June 17, 2023

There may be a genuine apology somewhere in this 3-minute video, which is maddeningly verbose.

I gave up halfway through. Too much excess material. 

See for yourself, at "White House flasher Rose Montoya apologizes for whipping out breasts, defends ‘disrespectful’ stunt a moment of ‘trans joy'" (NY Post).

If you're going to apologize, be direct and clear. Don't use the occasion to make various other points that offset what you're supposedly apologizing for. 


rwnutjob said...

LGB is getting tired of the T ruining the gains made with perversion & the destruction of women.

I'm getting tired of cosplaying men

Iman said...

Lefties would be funny if they weren’t so goddam obnoxious, sick, twisted, perverted and strange. The ideology is rotten at its core.

RideSpaceMountain said...

Listening to talk radio on Wednesday a caller had this to say and I'm paraphrasing:

What happened at the pride celebration at the white house was just another example in a long list of examples of how lgbt people have no self control. As a group they are unserious people. In any group of them a sizeable proportion of them are always unpredictable in what they will do next, and this is only matched by the taboo within the gay community of doing any internal policing regarding how the behavior of the other half reflects upon all gay people everywhere. Etc. Etc.

This resonated with me. This is why you can detect there's a hidden undercurrent of distaste for this behavior among lgbt people but don't hear any widespread disapproval. Within lgbt the greater sin is being a buzzkill when someone else is 'living their truth' by getting naked on the white house lawn. Same thing with the Folsom Street Fair, with antics that outstrip anything found at Sodom & Gomorrah. Homos need start realizing that this shit doesn't stay hidden anymore in a world with ubiquitous cell phone video coverage. Everyone can see the depravity whether they want to or not because guys like Montoya need to 'live their truth'.

If lgbt culture wasn't all Folsom Street Fair as they suggest, lgbt people are doing a terrible job convincing everyone it's not.

farmgirl said...

But s/he was just, you know, covering he/r nipples- right?
Modesty. A lost moral value.

Let’s ask google(before it changes its AI mind):

“What is modesty in a woman?
Modesty is an attitude of humility and decency in dress, grooming, language, and behavior. If you are modest, you do not draw undue attention to yourself.”

See, s/he’s a REAL woman.
Geez- get it right!

Be best.
America 1st.

JAORE said...

Not just verbose....It contained the standard, I am the victim here, the cons are being oh so hateful to me.


rhhardin said...

Never apologize.

iowan2 said...

What adults do to express their sexual kinks is their own business.

But as my mother said. "As long as the children can't see, and the horses don't spook, carry on".

But this finally puts to rest any notion the whole trans thing is anything but sexual kink.

Adults personally invited to the White House by the President of the United States, can only muster enough respect to strip to waist and play with their boobs. I got grand kids in the 5th grade more disciplined than these kinky 'outstanding' representatives of the LBQXY+

Bill R said...

He doesn't have to apologize. He's a nutcase. Nutcases do what they do. Unless he is endangering someone, the best response to a nutcase acting out is bemused tolerance.

Now the guy who invited this nutcase to a publicity ceremony on the white house lawn, he is the guy who should be apologising.

Of course Biden won't apologize. Biden is more or less a basket case.

hpudding said...

I think the tranny’s saying they’re sorry for inadvertently inciting anti-trans backlash, but not for making conservatives uncomfortable. Which is completely appropriate.

No one should ever apologize for making conservatives uncomfortable. It’s their default emotional state and one they can only “relieve” by controlling other people’s thoughts, emotions and actions.

Bender said...

I don't need to watch some video from some guy saying that he is sorry you are such contemptible transphobes.

Aggie said...

I think you've missed the point entirely. The longer the apology, the longer the video. The longer the video, the more people see of me, being magnificently me. You will watch Me! It's Me! Me!

Today's word is: Display.

Bender said...

If anything, he should be mad at Joe Biden who essentially showed that he (Biden) doesn't think this is a real woman by the fact that he (Biden) didn't try to cop a feel, like he does with real women.

Sebastian said...

"If you're going to apologize, be direct and clear."

Big if in this case.

"Don't use the occasion to make various other points that offset what you're supposedly apologizing for."

Yes, supposedly. In this case the other points were the point. Prog rule #2: never let an apology go to waste.

hpudding said...

Lefties would be funny if they weren’t so goddam obnoxious, sick, twisted, perverted and strange. The ideology is rotten at its core.

Then you should move to a country that imposes your sense of conformity on people. Not America, which was founded on leftist principles like free expression and individualism.

It broke the “mold” that way, mycologically as well as idiomatically. Conformity is social stagnation, and it eventually putrefies society.

Dave Begley said...

Speaking of whipping something out, last night I watched "Blazing Saddles" for the first time in nearly 50 years. Funny.

wendybar said...

"Same thing with the Folsom Street Fair, with antics that outstrip anything found at Sodom & Gomorrah. Homos need start realizing that this shit doesn't stay hidden anymore in a world with ubiquitous cell phone video coverage. Everyone can see the depravity whether they want to or not because guys like Montoya need to 'live their truth'.

If lgbt culture wasn't all Folsom Street Fair as they suggest, lgbt people are doing a terrible job convincing everyone it's not.

6/17/23, 7:02 AM"


NorthOfTheOneOhOne said...

From the Bee: Satan Asks LGBTQ Community To Please Tone It Down A Bit

Wince said...

A massive bee hive contains fewer buzz words.

Iman said...

That, most assuredly, is not pudding @8:42am.

Owen said...

"...If you're going to apologize..." Prof A, your problem is that you are treating this creature as one possessed of reason and judgement. It's not. Emotionally and intellectually it is barely a child; the last thing it is going to do is think clearly and strategically about what it did and how that affected the public. It's stuck back there in Narcissism 101, throwing out a dramatic cloud of words that convey its status and suffering as a misunderstood victim.

You're very perceptive and I think you know full well that Montoya is not competent; so why are you so cruelly critiquing its conduct? It can't help itself.

MayBee said...

At heart, it is the same apology most people feel like giving: "Unlike most people, *I* had good reasons for doing what I did"

RideSpaceMountain said...

"No one should ever apologize for making conservatives uncomfortable. It’s their default emotional state and one they can only “relieve” by controlling other people’s thoughts, emotions and actions."

From my comment above: "This is why you can detect there's a hidden undercurrent of distaste for this behavior among lgbt people but don't hear any widespread disapproval. Within lgbt the greater sin is being a buzzkill when someone else is 'living their truth' by getting naked on the white house lawn."

Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, I rest my case. Thank you for opening your mouth and inserting your foot, hpudding. Couldn't have done it without you.

n.n said...

Slut Walk... Why not #HimToo?

n.n said...

Democrats think that they can abort the baby... fetal-baby, cannibalize her profitable parts, sequester her carbon, and have her, too. #HimToo?

Dude1394 said...

The apology is to get more air time, not an actual apology.

mikee said...

Let me present an opposing view: What has happened to the world?! Breasts never used to require an apology! Nobody should ever, ever, ever apologize for breasts anywhere, for any reason. Even these!

Let the breasts be free, and enjoy them in all their glory. Like the 10,000th sunset observed during a good life, let the 10,0000th pair simply be what they are, breasts, which need neither reason nor explanation nor apology to be loved, if not by others then at least by the person in possession of them.

Full disclosure, I also like bare bellies and nice round bottoms. And don't get me started on long, long legs.

The first mistake was using someone else's event for self-aggrandizement. The second mistake was apologizing at all for breasts, rather than only the self-aggrandizement.

mikee said...

As for proper behavior at the White House, Grace Slick planned to spike Nixon's drink with LSD at a college alumni function there, taking Abbie Hoffman as her "bodyguard." The Secret Service wasn't amused at Hoffman's attempted gatecrashing. Slick didn't get in.


Many, many guests report toking in the building, including on the roof. Willie Nelson, of course.


And then again, interns, staff and visitors have been known to frolic sexually with office holders in the White House.

A bit of airing out the upper chest seems rather tame in comparison.

mikee said...

Some British visitors even burnt the place down. Bahstuds!

PM said...

1. The Folsom St Fair, to be accurate, is pretty much a leather, rough trade kind of subculture with paddling, choke chains, and lots of tops dragging bottoms on leash. It's not a mainstream gay thing - but its gay gay gay in it's own way.
2. Antics like the White House flasher are helpful in making sure our current level of transmania is certain to be transitory.

Free Manure While You Wait! said...

In 2019, before the coronavirus pandemic, there were 1,732 gun deaths among U.S. children and teens under the age of 18. By 2021, that figure had increased to 2,590.

In 2021, the last year for which data is available, out of 73,000,000 minors in America, only 465 received transition surgery. That's it.

The Transgender Wars were created by the politicians and the media for mutual political gain. The way to put an end to it is to simply ignore it. Ann, you're not helping.

farmgirl said...

“But as my mother said. "As long as the children can't see, and the horses don't spook, carry on".

I’m stealing that. That’s really a cool saying!

Free Manure While You Wait! said...

"I'm getting tired of cosplaying men"


Free Manure While You Wait! said...

"This is why you can detect there's a hidden undercurrent of distaste for this behavior among lgbt people but don't hear any widespread disapproval."

Minneapolis pride parade, circa, 2000. Guy wearing only a barrel with shoulder straps is standing directly next to a 10-year-old girl sitting on the curb. She looks up at him; he lifts up the barrel, his junk just inches away from her face. Embarrassed, she turns away and looks down at the ground. He's beaming with pride.

Only a piece of shit would do that to a kid.

Free Manure While You Wait! said...

"leftist principles like free expression and individualism."

Comedy. Gold.

Indigo Red said...

Fake woman, fake breasts, fake outrage. Man nipples are socially acceptable.

Tina Trent said...

Her breasts are "empathetic"; they are especially working for justice for black male transgenders, and they are a "catalyst for positive change," but they are "being weaponized by vile people of the opposition."

That's a lot of territory to cover in a day for a pair of fake titties at the White House, especially considering how many real ones have been exposed there before. See, for example, FDR, JFK, RFK, EMK (purportedly), LBJ, and Clinton (Bill).

Tina Trent said...

Poor hpudding.

He probably matriculated from CUNY.

NotWhoIUsedtoBe said...

That confirmed many biases.

Jon Burack said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Jon Burack said...

Hpudding, "leftist principles like free expression and individualism."

Really? And here I thought Jefferson, Madison, etc., were all a bunch of white slave-owing male patriarchs. Free expression and individualism are exactly what the left today is out to undermine. Montoya turns her apology" into a promotion of the standard "collective" intersectional hierarchy (so careful to acknowledge the greater status of black trans women, for example) and then (in her only individualist expression) into self-promotion. She is one of those "powerful" types, you see - power being the only actual value these people prize.

Doug said...

The pushback against the pervs is encouraging, but I still believe it's going to take a little rough stuff to herd these criminals back into the closet.

Jim at said...

Then you should move to a country that imposes your sense of conformity on people. Not America, which was founded on leftist principles like free expression and individualism.

Again, there are times I think you're a very good parody troll. I mean, individualism as a leftist principle? That's comedy gold.

But just in case you're not, collectivism = leftist. Individualism = conservative/libertarian.

Mikey NTH said...

So sorry not sorry. The ego trip wants what the ego trip wants.

hpudding said...

…matriculated from CUNY.

Is that a satellite school for your Vatican Academy of Pedophilia for Celibates?

Michael K said...

Neoneocon has an interesting theory that the tranny exhibiting his rubber tits is demonstrating typical male behavior.

hpudding said...

You can hate the founders, idolize them or look at them as human beings with virtues and vices relevant or not to the context of their lives and times. But they were definitely not conservatives, and neither were any of the ideas they had that are respected today. And not all of them owned slaves either - in life or beyond the grave.

She is one of those "powerful" types, you see - power being the only actual value these people prize.

What a bizarre assertion. Most people want the power to express who they are without being judged for anything that doesn’t harm others.

This may differ from conservatives or sociopaths in general who want the power to control others so as to prohibit that. They are threatened by others’ freedom and free expression, which is what makes them unamerican.

But since the law will never allow you to do that you instead dehumanize them with collectivist language about “those types.”

gadfly said...

rwnutjob said...
LGB is getting tired of the T ruining the gains made with perversion & the destruction of women.

I'm getting tired of cosplaying men.

Cosplay or crossplay (dressing up as a character of a different gender)?

Mason G said...

"Again, there are times I think you're a very good parody troll. I mean, individualism as a leftist principle? That's comedy gold."

"Progressivism, in its 19th and 20th century versions (and most assuredly in its looming 21st century version as well) is a violent creed that demands the bending the individual human will for the convenience of and to the purpose of the collective. The individual only has value insofar as he or she is part of and participates in the great march of Progress. It may not be as overtly brutal or murderous as fascism or communism, but Progressivism is just as totalitarian, just as reliant on force, just as enamored of the state, and just as focused on the creation of a new kind of human being and a new kind of humanity (and the necessary destruction of the old).

What, after all, is the value of a single human individual life or soul when it’s the promised land we’re marching to?" - Charles H. Featherstone

hpudding said...

Individualism = conservative/libertarian.

To prove you’re not a parody troll, enlighten us as to which American founder called himself a “conservative.” Also, which one called himself a “libertarian?”

hpudding said...

I just watched Inherit the Wind. The parallels between those who put evolution teachers on trial for committing a crime and those who have nothing better to do than prosecute teachers or kids who are not ashamed to be transsexual are obvious and sad. There is a strain of intolerant ignorance in this country and the same types who cried out to punish Scopes are the same ones trying to stifle these poor kids and teachers nowadays. Nothing’s changed for people who can’t learn. If they had better mastery over their own minds they would not seek to control others. How little such people ever learn.

~ Gordon Pasha said...

Once again, Idaho is not sending its best.

hpudding said...

- Charles H. Featherstone

What a manifestly stupid quote. Trans kids or teachers are individuals who are being told that their expression or manifestation of who they feel they are must be subordinated to the collectivist conservative group mob - on your media, in your red state legislatures, at school board meetings and elsewhere.

Not a single conservative has justified their anti-trans bile on the basis of how they were *individually* harmed or restricted of their rights because of others not giving into it. Not a single one. Irrational exclusionary hatreds like that usually are collective, though. Because no one can articulate a single honest reason for justifying such repression, they substitute that with the (collectivist) power of the mob and its collectivist demagoguery. Thanks for pretending otherwise. When a conservative accuses, you can usually be sure it’s some form of projection.

Mason G said...

"What a manifestly stupid quote."

OK, Groomer.

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