২০ জুলাই, ২০২৩

"Republicans Have So Little Hunter Biden Evidence They Shared His Nudes/Instead Marjorie Taylor Greene waved the photos around in a congressional hearing."

Headline at The New Republic.

From the article:
... Greene tried to claim that Biden engaged in sex trafficking and listed payments to sex workers as a tax writeoff. As part of her argument, she held up poster-size prints of Biden’s nude photos, which were taken off his laptop.... 
Not only was Greene’s decision to wave Biden’s nudes around wildly inappropriate for a congressional hearing, but it may also have violated D.C. revenge porn law.... 

৯৫টি মন্তব্য:

rwnutjob বলেছেন...


Lucien বলেছেন...

Revenge porn? Speech or debate clause?

Guimo বলেছেন...

Abolishing D.C. home rule would be a good start.

Iman বলেছেন...

Who expected the Left to mince all along the way on their race to the bottom?

gilbar বলেছেন...

so, ANY evidence of a democrat engaging in child sex abuse is "revenge porn"??

Kevin বলেছেন...

This should provide cover for the recent whistleblowers testimonies.

Need something for Team Blue to sling at Team Red at the company watercooler.

Enigma বলেছেন...

There Are None So Blind as Those Who Will Not See


Earnest Prole বলেছেন...

The New Republic has apparently never heard of Article 1 of the Constitution: For any Speech or Debate in either House, Senators and Representatives of Congress shall not be questioned in any other Place.

Leland বলেছেন...

“The New Republic” needs better arguments than these.

BUMBLE BEE বলেছেন...

Not unlike E. Jean Carroll's fotos of Donald?

jim5301 বলেছেন...

Gilbar. What evidence are you referring to? Evidence admissible in court? Or just some ramblings from your fellow commentators

This isn’t to say that democrats never commit sex crimes. Same for republicans.

D.D. Driver বলেছেন...

Clearly there is no evidence of anything snd Hunter is pleading guilty to tax fraud *for no reason at all*.

Heartless Aztec বলেছেন...

"Tawdry is as tawdry does" from the remembered saying of grandmother Heartless way back in the day. Well apply this to both sides of the aisles.

AZ Bob বলেছেন...

Greene was merely showing Democrats that the Emperor has no clothes.

NC William বলেছেন...

No sane person, company or country would ever give Hunter Biden the kind of money that he was given except for his use as a conduit to bribe Joe Biden for access to the White House (thus implicating Obama too).

The Hunter Biden evidence is abundant and utterly damning of Joe Biden. There are no skills or services Hunter could ever offer to justify the legitimate payment to him of the kind of money that is involved here. This story is about Joe, not Hunter at all.

wendybar বলেছেন...

She showed those pictures because the Propaganda media refuses to. Just imagine if this were Donald Trump Jr. They really think Americans are as stupid as their constituents are, don't they?? Americans know the left are lying scumbags.

wendybar বলেছেন...

You know what else it proved?? It proved that Hunter was writing off his hookers as business expenses. What business you may ask?? What was he producing and selling?? His father's influence to enrich himself through business deals in Ukraine and China.

Gusty Winds বলেছেন...

On this I'm with Hunter. Payments to sex-workers and hookers should be 100% tax deductible.

I'm sure writing off prostitute payments in DC under "entertainment" expenses is quite common.

Dick Morris could probably tell us how it's done the right way.

Leland বলেছেন...

I remember when Democrats had no evidence of Trump / Russian collusion, they promised us tapes of Russian hookers pissing on Trump. At least MTG actually had evidence.

Gusty Winds বলেছেন...

I'll bet a Hunter Biden porn hub channel would make big money.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves বলেছেন...

The Nazi New Republic Left: She broke a Law!

Iman বলেছেন...

President MumbleBum and his wastrel son.

Amadeus 48 বলেছেন...

For context, here is Eli Lake's tweet announcing that he has finally cancelled WaPoo for parroting the Dem's press release on the IRS whistleblowers. Looks like the New Republic followed the same line.

Eli Lake
Just cancelled my subscription to
It’s declined so much since 2017, but it’s failure to cover the IRS whistleblowers seriously choosing to run DNC press release spin on MTG has sealed my decision. It was once a great paper. Not anymore.

Jersey Fled বলেছেন...

This reminds me of the Mom who was thrown out out of a school board meeting for showing pornographic picture from a book that was in the school library.

cassandra lite বলেছেন...

I miss when TNR was the pub I most looked forward to receiving every week. If it didn't arrive in my mailbox on the usual day (can't remember if it was Tuesday or Thursday), I'd call the subscription number and complain.

Marty Peretz got out when it was already heading down, but the Facebook guy who bought it decided to turn it into print MSNBC. Why?

Lance বলেছেন...

I don't know what money found its way to Biden's interest. Lot of implications and accusations, not a lot of fact. But the whistleblowers at FBI are convincing me there was a major cover-up by DoJ. And we already know the media egregiously squashed the Burisma and laptop stories.

Dave Begley বলেছেন...

Hunter is an innocent man; wrongly accused.

Dude1394 বলেছেন...

Never underestimate the power of the democrat propaganda outlets.

rcocean বলেছেন...

There's tons of illegal stuff that Hunter Biden did, and some of its linked to "The Big Guy". But the MSM and the New Republic isn't interested. They only do "ethics" when its someone they dislike.

Greene takes flak because she's over the target. Wonder why the Republican Senators are so quiet? Probably because Biden's FBI/DOJ has the goods on some of them. And the others are just happy to have a leftwing Democrat POTUS. It means they can just bloviate and please their big donors. And cut deals on Spending. No other work required.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves বলেছেন...

btw- It's a total lie by the hack-D Loyalist press that there is "little evidence" against the Bidens. Lying liars who lie.

While Joe was VP - he, his brother and bag-man Hunter pocketed millions in corrupt ill gotten pay to play money from corrupt international sources. A mob shake-down for Biden family pay-day. Clear as day. On top of that- the Bidens hid it and didn't pay tax on it! Vile above the law Grifters

Whistleblowers are being silenced and ignored by not only FBI director Wray - and Merrick's corrupt hack DOJ - but our corrupt hack-D D-Party Loyalist press.

Temujin বলেছেন...

It gave Democrats something to talk about other than "Trump!"

If you tuned in and just caught Democratic Reps in their 'minutes', you'd have thought these hearings were about either Donald Trump or racism throughout every pore of America. (just in case you thought Democrats had any new ideas in 2023).

You would never have known this was an incredibly important hearing with 2 IRS whistleblowers giving up their careers to point out that our President is treasonous and our DoJ is completely corrupt. Nothing to see here.

By the way, Republicans still pretty much suck at this. Most of them wasting their time talking. It's a hearing people. Let's let the whistleblowers talk. Let them tell their story in full. Give them your 5 minutes instead of putting in time to make a campaign video.

Ugh...I hate both parties. We have a corrupt cretin in the White House who's entire family thumbs it's nose at the rest of the country as they pillage whatever they want. And the answer from Congress is a clown show with campaign speeches.

Big Mike বলেছেন...

Some day, Althouse, you need to examine the flaws in your upbringing that permit you to be so blasé about the corruption of the likes of Hillary Clinton and the Bidens père et fils.

GRW3 বলেছেন...

Unless they're saying that she was the girl in the picture, it's not revenge porn. Also, congress people can say pretty much anything they care to. What is making the establishment crazy is that there is now a handful of Republicans willing to be as outrageous as the have the Democrats been for a long time.

Gusty Winds বলেছেন...

Do they teach writing off hookers as "paralegals" in law school? Is that a specific class you can take? It's actually kind of brilliant.

And...it is and activity now blessed by college educated white women.

I can see the Indeed ad: "Wanted. Paralegal Secretary. If you're they type of woman who likes to put money where her mouth is, we've got an opportunity for you! Must be height and weight proportionate. First class travel accommodations for all candidates chosen for interviews. Please submit photos and a curriculum vitae to hornyhunter@gmail.com".

Sisyphus বলেছেন...

There was a time when a serious journalist would have been aware of the Debate Clause in the Constitution. They would have realized that no speech by a Member of Congress in their official duties can be actionable under any civil or criminal laws. TNR's journalists and editors have either forgotten that protection in the Constitution or never knew it at all.

Darcy বলেছেন...

Ah. The New Republic is deciding for its brilliant readers what evidence has been revealed by the whistleblowers/Biden corruption hearings. And they'll all absorb and regurgitate it. Meanwhile, those of us who actually pay attention to evidence of Biden and DOJ corruption continue to be horrified by the left's lack of critical thinking skills and willful ignorance. Good times.

hombre বলেছেন...

Lefty logic. Exposure of Hunter's nude photos does not compel the conclusion that there is little evidence of his wrongdoing. Neither does the lack of prosecution. The latter supports the conclusion that the DOJ is corrupt.

There has been ample evidence adduced in the public domain to justify prosecuting Hunter.

As for the propriety of producing the photos, New Republickers and other lefties don't get the concept of immoral behavior and likely prefer not to acknowledge that patronizing prostitutes is usually illegal and often supports human trafficking.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves বলেছেন...

There is enough evidence for a special council. The corrupt left won't let it happen.

The entire corrupt left are covering for the crook family.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves বলেছেন...

Microsoft New Republic. or - MS-NewRepublic

They need to update their name.

tim in vermont বলেছেন...

"Have so little evidence that they shared his nudes."

This is called "rhetoric." A good working definition of "rhetoric" is "words that sound like logic, but aren't." I can't believe the way they just lie to us. Now the Democrat committee chairman has suggested that choosing to prosecute Republicans for crimes which are overlooked when committed by Democrats falls under the heading of "prosecutorial discretion."

"Do they teach writing off hookers as "paralegals" in law school?"

Only works if you are connected to powerful Democrats, so that part should be included in the course.

Michael K বলেছেন...

The Democrats are going apeshit trying to defend the Biden Crime Family.

Raskin with his weird turban and Golden, the new Congressman who doesn't know enough not to ask a question of a witness when you don't know the answer, are a new clown show.

tim in vermont বলেছেন...

She should have waved around the pictures of Hunter violating trafficked children in China from when he flew there on Air Force Two, ostensibly "chaperoning" Biden's granddaughter, who also appears in these videos with Hunter, Chinese children trafficked, or simply taken by the Chinese secret police for the purpose. The Chinese probably thought that they were collecting "kompromat" on Joe, but it turns out that nobody cares! You can't blackmail the shameless.

Oh, that's right, those images don't exist or you would have heard about them in the NYT or on CNN or MSNBC. I keep forgetting, if the New York Times doesn't see fit to print it, it didn't happen; It's "the newspaper that fabricates the record." The laptop was "Russian disinformation," I keep forgetting. Fucking Russians trying to make lovable old "Pedo Pete," as his son lovingly calls him, look bad!

Original Mike বলেছেন...

That's funny. I'm reading about the discovery of shell corporations and unexplained money showing up in the accounts of several Biden's. Yesterday, the IRS agent testified that Hunter never declared the money paid to him for sitting on Burisma's board (doing God only knows what) on his taxes.

traditionalguy বলেছেন...

MTG for President Trump’s Attorney General. After she takes office, Trump’s enemies would move to another country with no extradition treaty.

Mason G বলেছেন...

Wildly inappropriate? Well, yeah- it's much worse than publicly tearing up a copy of the state of the union speech. Right?

I don't know how well it actually works for them in convincing the undecided (their supporters seem to eat it up), but I've got to at least give progressives credit for pretending to shake the shit off themselves while crawling out of the sewer in an attempt to gain the moral high ground. Good job!

Big Mike বলেছেন...

Greene tried to claim that [Hunter] Biden - listed payments to sex workers as a tax writeoff.

Perfectly true. Is that writeoff allowed on ordinary people’s tax returns? If not, then why does he, get to write it off without any significant penalty? (Yes, I do know the answer, merely objecting to it.).

At some point could we talk about Crazy Maxine Waters? Or does she enjoy black privilege — black privilege being the situation where liberals assume that black people are naturally rude and stupid do not to expect very much out of them.

Gunner বলেছেন...

We know that not one alleged "conservative" Democrat is going to vote to impeach Slow Joe. Will all the Republicans in the House stand together and just do it?

Original Mike বলেছেন...


This, to me, is the most damning:

"Investigators wanted to explore the justification for payments from foreign sources to other members of the Biden family but were largely rebuffed, the whistleblowers said.

President Joe Biden’s grandchildren were among the recipients of unexplained payments uncovered by investigators, the whistleblowers testified.

“I don’t know the reason. I don’t know what’s behind any of these payments,” Ziegler said.

The IRS whistleblowers also testified to the fact that they could not follow up on any leads that pointed back to Joe Biden.

“I have never been told that we couldn’t approach someone to interview them as a part of an investigation,” Ziegler said on Wednesday. “In this case, we needed to talk to witnesses related to things that were deducted on the tax return, and in this case, it was the adult children that we needed to talk to.”

The House Oversight Committee had previously published evidence from bank records that numerous members of the Biden family, including the president’s brother and his late son’s widow, received payments from the foreign income Hunter Biden was earning from his consulting work.

The justification for payments that went beyond Hunter Biden, as well as messages that indicated other payments were intended for Joe Biden, have never been explained, and the IRS whistleblowers testified that investigators were not permitted to find out."

Robert Cook বলেছেন...

"so, ANY evidence of a democrat engaging in child sex abuse is "revenge porn"??"

How are nude photos of Hunter Biden proof he has engaged in child sex abuse?

Robert Cook বলেছেন...

"This reminds me of the Mom who was thrown out out of a school board meeting for showing pornographic picture from a book that was in the school library."

Who was the mom, what was the school, and what was the book?

I cannot and do not deny the possibility of inappropriate or even pornographic books finding their ways to school library bookshelves, but I am curious how often this has actually been found and documented? What are the specific books and objectionable/pornographic content? Are there actually books with explicit pictures of sexual activity? Has this happened one or a few times, or has such material found in many school libraries?

Jupiter বলেছেন...

The New Republic defends Hunter Biden.
I can remember when The New Republic was a respectable publication. Hell, I remember when Scientific American was a respectable publication. I guess we need to recognize that under capitalism, everything is for sale. And there are people who can afford to buy anything except each other.

Darcy বলেছেন...

@Original Mike - "Nonsense!", says The New Republic.

In the real world, the evidence against Hunter Biden and Joe Biden himself is far more damning than anything ever dug up on Trump (via the full power of the DOJ), but the thoroughly corrupt left and its voters are just fine with that. Incidentally, a list of what the same lefty voters are fine with would make most people sick to their stomachs.

Anthony বলেছেন...

I've started referring to the Times as "the amateur webzine NY Times".

Which is almost becoming generous. . . . .

Yancey Ward বলেছেন...

The Bidens were peddling influence for money- the evidence of this is overwhelming at this point in time. The DoJ was actively running interference with the investigation of Hunter Biden's tax evasion from before 2017. Biden never paid any federal taxes on the income he received from Burisma- this was the target of the IRS investigation- they had him dead to rights on this with straight up felony tax evasion- and the DoJ dragged out the indicting process repeatedly and long enough that not only did Biden never have to pony up the evaded taxes but also long enough that the statute of limitations on charging him with those crimes had also expired.

The only reason it was announced a few weeks ago that Biden will be charged with few minor misdemeanor type tax issues is because the whistleblowers went public. Had those whistleblowers not gone public, Hunter Biden would not have been charged with anything at all, ever. This was a criminal conspiracy to protect the President's son and President himself from criminal liability. Had Hunter Biden been Eric Trump, this story would be cover 24/7 by the mainstream media, but since Biden is a Democrat, you wouldn't even know it was happening if it weren't for the internet.

Gahrie বলেছেন...

but I am curious how often this (parents being kicked out of school board meetings for reading/showing books from school libraries) has actually been found and documented?

I've seen Youtube videos of it happening, they're not hard to find.

Chuck বলেছেন...

I hoped Althouse would blog this story. Because last night, I saw from one of my Twitter connections that several reporters were already, almost instantly on this particular development. But I wanted to wait until the story had passed through mainstream media editing and factchecking and was published:

"Marjorie Taylor Greene May Have Sent Hunter Biden Nudes to a Bunch of Minors."

I realize that some readers might not click on any link that I post. So I'll make it inescapable; MTG sent out a fundraising email right after her infamous hearing yesterday and it including the raunchy pornographic Hunter pictures. The MTG fundraising site where she gathers email addresses has no age-discriminating entry page. There is no reason to assume that her fundraising list doesn't include minors' emails. And so with that understanding, that is how her email went out.

All of the laughably batshit QAnon/MAGA howling over pedophiles and transgender minors; and MTG pulls this stupid shit.

Gahrie বলেছেন...





wendybar বলেছেন...

rcocean said...
There's tons of illegal stuff that Hunter Biden did, and some of its linked to "The Big Guy". But the MSM and the New Republic isn't interested. They only do "ethics" when its someone they dislike.

Greene takes flak because she's over the target. Wonder why the Republican Senators are so quiet? Probably because Biden's FBI/DOJ has the goods on some of them. And the others are just happy to have a leftwing Democrat POTUS. It means they can just bloviate and please their big donors. And cut deals on Spending. No other work required.

7/20/23, 9:55 AM

YOU are on fire today!! Winner of every thread.

wendybar বলেছেন...

Robert Cook said...
"so, ANY evidence of a democrat engaging in child sex abuse is "revenge porn"??"

How are nude photos of Hunter Biden proof he has engaged in child sex abuse?

7/20/23, 11:35 AM

You obviously missed seeing the pictures he posted on his laptop that the media and the FBI and all the other liars, fail to mention. Too bad we are living in the time of America Pravda.

wendybar বলেছেন...

"This reminds me of the Mom who was thrown out out of a school board meeting for showing pornographic picture from a book that was in the school library."

Maybe if you paid better attention to what is really happening in this country, you could have looked it up yourself...



wendybar বলেছেন...

Robert Cook, are you really that uninformed??? No wonder you are okay with the corrupt Bidens. You don't seem to know what is really going on. Look up Gender Queer.
(for one) HOW is that appropriate for grammar school children??

Robert Cook বলেছেন...

"What is making the establishment crazy is that there is now a handful of Republicans willing to be as outrageous as the have the Democrats been for a long time."

Hahahaha! It's like the cold war, where American hawks in and out of government ceaselessly harped on the arms race between the US and the USSR, complaining about the vast superiority of the USSR's missle stocks over the US, thus the push for the US to produce ever more missles, while, all the while, the US always had greater stocks of missles than the USSR. In the "Outrageous Race," the Dems at their worst fall far short of the outrageous uncouth idiocy of the Republicans.

Robert Cook বলেছেন...

"I've seen Youtube videos of it happening, they're not hard to find."

That's just anecdotal reporting. Is there any actual reporting confirming such incidents, citing their frequency, aggregate total, locations, and the particular materials allegedly found? The Republicans are going insane and making wild accusations disparaging the Dems over an alleged trend that may not really be happening at all, or one in which the number of actual such finds may number no more than a handful. Its a win for the Republicans, who get to call names (e.g., "groomers") and make accusations without bearing the burden of proof.

Jersey Fled বলেছেন...


Play the video to get the full effect.


Michael K বলেছেন...

Who was the mom, what was the school, and what was the book?

there is a thing called "Google" that is very friendly to you lefties. You should try it sometime.

Big Mike বলেছেন...

Syndicated radio host Dana Loesch has the proper response to TNR (and other defenses of the Biden Crime Family): “For all the people mad that MTG showed Hunter Biden’s naughty photos at the hearing, they weren’t any different from the images in the books that the left is demanding kids read in school so get over it.”

Good point.

Big Mike বলেছেন...

Robert Cook (11:44) pretends to be too stupid to use DuckDuckGo. Unless he’s not pretending.

And Cookie at 11:35: How are nude photos of Hunter Biden proof he has engaged in child sex abuse?

Kind of obvious that it depends on who he is photographed with, and what they were doing — or appeared to be doing.

Original Mike বলেছেন...

No evidence. Right…

Iman বলেছেন...

“I've seen Youtube videos of it happening, they're not hard to find.”

They’re hard to find only for those feigning any interest in their brave “search for The Truth”.

dbp বলেছেন...

Democrats took to their fainting couches because Republicans wanted to prevent public grade schools from forcing kids to read raunchy graphic memoirs. Now the Democrats are back on their couches because Republicans are showing similarly raunchy pictures of the president's son.

Alexander বলেছেন...

Greene tried to claim that Biden engaged in sex trafficking and listed

And I already know where the article is going to go.

Greene didn't try to claim... she claimed. Whether the claim goes on to prove anything may or may not be another story, but they always go and deligitimize the claim at the higher meta level, which is a consistent sign of a liar.

It's like when it's claimed that conpsiracy theories have no evidence. That's almost always false and the person making the claim of NO evidence is a lair; generally speaking people that are discussing a theory contrary to the standard story are screaming their evidence. Their evidence may be circumstantial, or false, or open to interpretation, or inconclusive as proof of the claim being made, but that's not the same thing as claiming they have not produced evidence.

Conclusion: whatever evidence the Republicans may or may not have, the reporter for the piece in question is either a dupe or a liar (not necessarily a binary choice) and so a poor choice to ask for the facts at hand.

Original Mike বলেছেন...

Foreign nationals gave Biden family and associates over $17M, IRS whistleblower claims

No evidence totaling $17M.

Mr. T. বলেছেন...

The New Republic's former, disgraced employee, Moira Donegan, just settled for six figures against a man she libeled on her "Shitty Media Men's List."

The New Republic is a leftist, libelous rag that is the last (with the possible exception of Rolling Stone) place to be pontificating about libel/revenge porn.

Mr Wibble বলেছেন...

I've started referring to the Times as "the amateur webzine NY Times

I believe that AceofSpadesHQ used that same line for Slate.

Mark বলেছেন...

It's amazing how much obfuscation and whataboutism this has triggered.

Apparently dick photos in Congress is ok now?

Freder Frederson বলেছেন...

I've seen Youtube videos of it happening, they're not hard to find.

It would be nice if you could provide a link.

Original Mike বলেছেন...

DOJ Whistleblowers Sent FBI Form With Biden Bribery Allegations To Chuck Grassley, Senator Says

DOJ whistleblowers. Not to be confused with the IRS whistleblowers who are attempting to work the problem from the other end.

Freder Frederson বলেছেন...

Sorry, I didn't see your next post (but in the future learn how to do a href link, it is not that hard). But I looked at all your links and not one of them shows a parent being kicked out of a school board meeting. They were either cut off of told their time was up. Nobody was physically removed.

So you are just full of shit.

Original Mike বলেছেন...

What was stupid about Greene's stunt is exemplified here. It's allowing the lefties to ignore the evidence that our President has accepted bribes from foreign entities. That he has done is no longer in doubt. What's yet to be determined is what they got in exchange.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves বলেছেন...

Darcey - Amen.

It's stomach turning watching the media ignore Biden's corruption. Not even a peep.

Jupiter বলেছেন...

"What are the specific books and objectionable/pornographic content?"

Mostly just graphic representations of teen or preteen males giving each other blow jobs. Nothing that would interest you, Cookie.

Gahrie বলেছেন...

Sorry, I didn't see your next post (but in the future learn how to do a href link, it is not that hard). But I looked at all your links and not one of them shows a parent being kicked out of a school board meeting. They were either cut off of told their time was up. Nobody was physically removed.

There are others in which people have been arrested. Apparently, you're just fine with censorship of parents and porn in school libraries though, good to know and not surprising.

Anna Keppa বলেছেন...

Freder, you are SUCH a dishonest and lazy piece of shit.

I typed "parent kicked out of school meeting" on Google, and this came up:





You could easily have done this.

Jim at বলেছেন...

You could easily have done this.

Sure he could've. But he'd rather be an asshole.

Drago বলেছেন...

LLR-democratical and Violent Homosexual Rage Rape Fantasist Chuck: "All of the laughably batshit QAnon/MAGA howling over pedophiles and transgender minors;"

LLR-democratical Chuck continues his passionate defense of the sexual grooming and sexualization of school children and policies designed to hide this from parents.

When combined with the fact of Chuck's years long bizarre and clearly disturbed obsession with the young children of conservative politicians (Chuck is always very very very respectful and protective of democratical's children, even if they are adults, like Hunter) along with Chuck's over the top defense of The Lincoln Pedophile Project AFTER they had been exposed as well as the entire radical trans agenda....

....well, lets just say Chuck very well may have a vested interest in supporting the lax policing policies of one particular party in certain areas....

Big Mike বলেছেন...

@Anna Keppa, you are mistaking stupidity, coupled with evil intentions, to masquerade as laziness.

Big Mike বলেছেন...

What was stupid about Greene's stunt is exemplified here. It's allowing the lefties to ignore the evidence that our President has accepted bribes from foreign entities.

@Original Mike. + 1

Drago বলেছেন...

This little snippet from the Jean Carroll thread was so revealing I simply had to repost here:

LLR-democratical and Violent Homosexual Rage Rape Fantasist: "She [a MI republican politician] has learned to channel all sorts of low grade culture war shit like "parental choice" in education."

Drago: "LOL

The posts where LLR-democratical Chuck forgets that he is supposed to at least pay lip service to being a "republican" and he lets his far left Freak Flag fly are by far the best threads!"

Bruce Hayden বলেছেন...

“No sane person, company or country would ever give Hunter Biden the kind of money that he was given except for his use as a conduit to bribe Joe Biden for access to the White House (thus implicating Obama too).”

“The Hunter Biden evidence is abundant and utterly damning of Joe Biden. There are no skills or services Hunter could ever offer to justify the legitimate payment to him of the kind of money that is involved here. This story is about Joe, not Hunter at all.”

Keep in mind that two countries bribed the Bidens: Ukraine and China. Together for maybe $100 million. We have, in return, given the Ukrainians $billions$. We have sent them a significant amount of our inventory of 155 mm shells, and are getting them cluster munitions, F-16s, and Abrahms tanks, as well as state of the art AA missiles. Pretty good ROI for the ruler of Ukraine, who is reputed to have skimmed over a $billion$ for himself. The Bidens, once bought, apparently stay bought.

So, what did the ChiComs get for their money? They put a lot more bribe money in the Bidens’ pockets. Possibly, ruthless suppression of the Lab Leak theory of COVID-19. What else though? Kinda weak return, in comparison with the Ukrainians. Some nuclear secrets? We have no idea, and the DOJ, FBI, etc are in full coverup mode.

My theory right now is that FJB will be investigated by an impeachment committee, which will, of course, be thwarted by his Administration, and he will be impeached by the House sometime next spring, on the grounds of taking bribes and selling out the country. There aren’t near enough votes in the Senate to remove him, and right now, I expect Schumer to keep the matter from going to trial in the Senate, saving some of his Red State caucus from having to vote to acquit in an election year. Should be an interesting year - esp as the Dems are prosecuting his major opponent, Trump on completely bogus charges.

boatbuilder বলেছেন...

For all the pearl-clutchers, the MTG strategy is to draw attention. TNR fell for it (but nobody reads TNR so it is sort of moot).

The "lede;" MTG waving nude photos in Congress! The low-information crowd: That's bad. photos of who? Answer: Hunter Biden. Low info crowd: Why does she have nude photos of Hunter Biden? Answer: Hunter Biden's laptop.

Those who actually pay attention know all about the laptop. The Low-info types are still back at the "Russian disinformation" stage.

Mike (MJB Wolf) বলেছেন...

LLR-democratical and Violent Homosexual Rage Rape Fantasist Chuck: "All of the laughably batshit QAnon/MAGA howling over pedophiles and transgender minors;"

LOL he claims to live in Michigan yet has no idea who is most vehemently opposing the violent trans agenda in the cities there. Hint: starts with an M but is NOT maga.

Robert Cook বলেছেন...

"And Cookie at 11:35: 'How are nude photos of Hunter Biden proof he has engaged in child sex abuse?'

"Kind of obvious that it depends on who he is photographed with, and what they were doing — or appeared to be doing."

And...are there nude photos of Hunter Biden that show him nude with and/or engaging in sexual acts with children?

Robert Cook বলেছেন...

"'What are the specific books and objectionable/pornographic content?'

"Mostly just graphic representations of teen or preteen males giving each other blow jobs. Nothing that would interest you, Cookie."

What are the titles of the books and how many incidents have there been of these (and other confirmed pornographic books) being found in school libraries? I agree that such material should not be available in public school libraries, but what is pertinent to ringing national alarm bells is determining how many incidents of there have been of pornographic books being found in school libraries. A handful? A baker's dozen? Hundreds? Thousands? This is the crucial question, as it reveals if this is really a significant or insignificant problem.

I guess the good news in all this is that our young people today don't read, so they'll likely never be exposed to such material.

Big Mike বলেছেন...

@Cookie, go see for yourself, you lazy corner street-walker. Typical Marxist — everyone else is supposed to do the work for you.

Rusty বলেছেন...

Cook @ 9:27
Why is naked Hunter in the same room as a child?