June 2, 2023

"That’s great, but when am I going to be fully exonerated, I’m at least as innocent as he is."

I went over to Truth Social to grab the code for that embed. It was hard to find because the man is "truth"ing up a storm today. I'll just grab 2 more:

"Magadonians" — hadn't see that before.

This is all presented without comment, in the spirit of cruel neutrality.


D.D. Driver said...

"Chinatown DC" lol. What a tool. He's got a good point, but why is Chinatown DC worse than Mara Lago?

rhhardin said...

The point is to get in the news.

Remember Trump is the only candidate against stupidity. The rest are against evil and are confident of their virtue, which is an automatic disqualifier.

Assistant Village Idiot said...

I noted years ago that when anyone uses the word "truth" in their book title, or their website, or their organisation - Joe Wilson, for example - you can pretty much count on that not being so. I was not happy to see Donald use it.

Old and slow said...

In this case, neutrality is cruel enough. I wish this fucker would just go play some golf or something. He's hopeless.

RideSpaceMountain said...

LMFAO, that RINO meme...

I'll give it to Trump, his meme-magic pimp hand is still strong. That meme works on me - a DeSantis supporter - on several levels.

1. It's funny
2. It emphasizes in-group/out-group sociology (MAGADONIANS)
3. It hits on genuinely deep-seated fears people like I have that DeSantis is the 'sanctified' candidate, blessed by the party, both of which serve 3-letter masters

I have said it here and I'll say it everywhere, DeSantis worries me on #3. That antisemitism FL House Bill 269 signed in Jerusalem pisses me off. And true to form, he touches the Wall with a yarmulke (so did Trump I know). I get there are a large number of Jews, wealthy Jews, in FL and they need their neurotic egos stroked. I don't fucking care. For me, American legislation is to be signed in America, federal, state, county, municipal, all of it. Also the Navy JAG connection...that perfectly familiar to me DOD-to-MIC-to-NIC revolving door that creates moral hagfish like Christopher Wray.

Trump still has too much baggage and all the unforced errors, but I am super-wary of DeSantis. I am not all in on him yet, and he can still screw up.

Sebastian said...

The witch hunt will not stop until they burn it.

Inga said...

I wonder what is agitating Trump so severely today. Is he jealous of Pence’s innocence? Is he feeling Jack Smith looming over his shoulder with an indictment after he was caught on tape shooting his mouth off about having a DOD document (concerning war plans for Iran) in his possession that he himself admitted was classified? I thought all the documents in his possession were declassified by him?

Jupiter said...

You know, I've been thinking about that lately. "Cruel neutrality". The primary meaning of "cruel" is something like "intended to cause suffering", although there is a close secondary meaning which is simply "causing suffering". But why is neutrality "cruel"? It seems to me that what you mean is "impartial" or "indifferent". Like, "My neutrality may be painful to you, but that's your problem, and not mine." Which would mean that you use "cruel" just because it has a certain, hmmmm...

A certain clinical ring to it. "We cut things up here. Don't bring your things here if you don't want them sliced up, stained and placed upon a glass slide for careful inspection."

Jupiter said...

Although being as innocent as Mike Pence is saying a lot.

Inga said...

Maybe this too is causing his hyperactivity on Truth Social today, or maybe DeSantis is getting under his skin… who knows?

Georgia probe of Trump broadens to activities in other states

“An Atlanta-area investigation of alleged election interference by President Donald Trump and his allies has broadened to include activities in D.C. and several states according to two people with knowledge of the probe — a fresh sign that prosecutors may be building a sprawling case under Georgia’s racketeering laws.”

mccullough said...

All caps messages reveal an underlying mental problem.

The Madness of Magalomania

Gunner said...

If he gets to the debate with Biden, Trump will probably repeat the first debate performance and make Old Joe look good again.

Chuck said...

I think Trump is just trying to say, “Where we go one, we go all.”

What could possibly be so bad about that?

chickelit said...

"Magadonian" is a compound noun. The "maga" part is self-evident. The "donian" part is supposed to resonate with either idolizers or donors. Personally, I wish he'd riff off his own last name more often than his first.

Michael K said...

Pence is a weasel who is biting the hand that made him known to anyone outside Indiana.

mezzrow said...

That's some avant-garde rodeo all right.

Barebackin' Ron rides the RINO to victory in '24. In retrospect, it will seem inevitable.

cf said...

Except for Covid, Trump was directionally accurate in all his aims, and achieved some amazing ones in those fast and furious four years. AND I am thrilled with everything Vivek Ramaswamy has to say, it is right on target.

I would love a miracle, and for Donald Trump to realize he has an heir, and pitch Vivek as his Sword bearer, and Trump could be power behind the throne

. . . and Kari Lake as Vice President running with vivek.


The Godfather said...

Is this really supposed to be a "comment" on what you just posted?

Ambrose said...

"I'm at least as innocent as he is" - Now THAT's a TEE shirt.

madAsHell said...

I don't understand Mike Pence.

He's being funded by someone else.

Drago said...

Russia Collusion Truther and Hillary/FBI Hoax Dossier Dead Ender Inga: "I wonder what is agitating Trump so severely today. Is he jealous of Pence’s innocence? Is he feeling Jack Smith looming over his shoulder with an indictment after he was caught on tape shooting his mouth off about having a DOD document (concerning war plans for Iran) in his possession that he himself admitted was classified? I thought all the documents in his possession were declassified by him?"


Inga is fully back in "You Don't Know What Mueller Knows" mode!!!


And she's not the slightest bit embarrassed about it!

She's once again "quoting" from super secret "evidence" suppisedly "leaked" by Unnamed Sources!!!

Its the Hoax Dossier ALL OVER AGAIN!

Its so perfect!

Bender said...

See - the truth is that Trump really doesn't care about being president again. That's not why he's running. His primary purpose is vindication.

Bender said...

So now Trump is congratulating the ruthless murderous dictator of North Korea.

drip, drip, drip, drip

traditionalguy said...

Magadonians makes a great brand. Maybe a tag too.

robother said...

As a great Primordial American might say, who is this "WE" Kemo Sabe?

I'm increasingly Anyone But Biden v. Anyone But Trump in '24. We are watching both Biden and Trump melt down in the first half of '23. But the Media needs that match-up, so will notice be taken?

Hubert the Infant said...

Yes, RideSpaceMountain, it's all about the Benjamins. Your anti-Semitism is less clever than Ilhan Omar's. I am sure you can do better.

wendybar said...

Joe Biden's STASSI is STILL targeting anybody who defended Trump. Is this really the country YOU want to live in?? The Uniparty loves it. We suck.


BIII Zhang said...

Witch hunts ONLY stop if the hunters fear the witch. Donald Trump has lived such a posh neuveau riche lifestyle that he's never had to go toe-to-toe with a street fighter. Trump doesn't own a pair of brass knuckles.

They don't FEAR Donald Trump. And the reason they don't fear him is that he is constantly threatening to do stuff that he then never does - like putting Hillary in jail. He could have done that any number of ways. She is certainly guilty of many, many felonies. But when it came time to twist the knife, Trump couldn't do it. Not man enough.

When the hunters don't fear the witch, they hunt. It will NEVER be over for Donald Trump because Trump doesn't know how to make them fear him.

Earnest Prole said...

“But enough about me . . . what do you think about me?”

wendybar said...

"Think of it this way: In America, all people, other than a sitting president (whose power exceeds congressional laws and regulatory rules), are forbidden to possess classified documents. Nevertheless, a one-time sitting president, who is the only person who did not violate any national security laws regarding documents, is being relentlessly persecuted, while two men who admittedly, and grievously, violated national security laws, are getting a pass."


Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Inga is awfully scared of Trump. I recommend you see a psychiatrist or psychologist depending on whether you need medication or not. Gee why would Trump be agitated by the continuing Lawfare against him making up novel “crimes” and again trotting out the false narrative that he did not have the authority to declassify documents. This is the central lie holding up the Mueller like house of cards the special prosecutor is building. They all know Trump is correct on the law but they also know the Media will studiously avoid mentioning precedent or the fact the Presidential Records Act has no enforcement mechanism against presidents. It created the present archivist role. Look it up. Every president since Reagan has negotiated with or stiff-armed the archivist and WON IN COURT. Look it up Inga. See what they ruled on Clinton and Obama.

This is also the simple and obvious explanation for why every living ex-president has documents in their possession that were previously classified. How many did VP Biden have? Why is that not subject to a Special Prosecutor? VP can’t declassify docs. Aren’t you curious?

Duh! Of course you aren’t.

hpudding said...

MAGATRONS was taken? How about MAGGATS?

Either way, what an amusing way to talk up the intelligence of these bots and droids who follow and rely on him. I guess they need self-esteem remediation too.

donald said...

Grow up Infant.

Free Manure While You Wait! said...

"Inga said...
I wonder what is agitating Trump so severely today."

What an odd thing for one to wonder. Really.

I mean, I'm all for humans wondering. It's how we got really great sweet corn and airplanes. But to wonder about another person's emotional life and it's drivers? A person they have never even met? Someone who doesn't even know they exist? And never will? Ever?

What an odd thing.

Free Manure While You Wait! said...

"But the Media needs that match-up"

I remember when the media was covering the race between Hillary and Giuliani back in 2002/2003. Anyone else here remember? It was in all the papers. Everyday.

Laughing Fox said...

A bunch of the comments here seem to be saying, "Trump fought, but he didn't WIN--so who needs Trump?"
He didn't put Hillary in jail (maybe he would have needed some help from the DOJ which held all the evidence?
He didn't pull off the court fights and get sworn in as President in 2021?
He keeps talking about the mistreatment he (and those who voted for him) received, and that reminds people that HE DIDN'T WIN?
There's some truth to this, since everyone prefers a "winner" if only for the looks of it.
But there is no winning without fighting, and a fighter who refuses to settle for losing, who continues to fight, has the best chance of winning in the long run.
We've all seen enough "winners" who have won elections but have not successfully fought the fight for preserving our politics and culture.

Leora said...

I love the picture of DeSantis happily riding a rhino. I'm not sure the imagery conveys what he wants to convey. It looks like DeSantis is controlling the RINOs to do what he thinks is right. RINO's do not sign 6 week abortion bills, force changes in the governance of universities, challenge the work mind virus and strongly recontextualize questions from the press.

mikee said...

I add my vote on the failed messaging of the rhino riding by DeSantis. He's having a great time. All he needs is some frikkin' lasers. Is that too much to ask?

walter said...

Dear pudding,
Wear your Joementites label with pride.
It's better that Pete O'files...unless..

Left Bank of the Charles said...

That Rhino looks badass. Trump had just enough RINO support in 2016 and not enough RINO support in 2020. How will the name calling bring them back?

Rusty said...

madAsHell said...
"I don't understand Mike Pence.

He's being funded by someone else."
George Soros?
Gotta admit it makes sense.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

LOL - yes yes - everyone not Trump is now funded by George Soros.

Proof? who needs proof. just sez so.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Bill Z @ 7:12AM.

You nailed it.

Robert Cook said...

"In America, all people, other than a sitting president (whose power exceeds congressional laws and regulatory rules)...."

Hmmm. This is news to anyone paying attention. The President, Congress, and the Supreme Court make up a tripartite organization of US governmental power, each equal to the other. Put more succinctly, they are "separate but equal," each acting as a "check and balance" on the others.

The president is not the "commander in chief" over the people or Congress, or the Supreme Court, but is only CIC over the military, and then only in time of war: "The President shall be Commander in Chief of the Army and Navy of the United States, and of the Militia of the several States, when called into the actual Service of the United States;"

If the president may freely disregard "Congressional laws and regulatory rules," he/she is essentially free of any constraint, in effect, a supreme ruler.

Saint Croix said...

AI will never write a line so funny cool...

"I’m at least as innocent as he is."

I love the sibling rivalry as the innocent Trump suggests that he's more innocent than the not-so-innocent Pence. In fact the sentence is so awfully good, it kind of suggests that both are guilty. "I'm as innocent as he is, at least." That suggests you are less innocent than some others who aren't in the sentence.

Your innocence is dirty and needs to be washed with soap!

Meanwhile, it sounds like there are some people out there who are more innocent than both Trump and Pence. Innocence squared!

"I may not be innocence squared, but at least I beat my damn vice president."

What if Pence is the least innocent person in the history of the Republican party? Then all we know is that Trump is not at the very bottom. He beats that stinker Pence, that's all we know for sure.

"At least I got Pence beat" is humble as shit! Shocking humility from the Clown Prince.

Rusty said...

Hunter Biden's tax payer funded Hooker said...
"LOL - yes yes - everyone not Trump is now funded by George Soros.

Proof? who needs proof. just sez so."
Jesus, Hooker. Dial it down a notch. I just threw it out there. You know full well Soros finances a lot false flag, muddy the waters type of stuff. Here in Illinois. What the dems will do is run a nominal no name republican against their candidate so that either way they have a seat. So it is not without possibility that Soros is financing some of the more squishy republican candidates.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

yes Rusty - everything and everyone not Trump is suspect. and probably Soros.

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