July 21, 2023

"A reëlected Trump would be a President subject to no constraints at all..."

"... having twice dodged congressional impeachment, and either beaten back the Justice Department and the courts or delayed so long that he could seek to use his regained executive powers to nullify the cases against him. Trump, in his ever-more-apocalyptic rhetoric surrounding his effort to retake the White House, has taken to calling his 2024 race 'the final battle.' I have increasingly come to believe that he is correct."

Writes Susan B. Glasser in "Finally, the Trump Case We’ve Been Waiting For/But, with 2024 looming, is it already too late?" (I don't need to tell you this is in The New Yorker. You can tell from the diaeresis in "reëlected.")

ADDED: I'd avoid the phrase "ever-more-apocalyptic." It's like "very unique." Is it the end of the world or isn't it? And isn't Glasser's rhetoric as "apocalyptic" as Trump's? "Trump would be a President subject to no constraints at all" — she can't literally believe that. Trump's use of "the final battle" isn't more extreme. 


gilbar said...

She makes a persuasive case for supporting Trump in 2024!

Dave Begley said...

At least Trump hasn’t been bribed by foreigners. Does bribery concern Susan B. Glasser?

Jaq said...

"Ever more apocalyptic" better describes the anti-Trump propaganda, doesn't it. It's almost like they work from a common playbook, just like Rush Limbaugh always said. You know, always accuse the other side of whatever you are doing to muddy the waters and make the truth all but impossible to ascertain.


Not sure non subscribers of Twitter will be able to look at the link, but it's a huge pile of cash that the guy said to have bribed Joe Biden is alleged to have offered to a Ukrainian prosecutor to drop the case against him, which "son of a bitch" he did, by firing the prosecutor, but it seems like the case against the guy who stole billions from Ukraine won't die. But remember, we care about average Ukrainians, and this is why they have to ramp the anti-Trump propaganda to eleven, to distract from Biden's now open corruption, because he is the protector of Ukraine.

If they didn't have the powerful distraction of Trump, they would have to invent it.

Political Junkie said...

I started reading the article and then faded out. But the author's point is valid. As Gilbar says, some will want to support Trump. My fear is a majority will not support Trump and a D will be elected. Joe will serve is full second term is my against the grain prediction. Joe is a SOB, but he is a fighter. He is a dirty fighter.

Wince said...

Althouse said...
You can tell from the diaeresis in "reëlected."

To make an umlaut you have to break a few eggs.

Krumhorn said...

It would be a pleasure to see Trump back in the White House if for no other reason than to witness the tsunami of hellfire and retribution he would wreck upon the lefties. I doubt he would sleep a single night lest he miss a single opportunity to feast on some well-deserved revenge. As we all know, payback is a MF’er. Multiples of paybacks would be a delicious serving of fiercely horrible MF’er. The screeching and agony of lefties like Glasser and so many more would be Mozart to my ears.

- Krumhorn

wendybar said...

So he would act just like Obama AND Biden??

Jaq said...

Sorry, Joe Biden famously fired the prosecutor persecuting the poor little oligarch who stole billions from Ukraine, this is a new prosecutor after said oligarch, owner of Burisma.

Amadeus 48 said...

She makes a compelling case for electing Trump.

Enigma said...

So, Ms. Glasser is implying that the Biden Regime followed the rules to obtain power, and is somehow better? She does not integrate the years of Crossfire Hurricane lies, the Hunter Biden lies, the Burisma lies, the many many many state-driven COVID lies, the many many many state-driven tech censorship lies and propaganda, and the other documented offenses of anti-Trump Dems and Reps in her analyses? How childlike. How self-confident. How quaint.

She also has a selective memory, as Trump was tagged as the worst human being since the child-killing King Richard III way back in 2016. Fake bloody head. Threats to burn down the White House. No matter.

The projection remains strong with Ms. Glasser. Her bubble of delusion remains intact or she's a textbook psychopath, or both.

Iman said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
ThatsGoingToLeaveA said...

Today, I learened what diaeresis means.

rhhardin said...

I don't recall Trump ignoring the SC or any court.

Cappy said...

What's with the umlaut?

I had diaeresis last week. Took imodium.

Earnest Prole said...

Whenever I see the New Yorker’s ersatz ümlaut affectation, I think of Blue Öyster Cult, Motörhead, Mötley Crüe, Queensrÿche, and most deliciously, Spın̈al Tap.

jnseward said...

My only fear is that a reëlected Trump would NOT be unconstrained.

Michael E. Lopez said...

My takeaway is that the New Yorker is admitting that Trump might be right.

Jupiter said...

"This, in the end, is the heart of the matter, a long-delayed reckoning with an offense against the constitutional system so great that it is without historic precedent—no President before Trump ever did such a thing."

She's confused. No *President* before Biden ever did such a thing.

Glasser is a Republican, of the banana variety.

Temujin said...

To the left, Trump is continually the face of impending Darkness, Totalitarianism. With women, Gay people, Blacks, and Trans people literally taken off the streets and put into concentration camps. Where kids are bullied into becoming...(gasp) patriotic. And where abortions are...well...nothing much will happen there because it's in the states now and frankly, Trump isn't going to do anything more about it.

But...Trump!! Evil. White. Male. Orange. Bad.

In the meantime, when he was in office, the reality was that we had a more peaceful world, full energy production, far lower cost of living, higher labor participation- particularly among minorities, a growing peace movement in the Middle East. And nobody was taken off their lives until Covid. Then- with the helpful screaming of the left and the media- everybody was taken off their lives. Except those who wanted to protest and burn down cities for the cause.

Today our current President has been shown to be taking millions in bribes from foreign nationals to buy US policy. Most notably, to pressure Ukraine into removing a prosecutor investigating Burisma and Hunter Biden. Joe Biden brags about it in front of the world- he cannot help himself. And today, our media censors any mention of it. They literally act as if this does not exist.

But...from the paper of record we do have...wait for it...dieresis? Seriously? Just how affected are these people?

MadisonMan said...

It's not like Democrats can offer up a Democratic Candidate that people want to vote for. So time for the Democrats in the Press Corps to gin up the scare tactics.
Two out of three for using 'gin' in comments this morning. My substitute for day drinking!

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Accidental text that came to the wrong phone number....

"Shirley, I'm begging. Can you sign the petition to BAN Robert F. Kennedy from the ballot?

https://go.turnoutpac.org/72031 "

Aggie said...

The Progressive Lefties light fire and fire against the outside walls of the Trump castle, and then voice dire concern at the response of the Fire Department. 'They might break under the strain', they say, 'and it's all because of Trump!'.

Yes, we know.

Jamie said...

having twice dodged congressional impeachment, and either beaten back the Justice Department and the courts or delayed so long that he could seek to use his regained executive powers to nullify the cases against him

He didn't "dodge" impeachment. He was impeached twice. He didn't "beat back" the Justice Department or the courts. They just couldn't put together a case against him.

Look. I would much rather that Trump weren't running; he's old and he's divisive, partly (but only partly!) through his own most grievous fault. But it absolutely astonishes me that Biden, formerly the Senator from MBNA and now the President of Ukraine and the Trans Lobby (which, who knew how much money the "trans community" represented?), is still thought by so many to be a better choice than the guy who primarily worked to rein in government interference in people's lives and stayed out of the way.

West TX Intermediate Crude said...

Like our hostess, I'm old enough to remember 1968. Riots, assassinations, colleges closed down by unhappy middle class white kids.
Summer 2024 will likely see a reprise of these unfortunate events.
On one extreme, there could be a civilly conducted discourse on the best path forward for our beloved nation, with fair and free elections determining the outcome.
On the other extreme, open civil warfare.
1968 is pretty much the intermediate course, and the most likely.
1968 got us President Nixon. Next year, if we are lucky, it will bring us either Trump or DeSantis.
I'm sitting in my relatively safe space in red Texas, hoping for the best but preparing for the worst.

AMDG said...

Blogger rhhardin said...
I don't recall Trump ignoring the SC or any court.

7/21/23, 7:45 AM


I guess ignoring the Constitution is not important.

Enigma said...

@Jamie: " (which, who knew how much money the "trans community" represented?)"

I see this as a mix between (1) children raised without any moral framework looking for a way to compete and dominate others in the identity politics space, and (2) a tool of wealthy oligarchs who seek population control. Widespread abortions = fewer people. Environmental anxiety = fewer people. Alternative sexuality and de facto sterilization = fewer people.

Oligarchs don't like competition for resources and more mouths to feed.

Rocco said...

Cappy said...
"What's with the umlaut? I had diaeresis last week. Took imodium."


jim5301 said...

I hope everyone here gives Garland a little credit for saving Trump's skin. He didn't investigate the role of Trump in the attack on the Capitol for almost three years. He let the House conduct an investigation, making it much more difficult to successfully prosecute the guy criminally - Typically DOH does whatever it can to delay a congressional hearing until after the criminal case. By waiting until the election season, Garland guarantees that it will look like politics as usual. And any conviction before the election will be on appeal for at least two years, and if the Republicans win the White House Trump is certain to be pardoned.

While were add it, three cheers for the Jan 6 committee. That investigation didn't get really get going until June 2022 (it should have been January 2021 of course)The committee didn't subpoena Trump until the very end, as a symbolic gesture. That should have happened in January 2021 of course when there would be time to litigate the issue. They refused to share the results of their labor with DOJ for many months. They didn't compel any witnesses. And for the most part they did a crappy job questioning witnesses.

You guys don't understand who your friends are.

The Michigan case also took way to long but that's the one I would worry about. Pardons aren't available. The perjury is clear cut - they actually said in their declaration that they met in the state capitol, as required by law, when they did not. Someone put the electors up to this and Trump presumably gave the okay. Keep an eye on that one.

Gusty Winds said...

Trump is right. This is the final battle. I've accepted that it's probably lost. Many who wanted to just move on from the 2020 voter fraud helped get us here. Now we live with and unaccountable, installed executive.

The last real election was 2016 when Trump blindsided the corrupt establishment, and the electoral college worked as designed. The same fraud will happen in WI, GA, PA, AZ, and MI in 2024 as happened in 2020.

The GOPe and the other candidates (even DeSantis) are hoping these corrupt indictments somehow can disqualify Trump from the nomination. Seems clear. I would imagine the GOPe will change delegate distribution rules on the fly this next year. If that happens I'll write in RFK Jr. and go full Bull Moose.

America will implode like the OceanGate sub. Feel bad for my kids.

Dude1394 said...

I do not accept her premise. But does she think Biden has had ANY constraints at all?

Maynard said...

I am wondering how deep the disingenuous bullshit from the liberal intelligentsia will pile up over the next 15 months.

Extremely deep is my guess. Hip high waders may not be enough.

Scott Patton said...


planetgeo said...

You know when Democrats start frantically circulating petitions to ban a Kennedy from the ballot that they have gone so far off the left end of the spectrum that this is indeed "the final battle."

Trump-RFK Jr. 2024 (Just kidding...maybe.)

Gusty Winds said...

My prediction is Gavin Newsome will be installed as President in 2024.

AMDG said...

I don’t think there is a concern that Trump will be elected. When paired against Biden he constantly polls in the low to mid 40’s. With 100% name recognition that is fatal.

An unconstrained Trump would be an absolute disaster. VP Kari Lake (or MTG) or SOS Seb Gorka would be powerless to stop Trump from indulging in his worst instincts.

Look at his history. Unconstrained Trump over paid for the Plaza to such a degree that it would have taken decades of no vacancies at exorbitant rates to break even. He then proceeded to bankrupt three casinos because he couldn’t do the simple cash flow analysis that clearly showed that he was borrowing too much money at too high of interest rates to make it work.

As I gaze out at the beautiful wall paid for by Mexico I realize that unconstrained Trump will be what Trump always has been - all bluster and no effective action.

Wilbur said...

I realize we're talking about Leftists here, but have any of these pinheads thought about exactly how you ban someone from a ballot?

donald said...

Trump without even really knowing what’s in it honored the constitution for his entire term. Biden, fellow democrats and lots of Republicans have been shitting on the constitution their entire political careers. Careers…spit.

wendybar said...

What Gusty Winds said @ 8:29 AM

Levi Starks said...

If ever there were a reason for a Time Machine.
I so wish there were a way to replay the last 2 years just so I could watch the entire world come unglued when Trump approves sending cluster bombs to to the Ukraine.

Alexander said...

Alas, the liberal fanfiction version of Trump has always been the best Trump. Sadly the real thing has always fallen a bit short.

Leland said...

What are Biden's constraints? The man has bragged about withholding aid to Ukraine in order to force them to fire a prosecutor investigating his son for bribery. Trump was impeached for far less.

Biden has been told by Congress and the Supreme Court that he cannot unilaterally forgive student loans, yet Biden is still attempting to do so at an unappropriated cost to taxpayers of $39 billion. When a President can spend $39 Billion of taxpayer money without representative approval and in violation of the Constitution; what exactly are Biden's constraints?

At least we know Trump will step down from the Presidency and leave the White House.

Big Mike said...

In July of 2019 Donald Trump asked Ukrainian President Zelenskyy about Joe Biden’s interference in Ukrainian internal affairs during a telephone call. Four years later we know beyond any reasonable doubt that not only did Biden do so, but he accepted a bribe, laundered through his son Hunter, to do so.

Only took four years, high inflation, a war in Ukraine, and American citizens left behind in Afghanistan to get to the truth.

Michael K said...

America will implode like the OceanGate sub. Feel bad for my kids.

Yup. Biden is the most corrupt person ever to hold office, let alone president. Yet Democrats obsess over Trump. Biden has no constraints at all.

John henry said...

I guess ignoring the Constitution is not important

Examples, amdg?

John Henry

Sebastian said...

"she can't literally believe that"

Progs can literally believe anything they want. But of course they don't believe what they profess to believe anyway. As they're showing now and showed in DJT's first term, the regime will keep fighting him with everything they've got.

Ernest said...

The term apocalyptic comes from the first verse of the last book in the Bible, Revelation. In the original Greek, it is the very first word: apokalypsis. In that context it means something that was hidden, now revealed. Among scholars of religion it has an additional meaning, defining a certain genre of literature typified by the book of Daniel, portions of Ezekiel, and Revelation. This genre is heavily symbolic and often, though not always, is describing visions of the end of the world. In my mind the term is much over-used and often inaccurately used in news stories.

Big Mike said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

And exactly what are the constraints on dictator Joe's powers right now? He disregards the Supreme Court, the laws passed by Congress and DOJ/FBI precedent to go after his political "enemies." And I use scare quotes because only progressives like Biden and Obama call their political opponents "enemies," as befits the fascist tradition. They don't just disagree with us, their fellow Americans, they want us silenced, jailed, cowering and they use the constant threat of violence and destruction (BLM, Antifa, Occupy, "homeless advocates," Extinction Rebellion, and all the tiny eichman's they loose via their Soros DAs to harass and intimidate the working class) to instill fear in the populace in the hopes it clears the way for their final solution, a benevolent dictator with a "D" after his name. Or her. It could be Michelle, after all.

What is there to constrain Biden, Ms. Glasser?

Amexpat said...

You can tell from the diaeresis in "reëlected.

My thought right away, though without using the word diaeresis.

Pet peeve - why are the editors of the New Yorker such pricks about this. Not for clarity or ease of reading. Reelected is easily scanned and understood in a microsecond, but reëlected draws attention to itself and slows down the reader.

I believe the New Yorker is the only publication that does this. Even the spellchecker at Blogger doesn't accept reëlected.

So why then do they still insist on the diaeresis? To signal their erudition and uniqueness, for the sake of tradition or just because the really are pricks?

John henry said...

So I went to the turnout PAC. They want me to sign a petition to ban rfk but give no reason why.

More importantly, they give no method HOW he could be banned.

Natural born citizen, 35,lived in US 14 years.

On what grounds could he be banned? Yeah I know, worse than trump and Hitler together but I could not find anything about that in the constitution.

These folks are imsane

John Henry

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Lefty projection at its best: I guess ignoring the Constitution is not important.

You mean like this part?

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

Democrats were proudly trying to abridge and prohibit protected speech in the hearings this week about them illegally censoring speech. We all saw it. They tried to censor Kennedy so he wouldn't testify about being censored. How dense do you have to be to try and sell "Trump is da dictator" bullshit in the midst of this lawless speech-hating democrat party?

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...


I like it, Scott. A pock. A lip. Dish.

John henry said...

Why do people keep calling him junior? Why not just RFK?

I can understand in a context where there is a possibility of confusion.

In most cases RFK will be fine and appropriate.

John Henry

Marcus Bressler said...

Wouldn't the use of "the final battle" refer to his final term (upcoming) of the presidency?
I don't see DJT taking the helm again due to the fraud that the Dems have pretty much perfected. In addition, the whore Legacy media has their respective mouths full with Democrat dicks.


Marcus Bressler said...

Though I often fail at doing so, I must give credit where credit is due: the "very unique" criticism is spot on and while I have seen a diaeresis, I had never known that it had a specific name -- thanks, Ann. And Cappy's comment drew an out-loud chuckle.

On a separate note: The NYT's article on day drinking is the camel's nose under the tent flap: next up, "Gay Drinking: The Loneliness of the last Bud Light Fans"


AMDG said...

Blogger donald said...
Trump without even really knowing what’s in it honored the constitution for his entire term. Biden, fellow democrats and lots of Republicans have been shitting on the constitution their entire political careers. Careers…spit.

7/21/23, 9:00 AM


At least until that scheme to have Mike Pence overturn certified state results.

It could also be argued that using unspent funds on the wall violated the Constitution since they were funds not appropriated by Congress for that reason but that is some something it seems Al, Presidents have come to do.

mikee said...

The problem which canot be overcome by the press and Dems, but I repeat myself, is that they already did their best Chicken Little act of "THE SKY IS FALLING AND WE ARE ALL DOOMED" in 2016, and then did it again and again every year/month/week/day/hour/minute/second since, regarding Trump.

Everyone now knows that the Dems and the press, but again I repeat myself, were hit with a metaphorical acorn when Trump was elected, not by the falling sky, and the saner half reacts to each new pronouncement of imminent skyfall by looking on the ground for yet another acorn. The less sane half, of course, immediately resumes staring at the sun to see if it is indeed closer today than when they looked at it every time before, since 2016.

William said...

Apocalypses ain't what they used to be. I remember the Trump Presidency. There was COVID and that thing with North Korea, but as apocalypses go it was pretty tame. As I remember it, his presidency was in some ways more successful than that of Biden's. He didn't build a high wall and Dr. Fauci grew and prospered. If he had built a wall or fired Fauci that would surely have brought on the apocalypse, but it didn't happen. So libs give him credit for that extraordinary feat of statesmanship.....As Brutus observed to Prince Umlaut during the contested election for Roman Emperor "the fault lies not in us but in the stars of CNN. It's a tale told by an idiot and all the rest is diaresis."

TwinsLawyer said...

"Very Unique" always brings me back to the West Wing.


hombre said...

Since Trump Is neither a bonafide Christian, nor a bona fide conservative, his second term carries risks for Christian conservatives as well.

He is correct to characterize 2024 as "the final battle." The Republic cannot survive another four years of unfettered Democrat lunacy. The country yes. The Republic no.

At my age it is tempting to root for Biden and the Dems just to watch them "hoist by their own petard", but I have children and grandchildren. And despite the wishful thinking of the Right, revolution is unlikely to succeed against the Obama/Biden military and the well armed Deep State.

hombre said...

"Why do people keep calling him junior? Why not just RFK?"

Think about it. You know why.

Leland said...

At least until that scheme to have Mike Pence overturn certified state results.

You do understand that what you call "a scheme" is the act described in the US Constitution in which the Vice President presides over the certification of what you call "certified" results? Not only is it lawful for members of Congress to call into question the Electoral College results; it is actually the entire reason for the process.

It could also be argued that using unspent funds on the wall violated the Constitution since they were funds not appropriated by Congress for that reason but that is some something it seems Al, Presidents have come to do.

You know, arguing that legal acts are somehow illegal, because you just want them to be, does not make a convincing argument of apocalyptic crisis. It makes you look really silly.

Bruce Hayden said...

“I hope everyone here gives Garland a little credit for saving Trump's skin. He didn't investigate the role of Trump in the attack on the Capitol for almost three years. He let the House conduct an investigation, making it much more difficult to successfully prosecute the guy criminally - Typically DOH does whatever it can to delay a congressional hearing until after the criminal case. By waiting until the election season, Garland guarantees that it will look like politics as usual. And any conviction before the election will be on appeal for at least two years, and if the Republicans win the White House Trump is certain to be pardoned.”

Huh? There was no attack on the Capital on 1/6/21. There was an almost completely peaceful protest of what they viewed as a stolen election. And then there was selective enforcement of many of the participants, using massive suppression of exonerating evidence - and, in particular, the 4K+ hours of video from the Capital that day. It was a setup, from Day 1. And we all know what Trump’s role was that day - he cautioned all of the protesters against any violence. Maybe it would have ended with fewer deaths if he had cautioned the Capital police too - except they worked for Nancy Pelosi.

“ While were add it, three cheers for the Jan 6 committee. That investigation didn't get really get going until June 2022 (it should have been January 2021 of course)The committee didn't subpoena Trump until the very end, as a symbolic gesture. That should have happened in January 2021 of course when there would be time to litigate the issue. They refused to share the results of their labor with DOJ for many months. They didn't compel any witnesses. And for the most part they did a crappy job questioning witnesses.”

You mean the 1/6 committee that released a cherry picked, less than 1% of the available video from that day? That completely cut out the thousands of hours of the protesters walking around completely peacefully, led by Capital Police? That showed unindicted instigators breaking windows and doors, and encouraging protesters to enter (just like AntiFA did with BLM)? That had no Republicans on it who had been selected by the Minority Leader? Etc. Pelosi picked the two Republicans on the committee, all by herself, and they no longer belong to the party, nor serve in Congress.

Yancey Ward said...

"So why then do they still insist on the diaeresis?"

Only white supremacists oppose diaereses and are going to be reëducated in the coming Newsom Administration.

Mountain Maven said...

Apocalyptic would be a senile president who gets Amendment 25ed and be replaced by Harris.

Rusty said...

AMDG, a Chuck wannabe, pipes up and beclowns himself. Ya ever take a civics class? We have something called a "Constitution" which outlines the responsibilities of all three branches of government. One of those branches being the president. Which is independent of the other two.

Earnest Prole said...

So why then do they still insist on the diaeresis? To signal their erudition and uniqueness, for the sake of tradition or just because the really are pricks?

Their chief copy editor admitted in an article a few years back that it’s an affectation from the early days of the magazine and persists for no good reason. Modern English, particularly Modern American English, is a rapacious language that loots useful words worldwide and strips them of their accents and other diacritical marks; it’s therefore silly to think we need to introduce diacritical marks to English words any native speaker instantly recognizes.

Robert Cook said...

"She makes a persuasive case for supporting Trump in 2024!"

Really? You want a president with near (or full) absolute power, checked (or only barely so) by no other entities? Of course you do! The Right (sic) love to shout "Freedom! Freedom! Freedom!" as they clamp down on freedom, cheering the new restrictions on abortions, (even seeking to track the medical history of women to see if they have had abortions in other states where abortion is still somewhat legal, presumably to prosecute them in some way in their home state), prohibiting the teaching of certain topics in school, (even the verbalizing of certain words), clapping their hands for a president with more or less total veto power over all other institutions, giving him unilateral power to do as he/she wishes. The Right (sic) wants a fuehrer and that's why they Cum for Trump.

Robert Cook said...

"Pet peeve - why are the editors of the New Yorker such pricks about this. Not for clarity or ease of reading. Reelected is easily scanned and understood in a microsecond, but reëlected draws attention to itself and slows down the reader.

"I believe the New Yorker is the only publication that does this. Even the spellchecker at Blogger doesn't accept reëlected."

Maybe the Times' editors and/or copy-proofers were once (and ever) fans of heavy metal!

eLocke said...

As long as we're getting pedantic ...

Trump's rhetoric could become "ever-more-apocalyptic" (what, nothing about the hyphens?) by mentioning the apocalypse more frequently or in more extreme terms. The ever-more modifying the rhetoric rather than the apocalypse itself (although the aforementioned hyphens do make that interpretation more difficult to perceive).

Michael K said...

The Right (sic) wants a fuehrer and that's why they Cum for Trump.

It's a bit amusing to see Cook cheer for this Fascist government we have now. One big problem is that they are also incompetent. When this bunch of lefty clowns takes down the economy and the rest of the country, the result will make "Lightning Fall" look like no big deal.

Jaq said...

"Really? You want a president with near (or full) absolute power, checked (or only barely so) by no other entities? Of course you do! "

Has Trump ever ignored the Supreme Court the way Joe Biden routinely does?

Earnest Prole said...

Mariam-Webster documents five distinct meanings of apocalyptic including grandiose, prophetic, and terrifying. Since all three precisely describe what the author is trying to communicate about Trump’s End Times schtick, I would say “ever-more apocalyptic” is a perfectly sound and elegant way to communicate “ever-more grandiose, prophetic, and terrifying.”

donald said...

“At least until that scheme to have Mike Pence overturn certified state results”. Where is the violation of the constitution asshole? That was a legal strategy that deserved its day in court. Cite it.

It could also be argued that using unspent funds on the wall violated the Constitution since they were funds not appropriated by Congress for that reason but that is some something it seems Al, Presidents have”. Why didn’t they take him to court?

When the Trump administration made decisions that the democrats didn’t like and were sued in court they abided by the decisions. The Biden, Oba and Clinton administrations not so much.

Jaq said...

Somehow the line "Stop trying to make fetch happen" comes to mind with that spelling of re-election. Whoever took the hyphen out done the crime.

Robert Cook said...

"It's a bit amusing to see Cook cheer for this Fascist government we have now."

The Adolescent Doctor pipes up and gets it wrong again. How does my comment suggest support for the Biden Administration? He's marginally less bad than Trump, and the Dems are marginally less bad than the Republicans, but that is hardly even faint praise. I didn't vote for him in 2020, and I won't vote for him (if he's alive and if he runs) in 2024.

Rusty said...

Robert goes full Ethel Merman. Never go full Ethel Merman.

PM said...

100% agree with Gusty's use of Newsom being 'installed'.
My version of how it happens:
Joe's gonna run with Newsom as VP because Kamala will have sacredly declined the role of VP in order to selflessly work more closely with racial problems 'on the ground'. (Give me a moment. Okay, I'm better.) Then, early in Joe's administration, he'll get 'health' problems and he, for the good of the nation, will reluctantly step aside, confident that his chosen man, Newsom, will carry on his legacy. It's all right here in my head.

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