I don't want to embed anything I'm seeing here because I'm afraid of elevating something random, so go over there and scroll, but there is a good deal of calling people to nationalism and self-defense.
blogging every day since January 14, 2004
I don't want to embed anything I'm seeing here because I'm afraid of elevating something random, so go over there and scroll, but there is a good deal of calling people to nationalism and self-defense.
Hmm, Twitter now locked out for us non-subscribers.
Re: The Greeks (immigrants) placed the horse outside the city of Troy (France). The city (lefties) welcomed the horse, full of immigrants into France and claimed victory. The rest, as they say, is history.
Scott Adams says if you get a population 10% Islamic, they take over the coutry, and France is at 10%.
Apparently, you can no longer follow a link to twitter without signing in to twitter.
how did All this rioters get Into france in the 1st place? Oh, that's right; they were invited
"The Battle of France is over: the Battle of Britain is about to begin. Upon this battle depends the survival of Christian civilization." Sir Winston Churchill
France has the ability to resist the invader even now, but not the will. It will require many hard decisions, some tragically bloody, to do so. Charles Martel is spinning in his grave.
Since Angela Merkel's push for all of Europe to open their borders, much of Northern Africa and the Middle East have come storming in. Now, people from the ME and NA coming into Europe is not new. But it was once a controlled immigration, with an eye on assimilation- at least by the country governments. But that didn't work out. Islam does not always assimilate. In fact, historically- it just doesn't. So the base of unassimilated Muslim communities in the UK, Belgium, Sweden, Italy, Greece, France have already been there. Add in thousands more in a huge wave, with no work, no direction other than those given to them in the streets and you have cities within cities, countries within countries now.
How do you undo mass migration? We should be considering that question ourselves here in America. Though, I must admit, I much prefer our Hispanic neighbors. They're productive and they do assimilate. Speaking honestly here. I'm not sure I'd be able to walk down the streets of downtown Dearborn, MI these days.
Nationalism will rise now. Because the Governments have failed to do their number one prirority job: Defend it's borders and it's citizens. That is their first job before all others. They've failed. So the citizens who love their country- and they come in all shapes and ideologies- are going to take matters into their own hands.
This is how countries change. This is how horrible things can happen. I will always look at the changed Europe and lay it in the lap of Angela Merkel of Germany and the EU leadership in Brussels.
The French have been betrayed by their "leaders" in the past 60 years. Liberal immigration policies have allowed an enemy, Islam and its followers, to become entrenched. The Muslim population in France is nearing 10%. How will things look in 5, 10 years? The likelihood of French Muslims embracing laïcité (secularism) is zero.
Temujin @ 7:04: I sure hope you're wrong. But human nature is pretty clear on this stuff. It has always been government's first job to create and secure a border, and to administer law and order to those within the border, so they don't need to resort to one-on-one extemporaneous negotiation of peaceful and productive exchange.
When government forgets to do this, or decides its priorities are otherwise, things do not go well.
Our situation is precarious indeed.
Send them back to N. Africa. Tell them they need to Make Algeria Great Again....or whatever, just get them the fuck out.
Since they’re still rebuilding Notre Dame from the fire, they might as well start putting the minarets on right now. It will save time.
Orianna Fallaci, who sadly died in 2006 wrote about this 20 years ago "the rage and the pride" and "the force of reason". For some reason these books seem out of print and are not available in Kindle.
She called it "Eurobification", the takeover of Europe by Muslims. She was tried and sentenced in Europe for "defaming Islam" for predicting this. Might have died in a European jail if she had not gone on the lam to new york.
RIP, Orianna.
The books are excellent and you should read them if you can find a copy.
John Henry
Sadly, the French people are unarmed.
But the rioters are not.
John Henry
"Macron demands platforms delete riot content"
The liberal world order that has existed since before WWII isn't collapsing. It has collapsed. It has no solutions to the problems it has caused. It can no longer hide from people the racial, political, and cultural realities eating Western democracy and intellectual life from the inside.
It will not look the problem in the eye because the obvious solutions are too 'nationalism-adjacent' for their liking, which provides their true enemy - nationally popular will - ammunition to prevail.
Stick a fork in it folks. It's done.
This is how horrible things can happen. I will always look at the changed Europe and lay it in the lap of ... Germany
People are Always Blaming Germany for all the horrible things that change Europe? And WHY?
I mean, besides the fact the the Germans did it all
Francois don’t like it
Rockin’ teh Eiffel… rockin’ teh Eiffel
Re Twitter, I'd not found I cannot read links without signing in. For a long time now I've not been able to read more than a few tweets without signing in.
Apparently intelligence agencies are downloading millions of tweets and using them with AI to train censorship bots. Musk's limitation on how mv any tweets on can read daily (8,000 I f you pay the $8, 800 if you don't) is to combat this "censorship death star" good explanation here.
Conspiracy theory today, documented fact next week. (again)
Mussolini's definition of fascism
"Everything within the state, nothing outside the state, nothing against the state"
Macron has shut down internet service in parts of France. Just turned it off. He's shut down or limited some internet services in all of France. Like video games?!?
Naturally, like gun control, this affects only the law abiding.
John Henry
"I'm not sure I'd be able to walk down the streets of downtown Dearborn, MI these days."
I've lived in Dearborn for 20+ years. You'll be fine.
2 Swell Frogs:
"Why was it we wanted all these immigrants to come to France again? There must have been a reason. I honestly can't even remember."
"I...didn't think about it that much. It was just sort of a kick we all on. It seemed like a nice idea...and it was very fashionable.
"Merde. We must have been drunk. Were we drunk?"
Of course we were drunk. We're always drunk."
Oh yeah.
More champagne?
Why not?
"there is a good deal of calling people to nationalism and self-defense"
Too late.
Maybe invading Libya was a chump move by Europe with its “defensive alliance” NATO. Khaddafy actually said that if they got rid of him, Europe would be flooded with Africans, but we Americans had our proxy Cold War going on, and our grand strategy, blowback be damned, and then after that’s off to Syria we went and created the next huge refugee crisis that led to Brexit. Maybe we should look at root causes here, or is that too radical?
Maybe if we didn’t kill economic development in Africa due to out climate fetish, and plain old greed, Africans would not be so desperate that they are willing to cross over in rickety boats, even after thousands have drowned.
They're not going anywhere until they're given an incentive, starting with the politicians responsible for this mess. Didn't this just happen about 1500 years ago, in an adjacent country? Maybe the Spanish are available for consulting work.
In a move straight out of the COVID seminar lessons, Macron is shutting down internet access in specific neighborhoods during the evening hours. "These restrictions aim to prevent the misuse of social media and online platforms to coordinate illegal actions and incite violence. It is important to note that these restrictions are not put in place to restrict the fundamental freedoms of citizens......"
It's for your safety, comrade.
France is a looming tragedy. Either the French people rebel and push the Muslims out of France, (which will involve brutal violence by both sides), or Western civilization will be replaced by Sharia law. Islam does not believe in co-existence, and you cannot co-exist with those who refuse to co-exist with you.
you can no longer follow a link to twitter without signing in to twitter.
Yes, every new AI startup was scraping massive amounts of data from twitter, also government agencies worldwide have always done that. Not only did that degrade the experience of ordinary users, but downloading data is cheap while sending data is expensive. Whether intended as not, it was an attack on twitter. Musk needed to put a crimp in that pipeline while other tools were developed to handle the problem. There is some controversy about the method chosen, but Musk wants the sign in requirement, as well as the caps on reads, to be temporary.
Not all fish can swim in the same aquarium without attendant bloodshed.
On the subject of how to assimilate population - Europe should be looking at Denmark for a guide. They saw the problem quickly that their Muslim “guests” were not becoming Danish and cracked down hard on the families that were pushing the “keep us pure from these infidels” line. They even tied benefits to making sure kids were educated full time in Danish schools and not madrassas. Of course the usual suspects denounced the “ human rights violations” but the government there told them to pound sand. Same as occasionally closing the Swedish border since Malmo - the poster child of how not to integrate your immigrants - was so violent ( grenade attacks - really?)
There is going to be a point where these nations either crack down, collapse or do the 1609 Spanish solution to the problem - mass expulsion. But it’s not going to be pretty.
This is not happening in Hungary or Poland, run by people the west demonizes as “fascist” for controlling their borders. Victor Orban, ladies and gentlemen!
“There must have been a moment, at the beginning, where we could have said -- no. But somehow we missed it.”
The vision is a professional managerial class fully empowered to run the world like a hybrid of an elite college and a large corporation.
It's a big idea. There are bound to be a few hiccups along the way. But don't worry. Someday we'll all stroll about, nodding and smiling to one another, on a well-manicured, well-managed campus called Earth. The best and brightest people in history are on it. They've got this.
The future belongs to those who show up...
Tregonsee said...
France has the ability to resist the invader even now, but not the will.
And until they get the will, I will sit back and laugh at them. No, I will cheer their destruction.
Top to bottom, beginning to end, the Left is evil. There is nothing they do that actually operates to make the world a better place. There is no country controlled by the Left that is better off for it.
So since they've volunteered to be a bad example, I'm ecstatically happy to seem them get it good and hard
#FranceHasFallen is trending on Twitter.
"And I can't get up!"
There is no will remaining to resist this in western Europe. It will be like the Roman Empire, but only faster.
The rioters may as well hold up "Marine Le Pen for President" placards as they set fires.
France, and many other countries in Europe, come after the US for its various sins against minorities. These riots have apparently resulted from police brutality towards France's own minorities. You'll have to excuse me for enjoying the spectacle of them getting their comeuppance and for revealing that they're not as welcoming as they'd have us believe.
Didn't this just happen about 1500 years ago, in an adjacent country? Maybe the Spanish are available for consulting work.
I had to think a bit >> al Andalus?!!!
Didn't this just happen about 1500 years ago, in an adjacent country? Maybe the Spanish are available for consulting work.
I had to think a bit >> al Andalus?!!!
I think he was referring to the Reconquista which began in 722 and ended in 1492.
One of the things my teachers never did, and which I always did, was point out that Colombus's voyages were made possible because the Reconquista ended in 1492 and Spain (specifically Queen Isabella) had the resources to pay for it.
The French are so emo...
guitar joes said, "France, and many other countries in Europe, come after the US for its various sins against minorities. These riots have apparently resulted from police brutality towards France's own minorities."
The only brutality seen or practiced is by US and French minorities against their fellow citizens and their host nation. It's time to stop talking about what the US, France and the West owe minorities and to start talking about what they owe us for what amounts to trillions of dollars in damages annually to life and property.
Didn't this just happen about 1500 years ago, in an adjacent country? Maybe the Spanish are available for consulting work.
I had to think a bit >> al Andalus?!!!
1300 y/o at Tours, 732
Charles "The Hammer" Martel, Charlemagne's Grandpapa
Raspail's "Camp Of The Saints"--a screed against unlimited immigration/invasion of France by the dispossessed poor of the world -- was first published in 1973. Some have viewed the text as racist--others have called it prescient. It was out of print for a while, but hit the best seller lists (in France at least) back in 2011. When French police today say they are "at war with vermin" they are channeling Camp Of The Saints. In the book the "vermin" won.
I would never say that the book is a "good read" [although I read it a couple of years ago] but it is an "interesting' read.
Big Mike: "Since they’re still rebuilding Notre Dame from the fire, they might as well start putting the minarets on right now. It will save time."
On point.
I'm only surprised the French lefties didn't publicly manuever for that upfront like the US lefties did in supporting building a mosque at Ground Zero in NYC.
Humperdink: "Hmm, Twitter now locked out for us non-subscribers."
Strange. Its' working for me as a non-subscriber.
i would check it out, but, twitter has fallen
I have three words.......roof top Koreans.
France is a few years ahead of the US in admitting a huge number of hostile illegals. We can expect similar reactions if, for example, anyone tries to cut welfare. None of these Biden-illegals plans to support themselves.
Looks a lot like the Summer 2020 "mostly peaceful" riots; America 2020. We did that to ourselves on purpose.
I don't know exactly why, but part of me feels like "Fuck France". Aren't we sick of their arrogant shit?? Live with what you created. When this happens in Great Britain and Ireland are we supposed to feel bad for them too? Looks like it has already spread to Brussels.
Seeing the zoo animals roaming around is kind of cool. Lions, Zebras. Looks like one hell of a 4th of July over there.
Gee. I wonder who started Notre Dame on fire???
At least the hypocrites living in Martha's Vineyard had the sense to prevent this.
Hypocrisy or riots and fire? Easy choice.
If France wants to deport their Muslim population after this, I'm sure Madison, WI will welcome them with open arms.
The Muslims like to bitch and moan about the loss of territories like Andalusia. You know, the land of the Vandals?
I'm not so sure that the European peoples have all lost their spirit; they have reverted to type before, and in some places have already shown some signs of fight.
The pusillanimous attitudes may be widespread but only elite-deep.
Some may recall how Houellebecq’s novel Soumission created quite a stir in 2015 when it was published. The book imagined that an Islamic party allied with the Socialists won election as France’s government in 2022, and how that played out. Not to be a spoiler, but the answer is not great. The French government at the was at pains to declare that Houellebecq was off on a nasty toot that was beyond deplorable. But because the French pretend that, chez eux, intellectual writers are the pinnacle of la civilization francaise, the government had to respond — not possible to ignore the book or the author (the book was a best seller and Houellebecq is a major player in their literary scene), as would have happened here.
These riots have the establishment in France trapped, as the contrasting coverage in Le Monde (lefty establishment paper) and Figaro (the opposition ) shows. Macron’s government is caught in between. While the fracas over Houellebecq’s portrayal provides the cultural background against which the competing narratives are playing out, what’s changed is how much stronger the party of the deplorables has gotten in France, as indeed is happening across Europe.
France has fallen?
What nonsense.
France has riots, revolutions, new governments and remains France.
"madAsHell said...
I have three words.......roof top Koreans."
"Everybody Looty"
"Until the roof starts to shooty"
Mikey NTH said...
France has fallen? What nonsense.
France has riots, revolutions, new governments and remains France.
In the Immortal Words, of SE Hinton... That Was THEN, This Is NOW.
I really doubt that the moors will keep the name "france" for their caliphate
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