১০ জুলাই, ২০২৩

At the Monday Night Café...

 ... you can talk about whatever you want.

২২টি মন্তব্য:

wendybar বলেছেন...

Conspiracy theories always end up being true lately...


The rule of Lemnity বলেছেন...

My new project is to create a list of "conspiracy theories" from close to metaphysical certitude (Trump won) to highly unprobeable (Aliens live among us).

I suppose i ought to look at what ChatGPT could put together and then I will categorize them as mentioned above.

The idea occurred to me because, as an example, we, the public, are greatly deceived when reports lump vaccine hesitancy, for example, along with 9/11 inside job conspiracies.

It is one of the more insidious forms of information manipulation going on today. I'm convinced it's what did Tucker in at Fox.

farmgirl বলেছেন...

VT is flooding…

gadfly বলেছেন...

wendybar said...
Conspiracy theories always end up being true lately...

“The documents reveal that Obama administration officials . . . gained access to secret information about Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn, President-elect Trump’s choice for national security adviser,” the report says.

In 2017, Flynn pleaded guilty in federal court to making false statements to the FBI about his communications with Russia as determined by Robert Mueller's group. For that plea, Flynn's FARA violations of having worked directly for Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan attempting to lure, then capture Fethullah Gülen, a self-exiled cleric who lives in Pennsylvania, were dropped - and Flynn's son, Michael Jr. was let off the hook.

Flynn was eventually pardoned by Trump to free the convicted ex-General.

gadfly বলেছেন...

Lem the misspeller said...
My new project is to create a list of "conspiracy theories" from close to metaphysical certitude (Trump won) to highly unprobeable (Aliens live among us).

Is "metaphysical certitude" an unprovable theory such as "God is real?" If so, you have somehow determined that God is a conspiracy!

Mutaman বলেছেন...

"Metaphysical certitude" means it can't be proven in court.

The rule of Lemnity বলেছেন...



Humperdink বলেছেন...

gadfly you amuse me. You left out a boatload of details (Re: the political torture of Michael Flynn). Too many to list. Here area few: the FBI agents said he did not lie to investigators, then changing their story, to being the first person charged with a FARA violation since 210 BC, to threatening his son with jail time. This is not willful ignorance on your part. I suppose you get a kick of this, but please realize this will not end well for your side or the country.

gadfly বলেছেন...

Trump said over the weekend that Joe Biden is the most corrupt president in history. Well, check out TFG's latest grift with his good pals, the Saudis.

The LIV Golf League’s season-ending team championship will be suddenly be played at Trump National Doral Golf Club in Miami for the second straight year.

The Republicans are relentlessly investigating Hunter Biden’s alleged influence peddling from years ago. But there is nothing to wonder or worry about at Trump's overpriced and under-maintained Doral where $50 million in Saudi cash is floating around.

Don Trump, Jr. will likely bring his best gun buddy, Rob Roberts, accompanied by daughter Lundin and grandbaby Navy.

The rule of Lemnity বলেছেন...

YouTube: What to make of Sotomayor use of the word ”unelected” in her dissent.

wendybar বলেছেন...

"It is bad enough that Biden blames Trump for things that he screws up. It is worse when a WSJ journalist blames Trump for the lack of interest of the media, Justice Department, IRS, and other Democrats in doing an investigation into the massive corruption of the Biden crime family."


Not to mention, when the guy who wants to peel off Trump supporters agrees with the Swamp...You don't have to wonder WHY many of us won't vote for him....


iowan2 বলেছেন...

Flynn was eventually pardoned by Trump to free the convicted ex-General.

Wow, you have so much wrong about the Flynn events.

It was kind of a big deal at the time. Flynn recanted his guilty plea.

Whiskeybum বলেছেন...

farmgirl - we got back to Wisconsin from Burlington, VT (driving) on Monday, only to hear from our family back there about the terrible rainstorms and flooding - what an unfortunate mess for those flooded towns! Family in Vermont had told us of waves of storms through the area earlier, but the week we were there was dry and hot. Here's hoping for a long dry period there!

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves বলেছেন...

Gadfly - why are only Democrats allowed to talk to Russians?

did Flynn pocket any money? NO. Flynn went against your fraud white hero Obama - the man who hires crooks and surround himself with frauds and liars.

Cash flowed to Clinton Foundation Amid Russian Uranium Deal

john mosby বলেছেন...

The late John McLaughlin used to put metaphysical certitude as 10 on the scale of confidence during the “Predictions” segment of “The McLaughlin Group.” I assume that’s what Lem is referencing.


Original Mike বলেছেন...

Hang in there, farmgirl!

Candide বলেছেন...

Meanwhile in Ukraine...

"Mr. Zelensky and (Polish) President Andrzej Duda jointly commemorated the Poles murdered by Ukrainian nationalists in the 1943 Volhynia massacre..."


This is a major reversal. After Maidan uprising in 2014 Ukrainian nationalists desecrated monuments to Polish victims of Volhynia massacres, converting them to monuments of Bandera "heroes". Now these monuments are restored under pressure from Poland.

This follows after Kiev regime cancelled holiday in memory of Bandera and OUP Nazi "heroes", which was completely unacceptable to Poland. Polish people suffered more than any others from Ukrainian Nazis' atrocities, so as Kiev regime now tries to align with Poland, and by extension the West, they have to accept the demands of their new Polish masters.

Of course, the sad irony is that repudiating the Bandera legacy now, Kiev regime is doing exactly what Russia demanded from it since Maidan revolt of 2014, only it is doing that under Polish demands. But who wants to hang out on small details, the important thing is that Banderite legacy in Ukraine is being excised, which is very good, and the rest is just "water under the bridge", right? True, hundreds of thousands of Ukrainians and Russians had to die to make it happen, so it is more like blood torrent "under the bridge", but so what? We certainly don't care about dead Russians, and about those dead Ukrainians ... to be honest, we really don't care either.

Incidentally, "Slava Ukraini!" is first part of Banderite Nazi salute. The full salute is "Slava Ukraini! To Heroes Slava!", the "heroes" being "...the Ukrainian nationalists, led by Stepan Bandera, operated in German-occupied Poland during World War Two and ... trained by the Nazis." So any fool that continues yelling "Slava Ukraini!" is no different from those that shout "Sig Heil!".

farmgirl বলেছেন...

We’re ok. Roads are flooded all around us so the milk truck can’t come today. 4milkings(6700#) into the pit. Hopefully, we get reimbursed by someone other than insurance.

We’re lucky- no damage on our farm.

Rusty বলেছেন...

I spent Monday in Big Bear Cali. With the ladies. The ride up in an Infinity G35 was full of, "papa slow down!!!" Bunch a little girls. Why'd you let me drive?
A tourist trap. Also food was soso. but I was with my preferred company so a great day. Boring drive down.

Dr Weevil বলেছেন...

Looks like it's Candide's turn to represent our tag-team of anti-Ukrainian shills in lying on every open thread. Were tim in vermont and gilbar busy? (Are they even three different people?)

Referring to the Democratically elected government of Ukraine as the "Kiev regime" (with the usual contemptuous and contemptible misspelling of Kyiv) while he calls Putin's brutal one-man tyranny "Russia" is twisted enough. It is a lie to say that Zelenskyy was forced "to accept the demands of their new Polish masters" instead of doing it because it was the right and decent thing to do. And only a filthy liar could pretend that Ukraine is the one with the Nazi problem: Zelenskyy doesn't hang around with Banderites, while Putin has in fact shaken hands with a bunch of unrepentant neo-Nazis. (I've linked the evidence more than once, but the shills refuse to consider or even acknowledge it.)

One high-placed Nazi in Russia: Dmitry Utkin, founder of the Wagner Group, who is said to have led the military column that marched on Moscow while Prigozhin stayed in Rostov. Wikipedia reports that he is covered with Nazi tattoos, and some of them can be easily seen on Google image search, notably the lightning-bolt SS symbol on the right side of his neck. In short, Putin's claims that he invaded Ukraine to free it from Nazis is a disgusting lie.

Those of us who actually care about dead (and tortured and raped and mutilated and deported) Ukrainians want Biden to stop listening to his idiot advisors and send the F-16s he promised last year, so Ukraine can win the war sooner rather than later. A quick victory will save guilty Russian lives as well as innocent Ukrainian ones.

Of course, "Slava Ukraini" ("glory to Ukraine") was a Ukrainian patriotic slogan before Bandera was born, and saying it has nothing to do with Nazism or Bandera, any more than waving a Virginia flag with "Sic semper tyrannis" makes one a Confederate sympathizer or fan of John Wilkes Booth, since that slogan long predated Booth.

Candide বলেছেন...

Polish demands for 'de-Nazification' of the Ukraine are absolutely genuine. Poles hate the Banderites even more than Russians do. Poles avoid to call it 'de-Nazification' because that would mean to sound like Putin, but they demand exactly the same thing.

It is quite probable that Zelensky feels relatively safe now to concede to Polish demands for de-Nazification because Russians already killed so many hard-core Banderites that they lost all power influence in the Ukraine. Ultimately, it is very good to get rid of the Ukrainian Nazis one way or another. Of course, sad irony is that if the neo-Nazi menace in the Ukraine would be recognized early by the international community this 9 year long war would not happen.

Dr Weevil বলেছেন...

And again Candide pretends that Zelenskyy has no agency of his own, and hasn't been reducing the power and influence of Banderites all the damned time since he was elected. He lets them serve in the lower ranks of the armed forces, because the needs fighters, but he doesn't shake hands with them, much less allow any of them in positions of power, as Putin does his own actual neo-Nazis - a point Candide refuses to even acknowledge.

Again, there is no evidence whatsoever that Putin or any other Russian gives a damn about long-dead Ukrainians who murdered Poles and Jews 80 years ago except as a stupid excuse to help Russians kill Ukrainians today, and to fool stupid westerners into abandoning all Ukrainians to Russian slavery, rape, torture and death. Putin certainly has no objection at all to actual swastika-waving SS-tattooed neo-Nazis, as long as they're on his side.

And this war would have happened if Bandera had never been born, because Putin's objection to Ukraine has nothing whatsoever to do with him. Putin hates Ukraine because it demonstrated that Slavs are perfectly capable of democracy, self-government, and rapid economic progress without any 'help' from the colonial power that oppressed them for centuries, or any of the thugs and assholes who have led it. If Russians and Belarusians start acting like that, Putin and Lukashenko are in big trouble.