২০ জুলাই, ২০২৩

"Once she was deported from the U.S., [Maria Butina] became a member of Russia’s parliament and, of course, the host of her own TV program...."

"Today, the redheaded Butina, wearing an equally red blouse and suit pants, decides to talk about Hillary Clinton. Wait, what? Who still cares about Hillary Clinton? Apparently, Butina and Tanya from Taganrog still do. Tense music begins. According to the program, Clinton laughed 'hysterically' when she was shown pictures of the death of Muammar Qaddafi. 'What kind of monster responds to a person’s death like that?' Butina asks. A 'psychiatrist' appears and says, 'Yes, she’s a monster. But it’s because she has had to compete with men.' Donald Trump, whom Russian television adores, is shown calling her 'unstable.' 'What an awful woman,' the former U.S. president says. 'Hillary Clinton,' the chyron reads. 'A shark floating belly up?' A so-called expert on America is produced to diagnose Hillary’s early years: 'She wore big glasses, she had terrible teeth, and then she threw herself at Bill Clinton.'..."

Writes Gary Shteyngart in "I Watched Russian Television for Five Days Straight/My full immersion in Putin’s propaganda" (The Atlantic). The watching took place in 2023.

৮৯টি মন্তব্য:

wendybar বলেছেন...

Wait until he gets a load of Biden Propaganda. If he ever watched and REALLY understood the the fake news in America being spewed, he would be aghast.

Gusty Winds বলেছেন...

Hillary Clinton is an unstable monster. Let's not forget, she wanted to enforce a no fly zone over Syria in 2016, which meant the US would be dog-fighting Russian jets.

Thank God Trump was elected and avoided that error.

Sounds like the hosts of this Russian show have their heads screwed on tighter than the Karen's on The View, or your average American public grade school teacher.

Blastfax Kudos বলেছেন...

I have never seen a picture of Maria Butina before, but before I even google imaged her I thought to myself that she probably has that fetal alcohol look so many Russians have.

I wasn't disappointed.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves বলেছেন...

HIllary is terrible... no mention of the Russian money she pocketed.

Sebastian বলেছেন...

From a Russian point of view the problem is not the monstrosity but the instability. The Clintons didn't stay bought. $500K Moscow speech, $$$ to the foundation--down the drain. Foreigners overestimate the honor of American grifters.

Kate বলেছেন...

"We came, we saw, he died." The man was raped with a broomstick and dragged through the streets. To rejoice and cackle at that is unstable.

cassandra lite বলেছেন...

'Yes, she’s a monster.' When you're right, you're right.

mezzrow বলেছেন...

Shteyngart may be my favorite watchgeek. He is almost certainly the best writer among the world's set of dedicated watchgeeks, much as John Mayer is probably the most well-known musician in that crowd. Time to go read it now.

Go read him on his watch addiction. Great stuff.

mezzrow বলেছেন...



Earnest Prole বলেছেন...

Loathing of Hillary Clinton united all the peoples of the world.

planetgeo বলেছেন...

Let's do a poll: Which is more relentlessly and shamelessly propagandistic today, Russian TV & media or American TV & media? (This is not a trick question.)

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves বলেছেন...

The View White leftists still wuv Hillary.

policraticus বলেছেন...

'What kind of monster responds to a person’s death like that?'

We might like to put a pin in whether we can justly classify Clinton's reaction as "laughign hysterically", what kind of monster doesn't respond to Muammar Qaddafi's death with some sort of satisfaction? Hysterical laughter wouldn't be my first choice, but Qaddafi's gruesome end was presaged by a lifetime of gruesome deeds. The scales rarely balance perfectly for villains like him, but this time they came kind of close.

Too bad the rest of her efforts in Libya were so blinkered and without a scintilla of compassion or courage. But, then again, this is US foreign policy we are talking about. Cold hearted cowardice and feckless bravado are our brand ambassadors.

Alexander বলেছেন...

I am glad such blatant propaganda does not take place here and when CNBC tells you that the worst states to live in are Texas, Oklahoma, Louiasiana, South Carolina, Alabama, Missouri, Indiana, Tennessee, Arkansas, and Florida, that you can take this to the bank as apolitical and disinterested FACTS.

MadisonMan বলেছেন...

I assume Shteyngart is fluent in Russian?
I find myself not caring about what Russian TV says about Hillary!

rcocean বলেছেন...

Oh haha those crazy Russians and their PROPAGANDA. Sale on Gaslights - Aisle One.

The NYT and MSM march in lockstep on every issue and American TV "Adores" Hillary Clinton. And treats Trump as the greatest villian in history. In fact, Russian TV's coverage of Hillary sounds like American TV's coverage of Trump or any other Republican/Conservative they dislike.

And the reason the Russians "adore" Trump, is he's the only major Politician that doesn't hate Putin and Russia. Trump has come out for a negotiated peace, and believes we should not have wars and get along with everyone. For that he's labeled the worst person in the world by American TV. Biden wants WW III.

Dude1394 বলেছেন...

Sounds a lot like our propaganda.

Temujin বলেছেন...

I once watched NBC for an entire evening.

Skeptical Voter বলেছেন...

A shark floating bellyup? That's an insult to honest sharks everywhere.

Bob Boyd বলেছেন...

Hillary Clinton...A shark floating belly up?

More like a remora.

"Remora spend most of their lives clinging to a host animal. It is probably a mutualistic arrangement as the remora can move around on the host, removing ectoparasites and loose flakes of skin, while benefiting from the protection provided by the host and the constant flow of water across its gills. Although it was initially believed that remoras fed off particulate matter from the host's meals, this has been shown to be false; in reality, their diets are composed primarily of host feces." - Wikipedia

tim in vermont বলেছেন...

Don’t worry, just because we have been fed a firehose of anti-Putin propaganda since Hillary blamed him for her loss, and just because Russians are now portrayed in dehumanizing terms in our media, and the Ukrainians worship a man who killed hundreds of thousands based on their non-Ukrainian ethnicity while collaborating with, well we all know who with, and just because the Ukrainians are publicly lamenting the difficulties to be encountered in removing all aspects of Russian culture from regions that have been Russian for far longer than Alaska has been American, ethnic cleansing has never crossed the minds of the allies we are arming to the teeth.

Rest assured that we are the good guys, just like we were in Libya, and Syria. Why are we in Syria again?

hombre বলেছেন...

Sounds like they got it right about Hillary. That's a step up from our leftmedia.

Ampersand বলেছেন...

I love watching old films on TCM, including the film shorts. Propaganda was everywhere. Propaganda for bourgeois values and for our American way of life. In short, propaganda I agree with. So much so that I come away thinking that propaganda is an overinclusive category. We need to make distinctions based upon the noxiousness of the message, the levels of dishonesty, and the degree of harm inflicted.

tim in vermont বলেছেন...

The thing about the Hillary quote: "We came! We saw! He died! (Cackle, guffaw)" was that this was a case where NATO invaded another country, based on a "sexed up dossier," if you will recall, and killed its leader, a country that had not invaded any country, much less, a NATO country. This is why Russia does not believe the lie that NATO is a "purely defensive alliance," because what NATO did to Khaddafy proves that it's a lie. This is why Russia doesn't want the second largest army in Europe, which has certainly proven to be a handful, to join what has been shown, not just in Libya, but in Iraq and Syria and Serbia, to be an aggressive military block bent on constant expansion. Who here doesn't think that the US would give Putin the exact same treatment, if we had the opportunity?

Here is a line from The Great Gatsby, which I think summarizes US foreign policy pretty well: "They were careless people, Tom and Daisy—they smashed up things and creatures and then retreated back into their money or their vast carelessness, or whatever it was that kept them together, and let other people clean up the mess they had made …"

It's a funny question: "Why do people stuck with the mess still perseverate on Hillary? We are done with her, we are moving on to smashing up other people's lives!"

A good question might be: "Why did the White House situation room chose to let Ambassador Stevens die?" A likely answer might be because he was working on arming ISIS, buying all of the untraceable weapons floating around Libya at that time, that he could, which we would use to create a pretext for us to invade Syria, another Russian client, like Libya. If you are fine with this kind of American imperial military adventurism, just say so, don't pretend that we have some kind of morally compelling reason, it's insulting to the intellect.

wendybar বলেছেন...

What rcocean said...@ 9:49am

gilbar বলেছেন...

the redheaded Butina, wearing an equally red blouse..

Well There You GO! Surely, we can ALL Agree; that the redheaded among us, are soulless godless DEMONS
I mean; If they're NOT evil.. WHY are They SO Attractive???

Kai Akker বলেছেন...

Article disappeared behind paywall. Did Gary say how his thingie is doing?

Big Mike বলেছেন...

Biden wants WW III.

Agreed, but has anyone told the senile old fool that he and Hunter and Jill will die in the first 15 minutes of the war? Has anyone told Jill?

gilbar বলেছেন...

Top 10 Reasons Gingers Are Your Worst Nightmare
The history of redheads and witchcraft
When people aren’t busy believing that redheads don’t have souls, or that all of them are vampires (I mean, we do avoid going outdoors a lot), they often comment about how all gingers are witches. Or perhaps it’s that all witches are ginger (we’re not too sure).

mezzrow বলেছেন...

re: propaganda

If you haven't stepped into the rabbit hole of Adam Curtis documentaries, Century Of The Self would be a nice place to start. All is explained.

It starts with Freud. Well, Freud and the Catholic church, which propagates the teachings of the Catholic faith. Faith is key. You've got to serve somebody.

Why are so many (that would be me) eating bacon and drinking orange juice at breakfast time?

Edward Bernays. What a life.

wild chicken বলেছেন...

I don't know why it heartens me to hear Russia TV loves Trump, but it does.

Robert Cook বলেছেন...

"I assume Shteyngart is fluent in Russian?"

Yes. He is from Russia.

Michael K বলেছেন...

Does anyone really care about this shit? Hillary put us through the hysteria about Trump that was all a lie.

Rabel বলেছেন...

"I am glad such blatant propaganda does not take place here and when CNBC tells you that the worst states to live in are Texas, Oklahoma, Louiasiana, South Carolina, Alabama, Missouri, Indiana, Tennessee, Arkansas, and Florida"

As a Mississippian I am greatly disappointed, crushed really, that we didn't make the list. I demand a recount!

William বলেছেন...

What with the actor's and writer's strike, television might run short of content. Pehaps Netflix could arrange for this show to be streamed here. Sounds like it's worth watching. A major network could put it on next to The View. I'm sure the ratings would be substantial. Maria Butina is more fun to watch than Andrea Mitchell and would probably work for less. There's a place for her on American television and in my heart. I'd like to see her do a whole series on women like Nancy Pelosi or Maxine Waters. Give us the Russian perspective on these women. It would be fresh and new.

tim in vermont বলেছেন...

"Meanwhile, for the United States and its NATO allies, these 18 months of war have been a strategic windfall, at relatively low cost (other than for the Ukrainians).". - David Ignatius, Washington Post.

BTW, it has also been a strategic windfall for the Russians, who have had ample time to study all of the weapons that we have sent, and to learn countermeasures which they certainly are sharing with the ChiComs. But whenever anything that looks bad for us happens, we must be sure to assure Americans that the truth of the matter is that it has been bad for the other side, not us.

Kind of like "we disabled all of the printers printing ballots in heavily Republican areas of AZ to 'save democracy' from the wrong side winning," same with not providing sufficient ballots in PA in, coincidentally mind you, heavily Republican areas of PA. It's all to save democracy from the voters.

I am pretty sure that the real reason we haven't sent ATACMS to Ukraine isn't range, the Storm Shadows have similar range, but because we don't want to expose them to Russian air defenses, allowing the Russians to come up with countermeasures, as they have with HIMARS, when we are planning on using them in our penciled in war with China. Actually, the plan was to have defeated Russia by now, and have China standing alone and cowed, with Joe Biden the new Ronaldus Magnus.

All of these benefits to the US at the minor cost of hundreds of thousands of dead and maimed.

MikeR বলেছেন...

Interesting. Sounds a lot like MSNBC.

Robert Cook বলেছেন...

"I love watching old films on TCM, including the film shorts. Propaganda was everywhere. Propaganda for bourgeois values and for our American way of life. In short, propaganda I agree with. So much so that I come away thinking that propaganda is an overinclusive category."

All publicly disseminated information is propaganda, to one degree or another, of one kind or another, consciously and unconsciously to one degree or another. Advertising and news organ editorials and op/eds are propaganda, as two omnipresent examples. The term "propaganda" has pernicious connotations, but it is simply communication intended to persuade. It can be used to inform or to deceive. Propaganda can even be truthful, yet be slanted by overemphasis of supporting data or exclusion of contrary data in order to play down or conceal negative opinions or realities of the topic under discussion. Propaganda's greatest threat is how easily it can be and how often it is hidden and appear to viewers/readers to be raw data being presented objectively.

My uncle, William Cook, founded and ran an advertising company that was, in its day, the largest ad firm in the state of Florida. His company created an ad campaign to convince tourists to vacation on the northeastern coast of Florida--Jacksonville, St. Augustine, etc.--rather than the standard southeastern coast tourist destinations--Ft. Lauderdale, Miami Beach, etc. They called the northeastern coast "the First Coast," as it is the first part of Florida one enters when driving down on the coastal route. My uncle retired years later, his company dissolved when his successors fucked up and lost the Winn Dixie account, their bread and butter account for thirty-odd years, and even more years later, "the First Coast" is still the name widely used by local businesses and a Jax TV station to identify themselves, (e.g., "First Coast News"), etc.

At one family holiday dinner, usually the only times I was in the company of my uncle, I said in conversation to him that advertising was propaganda. Other family members objected. My uncle, as hard right a Republican as one could be, (though if he were alive during his term, I believe he would have seen Trump for the ignorant liar and fool he is,) told the objectors that I was right. He was very frank that he was in the business of propaganda.

(My uncle was a big fan of Milton Friedman and hosted a dinner in Jacksonville feting Friedman, who was the attending guest of honor. On one occassion, my uncle took me to dinner when I was visiting home. He wanted to have a conversation about my views and to convince me of the "correctness" of the conservative/Republican point of view. (My family is Republican, and I was Republican from age 18 to 25.) During the discussion, he made some reference to millionaires, the particulars of which I do not recall, and I said, "Uncle Bill, I'll never be a millionaire, so their interests are not mine, and that which will benefit them will not benefit me." He accepted my remarks without disgruntlement.)

Harun বলেছেন...

Marina Butina was prosecuted as a Russian "Spy" as part of the Mueller investigation. You can read Ben Domenech or listen to Byron York's interview with her defense lawyer and learn a lot.

She basically wanted to start a Russian NRA movement, came to America, and had a Russian guy who was also a firearms freedom guy who was the head of the Russian central bank. or highly ranked...

So anyways, she wasn't a spy. Trump national security guy even dated her like once or twice. If she was a spy she'd have kept that relationship going.

Her "spying" was talking to her sponsor and explaining or translating wikipedia level shit about the NRA.

She didn't have the money for a real defense so she pled to whatever DOJ wanted for a "Russian scalp" and then she was deported.

So now she's in Russia, and they offer her media jobs. So she takes them. Her life was in ruins, why not?

So yeah, she can hate Hillary because she launched Russiagate and fucked her life up.

Tina Trent বলেছেন...

Russian tv has a weirdly clownish tone. The news shows disintegrate into shouting. The emphasis on personal stories of despair and suffering are a holdover from earlier eras of propaganda (you can get a Ph.D. in Propaganda in Russia). Propaganda isn't even an unpopular idea. It's hard to understand the relationship between a typical Russian viewer and what they think of their news. Many generations of communism and post-communism has left much less ambition to oppose the state than we should hope.

What's weirder was the long-term willingness of mainstream leftist American journalists to embrace RT, Putin's official propaganda/demoralization channel in the U.S. Even elite leftist journalists like Ed Schultz, Thom Hartmann, and Larry King marched to Putin's orders on RT not so long ago.

MB বলেছেন...

Did he give evidence that Russian television adores Trump? If showing a clip of him = adoration, I will have to reassess my views of how our news media feels about Trump. They have shown endless clips of him and quote him or talk about him frequently. I would not have called it adoration.

Harun বলেছেন...

On a more geopolitical note, you know...maybe Putin really doesn't like Hillary.

Hillary set up an entire fake dossier, fake yotaphone, fake internet pings, media storyline where RUSSIA and PUTIN were cast as the bad guys who had a manchurian candidate in Trump.

Do you think Putin was cool with those lies? Do you think it's okay for America to act like the KGB does? Hillary used our reputation as good guys and abused it.

So, yes, maybe they do "focus" on Hillary.

Really, people should think more deeply on Hillary and the democrats using lies, slander, faked up documents, to spread lies about Trump and RUSSIA. Gee, do you think Trump did worse in foreign relations when every country he deals with worries he's a Russian spy and maybe will be impeached?

Gee, doesn't that sound like a really bad crime against the American people?

But Hillary and all her cronies get a total pass. "not guilty" of lying to the FBI because the FBI was okay with being lied to...LOL.

Jimmy বলেছেন...

The so called elites, of both parties and of Russia produce propaganda that is effective-but it seems people are finally waking up.
Both US and Russia propaganda tries to justify pointless wars.
Trumps election in 16 destroyed HRC, and probably kept us out of many conflicts. I believe one of the reasons he is hated is that he refuses to go along with the cheerleading for war, followed by the big money contracts.
HRC could easily take the place of the women mentioned in the article, as they both expect us to deny what we see and hear.

The rule of Lemnity বলেছেন...

How do these media types sleep at night charging “propaganda” elsewhere, when whistleblower after whistleblower (with the frequency only outmatched by Trump indictments) come forward alleging the preferencial treatment towards the Bidens, not to mention the cocaine coverup.

How can you watch television for days “when all the time there is a plank in your own eye?”

Begs the question, which propaganda is worse?

The one where Putin spins American politics, the Americans interfering in their dispute with Ukraine? or the one where Americans spins everything towards their narratives.

donald বলেছেন...

The United States either committed to or forced deals with Ukraine and Libya to eliminate their nuclear stocks under the guise of protection for Ukraine and a pass to Khaddafi as long as he got off the world stage. The US violated the Libyan deal almost immediately under the evil and corrupt Obama regime and is now paying off the not so massive bribes when you consider the results that Ukrainian oligarchs and political players payed to the Biden’s and other criminally corrupt political figures not named Donald Trump. All of this has happened and anybody with an average IQ knows it.

No serious country will ever make deals with these people again. These people are the United States of America and the entire scumbag organization of NATO.

Jupiter বলেছেন...

'A shark floating belly up?'

Lately, she looks more like an abandoned sofa.

Yancey Ward বলেছেন...

I would say that is a remarkably accurate description of Shelob Clinton. Much better than you will ever get from US mainstream media which still adores that bitch.

Tina Trent বলেছেন...

Russian tv has a weirdly clownish tone. The news shows disintegrate into shouting. The emphasis on personal stories of despair and suffering are a holdover from earlier eras of propaganda (you can get a Ph.D. in Propaganda in Russia). Propaganda isn't even an unpopular idea. It's hard to understand the relationship between a typical Russian viewer and what they think of their news. Many generations of communism and post-communism has left much less ambition to oppose the state than we should hope.

What's weirder was the long-term willingness of mainstream leftist American journalists to embrace RT, Putin's official propaganda/demoralization channel in the U.S. Even elite leftist journalists like Ed Schultz, Thom Hartmann, and Larry King marched to Putin's orders on RT not so long ago.

Narr বলেছেন...

La Butina, who attempted to penetrate the American power elite by hanging out at gunshows and NRA meetups. She was all over MSNBCIAFBI+ back in the day.

Nobody should shed a tear for Quadaffy; OTOH Libya, Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan and Somalia are sufficient proof to me that Muslims in the main don't really care about human rights or democracy and our invasions and interventions have been fools' errands.

As for propaganda regimes, I'm old enough to remember when the US media was clearly more independent than the Russian, just as the US model of modernity was clearly preferable to the USSR's.

Since then the two systems have converged; it's probably still a little easier for an American or Westerner to find the truth, but that's no thanks to either the American party system or the American media.

Jupiter বলেছেন...

"Reade didn't sue Biden for defamation."

No. She just fled to Russia. I guess she didn't think she would be safe in an American courtroom, or indeed, anywhere the American legal system might be able to get at her. I have to say, I am beginning to feel the same way. The courts seem to be going the way of the universities, only more so.

Narr বলেছেন...

I read as much of the Shteyngart piece as the site allowed--about through Day 2 of his ordeal.
What he described didn't sound much worse than what one can find here if one bothers to look.

He clutches his pearls a lot.

Narr বলেছেন...

I rest easy that the "Ten Worst States" list will keep a lot of undesirable people from moving here.

Tina Trent বলেছেন...

Can't disagree with Narr's assessment. We don't even need to admit foreign infiltrators to do the propaganda work Americans once refused to do.

Big Mike বলেছেন...

I’m convinced that ”Hillary goes away” is just a pipe dream.

Yancey Ward বলেছেন...

"Lately, she looks more like an abandoned sofa."

That sofa is probably considering a third run for President as Biden melts away.

Yancey Ward বলেছেন...

"I rest easy that the "Ten Worst States" list will keep a lot of undesirable people from moving here."

Yeah, you don't want to move to Tennessee if you are in the northeast or the west coast- the insects are the size of small birds the size of large birds, we drink from the crick, it is 120 degrees every day with 150% humidity, and the banjo music would drive you nuts. For your own good, stay away.

Candide বলেছেন...

“Wait, what? Who still cares about Hillary Clinton?”

That is what we used to hear about Joe Biden, all the way until 2020. You never know how low Dems will go.

gilbar বলেছেন...

i have to admit.. I was ALL WRONG!
i just watched Dr Weevil's video, where he explains How Awesome the Ukraine is.. And i'm SOLD!
Far be it for be to pretend not to have been on the wrong side.. i WAS, and Dr Weevil was RIGHT!
My apologies Dr Weevil! GO UKRAINE!!!

Dr Weevil বলেছেন...

tim in vermont (10:17am) demonstrates his historical ignorance once again by calling Libya "a country that had not invaded any country, much less, a NATO country". Wikipedia has a long and fascinating article on the 'Chadian-Libyan War', which describes the "four separate Libyan interventions in Chad, taking place in 1978, 1979, 1980–1981 and 1983–1987". Libya supported Chadian rebels and tried to annex a strip along the border and turn the whole country into a client state and Islamic Republic. France supported the Chadian government, so Libya was certainly fighting a NATO ally. Libya lost in the end, because the previously-divided Chadians (including the amusingly-named GUNT party) united against him. Rather like Ukraine, come to think of it, which is far more united and hostile to Russia than it was before they invaded.

Michael K বলেছেন...

Trumps election in 16 destroyed HRC, and probably kept us out of many conflicts. I believe one of the reasons he is hated is that he refuses to go along with the cheerleading for war, followed by the big money contracts.

I agree. I've been reading "Lightning Fall" a novel about how an EMP plus a terrorist nuke in New Orleans devastate the country. One aspect is that the president in the novel is a thinly disguised Hillary Clinton and her gross errors help to destroy the country.

Candide বলেছেন...

Narr said, “I read as much of the Shteyngart piece as the site allowed--about through Day 2 of his ordeal.”

I was able to read the whole thing, it pains a hopelessly dismal picture with not a single shred of anything positive or entertaining to see on Russian TV. Apparently, there were no travel, cooking or funny animals shows aired on Russian TV for 5 days straight according to Shteyngart, so we can assume it is State propaganda 365/24/7.

wendybar বলেছেন...

American propaganda gave us THIS...

BIDEN: "How many time you read in inflat—that a recession's comin'? They'ven wall street today said no you'll don't say resheck comin' now!"


Dr Weevil বলেছেন...

With opponents like 'gilbar', who needs allies? He could deliver the same message to nearly as many people by putting an 'Asshole behind wheel' bumpersticker on his car, and it would be a lot less work.

Original Mike বলেছেন...

Blogger Harun said...
"On a more geopolitical note, you know...maybe Putin really doesn't like Hillary.

Hillary set up an entire fake dossier, fake yotaphone, fake internet pings, media storyline where RUSSIA and PUTIN were cast as the bad guys who had a manchurian candidate in Trump.

Do you think Putin was cool with those lies?"

A good point I rarely (never?) see discussed. Hillary's hoax has significant foreign policy ramifications. That woman is evil personified.

Original Mike বলেছেন...

"A so-called expert on America is produced to diagnose Hillary’s early years: 'She wore big glasses, she had terrible teeth, and then she threw herself at Bill Clinton.'...""

I am here to defend Hillary's honor. As far as I have been able to determine, she did not have terrible teeth.

Readering বলেছেন...

If only things had turned out differently in 2016 and we could be enjoying term 1 of a Tim Kaine presidency now.

Rocco বলেছেন...

Narr said...
“I read as much of the Shteyngart piece as the site allowed--about through Day 2 of his ordeal.”

By the standards of Russian novels, that’s barely half way through the prologue.

Mary Beth বলেছেন...

I wasn't disappointed.

7/20/23, 8:51 AM

I think you're seeing what you want to see. She does not show signs of FAS.

tim in vermont বলেছেন...

“A hunt has been declared on collaborators and their life is not protected by law,” fulminated Anton Gerashchenko, an advisor to the Ukrainian Interior Ministry, in October 2022. “Our intelligence services are eliminating them, shooting them like pigs.”

What do you suppose really happened at Bucca? Who cares! Hooray for our side!

Robert Cook বলেছেন...

"I rest easy that the 'Ten Worst States' list will keep a lot of undesirable people from moving here."

What about all the undesirable people native to these states?

Robert Cook বলেছেন...

I happened by chance on this YouTube video just a few minutes ago. It is shockingly pertinent to today.

donald বলেছেন...

She definitely had terrible teeth. That was one ugly broad. With that screeching horrible demeanor she must have blown Bill every ducking g day till they got married. Though it’s true, that he has never been discriminating about what hole he’d stick his heroes infested sick in.

tim in vermont বলেছেন...

"France supported the Chadian government, so Libya was certainly fighting a NATO ally"

The admissions that come from these kinds of "refutations" are far better than anything I could say. NATO invaded a sovereign country because France's colonial interests in Chad were threatened. This is the "purely defensive alliance" that wants to subsume a huge army on Russia's borders into its military bloc, at the same time as Biden and Lindsay Graham are calling for Putin's ouster and murder. But this can in no way be interpreted as a provocation, oh no, Russia's intervention in Ukraine's civil war, which has been going on since the US backed coup in 2014, is totally "unprovoked."

lonejustice বলেছেন...

Blogger wild chicken said...I don't know why it heartens me to hear Russia TV loves Trump, but it does.

It's not just Russian TV that loves Trump. It's North Korean TV, Turkish TV, Syrian TV, a lot of Chinese TV, Palestinian TV, I could go on and on. Do you notice a trend?

lonejustice বলেছেন...

Russian propaganda loves Trump. North Korean propaganda loves Trump. Chinese propaganda loves Trump. Turkey (Erdogan) loves Trump. Syrian propaganda loves Trump. I'm seeing a trend here.

Jupiter বলেছেন...

"That sofa is probably considering a third run for President as Biden melts away."

Better put some new casters on the thing. Maybe get it reupholstered, too. And they're going to need a bigger van to throw it into like a sack of beets.

Eva Marie বলেছেন...

Blastfax Kudos said...
“I have never seen a picture of Maria Butina before, but before I even google imaged her I thought to myself that she probably has that fetal alcohol look so many Russians have.
I wasn’t disappointed.”
Thank you for pointing that out. I googled the signs and then I looked at her photos. So sad.

Narr বলেছেন...

"What about all the undesirable people native to those states?"

They can leave if they want.

Dr Weevil বলেছেন...

I have never in any way supported or approved of what Hillary and Obama did to Libya. I simply corrected a shameful historical error that 'tim in vermont' made (5:54pm). I note in his reply that he's too busy trashing NATO and neo-colonialism to give a damn what the Chadians want, though I already told him that the Libyan invasions ceased when all the Chadian factions united against them. Apparently they thought France's "colonial interests" were a lesser evil than Libyan invasions, and they would know: they live there.

An honest man would have said something like "Oops! I forgot Chad. But . . ." instead of pretending that he hadn't screwed up.

Of course, the Ukrainian war was never a civil war, it was a Russian invasion even in 2014, as the man who led it (Igor Girkin) openly acknowledges. Nor was there any kind of coup: it was a popular uprising against an elected leader who revealed himself to be traitorous Russian puppet and shot people who objected. (He's living in Russia right now, hoping Putin will make him his lap-dog gauleiter, like Lukashenko.)

Freeman Hunt বলেছেন...

He could watch American TV for five days. Then he could see equally stupid "news" about more current people, 97 crime shows of poor quality, 23 comedies without laughs, and a variety of series where people cry about something and the host paints their living room or gives them a stove.

There's also a channel on at the barbershop that seems to be all Matlock and The Waltons.

Dr Weevil বলেছেন...

As for what happened at "Bucca" (5:46pm), it's spelled Bucha, and we know what happened: Russian troops murdered and tortured hundreds of civilians and raped dozens more. There are hundreds of witnesses, testimonies, photographs, and videos, and the only "evidence" that the Russians didn't do it is that they (a) deny it and (b) accuse the Ukrainians of somehow faking it or committing the murders and rapes and tortures themselves. Apparently that's enough for some anti-Ukrainian bigots and damned fools (two groups that naturally overlap).

Drago বলেছেন...

LLR lonejustice: "Russian propaganda loves Trump. North Korean propaganda loves Trump. Chinese propaganda loves Trump. Turkey (Erdogan) loves Trump. Syrian propaganda loves Trump. I'm seeing a trend here."

The russia russia russia lefties/LLR lefties will never relinquish their moronic talking points.

They spent too many years invested in the lies to walk away now.

The above is a good example of that.

Yancey Ward বলেছেন...

"If only things had turned out differently in 2016 and we could be enjoying term 1 of a Tim Kaine presidency now."

That's like enjoying your colostomy bag after surviving a 8 year battle with rectal cancer.

glacial erratic বলেছেন...

So far, I don't see anything to disagree with regard to that assessment.

Blair বলেছেন...

That... sounds... AWESOME. I wish we had this sort of TV. Probably Gutfeld is the only thing that comes close.

Big Mike বলেছেন...

I am here to defend Hillary's honor. As far as I have been able to determine, she did not have terrible teeth.

@Orginal Mike, actually she was bucktoothed.

Big Mike বলেছেন...

What about all the undesirable people native to those states?

Committees of Vigilance?

Tina Trent বলেছেন...

Lonejustice: untrue. The propaganda networks of these states all have one goal: to sow division and demoralization. They'll switch sides when it suits them, and they all have different entities to appeal to different political factions in their targets. This makes for some quite odd bedfellows, such as Cynthia McKinney and Ron Paul teaming up using Iranian money funneled to them through Thierry Meyssan's Voltaire Network, which equally targets American Marxists and libertarians.

We do much of the same with our foreign propaganda outlets, regardless of which Party controls the White House. It's amazing that people like you fall for part of this story in such a childish way, over and over and over, but you have plenty of company, especially among journalists and academicians. Now let's talk about all the folks from MSNBC who became mouthpieces for Putin.

Original Mike বলেছেন...

"@Orginal Mike, actually she was bucktoothed."

Oh. I couldn't see that in the pictures.