২২ জুলাই, ২০২৩

"Smith has a herculean task before him. He must present a persuasive narrative that Trump and his henchmen and women (yes, you, Ginni Thomas) were determined to pull off a coup."

The prose of Maureen Dowd, in "The Moment of Truth for Our Liar in Chief" (NYT). 

I saw the headline first and thought "Our Liar in Chief" might be a reference to the current President, but what are the chances?

I wondered whether convincing a jury that Trump attempted a coup is what we ought to call "a herculean task." Why did Hercules perform his tasks? Was he some sort of prosecutor, accusing somebody else? No, he stood guilty of murdering his wife and children and needed to atone.

Also, his tasks were much harder than persuading some human beings to view a set of facts as falling within a particular formulation of words.

If a prosecutor's task really looked as difficult as any of the 10 Hercules had to perform, the prosecutor shouldn't be charging, since prosecutorial ethics demand a belief that it's more likely than not that an unbiased jury will find guilt beyond a reasonable doubt.

We shouldn't look to prosecutors for tricky superhuman feats, and if you catch yourself doing that, you may atone by reading Robert H. Jackson's 1940 address "The Federal Prosecutor."

ADDED: Dowd quotes something Ron DeSantis said the other day, something that struck me as entirely apt (and Ron DeSantis is emphatically not in the business of helping out Trump):
"The idea that this was a plan to somehow overthrow the government of the United States is not true, and it’s something that the media had spun up just to try to basically get as much mileage out of it and use it for partisan and political aims."

Is Dowd demonstrating that she's one of the media voices DeSantis was talking about, promoting the "coup" theory for partisan gain? How does she refute that accusation, that accusation about an accusation? She just calls DeSantis "delusional."

১২২টি মন্তব্য:

Cappy বলেছেন...

Blah blah blah, attainder attainder attainder, yada yada.

Dave Begley বলেছেন...

I know Ginni Lamp Thomas. No way she could pull off a coup.

She’s very nice and was beautiful in law school, but she was no law reviewer.

Dave Begley বলেছেন...

Maureen Dowd is a bitter old maid who isn’t very smart.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves বলেছেন...

The left cheated... and Trump tried to climb over the cheat.

Biden is a crook - and Trump wanted answers.

Not enough F Us for the collective corrupt American left.

GrapeApe বলেছেন...

Here goes MoDoDo again. Liar in chief? When is she going to refer to Biden in that way? Far more evidence of Biden’s lies than has ever been produced about Trump.

Ampersand বলেছেন...

Perhaps we can find some "Hercules" to clean the Augean stables that constitute MoDo's brain.

Paul Zrimsek বলেছেন...

Hercules was an Augean stable genius.

Gusty Winds বলেছেন...

The coup took place with all the 2020 absentee voter fraud and back room extended counts. COVID was the planned precursor. It was used to massively increase untraceable absentee "voting".

It's over people.

planetgeo বলেছেন...

"Herculean tasks"? With a DC judge and jury? And the Washington Post cheering them on like the Red Queen in "Alice in Wonderland"? Hahahahaha

Michael বলেছেন...

The Prosecutor's task is to get a jury empaneled that is sufficiently TDS-affected that they'll convict regardless. Probably not Herculean, at least in DC.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves বলেছেন...

If Trump pulled off a coup - he sure did a lousy job.

The corrupt mob-Soviet left are continually successful in their coups.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves বলেছেন...

Trump attorney: Jack Smith is 'the Jim Comey of 2024' -- No one ever got indicted for 'asking for an audit'

Ambrose বলেছেন...

I read stuff like this (or at least the excerpts posted here) any think do these people really believe what they say? A coup?

rcocean বলেছেন...

How does one "pull off a coup" while one is the duly elected POTUS? Other Points:

1) As others have noted, a DC Jury will convict Trump of anything. Its impossible for him to get a fair trial in a jurisdiction that hates him and voted 94 percent against him.

2) Anyone who's even-handed will have to wonder why if a serious crime was committed by Trump, why it took 2.5 years to decide to charge him and we still don't know the crime. The only answer is the "crime" needed to be manufactured.

3) Dowd is just joining in the chorus, as usual. But w4asn't she supposed to be witty or funny or satrical or something? I dont see that. Maybe that went out with George Bush.

Drago বলেছেন...

MoDo's picture is from what? 1996?

Gotta be tough on MoDo given she long ago crossed over the Cougar Acceptability Limit and now finds herself stuck in that weird commentator zone where her "cutting edge" circa 1980's "edgy" "insights" fall flat and all that really oozes from her quill is bitterness.

It really is true that "New York years" are the hardest and most ravaging years.

The Drill SGT বলেছেন...

a coup without weapons

Gusty Winds বলেছেন...

The point to all of this, the upcoming prosecution of Trump, the totalitarian and unconstitutional treatment of the J6 prisoners, and the term "election denier" is to put the fear of God into any American who might think about challenging fraudulent election results in the future.

A lawsuit has already been brought forth in WI to reinstate drop boxes. The WI Supreme court will flip to liberal on August 1st, and drop boxes will be reinstated by the court, although still in violation of WI State Election laws.

Gavin Newsome will be installed as President via targeted voter fraud in swing states in 2024. College educated white women will pat themselves on the back for "protecting democracy".

Levi Starks বলেছেন...

I’m pretty sure all they have to prove is that in some random early morning fever dream Trump imagined that he could pull off a coup. Case closed.

John henry বলেছেন...

Is pedjt charged with fomenting a coup, modo?

Seems like it might be a tough charge to prove since coups do not seem to be illegal under CFR.

Insurrection yes, but not a coup.

John Henry

Bob Boyd বলেছেন...

The lie here, the propaganda, is in claiming it will be difficult for Smith to convince a DC jury that Trump is guilty of trying to subvert the election and of fomenting an insurrection.
But the DC jury pool is composed almost entirely of people who already believe that, not just as a matter of fact, but as a matter central to their entire world view and their conception of their moral place in that world.
The lie and the propaganda is to create the narrative that the outcome will have been the result of overwhelming evidence and that a reluctant jury could not avoid a guilty verdict.
In reality, the verdict in that venue is predetermined.
A DC jury will be composed of people who see themselves as the intended victims of Trump's crimes.

John henry বলেছেন...

Fascism defined

Everything Within the state
Nothing outside the state
Nothing against the state

Benito Mussolini

John Henry

Lloyd W. Robertson বলেছেন...

You don't think Smith is Herculean? Didn' you see him get that cup of coffee the other day? He walked, calmly, sedately, yet with firm determination we're not supposed to say "manly." He had a firm set to his jaw, and a firm grip to his hand even though he stopped shaking hands about three and a half years ago.

"I'll have a coffee," he said, smiling slightly. "Black, no, I mean BIPOC. Anything but white."

His half-dozen retainers, some of them armed, kept a respectful distance, always a bit in awe of this great man, er, heteronormal white cismale identifying as hwm. Smith felt safe on the streets of Manhattan, and why wouldn't he? He could handle himself--or at least, someone close by could. His people had seen him in action. They knew what he could do. It was no surprise when he said: "you know what? I'll take a sweet roll as well. And a knife to cut it."

A knife. This observer, for one, felt a slight shiver.

Charlie বলেছেন...

How were they going to overthrow the government without weapons? Or the support of the military. No one on the left ever explains that.

Rusty বলেছেন...

"Herculean tasks"
I'm taking this to mean; We have a lot of evidence we need to manufacture to finally get this guy.
I like it when the truth pisses off all the right people.

John henry বলেছেন...

Had vp Pence refused to sign the certifications for any reason or for no reason at all, would he have broken an law?

What legal consequences if any would he have faced?

John Henry

cassandra lite বলেছেন...

The Augean Stables of the the NYT haven't been cleaned for at least 50 years. Dowd occasionally sweeps up for a moment, but typically she drops more road apples. (Also, for the record, I think Hercules actually performed 12 labors.)

John henry বলেছেন...

Lloyd, if he got the cup of coffee at a Starbucks, I'd count that as herculean.

I've never been able to do it.

John Henry

John henry বলেছেন...

Is a jury required? I thought any defendant could waive their right to a jury and have the case decided by a judge.

John Henry

Kate বলেছেন...

@Paul Zrimsek -- hands down thread winner. Hat tip.

hombre বলেছেন...

"Coup", "sedition", and the like bring to mind the behavior of Democrats and their pimps from the day of Trump's inauguration. The FBI's bogus investigations, Mueller's bogus investigation, the bogus impeachments all smell of sedition.

Without psychological projection Democrats would have little to say about Trump. Everybody already knows he is a flawed man -- unlike QuidProJoe.

hombre বলেছেন...

Also, there is no herculean task involved. Smith need only walk into a DC courtroom to get a conviction. That is why he is willing to indict Trump on charges that everyone but really dumb Democrats - obviously a large segment of the population - knows are bogus.

Gusty Winds বলেছেন...

Saw a video reposted on Twitter yesterday from 2016. Maritn Sheen, Debra Messing, and other liberal Hollywood actors encouraging the 2016 electors to vote for anybody but Trump at the electoral college and install Hillary.

Now Michigan wants to prosecute the "alternate" electors that were put in place if the courts, who failed us, decided there irregularities. Would be surprised if this same thing happens in WI after the Supreme Court flips August 1st.

They want you to be afraid to question anything regarding fraudulent elections. Unless, or course, it is Democrats and liberals challenging results. Thier hypocrisy is admirable. They have ZERO belief in democracy or the rule of law.

hpudding বলেছেন...

The only Herculean task is convincing the typical right-wing nut job that Trump is not some infallible type of superhuman with decent intentions. For anyone who doubts that, see Q Anon. Right wingers live in an alternate reality on the planet Xenon. Trump is an immoral fiend.

And even though right wingers believe the best government is one made incompetent by how poorly they run it, Ginni Thomas’ and her merry band of punks’ incompetence is not the point. The point is whether they were determined to do it, which they were. Criminals don’t get brownie points for being incompetent at committing the crimes they carry out. No need to feel sympathy for a bungled insurrection ringleader, any more than for a botched murder attempt.

But thanks for the deep thoughts, Republicons.

Leland বলেছেন...

If it takes a lot of effort to prove a coup, then it most likely wasn't a coup.

mtp বলেছেন...

If my wife reads this story, and see this video, I'm going to have to institutionalize her.

Michael K বলেছেন...

Dowd passed her "sell by date" years ago. A larger and larger segment of the American public sees what is going on. Eventually, I expect an assassination attempt.

hpudding বলেছেন...

Without psychological projection Democrats would have little to say about Trump. Everybody already knows he is a flawed man -- unlike QuidProJoe.

Trump is about as flawed as Al Capone was impolite. Biden’s one of the more decent people to show up for the job. I’d no sooner trust a Repulbicon artist’s capacity for character analysis than I would Wylie E. Coyote’s understanding of physics. I’ve got the videos of Lady Lindsey Graham in one of his/her less malevolent moments breaking down in emotional tears over Biden’s decency to prove it. Just because rightwing Republicons are paranoid weasels who envision a society rife with greed and mercilessness as their ideal doesn’t mean that’s how normal people assess character. The right thought Ron Reagan was a saint just because his voice was wimpy soft and he gave off an “aw shucks” vibe. They can’t see beyond image.

The rule of Lemnity বলেছেন...

That title was a slip of the mind’s tongue 😛

Perhaps we all believe it was stolen. It’s not just the conspiracy theorists.

hpudding বলেছেন...

A larger and larger segment of the American public sees what is going on.

Prove it, Ivermectin Man.

You provide less evidence for your assertions than Giuliani has for his hair dye being waterproof. Or for the lies that got his law license suspended.

wildswan বলেছেন...

Bob Boyd said:
"... the DC jury pool is composed almost entirely of people who already believe [that Trump is guilty, not just as a matter of fact, but as a matter central to their entire world view and their conception of their moral place in that world."

This is how I see it also. And I believe that the flood of one-sided stories attacking Trump created in some substantial part of the Us population a mental structure which replicates and reacts in similar way when it "sees" a similar situation, that is a similar story created by similar one-sided presentations by the press/social media and their henchmen in the intelligence agencies. (Or is it the press/social media which are the henchmen?) At any rate, I think that the Towering Trump Terror is an actual mental structure created over the years and now replicating under other names. This explains the complete over-reaction by the same group that fears Trump to Covid and vaccine deniers. It explains that group's acceptance of lockdowns and school closings far beyond any rational need. It explains the acceptance by the same group of of the ridiculous claim that white nationalism is the central theme of the Republican party. In this part of the US population, a Fear/Loathing mental complex that began by absorbing uncritically fear and loathing of Trump is now dominant and mutating in various directions. Disassembling this Fear/Loathing complex is the true Herculean labor before this country.
It's ironic that this group is now convincing itself that all Republicans are racists since there's nothing that this fear/loathing mental construct resembles as much as it resembles the fear and loathing at the base of Southern racism as it was in its day. We know the injustice which that construct created and tolerated. Injustice is the nature of the beast and the most direct challenge is to challenge the foundation stone, the induced and maintained condition of an irrational fear and loathing of Trump and its associated injustices. The truth will make you free, they say. Let's set all the captives free, Karens as well as J6s.

Narr বলেছেন...

Trump will be removed from the running one way or the other, and assassination is definitely on the table. (I'm sure there are plenty of people who would love the assignment among the D-cult.)

I'll bet even money now that Trump will not be around in May '24.

mikee বলেছেন...

The herculean task before the prosecutor is providing enough of an Augean stable for Trump to be mired in, that the election can be won by the Dems.

Chuck বলেছেন...

"...Ron DeSantis is emphatically not in the business of helping out Trump..."

Ron DeSantis may not be in the business of helping out Trump. But Ron DeSantis is emphatically in the business of pandering to Trump's fans. And that of course means often agreeing with and supporting Trump.

And then there was the quote from DeSantis himself; the quote that Althouse described as "apt."
"The idea that this was a plan to somehow overthrow the government of the United States is not true..."

It was a plan -- after Trump lost the election, after multiple state and federal lawsuits failed to succeed with any legal challenges to the election, after Trump had been unable to get individual states to undo and not certify their elections, after Trump's discussions with people like Michael Flynn and Sydney Powell to use executive branch power to simply take over the election results had gone nowhere thanks to the few remaining adults in the Trump Administration -- to screw up the process of performing and certifying the count of the electoral college. The Trump Campaign wanted to forcibly throw the presidential election of 2020 into the House of Representatives whereby the winner might be Trump instead of Biden.

You might not categorize that scenario as a "coup," Althouse. I think I might. But whatever our terminology, it is an outrage and what I am curious about is whether your objection is simply a technical definition of "coup," or whether you think that Trump -- as I have accurately described above -- was pursuing some legitimate legal purpose.

Readering বলেছেন...

DeSantis is emphatically in the business of defending Trump against criminal allegations. Nothing he says on that score will deflect against prosecutorial decisions. But his whole campaign strategy is to be in second place if and when Trump has to drop out. He does not want Trumpists turning their fury on him over insufficient support for Trump's innocence. Dowd wrong to call DeSantis delusional. Cynical is the right word. I don't think the strategy will work because DeSantis seems to be a piss poor campaigner. Maybe Trump was right that he carried the guy to victory in the governor race.

gilbar বলেছেন...

Michael K said...
Eventually, I expect an assassination attempt.

unfortunately, i DOUBT it will only be an "attempt". My guess is:
A) Trump is gunned down, in cold blood..
B) resident Biden Uses this Crisis! to suspend habeas corpus AND the upcoming elections
C) Maureen Dowdy declares resident Biden "The Savior of Democracy!"

Lance বলেছেন...

I saw the headline first and thought "Our Liar in Chief" might be a reference to the current President, but what are the chances?

When's the last time we had a president that we actually thought was truly honest? Certainly not Biden, Trump nor Obama. Likewise Bush 43, Clinton, Bush 41 and Reagan. Maybe Carter? But then definitely not Nixon, Johnson nor Kennedy. Possibly Eisenhower?

What does this say about U.S. voters, that we keep electing people like Trump and Biden?

madAsHell বলেছেন...

MidSummer Night Dreams!

Jimmy বলেছেন...

Liberals can not name something that Trump has done that is illegal or dangerous to our republic. They can rant about him, clearly hate him.
This whole charade is about focusing leftist hatred on half of the electorate. It began after the 2016 election-riots, calls for electors to be hung etc.
If we wished to stage a coup, the third or half of the country that owns most of the guns, it wouldn't be what we witnessed on Jan 6.
It would look like the left when they take over state capitals, the national capital, burn, loot, assault and scream.
Those of us who respect due process, free speech, free movement and association, are becoming fed up with this nonsense.
What comes next won't be a university lounge, where the feminists and the marxist discuss revolution over coffee.
The reality is becoming clear to so many, and it is a question of time and circumstances now.
How far will the marxists push this, and the terrible consequences when normal people finally say enough.

tim in vermont বলেছেন...

If Trump could get a change of venue to where he could get an actual jury that is not bent on conviction prior to hearing any of the evidence, then the prosecutor's task would indeed be daunting, but all the prosecutor has to do is finagle the trial into the most favorable court and his job is done. At that point, even Hamilton Burger could get a conviction.

Narayanan বলেছেন...

finding an unbiased jury in DC must be task#1

Narayanan বলেছেন...

Task#1 maybe possible if jurypool = visitors to DC only?

Jupiter বলেছেন...

"1) As others have noted, a DC Jury will convict Trump of anything. Its impossible for him to get a fair trial in a jurisdiction that hates him and voted 94 percent against him."

The Founders invented DC because they regarded the Union as a union of States, and they thought it inappropriate and even dangerous that the seat of power should be located in one of those States, where it might come to favor the interests of that State. It did not occur to them that they were creating something far more dangerous; a State whose only interest was the exercise of power.

Rusty বলেছেন...

Narr said...
"Trump will be removed from the running one way or the other, and assassination is definitely on the table. (I'm sure there are plenty of people who would love the assignment among the D-cult.)

I'll bet even money now that Trump will not be around in May '24."
All you need to do is read any of our usual suspects and you can see how easily it can happen.
All you need to do is read hpuddin's nonsense. Anyone not sufficiently left is 'right wing'. Although this blogs commenters are more classic liberal.

Static Ping বলেছেন...

It says something that every time I read one of these articles, the author sounds like a propagandist from a hostile power.

It takes quite the effort to disregard what you known and see in a desperate attempt to justify what you want to believe is true. It is also very dangerous. What they are justifying now is more than sufficient to start a civil war, yet they think themselves righteous.

Yancey Ward বলেছেন...

It shouldn't be difficult to prove an attempted coup, if one was attempted.

Smith's job of convincing a D.C. jury of this isn't difficult- he could do so with literally zero evidence of such a crime- 95% of the jury pool already believes it. Even Dowd doesn't need any evidence to believe it, so why does she write that this is a "Heculean task". The reasonable explanation is that there isn't any actual evidence and Dowd knows this. She is literally begging Smith to somehow, someway to find the evidence.

hpudding বলেছেন...

Liberals can not name something that Trump has done that is illegal or dangerous to our republic.


First off, they don’t have to. The indictment does it for them. Go read it, it’s much easier to take seriously than your bumper sticker slogans.

Second, I realize that Republicon artists see Country Club Nuclear Secrets Story-Time Trading Hour with former President Game Show Host as no big deal, but that’s not how you protect national security. Especially when refusing to return them to the National Archives after repeated requests. He even brought boxes of these documents along with him on personal travels.

Even if it’s secrets on other countries, keeping them in public bathrooms is bad. The UK cracked the Nazi Enigma code and didn’t tell everyone about it at an Ascot racing event, you silly man.

Others have been jailed for far less. Your leader is a criminal. But it’s ok, just last week Marge Trailer Green was displaying posters of Hunter Biden’s penis at Congressional committee hearings.

Stop crying that the sky is falling. We can see how unserious your party is every day in every way.

Harun বলেছেন...

"How does one "pull off a coup" while one is the duly elected POTUS?"

Peru's Fujimori tried an "auto-golpa"

A lawyer I know remarked about J6, seeing rioters rustling through papers in Congress:

They are looking for evidence the election was stolen.

Now, maybe they didn't find any evidence there, but that action is NOT a coup.Its, in fact, maybe delusionally, saying they believed the election was stolen.

A coup is the army takes over. Not a complaint about election being rigged.

Harun বলেছেন...

Also, if people want to claim this was a coup, then the protesters at Trump's inauguration were also coup plotters.

So, arrest them again.

See who planned those protests, which are now labeled a coup.

Bruce Hayden বলেছেন...

“Others have been jailed for far less. Your leader is a criminal. But it’s ok, just last week Marge Trailer Green was displaying posters of Hunter Biden’s penis at Congressional committee hearings.”

Which, BTW, was perfectly legal. She could have shown pictures of his young daughter there, similarly unattired, and it would have been legal. It’s the one place in the country where you can say or show anything, with impunity.

rhhardin বলেছেন...

Hercules kills Geryon and his little dog Orthos

gilbar বলেছেন...

hpudding said...
Liberals can not name something that Trump has done that is illegal or dangerous to our republic.
First off, they don’t have to.

you know?
sometimes i think i had too low an opinion of the lefties here.. Maybe they're Right about somethings?
Then hpudding posts again, and i see my concern is All turned around

Michael K বলেছেন...

Blogger hpudding said...

Liberals can not name something that Trump has done that is illegal or dangerous to our republic.


First off, they don’t have to. The indictment does it for them. Go read it, it’s much easier to take seriously than your bumper sticker slogans.

puddinghead gets it right for once. "they don’t have to." That's right. It doesn't matter that there is nothing there. The left will get its great orange whale by hook or crook.

"We don't need no stinking badges "

Ampersand বলেছেন...

Judging from some of the comments from left of center folks, the time has arrived for DeSantis to legally change his middle name to EWTT, to save them the trouble of having to tell us that he is Even Worse Than Trump.

Michael K বলেছেন...

Biden’s one of the more decent people to show up for the job.

puddinghead hits bottom with a thump. The Biden Crime Family is okeydokey with puddinghead.

gadfly বলেছেন...

Fernando Navarro writes:

There was a time, not so long ago when we believed fascism had met its eternal demise. In the 1960s, Donovan hailed as “the British Bob Dylan,” strummed a guitar with a bold message on it, a tribute to his hero Woody Guthrie. The words read: “This machine kills.” Donovan deliberately chose to omit a single word — “fascists.” Years later, when an interviewer asked why he had altered Guthrie’s iconic message, Donovan replied, “I reckoned fascism had breathed its last.” How wrong he was. How wrong we all were.
. . . . . . . . . . .

It is important to reserve the “fascist” label for ideas and attitudes that actively promote authoritarianism, anti-democratic activity, and even nationalism or corporatism, often at the expense of equality, tolerance, and justice.

The major concern now is that fascists have managed to infiltrate democratic societies and influence others who may not consider themselves extremists. These individuals may not hold extreme views but have aligned themselves with what is now called “alternative right-wingers.” These leaders openly embrace fascist or right-wing extremist ideologies. They have ignited a political revolution by capitalizing on discontent, provoking and mobilizing dissatisfied citizens. This phenomenon is happening in a Western world where turbocharged capitalism often prevails.

And just in case you think that Jack Smith is not going to court prepared to prove that the illegal attempt to overthrow a democratic election and that January 6 was planned and approved in the Oval Office, there have been about 1,000 armed Jan-sixers already convicted and now it is time for the leader of the coup pact to pay the price. The witnesses will come from within Trump's cabal.

Skeptical Voter বলেছেন...

Ah dear old Mo Do (well not so dear, she's usually wrong,but never in doubt). Her pet prosecutor needs to focus on Hercule's cleaning of the Augean Stables. That involved shoveling a lot of you know what; and that's the same substance and same shoveling task that Smith will have to do to convince a jury that Trump planned a coup.

NKP বলেছেন...

Two things come to mind:

1. The House should offer a bill that requires all votes for national office be cast by a verified eligible voter, subject to a verifiable chain-of-custody and counted by an identified human being. Maybe, it can't pass but, at least, there would be a record of those in favor and against (perhaps also eliminate results based on mumbo-jumbo systems like Alaska's).

2. Any criminal activity that is national in scope (a coup certainly qualifies), must be judged in a NATIONAL court and NOT ever judged by a LOCAL jury (Washington DC's population comes nowhere near representing America, at large)!

Rusty বলেছেন...

How many Jan sixers were actually armed at the time of the demonstration? Does DC have concealed carry?
I find your comment interesting because I can find nowhere

Rusty বলেছেন...

Gadfly said, ...:about 1,000 armed Jan-sixers already convicted..." I find this statement interesting because nowhere could I find any information of the protests participants carrying firearms. Other than law enforcement that is.

Iman বলেছেন...

This excrement is even more tired than her act. Find some purpose for your life, you stiletto-heeled old bimbo.

Tina Trent বলেছেন...

A federal prosecutor is our employee.

So are judges.

Maureen Dowd is paid by billionaire purse manufacturers, private jet companies, elite jewelry designers, and real estate moguls shilling properties.

Just to put stuff in perspective.

Free Manure While You Wait! বলেছেন...

"1) As others have noted, a DC Jury will convict Trump of anything."

Try that in a small town.

Free Manure While You Wait! বলেছেন...

Today, cleaning the Aegean stables the way Hercules did would result in some very heavy fines.

Free Manure While You Wait! বলেছেন...

"hpudding said..."

Free Manure While You Wait asks...Who pays you?

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves বলেছেন...

H Pudding said:

"Biden’s one of the more decent people to show up for the job."

LOL. All we need to know about H Pudding.

walter বলেছেন...

For new readers here:
Chuck said...
"I am afraid you are mistaking me for someone who has an interest in fair treatment of Donald Trump. I'm not your guy. I am interested in smearing him, hurting him and prejudicing people against him."
3/4/16, 4:46 PM

It's nice that Jabfly uses the aggregious dragnet and locking up of political prisoners to justify the same for Trump. Epps "I orchestrated it" mysteriously dropped from that dragnet without reasonable explanation. Pelosy never takes heat for security.

Worst insurrection ever.
More shots fired down Chuck's drink hole and into Jabfly's swollen arms.
But yes, one into Ashli Babbit's neck by the dude who left his gun in the bathroom.

Also good to remember how law firms would threaten lawyers out of helping Trump's legal team. That signal went to judges as well.

Michael K বলেছেন...

there have been about 1,000 armed Jan-sixers already convicted

gadfly is such a liar. No wonder he loves Biden.

The rule of Lemnity বলেছেন...

You don’t have to be Hercules to convict Trump.

You just have to have the right venue and convince a jury that they will judge Trump and not the evidence.

It’s how prejudice works.

Greg the Class Traitor বলেছেন...

If a prosecutor's task really looked as difficult as any of the 10 Hercules had to perform, the prosecutor shouldn't be charging, since prosecutorial ethics demand a belief that it's more likely than not that an unbiased jury will find guilt beyond a reasonable doubt.

No one with even a shred of prosecutorial ethics is willing to get anywhere near these cases against Trump

tommyesq বলেছেন...

about 1,000 armed Jan-sixers already convicted.

If there were truly 1000 armed Jan-sixers, that would be concrete proof that there was no actual coup attempt, given that none of them fired a single shot.

Paul বলেছেন...

Woke liberal jury will convict Trump. Non-woke non-liberal SCOTUS will throw out the whole thing.

Valentine Smith বলেছেন...

“Biden’s one of the most decent men …”

Let’s see: he was so decent his wife felt compelled to murder her child and suicide herself.
Just so he wouldn’t destroy another one of his children. He’s an incestuous pederast who can’t even control his vile urges in public. His remaining son has a deep and abiding hatred for him. Hunter's disassociative disorder enables him to secretly (especially from himself) attempt to destroy his father’s presidency and bank millions of dollars at the same time. China Burisma I could go on and on and on.

I read somewhere that Biden’s father was an alcoholic. This makes sense to me as this gargantuan dysfunctional behavior constellates around addiction and it’s transgenerational in effect. I would normally feel very sorry for the family, but their ugliness is destroying the nation.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves বলেছেন...

The Soviet Democxrat Party assume everything belongs to them. So - if someone not aligned with the Soviet Democcxrat party manages to win an election - the Soviets will use any means necessary to take what they assume is theirs.

Narr বলেছেন...

Herculean, or merely sisyphean?

gadfly বলেছেন...

Rusty said...
How many Jan sixers were actually armed at the time of the demonstration? Does DC have concealed carry?
I find your comment interesting because I can find nowhere

Rusty, the article I quoted can be read by clicking on Fernando Navarro's name.

"Armed" doesn't mean firearms, it means any weapon employed as shown on Jan 6 videos.

And Trump was "fucking furious" that his people were employing metal detectors to keep guns away from his Jan 6 speech. The crowd was too small for his liking.


walter বলেছেন...


Narayanan বলেছেন...

persuading some human beings to view a set of facts as falling within a particular formulation of words.
well put :: can I take this as Professora definition of cruel neutrality of observer

Jupiter বলেছেন...

Ashli Babbitt didn't kill herself.

Paul Zrimsek বলেছেন...

If King Augeas had kept chickens instead of cattle, Hercules could have pulled off a coop.

Drago বলেছেন...

Paul: "Woke liberal jury will convict Trump. Non-woke non-liberal SCOTUS will throw out the whole thing."

I disagree.

Roberts will side with the left, again, and attempt to bring over either Barrett or the increasingly squishy Kavanaugh to the lefties.

Failing that, Roberts will once again pull the Roberts Two-Step: go with the majority but assign the writing of the opinion to himself and create a ruling that somehow gives the dems a political/rhetorical win while barely adhering to the law with the narrowist possible ruling "for" Trump.

Probably a narrow enough ruling that the dems can repeat the same exercise all over again the way Roberts handed the dems a "loss"/win whereby the lunatic lefties kept the ability to keep harassing Christian bakers and other business people.

Thats the Roberts way.

Ampersand বলেছেন...

Zrimsek at 603 for the win!

Goldenpause বলেছেন...

The irony is that early in FDR’s administration Jackson tried but failed to find a way to prosecute Andrew Mellon. Mellon was so squeaky clean that Jackson couldn’t find a way to prosecute Mellon. Maybe Jackson’s 1940
speech was a way to atone for his early unsuccessful attempt to abuse power.

Iman বলেছেন...

Augean Dogean

Chuck বলেছেন...

walter at 2:26pm...

Hey thanks for quoting me with the date and time. I had forgotten how early I had gone publicly fully anti-Trump. It makes me feel good to read that, with the date included. March, of 2016.

I think that was around the time of the Republican primary debate in Detroit. (I voted for Kasich in the Michigan primary.) There were lots of us virulently-opposed Trump haters at that time. Me; Kasich, Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio, Lindsey Graham, Harriet Hageman; you get the idea. Mike Pence was voting for Ted Cruz in the Indiana primary around that time. Trump was polling in the low forties among Republicans.

walter do you have a notion that I have some duty of fairness toward Trump? I’m sure you recognize that I’m not a reporter, I’m not a judicial officer overseeing one of his cases; I'm not a law enforcement officer investigating him, I’m not a political debate moderator. I cannot imagine what duty of “fairness” I owe to Trump. What is it that you are thinking?

I will say this, for about the tenth time; I do regret using the word “smear” insofar as at least one common usage definition of "smear" involves not just making an unflatteringly hostile statement about another, but also includes making false statements in that vein. My onetime misuse of “smear” equals Althouse’s own misuse of that word.*. I don’t need to make false statements about Trump, and I don’t. Smearing Trump with the truth is quite enough.

*See, “The Shithole countries ‘smear’…”

MikeR বলেছেন...

"Smith has a herculean task before him. He must present a persuasive narrative that Trump and his henchmen and women (yes, you, Ginni Thomas) were determined to pull off a coup."
The reason that's a herculean task is what DeSantis said: it isn't true.

walter বলেছেন...

"the increasingly squishy Kavanaugh"
Kind of thing that happens when ones home is targeted.

gilbar বলেছেন...

here's a Blast, from the past...
The Resistance (also known as the #Resistance) is an American liberal political movement that protested the presidency of Donald Trump

Now.. WHY wasn't THAT considered a coup? The 'Resistance' and their blackshirt Ante-Fascists caused HOW MANY deaths? How many $Millions in damages? occupied HOW MANY state houses?

Rocco বলেছেন...

"Smith has a herculean task before him. He must present a persuasive narrative that Trump and his henchmen and women (yes, you, Ginni Thomas) were determined to pull off a coup."
- The prose of Maureen Dowd

I'm imagining MoDo hunched over her laptop; over her head is a thought bubble with the image of henchmen (and women) in black turtlenecks with "Henchman #1",etc., stenciled on the front a la the Batman TV show.

hpudding বলেছেন...

Of course it’s not surprising that Ivermectin Man and gilbar totally miss the point about the legal system making the case against Trump that politics doesn’t have to. After all, if they believed in an independent judiciary they wouldn’t be Republicons. For them, everything should be politicized, especially the law. Which is why they think Trump should be above it.

hpudding বলেছেন...

It’s funny to see April Apple laughing off Biden’s decency. After all, she supported a president who was found liable for sexually abusing a woman he confused for his ex-wife Marla Maples. He has to pay $5 million for defaming her. He was on tape saying that he can grab women’s genitals because he’s famous. He said the thing he believes he has the most in common with his daughter (whom he professed an interest in dating) was “sex.”

And then there’s his rival, Floridian governor Grimwold DeSatan, who only agreed to date his wife because she didn’t correct him when he asked her out to eat “thigh” food. He’d use that as a test of dateability to make sure other women didn’t correct him by saying “Thai.” He eats pudding with his hands, and blows his nose before wiping it on a disabled constituent. He signed a midnight bill criminalizing women who don’t want to be forced into 8 months of pregnancy if they don’t find out they’re pregnant before week 6.

There are lots of self-loathing women out there. Anyone who finds those guys more decent than Joe Biden is clearly one of them. I realize that all conservatives probably, deep-down, really hate themselves. But for a woman to go all in for this crap is really gross.

hpudding বলেছেন...

The Soviet Democxrat Party assume everything belongs to them.

Not everything. Your body clearly belongs to the Republicon party. What’s that like?

What’s it like having your uterus up for grabs to Meatball Ron DeSanctimonious and Greg Abbott? You gonna let them take the occasional “look around” up there if they think you’re not going about being pregnant in the right way?

stlcdr বলেছেন...

They just want to stand trump in front of their jury so they can pronounce him guilty. The actual charges are irrelevant. The past 6 years plus of ‘charges’ are what he’s guilty of.

Charlie Martin বলেছেন...

Oh, the answer to your penultimate question is “yes“.

Ampersand বলেছেন...

Many thanks to hpudding for taking the time to show me the facts and rhetoric he or she finds to be compelling.

Lars Porsena বলেছেন...

Blogger Paul Zrimsek said...
If King Augeas had kept chickens instead of cattle, Hercules could have pulled off a coop.

7/22/23, 6:03 PM
Thread winner for the erudite.

dreams বলেছেন...

"Maureen Dowd is a bitter old maid who isn’t very smart."

She's been ridden hard and put up wet a few times, but she won't quit.

NKP বলেছেন...

hpudding says:

Your body clearly belongs to the Republicon party. What’s that like?

If you think your body belongs to the GOP, then clearly, your mind belongs to the Democratic Party. As the UNCF used to remind us; The mind is a terrible thing to waste. Sorry you lost yours.

dreams বলেছেন...

"Maureen Dowd is a bitter old maid who isn’t very smart."

She's been ridden hard and put up wet a few times, but she won't quit.

Narr বলেছেন...

"he or she finds compelling."

Embrace the power of It.

Drago বলেছেন...

Ampersand: "Many thanks to hpudding for taking the time to show me the facts and rhetoric he or she finds to be compelling."


alanc709 বলেছেন...

Smith didn't have to prove a thing. He just had to get a compliant judge and a D.C. jury. Unfortunately, the case wasn't posted to the kangaroos but an actual court of law.

hpudding বলেছেন...

”Many thanks to hpudding for taking the time to show me the facts and rhetoric he or she finds to be compelling.’

You got it, QAnon guy.

How does that conspiracy of your party’s go, BTW? Something about Trump being the true president in charge now even though he can’t be blamed for Biden’s decisions? While a dead JFK Jr. waits in the wings to be your savior from global pedophile rings that are somehow worse than the Catholic Church priest activities whose dogma runs your Supreme Court? And then there’s the vaccine nano-chips which apparently are very different from Elon Musk’s Neuralink.

Every Republicon accusation is a confession. But they did give the world a Great Depression (which caused WWII), a de-industrialized outsourced workforce to enrich Wall Street with, immense national debt to pay for tax code favors given to Wall Street, hundreds of thousands of American deaths from by a botched pandemic response, a frayed NATO alliance, renewed uranium enrichment in Iran and an oil-reliant energy sector no matter how much of the country it destroys in fires and floods.

So they are doing things. Just not things that help the country.

Their leader loves the poorly educated for a reason.

hpudding বলেছেন...

”If you think your body belongs to the GOP, then clearly, your mind belongs to the Democratic Party. As the UNCF used to remind us; The mind is a terrible thing to waste. Sorry you lost yours.

Said the right-wing believer in the QANON theory of political reality. WYG1YGA, big guy. Keep following that herd. Make sheep noises while you do. Baaaaahaaa!

walter বলেছেন...

As I said, giving new readers some framing.
I'm glad you approve...though dragging Althouse into it in bizarre fashion.

Another gem:
Chuck: "Fraudulent or not, if Trump loses, it's a win for me."
Chuck said...
walter said...
How do you like Joementia calling Cruz a Nazi?
(Conserving Conservatism, inc)

I thought it was much funnier when Sen. Lindsey Graham (former prosecutor and JAG Corps Reserve officer) said, "If Ted Cruz was murdered on the floor of the Senate, and if the trial was in the Senate, you couldn't get a conviction."
1/8/21, 10:25 PM

hpudding বলেছেন...

You know, I just realized something.

Trump will grab your genitals (if you’re a woman).

Dennis Hastert will grab your genitals (if you’re a man). And Jim Jordan will cover it up.

Ronny Meatball DeSanctimonious will stick his fingers in your pudding and grab the social security benefits you paid into.

Amy Coney Barrett and Greg Abbott will subject you to a gynecological exam to make sure your pregnancy is carried out according to their personal religious wishes.

And that’s basically the right-wing agenda in a nutshell. Pretty gross.

Their whole reason for getting into government is to intrude into you, literally.


Jim at বলেছেন...

By reading this thread, I've learned Joe Biden is a decent man and it's Republicans who want to politicize everything.

If those two examples aren't proof of mental illness, I don't know what to tell you.

walter বলেছেন...

Hey puddin'
Focus on Hunter referring to his Dad as Pedo Pete.
Weird nickname for a guy who keeps grabbing kids, nibbling on kids.
Perhaps his daughter didn't welcome Pedo Pete intruding on her showers.
And oh..selling out the country by selling access.
And the media has little interest.

hpudding বলেছেন...

It’s funny how Republicons have no interest in the law. If Biden violated some law, go on and draw up charges. Surely there would be a prosecutor somewhere who could look into whatever actual law it was that your political pimps say he violated and the evidence to show that he did.

But of course they don’t have anything like that or even any interest. They just like to call people “criminal” to make a political cause celebre out of the insinuation.

Until then, go read the indictment on Trump’s show-and-tell show off exhibition of the national security documents he hoarded at very accessible his country club, and refused to hand over

And Jim, (or Peter, or whichever washed up rock star you identify with): Keep up with the QANON club. A great association for the mentally sane. WYG1YGA. Follow them to the promised land.

hpudding বলেছেন...

Nixon should have never been pardoned. Ever since then Republicons have used “criminal” as an unserious political name to throw at their enemies since they have no interest in actually understanding the law, following it or carrying it out. They figure that Nixon must have been just maligned and didn’t really do anything wrong. Hence their surprise at realizing that Trump’s crimes can and actually should (and WILL) be handled by the courts, where they belong.

Rusty বলেছেন...

gadfly said...
"Rusty said...
How many Jan sixers were actually armed at the time of the demonstration? Does DC have concealed carry?
I find your comment interesting because I can find nowhere

Rusty, the article I quoted can be read by clicking on Fernando Navarro's name.

"Armed" doesn't mean firearms, it means any weapon employed as shown on Jan 6 videos."

No. You can't weasel out of it that easy. What arms were they found with?

Readering বলেছেন...

Dowd hasn't lost a step. She has a nice profile in NYT,in time for Barbie, on the Oscar winning 91 year old costume designer Ann Roth who appears in a scene.

walter বলেছেন...

I was calling Joementia a pedo, because his his son does and his public behavior reinforces it.
But if he wasn't sheltered from investigation, odds are he's a criminal too.But just like guvmint pressured social media to censor on his behalf, they quashed any rational degree of investigation of Biden, inc. After all, they would just Comey it away a la Hildebeast.
Meanwhile, the administrative state has been flexing on Trump before and after ahe set foot in the Oval.
You're cool with pedos and cool with witch hunts...and cool with Bidens selling access to government.
Not cool.