July 2, 2023

"In April, President Biden told a group of children that he had 'six grandchildren. And I’m crazy about them. And I speak to them every single day. Not a joke.'"

"But the president has not yet met or publicly mentioned his other grandchild. His White House has not answered questions about whether he will publicly acknowledge her now that the child support case is settled."

From "Hunter Biden’s Daughter and a Tale of Two Families/The story surrounding the president’s grandchild in Arkansas, who has not yet met her father or her grandfather, is about money, corrosive politics and what it means to have the Biden birthright" (NYT).

5 out of 6 of the most popular comments over there are critical of President Biden: 

I don’t care about Hunter Biden’s business, but the President should acknowledge his granddaughter and treat her as one of his family, as she deserves to be. She’s a young child and it isn’t her fault if her parents did things wrong. She shouldn’t be the one to suffer consequences. 


Ignoring the existence of a child or grandchild is just a terrible thing to do. ‘I have six grandchildren’?? Just do the right thing and invite your seventh grandchild to the White House.


Yikes. I don’t care about Hunter Biden’s personal life but President Biden needs to step up.


President Biden should welcome this little one. It is the right thing to do.


These things happen in families, but to ignore and pretend that a grandchild does not exist is terrible. It feels like Biden doesn't want to be associated with a certain class of people. If he is humble, which I feel he is and if he is empathetic, which I feel he is, he needs to acknowledge this child. It sounds like she is well loved and cared for, thank goodness, but it is elitist to not welcome this little girl into the family. I hope President Biden changes his mind.

Also... that quote in the headline is a nice example of Biden's tendency to say "not a joke" about things that don't sound like a joke. Here's a montage from a year ago: 


Original Mike said...

Joe Biden is a shitty person.

jim5301 said...

Disgusting. A normal guy would want her hanging out in the Oval Office and riding Air Force 1. I can’t believe the two losers we have to pick from for president next year. Wtf

Roger Sweeny said...

When the person who beat Donald Trump is criticized by NYT readers ...

Old and slow said...

They are all very hopeful, aren't they? Biden is not a nice person, or even a decent person. If he were, he would not write off the child.

Old and slow said...

They are all very hopeful, aren't they? Biden is not a nice person, or even a decent person. If he were, he would not write off the child.

Narr said...

The Bidens are a joke. On us.

RideSpaceMountain said...

I love the people caveating that they don't care about Hunter's "personal life". You just know that's a dog whistle/code for "I consider all the father/son influence peddling to be part of Hunter's personal life and a republican hit job, so don't lump me in with icky conservatives".

You just know it.

MikeR said...

Eh, he probably just forgot how many he has.

RideSpaceMountain said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Original Mike said...

Why are these people averting their eyes at the suspicious at "business" activity of the Bidens?

"The bottom line issue is that the Biden family got more than $30 million and it’s not clear what that was for. It is clear that it was from Chinese Communist Party affiliated businesses and individuals, as well as pro-Russia Ukrainian actors."

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

All of these same progressives who comment on NYT - who conveniently claim to not care about Hunter's affairs - care an awful lot about Jared Kushner.

Humperdink said...

" It feels like Biden doesn't want to be associated with a certain class of people."

"Drag a $100 bill through a trailer park and there's no telling what you will find." James Carville, Democrat Guru 1996)

rhhardin said...

Getting rid of such a possessive relation is called disowning. There's even a word for it.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

"It feels like Biden doesn't want to be associated with a certain class of people. "

LOL. mmmkay.

Crook biden's own skuzzy corrupt son is "a certain class" of bad people. But then, the apple doesn't fall far from the tree. Crook Biden loves his crook son. peas in a pod.

BG said...

I’m not sure it would be a good thing for little Navy to be exposed to the influence of the Bidens. Maybe when she’s 30.

mccullough said...

Joe Biden is a dirtbag.

He’s not going to step up because he’s always been a dirtbag.

But he’ll remind us he’s Catholic and talk about decency.

That’s what sociopaths do.

The Soul of Our Country.

This dirtbag can’t drop dead fast enough.

JK Brown said...

Based Biden's public behavior with young girls and reasonably believable past behavior with is daughter, only those who care nothing about this child would be pressing to have her spending time with the Biden family. The Biden's are low class white trash, but that's no reason to push for them to have another female child to creep on.

rhhardin said...

If you don't acknowledge your fatherhood to the world, then you are no father.

Taking the negative side of that, Biden isn't a grandfather either, as far as owning goes.

The legal process is independent of that. It seems to me that the lady is a gold digger however, and the innocent child has a bitch mother from whom she'll learn.

Gusty Winds said...

The Biden's are a sick and twisted family. It is unfortunate for this little girl.

How can these commentors say "I don't care about Hunter's business dealings" but want 10% Big guy Joe to acknowledge the kid. Can't they see these things are connected through the insane immorality of this family? But, they are NYTs readers. Are we supposed to be impressed that NYTs commentors said "step up Joe"?

Hunter's paternity fight, and Joe's ignoring the existence of the girl is consistent with the liberal attitude toward traditional families and fatherhood. It's why white liberals in Madison chose to ignore the massive "Baby Daddy" epidemic that has destroyed the nuclear family in inner city Black Communities; while pretending to support black communities.

Liberals and Feminists have been actively destroying the patriarchal role of fatherhood and grand-fatherhood for decades. It's worked well. Now they pretend to care about senile Joe publicly recognizing his grand daughter?

I don't know what the answer is, but the mom and the girl are probably better off just taking the money and run.

Sella Turcica said...

“Not a joke”…because jokes are supposed to be funny. But not true, either. So basically just a lie.

Not Sure said...

I don’t care about Hunter Biden’s business

How many actual Biden supporters would there be without epistemic closure?

traditionalguy said...

Mafia rules must be obeyed. The kid is lucky she is not a candidate to be suicided.

Jaq said...

Not sure if, given his history of incestuous relationships with the family children, this is something he should be publicizing. That tongue kiss with his grandson was massively gross.

GrapeApe said...

Humble and empathetic are not words that match up with Joe Biden. Too much history in his behavior to ever think that true.

RideSpaceMountain said...

Hunter Biden's personal life IS his business life. They are inseparable. The laptop files proved that and every time there's a new data dump it is confirmed. Hunter is Cesare Borgia to Joe's Pope Alexander VI, and just as depraved a family if not more.

Where are all the feminists? Where are all the sex-positive pierced-septumites? Where are all the liberal social workers and CPS harridans who screech endlessly about taking away conservatives children? Why isn't the deafening silence of the won't-someone-think-of-the-children manic depressives a roar?

What do these people need in the way of evidence to judge a person and his family's character? Should Joe kill the stripper and smother the child with a pillow? Is that what they need to take them over the line? I wish I knew where the line even was, cause at this point I wouldn't be surprised if they'd cheer finding out Joe molested his own granddaughter and call it 'empowering'.

EAB said...

It’s hard to overestimate how abhorrent I find Biden’s behavior on this subject. Set aside every aspect of his politics or his political party - it reveals a deep character flaw. Combine it with his propensity to lie (about stupid stuff). Hard for me to respect him. I can’t see how the one commenter still sees him as humble or empathetic. His behavior doesn’t support that impression.

Wince said...

Is there any doubt given Biden’s stated positions that he believes this child should have been aborted?

Biden talks a lot about a woman’s “choice,” but when a powerful family exerts the kind of pressure and isolation like the Bidens did to the mother of their granddaughter, how much “choice” did they personally choose to empower or deny?

Wince said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Yancey Ward said...

In Biden's defense, the last grandchild was born after the dementia started getting bad. He probably simply only remembers the first 6.

Yancey Ward said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Yancey Ward said...

I guarantee you that if Biden had a long one on one dinner with a stranger, he wouldn't remember that person at all by the next morning. Same with the Hunter's latest daughter.

Mason G said...

On the plus side, he's not showering with her. Probably.

AMDG said...

We must take into account the Biden family rules: They don’t officially become a grandchild until they take a shower with “Pedo Pete”.

AMDG said...

Joe Biden is every bit a despicable human being as Donald Trump.

Decline is a choice.

Gusty Winds said...

Blogger Wince said...
Is there any doubt given Biden’s stated positions that he believes this child should have been aborted?

Damn. You're right. I'm thinking there are various types of Margaret Sangers eugenics, accomplished through mass abortions. There's the obvious kind that keeps the "undesirable" portions of the population low. We see that implemented in America today under the disguise of "choice".

But there is also the kind that protects the rich so they don't end up paying child support after they go "bottom feeding". I'm sure the Biden's view the mother of this girl as just a money grabbing whore who should have had the decency not to bring the pregnancy to term.

Rabel said...

Humble and empathic.

It's hard to believe that people fall for this guys act.

Barry Dauphin said...

He identifies as a grandfather of 6.

Dave Begley said...

The seventh grandkid certainly deserves a cut from Joe’s millions.

Quaestor said...

"Not a joke."

(Because it's a fucking lie I tell. Kids are soooo gullible, right kids? Yeah. All you little boy-brats gotta leave now. It's Uncle Joe's hair-sniffing time.)

Breezy said...

Matt Walsh should ask him, “What is a grandchild?”.

MikeR said...

My baby, my choice.

Bender said...

Joe Biden has always been an ass.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Hate for Sale:

Hate for sale Hate for Sale
He won't get hung or go to jail
He's got a curly tongue and a curly tail
But mostly he has hate for sale

[Verse 1]
Call it luck or inherited title
A guy like that is arrogant, idle
He takes and gets whatever he likes
Women, cars and motorbikes

[Verse 2]
He dines on calves, butchered and bled
Tankards of wine, burgundy red
Handmade suits and shoes and socks
Ooh, his breath could stop the clocks

[Verse 3]
Money in the bank and coke in his pocket
Porn all day, wanks like a rocket
Teeth capped, ooh, he goes to the gym
Chest waxed, ooh, I look like him

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Hate for Sale:

Hate for sale Hate for Sale
He won't get hung or go to jail
He's got a curly tongue and a curly tail
But mostly he has hate for sale

[Verse 1]
Call it luck or inherited title
A guy like that is arrogant, idle
He takes and gets whatever he likes
Women, cars and motorbikes

[Verse 2]
He dines on calves, butchered and bled
Tankards of wine, burgundy red
Handmade suits and shoes and socks
Ooh, his breath could stop the clocks

[Verse 3]
Money in the bank and coke in his pocket
Porn all day, wanks like a rocket
Teeth capped, ooh, he goes to the gym
Chest waxed, ooh, I look like him

Amadeus 48 said...

Every time Honest Joe says “I give you my word as a Biden” I vomit in my throat. I believe him. The Biden are notorious liars.

Free Manure While You Wait! said...

I don't get why this is a big deal. Here in the inner-city, men disavow their progeny all the time. I've even heard them brag about it to others.

Free Manure While You Wait! said...

"AMDG said...
Joe Biden is every bit a despicable human being as Donald Trump.

Decline is a choice."

So is stupid.

mikee said...

Y'all are presuming a fact not in evidence, namely that Biden has been told about Hunter's love child, and that if he has he remembers the telling. Look, it is ice cream time!

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

The fake crooked president's Son... In action! The corruption-excusing blind-eye hivemind progressive collective left - DO NOT CARE.

Big Mike said...

I read the story of Lunden Roberts, mother of little Navy Joan. Linden was an all-conference high school basketball player who was a successful player at Western Illinois University. She transferred to Arkansas State, and seems not to have been able to continue her athletic career much longer (back in those days Arkansas State had a pretty strong women’s basketball program). She graduated from Arkansas State and came to DC with stars in her eyes a dream of joining the FBI. Despite taking courses in forensic investigation from George Washington University her dream dried up. I couldn’t tell from the data provided in the story whether the FBI laughed in her face and she dropped out of GWU, or was she unable to cut it as a GWU student and subsequently the FBI told her to forget about a career with them. At any rate she wound up putting food on the table by dancing with little or no clothing on at a Washington, DC, “gentlemen’s club” (though it’s not clear to me how many club patrons would qualify as “gentlemen”). There she met Hunter Biden, and the rest of the story is well known.

Lots of young women come to big cities with big dreams, and subsequently find themselves faced with a choice of going home as a defeated loser or staying in the city and earning a living through unsavory means. An old story, and a sad one. I think the people being judgmental, including the writers for mainstream newsmedia, need to reflect on the vicissitudes of luck — they had it, she didn’t, that doesn’t make them better.

BTW, Navy Joan Roberts is a very cute little girl. I am trying to determine what sort of loathsome human being cannot find room in his heart for her as his granddaughter.

Jupiter said...

"Hunter and Lunden Roberts agreed that Navy Joan will be able to pick out one of his paintings each month as a gift in an effort to build a bond with her father."

Iman said...

Apparently young Navy may grow up never becoming acquainted with the White Trash side of her family tree.

Jupiter said...

"It seems to me that the lady is a gold digger however, and the innocent child has a bitch mother from whom she'll learn."

The jackal press never misses an opportunity to refer to Lunden Roberts as an "ex-stripper", as if that somehow justifies Biden's inhuman treatment of his granddaughter. Roberts is actually a fairly accomplished athlete;

"She graduated from Southside-Batesville High School in 2009, where she was an all-conference and all-state basketball player and an all-state softball player. Roberts held the Arkansas state record for single-season free throw percentage during the 2007-2008 season. She was a McDonald's All-American nominee and played for the Arkansas Mavericks AAU team, helping lead them to a state championship and a fifth-place finish in the 2008 AAU National Championships. ... Roberts played college basketball at Arkansas State University".

Sebastian said...

Some of the commentators cited in the post seem offended. Why? Everyone knew Joe is scum. Joe's repudiation of his granddaughter is the Biden thing to do. What else do they expect--common decency? From Joe? From his whoring moneygrubbing addict son?

By the way, has anyone asked grandma Jill about this?

gilbar said...

Iman said...
Apparently young Navy may grow up never becoming acquainted with the White Trash side of her family tree.

i believe, THAT is How you Win the internet

gilbar said...

Sebastian said...
By the way, has anyone asked grandma Jill about this?

Navy's not HER granddaughter.. Dr Jill was Hunter's babysitter; not his mom

Smilin' Jack said...

C’mon guys, don’t be so mean to Joe. Maybe he just can’t count that high anymore. Let him enjoy his six grandchildren while he can—next month it might be down to five.

RideSpaceMountain said...

"Lots of young women come to big cities with big dreams, and subsequently find themselves faced with a choice of going home as a defeated loser or staying in the city and earning a living through unsavory means. An old story, and a sad one."

Ain't that the truth. I still feel bad for poor Elizabeth Holmes. All she wanted to be was a stripper but it was her fate to become the CEO of a tech startup that defrauded investors.

The things people will turn to when they need a buck but are down on their luck...

DanTheMan said...

At Christmas, the Bidens hang stockings for the 6 grandchildren.
And the dogs.
And the cats.

But not Hunter's little girl.

DanTheMan said...

Just to clarify things a bit...
Joe was not involved in Hunter's business affairs.

Hunter was involved in Joe's business affairs. It was Joe who was selling influence and access and taking bribes.
Hunter was just the bagman, or if you prefer, the cutout.

Drago said...

AMDG: "Joe Biden is every bit a despicable human being as Donald Trump."

And so must be anyone that politically supports Trump, eh?

Go ahead, just call them deplorables.

Gee, I can't imagine why Trump supporters wont embrace the candidate(s) you recommend. Its inexplicable.

Gunner said...

Every late night propaganda hack would be making fun of this if Biden was a Republican.

Jamie said...

Biden talks a lot about a woman’s “choice,” but when a powerful family exerts the kind of pressure and isolation like the Bidens did to the mother of their granddaughter, how much “choice” did they personally choose to empower or deny?

I would add to the portion I emphasized, "or a dangerous and amoral man exerts the kind of pressure that dangerous and amoral men can exert over women smaller and weaker than they are." A pimp. A "boyfriend." A married man.

Sure, let's pretend that abortion ought to be legal for the benefit of Murphy Brown. (Who, if we recall, had the baby.) THAT'S who really uses it.

Deemphasize fatherhood, demoralize young men, destigmatize single motherhood (which has the long-term effect of removing that uneasy sympathy that people would feel for the single mother even as they blamed her for not keeping her knees together, or at least for the child) - and make having a baby both the "choice" that only a stupid girl or woman would make, and also nothing special since anyone can do it and it's Just As Good as a stable two-parent family - and this is what you get.

Also, Joe Biden is a dead-eyed Irish mafioso. After his Denise, I wouldn't be surprised if they found a bunch of trophy thumbs among his personal effects.


Joe was not involved in Hunter's business affairs.

Hunter was involved in Joe's business affairs.


Balfegor said...

Biden is neither humble nor empathetic. He's also extremely old, and I suspect in his day it was pretty common not to acknowledge your bastards. Strom Thurmond didn't have to, so why should Hunter Biden?

He also, very clearly, is in denial regarding his son Hunter's various misdeeds -- there was a news story recently about how his handlers have simply stopped trying to prep him on how to deal with the PR problems his son has created because he just snaps at them -- so he may have heard about how Hunter was proven to be the little girl's father by DNA testing etc., and has simply been unable to process it, mentally.

AMDG said...

Blogger Drago said...
AMDG: "Joe Biden is every bit a despicable human being as Donald Trump."

And so must be anyone that politically supports Trump, eh?

Go ahead, just call them deplorables.

Gee, I can't imagine why Trump supporters wont embrace the candidate(s) you recommend. Its inexplicable.

7/2/23, 6:24 PM


I have never said such a thing. The vast majority of Trump voters are like the vast majority of voters - not particularly engaged in day-to-day politics.

The people who are engaged and still are Trump cultists (the people like yourself whom I refer to as “tRump Swabs”. But, they are not deplorable, just blind to the truth).

I guess you are upset that I referred to Trump as a despicable human being. A few questions (although I will be stunned if you answer them)

1. What would you call a guy who is a serial adulterer?

2. What would you call a guy who is a congenital liar?

3. What would you call a guy who is a habitual cheater at golf (so much so that caddies at a club he belongs to have knicknamed him Pele because he always kicks his ball on to the fairway?

4. What would you call a guy who stiffed subcontractors for millions (regular working stiffs) when his managerial incompetence led him to bankrupt casinos?

5. What you call a guy who thinks so little of the Constitution that he plotted to over turn an election that he lost?

6. What would you call a guy who demands total loyalty and has no compunction about whipsawing supporters with his mercurial ways while displaying zero loyalty to those that have gone out on the limb for him (Bill Barr, come on down).

7. What would you call a guy whose massive ego controls his world view and whose event utterance is only to feed that ego and whose view of other people is solely based on how he perceives they view him.

Yes - I have contempt for people who know this about him and still support him. They deserve the contempt of anyone who cares about the survival of the Republic.

The Republic is a fragile thing. We are two Supreme Court justices away from the First Amendment not barring compelled speech and the eviceration of Congressional control of the purse.

But by all means, support the despicable human who combines his awfulness with a lack of seriousness.

Jupiter said...

Like many people who lie all the time, Joe has become adept at determining whether the lie he is about to tell is an obvious one. But Joe has lost at least one step these days, and a lot of the time it kicks in a little late. The claim that he speaks to his six acknowledged grandchildren "every day" is an obvious falsehood, but it took him a little too long to realize that, and out it came. Having made the claim, some dim recognition floated through the porridge under his hair plugs that it might not be accepted as true. By saying it is "not a joke", he is demanding that it be believed, but also suggesting that if it is false, it is an attempt at humor, and not just a pointless lie, that he told simply because it occurred to him.

Original Mike said...

"[Biden] also, very clearly, is in denial regarding his son Hunter's various misdeeds "

I agree with DanTheMan on this:
"Just to clarify things a bit...
Joe was not involved in Hunter's business affairs.

Hunter was involved in Joe's business affairs. It was Joe who was selling influence and access and taking bribes.
Hunter was just the bagman, or if you prefer, the cutout."

References to "Hunter's" business dealings are disingenuous deflections from people trying to hide the truth.

Blastfax Kudos said...

AMDG said, "3. What would you call a guy who is a habitual cheater at golf"

A habitual golf cheat is worse than a murderer. It's horrific to think that we let a golf cheat that close to the nuclear codes. We were all such fools.

DavidUW said...

Joe Biden is white trash.

Free Manure While You Wait! said...

"The people who are engaged and still are Trump cultists (the people like yourself whom I refer to as “tRump Swabs”. But, they are not deplorable, just blind to the truth)."

This is what projection actually looks like.

When one goes decades without voting and having any party affiliation of any kind, it's as easy to spot as picking out the guy wearing a clown at an investor relations meeting.

What people such as yourself -- and people who are your polar opposite -- fail to understand is that politics -- all of it -- is a lie. Whether it's here or in Venezuela or the UK or Beijing or Ukraine or any other country on Earth, that has ever existed since the dawn of civilization.

And you and your polar opposites are the best useful idiots ever.

Drago said...

AMDG: "I have never said such a thing. The vast majority of Trump voters are like the vast majority of voters - not particularly engaged in day-to-day politics.

The people who are engaged and still are Trump cultists (the people like yourself whom I refer to as “tRump Swabs”. But, they are not deplorable, just blind to the truth)."

So Trump supporters are ignorant or despicable or incapable of seeing "truth".

Make sure you wave that banner as high as you can as the campaign progresses.

Its a surefire winner.

Drago said...

And do note, as with LLR-democratical Chuck and all other FakeCons, in every thread focused on and critical of a democrat, a certain breed of FakeCon works tirelessly to turn that thread into an ati-Trump thread.

Always an easy "tell".

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Ever notice that Hunter's "wife" looks like a completely different person every time the media decides to show everyone a photo of the both of them? I do.

Josephbleau said...

“1. What would you call a guy who is a serial adulterer?

2. What would you call a guy who is a congenital liar?

3. What would you call a guy who is a habitual cheater at golf (so much so that caddies at a club he belongs to have knicknamed him Pele because he always kicks his ball on to the fairway?

4. What would you call a guy who stiffed subcontractors for millions (regular working stiffs) when his managerial incompetence led him to bankrupt casinos?

5. What you call a guy who thinks so little of the Constitution that he plotted to over turn an election that he lost?

6. What would you call a guy who demands total loyalty and has no compunction about whipsawing supporters with his mercurial ways while displaying zero loyalty to those that have gone out on the limb for him (Bill Barr, come on down).

7. What would you call a guy whose massive ego controls his world view and whose event utterance is only to feed that ego and whose view of other people is solely based on how he perceives they view him.”

Great list but we are not talking about Bill Clinton, especially the known cheating at golf, but he never had casino’s, he cheated the poor people of Haiti out of their donations.

bobby said...

"Joe Biden is every bit a despicable human being as Donald Trump."

We can certainly have this intramural fight over the T vs. dS primary, but can we please do it in a manner that doesn't end up completely and irrevocably splitting the right?

Maybe more of an "X is better qualified" approach than "Y's voters suck diseased sheep parts"?

You are simply guaranteeing that some Democrat will end up Prez in 2024. This isn't - or shouldn't be, at least - all about your own ego.

Unless you think "better Biden than Trump." In which case . . .

Eva Marie said...

The practical reason for not recognizing this grand child is to stop the hundreds (thousands) of Hunter’s sexual partners from coming forward with children, claiming Hunter is the daddy.

Drago said...

Remember those blissful halcyon days just months back when we were assured the solution for giving us "Trump policies without the Trump drama" was at hand?

Oh what glorious early pre-campaign days those were, eh AMDG?

But broad acceptability of that particular rhetorical pitch has been fairly shattered and so for those who were pushing it non-stop, like AMDG, once that jig was up the "argument" for AMDG's preferred candidate has devolved into a simple daily regurgitation of The Bulwark or Morning Joe content.

Precisely as predicted.

Up next for AMDG: Those Trump voters sure do cling to their Bibles and guns alot...especially the increasing share of working class and minority voters that are attracted to a populist conservative message.

Might as well complete the entire democratical talking point circuit.

Sort of like batting for the cycle.

Drago said...

bobby: "We can certainly have this intramural fight over the T vs. dS primary, but can we please do it in a manner that doesn't end up completely and irrevocably splitting the right?"

The establishment types have already promised another party split should Trump win the nomination and there is zero doubt that, as in 2016-2021, those same GOPe-ers will gleefully work with their democratical and deep state allies to attempt to prohibit Trump from running for President and, failing that, to frame and impeach him again.

To the continued and sustained applause of their AMDG-like minions.

gilbar said...

But Trump!!! But Trump!!!!!

Omaha1 said...

The Bidens are cruel, subhuman scum for treating an innocent child this way. I thought that Joe Biden said something recently about "all children being our children", but I guess that would only apply if she identified as a boy rather than a Biden. Supposedly little Navy Joan wants to be a Biden, but she should probably find a more respectable surname like "Manson" or "Dahmer". When she grows up, she can write a sequel to Daddy's memoir, "Beautiful Things II: An Inconvenient Child."

Birches said...

Eh, faced with a bastard child, Trump did the right thing and married Marla Maples. The Bidens should emulate Trump in this.

HoodlumDoodlum said...

A Return to Norms & Decency.

Eh, Joe is an asshole--always has been, always will be. There are plenty of assholes in politics--John McCain was a world-class asshole, for example.
It's funny to see the NYTimes catch up to rightwing Twitter on this story, literally years later. I have to imagine that it's the first many Times readers are hearing about this!

FullMoon said...

The child will always be resented, until she comes out as trans.
Either way, will never be loved.

Other obvious lie, that he talks to his grandchildren every day.

AMDG said...

Blogger Drago said...
bobby: "We can certainly have this intramural fight over the T vs. dS primary, but can we please do it in a manner that doesn't end up completely and irrevocably splitting the right?"

The establishment types have already promised another party split should Trump win the nomination and there is zero doubt that, as in 2016-2021, those same GOPe-ers will gleefully work with their democratical and deep state allies to attempt to prohibit Trump from running for President and, failing that, to frame and impeach him again.

To the continued and sustained applause of their AMDG-like minions.

7/3/23, 2:28 AM

Wrong - my dilemma is that I cannot in good conscience, vote for somebody who is morally unfit to hold the office. Since there is not a single Democrat whom I can trust to hold the office I will be forced to leave the top line blank for the 3rd consecutive time.

The problem for the tRump Swabs (and one they refuse to grapple with) is not with Republicans who will not vote for Trump (currently about 23% of Republicans). The problem is that about 55% of independents will not vote for Trump.

The tRump Swabs can bleat about GOPe, how Trump is a victim, etc. and it does not make a damn bit of difference. Trump could get 100% of the GOP vote in an election and he still loses.

The only people doing the Democrat’s bidding are the dead end tRump Swabs who love Trump more than their agenda, more than victory, and more than America. They have become agents of Trump’s narcissism.

Drago said...

AMDG: "Wrong - my dilemma is that I cannot in good conscience, vote for somebody who is morally unfit to hold the office. Since there is not a single Democrat whom I can trust to hold the office I will be forced to leave the top line blank for the 3rd consecutive time."

Of course you will....all the while demanding Trump supporters fall in line behind the next establishment candidate.

You are a perfect representative of what the GOPe is all about.

AMDG: "The only people doing the Democrat’s bidding are the dead end tRump Swabs who love Trump more than their agenda, more than victory, and more than America."

And there it is. An admittedly tepid "Get Trump policies without Trump drama" ploy that no one is buying any longer. Hard to believe you would even attempt to push that thoroughly exposed and discredited line of BS.

No one on the GOP side, other than Vivek, would fight for the policies Trump championed.

No one.

And no one is buying your establishment lies any longer. So you've got that hill to climb as well.

Drago said...

AMDG: "The tRump Swabs can bleat about GOPe, how Trump is a victim, etc. and it does not make a damn bit of difference. Trump could get 100% of the GOP vote in an election and he still loses."

Oooh, you are so tantalizingly close to something with that comment, but you will never take the next step.

Well, there's always a potential Kasich write-in campaign awaiting you.

Sounds pretty exciting.

Drago said...

Now, perhaps we could get back to criticism of Biden, even though it will set AMDG off.

Drago said...

HoodlumDoodlum: "A Return to Norms & Decency.

Eh, Joe is an asshole--always has been, always will be. There are plenty of assholes in politics--John McCain was a world-class asshole, for example."

Careful now. You'll upset AMDG with a comment like that, particularly since McCain, along with McConnell and Ryan were also working closely, as in hand in glove, with the dems like biden at the heart of the russia collusion hoax.

Something AMDG has never found the strength within himself to criticize re: the GOPe-ers....because that utter corruption of our institutions by these GOPe-ers and slap in the face to America's voters was fully justified in the eyes of the weak lambkins who sidled up to their dem pals to hobble the presidency under Trump and have him removed if necessary by means of lawfare.

And now AMDG thinks everyone is just going to forget about that and toss Trump overboard because AMDG's dem allies have ratcheted the corrupt lawfare up to "11" with the applause and support of AMDG's GOPe heroes?

tsk tsk tsk

No AMDG, the base voters are never going to forget that...try as you might to gloss over it all as if it were some little nothing that needn't be discussed any further.

It's at the center of this campaign....and the guy you back is being backed by the GOPe-ers that pulled that crap.

Good luck glossing over that.

Drago said...

AMDG: "Wrong"


Completely and utterly and irrevocably correct.

Per usual.

You've already admitted you will not support Trump if he is the nominee. Which was my very point. Your very comments proved my thesis, which you decried...while providing the evidence for that thesis.

Normally I might thank someone for doing it, but you wandered into the minefield all on your own.

Good luck tracing your steps back out.

AMDG said...

I did not realize that I had been subtle in my revulsion of Trump. Good on you for reading between the lines and concluding that I will not vote for Trump. You got me.

Like the dog that didn’t bark look at what Drago does not discuss -

1. Trump’s unfitness for office. Come on man - please provide an argument that Trump is not a despicable human being.

2. Drago spends all his time blaming “GOPe” for all of Trump’s travails. What he never does is provide a way for Trump to get back the independent voters he alienated. They fail to come to grips with the fact that Trump is not even interested attracting a majority of independent voters so he is sewing the seeds of his own defeat.

3. Then we have the evil Ryan and evil McConnell. All these guys did was provide the leadership to achieve two of Trump’s 3 great achievements during his term. The tax cuts and judges.

Oh, and what are these Trump policies that no one else will fight for? Beyond tariffs (which are counterproductive and are a tax on hard working Americans) I cannot think of one Trump policy position not held by other GOP candidates to varying degrees.

Alexander said...

Of all the things the Biden family have done in general, and Joe and/or Hunter have done in particular, not recognizing the claim of a bastard grandchild of a prostitute is pretty much the least objectionable thing, being standard practice of the past since-forever of civilization, except for in extraordinary circumstances where there was an outside motivation/pressure for doing so.

Granted: It's not nice, it's not particularly kind or fair to the child in question. Make sure the Biden's are not allowing the child to be a ward of the state. But otherwise: let's beat the drum and fight on this briar-patch laden hill that Joe Biden and the Democratic really really really really insist they don't want to be thrown into.

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