When I first glanced at this article, I thought maybe it was the beginning of pushing Biden out of the 2024 race, but no. It's exactly the opposite. Biden has his public image as "a kindly uncle who loves Aviator sunglasses and ice cream," but his people want to "paint more complicated picture of Biden as a manager and president."
Get this: "Biden's temper comes in the form of angry interrogations rather than erratic tantrums. He'll grill aides on topics until it's clear they don’t know the answer to a question — a routine that some see as meticulous and others call 'stump the chump' or 'stump the dummy.'"
I can't help thinking of Phil Hartman's depiction of Ronald Reagan as a sunny fool in public but a brilliant taskmaster behind the scenes:
He did that with his "Triumph of the Will" speech with the red background and the Marines at attention. When he is sentient, about 1/2 the time, he is a nasty old man. Showering with his 11 year bold daughter, for example.
Old Yeller. LOL. I'm sensing a hidden message. In fact it took me a second reading to pick up on the primary meaning; I was thinking "Holy Crow, they're just coming right out and saying it! Oh no, it's just a dumb pun. Or is it....?"
Oh, puh-leeze. The guy that tells shallow lie after lie about things that don't have any real consequence aside from self-flattery, the guy that spins nostalgic tales about himself that are pure confection, the guy that gets lost on a small stage after his rambling speeches, in front of the huge, large-font teleprompters, we're to believe that this guy is a master of detail, a hard-edged, meticulous and relentless pursuer of the truth of things? "Of course he is, and much more" say the Lying Liars that Lie.
Say something accurate but creative instead and you'll get credit for being accurate and creative, or being a bad person, depending on the audience.
Brilliant SNL sketch.
As to Biden, doesn't his crankiness seem like a dementia symptom? Alternatively, maybe it is just the way he has covered up his stupidity over the years.
One thing is certain: Axios has an agenda. They are spinning like crazy here. I doubt seeing Biden (a stupid, habitual liar notoriously sensitive to any suggestions of his inadequacy) fly off the handle in public would reassure anyone.
but his people want to "paint more complicated picture of Biden as a manager and president."
If "God dammit, how the f**k don't you know this?!," "Don't f**king bullsh*t me!" and "Get the f**k out of here!" don't work, how about making some mean tweets?
my grandmother became Very aggressive and angry when people couldn't tell her things..
Things like; Why she was act the doctor, or the living room..
See, it wasn't that people didn't know, or that people wouldn't TELL..
It was that that SHE, couldn't UNDERSTAND; and it made her ANGRY
Sound familiar? Joe Biden has dementia. Joe Biden is senile. Joe Biden is Brain Damaged
He has "a quick-trigger temper" and says things like "God dammit, how the f**k don't you know this?!," "Don't f**king bullsh*t me!" and "Get the f**k out of here!"
This isn't really inconsistent with Biden's actual public image, which is thin-skinned, aggressive, and rude whenever he's flummoxed and has no good response. We've seen this going right back to his first presidential run, when he was so hurt by a heckler that he started making up a bunch of bullshit about his own educational history. We saw it during the primaries, before they cloistered him -- the incident where he berated a young, female, Democratic voter as "lying, dog-faced pony soldier," or when he berated an Iowa voter, calling him a "damn liar," "fat," and then -- bizarrely -- challenging him to a push-up contest (perhaps he felt his manhood had been impugned). We see this occasionally today when they let him do press conferences, where he tries to shut down questions to which he has no answers as "dumb," and calls a reporter a "dumb son of a bitch" (which, to be fair, I'm on board with -- public figures shouldn't have to pretend to respect the White House Press Corps). It's this notion of Biden as this gentle, grandfatherly figure that's at odd with what he actually does. Because actually, he's a fighty, insecure braggart who takes criticism personally and gets nasty when he's called out.
I think they're prepping the media space for Biden to interact with the public again in the upcoming campaign. Because when he's not just doddering in a fog, he's going to be frustrated and irascible, and the "gentle, empathetic grandfather" image won't hold up. Might as well make lemonade from those lemons, and try and pitch it as Biden being in charge. Like, even if it's true that Biden's cogent and a screamer, that's classic bad boss behaviour. They're stuck with what he is, so might as well make the best of it.
Biden's about as much of a "kindly uncle" as Uncle Joe Stalin was. His gulag is much smaller, however, confined to Washington, D.C. as far as we know. Those of us with more than a modicum of information already knew that he was a nasty piece of work (and a hair-sniffing creep) back in 2020.
"his public image as "a kindly uncle who loves Aviator sunglasses and ice cream,""
Huh? Who thinks of Joe this way? I mean, even progs know better, right?
Lately Biden has been using the phrase “bidenomics” and we know where that comes from, right?
People with dementia do be have like Biden does. So there’s that.
They also brittley scuffle along like he just kid with Charles.
Every day we are subjected to more outrages by the Biden Administration. More exposes to their corruption. And we see Biden fumble, fall, say weird things, and sometimes just walks off and turns his back on reporters.
Kind of reminds me of the corrosive exposes on Hillary when she ran for President.
Biden can get on stage all he wants, fume, fuss, curse, etc... but it won't change the fact that he, and his whole family, are lower than whale shit.
This dog won't hunt. And the Democrats know it.
When I first glanced at this article, I thought maybe it was the beginning of pushing Biden out of the 2024 race, but no. It's exactly the opposite.
Don't be so sure. If you want him off the ballot in November; having him lose it in public might be the most direct way to get what you want.
We already saw "Dark Brandon" where he flirted with fascist themes, posed soldiers behind him and was lit in red with a red and black background while he gesticulated like Hitler, and engaged in some semiotics that were, liminally anyway, Third Reich adjacent, so I am not sure what more they want out of him.
Or Don Corleone. Also a possibility.
For 2024, they want us to judge Biden by his image not by his record. Democrats continue the shallow approach of judging people by how they appear, but not what they actually do. Although, I'll accept that yelling at staff tells us something about character.
I've been reading about that Reagan skit for years but had never watched it. It was very good. I used a fake ID to register to vote so I could make money as a petitioner when I was a senior in high school and thought, what the hell, I might as well vote. I voted for Ronald Reagan as a 17 year old. Even back then in 1984 there was good money to be made getting signatures on petitions. I was making $30/hour standing in front of libraries. The going rate then was $1/signature. I could spot an easy signer from a mile off, young women were the best. I just ignored old people, they wanted to argue, and I already agreed with them. There were guys from the Puerto Rico who I knew who were really good and came to Phoenix for the winters to do petitions. They were probably clearing $100/hour. They had the good spots outside the main branch public library.
I've been reading about that Reagan skit for years but had never watched it. It was very good. I used a fake ID to register to vote so I could make money as a petitioner when I was a senior in high school and thought, what the hell, I might as well vote. I voted for Ronald Reagan as a 17 year old. Even back then in 1984 there was good money to be made getting signatures on petitions. I was making $30/hour standing in front of libraries. The going rate then was $1/signature. I could spot an easy signer from a mile off, young women were the best. I just ignored old people, they wanted to argue, and I already agreed with them. There were guys from the Puerto Rico who I knew who were really good and came to Phoenix for the winters to do petitions. They were probably clearing $100/hour. They had the good spots outside the main branch public library.
I love this, because it illustrates the internal contradictions within the anti-Reagan position.
Now do Biden.
Don’t worry, Biden aides, we all know he’s an asshole
This seems like an admission that his dementia symptoms can no longer be kept from the public. One wonders who's watching the nuclear codes.
Yes, please have Joe Biden get really angry and use profanity in public. Nothing says 'large and in charge' like a profanity laced rant directed at some random member of the citizenry. It will make the 80 year old, demented, senile pervert appear to be so very dynamic and healthy.
It won't make him appear to be a demented old fool at all. Nope. Dynamic. Smart. Capable. In charge.
Especially at sundown.
Anger and aggression are known to occur in people with dementia.
We may be approaching a diagnosis: here and here.
Sure, let the kids see kindly Uncle Joe display the side of him that humiliates and gaslights his aides. Millennials and Gen Z won't see this at all as punching down, promise.
Irrational anger is one of the first signs of Alzheimer's.
LOL! The idea of Biden grilling anyone searching for an answer to a question is ridiculous. The anger, I don't doubt- demented old people are quick to anger. Biden is just a staggeringly stupid and demented old man.
And that clip was Phil Hartman at his very best.
"Anger and Chaos in the White House: The Walls Are Closing In and Biden is Lashing Out."
Oh, wait. Wrong party. Never mind.
I'm in my 80's and am well aware of the lessening of my mental acuity. Another "trait" that's begun to occur is expressed anger at being frustrated by inanimate objects. However, it's not metastasized into interactions with other people, friend or stranger, conservative or progressive. Don't see that ever occurring.
Let's see it Joe! Let 'er rip! I'm in!
Old Yeller had to be put down because rabies made him a mad dog.
Will he start sending mean tweets, too?
The Adobe car would solve our energy/climate problems.
This makes him sound like a bully and asshole who can’t inspire his White House to perform. No wonder they let him embarrass himself in public.
In fact, has there ever been a story about Biden doing an act of kindness.
There were stories about tremendous empathy from Carter, Reagan, GWH Bush (I’ve actually got a great one), Clinton, GWB, and Trump. But I’ve never heard anyone tell a story or true kindness about Obama or Biden. Heck, Mitt Romney has many stories about kind acts. Not one on the last two Dem Presidents. Not one about Hillary either.
"Old man yells at cloud."
New narrative, same old truth. Fresh frosting on Miss Havisham's wedding cake.
Dementia and angry outbursts are related I think.
[Spoiler Alert!]
The original “Old Yeller” in the 1957 movie had to be shot when he develops rabies after a fight with a wolf. So maybe frothing at the mouth is not a good idea for Joe Biden.
Oct 1, 2020
Biden’s Tax Returns Prove He’s a Scrooge When It Comes to Donating to Charity
Tax returns released Tuesday reveal Biden’s character.
UNSURPRISINGLY, The largest gift to charity was a $5,000 donation to the Beau Biden Foundation, an child abuse nonprofit established in honor of the president's late son.
Up until Joe Biden became the Not-Trump, he was universally viewed as a obnoxious FOS buffoon and moron.
"Some Biden aides think the president would be better off occasionally displaying his temper in public as a way to assuage voter concerns."
But since his occasional displays of temper left so many voters asking, "Huh?" they instead leaked anecdotes to Axios, which promised to spin them to make Biden seem forceful and on the ball. Then they gave interviews about how cleverly they managed perceptions of this president.
I might have added that last part, but it's coming. Patience.
He’s a mean and nasty back stabber. Perfect personality for keeping 20+ year wars going using whatever it takes. Maybe use outlawed cluster bombs when he runs out of Artillery shells. Got to slaughter the Russians before they remember their nuclear codes.
Biden is suffering from normal age-related cognitive decline. In that sense, and only that sense, he is in a dementing process. It is not all that abnormal.
The problem with Biden is that he was always a lying, delusional hack politician. However, he is a Democrat.
Does it really matter what Biden does? If you watch the mainstream media, if he were to verbally dress down Joe Public and his 10-year-old son in a profanity laced rant, then go sniff the hair of the nearest 6-year-old girl, and then get confused and try to shake hands with a potted plant, you would never see it. Unless they wanted you to see it. And then they would tell us how great it is that our President has serious anger issues when he is not utterly confused and being inappropriate with children.
To be fair, this was apparently the case in 2012.
Gotta be a tough SOB to run a crime family.
It's hard to be that old, and even harder when you're pumped full of drugs and propped up for public showings.
My experience has been with old women, but the aggressiveness isn't gender-choosy and as has been mentioned already, Biden has ever been a piece of work.
That's a killing--or at least extremely taxing--job to start with, and I think it likely he will quit, one or the other, before next summer. (I feel similarly about Trump but for different reasons.)
Joe has never not been a lying, shouting bully.
Joe has never been right on any major issue in 50 years.
The best thing you can say about Joe is that he's governing just as he would if he weren't suffering dementia. That's kind of awesome, if you think about it.
Even crook husk-puppets need finessing
Biden is extremely dumb as well as uneducated. He covers it up by the yelling and calling people names. The cognitive decline is only part of the problem.
The joke when he was on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee was that the average IQ of the room went up by at least 30 points whenever he left the room. Remember that he wanted to send a couple of hundred million dollars to Iran (whose citizens are not Arabs) after 9/11 to show that the US did not hate the Arab World. This is after serving on the Foreign Relations Committee for many years.
He is an uneducated fool through and through and we are stuck with him.
As a man and someone always poised to save others’ lives, I would balk at saving his: He’s done too much damage during his lifetime and garnered too much of other’s savings to consider worthy of living.
Nobody loves a grumpy old man. Right, Meade?
I cannot wait for the day they yank this old fool off the stage, today and this weekend at Bernie’s is a great start.
LOVE Phil Hartman, thank you for posting that.
Oh, that's what we need, more rage.
85% of democrats think the guy is doing a bang up job. It doesn't matter that he's a hot-headed prick.
"God dammit, how the f**k don't you know this?!," "Don't f**king bullsh*t me!" and "Get the f**k out of here!"
The writer made a mistake.
This is the Ameriacan people talking about Biden.
"Where the f*ck is my cocaine."
Just think… this is the best Democrats have to offer.
What tired, mentally defective narcissists they have proven to be.
President LOLEightyonemillion Spongebrains ShitsPants is now Ol' Yeller
If I had ever yelled at my coworkers or the people that I supervised the way Biden is reported to, I would shortly thereafter be cleaning out my desk and being escorted out of the building.
And yet the old senile fool got more votes than Donald Trump.
The thing is after you read Reagan's diaries you realize he was more like the character in the Phil Hartmann sketch.
He's having trouble enough remembering to appear normal. It's unfair to the old guy to expect to add another emotion into the mix.
81 million. Jesus. You guys are dumb.
He's having trouble enough remembering to appear normal. It's unfair to the old guy to expect to add another emotion into the mix.
81 million. Jesus. You guys are dumb.
He apparently received your vote, lonejustus. You should be proud, lol…
They are trying to push him out by using their allies, the liberal media.
"He has "a quick-trigger temper" and says things like "God dammit, how the f**k don't you know this?!," "Don't f**king bullsh*t me!" and "Get the f**k out of here!""
He always has been this way. Remember the IQ rant? I think it all stems from his insecurities. Add now the retard rage that senility brings.
...his people want to "paint more complicated picture of Biden as a manager and president.
There's a giveaway there. None of this reflects reality. It's all the picture they want to paint today. The truth is irrelevant.
Short temper as a symptom of increasing mental decrepitude aside, I have always been puzzled at the notion that being short-tempered, hot-headed, impatient with colleagues and hard on subordinates, brusque and prone to profane language, etc. indicates an effective get-it-done leader/manager, casting aside niceties in the cause of achieving great things. I know there have been effective company heads who fit this mold, (e.g., Steve Jobs), but I see their inability to curb their temper as a deficiency in them as people and as leaders. As effective as assholes may (in some cases) be, how much more effective might those assholes be if they dropped the assholish behavior?
Reports that Biden has a hair-trigger temper does nothing to rehabilitate his image for me, or for any of his haters or, I'd bet, his supporters. It's just another demerit for Biden, in my view.
Over at AceofSpadesHQ the expression "Old Yeller" has for some time been used to describe Mark Levin, and for the same reasons.
Levin routinely blows up on his radio show callers.
But on his Fox TV show he has to rein it in. It's fun seeing his forehead veins bulge and his complexion redden when a prominent guest says something he disagrees with.
The last thing his ratings would need would be for him to shout, "Get off my show, ya big dummy!!"
In a way, I'd like to believe that this is true- that he can ask probing questions; it would mean that he's more engaged than what I see in his public utterances.
The "asshole manager" may be unpleasant to work with, but it makes people realize that there's no excuses for shoddy work.
And yet the old senile fool got more votes than Donald Trump.
And you think that's some sort of indictment against Trump. It's not.
It's an indictment against people like you.
Iman said...
"He apparently received your vote, lonejustus. You should be proud, lol."
No, I never voted for Biden. I voted for Trump twice, and I will vote for him a third time if he is on the ballot in November, because he is preferable to anyone I've seen so far on the Democratic side. However, if Trump wins the primary, I think he will surely lose in the general. A recent poll published on this blog showed that about 1/3 of Independent voters think that Trump should be in prison. These are Independents, not Democrats. It's not that they wouldn't vote for him, but that they want him to actually be serving time in prison. That's the visceral dislike of Trump by Independents, and it is Independents who make all the difference in the general election. I think this visceral dislike of Trump is now as bad, if not worse, than the visceral dislike of Hillary Clinton, which was why Trump won the first time around.
Ridiculous that Team Biden thinks they can change the public's view of this guy. We've all seen the videos where he's doddering around the White House stage or (worse) the lawn looking for the exit. No one will buy the idea that he's a strong manager in charge of anything. Their only hope is that Team Rep self-destructs, which it is quite capable of doing.
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