June 11, 2023

There's too much confusion...



cassandra lite said...

I can't get no relief.

For anyone sentient in the '60s, seeing the "liberal" left's embrace of the intelligence agencies and the industrial-corporate complex is more surreal than any acid trip.

madAsHell said...

Why don't we have parades for heterosexuals?

madAsHell said...

Where was Transportation Secretary Poof Bootie-jigg??

re Pete said...

"......I feel like a stranger
In the world I'm living in"

gilbar said...


Gunner said...

Dubya should have said he was invading Afghanistan and Iraq to promote homosexuality.

RideSpaceMountain said...

I feel homo's need to include random stuff into their banners/flags reeks of desperation for legitimacy, and pride month itself is nothing more than a corporate holiday…it’s a gay version of Christmas made to part them of their money while they embarrass themselves in the streets. Of course LM and the MIC love it.

Look real close at the tranny-wedge on their flag…you’re really going to tell me “colored people” are their own gender now? Putting it side by side with Ukraine's flag as if people in Kiev wouldnt bash the hell out of them? Really?

Insecurity, thy name is lgbt.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Meanwhile, I learned from Scott Adams this morning that Biden went to Ukraine 17 times while he was vice president. What the hell?

There’s so much we’re not told.

Spiros Pappas said...

This is progress! Most of our pilots are white heterosexual men, as are most special-operations forces. In any war, middle-class white kids, not minorities, are at the greatest risk, since they make up the bulk of the combat arms. This must stop. Let the nonbinaries, females and minorities fight these scummy, worthless wars.

Good luck invading Russia without kids from small towns in North Dakota and Alabama!

Ron Nelson said...

"Hey, hey, ho, ho! What is it we are fighting for?!" That's so 1960s-1970s leftism.

hombre said...

It's important to come to terms with the fact that the direction of the country is being influenced by dimwits and opportunists. It will prepare us for governance by Gen Z.

Earnest Prole said...

It’s been astounding to watch the Left simultaneously embrace wokeness and neoconservatism — call it the cultural contradictions of progressivism.

Michael said...

Good to see the gays come out in support of Lockheed-Martin. The marginalized have to stick together.

ChrisC said...

Need a Code Pink branded cruise missile.

ChrisC said...

Need a Code Pink branded cruise missile

Temujin said...

The Party over America. The Cause over Everything. The Cause is so large it cannot be explained. It doesn't have to be. It just has to be followed in the most urgent fashion. Jamaal Bowman knows not what he speaks of, but...he has the urgency required to be among the faithful. That urgency is a show of faith. And the faithful shall be rewarded. With a seat in Congress.

JK Brown said...

My thoughts when reading this was Scott Adams' "Embrace and Amplify"

RideSpaceMountain said...

"This is progress! Most of our pilots are white heterosexual men, as are most special-operations forces. In any war, middle-class white kids, not minorities, are at the greatest risk, since they make up the bulk of the combat arms. This must stop. Let the nonbinaries, females and minorities fight these scummy, worthless wars.

Good luck invading Russia without kids from small towns in North Dakota and Alabama!"

Watching crossdressers get pummeled by PRC missile spam on some half-inch elevation sand bar in the Spratlys would be cause enough to make myself a caiprinha. Early retirements are up and recruiting is way down. White boys are getting the message. If queers want to die for Lockheed Martin's market cap, let them.

Rory said...

"so you have 21-year-old trans people making CIA arming of Azov their core identity"

Different audiences, different messages. It's how you ended up with Western feminists sharing podiums with women who were confirmed anti-Semites.

Michael K said...

The queering of "defense" contractors seems about right. The human element of the US military is being converted to queer and BLM types. The next war will be interesting. I wonder if they can get those armed robot dogs operational in time?

JAORE said...

Damn it!

Now I have to cancel my order for the F-35 Lightning II.


Richard said...

Resistance is futile! How soon before we outlaw heterosexuality?

Bob Boyd said...

Netflix should do a show about this, an updated version of a Horatio Alger story for the 21st Century. 'Ragged Dick' is still the perfect title.
A humble, young non-binary person starts out humbly making glitter bombs in their humble kitchen with a couple of humble, non-binary friends and the next thing they know they're a TikTok star, living the dream, making a difference, hauling down big bucks and shaking their ass for the military industrial complex to wild acclaim in the nation's capital. Lockheed goes Bud Light one better and puts our hero's face on the latest hypersonic missile. Conservatives gnash their teeth and promise a boycott.

Kevin said...

Part of the country remains unconfused.

Kevin said...

There's too many men, too many people
Making too many problems
And there's not much love to go around
Can't you see this is the land of confusion?

Lloyd W. Robertson said...

I've been reminding friends of Merle Haggard, "Okie from Muskogee" (1969), and the Youngbloods, "Hippie from Olema" (1971), which makes reference to Haggard and suggests that they love him even if he doesn't love them back.

The party that strives to be kind, and means well, vs. the party that is confident of being kind where it is appropriate, but is likely to be a bit wary or even hostile otherwise. The latter "right wing" party probably thinks indifference to most people, most of the time, is fine--human nature. Patriotism implies excluding what is foreign, or at least greatly preferring what is one's own, and looking askance at any of "one's own" people who are doubtful on this cause.

The party that is kind might kill and maim quite a few people, but as long as they mean well, they are morally and spiritually superior. They can be counted on to say noble-sounding things about the entire planet, and all of humanity. What these words mean exactly is hard to say. The conservative party may sometimes have a lower body count, if for example they resist needless wars or crack down on crime, but they are apparently nasty no matter what. Perhaps the main imperative for the woke is to change public thinking in favor of the "kind" party, away from the nasty party. Big government and big corporations are able to change public thinking fairly quickly; elementary schools are also important. A small number of people, speaking loudly and threatening protests and boycotts, can be pandered to as if they spoke for the majority; see Plato's image of the cave. People who might be conservative don't have to be killed or tortured, but they can certainly expect to be embarrassed, de-platformed, and subjected to Maoist re-education sessions. Graduation means reading a hostage video script: I see now that my captors were always right, and I was always wrong. The woke are on the side of the North Koreans, teaching American GIs how little they know about the world, including Korea, and how cruel their country is.

Using the U.S. military to spread democracy and freedom could be interpreted as being cruel in order to be kind. This is kind of how JFK and his supporters saw it--the moderate left at the time. Ike would say: leave other countries alone, or use things like clandestine assassinations--there will probably be a lower body count, no U.S. casualties to speak of, and the sleep of suburban Americans is not disturbed.

Dave Begley said...

Levine walks like a man. Talks like a man.

Bob Boyd said...

Lockheed will pay for some banners, some T-shirts and a rented truck and trailer. In return, Dems will support bigtime defense spending and foreign wars.
The activist left and the military industrial complex have come together as one at last. It's Peace in our time!

Earnest Prole said...

The human element of the US military is being converted to queer and BLM types. The next war will be interesting.

It all depends on how well our queer forces are trained.

"The Sacred Band of Thebes was an elite force of shock troops in the Theban army, consisting of 150 paired male lovers that were famed in the classical world during the 4th century BC for their legendary courage and military strength in battle.

"The Sacred Band were first deployed during the Boeotian War in 378 BC, but gained a legendary reputation for their participation in the Battle of Leuctra in 371 BC, in which the Sacred Band fought at the head of the Theban column against the Spartans."

phantommut said...

At some point the Deep State is going to deal with its Biden Problem. The scenarios I can imagine are all catastrophic. (Of course, I didn't imagine the Berlin Wall would come down without taking the world with it, so I hope that once again I'm wrong.)

Mike of Snoqualmie said...

Of course the Left supports Ukraine. Those leftists aren't going to get rich without the Ukrainian corruption machine. Duh!

TaeJohnDo said...

The Republic is so Fv@ked.

Paddy O said...

First they came for all our words: queer, fabulous, gay

Then they came for all the causes.

In the 22nd century every word and cause will be about LGB.

RideSpaceMountain said...

"Of course the Left supports Ukraine. Those leftists aren't going to get rich without the Ukrainian corruption machine. Duh!"

You mean the Bidens? Yeah leftists aren't getting rich off Ukraine. You wouldn't know it with all their rainbow flag waving, but apparently they've got a real hard on for helping Hunter with his child-support payments.

Homos love the illegitimate offspring of princelings and strippers...who knew!!

Narr said...

I don't know if they frighten Putin, but by god they frighten me.

I'm old enough to remember the bumper sticker

"Homosexual, not homicidal. Fuck the military."

I guess that was then, and this is now.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Prole -
I don't think the comparison is valid to today's stock.
Although I do think Antifa leftists make perfect brownshirts.

Michael Fitzgerald said...

Is this Admiral Levine's version of cross-dressing for the Pride Parade? What's he, er, uh, I mean, she wear during military parades? A skirt, right?

Robert Cook said...

"For anyone sentient in the '60s, seeing the 'liberal' left's embrace of the intelligence agencies and the industrial-corporate complex is more surreal than any acid trip."

What evidence is there that "the 'liberal' left" (huh?) is embracing the intelligence agencies and the industrial-corporate complex?

Robert Cook said...

"It's important to come to terms with the fact that the direction of the country is being influenced by dimwits and opportunists."

When has it ever been otherwise, except in short, rare periods?

le Douanier said...

So a few dozen folks from a company of many tens of thousands of people, and a particular HGBTQer using the flag symbol as their avatar online, and a poll that shows Zero change in D's ratings of FBI and a minus six percentage drop in support for CIA is evidence = to turning the CIA, FBI and the US/NATO war machine into the central cause of the Western liberal-left.


le Douanier said...

"It’s been astounding to watch the Left simultaneously embrace wokeness and neoconservatism"

Did you stop to consider that that doesn't make sense because you are being fed a diet of bullshit? For example, can you tell that Greenwald is serving you garbage here? Look at it really, really hard and use your brain at its maximum capacity.

Don't feel bad if you can't comprehend. I'm sure you're good at stuff other than thinking. Good job!

n.n said...

The transgender spectrum from a sexually orientated transdemic, to men gawking at girls in locker rooms, raping women in safe spaces, to Levine's Dreams of Herr Mengele, celebrated in gay parade under the Rainbow's albinophobic symbols and rhetoric. The polyamorous pride and [unPlanned] cubs excluded.

n.n said...

"Homosexual, not homicidal. Fuck the military."

A state or process of Divergence, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI).

I guess that was then, and this is now.

Girls, too. The few, the proud, the anti-lifers.

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent said...

Oh, come on. It’s just a shuck.

Making meaningless Woke noises just provides cover for Donk congress folk to okay fat defense contracts (and receive fat campaign donations in return).

When my son worked at Raytheon it was an open joke. Their token Black CEO would send out all kinds of PC blather and the engineers and the factory floor would mercilessly parody and riff on it.

Whatever keeps producing warheads for the foreheads of Brown folk. This is why there isn’t a dime’s worth of difference between Democrats and the GOPe.

Original Mike said...

"What evidence is there that "the 'liberal' left" (huh?) is embracing the intelligence agencies and the industrial-corporate complex?"

Crimeny. We could start with this video.

I, too, am struggling to understand this, cassandra.

Bunkypotatohead said...

In the good old days those folks would have lost their security clearances, and most likely their jobs for that display. Homos couldn't get clearances, and the businesses wouldn't want their brand associated with sexual deviants.

Heartless Aztec said...

It's almost enough to hope the Russians win. It's a shame that both sides can't lose.

Earnest Prole said...

Did you stop to consider that that doesn't make sense because you are being fed a diet of bullshit? For example, can you tell that Greenwald is serving you garbage here?

American gay pride flags flying over the latest country we’ve invaded = woke neoconservatism. It has nothing to do with Glenn Greenwald.

wendybar said...

Twitchy got it right.

"Were you aware that June is Pride Month? We just wanted to make sure you knew that June was Pride Month … in case you weren’t aware that June is Pride Month. Ugh. "

Rusty said...

It's always been that way on the shop floor.
" Today we're going to celibrate,(insert the cause du jour), !
" Do we get the day off?"
"Fuck it."

Rusty said...

How come the Gays get June for their month and Black History Month gets fuckin' February?
You ever seen a parade celebrating anything in February? Hell no.
Fuckin' gay crackers.

Robert Cook said...

"'What evidence is there that "the 'liberal' left" (huh?) is embracing the intelligence agencies and the industrial-corporate complex?'

"Crimeny. We could start with this video."

What video?

Robert Cook said...

"It's almost enough to hope the Russians win. It's a shame that both sides can't lose."

Who says they can't?

Narr said...

"It's almost enough to hope the Russians win. It's a shame that both sides can't lose."

'Who says they can't?'

They are.

And we haven't even begun to comprehend and process the loss that everyone will experience as the threads of the Ukraine War spool out. Regardless of the results on the battlefield, and who the Good and Bad Guys are.

PM said...

btw, how did the '60s Rainbow Coalition flag become the gay flag? Just cuz?

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