If wokeness survives Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis’s hourly onslaughts (which DeSantis might not survive; talking smack about Bud Light is unpresidential), a President Burgum would not regard fighting it as part of his job description. He would be a presidential rarity, acknowledging the 10th Amendment. (“The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution … are reserved to the states respectively, or to the people.”) Cultural issues are, he says, irrelevant to presidential duties
Burgum looks pretty good despite RINO George's approval. However, "Cultural issues are, he says, irrelevant to presidential duties," is nonsense. They are perhaps incidental, but not irrelevant.
Cultural issues are irrelevant to presidential duties?
Only in the vacuum, est. 1964, that has taken the place of George's thinking since Trump appeared. While technically speaking the zeitgeist doesn't have a cabinet position, there hasn't been an election since '64 in which the culture hasn't figured prominently in electoral politics and the coverage thereof.
George used to be a legitimate thinker whose thinking was also informed by reality.
My favorite too. Super smart and down to earth. I suspect that competence and a desire to talk about the future will not sell in today's GOP. Burgum has a solid understanding of what is most important, and of limitations on presidential powers.
Credibility problem George Will has. He tries to dismiss DeSantis by making light of one of the largest political battlefields of our time. No criticism for the President and Democrats obsessed about the same issues?
What a turd…
Guy sounds great. True conservative.
Hope he works hard in support of Trump's election.
Sorry never heard of Burgum and don’t see a need to invest. Does he know how to balance a checkbook or ever seen the inside of an economics classroom? He’d have my support if it mattered…
"Cultural issues are, he says, irrelevant to presidential duties."
The reincarnation of Howard Taft. Mr. Burgum, please join us in this century, if you please.
Althouse; just whose fault is it, that a presidential candidate like Doug Burgum has no hope in this dysfunctional Republican Party?
There have been hundreds of times, places and reasons for Republicans and Republican leaders to have taken an off-ramp from Trump. But they chose not to.
Doug Burgum doesn't like Trump, but Burgum says that if Trump is the Republican nominee, then Burgum would vote for him.
I'm happy to take a look at Burgum, but Will's attention moves the needle in the wrong direction.
Free advertising exists in social media. Where is this guy? It's really not that hard to generate eyeballs. He doesn't need to do pushups at Venice Beach with his shirt off.
Oh yeah that’s great! Remember the great boost in the polls Bob Dole got from talking about the 10th Amendment and waving around his pocket copy of the Constitution? Good times man. Good times.
Chuck please remind us of all the successes your GOPe has had over the last 20 years. Besides helping to sabotage Trump and the 90% of us registered R members who support him. We all know losing is your passion when you’re not too busy threatening women.
My recollection is that Will's wife is a Republican political consultant, and that he tends to write favorably about her clients.
The Bud Light boycott was one of the most successful conservative political actions in recent memory. Will should be trying to learn from it rather than reflexively dismissing it.
I think of myself as a political junkie, with emphasis on the Republican Party. I’ve heard of Burgum, but I don’t know where he stands on economic issues, much less fighting wokeness or restoring the US military. If he’s not getting his message out to someone like me, how will he get it out to low information voters?
The last three presidents, a pot-head, a man who had never held an elected office and a doddering crime boss, show that practically anyone can be president. Doug Burgum would do fine. He looks a little like Judd Hirsch, so that should help.
I recall George Will being a better writer, back before Trump came along.
"talking smack about Bud Light is unpresidential"
Now do Joe.
"acknowledging the 10th Amendment"
So, no bailouts for blue states either, correct?
"Cultural issues are, he says, irrelevant to presidential duties"
WTF? Progs fight, and he won't fight back? Culture denial is a myopic ostrich strategy. It just means you want to surrender in the culture war.
It's also stupid. All political issues are in part cutural issues. Example: should the feds make student loans, and if they make them, should there be any forgiveness? Climate change: should we give up progress and lower the standard of living for the sake of "saving the planet"? Judges: they'll have to weigh in on some "cultural" issues--so what's his take? why do I get a sense that he'll pick nice "moderates" like Souter, O'Connor, etc.?
It's also fundamentally wrong. Right now, the biggest political issue is the biggest cultural issue of all: what kind of country does he want to lead--a country with an actual culture of its own, rooted in the Declaration and the Constitution and actual patriotism, or one that gets devastated from within and invaded from without?
George Will says: “talking smack about Bud Light is unpresidential.”
What about taking smack? What about bags of cocaine in the White House?
Will’s a comedian.
I understand the paper editors write the opinion headlines.
Maybe not.
We all love that obscure governor of a faraway state!
I remember when it was Sarah Palin.
The woke nightmare must be ridiculed, demonized, harpooned, mocked and smashed ... and dealt with like you're fighting the Nazis or the Soviets.
"Cultural issues are, he says, irrelevant to presidential duties"
Technically, yes, but that boat sailed a long time ago, and shifted to center stage, and the only thing that counts, with Obama.
George Will still has a column? Who’d of thought.
He has read Walter Isaacson’s book “The Code Breaker,” about DNA, gene-editing and the possibility of pharmacological and other medical wonders.
He read a book! He's smart! Vote for him!
That said - the bud-light thing collapsed all on its own. DeSantis didn't need and doesn't need to do anything on that front. Let it be.
fight the battles worth winning. fight with precision.
I'll take a look at Burgum if you say he's interesting, but to suggest that the culture wars are not deployed explicitly and primarily by governmental agencies and most especially the Executive Branch is absurd.
Name one front on the culture war that did not emerge from our federal bureaucracy nor is officially fueled and sustained by it.
Ideally, this guy should be president.
But, how does he answer the debate question of how does he plan to unwind Social Security and Medicare?
We can't keep these 2 programs going if we're going to unwind Medicaid, Federal control of Education, the FBI, and a zillion other programs that the feds run but per the Constitution have no business in.
He can be President of Dakota forever. If Global Warming makes it livable, I'll be the first to move there and support his administration- it's been pretty warm here in Texas, what with it being July and all.
Being 'presidential' and The President have no overlap in the Venn diagram.
Does he take the Tenth Amendment literally, on its face? If he does, he is then in favor of abolishing every cabinet-level department except Defense, State, the Post Office, and Treasury.
Since, you know, those other responsibilities not mentioned in the Constitution are "reserved to the states, respectively, or the people".
Possibly, in the ashes, President Burgum could lead us forward. It will require an apocalypse to bring it about, to force us into the wisdom to choose him. Until then, the circus will be in session.
Hasn't George Will be writing about the "coarsening of the culture" for like 30 years? For someone who says cultural issues are irrelevant to the presidency, he is a political writer who has spilled a lot of ink complaining about them.
All this negativity - too bad. The Only Trumpers are determined to give us a rerun of Trump vs. Biden, which means four more years of Biden's handlers doing... whatever they want.
I understand the appeal of Trump, and I voted for him in 2020. But he is a sure loser, like his endorsed candidates. Here in Arizona, the Only Trumpers gave us a bunch of losers in very winnable races. I don't know what good it does to feel righteous and pure while giving the Democratic party exactly the opponents it wants.
“Free advertising exists in social media. Where is this guy?”
Why he’s right here on Althouse. Did you not get your $19?
George Will's still alive?
"Here in Arizona, the Only Trumpers gave us a bunch of losers in very winnable races"
You could have had Kari Lake for governor, a very popular, attractive and conservative candidate. Her opponent pulled the Biden Basement campaign, refused to debate, and still "won". Trump's fault? What did you do to get Republican candidates elected? ...BTW, Trump's endorsed candidates won about >90% of their races. What have you been doing to root out voter fraud in Arizona? Let me guess- nothing except complains about Trump. Chump.
Cultural issues in the military are irrelevant to Presidential duties?
I think not.
I just want to beat the corrupt mob Biden family left.
I really don't care how we do it. I do know the dick-stepper who never drained the swamp is probably not the person to do it. *Q the bed wetting.
Chuck - what do you care? You are a loyal democrat now. You are a loyal Biden supporting /corruption excusing morally bankrupt leftist loyalist.
you of all people should be delighted the GOP is .in your words... "dysfunctional."
Among Republican candidates these days, being endorsed by George Will is probably considered the next best thing to a Richard Simmons endorsement.
I like that Vivek Ramaswamy and Doug Burgum are in this thing. Along with DeSantis they are some of the brightest people we've had running for high office in some time. That said, I have been a huge DeSantis fan, but am growing weary of his shooting himself in the foot, or...worse, being right but not clear on defending himself from nationally orchestrated (and Trump orchestrated) attacks. He's got to get better at it. much is yet to unfold. Still too early to declare it for Trump, or to say DeSantis is done, or that no one else has a chance. These are strange times. With the help of social media, and especially with X/Twitter opened up now, people can catch fire. I'm ready to see how this unfolds.
And I will say that if Trump ends up getting it, I'll vote for him. I haven't voted for a Democrat since 1972 and see less reason to do so every month. It's a horrid grouping of people with bad ideas. But...I would prefer Ramaswamy, DeSantis, or Burgum over Trump if I could.
George used to be a legitimate thinker whose thinking was also informed by reality.
I am old enough to remember when George criticized Reagan's tax cuts saying that "the American people are not over taxed".
Slavery was a cultural issue. Some states liked it, others did not.
How long has it been since George Will was relevant? He's a living fossil.
When George Will endorsed Barack Obama, was it for policy reasons or cultural reasons?
Wow, Althouse thinks a mention in George Will's column is "high-level attention."
Swell, the culture war's Neville Chamberlain. Jus what is needed...NOT!
Obama was entrenched in the culture war on day one, and remains so. His "Navigator" army is still very active.
Burgum has been active in Iowa, and I've received at least 4 different good looking fliers in the mail from him. But then I live in Iowa, which has the first in the nation caucus, and North Dakota isn't very far away.
Those right of center folks who have declined neutralism should support the Republican presidential candidate who has the best shot at winning the general election. The silver medal is the booby prize. Burgum's virtues have only selective appeal.
Isn't this the joker that offered to send out $20 to people donating $1 to his cause? Yeah...... Sounds like a real conservative. Lessee, which party is it that nurtures as reputation of handing out free money, again?
The “we must avoid a rematch” argument is strange. It would be a historic first, usually the kind of thing progs get excited over. And the anti-rematch energy seems strongest on the D side where they appear to fear that rematch more than my side. Chuck’s and Cucks (Lincoln Projection Project) excepted of course. Nobody fears Biden. We fear the fraudulent tactics from 2020 being reinvented for 2024 and let’s face it, if it’s not addressed by the GOP then our nominee is a moot point. If it’s addressed halfassed as Chuck and his friends prefer then we better have an energetic fighter who can swell that momentum down the stretch. One guy has the momentum and is actually growing stronger with every deep state attack on him.
Show me where I’m wrong.
Here is the guy, I'd Never heard of.. He is LITERALLY a CIA operative.
WATCH: GOP presidential candidate, Trump critic Will Hurd booed off stage at Iowa event
Hurd declared Trump was running for president to 'stay out of prison'
Hurd said: "The reason Donald Trump lost the election in 2020 is he failed to grow the GOP brand"
I'm NOT SURE, that The Point of running for President should be to "grow the GOP Brand"
Hurd, a former CIA agent, launched his presidential campaign in June amid Trump's continued dominance in the GOP race. He has said he would not sign a pledge to support the eventual 2024 Republican nominee.
With luck, we will NEVER Hear of this deep stater again.
Burgum is as good a candidate as any other mostly blank slate you can project your wishes on.
I've been seeing ads for one Perry Johnson. He is even more obscure than Burgum; perhaps the George Will spotlight will fall on him at some point.
Will was one of the few regular commenters who could be considered erudite, and could usually find an apt quote or example for his little homilies. He dropped from my sight back in Bush the Lesser's day, and in '16 he lost me completely by endorsing Hillary.
He could have kept his mouth shut, but chose to throw in with the Blob. Probably persuaded dozens of Real Conservatives(tm) to vote for her, too.
lonejustice claimed...
I live in Iowa, which has the first in the nation caucus, and North Dakota isn't very far away.
Spoken like a person that has NEVER EVEN BEEN to Iowa. (maybe he's thinking that Nor Dak is SoDak?
Let's ask Google Maps.
Des Moines (the middle of Iowa), to Bismarck; is 670 miles
That's like Des Moines to Columbus Ohio (648mi).
What's the closest town in Iowa, to the Closest town in North Dakota?
Seems like, maybe Larchwood Ia, to Hankison ND (209 mi). That's the EXTREME NW corner of iowa, to the EXTREME SE corner of nor dak; and Neither are towns I've ever heard of
I guess, when you live in Detroit, these things are confusing.
Swell, the culture war's Neville Chamberlain.
I've always viewed Will as more like the American version of those House of Lords fops, his only connection to reality being the umbilical cord of political crap created by those nerds that disappear into Washington 'law firms' most weekday mornings...
Oh! It's George Will. As in ;"The hoi poloi must never voice an opinion that differs with mine and I must insure they never will." George Will?
"I've always viewed Will as more like the American version of those House of Lords fops, his only connection to reality being the umbilical cord of political crap created by those nerds that disappear into Washington 'law firms' most weekday mornings..."
Excellent analogy. I'll see you and raise you a Lord Haw Haw (real name William Brook Joyce), the infamous British nazi collaborator who was the voice of "Germany Calling, Germany Calling" during the war and subsequently executed.
Will getting compared to Chamberlain is too good for him. He's a foppishly foppish fop like Lord Haw Haw.
Two comments, each making false accusations about George Will presidential endorsements:
Bob Boyd said...
When George Will endorsed Barack Obama, was it for policy reasons or cultural reasons?
Narr said...
...He dropped from my sight back in Bush the Lesser's day, and in '16 he lost me completely by endorsing Hillary.
Will was a registered Republican through '16. In 2016, he voted a write-in; for Ben Sasse, he vaguely and laughingly recalled. He did not endorse or vote for Mrs. Clinton. He wrote a column in April of 2016, anticipating a possible Clinton victory and suggesting that she must be only a one-term president.
And Will never endorsed Barack Obama in either of his presidential campaigns.
Where do you shit heads get misinformation like this?
Anyone who actually takes the 10th Amendment seriously would dismantle about 75 percent of the Federal government, which means they would not survive being elected.
Hold the Phone..
a President Burgum would not regard fighting it as part of his job description.
So he's an unknown Mitt Romney clone. I don't think most Republicans want more candidates that won't fight.
George Will is an out-of-touch, DC insider, and all-around loser. His endorsement is literally the kiss of death.
Will loves Gov Bumstead because he'll "bring the country together" and wont fight. Except the his unwillingness to fight, just means the Republicans wont fight back. The Democrats will keep on fighting. And the D's will win by default on every issue.
WHen the D's control the House they impeach the R POTUS. When the R's control the House they "reach the aisle" Then the R's control the Senate, the D's block, delay, and filibuster. When the D's control the Senate, the R's "reach accross the aisle". THe D's trash every SCOTUS nominee made by a R President. It turns into a massive no-holds barred battle. The R's just rubber stamp every D nominee no matter how leftwing.
If you like what you have now, except you like cutting social security and tax cuts for the rich, nominate Governor Bumstead.
And talking about old boomers and their dying grip on power. Why is George Will still have a column? I haven't read the guy in 25 years.
Typical Republican loser talk:
We need to stop wasting time talking about cultural issues and focus on the important issues"
Sorry, Republican loser guy. Lots of working and lower middle class voters don't care about "Beating those damn russkies" or "keeping our defense strong to own the Chicoms" or "Cutting capital gains". They care about cultural issues, and if the R's are going to leave those off the table, they will stay home or vote D.
The R party is full of losers who just want to cut social security and work with the Democrats to send Billions to the middle east and ukraine. They're such losers they don't even understand they need ALLIES. Or that the R party win as a COLITION of main street and wall street. Nope, they rather lose and hope their rich buddies in the D party give them tax cuts.
And I will say that if Trump ends up getting it, I'll vote for him. I haven't voted for a Democrat since 1972 and see less reason to do so every month. It's a horrid grouping of people with bad ideas. But...I would prefer Ramaswamy, DeSantis, or Burgum over Trump if I could.
Trump has a record of accomplishment but is hated by the Left. DeSantis does but on a state level and mostly cultural issues. I like Vivek but as VP. Burgum is an unknown.
I voted for Johnson in 1964 because I thought Goldwater wasn't serious. I have regretted that vote ever since.
Q: no one brings up Ninth Amendment > Why?
isn't the numbering of Amendments significant in any way??
Rights are retained : to grant and delegate and reserve powers
Military recruitment is plummeting.
That’s a cultural issue.
Bergen is Mitt Romney Redux and George Will is a Me Generation dump your first wife for a younger second wife asshole.
So when Burgum says We Need to Be Less Divisive he is addressing a cultural issue.
“Let us help one another” is a cultural issue.
Why does anyone fall for the Bullshit that Burgum spews.
When a tornado wiped out a town Burgum will come to the podium and say “FEMA is working with state and local authorities to provide assistance. That is all I can say in the matter. Offering condolences to the victims and their families is a Cultural Issue beyond the Purview of the Presidency.”
Fuck this guy.
“Favorite of the GOP candidates?” That’s about as useful as having a “favorite of the Soviet Politburo.” Or a favorite reichsminister. No need bothering to have a favorite from among such conformist authoritarian dullards.
Burgum’s basic claim to non-fame is that he’s the typical “blow-dried” Republicon (as Perot would call them) who wants to keep shoving down American throats the same tax giveaways to billionaires and the rich that they’ve pushed for decades without going anywhere or doing anything useful for the American people. I guess that works in a primitive starter economy based in extraction industries like North Dakotastan or wherever he’s from. But the mature economies and larger American society that his unpopulated frontier petro-state relies on to prop them up have more sophisticated needs. If policy made any difference to you at all, you’d see that.
So what was it about him that did it for you? His glib ability to to talk in circles without any substance? His rakish resemblance to a stock character from a 1970s soap opera show? Unresolved daddy issues that can only be met by the most generic mannish sort of any given bunch? What, exactly?
Forgive me for being glad that I don’t have to seek political inspiration from Old Spice commercials.
The amount of immigration in the US is a Cultural Issue.
The amount we spend on Social Security, Medicare, the Military is a Cultural Issue.
No more Boomer Presidents.
“Military recruitment is plummeting.“
That’s good. Younger Americans have woken up and would rather do something for their own country that’s crumbled apart under decades of conservative GOP misrule than be dropped into foreign countries to randomly blow up for no reason.
Hope you come to terms with the less violent, less selfish America that they’d like to see. Maybe if you scheduled a $10 crew cut appointment with the barber it could help you cope. Kind of like the way women go to salons when their self esteem is low.
Nice of Chuckster to drop by to pick at low hanging fruit while very Biden-like completely ignoring the fact he still represents the rump of the party. We’re all aware more like him are in DC than Rs who are more like the base, the 80-90% of our party that have supported Trump. We know you. We know McConell and Rove. They are the problem not the solution.
The violent crime rate is higher now under Gen Z than it was under Gen X.
These “kids” are more violent.
All the Big Cities are run by Dems.
The schools are shit and crime is high.
I know these facts don't penetrate your White Karen Suburbia Life but these are the facts.
Instead of bitching about the useless GOP, go join the Philly Police Department. They have a shortage of cops and could use a High-minded Progressive like yourself to protect The Community.
Or go teach in the LA School System.
The “we must avoid a rematch” argument is strange
it does have whiff of a stench of 'once and future king' dynastic house continuity!!
also what better way to stiff in your face to spirits of Rocky and Rambo etc.
Who reads Will columns anymore when one can go on Truth Social any time and read 45 throwing some more poop against the wall?
I believe the proper quote is, "I serve as a blank screen on which people of vastly different political stripes project their own views."
Mike (MJB Wolf) said...
Nice of Chuckster to drop by to pick at low hanging fruit...
I trust that is your way of conceding that I was right.
Mike, I addressed those stupid claims about George Will because they were so clearly wrong (and such typically ignorant TrumpWing bullshitting), and because this is a blog post bearing the "George Will" subject tag. I now understand that you agree that my corrective comment was accurate, and the "low hanging" trash talk about Will having endorsed Obama and Clinton was false.
Commenters on this page should talk about the posted subjects. Doug Burgum and George Will. I'm not engaging with you on any other generalities because I don't want to; I don't care what you think, or convincing you to think anything else. Althouse wants her commenters to avoid the personal and stick to the blog-post subject matters.
From a PBS (WQED) redux on Doug Burgum's campaign announcement:
North Dakota Gov. Doug Burgum announced 2024 Presidential run
"In a video updated for the kick-off event, Burgum portrayed himself as a common-sense, rural state conservative, distinctly experienced in energy policy and far removed from the bitter war of words between Trump and DeSantis as the campaign heats up.
“Let’s get things done. In North Dakota, we listen with respect, and we talk things out. That’s how we can get America back on track,” Burgum says in the video, which features breathtaking vistas from across North Dakota.
The laws he signed this year include banning abortion with few exceptions up to six weeks’ gestation. Other laws prohibit schools and government agencies from requiring their employees to refer to transgender people by the pronouns they use, as well as barring transgender girls and women from competing in women’s sports.
His video also touched subtly on his opposition to “woke” ideology, a catch-all term that conservatives use to denigrate policies or ideas that acknowledge the existence of social injustice and racial inequality.
“I grew up in a tiny town in North Dakota,” Burgum said. “Woke was what you did at 5 a.m. to start the day.”"
Lord Haw Haw was actually born in America but raised in Ireland, not British at all.
George Effing Will, the guy who have NEVER worn blue jeans (his claim, not mine), about 100 years old ... and look how hip he is: "... talking SMACK."
LOLOLOLOL. I remember when this fossil discovered the punctuated statement meme of using periods between each word for emphasis. He. Is. An. Idiot.
Mike, I addressed those stupid claims about George Will because they were so clearly wrong (and such typically ignorant TrumpWing bullshitting), and because this is a blog post bearing the "George Will" subject tag.
I can remember back when "Chuck" represented himself as a trial lawyer who didn't like Trump. Then he got more obnoxious and was banned. Now, he is back for some reason I do not understand. George Will sucked up to Reagan and enjoyed some popular attention. Peggy Noonan did something similar. Both are out of date and no longer represent the Republican Party once the Tea Party revived as the Make America Great Again party.
The Bud Light boycott was one of the most successful conservative political actions in recent memory.
Boycott, to me implies an organized effort.
Unless you call the action plan instituted by Bud Lite, an organized boycott, there was no boycott.
While the weird little guy was less than desirable messenger, Bud Lite chose its message. We no longer want to be in the same sphere as frat boys, manly men, doing manly things, and dirt under their fingernails shift workers. All those people took offense the message, PLUS were insulted Bud Lite picked an effeminate freak to deliver the message. They simple chose to buy from a company that at the very least, didn't tell them to FOAD.
George Will?
George won’t.
By the way; about the linguistic tic of saying, "The guy you've never heard of..."
Qunnipiac did some June polling on Doug Burgum's name-recognition, and 90% of poll respondents had not heard of him.
If anyone is actually interested in challenging or upsetting Trump before the nomination is securely his, I strongly suggest you get to work on talking about Trump's criminality, his sociopathy and his disastrous electoral record with his own campaigns and with his insane endorsements. You need to cut Trump's living guts out, now. Not talk about how oh well you would vote for him if he is the eventual nominee. You are guaranteeing that he will be the eventual nominee.
George is unaware that he's soon to be a member of the "You've Never Heard Of" Club.
It works in two directions.
I want Burgum and Viveck to lay out one simple plan.
Their plan, when the exact same govt attacks them, the same way Trump has been attacked for 8 years.
What plan do they have, when the Joint Chief of Staff, refuse to follow orders. When agencies slow walk their Executive Orders.
What's the plan to confine the CIA to their mission, and not issue public letters signed by past experts.
No Candidate is telling us how they are going to survive, the way Trump has.
No Candidate is telling us how they are going to survive, the way Trump has.
Bingo !
Boycott, to me implies an organized effort. Unless you call the action plan instituted by Bud Lite, an organized boycott, there was no boycott.
This is an important distinction. People weren’t pressuring the company, they did not want to be associated with a company that behaved the way InBev/AB did and they left. By the looks of things they aren’t coming back.
gilbar said...
lonejustice claimed...
I live in Iowa, which has the first in the nation caucus, and North Dakota isn't very far away.
Spoken like a person that has NEVER EVEN BEEN to Iowa. (maybe he's thinking that Nor Dak is SoDak?
Gilbar - the distance between the border of Iowa and the border of North Dakota is 169 miles, less than a 3 hour drive.
After a quick review I'd rate him well above Governor DeSantis, who seems a little smaller and more personally ambitious and self-interested to me every time I give him another look.
Trump will need a solid VP. Maybe this is the guy. But anyone who won't call out loudly the absurd abuses of their authority by the DOJ and FBI in their insane persecution of the former President and offer a plan to place them in their proper position as non-political actors is not going to fly with me.
Burgum so far is wishy-washy on the subject. Does he have the courage to fight the power? I'm not seeing it yet.
It’s like saying people Boycotted the Washington Post because subscriptions dropped almost 20% the last few years.
People’s tastes change.
Trump has already chose his running mate for 2024.
Trump-Kanye 2024
Chuck said: “You need to cut Trump's living guts out, now.”
You must think you’ve stumbled upon a Jack Smith team meeting.
Banned Commenter, LLR-democratical and Violent Homosexual Rage Rape Fantasist Chuck, who proudly claimed he was here to drive a wedge between Althouse and her readers, has Deep Thoughts on Althouse Blog moderation policies.
Lets make sure to give Chuck's thoughts in this matter the "respect" they "deserve".
Key observation: LLR-democratical Chuck, after years of disturbed and unhealthy fixations on the children on conservative politicians only as well as advocating for a complete and total republican surrender on the radical trans and child sexualizing policies of the dems in addition to a continuous full throated and sustained defense of the Lincoln Pedophile Project AFTER they were exposed, now has also come out in support of Burgum's surrender advocacy.
I. Did. Not. See. That. Coming.
And George Will's wife was one of the Inside The Beltway consultant class morons Scott Walker brought aboard in 2016 which led to the interesting conservative populist Gov of Wisconsin immediately dissappearing down the GOPe consultant class water-everything-down rhetorical squish rabbit hole....never to be seen again.
"Spoken like a person that has NEVER EVEN BEEN to Iowa. (maybe he's thinking that Nor Dak is SoDak?
Let's ask Google Maps.
Des Moines (the middle of Iowa), to Bismarck; is 670 miles"
Bismarck is in the middle of ND. Des Moines is in the Middle of Iowa. For comparison:
Abilene is in the middle of Texas. Alexandria is in the middle of Louisiana. They are 500 miles apart. That's so far!
And yet, Texas and Louisiana share a common boarder. Using the gadfly cartographical method, how is that even possible?
Me, I'd go with Le Mars, ND and Granite, IA, just a little over 190 miles apart via I-29, and just 40 miles father apart than Manhattan and Albany, NY.
But wait! Crescent City, CA is 850 miles from San Diego, CA! Clearly the people in those two cities have nothing in common and little to no understanding of one another; they're too damn far apart! I guess we need to break up California into at least two states.
And who the hell shouts NEVER EVEN BEEN in the middle of a sentence? Strange that.
LLR-democratical Chuck: “You need to cut Trump's living guts out, now.”
Eva Marie: "You must think you’ve stumbled upon a Jack Smith team meeting."
You should go back and read LLR-democratical Chuck's over the top passionate advocacy for All Policies Whitmer and Schiff!
LLR-democratical Chuck is so far in the tank for the dems he makes James Carville blush....on top of his head!
I do have to admit its adorable how our passionate FakeCon/FakeRepublican Chuck keeps trying to reset the clock back to 2014/2015 when he still had some posters fooled about his "republican" "cred" and he used that fakery to pretend his criticisms, always of conservatives pushing back aggressively against the dems, emanated from a "muh principles" "conservatism".
So transparent.
"Military recruitment is plummeting.
That’s a cultural issue."
Seeing as POTUS is the CIC of the armed forces, it's actually both a cultural issue and presidential duty, proving the point that Burgum is incorrect not making the intellectual connection in his original statement.
He's wrong.
Still waiting for a non-fascile answer.
Burgum is a another Romney/Ryan candidate that is being shoved into the fray because DeSantis has failed to launch as expected (who expected?..the usual uniparty morons) and is no longer building confidence with his uniparty globalist donors that have provided over 80% of all DeSantis donations leaving DeSantis in a rather bizarre financial situation: Jeb money burned thru in record time and firing 1/3 of staff.
Did you catch DeSantis launching an attack on "Chamber of Commerce Republicans" even though HE is the CoC candidate!
At least DeSantis is showing he can recognize some obvious things and adapt, unlike a Jeb or Scott Walker, whether the adaptation is believable or not.
On the larger candidate field, its the precise same playbook used by the GOPe in 2016: lots of candidates funded supposedly to attack the margins of Trump support and keep Trump under 50% and then get the delegates at the convention to go "with their conscience" to nominate the next "electable" GOPe clone.
Why did the cubano mayor of Miami jump into the race? To try and peel away Trump's surprising (actually, unsurprising to all but DC beltway types) large lead over DeSantis amongst Florida Latinos.
Could it all work this time around?
Which is why I believe Trump will be physically removed from the race via lawfare and that will explode the party since its been made quite clear the GOP leadership is fully on board with the lawfare effort against Trump and the republican base.
Seriously, Althouse, gaslighting is stupid. And you're not stupid.
Shit head or not, I distinctly recall Will comparing Hillary favorably to Trump in '16 (something to the effect of a vote for her being a conservative choice); either way he (Will) is a certified and paid up bowtied Beltway Blobkisser and will never be other than that. That he voted for Ben Sasse at least shows a sense of the absurd, so there is that.
I don't expect either DJT or FJB to be on the ballot in '24, and won't vote for either one if they are.
Where is our generation's Ben Sasse?
George who?
The dumb thing about this is I am pretty sure George Will is being serious. Back when, George Will was an insightful political pundit and generally correct in his conclusions. The thing is he still clings to those conclusions even when the political landscape has fundamentally and dramatically changed. Those conclusions are now illogical, but he can't see it. We are currently in an existential crisis of the Republic, with the Constitution under attack, our very elections being undermined, and an overt fascist alliance of the Democratic Party, the Deep State including the FBI and the Department of Justice, big business, academia, and the media. Yeah, elect someone who promises to do nothing. I'm sure the Deep State will be chastened and immediately surrender.
The man is a fool.
"People weren’t pressuring the company, they did not want to be associated with a company that behaved the way InBev/AB did and they left. By the looks of things they aren’t coming back."
Yes, it looks that way. A boycott would be if Bud Light's customers said "We're not buying any more of your beer until you do *whatever*". What their ex-customers actually appear to be saying is "Fuck you and the horse you rode in on" while switching to one of many comparable beers. Once they've switched, what's the motivation to switch back? It's not like there's anything special about Bud Light.
The only candidate that could beat Trump is Trump.
Life Long Liberal Chuck said...
Will was a registered Republican through '16. In 2016, he voted a write-in; for Ben Sasse, he vaguely and laughingly recalled. He did not endorse or vote for Mrs. Clinton.
Hmm? let's see?
By Kristen East
06/25/2016 01:40 PM EDT
Conservative columnist George Will has left the Republican Party.
The longtime commentator reportedly made the announcement during a Federalist Society event in Washington, D.C., on Friday.
Were he to be nominated, conservatives would have two tasks. One would be to help him lose 50 states — condign punishment for his comprehensive disdain for conservative essentials, including the manners and grace that should lubricate the nation’s civic life. Second, conservatives can try to save from the anti-Trump undertow as many senators, representatives, governors and state legislators as possible.
If DeSantis is the Chamber of Commerce candidate then why did he oppose Disney?
Why did Trump criticize DeSantis for opposing Disney?
Why did Don Jr support Budweiser after they put Mulvaney on the can and criticized their customer base?
Trump’s Clot Shot made tens of billions for Pfizer.
Trump is a Corporatist.
And a moron who gets caught on tape bragging about keeping classified documents. The only one Trump is not as stupid as is Hillary. She was he only Dem Trump could beat.
That's Right, just as we remembered it.
George Will said that the GOP faithful MUST make SURE, that Trump loses ALL 50 states, in such a landslide that he was NEVER return. And THEN, the republicans could THINK about repairing the damage in 2020... THAT is What he SAID.
You DON'T make someone lost "IN ALL 50 STATES" by writing in a fake candidate; you do it by EMBRACING the opposition. Of course, Chuck KNEW this. But Chuck doesn't let facts get in His way
Bear in mind that Ann degignated Chuck the official "dick" (her word) of the Althouse blog a few years ago.
It apparently went to his head and he got too dickish, even for the official Dick. I objected to her banning at the time. If nothing else for comic relief.
I am generally against banning except in the most egregious cases. I even opposed banning Ritmo.
I think Ann realized she needed someone like him and brought him back. Now he's got his tongue so far up her ass she can't pry him loose with a crowbar.
So here's to you, big Dick!
Live long and prosper. Or at least continue to eke out an existence.
John Henry
H Pudding (D-Soviet-Deluxe) Stick with Biden. He's your kinda mob-boss.
Since we spoke of boycotts of bud, can I make a pitch for a buycott?
Bath and Body Works has reshored all manufacturing fro red China to new albany Ohio.
20% increase in sales, reduction from 5+ months to 21 days to bring a new product to market.
Next time you're in the mall, buy something from them.
Naturally I had to read this in the British press. NYT and WaPo seem to have missed it.
John Henry
"Governors, too, should tread lightly. Burgum says that if there are offensive or age-inappropriate books in a library, people should talk to the librarian or the library board. Unleash a library police force, and you will soon have a shortage of librarians."
Yeah, I am so sure the SJW librarians will agree to trash the groomer books after two or three concerned citizens annoy her about it.
This blog belongs to Professor Althouse. Everyone else here is a guest.
If any of you commentators here started up your own blog, not a single one of you, other than yourself, would ever show up. Nobody in the whole world would ever give a flying fuck about what you posted on your own blog. But you feel entitled to show up here, a nationally respected blog, and try through your comments to change this blog into the Conservative Treehouse, Gateway Pundit, or any number of other always Trump and conspiracy blogs which tolerate no dissent and only allow other like minded people to post views consistent with their hive mentality. I sincerely hope you are not successful here.
I am a relative newcomer to this blog (Instapundit brought me here), and I lurk and read far more than I comment. I will say some of the best political and cultural commentary I've found on the net is here. As well as some of the funniest (Bob Boyd is a national treasure). I have an observation.
My understanding from reading some of the comments here is that Althouse blog didn't always have comment moderation and for a period of time the comments were even disabled, is that correct? My observation is intricately tied to another question, which is does anybody know the reason why?
I have observed a "white liberal rage" phenomenon around the internet and among my patients and some of their family members since 2016. People more familiarly label this TDS or Trump Derangement Syndrome, but the intensity of their rage, their absolute need to dominate the conversation, is so much more malicious than anything from conservatives I observe online or in real life. Everyone on both sides is throwing ad hominems and making coarse associations and innuendo which in this country is older than the Liberty Bell, but the desire to dominate forums as a general rule is something I predominantly observe among lefter-of-center progressives and liberals and their lefter still fellow travelers. I bring this up because certain commenters like John Henry above mention other commenters like Chuck or Hpudding and previous behavior of their's I did not observe, but which sounds so overwhelmingly familiar to me. It's obvious others have seen it too.
What are the chances the the overwhelming commentary-control problem on and elsewhere is one that originates from progressive commenters, not conservatives? The conservative commenters I observe here are generally well behaved even if they are crude from time to time, and 100% cynical (virtually impossible not to be these days). 3rd person anecdotes about commenters attacking Ann Althouse directly SCREAMS that those personages are from the narrative-control crowd to me, which is overwhelmingly left politically.
If I'm wrong and totally way off please correct me, and I'll throw my observation in the trash with thousands of others that turned out not to be true. For secondary research purposes alone I'd love to hear Althouse's explanation. I have no problem being wrong but I think I have pretty good pattern recognition skills and this hits home for me. The reactions of the lefter-of-center center crowd, especially transgenders, to loss of narrative control since 2016 has been positively viscous. How much you want to bet Althouse getting brigaded by the antifa-adjacent has something to do with it, and Chuck and Hpudding strike me as extremely far left/antifa-adjacent. It oozes through the pixels as your read them.
"We all love that obscure governor of a faraway state!
I remember when it was Sarah Palin."
Does Burgum have a horny teenage daughter too?
Burgum. If only. He seems steady, humble, focused on administration, careful of the Constitution and actually interested in the job of President of the United States, not the President of Fox News or CNN, or Twitter. As such, he is totally unqualified to run this ever spiraling shit show. As the comments have reflected, it seems like the market for real government is moribund. Too bad.
Cultural issues are, he says, irrelevant to presidential duties,
Anybody got a link to Will saying this when Barack Obama was out there running his mouth about 'cultural' issues?
gilbar, 4:02pm
I think I see your point. Your pusillanimous, silly, little point.
Instead of writing "Will was a registered Republican through '16," I should have written "Will was a registered Republican through to '16."
As everyone knows, Will broke with Trump long before he won the nomination, and broke with the Republican Party altogether when Trump was the clear nominee. I never suggested otherwise.
Why did I so pointedly refer to Will's pre-'16 party registration? I was answering in part the false claim that Will endorsed Obama. In '08 and/or '12. As Bob Boyd wrongly suggested. And I was thereafter answering the false claim from Narr, that Will endorsed Hillary Clinton. He never endorsed her, and did not vote for her. Yes, I know that Will wanted Trump to be defeated. He wanted Republicans to (help) defeat Trump. But he had zero affection for Hillary. And, as I stated, Will wrote a column hoping that Hillary would be at max a one-term President.
I know that you aren't going to show me where Will endorsed Hillary. Because there is no such reference. Narr said that Will endorsed Hillary. You're going to say that if Will wanted Trump to be defeated, then that is effectively an endorsement of Mrs. Clinton. You can say that, I won't care. Will just fucking hates Trump more than anything in American political life. A sentiment I can easily relate to.
Blastfax Kudos:
Since you called me out by name, I want to reply to you. I think I have information, and a perspective, that would be helpful to you.
But our engaging in that here would only detract from the blog-post subject matter. I'll address you in a future "Café" post if Althouse allows me.
"The reactions of the lefter-of-center center crowd, especially transgenders, to loss of narrative control since 2016 has been positively viscous."
When you have crap ideas and are unable to debate/defend them, shouting down and censoring "wrongthink" is the go-to response.
Most everybody (the left by their actions and the right, by their words) knows this.
My understanding from reading some of the comments here is that Althouse blog didn't always have comment moderation and for a period of time the comments were even disabled, is that correct? My observation is intricately tied to another question, which is does anybody know the reason why?
Yes. For various reasons, some Ann has shared, some not. There was a problem with someone s—tposting and Chuck and a few others were moderated and there were significant private discussions with the host…
Comments were once turned off completely on…an Easter Sunday?…a few years ago? Ann told us to say our good-
byes to the online commentariat. There was some play with a ‘letters to the editor format’ then a month or two later moderated comments returned…quietly, without explanation.
John Henry: Regarding reshoring/near shoring, Peter Zeihan has talked a lot about that because of covid breaking supply chains. Pretty interesting to contemplate. Extensive supply chains worked until proven to fragile, cheapest works until you cannot get your part. Then robust becomes attractive.
Blastfax Kudos: Your observation is similar to mine. I read here for much longer than commenting. I comment here occasionally having walked away from many places due to the amount of screaming and panic in the posts and comments. Althouse remains as a remarkable place due to the commenters and their takes as well as the eclectic nature of the posts.
I have long been interested in reshoring
And have published a couple of articles on it. Search John Henry at
It is a huge problem for some things. Virtually no antibiotics are produced in the United States these days. Virtually all come from India and China.
If China says "no shampoo for you" it's not a big deal. If they say "no penicillin", hundreds of thousands of Americans will die.
We are in a similar fix with a lot of other critical api's (active pharmaceutical ingredients)
The really hard question on reshoring is where to find workers, skilled and unskilled? I've not been in a plant in the last 10-15 years that was fully staffed. Nobody wants to work in industry no matter how much it pays.
"If China says "no shampoo for you" it's not a big deal. If they say "no penicillin", hundreds of thousands of Americans will die."
There was a president once, who seemed to have the same point of view. His name escapes me at the moment, however...
LLR lonejustice: "But you feel entitled to show up here, a nationally respected blog, and try through your comments to change this blog into the Conservative Treehouse, Gateway Pundit, or any number of other always Trump and conspiracy blogs which tolerate no dissent and only allow other like minded people to post views consistent with their hive mentality. I sincerely hope you are not successful here."
And like clockwork, up pops LLR-democratical Chuck's mini-me, lonejustice!
Because of course.
I strongly recommend lonejustice re-read BlastFax Kudos at 4:48.
"Chuck and Hpudding strike me as extremely far left/antifa-adjacent. It oozes through the pixels as your read them."
I have little doubt they were both out burning cop cars, small businesses, and laying in interstates in the urban metro of your choice in 2020. Wouldn't shock me in the slightest lol.
Mason G: "There was a president once, who seemed to have the same point of view. His name escapes me at the moment, however..."
Channeling LLR lonejustice: How dare you attempt to turn this beloved national treasure of a blogsite into a Trump-Deplorable Insurrectionist Conspiracy Center of Walmart-iness Irredeemable-ness with your horrific observations that Trump stood up for American working class citizens and common sense national security moves.
I have little doubt…
And even less capacity for thought.
Stick with Biden.
If I was a woman who wanted to be grabbed between my legs I guess I could go with Trump. Is he your kind of sex abuser?
And DeSanctimonious is disgusting enough to blow his nose in his hand before wiping it on a disabled supporter. But I don’t know if there’s even a word for someone gross enough to do that.
Doesn’t matter. He won’t crack the cult firewall of the Trump following. And none of you can say anything useful for this Burgum Ken doll either, let alone the rest of the GOP clown show.
All the Big Cities are run by Dems.
That’s right. Somehow the conservative Republicon anti-human message of conformity, no public services and standing only for pledging loyalty for the richest robber-baron in town doesn’t penetrate the cities. Trump tried that but they caught on to his con game after he bankrupted a casino! And Giuliani’s been shown to be a total fraud.
But we do provide the lion’s share of economic output in this country and tax revenue federally that you bumpkins leech off of. Go ahead and send it back to us, if you don’t need it so badly. We could definitely put it to better use than you serfs do.
The schools are shit and crime is high.
Too bad Bumpkin High isn’t known for anything other than football recruitment opportunities. Everyone else there is on a one-way track to the same local loser life that defined his pappy and mammy. Assuming he doesn’t get pinched for or killed from his methamphetamine or opioid addiction. And even all the good prep schools way out in the country are still in blue states. Poor you.
Since the only way that Republicans could defeat Hillary in '16 was to vote for the Republican candidate, I'll count Will as pro-Hill; I can imagine that Mrs. President Clinton would even toss a few baubles his way--and in the direction of all the other R-Establishment losers, who endorsed her outright.
In regard to creating and curating an interesting blog that allows and even cultivates commentary from a range of experiences and perspectives, it's a measure of Chuck's narcissism and delusion that he doesn't recognize himself in the accusations he hurls at others.
If all the good prep schools way out in the country be for us, who shall stand against us?
Anyway, all that just because I pointed out the fact of plummeting military recruitment as a function of Republicon inability to lead as a global power or provide anything useful to a recruit or vet whose VA funding they’ve slashed. I guess that goes along with how they want to raid his parents’ pension benefits and healthcare. But they will support hedge fund managers, billionaires and oil execs.
Guess I touched a nerve. And not the kind of nerve that believes being a tranny is a contagious disease, either. That’s the other nerve breathing life into the paranoid entitlement sensibility of American conservatives. They have just two, total.
Too bad Bumpkin High isn’t known for anything other than football recruitment opportunities. Everyone else there is on a one-way track to the same local loser life that defined his pappy and mammy. Assuming he doesn’t get pinched for or killed from his methamphetamine or opioid addiction.
Hpudding tells us that he is steeped in marxist-leninist class struggle dialectic without telling us he is steeped in class struggle dialectic.
Good little communist. Where can we send nominations for the order of Lenin?
Puddinghead is really on a roll tonight. Republicans are responsible for crime in Democrat-run cities.
Anyway, all that just because I pointed out the fact of plummeting military recruitment as a function of Republicon inability to lead as a global power or provide anything useful to a recruit or vet whose VA funding they’ve slashed.
Military recruiting, which puddinghead has no contact with, is being depressed by Republicans? No relationship to DEI and CRT and a black Sec Def who wants to end family traditions of serving so as to end the possibility of white supremacy?
Guess I touched a nerve. And not the kind of nerve that believes being a tranny is a contagious disease, either. That’s the other nerve breathing life into the paranoid entitlement sensibility of American conservatives. They have just two, total.
The nerve you touched is called a brain where logic and judgement live. Conservatives, like me, remember when the USA was rational and sane. I even remember biology when X chromosomes meant female and Y meant male. Some one with an XO genetic makeup is an example of Turner's Syndrome. That is a short stature person with a female phenotype but sterile and with other anomalies.
Reading would be good for you puddinghead.
Politics is downstream of culture and notwithstanding the 10th amendment other than national defense, the post office and State and Treasury everything else the government spends on is cultural derived spending. Most of the national debt is derived from culturally derived spending. Unless the governor clearly states what spending he would oppose and veto it's just platitudes. Absent a real criminal indictment such as bribery ( hey Joe, looking at you!)any charges against Trump is seen by most Republicans as Soviet style criminal charges. He could be convicted of these BS charges and still get most of the Republican votes, mine included. Biden is the real criminal, not Trump and the Democrats can't replace him as every other Democrat is basically supporting Marxist garbage. Trump can be convicted and elected and serve his "time" in the White House.
Blastfax Kudos, excellent comment. Please post more often. Don't be a stranger.
"Cultural issues are, he says, irrelevant to presidential duties."
In one sense, as many of us have already pointed out, that's clueless, tonedeaf, and wrong.
But I also hear it as code: let's not talk about abortion, let's let states do their thing, and let's not piss off the Althouses of America. As the post shows, that might work--only up to a point, of course.
hpudding people pay taxes for services. Things like adequate policing, public works maintenance, quality schools. The rest isn't reason enough to pay taxes for. First get the basics done more than barely adequate. Then the rest can be up for discussion.
Crazies ought to be hospitalized. Drunks and drug addicts aren't worth wasting any time or money on until they actually hit rock bottom and finally decide to get their lives together. Welfare should be limited to one child going into welfare and none for more kids. Paternity test should be mandatory to make the actual fathers pay notwithstanding marriage status. If illegal aliens can find jobs so can people on welfare. The Left should stop importing illegals and hire those on benefits. So unless one is mentally disabled, physically disabled or physically unable to work, everyone else on benefits should be cut loose and work like everyone else. Taxes are for revenue raising and shouldn't be for any other reason such income redistribution ( theft)and for cultural derived spending (green nonsense for starters).
The reactions of the lefter-of-center center crowd, especially transgenders, to loss of narrative control since 2016 has been positively viscous. How much you want to bet Althouse getting brigaded by the antifa-adjacent has something to do with it, and Chuck and Hpudding strike me as extremely far left/antifa-adjacent. It oozes through the pixels as your read them.
That's because 2016 was about narrative control. They went all in for Hillary. The deep state went all in for Hillary. The left went all in for Hillary. Some Republicans went never-trump and were all in for Hillary. The education system went all in for Hillary. The media went all in for Hillary. They predicted a landslide. 90% popular vote as I recall.
Then she lost. The facade of their entire control system was shattered. They suddenly no longer knew what they were talking about. Their crystal ball exploded and they were made to look like the fools they are. They did not understand the American people or their hatred for that harpy. They were made naked and they will never forgive you for looking upon their nakedness. It drove them mad.
2016 revealed the magnitude and breadth of the wool that's been pulled over everyone's eyes, maybe for decades. They're desperate to get control back. So desperate they worked with the Chinese to orchestrate a worldwide biological weapon attack to oust a sitting president of the United States.
Without narrative control they have nothing. Without narrative control the people get put back in the driver's seat and they get put out on the street. They're desperate and terrified, terrified of what retribution could be delivered on criminals who disenfranchised the legal majority of their rights to elect candidates of their choosing.
They should be terrified.
H Pudding - Democrats care more about criminals than ... well... anything.
Illegal entrants, gun crimes, robbery, shoplifting - All cool to the dems.
Biden is top crook.
Anyway, all that just because I pointed out the fact of plummeting military recruitment as a function of Republicon inability to lead as a global power or provide anything useful to a recruit or vet
Yeah, it has absolutely nothing to do with the imposition of DEI, trans-ideology, Drag queen events and the rest of the woke bullshit. Just ignore the fact that recruitment was just fine until the bullshit started.
Comments were once turned off completely on…an Easter Sunday?…a few years ago? Ann told us to say our good-
byes to the online commentariat. There was some play with a ‘letters to the editor format’ then a month or two later moderated comments returned…quietly, without explanation.
Yes, it seems that comment policy changes for no apparent reason. Fortunately, there is an alternate site where commenting continues and is less restricted. Many of us spend more time there.
From George Will, as quoted:
"If wokeness survives Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis’s hourly onslaughts (which DeSantis might not survive; talking smack about Bud Light is unpresidential), a President Burgum would not regard fighting it as part of his job description. He would be a presidential rarity, acknowledging the 10th Amendment. (“The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution … are reserved to the states respectively, or to the people.”) Cultural issues are, he says, irrelevant to presidential duties..."
From Doug Burgum's campaign video, as quoted by PBS:
"In a video updated for the kick-off event, Burgum portrayed himself as a common-sense, rural state conservative, distinctly experienced in energy policy and far removed from the bitter war of words between Trump and DeSantis as the campaign heats up.
“Let’s get things done. In North Dakota, we listen with respect, and we talk things out. That’s how we can get America back on track,” Burgum says in the video, which features breathtaking vistas from across North Dakota.
The laws he signed this year include banning abortion with few exceptions up to six weeks’ gestation. Other laws prohibit schools and government agencies from requiring their employees to refer to transgender people by the pronouns they use, as well as barring transgender girls and women from competing in women’s sports.
His video also touched subtly on his opposition to “woke” ideology, a catch-all term that conservatives use to denigrate policies or ideas that acknowledge the existence of social injustice and racial inequality.
“I grew up in a tiny town in North Dakota,” Burgum said. “Woke was what you did at 5 a.m. to start the day.”"
Tapioca sez
"vet whose VA funding they’ve slashed"
I believe that you have told us you have no military experience, correct? So you will have never received any VA services.
Guessing you are not talking about the mortgage guarantees or school tuition, since nobody ever complains about them. (I am a VERY satisfied beneficiary of both programs)
So that probably means that you have in mind healthcare, either for vets with service related injuries or vets, like me, without who pay cash on the nail. THough damn little for the care I've gotten over the years.
So have you ever been in a VA hospital as a visitor? Ever actually known anyone who has received VA medical services?
Or are you just repeating what the news tells you?
I've been getting all my non-dental healthcare from VA for about 20 years now. I could not be happier.
Quality varies from facility to facility but the San Juan hospital and the Ceiba satellite clinic (labs and routine generalist visits) are top notch.
They even gave me a $3,000 set of Phonak hearing aids that I did not ask for or want. I need them, but much prefer the quiet and the ability to ignore people so don't use them much. I may have paid $50.
Don't bad mouth the VA to me. They saved my life last year when I had a heart event. 4 catheterizations and 3 stents later I seem to be doing OK.
I talk with former shipmates and other vets who use VA elsewhere. Some, apparently, are the pits. Most, I am told, are good to very good.
But yeah, I'll believe the news media. Yeah, right. They probably know even less than you do.
John Henry
I think, adding up 12 days in hospital, 3 operations, cardiologist visits, enough medication to open a Walgreens and more, I paid less than $1,000 out of pocket.
Because none of it is service related and I am not low income.
Probably would have been 10 times that on my wife's plan, which I pay for but never use.
John Henry
"Now that we know the Bidens took $10M+ in bribes from Ukraine do you understand why President Trump was impeached for a single phone call to Zelensky asking about Biden’s financial dealings?
Nancy launched impeachment proceedings the next week and came up with the reason later
Trump was digging around in their Deep State laundromat and the regime punched back"
as seen on X
Adding to a previous comment regarding the leftist deep state working with the Chinese to orchestrate a worldwide bioweapon attack on the world to oust a sitting president of the United States, looky what they just found.
"I've Never Seen Anything Like This" - Mysterious Chinese Bio-Lab Discovered In Remote California City"
Our. Own. Fucking. Soil. Deep state is probably helping them with rent.
Biden is top crook.
Said the woman who voted for this: ”Yeah, that’s her. With the gold. I better use some Tic Tacs just in case I start kissing her. You know, I’m automatically attracted to beautiful — I just start kissing them. It’s like a magnet. Just kiss. I don’t even wait. And when you’re a star, they let you do it. You can do anything… Grab ’em by the pussy. You can do anything.”
Same guy under indictment for 37 felony counts and new ones cropping up every day. Who has to pay $5 million for defaming a woman he was found to have sexually abused, after misidentifying her as his ex-wife Marla Maples.
Daddy issues, much? Poor, poor April Apple.
Looks like neo-McCarthyist “PrimoStL” stepped out of his time machine from the 1950s to red scare Americans with his random word-generator device, now that he programmed it with a total of less than 10 words to recycle over and over: “deep state, leftist, marxist-Leninist class struggle dialectic.” That’s pretty much the extent of his vocabulary.
If he ever read the US constitution he might use that to add “general welfare” to his list of scary words. But he’d never read such a thing and if he did he’d lose control over his bowels once discovering that it doesn’t mention words like “conservative,” or “tradition” at all. Because those things are unconstitutional and unAmerican. (Or they would be by the current court’s philosophy).
The nerve you touched is called a brain where logic and judgement live. Conservatives, like me,
Conservatives care about logic? Not according to any conservative philosopher who ever lived.
They all say you only care about preserving traditional institutions and practices - which I guess nowadays means loyalty to oil companies, corporate-political bribery, promoting superstition, ignorance, corruption and authoritarianism. An authoritarian strong man to tell people what to be.
remember when the USA was rational and sane.
Conservatives didn’t make it that way, Old Timer. You’re reminiscing on the eras of American greatness made that way by FDR, before Reagan and his imitators sold America out to Wall Street and outsourced it abroad.
I even remember biology when X chromosomes meant female and Y meant male.
Glad you need government to remind you of what sex you are. Ivermectin Man prefers to have science done and taught by politicians.
Same way they do it in Vatican State, interestingly enough.
Ms tapioca seems to have the house un-American affairs committee and senator mccarthy's subcommittee confused.
Probably appalled by the idea of a federal loyalty oath, right?
Oh, wait, that was prez truman. He was a dem so that's OK then.
Probably no problem with the McCarren Act either since good old Patsy McCarren was a dem. Right?
John Henry
Darkisland sounds like as much an asset to the US armed forces as Tom Anderson from Beavis and Butthead.
And I forgot how butthurt Ivermectin Man Michael Kennedy was over the fall of military recruitment. It’s hard to convince kids to sell themselves out to the same right-wing gangsters that lied about WMD in Iraq and have no concept of accountability or honor. Trump pardoned a war criminal and wanted to use the military to take possession of voting machines!
But there he goes, bitching about women and gender and equality, or whatever else he finds offensive to his tender authoritarian sensitivities. Oh, how touchy he is about that! What a baby.
Recruitment is down because the right-wing Republicon forever war party believes in keeping government incompetent and the Americans it serves poorly provisioned. Anyone with a brain would refuse risking their life for a cause that cheap and unsupportive. They know that the bloated Pentagon budget goes to making contractors rich, and that they can’t even audit the Pentagon successfully. Who the hell would sign up for a military run like that, by losers like the GOP? Getting limbs blown off and PTSD for the sake of politicians who use the military as nothing more than campaign props? The right identify with soldiering, and want to kill democracy, domestic tranquilly and the general welfare at home. No one with a sense of patriotism or honor would want any part of that.
Republicons have created a country not worth fighting for.
John Henry definitely knows more about the 1950s than me. When he wakes up, he still believes it’s 1953. When his nurse gives him his dementia pill at bedtime, he thinks it’s 1957 for a few moments.
Goodnight, John Henry.
Surrender culture to the run amok administrative/regulatory state which has been heavily infitrated with woke shiite.
Sounds like a plan!
(and military)
RideSpaceMountain said...
"Chuck and Hpudding strike me as extremely far left/antifa-adjacent. It oozes through the pixels as your read them."
"I have little doubt they were both out burning cop cars, small businesses, and laying in interstates in the urban metro of your choice in 2020. Wouldn't shock me in the slightest lol."
They both remind me of a couple of college freshman. One has read Chomsky and the other Marx. Neither can formulate an opinion of thier own. If this were an episode of,"Alone", they'd both be standing in front of a pile of twigs waiting for an instructor to come along and light the fire.
I started to read some of the comments at the Post piece....truly scary stuff
I’ve never read Chomsky or Marx. Not that one has to to realize that American power is often misused or that labor has a large material and political disadvantage in what it negotiates with management. You don’t have to read anything to know that - just have a basic sense of decency and perception. And honesty. Some people have too much pride for that though. Or even too much to know some basic facts of American history like the Pinkerton Detective Agency and Homestead Strike.
Rusty never met a college freshman, though. If he did it was probably while trolling the campus bar as a 30 or 40-something year old machinist, getting drinks thrown in his face for being creepy while trying to pick up co-eds.
And when asked what causes the earth to be 60 degrees warmer than space, he answered that the reason is the sun.- as if the sun’s rays don’t also travel through space before reaching the earth. So that’s the level of intellect he’s working with. Doesn’t even know the route that the sun’s light takes in getting to the earth. They just magically appear on earth whenever the sun turns “on.” ROFLMAO.
It’s like a drill operator who doesn’t know what a drill feed is.
Pretty stupid.
George and Mari will be voting for Joe Biden next time, same as the last time,
Assuming they're still alive then.
Pudding: "They know that the bloated Pentagon budget goes to making contractors rich, and that they can’t even audit the Pentagon successfully."
"Senate Democrats block oversight office to monitor US aid for Ukraine
By Josh Christenson
July 27, 2023 4:15pm Updated"
A bit slim on details at
Nary a mention of the border in his paragraph on national security, for example.
Maybe that intersects with culture issues too much.
My first impression of Doug Burgum is he has no chance.
Then I checked him on the Internet and see he has a net worth of $1.1 billion so he can self fund the beginning if not all of his campaign. He looks and sounds good. (He will have to address social issues somehow.) I’m ready for a Republican fresh start. I hope he goes for it all out.
You're right on this point, lonejustice. Also, it is frustrating when one can't get through the firewall to view the post reference, though I can catalogue the universe of things dishonest from which George Will will mellifluously emit. And sometimes it is hard to distinguish commentary from quotes.
But I honestly want to know more, sometimes, though I am aware I am in no way entitled to it.
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