheme, the agents also told the Delaware team they had already corroborated several aspects of the confidential human source’s claims, an individual familiar with the briefing told The Federalist. "

Lots of corroborating evidence in this article

"the Pittsburgh office lacked the authority to subpoena witnesses or records or to use grand jury proceedings to further corroborate the FD-1023. That responsibility fell with the Delaware office."

"But not only did the Delaware office apparently ignore the allegations contained in the FD-1023, as well as the corroborating evidence already allegedly accumulated by the Pittsburgh FBI office, but U.S. Attorney David Weiss’s office allegedly secreted the very existence of the FD-1023 from the whistleblowers. Both IRS whistleblowers testified last week that they did not even learn of the existence of the FD-1023 until Barr publicly confirmed he had sent the information to Delaware for further investigation. "

"Delaware Assistant U.S. Attorney Lesley Wolf also excluded the IRS agents working the Hunter Biden investigation from the meeting at which the Pittsburgh FBI agents briefed the office on the FD-1023 and the corroborating evidence they had already uncovered. The IRS whistleblowers further testified that portions of Hunter Biden’s laptop were withheld from them and they were explicitly prohibited from taking any investigative steps connected to Joe Biden — or questioning anyone by using Joe Biden’s name, “Dad,” or “the Big Guy.”"

gadfly বলেছেন...

tim in vermont said...
Here is a detailed breakdown of how Ukraine interfered with the 2016 election on behalf of Hillary Clinton, requiring her, according to the first law of propaganda, to accuse Russia of interfering on behalf of Trump.

Gosh Tim, none of this bullshit was argued during Trump's first impeachment. What we do know is that Rudy Giuliani and Devin Nunes were stomping all over Ukraine looking for someone to badmouth Biden ahead of the 2020 election while rubbing up against Russian spies and Ukrainian political reprobates.

And yes, Paul Manafort, Trump's 2016 political campaign manager, worked directly for Ukraine's President Viktor Yanukovych, who had the backing of the Kremlin, and Manafort personally used Russian spies such as Konstantin Kilimnik during Trump's campaign. Manafort was only the first of many MAGAts convicted by Bobby Three Sticks.

Gahrie বলেছেন...

for those of you who opposed gay marriage, is that an issue you still have strong feelings about?

Yes. First of all I support civil unions and oppose gay marriage. Secondly, if we were still fighting over gay marriage, all of this trans nonsense wouldn't be a thing.

Have your worst fears been realized?

Sort of. I knew there would be a new thing to fight about, However I thought it would be polyamory. The trans craze caught me by surprise.

Or have your views softened a bit?

Put it this way, my views have softened every bit as much as all the people still harassing that baker in Colorado.

tim in vermont বলেছেন...

"Gosh Tim, none of this bullshit was argued during Trump's first impeachment."

Because Adam Schiff had complete control over which defenses Trump was allowed to present, and the only defenses that Trump was allowed to present were those which assumed that Trump was guilty. The reason being that the Democrats were neck deep in Ukrainian corruption, from Nancy Pelosi, whose son was involved, at a minimum, in the founding of a company whose purpose in Ukraine was to receive "green energy" grants from the US, as directed his mother, to the Bidens, obviously. Hillary Clinton, Hillary's "foundation" received hundreds of millions from Russia. Hillary Clinton's campaign manager was a "consultant" for a "green energy" subsidiary of Gazprom, and received 75K shares of stock in a subsidiary, for what? Because it was assumed, as in the case with Paul Pelosi Jr, that these people would have large influence in the granting of "green energy" monies from the US. "Green energy" is just teflon corruption.

Did you know that Nancy Pelosi's father, also a Congressman, was frequently seen in the company of Mafiosos, specifically the gan known as "Murder Incorporated"?

Manafort had contacts with Russia, so did Bill and Hillary, as noted above, contacts which could easily be couched in the same kinds of nefarious terms used to railroad Manafort, who was pressured into pleading guilty, BTW, not convicted. There was no war then, Joe Biden had not yet taken power and ginned one up for the neocons, and his paymasters in Ukraine, so I am not sure what the crime was in working with the Russians as long as the sanctions were respected.

The fact is that the "R" after Manafort's name made the crime, and the "D" after Hillary and Hunter's name meant there was "no crime," you remember, when Hillary was found to have been "extremely careless" with classified information, but not "grossly negligent"? Can you imagine a prosecutor giving anybody involved with Trump such an interpretation of the law? Well, maybe Ray Epps, who somehow is represented by a high powered Democratic law firm which was also heavily involved in Ukraine on behalf of the billionionare theif of Ukraine's energy resources that Joe Biden got off the hook, for a large bribe.

Why do you even pretend to be a conservative when you see the legal system has been seized by Democrats and is being exploited in a legal civil war against Republicans?

tim in vermont বলেছেন...

I think of how Henry VII backdated his reign a day in order to make all who fought against him at Bosworth Field traitors, even as they fought for their sovereign and rightful king *at the time* and I think of how the Democrats view any contacts with Russia at a time when it was perfectly legal, backdating the conflict, to create traitors to Joe Biden, who was quietly running Ukraine as the the Democrat's private Teapot Dome.

I have said it before, but there is a documentary IMDB: Henry VII, The Winter King which will ring very familiar to those of us who see the Biden regime for what it really is. The real crime today is a knowledge of history, prior to the great re-writing that is going on now.

tim in vermont বলেছেন...

From X, this guy must be talking about gadfly.


Where’s the proof that Biden is actually corrupt?

Emails, text messages, and bank statements that explicitly detail the scam the Bidens were running.

No I want real proof.

Video of Biden himself extorting.

No I want real proof.

Whistleblowers and business partners that have spent hours detailing the scam that the Bidens were running.

No I want real proof. See, you don’t have any. You are in a cult.

Humperdink বলেছেন...

"Question - for those of you who opposed gay marriage, is that an issue you still have strong feelings about? Have your worst fears been realized? Or have your views softened a bit?"

Slope, meet slippery. It was predictable. Destroying the family unit. Drag shows, multiple genders, open sin. Next will be legitimizing pedophilia.

"Then he (Abraham)said, “Oh let not the Lord be angry, and I will speak again but this once. Suppose ten (righteous) are found there.” The Lord answered, “For the sake of ten I will not destroy it."

It was later destroyed.

wendybar বলেছেন...

"When rigging alone didn’t work, Democrats stole the election by shutting down election night vote counting, without precedent or scrutiny, only to “find” enough ballots overnight to flip a few counties in a few swing states, enough to turn the election from Trump to Biden.

Where were Republicans? Such vote shenanigans likely cost Republicans the Senate and almost the House. Yet any discussion of dodgy elections is labeled as hate speech or insurrection, with elected Republicans staying silent.

A majority of likely U.S. voters believe our elections are fraudulent, according to Rasmussen Reports, including most Republicans and a quarter of Democrats. What have Republicans done to correct either this real problem or the perception of one? Nothing."


joshbraid বলেছেন...

for those of you who opposed gay marriage, is that an issue you still have strong feelings about?

First tell me what is marriage?

wendybar বলেছেন...

They are trying to kill us all...


Rusty বলেছেন...

jim5301 said...
"Watching the price is right today."
Well. That explains a lot.
"The contestants included an interracial gay couple. They won 10,000. Question - for those of you who opposed gay marriage, is that an issue you still have strong feelings about? Have your worst fears been realized? Or have your views softened a bit?"
I'm certain you care for all of us. I just won't bake you a cake.

rhhardin বলেছেন...

I cut up a couple of very straight thin tree trunks to make "grotches," what Thurber calls supports under tree limbs. Smooth Sumac survives by caring for its runners, not the individual tree, and they grow leaning heavily into the available light where they spread huge leaves right away. This causes toppling (and disconnection from the surviving root system, a fallen tree leaves no stump).

Anyway the knot needed for grotches is the constrictor knot, if instead of wedging you go into support from above. Holds a cylinder tightly and two seconds to tie.

wendybar বলেছেন...

LeBron James 18 year old son has cardiac arrest. Keep telling us how safe and effective those vaccines were, as young athletes keep having heart problems...


gadfly বলেছেন...

Devon Archer, a former Burisma board member and business partner of Hunter Biden, has canceled scheduled depositions before the House Oversight Committee three times, leaving committee leadership to try and figure out what’s next.

Oversight Chairman James Comer (R-KY) issued a subpoena in June for Archer to appear for a deposition as part of the committee's investigation into the Biden family's finances, with an original deadline of June 16. He would miss this deadline. In total, Archer has canceled on the committee three times, Comer told the Washington Examiner on Thursday. He added that he and committee staff are trying to figure out what to do next to compel him to testify since they have already issued a subpoena.

Devon Archer was sentenced to one year and one day in federal prison by Manhattan Judge Ronnie Abrams in 2022. “There’s no dispute about the harm caused to real people,” Abrams said. Archer was convicted by a jury of both "conspiracy to commit securities fraud" and "securities fraud" after a trial in 2018.

Prosecutors charged that Archer and his co-defendants bought more than $60 million in bonds from the Oglala Sioux, but instead of using them for annuity, they used them to “build a financial services mega-company.”

Archer will also have to pay more than $15 million in forfeiture by himself and more than $43 million in restitution with his co-defendants in the case.

Hunter Biden was not involved in any way with the fraud endeavor, but James Comer, who cannot control his selected witnesses, wants Archer's suspicious testimony against Joe Biden's son anyway. After all, Archer is just "so sorry" for having ripped off the Oglala tribe. He was just "confused."

tim in vermont বলেছেন...

"Hunter Biden was not involved in any way with the fraud endeavor"

Except it was his business partner who committed it.

But look at gadfly standing up for Hunter's "honor as a Biden." I thought it was that Hunter's business had nothing to do with Joe. And BTW, Devon's testimony is not the only evidence that Hunter put "dad on the line" for his clients.

Techno Fog@Techno_Fog

An urgent Burisma - VP Biden call took place on 12/4/2015

What was the significance of that date?

The NYT had requested comment for a on VP Biden's connections to Burisma.

Burisma was scrambling for a response - and wanted VP Biden's "support"


Another former business partner, Tony Bobulinski, recalls Hunter offering to get his father on the phone during a meeting by the pool at the Chateau Marmont in LA.

“I am also aware of other Biden family business associates confirming that Joe would take phone calls from Hunter in the middle of business meetings and would weigh in via speakerphone,” says Bobulinski.

They are all liars except the proven liars Hunter and Joe