June 10, 2023

"The charges are a destructive intervention into the 2024 election, and the potential trial will hang over the race."

"They also make it more likely that the election will be a referendum on Mr. Trump, rather than on Mr. Biden’s economy and agenda or a GOP alternative. This may be exactly what Democrats intend with their charges. Republicans deserve a more competent champion with better character than Mr. Trump. But the indictment might make GOP voters less inclined to provide a democratic verdict on his fitness for a second term. Although the political impact is uncertain, Republicans who are tired of Mr. Trump might rally to his side because they see the prosecution as another unfair Democratic plot to derail him. And what about the precedent? If Republicans win next year’s election, and especially if Mr. Trump does, his supporters will demand that the Biden family be next. Even if Mr. Biden is re-elected, political memories are long. It was once unthinkable in America that the government’s awesome power of prosecution would be turned on a political opponent. That seal has now been broken."


hombre said...

"If Republicans win next year’s election ...."

We are a banana republic now. Why would anyone think the Republicans will ever win another presidential election? Has there been a revolution we don't know about?

Yancey Ward said...

They understand perfectly what they are doing. They act like they will never face the other end of that sword and, given the supine behavior of the GOP in D.C., that belief is understandable.

We are a banana republic. Everyone who voted for Joe Biden is responsible for this. Everyone who votes for the Democrats next year is responsible for this. Own it.

Big Mike said...

My goal for November 2024 — make Democrats bawl like babies.

Once written, twice... said...

I agree with this editorial and I am hardcore anti-Trump.

Let voters reject Trump at the ballot box. That is the ONLY thing that hurts Trump. This indictment plays into his narrative and helps him. It is helping to create the path that leads him back to the White House.

Limited blogger said...

247 years. Was a pretty good run.

Michael said...

Progressives want what they want - now, and as much as they can get. They can never see beyond the end of their noses. As for unleashed forces, they always think they can accrue and retain enough governmental and media power to stand them off. Which is why 2016 was such a shock; how dare ordinary people make their wishes felt?

Michael K said...

The persecution of Trump will have many unforeseen consequences. The Democrats are the party of unexpected consequences.

Jaq said...

If it's an open and shut case, a slam dunk, why lie in the indictment?

"Special Counsel Smith's indictment alleges Trump showed off a military paper that he boasted was classified "highly confidential" and "secret," but the transcript reveals Trump actually said: "like, highly confidential" and "a secret." Smith omitted the words "like" and "a.""

rhhardin said...

You'd think the Biden family would be first, not next; and prosecuted by Democrats.

Enigma said...

Trump said he'd drain the swamp in 2016, so the swamp emulated the East German Stasi...in the clueless fashion of stuff-shirt bureaucrats trying to do something challenging and with serious consequences. For the first time ever this has meaning...versus their endless reports and endless meeting and endless budget negotiations. They are not cut out for anything beyond vacuous propaganda.

The Republicans executed a 50 year plan to get rid of Roe v. Wade. There will be eventual payback and it'll be a net negative.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Yes they are willfully destroying America one norm at a time. Biden now joins a long list of South American and Soviet leaders who have jailed their predecessors to damage their political opponents. If you think they somehow don’t know what they’re doing look at Hillary’s tweet pimping her “But her emails” hats on Twitter yesterday with the exact same shit-eating grin that’s Joe’s trademark, which he flashed at the reporter asking about the confirmation that Burisma had in fact bribed Biden and then our current president laughed about it asking “where’s the money?” He could laugh off the bombshell report because he knew that the his wingman Garland had already greenlit the deep state indictment and not one media outlet would be talking about the Big Guy or Tony Bobulinski or how Hunter was right he really did have to kick back half to his dad.

Yes they know they are destroying America and they don’t care. They have successfully destroyed democracy in the dark just like WaPo predicted.

rhhardin said...

What the seven seals stand for is messages and language in general. The apocalypse is the appearance of the other guy.

madAsHell said...

Yeah.....I think this witch-hunt will blow up.

Trust me, nobody remembers voting for SlowJoe and the Camel toe hoe.

wildswan said...

To my understanding, this is a show trial using process prosecution. That is, Trump had some boxes of documents which allegedly he should not have had and which allegedly were not stored safely and which he allegedly urged others to lie about to the FBI or the special prosecutor. For this he is accused of some grandiose number of felonies.
For purposes of comparison, Hillary Clinton broadcast all her plans and policy positions while Secretary of State by using unsecured channels to send documents to an unsecured server. Barack Obama has ALL his documents stored in an old furniture warehouse in a far away little town with little real oversight as to who is accessing what. This is legal and ignored because the National Archives has chosen to call it safe. Joe Biden had documents in his house, and garage which were accessible to his crackhead son and and that son's companions whoever they might be. Hillary, Barack and Joe are Democrats and they face no consequences for their exposures of the nation's secrets.
Trump is running as the opposition candidate to the Democrats and, as happens under leftist autocrats, he, like Vaclav Havel, Alexander Navalny, Milovan Djilas, and other opponents of left autocracies, faces arrest to prevent his victory at the election. We'll see.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Of course if the comedy stylings of HRC and FJB are not your cup of tea then take in the subtle and deadpan satire of Special Prosecutor Jack Smith who delivered this LOL gem yesterday, "There is one set of laws in this country, and they apply to everyone."

Rocco said...

Every time the Dems/Swamp indicts Trump, we should just give him a T-shirt with "I was indicted and all I got was this lousy shirt" on the front.

Robert Cook said...

But...if the prosecutors truly believe Trump committed crimes, and if they are convinced the evidence that have proves it, what should they do? Wait until after the election, and if Trump is reelected, then proceed with a criminal trial...of a sitting president? Wouldn't that be more disruptive? Or, is there an implied expectation or suggestion that if Trump is reelected the charges would be deferred until after the end of his second term...or simply be erased?

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Do they understand the forces they are unleashing?

Not prosecuting small crimes not only reduces crime, it also frees up our attention to follow the prosecution of big crimes like Jan6 insurrection and Trump’s National secrets man-spreading.

Opening the border reduces illegal immigration.

Raising the debt ceiling is the best remedy against inflation.

Fighting Russia via Ukraine now, ensures we won’t have to fight them later.

Just remember, if anybody asks, everything our government is doing is safe and effective.

Leland said...

And what about the precedent? Supporters will demand that the Biden family be next.

The genie isn't going back in the bottle peacefully.

Bob Boyd said...

Apparently, not even Jack Smith has the documents in question.

Breezy said...

This group of people bringing these charges about are really out of touch with reality. They seem to have blinders on and are on a religious journey that is disassociated with the norms of our great republic. This bubble of theirs has to pop at some point, whether by some on the inside who start to have second thoughts, or by some on the outside who carry out an egregious act of vengeance.

Comey worries about a retributive President. He is dismissing or forgetting about the the crowd standing right behind Trump. I’m getting very concerned something horrible is going to happen on either side by this constant and unconscionable push to get Trump.

Biden really is the worst President ever by causing this to happen. 100x worse than Carter.

William said...

A wilderness of double standards. Trump apparently mishandled secret documents. Do did Hillary and Biden. Hilary's offense was perhaps even more blatant than Trump's. Trump was critical of her handling of these materials although, to his credit, he refrained from pursuing a "lock her up" course of action. The Dems show no such restraint....I'd like to see a little less self righteousness from all candidates and parties...I will vote for Trump over Biden, but I'm weary of all this Sturm und Drang. A great many of Trump's close associates have turned on him. This might be because of "Deep State" loyalties but it also might be a sign that Trump doesn't inspire much affection among his closest associates..... It's disheartening to observe how little loyalty is given to Trump and how much loyalty a vague and halting old man like Biden receives. How does it come to pass that in a nation with millions of capable and worthy individuals we're being given a choice between these two.

RNB said...

"Republicans deserve a more competent champion with better character than Mr. Trump." I guess Democrats 'deserve' something better than Biden or Harris. Certainly, the country deserves better than any of them.

Dave Begley said...

Biden should pardon Trump.

Dave Begley said...

Biden should pardon Trump. NOW.

hombre said...

I don't doubt Trump can be convicted of violating the statute in question. But so could Hillary, Huma Abedin, Anthony Weiner, QuidProJoe and probably Pence. The selective prosecution, and its threat to the nation, is not justified by the fact that Trump is an arrogant blowhard.

Any imaginary danger to national security posed by Trump is easily outweighed by our descent to Banana Republic status symbolized by his prosecution. It is catastrophically stupid to allow feelings for Trump, either way, to obscure that.

DeSantis or other Republican contender ought to offer to pardon Trump unless those others I have named above are also prosecuted.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Scott Adam tweet: "No one is above the law" doesn't mean what it used to mean. Now it's a signal the government is hunting one political party.

Mountain Maven said...

It's not as complicated as the WSJ thinks. The Democrat deep state is out to destroy Trump with any and all means possible. This is a combination of murderous rage and neomarxist political strategy. They have hated their political opponents from Nixon to Reagan to Bush and demonize them. They have been attacking DeSantis preemptively in case he wins the nomination. It's despicable.

Gunner said...

Just impeach Biden. Make the Senate waste a couple weeks trying him. Its better than letting them vote on Democratic bills in the meantime.

Left Bank of the Charles said...

What, no civility bullshit tag?

Donald Trump himself campaigned on jailing Hillary Clinton. Jailing various members of the Biden family is already a Republican talking point, and will remain so no matter who their nominee is.

Pillage Idiot said...

Dangerous game is now on!

No statute of limitations on murder. I want Obama and Holder indicted on at least 300 counts of conspiracy to commit murder to be tried in the reddest county of Arizona. They deliberately armed the known murderous drug cartels - specifically to get murders tied to the "walked" guns so they could impose gun control in the U.S.

The got their murders in the hundreds, of innocent Mexicans and USBP agent Brian Terry.

MountainMan said...

No, they do not understand the forces they are unleashing. The Democrats think they are now on the cusp of having ever-lasting control of all the levers of government and society - the Federal bureaucracy, the legal system, academia, education, news media, and entertainment - and they can pretty well do as they please. They can get away with this and it will never be done to one to them.

There is an interesting alternate take on all this I found posted yesterday, a 10-page letter from Trump's attorneys with their view on the whole situation. It is quite interesting and worth a read.

n.n said...

The president declassified, some, select, information, held it in a secure storage, but there is no evidence that he redistributed... therefore you must acquit. That said, the audio is evidence only of a passing reference. It is highly damaging to Milley et al.

TeaBagHag said...

What an ethically and logically sound position:
ex president Dumpty cannot be prosecuted for crimes that he actually committed, lest the unhinged and unprincipled GOP manufacture fictional charges against their opponents.
You can’t make this shit up.

hombre said...

"...lest the unhinged and unprincipled GOP manufacture fictional charges against their opponents."

Wait! Hillary didn't have thousands of gov't emails illegally on her computer? Huma's Weiner didn't have classified material illegally on his laptop? QuidProJoe didn't have classified docs illegally in his Corvette garage? "Fictional?"

Who knew lefty delusions erased Democrats' criminal actions? We thought only the DOJ could do that.

Harun said...

I would like Trump to be removed from this race. Yes, it would be "unfair" to him, but his presence is actually going to block reforms

Look, here's what should be happening:

Trump, charged with all those crimes
Biden, charges with top secret mishandling
Pence, also charged
Hillary, also charged if still possible

There, everyone can said Justice is Blind, and we have rule of law, and every person is going to much more careful with classified docs.

We then don't have airmen getting full charges while Big Men get special treatment. That is rule of law. Trump people would have to shut up. Democrats can find another candidate.

No one is happy, but its certainly reinforcing true rule of law.

But that's not going to happen because we have a partisan DOJ. Trump is allowing people to accept that. Once he's gone, they will then decide its too hard to fix, and it will continue. So, instead, cut the baby in half. Everyone takes their lumps, and Trump will take HARDER lumps because he was a doofus.

Kate said...

"But...if the prosecutors truly believe Trump committed crimes, and if they are convinced the evidence that have proves it, what should they do?"

Follow precedent. Comey believed and had evidence that Hillary committed crimes, yet wouldn't interfere in an election.

Robert Cook said...

"We are a banana republic now. Why would anyone think the Republicans will ever win another presidential election?"

We're fewer than four years past the previous Republican administration, and you're whining no Republican will ever win another presidential election? Shit, when the Dems take office, it's as if we have a Republican-lite administration anyway.

Harun said...

"Follow precedent. Comey believed and had evidence that Hillary committed crimes, yet wouldn't interfere in an election"

That precedent is gone.

So, she could be charged right now.

If DOJ did that, it would really strengthen the publics perception of the DOJ.

Biden can pardon her. A small price for restoring trust in the justice system

(never gonna happen, we are over the waterfall)

Jersey Fled said...

“Why would anyone think the Republicans will ever win another presidential election?”

Ah, but so many Democrat crooks in red states.

Readering said...

I bet they wrote something similar about Nixon in 1974.

Big Mike said...

Follow precedent. Comey believed and had evidence that Hillary committed crimes, yet wouldn't interfere in an election.

@Kate, BINGO!!!. We have a winner!

rcocean said...

Oh God. This WSJ editorial is why I've come to despise the Republican Establishment and the Conservative Inc. Media.

This is no time for pleading with the Power-mad Leftwing Democrats to be "reasonable". This is no time to be sayng to the Biden DOJ "Do you understand this will backfire on you?" Its so weak and wimpy. "Gosh, we don't like trump but this will get you more Trump". And "Gee whiz, Biden might get a taste of his own medicine if he loses in 2024".

This should have been a call for Republican Action. A call for a Congressional resolution by Republicans in Congress denouncing the DoJ. Maybe even a walkout of congress in protest. Or maybe an passionate attack on an out-of-control DoJ that is behaving like Banana Republic Gangsters.

Just saying "Gosh, you'll be sorry Democrats" just gives the DOJ and the Biden permission to prosecute Trump and do what they want.

So, now we have Joe Biden and his Sidekick/Goon Garland determining who can run against them in 2024. Sorry, Republicans, we've decided we don't want to fact Trump again. So, we're going to put him on trial and Jail him. Don't like it? Sue me.

We have a real "Passion gap" in American politics. The Democrats will literally burn down cities and attack people who don't agree with them. Meanwhile, Elite Republicans won't even attack the Democrats by name, no matter what they do. I guess Biden and the Democrats will have to take $$ out of their pocket before they get upset.

Breezy said...

The link that MountainMan (thank you, sir) provided is an excellent summary of what has transpired, as well as a well-reasoned set of steps by which we can back away from this cliff. There was no crime here, and ought not be treated as such. We should all want to fix the chain of events that led us to this place.

rcocean said...

BTW, Mitt Romney has just tweeted out his support for Leftwing Garland and his prosecution of Trump. Every day, I get down and thank God this clown NEVER became POTUS. He's a such a sanctimoneous Liar and coward. If he'd just change Parties and proudly announce he's a Democrat and moving back to New England to get elected as a Liberal, I'd have a small amount of respect for him.

But he will stay in Utah, run in 2024, and continue to lie at Election time about who he is, and what he really believes. Whether people in Utah are smart enough to see through him, is yet to be seen.

MalaiseLongue said...

@William: "How does it come to pass that in a nation with millions of capable and worthy individuals we're being given a choice between these two."

It happens because (1) there is no actual choice, (2) it doesn't matter who the president is, and (3) the entities--foreign and domestic, probably in that order--who stage our mock elections have developed a taste for rubbing our noses in (1) and (2).

Beaver7216 said...

Comey did not follow up on Hillary's handling of classified documents because he could not prove "criminal intent". I am trying to understand what criminal intent Trump has here since he seems to be telling aides that he can exonerate himself in court because of these secret documents. Is using evidence to prevail in court criminal now?

hpudding said...

So I shouldn’t be surprised the corporatist oligarch’s news (WSJ) would consider law enforcement to be a a “destructive intervention.” Just didn’t think they’d be brazen enough to take that stance about enforcing the laws against espionage.

But they’ve been advocating on behalf of white collar corporate criminals for years, so it’s clarifying to see how far they intended to push political collusion between those criminals and the type of criminal that Trump and his GOP enablers are.

hpudding said...

How cute. Banana Republicans on the thread now conceding that they’ve turned this corrupt, military-contracting, kleptocratic petro-state oligarchy into a banana republic. At least the description fits the name of their party.

Otherwise, I look forward to their defense of a dictator who flushes documents in the toilet and “hides” smuggled national secrets into clubhouse bathrooms. Definitely the behavior of a leader with lots of integrity.

I think IKEA and Home Depot and Lowes conspired with Democrats to not make toilets large enough to handle the flushing away of confidential documents. You could also say it was a conspiracy to not make bathroom sets custom-built for storing boxes full of nuclear secrets. Everyone knows we have the technology and industrial capacity for making clubhouse bathrooms specifically designed for that purpose.


Michael K said...

Blogger William said...

A wilderness of double standards. Trump apparently mishandled secret documents. Do did Hillary and Biden. Hilary's offense was perhaps even more blatant than Trump's. Trump was critical of her handling of these materials although

Hillary was never president. Trump's "mishandling" consisted of the refusal of the National Archives to pack up his papers and store them in a temporary library as they did for Clinton, both Bushes and Obama. This was a setup from the beginning.

n.n said...

We have a real "Passion gap" in American politics. The Democrats will literally burn down cities and attack people...

Republicans are the party of 3/5 compromise.

Democrats are the party of 1-2 compromise.

The Republicans have a marginally favorable outlook.

hpudding said...

Republicans pleading for reason is really funny, Not once in my life have I ever seen the typical Republican on this site (and this site crawls with them) concede a single thing on account of being reasonable. They simply don’t value reason, nor should they. John Locke was the one who invented a political ideology based on the principle of reason, and it was NOT conservatism.

Conservatives value authority, and institutions that somehow embody it. In the Old World, that’s meant monarchy, theocracy and ethnic nationalism - three things that America was progressive enough to disavow at its founding, but that the right-wing clamors for in the form of their unitary executive strongman, Evangelical Catholics issuing religious edicts from the Supreme Court and, well, the last part is much more blatant.

People - like our banana Republicans - who value authority over reason have wasted America’s time for far too long. Since they don’t give in to superior arguments, they must instead be subdued and humiliated by an authority higher than the authority they invested in Trump and their stupid party. And that authority is rule of law. Enjoy rallying for your candidate after his wardrobe change from that boring red tie and white shirt into an orange jumpsuit. Mob bosses also exercise authority from jail cells and I’m sure you’ll feel just as much affection for him as Trump televises his wonderful campaign events live from Federal Prison.

Kudos to Trump for hanging himself so stupidly.

MountainMan said...

@William: "How does it come to pass that in a nation with millions of capable and worthy individuals we're being given a choice between these two."

A few words from the always quotable G. K. Chesterton:

"The men whom the people ought to choose to represent them are too busy to take the jobs. But the politician is waiting for it. He's the pestilence of modern times. What we should try to do is make politics as local as possible. Keep the politicians near enough to kick them. The villagers who met under the village tree could also hang their politicians to the tree. It's terrible to contemplate how few politicians are hanged today." - GKC, 1921

I am very much in sympathy with this. I would like to see a lot of these people hang. Say, from the lamp posts on Pennsylvania Ave. I hate to be so negative but in the last few years I have come not to trust any part of the Federal government, either our elected representatives nor, especially, the administrative state. None of it. My wife was once an employee of the government, for two different agencies. She is now embarrassed to admit to anyone she ever worked there.

And today is our 50th wedding anniversary. We have been through a lot. We were talking just the other day about what has been the best part of those years. I think we concluded it was 1/1/2019 - 3/1/2020. She had just joined me in retirement, we were financially secure, our children successful and on their own, several years of travel planned before we got too old. Now, between the pandemic and the incompetent and corrupt Biden Administration some of that is gone. Amazing how much damage that old coot and his cohort have done in just 2 years. And still plenty of time for more wrecking before they are done.

mikee said...

I submit that the seal was broken when Hoover remained in office until his death.

deepelemblues said...

hpudding is very persuasive as to why you should vote Trump next year.

Breezy said...

Anyone on board with the authority of the rule of law, of which I am one, must be anxiously awaiting that authority to indict members of the Joe Biden clan.

Leland said...

What, no civility bullshit tag?

There is no call for civility. The article is calling out the bullshit.

Jim at said...

Donald Trump himself campaigned on jailing Hillary Clinton.

And when elected, did he jail her? No.

Why do you people think this is some sort of argument against what's going on.

It actually makes our point.

Why can't you figure that out?

Jim at said...

Ever get tired of the dog that barks just to hear itself bark? Ever have bad thoughts about what you might do to that dog if it never shuts up?

hpudding said...

Is Jim saying that he does want an independent DOJ or not? Trump did not. Biden does. Unless he thinks Trump is above the law then he should figure out what “without fear or favor” means.

hpudding said...

A guy who fancies himself as a shirtless Peter Frampton seems to be fantasizing about murdering people who say things he doesn’t like, just after defending threats of legal retribution as a campaign tactic by a guy who did more to politicize the DOJ than any other. This speaks volumes about right-wing values regarding speech rights and political violence.

Michael K said...

hpudding said...

Republicans pleading for reason is really funny, Not once in my life have I ever seen the typical Republican on this site (and this site crawls with them) concede a single thing on account of being reasonable. They simply don’t value reason, nor should they. John Locke was the one who invented a political ideology based on the principle of reason, and it was NOT conservatism.

The question is whether this is a leftist bot. I have only seen this idiot since chatGPS appeared.

Jim at said...


boatbuilder said...

And what about the actual non-fake Democrat voters? Do they have any capacity for sheer revulsion from the monster that is the party they support?

Anna Keppa said...

TeaBagHag said...
"What an ethically and logically sound position:
ex president Dumpty cannot be prosecuted for crimes that he actually committed, lest the unhinged and unprincipled GOP manufacture fictional charges against their opponents.
You can’t make this shit up."

So....Trump has yet to be tried for anything he's been charged with, but you've already concluded he's "actually committed" the offenses he's been charged with.

Now, THERE's a "logically sound position"!

boatbuilder said...

And what about the actual non-fake Democrat voters? Do they have any capacity for sheer revulsion from the monster that is the party they support?

Mason G said...

"Why can't you figure that out?"

Leftists don't think. They follow orders.

hpudding said...

The question is whether this is a leftist bot.

Notice, no reasoning actually going on here. Let alone any engagement with the issues raised. Just as one would expect from a right-wing conservative. Authoritarian through and through, he knows neither himself nor whereof he speaks. The very model of bot-hood.

Mike said...

1) You can't refuse to bring cases against the former President because he's malignant narcissist who might use the DOJ to go after his opponents if he's re-elected. He's going to do that anyway.

2) The WSJ is just plain making stuff up about the Presidential Records Act. It in no way give a former President unrestricted and unaccountable access to government documents.

Bruce Hayden said...

“There is an interesting alternate take on all this I found posted yesterday, a 10-page letter from Trump's attorneys with their view on the whole situation. It is quite interesting and worth a read.”

Go back up to the link in Mountain Man’s link, and read the letter, if you haven’t.

It wasn’t by accident that Jay Bratt signed the complaint. He ran the MAL raid, and refused to give Trump’s attorneys permission to observe the raid, as well as refusing to give his attorneys extra time to respond to his demands, and reneged on his promises to work with them. He was, not surprisingly, appointed an assistant special counsel after Smith was appointed Special Counsel, after Bratt’s MAL raid. And, maybe most importantly, he is also the Section Chief of the Counterintelligence and Export Section of the National Security Division of the DOJ. As long time readers know here, that is the sister organization to the FBI’s Counterintelligence Division, and worked closely with them on the Crossfire Hurricane/RussiaGate investigation, and the filing of the four fraudulently acquired FISA warrants on Carter Page. Their perfidy is well documented in the reports by two Special Counsels and the DOJ OIG. The lawyers in his section were the ones who worked closely with LawFare to develop the deliberate misinterpretation of the §1001 Obstruction of Justice statute that was utilized to prevent DOJ, OIG, and Congressional review of their actions. Of special note, it is likely that the documents marked classified that weren’t, that the FBI (and Bratt) knew that Trump had in his possession, were the ones he formally ordered declassified his last full day in office. They were specifically and intentionally declassified, so that Trump would have them as insurance - against Bratt’s DOJ Section and the FBI’s CD, that documents their perfidy and illegal actions. Somehow, they escaped mention in the Indictment, though they were no doubt scooped up by the FBI’s CD agents present.

In any case, you can see the same LawFare trick being played here, as was done by those two organizations starting in 2016. Bratt has skipped over both the Intent and Materiality elements in both the Espionage Act and §1001 Obstruction statutes. And the letter points out why Bratt isn’t going to be able to prove at least Intent. Turns out that the Archives (NARA) (ordered by the FJB WH to cooperate with the DOJ) refused to provide Trump with the same moving out services provided to past Presidents Obama, GW Bush, and Clinton, where they would properly secure the outgoing Presidents’ papers, until they could be properly reviewed by ODNI (and not FBI CD) for classified material. So, GSA put them in boxes, chronologically, and many, if not most or all, of the documents marked classified, found by the FBI, were found chronologically in the same stack of documents from Trump’s desk from when they were used. They very obviously had been scooped off his desk, all together, and filed chronologically, until discovered by the FBI during their MAL raid. That’s their intent - Trump failed, due to being extremely busy, to review over a thousand days of records and personal papers in the 2 1/2 years since leaving office, for documents marked as classified - since NARA had refused to do it for him, as it had done for his predecessors.

Chuck said...

But the indictment might make GOP voters less inclined to provide a democratic verdict on his fitness for a second term. Although the political impact is uncertain, Republicans who are tired of Mr. Trump might rally to his side because they see the prosecution as another unfair Democratic plot to derail him.


So it is Biden’s fault if an indictment of Trump makes GOP base voters so crazy with rage that they make Trump the party’s presidential nominee again.

This is reminiscent of the WSJ Editorial Board’s editorial complaining about the election of 1860.

Bill R said...

In the last years of the Roman republic, Julius Caesar was soon going to return to Rome from his conquests in Gaul. He was wildly popular and was sure to be elected consul.

This was a dreadful prospect to the optimates of Rome - the assorted landowners, senators, and all around big shots. So they came up with a plan. They would trump up some criminal charges against Caesar and threaten him with bankruptcy and exile.

They thought that was brilliant. They would have Caesar in an iron vise. "What's he gonna do about it?", they asked each other, "He's up north on the other side of the Rubicon".

Jupiter said...

"But...if the prosecutors truly believe Trump committed crimes, and if they are convinced the evidence that have proves it, what should they do?"

Get back on their meds.

Michael K said...

Blogger hpudding said...

The question is whether this is a leftist bot.

Notice, no reasoning actually going on here. Let alone any engagement with the issues raised.

What issues ?

hpudding said...

Republicans pleading for reason is really funny, Not once in my life have I ever seen the typical Republican on this site (and this site crawls with them) concede a single thing on account of being reasonable.

What are the issues that are debatable ? You make a ridiculous assertion with no evidence. I'm supposed to debate what ?

You sound more like chatGPS, especially when it makes up shit.

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