June 10, 2023
"Who gets a federal indictment with 100 years potential jail time and comes out to do an event?! The man is titanium!!"
Says one person in the live chat that accompanies this live stream of Trump speaking at the Georgia GOP Conference:
I believe a lot of people are being used and trolled.
yeah but - scary boxes.
In principle, yes. The expectation is that, despite diverse opposition, Trump will follow through in his second administration. Promises made. Promises kept. Make America a Moral Leader... Again (MAMLA).
He never gives in, he never gives up.
Well, that’s one person’s view.
The other view of his behavior is not “titanium,” but “delusional.” Of which there are plenty just like him already, in prison.
The Republicans’ preferred hero type is the type likely to be behind bars. America thanks you for unmasking yourselves of your pretension to valuing rule of law.
Time to move on. There’s a country that needs running, not endless rallies for a Nuremberg-level loser.
People obsessed with documenting and elevating these Trump counter-offensives are really no more substantive than Leni Riefenstahl.
Yet another incantation of the "How Dare he!" response. He dares, that's the secret to his success.
He will run from prison if necessary. He doesn't care what people think.
That was just this morning.
Trump’s indictment is long overdue. The modern conservative movement is punch-drunk with lawlessness.
It got its start with Nixon, who was pardoned after his ouster from office for orchestrating a breach of his opponents’ property.
Then Reagan traded arms to our enemies to fund Nicaraguan death squads and prolonged our Iranian hostage crisis to help his campaign. America let him off the hook, apparently on the premise of his being too mentally dull to be aware of his actions. (Just prior to his dementia diagnosis).
Bush lied his way into a war after ignoring and failing to stop a major terrorist attack that killed thousands. But people thought the legal implications of that action was too “political,” and we were too busy fighting the terrrrists anyway.
Now Trump took everything to a new level. Republicans were no longer content to argue clemency or mitigating circumstances for their leaders’ misdeeds and instead pledged unabashed loyalty to a TV celebrity white collar criminal who threatened to jail his opponents, refused to honor election results, and blurred the lines between reality and fantasy altogether - seducing his followers with Trumped-up tales of criminality on the part of Biden’s prodigal son, to which the Clintons’ debacles (long ago paid for dearly) paled in comparison.
Enough is enough. Let the courts handle Banana Republican hubris before Trump gets them to pledge loyalty to him as well,
First one to post "NAZI" reference... gets a %20 bonus!
Hpudding, check is on it's way.
He knows from Nazis, yessir!
Old Hickory and George Washington combined. Winner of our age.
hpudding deranged comment is precisely why we need 4 more years of Trump in the Oval Office.
It makes me think of Nero fiddling while Rome burns. Okay, Don. You've got 30-35% of the vote locked up and it's all about you. Meanwhile, we, the little people, are waiting to see what the Democrats will do to us next after you lose.
Hoard the records. Run off at the mouth. It's okay. It's all about you. Really!
And I'll vote for him even if he's in prison.
Metally the toughest guy in the Universe. But not good judgment.
There’s a country that needs running
LOL! Good one!
But humor aside you're right about needing someone to run the country right now. The setup we have now with some group behind the scenes pulling Biden's strings isn't working out very well wouldn't you agree? I mean what with open borders disastrous foriegn policy, sexualizing and mutilating children, and all?
"He dares, that's the secret to his success."
Oh, yes, Donald Trump is Mr. Intrepid! A real profile in courage. We'll see how brave he is, when he's willing to cut a deal with the feds to get Walt Nauta off the hook.
"hpudding deranged comment is precisely why we need 4 more years of Trump in the Oval Office."
hpudding's comment strikes you as "deranged" because, as the man said..."you can't handle the truth!" And it is the truth.
Hpudding, check is on it's way.
He knows from Nazis, yessir!
He seems pretty dialed-in on delusional, too.
Just sayin'.
Our president emeritus reminds me of Randall Patrick mcmurphy sparring with Big Nurse:
I tried to talk him into playing along with her so’s to get out of the treatments, but he just laughed and told me Hell, all they was doin’ was chargin’ his battery for him, free for nothing.
“When I get out of here the first woman that takes on ol’ Red McMurphy the ten-thousand-watt psychopath, she’s gonna light up like a pinball machine and pay off in silver dollars! No, I ain’t scared of their little battery-charger.”
Jack Nicholson explains:
A conspiracy nut job might think Brandon & Co are just playing at fascism. Their real goal is to get pedjt charged up and ready to fight his way back into the oval office.
Or they are really, really, really stupid. I have a harder and harder time believing the real stupidity idea. I've got a sack of rocks that isn't as stupid as Brandon & Co. seem to be
John LGBTQ Henry
“There’s a country that needs running [further into the ground]”
I’m Joe Biden and I approve this message
When Trump is reelected, and then pardons himself.. Will leftist's heads explode?
"There’s a country that needs running..."
Fascists worldwide nod in agreement.
“Trump’s indictment is long overdue. The modern conservative movement is punch-drunk with lawlessness.”
Indeed. We’ll all see if we are a nation that honors the rule of law or a nation that falls to the rule of lunatics and their idiot followers.
Hp pudding,
Have you ever seen reifenstahl's Triumph of The Will?
If not, I suggest you watch it. It's on YouTube and other sites.
Nothing horrific in the film. Not really even the ideas unless you speak German or watch it with subtitles. It's just a documentary about a political rally.
It may be the most powerful, most effective, propaganda movie ever made. I say that having seen the movie without subtitles 45 years ago at a midnight showing in the local film school.
Otoh, perhaps you should not see it. It might turn you in a raving National Socialist. Since you already seem to be a pretty rabid fascist (by mussolini's definition of fascism) I shudder to think of the combined effect.
John LGBTQ Henry
The border policies of a xenophobic fixation with Mexicans and South Americans may or may not be helpful, but they are too controversial to be of much more use than as a right-wing base motivator. (Which even Trump knows). And as recent experience in Florida shows, even the expulsion of migrant farmers left the corporations that run that state (as with any state) begging Death Sentence Pudding Fingers to bring them back so that crops could actually be grown and harvested.
Republicans never think through the consequences of the “feel good” vibes of their often contemptuous short-term actions. If the GOP, Trump, CPAP, TPUSA were of any use at all maybe they could hold conventions in Florida fields and have their presenters and audiences pick oranges while they listen to fascist speeches about the superiority of native labor that the “natives” are too lazy or selfish to do for the prevailing market wage.
And I’d no sooner let politicians dictate how medicine should be practiced, how teachers or students discuss their personal lives or what forms of entertainment are “acceptable” than I’d let priests decide those matters.
As for mutilating children, I can only guess that you’re talking about how the GOP of Ohio would force ten-year old rape victims to gestate their rapist’s fetuses. I’m going to have to go with what the obstetricians say about forced term pregnancy, which sounds like one heck of a way to mutilate a child. And if you think endocrinologists should force anyone to live out a sexual identity that they’re not comfortable with and are more prone to committing suicide if forced to do, perhaps you could also go to medical school to force this view on kids and their parents instead of petitioning cowardly politicians to carry it out. Suicide sounds more mutilating to me than whatever the endocrinologists might be up to, but I guess you can explain to parents how pure and lovely the body of their dead, purposely misunderstood child is after it’s become a corpse thanks to your policies.
Yes Robert Cook, I am well aware that the hair-tearing, mouth-frothing belief of leftists that their opponents are a combination of Hitler and Lex Luthor is held very much in earnest.
”He knows from Nazis, yessir!”
He seems pretty dialed-in on delusional, too.
I know that people who find bellicose rallies and the policies of those who forced “undesirables” to wear pink triangles persuasive, shouldn’t be taken seriously as rational actors.
Hitler was certainly one heck of a nationalist, just as Trump is and his supporters are.
Anyone who thinks he lent “truth in marketing” to his claims of socialism though is from another planet. Privately held properties and industries flourished under Hitler, especially as opportunities for war profiteers became so numerous. The exceptions to this of course were the properties of Jews expropriated to the state, but hey - I guess being Jewish ran afoul of German nationalism. And the Nazis were happy to transfer Jewish businesses to “Aryan” citizens.
They also did not seem eager to do nearly as much to help those left behind by the state, preferring instead to euthanize those too weak to “pull themselves up their own bootstraps,” as today’s GOP would put it.
But hey, if you think Hitler was honest enough to call himself a socialist earnestly - instead of just as a cynical ploy to attract enough labor votes to add to his fascist-nationalist conservative/authoritarian base, then I guess I wouldn’t be surprised that you’d believe someone who lies as much as Trump does, either.
We’ll all see if we are a nation that honors the rule of law or a nation that falls to the rule of lunatics and their idiot followers.
Pretty sure we found out during the summer of 2020. You know, when you and your fellow thugs were burning down the country while blaming the bugaloos.
And there's that barking dog again. Foaming at the mouth.
Puddinghead speaks:
But hey, if you think Hitler was honest enough to call himself a socialist earnestly - instead of just as a cynical ploy to attract enough labor votes to add to his fascist-nationalist conservative/authoritarian base, then I guess I wouldn’t be surprised that you’d believe someone who lies as much as Trump does, either.
He was a Socialist just like you are. Fascism is a leftist ideology in spite of your lies. Mussolini was the editor of a Fascist newspaper in Italy and was actually something of a founder of the ideology. Of course the left refers to fascism as "right wing"
The lefties, like pudding head, always talk about Trump's "lies" but never seem to list them.
1. Agree with Mr Henry - "Triumph of the Will" is probably the best conceived, best shot, best scored political commercial ever made.
2. Agree with mr puddings' assessment of our times: “delusional”. I see endless examples of this daily in San Francisco, especially this month.
More pudding shit !
Republicans never think through the consequences of the “feel good” vibes of their often contemptuous short-term actions.
This is an almost perfect description of Democrat fantasies. You people are always astounded by the "unexpected" results of your incompetence.
In 2007 Democrat senator James Webb handed his aid a gym bag containing among other things, a pistol. He asked the aide to take it to his senate office.
When he tried to go through security he was caught and locked up for illegal possession of a firearm.
Webb was not authorized to possess it either and denied it was his gun while the aide sat in the slammer for 2 days.
It took Webb a long time to finally admit that it was his gun, that the aid knew nothing and get him off the hook.
Amazingly despicable conduct from a marine officer and a man I'd admired till then.
Walt Nauta was pdjt's "valet" and gopher. Megan kelley called him "the guy who brings trump his diet pepsi"
He moved some boxes from one room to another. He is probably a legit witness. But to charge him with a crime seems like the fascists are trying to extort him to tell a particular story.
It seems pretty shameful.
It will be interesting to see if pedjt turns out to be a stand-up guy for Nauta or a Webb.
Based on his behavior over the past 70 years or so. I've got $10 that says stand-up guy.
John LGBTQ Henry
The Democrats want the Republicans to nominate Trump, because they think he’ll be easy to beat. It’s what they did in 2016. How did that work out for them?
But I don’t care what the Democrats think or want. I want a candidate who will end the policies and programs that Biden (or his handlers) have pushed. And Trump IS NOT that candidate. Trump did well in his first two years as President, but even during that period he showed himself unable to deal effectively with the “permanent government”. And it got worse after the mid-terms.
The Dems are trying to push Republicans into nominating Trump AGAIN as they did in 2016, because they think they can beat him. And if they can’t beat him in the 2024 election, he’ll be a “lame duck”, and they can last him out.
I think “Ron DeSanctimonious” is the guy. Donald, thanks for your service
The Democrats want the Republicans to nominate Trump, because they think he’ll be easy to beat. It’s what they did in 2016. How did that work out for them?
But I don’t care what the Democrats think or want. I want a candidate who will end the policies and programs that Biden (or his handlers) have pushed. And Trump IS NOT that candidate. Trump did well in his first two years as President, but even during that period he showed himself unable to deal effectively with the “permanent government”. And it got worse after the mid-terms.
The Dems are trying to push Republicans into nominating Trump AGAIN as they did in 2016, because they think they can beat him. And if they can’t beat him in the 2024 election, he’ll be a “lame duck”, and they can last him out.
I think “Ron DeSanctimonious” is the guy. Donald, thanks for your service.
prolonged our Iranian hostage crisis to help his campaign
More pudding lies. Cook, of course, rushes to his defense. That's like Ted Kaczynski rushing to the defense of Robert Hanssen, the FBI spy.
What's puddin' on? I want some. But just a little bit less.
Who even said anything about Hitler and socialism lol
Gleichshaltung was the process whereby every governmental and non-government al organization in Germany was forced to accept Nazi commissars as their ultimate authority. Sporting clubs, trades unions, charities, industrial associations, everything. The Catholic Church was about the only organization in Germany that escaped, because it was too powerful to get in a fight with. Private business was allowed to remain privately held, so long as any directives handed down by the commissar were obeyed. Everything in German society - again, except the Catholic Church - was wholly subservient to the Nazi Party. And even officials of the Catholic Church were eventually targeted for repression during the war.
In that sense of totalitarianism, Nazism and communism were sides of the same coin.
What this has to do with Republicans in general, or Donald Trump in particular, is a mystery. Truly bizarre ramblings from hpudding.
Dogs have limited vocabularies. Much like Peter Frampton’s avatar.
He was a Socialist.
No facts offered or available to support this. “I sez so!” Is actually not supporting evidence. LOL. Just as it wasn’t when Hitler himself said so.
Fascism is a leftist ideology in spite of your lies.
Also no facts offered or available to support this. Very unsurprising.
Next thing you know he’ll be telling us that America’s founders were right-wing conservatives. ;-)
Bill Casey did not negotiate prolonging the release of the hostages? That’s about as believable as Reagan not having knowledge of the Iran-Contra affair. Oh wait… he was close enough to the dementia diagnosis that I could believe that one, actually. But still, it would be a poor defense. Maybe he also believes that Nixon didn’t prolong and escalate the war in Vietnam.
"When Trump is reelected, and then pardons himself.. Will leftist's heads explode?"
I think any citizen who believes in the rule of law would be appalled at any person in office charged with crimes who pardoned him- or herself, (pre- or post-conviction). Those who would accept or applaud such an act reveal their contempt for the rule law and support for authoritarian rule.
You've never read any Marx, have you Pudding? Or Lenin or any other Socialist thinkers either it appears. Private property has nothing to do with socialism. Socialism is never about "ownership" by the state (on behalf of and for the benefit of "the people" don'cha know)
It is only about control of property which can occur with or without the legality of ownership.
As for some wealthy folks under socialism, that is also a universal characteristicc. Since the 1700s every attempt at socialism has resulted in 2 classes, one rich, one poor. Name me an exception.
Socialism by its nature does such a poor job of creation and a great job of destruction that even the wealthy are mostly only relative to the poor. Almost nobody lives as well as most Middle class in a capitalist economy.
Ernst Rudolf Huber explains the national socialist idea of private property:
"Private property" as conceived under the liberalistic economic order was a reversal of the true concept of property. This "private property" represented the right of the individual to manage and to speculate with inherited or acquired property as he pleased, without regard for the general interests ...
German socialism had to overcome this "private," that is, unrestrained and irresponsible view of property. All property is common property. The owner is bound by the people and the Reich to the responsible management of his goods. His legal position is only justified when he satisfies this responsibility to the community " (emph added-Jrh)
" Verfassungsrecht des grossdeutschen Reiches" (Constitutional Law of the Greater German Reich, 1939)
You could look Huber up. He was Adolf's right hand constitutional scholar.
John LGBTQ Henry
Earth to hpudding:
Nixon did not "orchestrate" the property crime at the Watergate. And, just for sh*ts and giggles you might compare that with crimes commited by your friends behind the Russia hoax that plagued Trump's presidency. And, how about Harry Reid telling lies about candidate Romney and later gloating, "Well, it worked, didn't it."
Your claim that "Reagan traded arms to our enemies to fund Nicaraguan death squads and prolonged our Iranian hostage crisis to help his campaign" suggests that you have difficulty understanding calendars. Americans still LOVE Ronald Reagan, a fact that still annoys you greatly. Good.
"Bush lied his way into a war after ignoring and failing to stop a major terrorist attack that killed thousands." Taking military action after the Twin Towers destruction is hardly an example of ignoring that terrorist attack or telling lies about it. As for "failing to stop the attack, I believe the prelude to that attack was on the watch of one Mr Bill Clinton. Neither Clinton, nor any of his 17 bloated and politicized major intelligence agencies have been noted as raising a red flag about the possibility of an attack.
As forTrump "taking everything to a new level," please name the actual political opponents that Trump's DOJ pounced-on. I too refuse to "honor" the 2020 election results. I recognize the results, just as Trump did. Massive vote-counting fraud can not be ignored.
The icing on the cake is your reference to "Trumped-up" claims about the criminality of Hunter Biden. Please, go ahead and defend ANYONE in the Biden family as an honest and honorable human being.
Do name the lawlessness you speak of - dear leftists.
I offered facts, pudding. I offered citations from Hitler right hand legal scholar.
The elevator pitch definition of socialism is "control of the means of production by the people" see Marx, for example.
Can we agree on the definition of socialism before we go on?
If you disagree with Marx' definition above, could you share your definition please? (Cook, feel free to share your Def too. You keep telling us what it isn't. Tell us what it is)
John LGBTQ Henry
In practice control is going to be by some people, call them govt, the state, the administration, the politburo or whatever name. They will claim to be exercising that control "in the name of the people".
In a few cases, they may even mean that. For a while.
John LGBTQ Henry
T r u m p ’ s L i e s
JAN. 21 “I wasn't a fan of Iraq. I didn't want to go into Iraq.” (He was for an invasion before he was against it.) JAN. 21 “A reporter for Time magazine — and I have been on their cover 14 or 15 times. I think we have the all-time record in the history of Time magazine.” (Trump was on the cover 11 times and Nixon appeared 55 times.) JAN. 23 “Between 3 million and 5 million illegal votes caused me to lose the popular vote.” (There's no evidence of illegal voting.) JAN. 25 “Now, the audience was the biggest ever. But this crowd was massive. Look how far back it goes. This crowd was massive.” (Official aerial photos show Obama's 2009 inauguration was much more heavily attended.) JAN. 25 “Take a look at the Pew reports (which show voter fraud.)” (The report never mentioned voter fraud.) JAN. 25 “You had millions of people that now aren't insured anymore.” (The real number is less than 1 million, according to the Urban Institute.) JAN. 25 “So, look, when President Obama was there two weeks ago making a speech, very nice speech. Two people were shot and killed during his speech. You can't have that.” (There were no gun homicide victims in Chicago that day.) JAN. 26 “We've taken in tens of thousands of people. We know nothing about them. They can say they vet them. They didn't vet them. They have no papers. How can you vet somebody when you don't know anything about them and you have no papers? How do you vet them? You can't.” (Vetting lasts up to two years.) JAN. 26 “I cut off hundreds of millions of dollars off one particular plane, hundreds of millions of dollars in a short period of time. It wasn't like I spent, like, weeks, hours, less than hours, and many, many hundreds of millions of dollars. And the plane's going to be better.” (Most of the cuts were already planned.)
(It was higher in the 1980s and '90s.) FEB. 7 “I saved more than $600 million. just a few
For folks who want to learn something read the 49 page indictment ,easy read clear as a bell tons of it trumps own words no sense going to read other books and incepts just read the freakin indictment transcript with an open mind because we know you can't graft a new idea on a closed mind.The courts will decide nobody here or in Congress or in your grandmas house,,,the courts and a jury,not even AILEEN CANNON the judge in the pocket.
Nixon was not responsible for Watergate? I’m guessing you must disagree with Ford’s pardon of him, then.
If Americans LOVE Ronald Brylcreem Reagan (a guy who was annoyed that he could never be FDR, JFK or RFK - GOOD) then I guess you’re saying they’re happy with the way his reign heralded the decimation of the unions, favors for Wall Street at the expense of labor and his outsourcing of jobs and slashing of benefits. (Because his poor white voters thought they were better than black “welfare queens”).
But the only ones who say they are happy with the guy who started all that are the generation that’s dying off and leaving those messes to their kids and grandkids, who will now be the first American generations worse-off financially than their parents.
It must take a lot of confusion to offer the invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq as absolution for Bush’s decision to ignore the “bin Laden Determined to Strike in the US” memo, but if that’s your argument I won’t stand in your way. By all means, I welcome this admission on your part.
And your stand in favor of the types of claims made by Sidney Powell, the disbarred Rudy Giuliani or others caught with their pants down in FOX’s $787.5 M lawsuit loss is interesting. Are you also prepared to pay that much to settle with whomever you’re going to quibble with (or defame?) over those election results? Maybe you can take it up with Cyber Ninjas, LOL!
Finally, I appreciate the confusion you seem to demonstrate between “honest and honorable” and criminal. This is the true confession of someone for whom rule of law makes no difference.
In any event, feel free to tell us about how “honest and honorable” you think Donald Trump Jr, Eric Trump, Ivanka and Jared Kushner are. Cause I could use a good laugh.
More questions for the hpudding person:
What was Carter doing to negotiate the release of hostages. Seems Iran saw it in their best interests to release them after right smartly when Reagan took over. You hold that against RR?
As for Nixon prolonging and escalating the war, that kinda personally pisses me off. Nixon campaigned on Vietnamization of the war. He set out in that direction (should have gone pedal to the metal after Tet but we didn't) and as soon as he did, the NVA took advantage. I know. I was there. So, as any sane wartime commander would do, he finally decided to put the Big Hurt on the enemy. Nothing, and I mean nothing, got Uncle Ho's attention like "Linebacker II". Without that escalation, John Kerry might still be on the cocktail circuit in Paris. "Peace" accords were signed without much delay after Linebacker. The POWs were home in a few months. F**K YEAH!!!
Then, of course, we went on to "lose" the war a second time (the third, actually, if you count Truman's complete series of blunders in Asia, just after WWII). The final loss was the congress cutting support of the RVN regime after the peace accords were signed. Ho must have said, "Hey, they dedided to give us the country, after all. Might as well take it." Maybe the most insufferable "defeat" of all was delivered when, perhaps the most trusted man in America, Walter Cronkite, declared that our war in Vietnam was unwinnable after Tet. In reality, Neither the Viet Cong nor NVA had much left after Tet - some estimates put losses around 80 percent.The RVN and US did not press their advantage. History ensued.
FWIW, I have no bitterness toward the Vietnamese people or the country (sorry but it will always by "Saigon" to me). I have several wonderful Vietnamese friends. I am not so forgiving of Johnson and McNamara and some of our senior military commanders. There's about 60,000 reasons why on a wall in Washington.
"Indeed. We’ll all see if we are a nation that honors the rule of law or a nation that falls to the rule of lunatics and their idiot followers"
For quite a while now it has been obvious that one party had a bunch of folks that hate American representative democracy. It was so odd to hear "take our country back" in opposition to the citizens of the country that had their political desires expressed via voting.
What is more anti-patriotic than the Tea Party chant re taking control against the Will of We The People? And since the initial TPers expressed opposition to our representative democracy, these sorta folks have become even more extreme/evil. W/ stuff like hang Pence and attack the capitol and such.
BTW, HRC NEVER SENT an email w/ highly classified info. The worst of that investigation was that she received three emails that were marked classified (though they did not have some big 'classified' header, they just had a letter 'c', not to mention that two of those three were retroactively determined to be mistakenly classified, they should not have been classified. And the gov got the emails of all the folks HRC was emailing re the gov, so even if she deleted something, they'd find it (and at that point they'd have a smoking gun showing that she bleach bitted something that should have been turned over, but they found that HRC didn't bleach bit anything that related to her gov work.) So if you can fog a mirror, I'm guessing that you can tell that this was not enough to lock her up, and it's not what DJT is accused of. Or you know what you are doing and you are an evil person that hates America but loves authoritarianism, like the TPers and such.
Re Senator Webb and the gun denial. It WAS wrong for Webb to do that BUT it's harder to admit fault the higher up the food chain you are.
Webb probably thought he could spring his aide with little fuss AND the incident would be of no news interest. Webb accepting blame is, of course, a news item and possibly a large one.
I know Jim and he does have a quirk or two and he IS a stubborn SOB. We downed a few in the ancient past and, I swear, excitement has a way of following him around. Good times.
Cause I could use a good laugh.
No. You could use a rubber room.
deepelemblues said...
"Yes Robert Cook, I am well aware that the hair-tearing, mouth-frothing belief of leftists that their opponents are a combination of Hitler and Lex Luthor is held very much in earnest."
No, speaking for most "leftists", we think our opponents are uneducated and not very bright. Why? Just read the comments here.
Meade said...
“There’s a country that needs running [further into the ground]”
" I’m Joe Biden and I approve this message "
Meade is a regular Will Rodgers.
Colonel Mustard said...
" What was Carter doing to negotiate the release of hostages. Seems Iran saw it in their best interests to release them after right smartly when Reagan took over. You hold that against RR?"
The evidence is overwhelming that that Ronald Reagan's campaign worked with Iran to keep the hostages from being freed before Election Day.
hpudding again...
"Nixon was not responsible for Watergate? I’m guessing you must disagree with Ford’s pardon of him, then."
How 'bout you look up the word "orchestrate". Ford pardoned Nixon to change the subject. It spared us endless congressioal panels and hearings accomplishing nothing other than providing TV Face Time for vain, grandstanding pols.
"the “bin Laden Determined to Strike in the US” memo"...
What was Clinton doing when this info turned up? Actually, I'll cut Bill a little slack on this one - our intel agencies are seriously dysfunctional and a lot of their product would put you to sleep if you got the brief every day.
I see you're now defending FOX. They were idiots to settle. As for Rudy being disbarred; at least he passed the bar exam. Not sure if Hillary or Michelle ever tried.
My kids and grandkids are hardly worse off than I am. The kids are earning more than I ever dreamed of and the Grand's are doing, well, grand. You seem an unlikely Mom or Dad but, if you are, I hope yours are taking advantage of every oportunity this great country offers.
I agree with you completely on one thing: You COULD use a good laugh! They're damn hard to come by when you're so busy trying to figure out what kind of victim you want to be. Good luck!!!
Ronald Brylcreem Reagan? You're starting to sound like The Donald. Who'd have guessed?
Conversely, Joementia Crime Family Inc(including those lying intel & military posers) skates and "Pedo Pete" minimizes speechifying per his overworked Team Juice advisors.
"Where's the money?"
Fuck everyone who voted for him.
What's the difference between Joe Stalin and Joe Biden?
Stalin wasn't working for China.
” Of which there are plenty just like him already, in prison.
Yea....puddin, you are going to have to provide a link to support that.
BTW, HRC NEVER SENT an email w/ highly classified info.
Hillary Clinton was Secretary of State for four years and never sent an Email that contained highly classified information? How is it possible for someone holding that office not to send messages containing highly classified information? Are you saying she did not do her job? Was that because you assume that, as a woman, she was incapable of doing the job of being Secretary of State? Or are you just a gullible fool?
Mutaman said ...
.. The evidence is overwhelming that that Ronald Reagan's campaign worked with Iran to keep the hostages from being freed before Election Day...
was this not known to D's and Carter team and super capable USA Community of Intelligence?
they could have outed RR as !traitor!
so then D's learned their lesson and bided their time - it would seem. while R's let dog eat homework.
was not Iran-Contra would be usual shenanigans for both parties.
Hoard the records. Run off at the mouth. It's okay. It's all about you. Really!
hombre, please name the one Republican that can survive the exact same onslaught from an even more powerful, even more untouchable, even more corrupt, DoJ/FBI, CIA, State Dept, IRS,.
What person do you think will survive what comes next.
Because NOTHING will stop them if Trump is jailed.
gilbar said...
When Trump is reelected, and then pardons himself.. Will leftist's heads explode?
will the 'Yuge House' Trump will be living in by then have area facility for swearing Office before he can exercise pardon power? and provide costume for occasion?
There are three kinds of men. The one that learns by reading. The few who learn by observation. The rest of them [like Mutaman, Joe Biden, Clever Hans) have to pee on the electric fence for themselves.
Meade said...
"There are three kinds of men. The one that learns by reading. The few who learn by observation. The rest of them [like Mutaman, Joe Biden, Clever Hans) have to pee on the electric fence for themselves."
Yet they do it continuously. Whereas even the dullest person will only do it once.
"Mutaman said...
No, speaking for most "leftists", we think our opponents are uneducated and not very bright. Why? Just read the comments here.
6/10/23, 9:51 PM"
The main impression I get from reading the comments here is that the leftists are so bereft of both arguments and talent that they have no recourse but fighting words.
"Mutaman said...
No, speaking for most "leftists", we think our opponents are uneducated and not very bright. Why? Just read the comments here.
6/10/23, 9:51 PM"
The main impression I get from reading the comments here is that the leftists are so bereft of both arguments and talent that they have no recourse but fighting words.
"Mutaman said...
The evidence is overwhelming that that Ronald Reagan's campaign worked with Iran to keep the hostages from being freed before Election Day.
6/10/23, 10:00 PM"
'Expert who already believed there was such a deal reviews allegations by Democrat politician that there was such a deal.
I do not believe I have ever read a less convincing argument than Mr. Sick's interview here. 'I had so much evidence, but it wasn't from trustworthy sources. But this guy is trustworthy.' So he had no actual evidence, he just had people saying things without anything backing it up. The interview is replete with laughable statements about how so many people 'believed' there was a deal, as if that means anything. There is quite literally no evidence whatsoever presented in this transcript of Mr. Sick's interview. Merely assertions that the interviewer accepts without qualm, that we are also supposed to accept. The passage as to why the Iranians suddenly changed their mind and accepted (claimed) hugely disadvantageous terms, and made concessions, that they had rejected mere days earlier is incoherent and essentially babble. Laughably pathetic.
Diverse sources across the political spectrum conducted investigations and concluded Gary Sick and Ben Barnes were full of it. Newsweek was such a fan of Reagan in 1991, remember? So was The New Republic. Ah, the 1992 Village Voice, that bastion of Reaganism. All of them shat all over Sick's sloppy book. But, incredibly bright and educated Mutaman, so unlike his ignorant and dull opponents, what, him worry? Sick is a crackpot. Pathetic.
Mutaman: "The evidence is overwhelming that that Ronald Reagan's campaign worked with Iran to keep the hostages from being freed before Election Day."
Just how did VP candidate HWBush commandeer an SR-71 and have it flown to Paris for secret talks with the Iranians without anyone noticing? (A central claim in the lunatic October Surprise Hoax)
Mutaman and pudding STILL pushing the October Surprise lie!
That's. Just. Perfect.
"October Surprise Mutaman"
It has a ring to it.
"the “bin Laden Determined to Strike in the US” memo"...
What was Clinton doing when this info turned up?
Since it turned up in August 2001 and Bill Clinton was out of office, I figure he was making paid speeches to cover his debts, trying to fend off challenges to his law license, rubbernecking in the direction of young skirts before HIllary would side-eye him or threaten a slap, etc.
But yes, he could have done more too.
I hope yours are taking advantage of every oportunity this great country offers.
I agree with you completely on one thing: You COULD use a good laugh! They're damn hard to come by when you're so busy trying to figure out what kind of victim you want to be. Good luck!!!
Well thank you! I hope that you are doing those things too. I feel that I am, and continue to live here for the breadth of possibility and experience and great (often even naive) open-mindedness less likely to be found anywhere else. I don’t see myself as any kind of a victim (whatever that means), I’m a bit of a gadfly and bon vivant, actually.
But my problem is that I read too much and care too much for my country to see it continuing to repeat the same mistakes that got it into that 1929 situation - and especially the disasters around the world it led to afterward. Tantalizing ourselves and the world with what all our wealth can do while neglecting to look after the things it can’t do, let alone the people who have none of it, is an unbalanced prescription for national disaster that we should always avoid whenever possible. Other countries suffer much less from this problem and tend to have a less dysfunctional domestic situation as a result.
Ronald Brylcreem Reagan? You're starting to sound like The Donald. Who'd have guessed?
The guy certainly has his more amusing moments, I’ll admit. But his humor would improve much more if he ever wiped that scowl off his face.
My personal favorite was when he responded to Jeb Bush’s plea to “get tough” by saying, “Oh yeah Jeb, you’re a real tough guy.” That was funny.
Cheers -
” Of which there are plenty just like him already, in prison.
Yea....puddin, you are going to have to provide a link to support that.
Plenty of delusional people in prison, as I said? It’s self-evident. Do you really think people in prison tend to be clear-eyed?
Just not with many cuckoo fans calling them “titanium” or whatever. And that’s it even counting the folks who keep their soap on a rope.
It wasn’t just Gary Sick and Ben Barnes you’d have to hear out or dismiss. You’d have to extricate John Connally from it, reject the Ayatollah’s motive documented in the recently declassified 1980 CIA memo, dismiss the statements of Yitzhak Shamir AND Yasir Arafat, and basically completely rehabilitate and recast the type of character Casey was. Glenn Greenwald’s a little nutty but one of his guys at The Intercept put together a good summary of everyone who confirmed the story. Reagan wasn’t quite as out-of-touch as Alfred E. Newman at that point but there are always unsavory characters willing to go the extra unethical step as henchmen for their perceived hero in schemes to make their boss “look good.” Chris Christie’s Bridgegate comes to mind. So does a housecat let outside that brings back dead birds and mice to their owner.
Oh, yes, Donald Trump is Mr. Intrepid! A real profile in courage. We'll see how brave he is, when he's willing to cut a deal with the feds to get Walt Nauta off the hook.
Want to bet? The only deal that has been floated is for him to not run for office. That's a non-starter.
Meade nails it...twice
It's not very complicated, read the indictment.
hpuddi' sais,
"But my problem is that I read too much and care too much for my country to see it continuing to repeat the same mistakes that got it into that 1929 situation -"
You're talking about the economic situation that your president has put us in now?
Put down your Howard Zinn made up history book and pick up a copy of, "Basic Economics" by Thomas Sowell.
Learn to think critically.
Thomas Sowell’s “ideas” are exactly the policies pursued by Reagan-Gingrich-Bush - resulting in 40 years of low wage growth, favors to Wall Street investors & billionaires over protections for labor, outsourcing, decline in manufacturing and the biggest income inequality gap since the Republican Hoover-led Great Depression - which was the last time these policies were in place. Name a policy of his or theirs that has helped anyone in the country economically other than a multimillionaire or billionaire, or go back to your basic econ text that anyone who went to college already did. When Trump said “Make America Great Again” he was talking about the 1950s, when FDR’s policies were still in place - decades before Reagan had the chance to ruin them.
"Learn to think critically."
That interferes with the preferred progressive attitude of lining up in support of the "Next New Thing", as determined by their betters.
listen to it
open your ear, your eyes, your mind and listen to the evidence and the charges rather than conspiracies, Hillary did it, its not that bad. If you believe that a US president should obstruct subpoenas. Lie about situations, disseminate national security documents, admit documents were not declassified and told lawyers to just pluck the ones that may be bd then you are the real problem, its not Americans I served this country with and buried some that were upholding the rule of law. Be ashamed if you think this is nothing. Oh yeah and this will be the end of this subject for me as I let the courts and the law take over and the chips fall where they may. The North and the South will continue to battle it out ad nauseum with nothing they do can change what the court does. As Porky Pig used to say." dididid that's all folks! Find a new topic, with AILEEN this will takes at least a year,how long you gonna beat a dead horse!
Reagan did connive to have the US hostages held until after the election to better guarantee his own victory, (just as Nixon connived with North Vietnam not to agree to a peace agreement with the Johnson Administration, the better to ensure his {Nixon's} victory.
Sorry, I meant Nixon connived with South Vietnam.
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